Example #1
    async def setquotechannel(self, ctx, channel=None):
        """Sets the channel for quoted messages or disables it if no channel sent (admin only)."""
        # Check for admin status
        isAdmin = ctx.author.permissions_in(ctx.channel).administrator
        if not isAdmin:
            checkAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "AdminArray")
            for role in ctx.author.roles:
                for aRole in checkAdmin:
                    # Get the role that corresponds to the id
                    if str(aRole['ID']) == str(role.id):
                        isAdmin = True
        if not isAdmin:
            await ctx.send("You do not have permission to use this command.")
        if channel == None:
            self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "QuoteChannel",
            msg = 'Quote channel *disabled*.'
            await ctx.channel.send(msg)
        channel = DisplayName.channelForName(channel, ctx.guild, "text")
        if channel == None:
            await ctx.send("I couldn't find that channel :(")
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "QuoteChannel",

        msg = 'Quote channel set to {}'.format(channel.mention)
        await ctx.channel.send(msg)
Example #2
	async def setvkchannel(self, ctx, *, channel = None):
		"""Sets which channel then mention posts to when enough votes against a user are reached."""
		isAdmin = ctx.message.author.permissions_in(ctx.message.channel).administrator
		if not isAdmin:
			checkAdmin = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "AdminArray")
			for role in ctx.message.author.roles:
				for aRole in checkAdmin:
					# Get the role that corresponds to the id
					if str(aRole['ID']) == str(role.id):
						isAdmin = True
		# Only allow admins to change server stats
		if not isAdmin:
			await ctx.channel.send('You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command.')

		if channel == None:
			self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "VoteKickChannel", None)
			await ctx.send("Removed the vote kick channel.")

		check_channel = DisplayName.channelForName(channel, ctx.guild, "text")
		if check_channel:
			self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "VoteKickChannel", check_channel.id)
			await ctx.send("Vote kick will now be mentioned in *{}.*".format(check_channel.mention))
		await ctx.send("I couldn't find *{}*...".format(Nullify.clean(channel)))
Example #3
    async def settelechannel(self, ctx, *, channel=None):
        """Sets the channel for telephone commands - or disables that if nothing is passed (admin only)."""
        isAdmin = ctx.message.author.permissions_in(
        # Only allow admins to change server stats
        if not isAdmin:
            await ctx.channel.send(
                'You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command.'
        if channel == None:
            self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "TeleChannel", "")
            self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "TeleNumber", None)
            msg = ':telephone: *disabled*.'
            await ctx.channel.send(msg)
        channel = DisplayName.channelForName(channel, ctx.guild, "text")
        if channel == None:
            await ctx.send("I couldn't find that channel :(")
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.message.guild, "TeleChannel",
        teleNumber = self._getsafenumber(
            str(channel.id)[len(str(channel.id)) - 7:], ctx.guild)
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "TeleNumber", teleNumber)

