def config(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) if self.one_line: menu.opcion("change", _("Change options and create new training"), Iconos.TOLchange()) menu.separador() smenu = menu.submenu(_("What to do after solving"), Iconos.Tacticas()) go_fast = self.tol.go_fast dico = {True: Iconos.Aceptar(), False: Iconos.PuntoAmarillo()} smenu.opcion("t_False", _("Stop"), dico[go_fast is False]) smenu.opcion("t_True", _("Jump to the next"), dico[go_fast is True]) smenu.opcion("t_None", _("Jump to the next from level 2"), dico[go_fast is None]) menu.separador() menu.opcion("remove", _("Remove all results of all levels"), Iconos.Cancelar()) resp = menu.lanza() if resp: if resp.startswith("t_"): self.tol.go_fast = eval(resp[2:]) TurnOnLights.write_tol(self.tol) elif resp == "remove": self.rebuild() elif resp == "change": self.cambiar_one_line()
def reiniciar(self): if self.state == ST_PLAYING: if self.ini_time: self.total_time_used += time.time() - self.ini_time if self.total_time_used: self.block.new_reinit(self.total_time_used, self.errores, self.hints) self.total_time_used = 0.0 TurnOnLights.write_tol(self.tol) self.start(self.num_theme, self.num_block, self.tol)
def rebuild(self): if not QTUtil2.pregunta( self, _("Are you sure you want to delete all results of all levels and start again from scratch?" )): return if self.one_line: else: TurnOnLights.remove_tol(self.tol) self.reinit = True self.save_video() self.accept()
def turn_on_lights(self, name): one_line = False if name.startswith("uned_easy"): title = "%s (%s)" % (_("UNED chess school"), _("Initial")) folder = Code.path_resource("Trainings", "Tactics by UNED chess school") icono = Iconos.Uned() li_tam_blocks = (4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36) elif name.startswith("uned"): title = _("UNED chess school") folder = Code.path_resource("Trainings", "Tactics by UNED chess school") icono = Iconos.Uned() li_tam_blocks = (6, 12, 20, 30, 60) elif name.startswith("uwe_easy"): title = "%s (%s)" % (_("Uwe Auerswald"), _("Initial")) TurnOnLights.compruebaUweEasy(self.configuration, name) folder = self.configuration.carpetaTemporal() icono = Iconos.Uwe() li_tam_blocks = (4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36) elif name.startswith("uwe"): title = _("Uwe Auerswald") folder = Code.path_resource("Trainings", "Tactics by Uwe Auerswald") icono = Iconos.Uwe() li_tam_blocks = (5, 10, 20, 40, 80) elif name == "oneline": title = _("In one line") folder = None icono = Iconos.TOLline() li_tam_blocks = None one_line = True else: return resp = WindowTurnOnLights.windowTurnOnLigths(self.procesador, name, title, icono, folder, li_tam_blocks, one_line) if resp: num_theme, num_block, tol = resp self.procesador.game_type = GT_TURN_ON_LIGHTS self.procesador.state = ST_PLAYING self.procesador.manager = ManagerTurnOnLights.ManagerTurnOnLights( self.procesador) self.procesador.manager.start(num_theme, num_block, tol)
def right_button_block(self, num_theme, num_block): block = self.tol.get_block(num_theme, num_block) litimes = block.times nmoves = block.num_moves() if not litimes and not block.reinits: return menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) menu.ponTipoLetra(name=Code.font_mono, puntos=10) tt = 0 te = 0 ta = 0 mixed_results = False for dato in litimes: segs, fecha, time_used, errores, hints = dato txt, ico = TurnOnLights.qualification( segs, self.tol.is_calculation_mode()) menu.opcion( None, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %6.02f %6.02f %s" % (fecha.year, fecha.month,, fecha.hour, fecha.minute, segs, time_used, txt), self.dicIconos[ico], ) tt += time_used te += errores ta += hints if litimes: menu.separador() menu.opcion( None, "%16s %6.02f" % (_("Average"), tt / (nmoves * len(litimes)))) menu.separador() plant = "%16s %15.02f %s" if block.reinits: tr = 0.0 for dato in block.reinits: segs, fecha, errores, hints = dato tr += segs tt += segs te += errores ta += hints menu.separador() menu.opcion( None, plant % (_("Restarts"), tr, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(tr)))) if not mixed_results: menu.separador() menu.opcion(None, "%16s %6d" % (_("Errors"), te)) menu.separador() menu.opcion(None, "%16s %6d" % (_("Hints"), ta)) menu.separador() menu.opcion( None, plant % (_("Total time"), tt, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(tt)))) menu.lanza()
