Example #1
 def expression(self):
     """The underlying expression of this file list.
 expression : str
   The underlying expression of this source.
     if self._expression is None:
         self._expression = te.detect(self.file_list)
     return self._expression
Example #2
def _expression_and_file_list(expression=None, file_list=None):
    if isinstance(expression, te.Expression) or expression is None:
    elif fu.is_directory(expression):
        if file_list is None:
            file_list = glob.glob(fu.join(expression, '*'))
        expression = te.detect(file_list)
    elif isinstance(expression, (str, list)):
        expression = te.Expression(expression)
        raise ValueError('Expression %r is not valid!' % expression)

    if file_list is None:
        if expression is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Either expression or file_list need to be specified!')
        file_list = glob.glob(expression.glob())
    elif isinstance(file_list, list):
        if expression is None:
            expression = te.detect(file_list)
        raise ValueError('The file_list %r is not value!' % file_list)

    return expression, file_list
Example #3
def shape_list(expression=None, file_list=None, axes_order=None):
    """Calculates the shape of the data in a file list.
  expression : str or None
    The regular epression for the file list.
  file_list : list or None
    List of files.

  axes_order : list or None
    The names of how to order the different tag names in the expression. 
    If None, use ordering of the tags in the expression.
  shape : int or tuple of ints
    The shape of the array along the dimensions created by the file list.
    expression, file_list = _expression_and_file_list(expression=expression,

    if len(file_list) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'Cannot determine dimension of the file list %r without files.!' %

    #ordering of the axes
    if axes_order is None:
        axes_order = expression.tag_names()

    #determine dimensions along the file list
    values0 = expression.values(file_list[0])
    if len(axes_order) == 1:
        shape_list = (len(file_list), )
        shape_list = ()
        for a in axes_order:
            values = values0.copy()
            e = te.Expression(expression.string(values=values))
            search = re.compile(e.re()).search
            shape_list += (len([f for f in file_list if search(f)]), )

    return shape_list
Example #4
def _expression_or_file_list(expression=None, file_list=None):
    if isinstance(expression, te.Expression) or expression is None:
    elif fu.is_directory(expression):
        file_list = _file_list(expression=expression, sort=True)
        expression = None
    elif isinstance(expression, str):
        expression = te.Expression(expression)
        raise ValueError('The expression %r is not valid!' % expression)

    if file_list is not None and not isinstance(file_list, list):
        raise ValueError('The file_list %r is not a list or None!' % file_list)

    if expression is None and file_list is None:
        raise ValueError('Expresson and file_list cannot both be None!')

    return expression, file_list
Example #5
def _file_list(expression=None, file_list=None, sort=True, verbose=False):
    """Returns the list of files that match the tag expression.
  expression :str
    The regular expression the file names should match.
  sort : bool
    If True, sort files naturally.
  verbose : bool
    If True, print warning if no files exists.
  file_list : list of str
    The list of files that matched the expression.
    if isinstance(file_list, list):
        return file_list

    if isinstance(expression, te.Expression):
        fl = glob.glob(expression.glob())
    elif fu.is_directory(expression):
        expression = fu.join(expression, '*')
        fl = glob.glob(expression)
        e = te.Expression(expression)
        fl = glob.glob(e.glob())

    if verbose and len(fl) == 0:
        warnings.warn('No files found matching %s !' % expression)
        return []

    if sort:
        fl = natsort.natsorted(fl)