        msg = ':telephone: channel set to **{}**.'.format(channel.name)
        await ctx.channel.send(msg)
Example #4
	def _gettelechannel(self, server):
		teleChannel = self.settings.getServerStat(server, "TeleChannel")
		if teleChannel:
			teleChannel = DisplayName.channelForName(str(teleChannel), server, "text")
		if teleChannel == "":
			return None
		return teleChannel
Example #5
 async def sscreatechannels(self, ctx, *, category=None):
     """Creates the private channels for all users with the Secret Santa role under the supplied category (bot-admin only)."""
     if not self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "SSAllowed", False):
         return await ctx.send(
             "The Secret Santa module has not been allowed on this server.\nOne of my owners can enable it with `{}allowss yes`."
     if not await Utils.is_bot_admin_reply(ctx): return
     # Check if our category exists - if not, create it
     if not category:
         return await ctx.send(
             'You must supply a category for the Secret Santa channels.')
     category_name = category  # Save for later
     category = DisplayName.channelForName(category_name, ctx.guild,
     if not category:
         # Create it
         category = await ctx.guild.create_category_channel(category_name)
     suppress = True if self.settings.getServerStat(
         ctx.guild, "SuppressMentions", True) else False
     # Make sure we even have a role setup and that it's valid
     role = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "SSRole", "")
     if role in [None, ""]:
         return await ctx.send(
             "There is no Secret Santa role set. You can set it with the `{}setssrole [role]` command."
     # Verify it corresponds to a real role
     arole = next((x for x in ctx.guild.roles if str(x.id) == str(role)),
     if not arole:
         return await ctx.send(
             "There is no role that matches id: `{}`. You can change this with the `{}setssrole [role]` command."
             .format(role, ctx.prefix))
     # We have a clean slate - let's get a list of non-bot users with the SSRole
     participants = [
         x for x in ctx.guild.members if not x.bot and arole in x.roles
     # Verify we have a minimum of 3 participants - otherwise we can't randomize
     if len(participants) < 3:
         # No one has the role, it seems.
         msg = "Not enough users are participating in the Secret Santa drawing - 3 or more need the **{}** role to participate.".format(
         return await ctx.send(Utils.suppressed(ctx, msg))
     m = await ctx.send("Iterating and adding Secret Santa channels...")
     # We now have a clean slate, valid role, and enough particpiants - let's create the channels
     channels = 0
     for x in participants:
         # Create a channel with the user's id as the name
         overwrites = {
         channel = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel(
             str(x.id), overwrites=overwrites, category=category)
         channels += 1
         await self._channel_message(channel, x)
     await m.edit(content="Created {} Secret Santa channel{}!".format(
         channels, "" if channels == 1 else "s"))
Example #6
 async def ssremovechannels(self, ctx, *, category=None):
     """Removes all Secret Santa channels under a given category whose names correspond to active user's id (bot-admin only)."""
     if not self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "SSAllowed", False):
         return await ctx.send(
             "The Secret Santa module has not been allowed on this server.\nOne of my owners can enable it with `{}allowss yes`."
     if not await Utils.is_bot_admin_reply(ctx): return
     if not category:
         return await ctx.send(
             'You must supply the category for the Secret Santa channels.')
     category = DisplayName.channelForName(category, ctx.guild, "category")
     if not category:
         return await ctx.send("I couldn't locate that category...")
     m = await ctx.send("Iterating and removing Secret Santa channels...")
     channels_total = len(category.channels)
     channels_removed = 0
     channels_located = 0
     for x in category.text_channels:
             name = int(x.name)
         member = ctx.guild.get_member(name)
         if not member:
             # Channel name doesn't correspond with an existing member
         channels_located += 1
         # Remove the channel
             await x.delete(
                 "Secret Santa channel removed per the ssremovechannels command."
             channels_removed += 1
     # Remove the category channel if the removed and located channels were the same length
     cat_removed = False
     if channels_total == channels_removed:
             await category.delete(
                 "Secret Santa channel removed per the ssremovechannels command."
             cat_removed = True
     # Give some stats!
     msg = "Out of {} channel{}, {} {} resovled to user ids, {} {} removed.  The category was {} removed.".format(
         channels_total, "" if channels_total == 1 else "s",
         channels_located, "was" if channels_located == 1 else "were",
         channels_removed, "was" if channels_removed == 1 else "were",
         "also" if cat_removed else "not")
     # List our stats
     await m.edit(content=msg)
Example #7
 async def ssrevert(self, ctx, *, category=None):
     """Returns ownership of the Secret Santa channels to their original owners if found (bot-admin only)."""
     if not self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "SSAllowed", False):
         return await ctx.send(
             "The Secret Santa module has not been allowed on this server.\nOne of my owners can enable it with `{}allowss yes`."
     # Verify perms - bot-admin
     if not self.is_bot_admin(ctx):
         await ctx.send(
             'You do not have sufficient privileges to access this command.'
     # Check if our category exists - if not, create it
     if not category:
         await ctx.send(
             'You must supply a category for the Secret Santa channels.')
     category = DisplayName.channelForName(category, ctx.guild, "category")
     if not category:
         await ctx.send("I couldn't locate that category...")
     m = await ctx.send("Iterating and removing Secret Santa channels...")
     channels_total = len(category.channels)
     channels_reverted = 0
     channels_located = 0
     for x in category.text_channels:
             name = int(x.name)
             # Not following our naming convention - ignore
         channels_located += 1
         overs = x.overwrites
         # Walk the overwrites and remove them all
         for over in overs:
             # Only adjust user overwrites
             if not isinstance(over, discord.Member):
             await x.set_permissions(over, overwrite=None)
         # Try to get our original member
         member = ctx.guild.get_member(name)
         if not member:
             # Channel name doesn't correspond with an existing member
         # We got a member - let's set their overwrites
         await x.set_permissions(member, read_messages=True)
         channels_reverted += 1
     # Give some stats!
     msg = "Out of {} channel{}, {} {} resovled to user ids, {} {} reverted.".format(
         channels_total, "" if channels_total == 1 else "s",
         channels_located, "was" if channels_located == 1 else "were",
         channels_reverted, "was" if channels_reverted == 1 else "were")
     # List our stats
     await m.edit(content=msg)
Example #8
	async def quotechannel(self, ctx):
		"""Prints the current quote channel."""
		qChan = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "QuoteChannel")
		if not qChan:
			await ctx.send("Quoting is currently *disabled*.")
		channel = DisplayName.channelForName(str(qChan), ctx.guild, "text")
		if channel:
			await ctx.send("The current quote channel is {}".format(channel.mention))
		await ctx.send("Channel id: *{}* no longer exists on this server.  Consider updating this setting!".format(qChan))
Example #9
	async def telechannel(self, ctx):
		"""Prints the current channel for telephone commands."""
		teleChan = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "TeleChannel")
		if not teleChan:
			await ctx.send(":telephone: is currently *disabled*.")
		channel = DisplayName.channelForName(str(teleChan), ctx.guild, "text")
		if channel:
			await ctx.send("The current :telephone: channel is {}".format(channel.mention))
		await ctx.send("Channel id: *{}* no longer exists on this server.  Consider updating this setting!".format(teleChan))
Example #10
    async def setquotechannel(self, ctx, channel=None):
        """Sets the channel for quoted messages or disables it if no channel sent (admin only)."""
        if not await Utils.is_bot_admin_reply(ctx): return
        if channel == None:
            self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "QuoteChannel", None)
            msg = 'Quote channel *disabled*.'
            return await ctx.send(msg)
        channel = DisplayName.channelForName(channel, ctx.guild, "text")
        if channel == None:
            return await ctx.send("I couldn't find that channel :(")
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "QuoteChannel", channel.id)