def colors(self): menu = QTVarios.LCMenu(self) num, ultimo = TurnOnLights.numColorMinimum(self.tol) snum = str(num) thinkMode = self.tol.is_calculation_mode() for txt, key, secs, secsThink in TurnOnLights.QUALIFICATIONS: label = '%s < %0.2f"' % (_F(txt), secsThink if thinkMode else secs) if key == snum and not ultimo: label += " = %s" % _("Minimum to access next level") menu.opcion(None, label, self.dicIconos[key]) menu.separador() menu.lanza()
def __init__(self, owner, procesador): title = _("In one line") titulo = _("Turn on the lights") + ": " + title extparam = "tolconfoneline" icono = Iconos.TOLchange() QTVarios.WDialogo.__init__(self, owner, titulo, icono, extparam) self.tol = TurnOnLights.read_oneline_tol() self.procesador = procesador lbNumPos = Controles.LB2P(self, _("Number of positions")) liBlocks = [(str(x), x) for x in range(6, 60, 6)] self.cbNumPos = Controles.CB(self, liBlocks, self.tol.num_pos) lbtipo = Controles.LB2P(self, _("Mode")) liTipos = [(_("Calculation mode"), True), (_("Memory mode"), False)] self.cbTipo = Controles.CB(self, liTipos, self.tol.calculation_mode) lbfile = Controles.LB2P(self, _("File")) pbfile = Controles.PB(self, "", self.newfile).ponIcono(Iconos.Buscar()) self.lbshowfile = Controles.LB(self, self.tol.fns) lyfile = Colocacion.H().control(pbfile).control( self.lbshowfile).relleno(1) self.chbauto = Controles.CHB(self, _("Redo each day automatically"), self.tol.auto_day) tb = QTVarios.LCTB(self)"Accept"), Iconos.Aceptar(), self.aceptar)"Cancel"), Iconos.Cancelar(), self.cancelar) # Colocamos --------------------------------------------------------------- ly = Colocacion.G() ly.controld(lbNumPos, 1, 0).control(self.cbNumPos, 1, 1) ly.controld(lbtipo, 2, 0).control(self.cbTipo, 2, 1) ly.controld(lbfile, 3, 0).otro(lyfile, 3, 1) ly.control(self.chbauto, 4, 0, 1, 2) layout = Colocacion.V().control(tb).espacio(10).otro(ly) self.setLayout(layout) self.restore_video(siTam=True)
def end_line(self): self.num_line += 1 islast_line = self.num_line == self.num_lines if islast_line: # Previous ant_tm = self.block.av_seconds() ant_done = self.tol.done_level() ant_cat_level, nada = self.tol.cat_num_level() ant_cat_global = self.tol.cat_global() num_moves = self.block.num_moves() ta = self.total_time_used + self.errores * self.penaltyError + self.hints * self.penaltyHelp tm = ta / num_moves self.block.new_result(tm, self.total_time_used, self.errores, self.hints) TurnOnLights.write_tol(self.tol) cat_block, ico = TurnOnLights.qualification( tm, self.calculation_mode) cat_level, ico = self.tol.cat_num_level() cat_global = self.tol.cat_global() txt_more_time = "" txt_more_cat = "" txt_more_line = "" txt_more_global = "" if ant_tm is None or tm < ant_tm: txt_more_time = '<span style="color:red">%s</span>' % _( "New record") done = self.tol.done_level() if done and (not ant_done): if not self.tol.islast_level(): txt_more_line = "%s<hr>" % _("Open the next level") if cat_level != ant_cat_level: txt_more_cat = '<span style="color:red">%s</span>' % _( "New") if cat_global != ant_cat_global: txt_more_global = '<span style="color:red">%s</span>' % _( "New") cErrores = ( '<tr><td align=right> %s </td><td> %d (x%d"=%d")</td></tr>' % (_("Errors"), self.errores, self.penaltyError, self.errores * self.penaltyError) if