Example #1
def test_get_all_project_details():
    projects_api = ProjectsAPI()
    all_projects = projects_api.get_all_project_details()
    assert all_projects is not None
    if len(all_projects) > 0:
        first_project = all_projects[0]
        project_detail = projects_api.get_all_project_details(
            first_project.name, first_project.team_id)
        assert project_detail is not None
def test_sample():
    team_api = TeamAPI()
    projects_api = ProjectsAPI()
    scan_api = ScansAPI()

    team_id = team_api.get_team_id_by_team_full_name()
    projects = projects_api.get_all_project_details(project_name="jvl_git",

    for project in projects:
        scans = scan_api.get_all_scans_for_project(
            project_id=project.project_id, scan_status='Finished')

        for scan in scans:
Example #3
                        body_msg += "Project: " + doc['CxXMLResults']["@ProjectName"] + "\n"
                        body_msg += "Team: " + doc['CxXMLResults']["@Team"] + "\n"
                        body_msg += "Link: " + result["@DeepLink"] + "\n"

    return (csv_msg, body_msg)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':

    projects_api = ProjectsAPI()
    scan_api = ScansAPI()

    csvBody = "status,project name,team,deep link\n"
    msgBody = ""

    # get a list of all the projects
    projects = projects_api.get_all_project_details()

    # go through all the projects
    for project in projects:

	# get last scanned that finished
        last_scans = scan_api.get_all_scans_for_project(project.project_id, "Finished", 1)

        scan_id = last_scans[0].id

        scan_report = scan_api.register_scan_report(scan_id, "XML")
        if scan_report and scan_report.report_id:
            while not scan_api.is_report_generation_finished(scan_report.report_id):

            report_content = scan_api.get_report_by_id(scan_report.report_id)
Example #4
def get_project_results(user_startdate, user_enddate):
    - Get a list of all the projects
    - Get a list of all the Finished scans for each project
    - Get the results of the scan in an XML format
    - Parse through the results to create an element
    - Check to see if there are any elements that don't exist, if they don't, create a fixed element
    - Add the element to the report list that is conveted to a json string on return
    scan_api = ScansAPI()
    projects_api = ProjectsAPI()

    projects = projects_api.get_all_project_details()

    filename = str(time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) +  "_list_of_vulns.json"
    file = open(filename,"w")

    report = []

    for project in projects:

        print ("Scanning project: " + project.name + "... ")

        current_scan_results = []
        last_scan_results = []

            scans = scan_api.get_all_scans_for_project(project.project_id, "Finished")
            print ("Exception found when getting list of scans for project: " + project.name)

        for scan in scans:

            if (debug):
                start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
                print ("Starting report for scan: " + str(scan.id))

            # convert scan date from ISO 8601

            if "." in scan.date_and_time.finished_on:
                scan_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(scan.date_and_time.finished_on, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
                scan_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(scan.date_and_time.finished_on, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

            # if no start date entered or if the scan start date is greater than the user start date entered
            # or 
            # if no end date entered or if the scan start date is less than the user end date entered

            if (not user_startdate or scan_date > user_startdate) and (not user_enddate or scan_date < user_enddate):
                    scan_report = scan_api.register_scan_report(scan.id, "XML")

                    if scan_report and scan_report.report_id:
                        while not scan_api.is_report_generation_finished(scan_report.report_id):

                        report_content = scan_api.get_report_by_id(scan_report.report_id)

                        if report_content:
                            document = xmltodict.parse(report_content, force_list={'Query'})

                            if document:
                                current_scan_results, scan_start_date = parse_xml (document, report)
                                if last_scan_results:
                                    create_fixed_elements(last_scan_results, current_scan_results, scan_start_date, report)
                                print ("[ERROR] document parsing failed for " + str(scan.id))
                            print ("[ERROR] report content failed for " + str(scan.id))
                        print ("[ERROR] scan report not found for " + str(scan.id))

                    last_scan_results = current_scan_results
                    print ("Exception when getting report of scan (possibly scan didn't run because no code changes): " + str(scan.id) + " / project: " + project.name)

            if (debug):
                print ("Ending report for scan: " + str(scan.id) + " took " + str(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time))

        print ("... Finished " + project.name)

    file.write (json.dumps(report, sort_keys=True, indent=4))


    return ()