    return fl
Example #6
def filename(ftype, file_type_to_name = None, directory = None, expression = None, values = None, prefix = None, postfix = None, extension = None, debug = None):
  """Returns the standard file name to use for a result file.
  ftype : str
    The type of the file for which the file name is requested.
  directory : str
    The working directory of the project.
  expression : str or None
    The tag expression to use if ftype is 'expression'.
  file_type_to_name : dict
    The file types to name mappings. If None, the default is used.
  values : dict or None
    The values to use in case a tag expression is given.
  prefix : str or None
    Optional prefix to the file if not None.
  postfix : str or list of str or None
    Optional postfix to the file if not None.
  extension : str or None
    Optional extension to replace existing one.
  debug : str, bool or None
    Optional string for debug files in wihch the string is added as postfix.
    If True, 'debug' is added.
  filename : str
    The standard file name of the requested file type.
  if file_type_to_name is None:
    file_type_to_name = default_file_type_to_name;
  if ftype is None:
    fname = directory;
  if ftype in file_type_synonyms.keys():
    ftype = file_type_synonyms[ftype];
  if ftype == 'expression' or expression is not None:
    expression = te.Expression(expression);
    fname = expression.string(values=values);
    #Note: expressions are used for raw data only atm -> no prefix, debug
    prefix = None;
    debug = None;   
    fname = file_type_to_name.get(ftype, None);
  e = te.Expression(fname);
  if len(e.tags) > 0: 
    fname = e.string(values=values);
    #Note: expressions are used for raw data only atm -> no prefix, debug
    prefix = None;
    debug = None;
  if fname is None:
    raise ValueError('Cannot find name for type %r!' % ftype);
  if prefix and prefix != '':
    if isinstance(prefix, list):
      prefix = '_'.join(prefix);
    fname = prefix + '_' + fname;
  if postfix is not None and postfix != '':
    if isinstance(postfix, list):
      postfix = '_'.join(postfix);
    fname = fname.split('.');
    fname = '.'.join(fname[:-1]) + '_' + postfix + '.' + fname[-1];   
  if debug:
    if not isinstance(debug, str):
      debug = 'debug';
    #fname = fname.split('.');
    #fname = '.'.join(fname[:-1]) + '_' + debug + '.' + fname[-1];   
    fname = debug + '_' + fname;
  if extension:
    fname = fname.split('.');
    fname = '.'.join(fname[:-1] + [extension]);                
  if directory:
    fname = io.join(directory, fname);
  return fname;                 
Example #7
 def info(self, tile_axes = None, check_extensions = True):
   s = self.__str__() + '\n';
   l = np.max([len(k) for k in self.file_type_to_name]);
   l = '%' + '%d' % l + 's';         
   for k,v in self.file_type_to_name.items():
     if len(te.Expression(v).tags) > 0:
       if check_extensions:
         files = self.file_list(k, extension='*');
         extensions = [io.file_extension(f) for f in files];
         extensions = np.unique(extensions);
         extensions = [self.extension(k)];
       if len(extensions) == 0:
         s += l % k + ': no file\n';
         kk = k;
         for extension in extensions:
           expression = te.Expression(self.filename(k, extension=extension));
           tag_names = expression.tag_names();
           if tile_axes is None:
             tile_axes_ = tag_names;
             tile_axes_ = tile_axes;
           for n in tile_axes_:
             if not n in tag_names:
               raise ValueError('The expression does not have the named pattern %s' % n);
           for n in tag_names:
             if not n in tile_axes_:
               raise ValueError('The expression has the named pattern %s that is not in tile_axes=%r' % (n, tile_axes_));
           #construct tiling
           files = io.file_list(expression);
           if len(files) > 0:
             tile_positions = [expression.values(f) for f in files];
             tile_positions = [tuple(tv[n] for n in tile_axes_) for tv in tile_positions];
             tile_lower = tuple(np.min(tile_positions, axis = 0)); 
             tile_upper = tuple(np.max(tile_positions, axis = 0));
             tag_names = tuple(tag_names);
             if kk is not None:
               s += (l % kk) + ': ' 
               kk = None;
               s += (l % '') + '  '
             s+= ('%s {%d files, %r: %r -> %r}' % (expression.string()[len(self.directory)+1:], len(files), tag_names, tile_lower, tile_upper)) + '\n';   
       fname = self.filename(k);
       files = [];
       if io.is_file(fname):
         files += [fname];
       fname = self.filename(k, postfix = '*');
       files += io.file_list(fname);
       if len(files) > 0:
         files = [f[len(self.directory)+1:] for f in files]
         s += l % k + ': ' + files[0] + '\n'
         for f in files[1:]:
           s += l % '' + '  ' + f + '\n'
         s += l % k + ': no file\n';        
Example #8
 def expression(self, *args,**kwargs):
   return te.Expression(self.filename(*args, **kwargs));
Example #9
def is_file_list(expression,
    """Checks if the expression is a valid file list.
  expression : str
    The regular expression to check.
  exists : bool
    If True, check if at least one file exists.
  tag_names :  list of str or None
    List of tag names expected to be present in the expression.
  n_Tags : int or None
    Number of tags to expect.
  verbose : bool
    If True, print reason why the epxression does not represent the desired file list.
  is_expression : bool
    Returns True if the expression fullfills the desired criteria and at least one file matching the expression exists.
    if isinstance(expression, Source):
        return True

    if not isinstance(expression, (str, te.Expression)):
        if verbose:
                'The expression %r is not a string or valid Source!' %
        return False

    if fu.is_directory(expression):
        if exists:
            if len(os.listdir(expression)) == 0:
                if verbose:
                    warnings.warn('No files exists in the directory %s!' %
                return False
                return True
            return True

    if tag_names is not None or n_tags is not None:
        t = te.Expression(expression) if not isinstance(
            expression, te.Expression) else expression
        if n_tags is not None:
            if n_tags < 0 and -n_tags > t.ntags():
                if verbose:
                        'Expression has not required number %d of tags, but %d!'
                        % (n_tags, t.ntags()))
                return False
            elif n_tags >= 0 and n_tags != t.ntags():
                if verbose:
                        'Expression has not required number %d of tags, but %d!'
                        % (n_tags, t.ntags()))
                return False

        if tag_names is not None:
            if tag_names != t.tag_names():
                if verbose:
                        'Expression has not required tags %r, but %r!' %
                        (tag_names, t.tag_names()))
                return False

    if exists:
        f = _first_file(expression)
        if f is None:
            if verbose:
                warnings.warn('Expression does not point to any files!')
            return False

    return True