def read_pgn(self, fichero_pgn): fichero_pgn = os.path.abspath(fichero_pgn) cfecha_pgn = str(os.path.getmtime(fichero_pgn)) cdir = self.configuracion.folder_databases_pgn() file_db = os.path.join(cdir, os.path.basename(fichero_pgn)[:-4] + ".lcdb") if Util.exist_file(file_db): create = False db = DBgames.DBgames(file_db) cfecha_pgn_ant = db.recuperaConfig("PGN_DATE") fichero_pgn_ant = db.recuperaConfig("PGN_FILE") db.close() if cfecha_pgn != cfecha_pgn_ant or fichero_pgn_ant != fichero_pgn: create = True Util.remove_file(file_db) else: create = True if create: db = DBgames.DBgames(file_db) dlTmp = QTVarios.ImportarFicheroPGN(self.main_window) db.leerPGNs([fichero_pgn], dlTmp=dlTmp) db.guardaConfig("PGN_DATE", cfecha_pgn) db.guardaConfig("PGN_FILE", fichero_pgn) db.close() dlTmp.close() self.database("R", file_db, temporary=True)
def show_anotar(self): w = WindowAnotar.WAnotar(self) if w.exec_(): pc, siblancasabajo = w.resultado if pc is None: pc = DBgames.get_random_game() self.anotar(pc, siblancasabajo)
def new(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.opcion("random", _("Random"), Iconos.SQL_RAW()) menu.separador() if not QTVarios.lista_db(Code.configuracion, True).is_empty(): menu.opcion("db", _("Game in a database"), Iconos.Database()) menu.separador() menu.opcion("pgn", _("Game in a pgn"), Iconos.Filtrar()) menu.separador() resp = menu.lanza() game = None if resp == "random": game = DBgames.get_random_game() elif resp == "pgn": game = Code.procesador.select_1_pgn(self) elif resp == "db": db = QTVarios.select_db(self, Code.configuracion, True, False) if db: w = PantallaDatabase.WBDatabase(self, Code.procesador, db, False, True) resp = w.exec_() if resp: game = if game is None: return capture = CountsCaptures.CountCapture() = game self.db.new_count_capture(capture) self.glista.refresh()
def import_db(self): path_db = QTVarios.select_db(self.wpolyglot, self.configuration, True, False) if not path_db: return titulo = "%s %s" % (_("Import"), os.path.basename(path_db)) resp = self.import_polyglot_config(titulo) if resp is None: return plies, st_side, st_results, ru, min_games, min_score, calc_weight, save_score, collisions = resp db = UtilSQL.DictBig() def fsum(keymove, pt): num, pts = db.get(keymove, (0, 0)) num += 1 pts += pt db[keymove] = num, pts dltmp = ImportarPGNDB(self.wpolyglot, os.path.basename(path_db)) db_games = DBgames.DBgames(path_db) ok = add_db(db_games, plies, st_results, st_side, ru, time.time, 1.2, dltmp.dispatch, fsum) dltmp.close() if not ok: db.close() db_games.close() return self.merge(db, min_games, min_score, calc_weight, save_score, collisions)
def miniatura(self): file_miniatures = Code.path_resource("IntFiles", "Miniatures.lcdb") db = DBgames.DBgames(file_miniatures) db.all_reccount() num_game = random.randint(0, db.reccount() - 1) game = db.leePartidaRecno(num_game) db.close() dic = {"GAME":} gestor = GestorSolo.GestorSolo(self) gestor.inicio(dic)
def miniatura(self): file_miniatures = Code.path_resource("IntFiles", "Miniatures.lcdb") db = DBgames.DBgames(file_miniatures) db.all_reccount() num_game = random.randint(0, db.reccount() - 1) game = db.read_game_recno(num_game) db.close() dic = {"GAME":} manager = ManagerSolo.ManagerSolo(self) manager.start(dic)
