def run_Cogent_on_split_files(split_dirs, depth): """ 1. run Cogent individually on each split directory 2. combine all cogent2.fa from split directories, pretend they are the "INPUT", run Cogent on it """ time1 = time.time() olddir = os.getcwd() for d in split_dirs: os.chdir(d) if os.path.exists('cogent2.fa'): print >> sys.stderr, "skipping {0} because done already".format(d) os.chdir(olddir) continue try: run_Cogent_on_input() os.chdir(olddir) except CycleDetectedException: os.chdir(olddir) raise CycleDetectedException if os.path.exists('combined'): run_external_call("rm -rf combined") os.makedirs('combined') # now combine all the cogent2 results and pretend they are the "INPUT" f = open('combined/in.trimmed.fa', 'w') f2 = open('combined/in.weights', 'w') i = 0 for d in split_dirs: for r in SeqIO.parse(open(os.path.join(d, 'cogent2.fa')), 'fasta'): f.write(">fake_input_path{0}\n{1}\n".format(i, r.seq)) f2.write("fake_input_path{0}\t1\n".format(i)) i += 1 f.close() f2.close() os.chdir('combined') if i > cc_settings.MAX_POST_SPLIT_IN_SIZE and depth < cc_settings.MAX_RECUR_DEPTH: dirs = split_files(input_filename='in.trimmed.fa', split_size=cc_settings.MAX_POST_SPLIT_IN_SIZE) run_Cogent_on_split_files(dirs, depth+1) run_Cogent_on_input() os.chdir('../') if os.path.exists('post_combined'): run_external_call("rm -rf post_combined") os.makedirs('post_combined') os.chdir('post_combined') run_external_call("ln -s ../combined/cogent2.fa cogent.fa") run_external_call("ln -s ../in.weights in.weights") run_external_call("ln -s ../in.trimmed.fa in.trimmed.fa") sam_file = run_minimap2('cogent.fa', 'in.trimmed.fa', 'SAM') post_minimap2_processing('cogent.fa', sam_file, 'cogent2', seqrecs=[r for r in SeqIO.parse(open('in.trimmed.fa'), 'fasta')]) os.chdir('../') # now the result we want is in combined/cogent2.fa, do postprocessing on it with the full in.fa run_external_call("ln -f -s post_combined/cogent2.fa cogent2.fa") run_minimap2('cogent2.fa', 'in.trimmed.fa', format='SAM') time4 = time.time()"[RUNTIME] Total time in run_Cogent: {0}".format(time4-time1))
def main(): assert os.path.exists('in.fa') assert os.path.exists('in.weights') sanity_checks.sanity_check_fasta('in.fa') num_size = int(os.popen("grep -c \">\" in.fa").read().strip()) if num_size <= cc_settings.MAX_SPLIT_IN_SIZE: run_Cogent_on_input() else: dirs = split_files(input_filename='in.trimmed.fa', split_size=cc_settings.MAX_SPLIT_IN_SIZE) run_Cogent_on_split_files(dirs, depth=0) # align input to cogent2 so we can use it for evaluation later; run_minimap2(ref='cogent2.fa', infile='in.trimmed.fa', format='SAM') # rewrite cogent2.fa with prefix f = open('cogent2.renamed.fasta', 'w') for r in SeqIO.parse(open('cogent2.fa'), 'fasta'): f.write(">{0}|{1}\n{2}\n".format(cc_settings.OUTPUT_PREFIX,, r.seq)) f.close()
def run_Cogent_on_input(): """ The main reconstruction function. Homopolymers and repeated nodes in path must be resolved first. (however, it's possible the graph contains cycles not manifested in path, this is a bug that will result in failure to *explain* the sequences later, right now I catch the bug by using the sequence pth itself but this should be fixed eventually) Graph reduction is iteratively done until cannot be further reduced Two points of failure: (1) graph is not reduced to small enough, too many paths, mem explosion cur soln: fall back to using own paths (2) cycle in graph cur soln: fall back to using own paths (still wrong) """ time1 = time.time() seqweights = {} # read in the weights for each sequence with open('in.weights') as f: for line in f: seqid, weight = line.strip().split('\t') seqweights[seqid] = int(weight) adjusted_kmer = splice_cycle.precycle_kmer_adjustment( cc_settings.KMER_SIZE) if adjusted_kmer > cc_settings.KMER_SIZE:"Adjusting k-mer size to: {0}".format(adjusted_kmer)) cc_settings.KMER_SIZE = adjusted_kmer # setting up the DiGraph G = nx.DiGraph() node_d = { None: -1 } # this is just used to initialize the graph, delete it later path_d = {} reader = SeqIO.parse(open('in.trimmed.fa'), 'fasta') seqrecs = [] for r in reader: sp.add_seq_to_graph(G, node_d, path_d, str(r.seq),, seqweights[]) seqrecs.append(r) del node_d[None] mermap = dict((v, k) for k, v in node_d.items()) # resolve all homopolymers homo_nodes = [n for n in G.nodes() if G.has_edge(n, n)] for n in homo_nodes: sp.untangle_homopolymer_helper(G, path_d, mermap, seqweights, n) splice_cycle.detect_and_replace_cycle(G, path_d, seqweights, mermap, max(G.nodes()), cc_settings.KMER_SIZE) visited = {} sp.reachability(G, mermap, visited, path_d) # cycle detection and abort if detected # (this should not happen with splice_cycle.detect_and_replace_cycle run) for k, v in path_d.items(): for x in v: if v.count(x) > 1: "CYCLE detected through path analysis! Raise CycleDetectedException!" ) with open("CYCLE_DETECTED", 'w') as f: pass # touch the file raise CycleDetectedException if cc_settings.NX_CYCLE_DETECTION:"Doing nx.cycle_detection....") iter = nx.simple_cycles(G) for _it in iter: print( "CYCLE detected through simple_cycles! Raise CycleDetectedException!", file=sys.stderr) with open("CYCLE_DETECTED", 'w') as f: pass # touch the file raise CycleDetectedException nx.write_graphml(G, 'in.0.graphml')"Initial Graph Size: {0} nodes, {1} edges".format( G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_edges())) ## sanity check: confirm that all sequences can be reconstructed via the collapsed graph ## also check that all nodes are visited #for n in G.nodes(): assert n in visited #for k,v in path_d.iteritems(): # s = sp.stitch_string_from_path(v, mermap) # s2 = seqdict[k].seq.tostring().upper() # assert s.find(s2) >= 0 while True: cur_num_nodes = G.number_of_nodes() sp.find_source_bubbles(G, path_d, mermap) sp.reachability(G, mermap, {}, path_d) sp.find_bubbles(G, path_d, mermap) sp.reachability(G, mermap, {}, path_d) sp.contract_sinks(G, path_d, mermap) sp.find_dangling_sinks(G, path_d, mermap) sp.reachability(G, mermap, {}, path_d) #assert sanity_check_path_all_valid(path_d, G) if G.number_of_nodes() == cur_num_nodes: break nx.write_graphml(G, 'in.1.graphml')"Post-Reduction Graph Size: {0} nodes, {1} edges".format( G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_edges())) time2 = time.time() keys = list(path_d.keys()) keys.sort() good_for, paths = find_minimal_path_needed_to_explain_pathd( G, path_d, keys) solve_with_lp_and_reduce(good_for, paths, mermap) time3 = time.time() sam_file = run_minimap2('cogent.fa', 'in.trimmed.fa', format='SAM') post_minimap2_processing('cogent.fa', sam_file, 'cogent2', seqrecs=seqrecs) time4 = time.time() "[RUNTIME] for graph construction and reduction: {0}".format(time2 - time1))"[RUNTIME] for path finding and LP solving: {0}".format(time3 - time2))"[RUNTIME] for GMAP and post-processing: {0}".format(time4 - time3))"[RUNTIME] Total time in run_Cogent: {0}".format(time4 - time1))