        msg = 'Quote channel set to {}'.format(channel.mention)
        await ctx.send(msg)
Example #11
	async def join(self, ctx, *, channel = None):
		"""Joins a voice channel."""

		delay = self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "MusicDeleteDelay", 20)
		if channel == None:
			if not ctx.author.voice:
				return await Message.EmbedText(title="♫ You need to pass a voice channel for me to join!",color=ctx.author,delete_after=delay).send(ctx)
			channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
			channel = DisplayName.channelForName(channel, ctx.guild, "voice")
		if not channel:
			return await Message.EmbedText(title="♫ I couldn't find that voice channel!",color=ctx.author,delete_after=delay).send(ctx)
		player = self.bot.wavelink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
		if player.is_connected:
			if not (player.paused or player.is_playing):
				await player.connect(channel.id)
				return await Message.EmbedText(title="♫ Ready to play music in {}!".format(channel),color=ctx.author,delete_after=delay).send(ctx)
				return await Message.EmbedText(title="♫ I'm already playing music in {}!".format(ctx.guild.get_channel(int(player.channel_id))),color=ctx.author,delete_after=delay).send(ctx)
		await player.connect(channel.id)
		await Message.EmbedText(title="♫ Ready to play music in {}!".format(channel),color=ctx.author,delete_after=delay).send(ctx)
Example #12
 async def ssgenreport(self, ctx, *, category=None):
     """Randomly pairs users for Secret Santa and uploads a ss.json report (bot-admin only)."""
     if not self.settings.getServerStat(ctx.guild, "SSAllowed", False):
         return await ctx.send(
             "The Secret Santa module has not been allowed on this server.\nOne of my owners can enable it with `{}allowss yes`."
     # We need to make sure that we have channels setup, they're all valid, and the correspond to existing users with
     # the SSRole
     if not await Utils.is_bot_admin_reply(ctx): return
     if not category:
         return await ctx.send(
             'You must supply the category for the Secret Santa channels.')
     category = DisplayName.channelForName(category, ctx.guild, "category")
     if not category:
         return await ctx.send("I couldn't locate that category...")
     suppress = True if self.settings.getServerStat(
         ctx.guild, "SuppressMentions", True) else False
     # Get our users by resolving the text channel names to user ids, then shuffle
     m = await ctx.send("Gathering and shuffling participants...")
     participants = []
     for x in category.text_channels:
             name = int(x.name)
         member = ctx.guild.get_member(name)
         if not member:
             # Channel name doesn't correspond with an existing member
     if len(participants) < 3:
         await ctx.send(
             "Not enough channels resolved to users for the Secret Santa drawing.  3 or more are required."
     # Shuffle the list, copy it, and rotate one to the right
     partners = participants[1:]
     results = {
         "category": {
             "name": category.name,
             "id": category.id
         "swaps": []
     await m.edit(content="Organizing results...")
     for x in range(len(participants)):
             participants[x].name + "#" + participants[x].discriminator,
             partners[x].name + "#" + partners[x].discriminator,
     # results = dict(zip(participants,partners))
     await m.edit(
         content="Generating and uploading Secret_Santa_{}.json...".format(
     # Save it as a json file and upload
               open("Secret_Santa_{}.json".format(ctx.guild.id), "w"),
     # Upload it
     await ctx.send(file=discord.File(
     # Remove the file
     # Remove the prior message
     await m.delete()