def read_pgn(self, fichero_pgn): fichero_pgn = os.path.abspath(fichero_pgn) cfecha_pgn = str(os.path.getmtime(fichero_pgn)) path_temp_pgns = self.configuration.folder_databases_pgn() li = list(os.scandir(path_temp_pgns)) li_ant = [] for entry in li: if".lcdb"): li_ant.append(entry) else: Util.remove_file(entry.path) if len(li_ant) > 10: li_ant.sort(key=lambda x: x.stat()[ST_ATIME], reverse=True) for x in li_ant[10:]: Util.remove_file(x.path) file_db = os.path.join(path_temp_pgns, os.path.basename(fichero_pgn)[:-3] + "lcdb") if Util.exist_file(file_db): create = False db = DBgames.DBgames(file_db) cfecha_pgn_ant = db.recuperaConfig("PGN_DATE") fichero_pgn_ant = db.recuperaConfig("PGN_FILE") db.close() if cfecha_pgn != cfecha_pgn_ant or fichero_pgn_ant != fichero_pgn: create = True Util.remove_file(file_db) else: create = True if create: db = DBgames.DBgames(file_db) dlTmp = QTVarios.ImportarFicheroPGN(self.main_window) db.import_pgns([fichero_pgn], dlTmp=dlTmp) db.save_config("PGN_DATE", cfecha_pgn) db.save_config("PGN_FILE", fichero_pgn) db.close() dlTmp.close() self.database("R", file_db, temporary=True)
def import_db(self): path_db = QTVarios.select_db(self, self.configuracion, True, False) if not path_db: return um = QTUtil2.unMomento(self, _("Working...")) li_fens = [] datadb = DBgames.DBgames(path_db) if "FEN" in datadb.li_tags(): for reg in datadb.yieldData(["FEN"], "FEN <> ''"): li_fens.append(reg.FEN) self.import_lifens("db", li_fens, um)
def select_1_pgn(self, wparent=None): wparent = self.main_window if wparent is None else wparent path = QTVarios.select_pgn(wparent) if path: fichero_pgn = os.path.abspath(path) cfecha_pgn = str(os.path.getmtime(fichero_pgn)) cdir = self.configuration.folder_databases_pgn() file_db = os.path.join( cdir, os.path.basename(fichero_pgn)[:-4] + ".lcdb") if Util.exist_file(file_db): create = False db = DBgames.DBgames(file_db) cfecha_pgn_ant = db.recuperaConfig("PGN_DATE") fichero_pgn_ant = db.recuperaConfig("PGN_FILE") db.close() if cfecha_pgn != cfecha_pgn_ant or fichero_pgn_ant != fichero_pgn: create = True Util.remove_file(file_db) else: create = True if create: db = DBgames.DBgames(file_db) dlTmp = QTVarios.ImportarFicheroPGN(wparent) db.import_pgns([fichero_pgn], dlTmp=dlTmp) db.save_config("PGN_DATE", cfecha_pgn) db.save_config("PGN_FILE", fichero_pgn) db.close() dlTmp.close() w = WindowDatabase.WBDatabase(self.main_window, self, file_db, True, True) if w.exec_(): return return None
def tw_importar_DB(self): path = QTVarios.select_db(self, self.configuracion, False, False) if not path: return None dlTmp = QTVarios.ImportarFicheroDB(self) if self.dbGames.allows_duplicates: dlTmp.hide_duplicates() dbn = DBgames.DBgames(path) self.dbGames.appendDB(dbn, range(dbn.all_reccount()), dlTmp) self.rehaz_columnas() self.actualiza(True) if self.wsummary: self.wsummary.reset()
def tw_exportar_db(self, lista): dbpath = QTVarios.select_db(self, self.configuracion, False, True) if not dbpath: return if dbpath == ":n": dbpath = new_database(self, self.configuracion) if dbpath is None: return dlTmp = QTVarios.ImportarFicheroDB(self) dlTmp.ponExportados() dbn = DBgames.DBgames(dbpath) if dbn.allows_duplicates: dlTmp.hide_duplicates() dbn.appendDB(self.dbGames, lista, dlTmp)
def gm_save_database(self): if self.torneo.num_games_finished() > 0: dbpath = QTVarios.select_db(self, self.configuration, False, True, remove_autosave=True) if dbpath is None: return if dbpath == ":n": dbpath = WDB_Games.new_database(self, self.configuration) if dbpath is None: return um = QTUtil2.unMomento(self, _("Saving...")) db = DBgames.DBgames(dbpath) for gm in self.torneo.db_games_finished: game = Game.Game() game.restore(gm.game_save) db.insert(game) db.close() QTUtil2.mensajeTemporal(self, _("Saved"), 1.2)