self.errores else "") cAyudas = ( '<tr><td align=right> %s </td><td> %d (x%d"=%d")</td></tr>' % (_("Hints"), self.hints, self.penaltyHelp, self.hints * self.penaltyHelp) if self.hints else "") mens = ("<hr><center><big>" + _("You have finished this block of positions") + "<hr><table>" + '<tr><td align=right> %s </td><td> %0.2f"</td></tr>' % (_("Time used"), self.total_time_used) + cErrores + cAyudas + '<tr><td align=right> %s: </td><td> %0.2f" %s</td></tr>' % (_("Time assigned"), ta, txt_more_time) + "<tr><td align=right> %s: </td><td> %d</td></tr>" % (_("Total moves"), num_moves) + '<tr><td align=right> %s: </td><td> %0.2f"</td></tr>' % (_("Average time"), tm) + "<tr><td align=right> %s: </td><td> %s</td></tr>" % (_("Block qualification"), cat_block) + "<tr><td align=right> %s: </td><td> %s %s</td></tr>" % (_("Level qualification"), cat_level, txt_more_cat) + "<tr><td align=right> %s: </td><td> %s %s</td></tr>" % (_("Global qualification"), cat_global, txt_more_global) + "</table></center></big><hr>" + txt_more_line) self.pon_rotulos(None) QTUtil2.message_bold(self.main_window, mens, _("Result of training")) self.total_time_used = 0 else: if (self.tol.go_fast is True) or ((self.tol.go_fast is None) and self.tol.work_level > 0): self.next_line_run() return QTUtil2.mensajeTemporal(self.main_window, _("Line completed"), 1.3) self.pon_rotulos(0) self.state = ST_ENDGAME self.disable_all() li_options = [TB_CLOSE, TB_REINIT, TB_CONFIG, TB_UTILITIES] if not islast_line: li_options.append(TB_NEXT) self.main_window.pon_toolbar(li_options)
def goto_next(self): self.tol.work_level += 1 TurnOnLights.write_tol(self.tol) self.reinit = True self.save_video() self.accept()
def __init__(self, procesador, name, title, icono, folder, li_tam_blocks, one_line): self.one_line = one_line if one_line: self.tol = TurnOnLights.read_oneline_tol() else: self.tol = TurnOnLights.read_tol(name, title, folder, li_tam_blocks) self.reinit = False titulo = _("Turn on the lights") + ": " + title if self.tol.is_calculation_mode(): tipo = _("Calculation mode") background = "#88AA3A" else: tipo = _("Memory mode") background = "#BDDBE8" self.procesador = procesador extparam = "tol%s-%d" % (name, self.tol.work_level) QTVarios.WDialogo.__init__(self, procesador.main_window, titulo, icono, extparam) self.colorTheme = QTUtil.qtColor("#F0F0F0") lb = Controles.LB(self, tipo) lb.set_background(background).align_center().ponTipoLetra(puntos=14) # Toolbar tb = QTVarios.LCTB(self)"Close"), Iconos.MainMenu(), self.terminar) anterior, siguiente, terminado = self.tol.prev_next() if anterior:"Previous"), Iconos.Anterior(), self.goto_previous) if siguiente:"Next"), Iconos.Siguiente(), self.goto_next)"Config"), Iconos.Configurar(), self.config)"Information"), Iconos.Informacion(), self.colors) if terminado:"Rebuild"), Iconos.Reindexar(), self.rebuild) # Lista o_columns = Columnas.ListaColumnas() work_level = self.tol.work_level + 1 o_columns.nueva("THEME", _("Level %d/%d") % (work_level, self.tol.num_levels), 175) edicionIconos = Delegados.PmIconosColor() self.dicIconos = {} for k, pm in edicionIconos.dicpmIconos.items(): self.dicIconos[k] = QtGui.QIcon(pm) for x in range(self.tol.num_blocks): o_columns.nueva("BLOCK%d" % x, "%d" % (x + 1, ), 42, centered=True, edicion=edicionIconos) self.grid = grid = Grid.Grid(self, o_columns, altoFila=42, background="white") self.grid.setAlternatingRowColors(False) self.grid.tipoLetra(puntos=10, peso=500) nAnchoPgn = self.grid.anchoColumnas() + 20 self.grid.setMinimumWidth(nAnchoPgn) self.register_grid(grid) # Colocamos --------------------------------------------------------------- ly = Colocacion.V().control(lb).control(tb).control(self.grid) self.setLayout(ly) alto = self.tol.num_themes * 42 + 146 self.restore_video(siTam=True, altoDefecto=alto, anchoDefecto=max(nAnchoPgn, 480))