def load(self, ioneqName=None): """ Read temperature and ion fractions from a CHIANTI ".ioneq" file. """ if ioneqName is None: ioneqName = chdata.Defaults['ioneqfile'] ioneqAll = io.ioneqRead(ioneqName) self.Temperature = ioneqAll['ioneqTemperature'] self.Ioneq = ioneqAll['ioneqAll'][self.Z - 1]
def ioneqOne(self): ''' Provide the ionization equilibrium for the selected ion as a function of temperature. returned in self.IoneqOne ''' # if hasattr(self, 'Temperature'): temperature = self.Temperature else: return # if hasattr(self, 'IoneqAll'): ioneqAll = self.IoneqAll else: ioneqAll = io.ioneqRead(ioneqname=self.Defaults['ioneqfile']) self.ioneqAll = self.IoneqAll # ioneqTemperature = ioneqAll['ioneqTemperature'] Z = self.Z stage = self.Ion Dielectronic = self.Dielectronic ioneqOne = np.zeros_like(temperature) # thisIoneq = ioneqAll['ioneqAll'][Z - 1, stage - 1 + Dielectronic].squeeze() gioneq = thisIoneq > 0. goodt1 = self.Temperature >= ioneqTemperature[gioneq].min() goodt2 = self.Temperature <= ioneqTemperature[gioneq].max() goodt = np.logical_and(goodt1, goodt2) y2 = splrep(np.log(ioneqTemperature[gioneq]), np.log(thisIoneq[gioneq]), s=0) # if goodt.sum() > 0: if self.Temperature.size > 1: gIoneq = splev(np.log(self.Temperature[goodt]), y2) #,der=0) ioneqOne[goodt] = np.exp(gIoneq) else: gIoneq = splev(np.log(self.Temperature), y2) ioneqOne = np.exp(gIoneq) * np.ones(self.NTempDen, 'float64') self.IoneqOne = ioneqOne else: self.IoneqOne = np.zeros_like(self.Temperature)
def ioneqOne(self): ''' Provide the ionization equilibrium for the selected ion as a function of temperature. Similar to but not identical to ion.ioneqOne() returned in self.IoneqOne ''' # if hasattr(self, 'Temperature'): temperature = self.Temperature else: return # if hasattr(self, 'IoneqAll'): ioneqAll = self.IoneqAll else: self.IoneqAll = ch_io.ioneqRead( ioneqname=self.Defaults['ioneqfile']) ioneqAll = self.IoneqAll # ioneqTemperature = ioneqAll['ioneqTemperature'] Z = self.Z stage = self.stage ioneqOne = np.zeros_like(temperature) # thisIoneq = ioneqAll['ioneqAll'][Z - 1, stage - 1].squeeze() gioneq = thisIoneq > 0. goodt1 = self.Temperature >= ioneqTemperature[gioneq].min() goodt2 = self.Temperature <= ioneqTemperature[gioneq].max() goodt = np.logical_and(goodt1, goodt2) y2 = splrep(np.log(ioneqTemperature[gioneq]), np.log(thisIoneq[gioneq]), s=0) # if goodt.sum() > 0: if self.Temperature.size > 1: gIoneq = splev(np.log(self.Temperature[goodt]), y2) #,der=0) ioneqOne[goodt] = np.exp(gIoneq) else: gIoneq = splev(np.log(self.Temperature), y2) ioneqOne = np.exp(gIoneq) ioneqOne = np.atleast_1d(ioneqOne) self.IoneqOne = ioneqOne else: self.IoneqOne = np.zeros_like(self.Temperature)
def ioneqOne(self): ''' Provide the ionization equilibrium for the selected ion as a function of temperature. Similar to but not identical to ion.ioneqOne() returned in self.IoneqOne ''' # if hasattr(self, 'Temperature'): temperature = self.Temperature else: return # if hasattr(self, 'IoneqAll'): ioneqAll = self.IoneqAll else: self.IoneqAll = ch_io.ioneqRead(ioneqname = self.Defaults['ioneqfile']) ioneqAll = self.IoneqAll # ioneqTemperature = ioneqAll['ioneqTemperature'] Z = self.Z stage = self.stage ioneqOne = np.zeros_like(temperature) # thisIoneq = ioneqAll['ioneqAll'][Z-1,stage-1].squeeze() gioneq = thisIoneq > 0. goodt1 = self.Temperature >= ioneqTemperature[gioneq].min() goodt2 = self.Temperature <= ioneqTemperature[gioneq].max() goodt = np.logical_and(goodt1,goodt2) y2 = splrep(np.log(ioneqTemperature[gioneq]),np.log(thisIoneq[gioneq]),s=0) # if goodt.sum() > 0: if self.Temperature.size > 1: gIoneq = splev(np.log(self.Temperature[goodt]),y2) #,der=0) ioneqOne[goodt] = np.exp(gIoneq) else: gIoneq = splev(np.log(self.Temperature),y2) ioneqOne = np.exp(gIoneq) ioneqOne = np.atleast_1d(ioneqOne) self.IoneqOne = ioneqOne else: self.IoneqOne = np.zeros_like(self.Temperature)