def mas(self): path_pgn = QTVarios.select_pgn(self) if not path_pgn: return path_db = self.configuration.ficheroTemporal("lcdb") db = DBgames.DBgames(path_db) dlTmp = QTVarios.ImportarFicheroPGN(self) db.import_pgns([path_pgn], dlTmp=dlTmp) db.close() dlTmp.close() db = DBgames.DBgames(path_db) nreccount = db.all_reccount() if nreccount == 0: return plant = "" shuffle = False reverse = False todos = range(1, nreccount + 1) li_regs = [] max_moves = 0 while True: sep = FormLayout.separador liGen = [] liGen.append((None, "%s: %d" % (_("Total games"), nreccount))) liGen.append(sep) config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Select games") + "<br>" + _("By example:") + " -5,7-9,14,19-" + "<br>" + _("Empty means all games"), rx="[0-9,\-,\,]*") liGen.append((config, plant)) liGen.append(sep) liGen.append((_("Shuffle") + ":", shuffle)) liGen.append(sep) liGen.append((_("Reverse") + ":", reverse)) liGen.append(sep) config = FormLayout.Spinbox(_("Max moves"), 0, 999, 50) liGen.append((config, 0)) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Select games"), parent=self, anchoMinimo=200, icon=Iconos.Opciones()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado plant, shuffle, reverse, max_moves = liResp if plant: ln = Util.ListaNumerosImpresion(plant) li_regs = ln.selected(todos) else: li_regs = todos nregs = len(li_regs) if 12 <= nregs <= 500: break else: QTUtil2.message_error( self, "%s (%d)" % (_("Number of games must be in range 12-500"), nregs)) li_regs = None else: break if li_regs: if shuffle: random.shuffle(li_regs) if reverse: li_regs.sort(reverse=True) li_regs = [x - 1 for x in li_regs] # 0 init dic = {} dic["TOURNEY"] = os.path.basename(path_pgn)[:-4] games = dic["GAMES"] = [] for recno in li_regs: g = db.read_game_recno(recno) pv = g.pv() if max_moves: lipv = pv.strip().split(" ") if len(lipv) > max_moves: pv = " ".join(lipv[:max_moves]) dt = {"LABELS": g.li_tags, "XPV": FasterCode.pv_xpv(pv)} games.append(dt) self.litourneys.append(dic) li = [("%s (%d)" % (tourney["TOURNEY"], len(tourney["GAMES"])), tourney) for tourney in self.litourneys] self.cbtourney.rehacer(li, dic) db.close()
def __init__(self, w_parent, procesador, file_database, is_temporary, si_select): self.is_temporary = is_temporary icono = Iconos.Database() extparam = "databases" titulo = _("Temporary database") if self.is_temporary else _( "Database") QTVarios.WDialogo.__init__(self, w_parent, titulo, icono, extparam) self.owner = w_parent self.procesador = procesador self.configuration = procesador.configuration self.reiniciar = False # lo usamos para cambiar de database self.dbGames = DBgames.DBgames(file_database) self.dicvideo = self.restore_dicvideo() dicVideo = self.dicvideo siSummary = not si_select self.wplayer = WDB_Players.WPlayer(procesador, self, self.dbGames) self.wplayer_active = False if siSummary: self.wsummary = WDB_Summary.WSummary(procesador, self, self.dbGames, siMoves=False) self.register_grid(self.wsummary.grid) else: self.wsummary = None self.wgames = WDB_Games.WGames(procesador, self, self.dbGames, self.wsummary, si_select) self.ultFocus = None = Controles.Tab(), _("Games")) if siSummary:, _("Summary")) if not si_select:, _("Players")) if self.owner and not self.is_temporary: liAccionesWork = [(_("Select other"), Iconos.Database(), self.tw_select_other)] self.tbWork = QTVarios.LCTB(self, liAccionesWork, icon_size=20) self.tbWork.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) w = QtWidgets.QWidget(self) layoutv = Colocacion.V().control( w.setLayout(layoutv) self.infoMove = WDB_InfoMove.WInfomove(self) self.splitter = splitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter() splitter.addWidget(w) splitter.addWidget(self.infoMove) layout = Colocacion.H().control(splitter).margen(0) self.setLayout(layout) self.restore_video(anchoDefecto=1200, altoDefecto=600) if not dicVideo: dicVideo = { "SPLITTER": [800, 380], "TREE_1": 25, "TREE_2": 25, "TREE_3": 50, "TREE_4": 661 } if not ("SPLITTER" in dicVideo): ancho = self.width() ancho_board = self.infoMove.board.width() sz = [ancho - ancho_board, ancho_board] else: sz = dicVideo["SPLITTER"] self.splitter.setSizes(sz) dic_grid = self.dbGames.read_config("dic_grid") if not dic_grid: key = "databases_columns_default" dic_grid = self.configuration.read_variables(key) if dic_grid: self.wgames.grid.restore_video(dic_grid) self.wgames.grid.releerColumnas() self.inicializa()
