Example #1
	def __init__(self):
		self.Position = Vec2( 1000, 400 )
		self.Rotation = 0
		self.spriteName = "./images/PlayerTanks.png"
		self.size = (57, 72 )
		self.Collider = CircCollision(self, (self.size[1] / 2.0))
		self.origin = (0.5, 0.5)
		self.spriteID = AIE.CreateSprite( self.spriteName, self.size[0], self.size[1], self.origin[0], self.origin[1], 71.0/459.0, 1.0 - 72.0/158.0, 128/459.0, 1.0 , 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff )
		self.wanderAngle = 0.0
		self.inputBehavior = 0
		print "spriteID", self.spriteID
		#Move Tile to appropriate location
		self.turret = Turret(self)
Example #2
class TankEntity:

	def __init__(self):
		self.Position = Vec2( 1000, 400 )
		self.Rotation = 0
		self.spriteName = "./images/PlayerTanks.png"
		self.size = (57, 72 )
		self.Collider = CircCollision(self, (self.size[1] / 2.0))
		self.origin = (0.5, 0.5)
		self.spriteID = AIE.CreateSprite( self.spriteName, self.size[0], self.size[1], self.origin[0], self.origin[1], 71.0/459.0, 1.0 - 72.0/158.0, 128/459.0, 1.0 , 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff )
		self.wanderAngle = 0.0
		self.inputBehavior = 0
		print "spriteID", self.spriteID
		#Move Tile to appropriate location
		self.turret = Turret(self)
	#seek function that when right mouse button is held down
	#the entity moves towards mouse X and Y location
	def seek(self, mouseX, mouseY):
		if(self.Position !=(mouseX, mouseY)):
			lerpX = (self.Position[0] + (mouseX - self.Position[0]) * 0.1)
			lerpY = (self.Position[1] + (mouseY - self.Position[1]) * 0.1)
			lerp = Vec2(lerpX, lerpY)
			return lerp
	#does the exact opposite of seek with the left mouse button
	def flee(self, mouseX, mouseY):
		lerpX = (self.Position[0] - (mouseX - self.Position[0]) * 0.1)
		lerpY = (self.Position[1] - (mouseY - self.Position[1]) * 0.1)
		lerp = Vec2(lerpX, lerpY)
		return lerp
	#end of custom functions
	def update(self, fDeltaTime ):
		self.Velocity = Vec2(5, 5)
		#Update Collider
		self.Velocity += self.wander(10.0, 10.0)
		NewPosition = self.Position + self.Velocity
		self.Position = Vec2.lerp(self.Position, NewPosition, 0.12)
		mouseX, mouseY = AIE.GetMouseLocation()
		if( AIE.GetMouseButton(1)  ):
			self.Position = self.seek(mouseX, mouseY)
		elif( AIE.GetMouseButton(0) ):
			self.Position = self.flee(mouseX, mouseY)
		AIE.MoveSprite( self.spriteID, self.Position[0], self.Position[1] ) # write Python side positions to C++ side positions
	#Building a wander class that will be called to make the entity
	#wander around the map smoothly
	def setAngle(self, vector, number):
		direction = vector

		mag = direction.getMag()

		direction.x = math.cos(number) * mag
		direction.y = math.sin(number) * mag

		return direction
		if self.Velocity.x is 0.0 and self.Velocity.y is 0.0:
			return Vec2(0,0)

		wanderAngleDelta = 1.0

		circleCenter = self.Velocity
		circleCenter = circleCenter.getNormal()

		displacement = Vec2(0, -1)
		self.setAngle(displacement, self.wanderAngle)
		self.wanderAngle += random.random() * wanderAngleDelta - wanderAngleDelta * 0.8

		wanderForce = circleCenter + displacement
		return wanderForce

	#keep the entity from wandering off the screen
	def keepOnScreen(self):
		screenProperties = game.screenProperties

		if self.Position.x > (float(screenProperties['width'] + 1.0)):
			self.Position.x = 0

		if self.Position.x < -1.0:
			self.Position.x = screenProperties['width']

		if self.Position.y > (float(screenProperties['height'] + 1.0)):
			self.Position.y = 0

		if self.Position.y < -1.0:
			self.Position.y = screenProperties['height']

	def draw(self):
		AIE.DrawSprite( self.spriteID )
	def getImageName(self):
		return self.imageName
	def getState(self):
		return self.state
	def getSpriteID(self):
		return self.spriteID
	def setSpriteID(self, a_spriteID):
		self.spriteID = a_spriteID
	def getPosition(self):
		return self.Position

	def cleanUp(self):
		AIE.DestroySprite( self.spriteID )