def __init__(self): '''Initialises subscribers to active given topics''' rospy.init_node('navigation', anonymous=True) statePX = "/mavros/state" GPSPX = "/mavros/global_position/raw/fix" compassPX = "/mavros/vfr_hud" velocityPX = "/mavros/global_position/raw/gps_vel" rospy.Subscriber(statePX, mavros_msgs.msg.State, self._handle_state) rospy.Subscriber(GPSPX, sensor_msgs.msg.NavSatFix, self._handle_GPS) rospy.Subscriber(compassPX, mavros_msgs.msg.VFR_HUD, self._handle_compass) rospy.Subscriber(velocityPX, geometry_msgs.msg.TwistStamped, self._handle_velocity) self.is_connected = False self.has_GPS = False self.has_bearing = False self.has_velocity = False self.connection = False self.mode = "" = 0.0 self.lon = 0.0 self.GPS = GPS() self.bearing = 0.0 self.velocity = 0.0
class swarmWanted(): '''Helper class to fetch data from behaviour through ROS''' def __init__(self): '''Initialises subscribers to behaviour topics''' self.topic_main = "/swarm/behaviour/" topic_movement = "/swarm/behaviour/movement" topic_position = "/swarm/behaviour/position" try: rospy.Subscriber(topic_movement, Movement, self._update_movement) rospy.Subscriber(topic_position, Position, self._update_position) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException as e: print("could not subscribe to topic with error: {s}", format(e)) self.swarm_movement = Vector() self.swarm_position = GPS() self.time_since = 0 self.last_receive = rospy.get_rostime().secs self.newest = '' self.recieving_data = False def __call__(self): '''Call function that returns newest data Returns either: Vector of newest movement wanted GPS point wanted ''' if self.newest == 'movement': return self.swarm_movement else: return self.swarm_position def _update_movement(self, data): self.swarm_movement.set(data.velocity, data.bearing) self.last_receive = rospy.get_rostime().secs self.newest = 'movement' def _update_position(self, data): self.swarm_position.set(data.latitude, data.longitude) self.last_receive = rospy.get_rostime().secs self.newest = 'position' def is_recieving(self): '''Helper function to return if topics are published to Returns: Boolean on wether its receiving or not ''' self.time_since = rospy.get_rostime().secs - self.last_receive if self.time_since < 2 and self.newest != '': self.recieving_data = True return self.recieving_data
def __init__(self): '''Initialises subscribers to behaviour topics''' self.topic_main = "/swarm/behaviour/" topic_movement = "/swarm/behaviour/movement" topic_position = "/swarm/behaviour/position" try: rospy.Subscriber(topic_movement, Movement, self._update_movement) rospy.Subscriber(topic_position, Position, self._update_position) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException as e: print("could not subscribe to topic with error: {s}", format(e)) self.swarm_movement = Vector() self.swarm_position = GPS() self.time_since = 0 self.last_receive = rospy.get_rostime().secs self.newest = '' self.recieving_data = False
def __init__(self): self.Ka = 1.5 #Adjusting alignment self.Kc = 1.85 #Adjusting cohesion self.Ks = 0.5 #Adjusting separation self.maxForce = 1.2 # maximum magnitude of cohesion and separation self.maxSpeed = 2.0 # Maximum speed in m/s self.perception = 100.0 # Max distance to percieve other boats self.position = GPS() self.movement = Vector() self.has_newCurr = False
def main(): nav = navData() autopilot = Autopilot() time.sleep(0.2) autopilot_talker = Talker() time.sleep(0.2) wait_time, clicks = 0.0, 0 wanted_GPS = GPS(60.365625, 5.264544) wanted_vector = Vector(0.4, 180.0) while nav.is_ready() == False: #waits for both systems to connect wait_time += 0.1 time.sleep(0.1) if wait_time > 10.0: #exit if timeout is over 10s sys.exit(0) if nav.is_ready() == True: print("Pixhawk is connected and ready at: ", nav.mode) print("entering autopilot loop...") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: # wanted_GPS = new_gps(wanted_GPS) # fetches newest current speed and position current_GPS = nav.get_GPS() current_vector = nav.get_Vector() autopilot.set_wanted_vector(wanted_vector) change_vector = autopilot(current_vector) #publishing to ROS autopilot_talker(current_vector, current_GPS, wanted_vector, change_vector) clicks += 1 time.sleep(0.2) except rospy.ROSInterruptException(): sys.exit() finally: pass
class navData: '''Helper class that fetches data from sensor (PX4) through ROS topics''' def __init__(self): '''Initialises subscribers to active given topics''' rospy.init_node('navigation', anonymous=True) statePX = "/mavros/state" GPSPX = "/mavros/global_position/raw/fix" compassPX = "/mavros/vfr_hud" velocityPX = "/mavros/global_position/raw/gps_vel" rospy.Subscriber(statePX, mavros_msgs.msg.State, self._handle_state) rospy.Subscriber(GPSPX, sensor_msgs.msg.NavSatFix, self._handle_GPS) rospy.Subscriber(compassPX, mavros_msgs.msg.VFR_HUD, self._handle_compass) rospy.Subscriber(velocityPX, geometry_msgs.msg.TwistStamped, self._handle_velocity) self.is_connected = False self.has_GPS = False self.has_bearing = False self.has_velocity = False self.connection = False self.mode = "" = 0.0 self.lon = 0.0 self.GPS = GPS() self.bearing = 0.0 self.velocity = 0.0 def _handle_state(self, msg): self.connection = msg.connected self.mode = msg.mode self.is_connected = True def _handle_GPS(self, msg): = msg.latitude self.lon = msg.longitude self.GPS.set(, self.lon) self.has_GPS = True def _handle_compass(self, msg): self.bearing = msg.heading self.has_bearing = True def _handle_velocity(self, msg): velEast = msg.twist.linear.x velNorth = msg.twist.linear.y self.velocity = m.sqrt((velEast)**2+(velNorth)**2) self.has_velocity = True def get_connection_state(self): '''Helper function get connection state of sensor Returns: Boolean to determine conneciton state ''' return self.connection def get_GPS(self): '''Helper function get current GPS position Returns: GPS point to current position ''' return self.GPS def get_bearing(self): '''Helper function get current bearing Returns: Float of current bearing ''' return self.bearing def get_velocity(self): '''Helper function get current velocity Returns: Float of current velocity ''' return self.velocity def get_Vector(self): '''Helper function get current movement vector Returns: Vector object containing current movement ''' self.vector = Vector(self.velocity, self.bearing) return self.vector def is_ready(self): '''Helper function to determine if all sensors are ready and publishing Returns: Boolean of wether sensors are ready or not ''' if all( [self.is_connected == True, self.has_GPS == True, self.has_bearing == True, self.has_velocity == True] ): return True else: return False
#!/usr/bin/env python import time from Classes.PID import PID from Classes.GPS_class import GPS from Classes.Ranger import autoRange from Classes.Vector_class import Vector v1 = Vector(10.0,190.0) v2 = Vector(10.0,190.0) g1 = GPS(60.366468, 5.258200) g2 = GPS(60.366455, 5.258232) v3 = g1.calculate(g2) v3.showVector() pid = PID() pid.set_wanted(v1) pid_out = pid.update(v2) pid_out.showVector() rangespeed = autoRange(0.0,20.0,0.0,90.0) rangeangle = autoRange(-45.0,45.0,0.0,180.0)