def ioneqOne(self): '''Provide the ionization equilibrium for the selected ion as a function of temperature. returned in self.IoneqOne this is a duplicate of the method ion.ioneqOne ''' # try: temperature = self.Temperature except: return # try: ioneqAll = self.IoneqAll except: self.IoneqAll = chio.ioneqRead(ioneqname = self.Defaults['ioneqfile']) ioneqAll=self.IoneqAll # ioneqTemperature = ioneqAll['ioneqTemperature'] Z=self.Z Ion=self.Ion Dielectronic=self.Dielectronic ioneqOne = np.zeros_like(temperature) # thisIoneq=ioneqAll['ioneqAll'][Z-1,Ion-1-Dielectronic].squeeze() # thisIoneq = self.Ioneq gioneq=thisIoneq > 0. goodt1=self.Temperature >= ioneqTemperature[gioneq].min() goodt2=self.Temperature <= ioneqTemperature[gioneq].max() goodt=np.logical_and(goodt1,goodt2) y2=interpolate.splrep(np.log(ioneqTemperature[gioneq]),np.log(thisIoneq[gioneq]),s=0) # if goodt.sum() > 0: if self.Temperature.size > 1: gIoneq=interpolate.splev(np.log(self.Temperature[goodt]),y2) #,der=0) ioneqOne[goodt] = np.exp(gIoneq) else: gIoneq=interpolate.splev(np.log(self.Temperature),y2) ioneqOne = np.exp(gIoneq) else: ioneqOne = 0. # self.IoneqOne = ioneqOne
def plot(self, stages=0, tRange=0, yr=0, oplot=False, label=1, title=1, bw=False, semilogx = 0, verbose=0): ''' Plots the ionization equilibria. self.plot(tRange=None, yr=None, oplot=False) stages = sequence of ions to be plotted, neutral == 1, fully stripped == Z+1 tRange = temperature range, yr = ion fraction range for overplotting: oplot="ioneqfilename" such as 'mazzotta' or if oplot=True or oplot=1 and a widget will come up so that a file can be selected. bw, if True, the plot is made in black and white ''' if hasattr(self, 'Ioneq'): ioneq = getattr(self, 'Ioneq') else: print(' must first load or calculate and ionization equilibrium') return if bw: linestyle = ['k-','k--', 'k-.', 'k:'] plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16. lw = 2 else: linestyle = ['b-','r--', 'g-.', 'm:'] plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14. lw = 2 # if not stages: stages = range(1, self.Z+2) elif min(stages) < 1 or max(stages) > self.Z+1: stages = range(1, self.Z+2) # spectroscopic notation if not tRange: tRange = [self.Temperature.min(), self.Temperature.max()] if not yr: yr = [0.01, 1.1] xyr = list(tRange) xyr.extend(list(yr)) # iz = stages[0] if semilogx: plt.semilogx(self.Temperature, ioneq[iz-1], linestyle[0], lw=lw) else: plt.loglog(self.Temperature, ioneq[iz-1], linestyle[0], lw=lw) if label: idx = self.Ioneq[iz-1] == self.Ioneq[iz-1].max() if idx.sum() > 1: jdx = np.arange(len(idx)) idx = int(jdx[idx].max()) ann = const.Ionstage[iz-1] plt.annotate(ann, [self.Temperature[idx], 0.7*ioneq[iz-1, idx]], ha='center') for iz in stages[1:]: if semilogx: plt.semilogx(self.Temperature, ioneq[iz-1], linestyle[0], lw=lw) else: plt.loglog(self.Temperature, ioneq[iz-1], linestyle[0], lw=lw) if label: idx = ioneq[iz-1] == ioneq[iz-1].max() if idx.sum() > 1: jdx = np.arange(len(idx)) idx = int(jdx[idx].mean()) ann = const.Ionstage[iz-1] plt.annotate(ann, [self.Temperature[idx], 0.7*ioneq[iz-1, idx]], ha='center') plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Ion Fraction') atitle = 'Chianti Ionization Equilibrium for '+const.El[self.Z-1].capitalize() # if oplot: if isinstance(oplot,int): result = io.ioneqRead(ioneqName='') # print('keys = ', result.keys() if result != False: atitle += ' & '+ result['ioneqname'].replace('.ioneq', '') atitle += ' '+linestyle[0] for iz in stages: plt.plot(result['ioneqTemperature'], result['ioneqAll'][self.Z-1, iz-1],linestyle[1], lw=lw) elif type(oplot) == type('string'): atitle += ' & ' + oplot result = io.ioneqRead(ioneqName=oplot) if result != False: for iz in stages: plt.plot(result['ioneqTemperature'], result['ioneqAll'][self.Z-1, iz-1],linestyle[1], lw=lw) elif type(oplot) == type([]): for iplot in range(len(oplot)): result = io.ioneqRead(ioneqName=oplot[iplot]) # print 'keys = ', result.keys() if result != False: atitle += ' & '+oplot[iplot]+' '+linestyle[iplot%3] for iz in stages: plt.plot(result['ioneqTemperature'], result['ioneqAll'][self.Z-1, iz-1],linestyle[1], lw=lw) else: print(' oplot file not understood %s'%(oplot)) if title: plt.title(atitle) plt.tight_layout() plt.axis(xyr)
- `rStar` : distance of the plasma from the source (in units of the source's radius) - `distance` : distance from the central source ''' import os import glob import traceback import warnings import as chio try: xuvtop = os.environ['XUVTOP'] Defaults = chio.defaultsRead() Ip = chio.ipRead() MasterList = chio.masterListRead() IoneqAll = chio.ioneqRead(ioneqname=Defaults['ioneqfile']) ChiantiVersion = chio.versionRead() keywordArgs = [ 'temperature', 'eDensity', 'hDensity', 'pDensity', 'radTemperature', 'rStar', 'distance' ] AbundanceDefault = chio.abundanceRead(abundancename=Defaults['abundfile']) AbundanceList = [] for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(xuvtop, 'abundance', '*.abund')): AbundanceList.append(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]) Abundance = { abundance: chio.abundanceRead(abundancename=abundance) for abundance in AbundanceList } except (KeyError, IOError) as e:
- `rStar` : distance of the plasma from the source (in units of the source's radius) - `distance` : distance from the central source ''' import os import glob import traceback import warnings import as chio try: xuvtop = os.environ['XUVTOP'] Defaults = chio.defaultsRead() Ip = chio.ipRead() MasterList = chio.masterListRead() IoneqAll = chio.ioneqRead(ioneqname=Defaults['ioneqfile']) ChiantiVersion = chio.versionRead() keywordArgs = ['temperature', 'eDensity', 'hDensity', 'pDensity', 'radTemperature', 'rStar', 'distance'] AbundanceDefault = chio.abundanceRead(abundancename=Defaults['abundfile']) AbundanceList = [] for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(xuvtop, 'abundance', '*.abund')): AbundanceList.append(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]) Abundance = {abundance: chio.abundanceRead(abundancename=abundance) for abundance in AbundanceList} except (KeyError, IOError) as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) if isinstance(e, KeyError): warnings.warn( 'XUVTOP environment variable not set. You will not be able to access any data from the CHIANTI database.')
