def train(train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch): global record_ batch_time = util.AverageMeter() data_time = util.AverageMeter() losses = util.AverageMeter() topframe = util.AverageMeter() topVideo = util.AverageMeter() # switch to train mode output_store_fc = [] target_store = [] index_vector = [] model.train() end = time.time() for i, (input_first, target_first, input_second, target_second, input_third, target_third, index) in enumerate(train_loader): target = target_first.cuda(non_blocking=True) input_var = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.stack([input_first, input_second, input_third], dim=4)) target_var = torch.autograd.Variable(target) # compute output ''' model & full_model''' pred_score = model(input_var) loss = criterion(pred_score, target_var) loss = loss.sum() # output_store_fc.append(pred_score) target_store.append(target) index_vector.append(index) # measure accuracy and record loss prec1 = util.accuracy(, target, topk=(1, )) losses.update(loss.item(), input_var.size(0)) topframe.update(prec1[0], input_var.size(0)) # compute gradient and do SGD step optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # measure elapsed time batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() if i % args.print_freq == 0: print('Epoch: [{0}][{1}/{2}]\t' 'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f})\t' 'Data {data_time.val:.3f} ({data_time.avg:.3f})\t' 'Loss {loss.val:.4f} ({loss.avg:.4f})\t' 'Prec@1 {topframe.val:.3f} ({topframe.avg:.3f})\t'.format( epoch, i, len(train_loader), batch_time=batch_time, data_time=data_time, loss=losses, topframe=topframe)) index_vector =, dim=0) # [256] ... [256] ---> [21570] index_matrix = [] for i in range(int(max(index_vector)) + 1): index_matrix.append(index_vector == i) index_matrix = torch.stack( index_matrix, dim=0).cuda(non_blocking=True).float() # [21570] ---> [380, 21570] output_store_fc =, dim=0) # [256,7] ... [256,7] ---> [21570, 7] target_store =, dim=0).float() # [256] ... [256] ---> [21570] pred_matrix_fc = output_store_fc) # [380,21570] * [21570, 7] = [380,7] target_vector = index_matrix.sum(1)).long( ) # [380,21570] * [21570,1] -> [380,1] / sum([21570,1]) -> [380] prec_video = util.accuracy(pred_matrix_fc.cpu(), target_vector.cpu(), topk=(1, )) topVideo.update(prec_video[0], i + 1) print(' *Prec@Video {topVideo.avg:.3f} *Prec@Frame {topframe.avg:.3f} '. format(topVideo=topVideo, topframe=topframe))
def validate(val_loader, model): global record_ batch_time = util.AverageMeter() topVideo = util.AverageMeter() # switch to evaluate mode model.eval() end = time.time() output_store_fc = [] output_alpha = [] target_store = [] index_vector = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i, (input_var, target, index) in enumerate(val_loader): # compute output target = target.cuda(non_blocking=True) input_var = torch.autograd.Variable(input_var) ''' model & full_model''' f, alphas = model(input_var, phrase='eval') pred_score = 0 output_store_fc.append(f) output_alpha.append(alphas) target_store.append(target) index_vector.append(index) # measure elapsed time batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() index_vector =, dim=0) # [256] ... [256] ---> [21570] index_matrix = [] for i in range(int(max(index_vector)) + 1): index_matrix.append(index_vector == i) index_matrix = torch.stack(index_matrix, dim=0).cuda( non_blocking=True).float() # [21570] ---> [380, 21570] output_store_fc = output_store_fc, dim=0) # [256,7] ... [256,7] ---> [21570, 7] output_alpha = output_alpha, dim=0) # [256,1] ... [256,1] ---> [21570, 1] target_store = target_store, dim=0).float() # [256] ... [256] ---> [21570] ''' keywords: mean_fc ; weight_sourcefc; sum_alpha; weightmean_sourcefc ''' weight_sourcefc = output_store_fc.mul( output_alpha) # [21570,512] * [21570,1] --->[21570,512] sum_alpha = output_alpha) # [380,21570] * [21570,1] -> [380,1] weightmean_sourcefc = target_vector = 1).div(index_matrix.sum(1)).long( ) # [380,21570] * [21570,1] -> [380,1] / sum([21570,1]) -> [380] if at_type == 'self-attention': pred_score = model(vm=weightmean_sourcefc, phrase='eval', AT_level='pred') if at_type == 'self_relation-attention': pred_score = model(vectors=output_store_fc, vm=weightmean_sourcefc, alphas_from1=output_alpha, index_matrix=index_matrix, phrase='eval', AT_level='second_level') prec_video = util.accuracy(pred_score.cpu(), target_vector.cpu(), topk=(1, )) topVideo.update(prec_video[0], i + 1) print(' *Prec@Video {topVideo.avg:.3f} '.format(topVideo=topVideo)) return topVideo.avg
def test(val_loader, model): topframe = util.AverageMeter() topVideo = util.AverageMeter() output_store_fc = [] target_store = [] index_vector = [] model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for i, (input_first, target_first, input_second, target_second, input_third, target_third, index) in enumerate(val_loader): target = target_first.cuda(non_blocking=True) # print("input_var",input_var) input_var = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.stack([input_first, input_second, input_third], dim=4)) # print("input_var",input_var) # compute output ''' model & full_model''' pred_score = model(input_var) # output_store_fc.append(pred_score) target_store.append(target) index_vector.append(index) # measure accuracy and record loss prec1 = util.accuracy(, target, topk=(1, )) topframe.update(prec1[0], input_var.size(0)) index_vector =, dim=0) # [256] ... [256] ---> [21570] index_matrix = [] for i in range(int(max(index_vector)) + 1): index_matrix.append(index_vector == i) index_matrix = torch.stack(index_matrix, dim=0).cuda( non_blocking=True).float() # [21570] ---> [380, 21570] output_store_fc = output_store_fc, dim=0) # [256,7] ... [256,7] ---> [21570, 7] target_store = target_store, dim=0).float() # [256] ... [256] ---> [21570] pred_matrix_fc = output_store_fc) # [380,21570] * [21570, 7] = [380,7] target_vector = 1).div(index_matrix.sum(1)).long( ) # [380,21570] * [21570,1] -> [380,1] / sum([21570,1]) -> [380] prec_video = util.accuracy(pred_matrix_fc.cpu(), target_vector.cpu(), topk=(1, )) topVideo.update(prec_video[0], i + 1) print( 'Validation *Prec@Video {topVideo.avg:.3f} *Prec@Frame {topframe.avg:.3f} ' .format(topVideo=topVideo, topframe=topframe)) return topVideo.avg