def save(self): name = self.ed_name.texto().strip() if not name: QTUtil2.message_error(self, _("You must indicate a name")) return folder = self.configuracion.folder_databases() group = self.ed_group.texto() if group: folder = os.path.join(folder, group) subgroup_l1 = self.ed_subgroup_l1.texto() if subgroup_l1: folder = os.path.join(folder, subgroup_l1) subgroup_l2 = self.ed_subgroup_l2.texto() if subgroup_l2: folder = os.path.join(folder, subgroup_l2) if not Util.exist_folder(folder): try: os.makedirs(folder, True) except: QTUtil2.message_error(self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Unable to create folder"), folder)) return filename = "%s.lcdb" % name if self.external_folder: filepath = os.path.join(self.external_folder, filename) else: filepath = os.path.join(folder, filename) test_exist = if not previous = self.dic_data["FILEPATH"] test_exist = not Util.same_path(previous, filepath) if test_exist and Util.exist_file(filepath): QTUtil2.message_error(self, "%s\n%s" % (_("This database already exists."), filepath)) return if self.external_folder: file = os.path.join(folder, "%s.lcdblink" % name) with open(file, "wt") as q: q.write(filepath) else: file = filepath self.dic_data_resp = { "ALLOWS_DUPLICATES": self.chb_duplicate.valor(), "ALLOWS_POSITIONS": self.chb_positions.valor(), "ALLOWS_COMPLETE_GAMES": self.chb_complete.valor(), "ALLOWS_ZERO_MOVES": self.chb_zeromoves.valor(), "SUMMARY_DEPTH": self.sb_summary.valor(), } db = DBgames.DBgames(filepath) for key, value in self.dic_data_resp.items(): db.guardaConfig(key, value) db.close() self.dic_data_resp["FILEPATH"] = file self.dic_data_resp["EXTERNAL_FOLDER"] = self.external_folder self.accept()
def file(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.opcion("saveas", _("Save a copy"), Iconos.GrabarComo()) menu.separador() menu.opcion("restorefrom", _("Restore from"), Iconos.Recuperar()) menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Create new"), Iconos.Nuevo()) submenu.opcion("new_UNED", _("UNED chess school"), Iconos.Uned()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("new_UWE", _("Uwe Auerswald"), Iconos.Uwe()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("new_SM", _("Singular moves"), Iconos.Singular()) menu.separador() submenu = menu.submenu(_("Export to"), Iconos.DatabaseMas()) submenu.opcion("save_pgn", _("A PGN file"), Iconos.FichPGN()) submenu.separador() submenu.opcion("save_db", _("Database"), Iconos.Database()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp is None: return if resp == "saveas": liGen = [(None, None)] config = FormLayout.Editbox(_("Name"), ancho=160) liGen.append((config, "")) resultado = FormLayout.fedit(liGen, title=_("Name"), parent=self, icon=Iconos.GrabarComo()) if resultado: accion, liResp = resultado fich = name = liResp[0] if name.lower()[-4:] != ".wsm": fich += ".wsm" path = os.path.join(self.configuration.carpeta_results, fich) ok = True if Util.exist_file(path): ok = QTUtil2.pregunta( self, _X( _("The file %1 already exists, what do you want to do?" ), fich), label_yes=_("Overwrite"), label_no=_("Cancel"), ) if ok: shutil.copy(self.dbwashing.file, path) elif resp == "restorefrom": li = [] for fich in os.listdir(self.configuration.carpeta_results): if fich.endswith(".wsm") and fich != self.dbwashing.filename: li.append(fich[:-4]) if not li: QTUtil2.message_bold(self, _("There is no file")) return menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) for fich in li: menu.opcion(fich, fich, Iconos.PuntoRojo()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp: if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Current data will be removed and overwritten."), _("Are you sure?"))): shutil.copy( os.path.join(self.configuration.carpeta_results, resp + ".wsm"), self.dbwashing.file) self.wreload = True self.save_video() self.accept() elif resp.startswith("new_"): tactic = resp[4:] if QTUtil2.pregunta( self, "%s\n%s" % (_("Current data will be removed and overwritten."), _("Are you sure?"))): self.wreload = True self.save_video() self.accept() elif resp.startswith("save_"): def other_pc(): for engine in self.washing.liEngines: if engine.state == Washing.ENDED: game = self.dbwashing.restoreGame(engine) pc = Game.Game() pc.assign_other_game(game) dt = if else if engine.color: white = self.configuration.x_player black = result = "1-0" whiteelo = str(self.configuration.x_elo) blackelo = engine.elo else: black = self.configuration.x_player white = result = "0-1" blackelo = str(self.configuration.x_elo) whiteelo = engine.elo tags = [ ["Site", "Lucas Chess"], ["Event", _("The Washing Machine")], ["Date", "%d-%d-%d" % (dt.year, dt.month,], ["White", white], ["Black", black], ["WhiteElo", whiteelo], ["BlackElo", blackelo], ["Result", result], ] ap = game.opening if ap: tags.append(["ECO",]) tags.append(["Opening", ap.trNombre]) pc.set_tags(tags) yield pc if resp == "save_db": ext = "lcg" path = QTUtil2.salvaFichero( self, _("Database of complete games"), self.configuration.ficheroDBgames, _("File") + " %s (*.%s)" % (ext, ext), False, ) if path: if not path.lower().endswith(".lcdb"): path += ".lcdb" me = QTUtil2.mensEspera.start(self, _("Saving...")) dbn = DBgames.DBgames(path) for pc in other_pc(): dbn.insert(pc) QTUtil2.message_bold(self, _X(_("Saved to %1"), path)) else: w = WindowSavePGN.WSaveVarios(self, self.configuration) if w.exec_(): ws = WindowSavePGN.FileSavePGN(self, w.dic_result) if for n, pc in enumerate(other_pc()): if n or not ws.is_new: ws.write("\n\n") ws.write(pc.pgn()) ws.close() ws.um_final()
def phase2(self, pb: QTUtil2.BarraProgreso1, entry: os.DirEntry): dest = name = ".".join(".")[:-2]) pb.ponRotulo(name) li = dest.split(".") dest = ".".join(li[:-2]) path_dest = os.path.join(Code.configuration.folder_databases(), dest + ".lcdb") db_dest = DBgames.DBgames(path_dest) db_ori = LIVersion11(entry.path) total = len(db_ori) pb.ponTotal(total) for x in range(total): pb.pon(x + 1) if pb.is_canceled(): break dic = db_ori[x] g = Game.Game(fen=dic.get("INIFEN")) g.set_tags(dic["LITAGS"]) result = g.get_tag("Result") g.set_termination(dic["TERMINATION"], result if result else RESULT_UNKNOWN) li_moves = dic["MOVES"] current_position = g.last_position.copia() for dic_mv in li_moves: pv = dic_mv["M"] position = current_position.copia() position.moverPV(pv) move = Move.Move(g, position_before=current_position, position=position, from_sq=pv[:2], to_sq=pv[2:4], promotion=pv[4:]) if "VARIATIONS" in dic_mv: li_varpgn = dic_mv["VARIATIONS"] fen_base = current_position.fen() for varpgn in li_varpgn: gv = Game.fen_game(fen_base, varpgn) if gv: move.add_variation(gv) if "COMMENT" in dic_mv: move.comment = dic_mv["COMMENT"] if "$NAGS" in dic_mv: nags = dic_mv["$NAGS"] for nag in nags.split(" "): if nag.isdigit(): move.add_nag(int(nag)) if "NAGS" in dic_mv: nags = dic_mv["NAGS"] for nag in nags.split(" "): if nag in self.dic_cnags: move.add_nag(self.dic_cnags[nag]) if "AMRM" in dic_mv: mrm_pos = dic_mv["APOS"] mrm_save = dic_mv["AMRM"] mrm = EngineResponse.MultiEngineResponse(None, True) mrm.restore(mrm_save) move.analysis = mrm, mrm_pos current_position = position.copia() g.add_move(move) db_dest.insert(g) db_ori.close() if pb.is_canceled(): db_dest.close() return False db_dest.commit() db_dest.close() shutil.move(entry.path, entry.path + ".imported") return True