def plot(self, stages=0, xr=0, yr=0, oplot=0, label=1, title=1, bw=0, semilogx = 0): ''' Plots the ionization equilibria. self.plot(xr=None, yr=None, oplot=False) stages = sequence of ions to be plotted, neutral == 1, fully stripped == Z+1 xr = temperature range, yr = ion fraction range for overplotting: oplot="ioneqfilename" such as 'mazzotta' or if oplot=True or oplot=1 and a widget will come up so that a file can be selected. ''' if hasattr(self, 'Ioneq'): ioneq = getattr(self, 'Ioneq') else: print(' must first load or calculate and ionization equilibrium') return if bw: linestyle = ['k-','k--', 'k-.', 'k:'] plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16. lw = 2 else: linestyle = ['b-','r--', 'g-.', 'm:'] plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14. lw = 2 # if not stages: stages = range(1, self.Z+2) elif min(stages) < 1 or max(stages) > self.Z+1: stages = range(1, self.Z+2) # spectroscopic notation if not xr: xr = [self.Temperature.min(), self.Temperature.max()] if not yr: yr = [0.01, 1.1] xyr = list(xr) xyr.extend(list(yr)) # iz = stages[0] if semilogx: plt.semilogx(self.Temperature, ioneq[iz-1], linestyle[0], lw=lw) else: plt.loglog(self.Temperature, ioneq[iz-1], linestyle[0], lw=lw) if label: idx = self.Ioneq[iz-1] == self.Ioneq[iz-1].max() if idx.sum() > 1: jdx = np.arange(len(idx)) idx = int(jdx[idx].max()) ann = const.Ionstage[iz-1] plt.annotate(ann, [self.Temperature[idx], 0.7*ioneq[iz-1, idx]], ha='center') for iz in stages[1:]: if semilogx: plt.semilogx(self.Temperature, ioneq[iz-1], linestyle[0], lw=lw) else: plt.loglog(self.Temperature, ioneq[iz-1], linestyle[0], lw=lw) if label: idx = ioneq[iz-1] == ioneq[iz-1].max() if idx.sum() > 1: jdx = np.arange(len(idx)) idx = int(jdx[idx].mean()) ann = const.Ionstage[iz-1] plt.annotate(ann, [self.Temperature[idx], 0.7*ioneq[iz-1, idx]], ha='center') plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Ion Fraction') atitle = 'Chianti Ionization Equilibrium for '+const.El[self.Z-1].capitalize() # if oplot: if oplot == 0: result = io.ioneqRead(ioneqname='') # print 'keys = ', result.keys() if result != False: atitle += ' & '+result['ioneqname'].replace('.ioneq', '') atitle += ' '+linestyle[0] for iz in stages: plt.plot(result['ioneqTemperature'], result['ioneqAll'][self.Z-1, iz-1],linestyle[1], lw=lw) elif type(oplot) == type('string'): atitle += ' & ' + oplot result = io.ioneqRead(ioneqname=oplot) if result != False: for iz in stages: plt.plot(result['ioneqTemperature'], result['ioneqAll'][self.Z-1, iz-1],linestyle[1], lw=lw) elif type(oplot) == type([]): for iplot in range(len(oplot)): result = io.ioneqRead(ioneqname=oplot[iplot]) # print 'keys = ', result.keys() if result != False: atitle += ' & '+oplot[iplot]+' '+linestyle[iplot%3] for iz in stages: plt.plot(result['ioneqTemperature'], result['ioneqAll'][self.Z-1, iz-1],linestyle[1], lw=lw) else: print(' oplot file not understood %s'%(oplot)) if title: plt.title(atitle) plt.tight_layout() plt.axis(xyr)