def format_info(self, color): """ Format the selected color info """ rgba = RGBA(color) try: web_color = webcolors.hex_to_name(color) except: web_color = None info = ['<h1 class="header">%s</h1>' % color] if web_color is not None: info.append('<strong>%s</strong><br><br>' % web_color) info.append('<a href="__palettes__">%s</a><br><br>' % color_box(color, border_color, size=64)) info.append('<span class="key">r:</span> %d ' % rgba.r + '<span class="key">g:</span> %d ' % rgba.g + '<span class="key">b:</span> %d<br>' % rgba.b) h, s, v = rgba.tohsv() info.append('<span class="key">h:</span> %.0f ' % (h * 360.0) + '<span class="key">s:</span> %.0f ' % (s * 100.0) + '<span class="key">v:</span> %.0f<br>' % (v * 100.0)) h, l, s = rgba.tohls() info.append('<span class="key">h:</span> %.0f ' % (h * 360.0) + '<span class="key">s:</span> %.0f ' % (s * 100.0) + '<span class="key">l:</span> %.0f<br>' % (l * 100.0)) return ''.join(info)
def format_info(self, color): """ Format the selected color info """ rgba = RGBA(color) try: web_color = webcolors.hex_to_name(color) except: web_color = None info = ['<h1 class="header">%s</h1>' % color] if web_color is not None: info.append('<strong>%s</strong><br><br>' % web_color) info.append('<a href="__palettes__">%s</a><br><br>' % color_box(color, border_color, size=64)) info.append( '<span class="key">r:</span> %d ' % rgba.r + '<span class="key">g:</span> %d ' % rgba.g + '<span class="key">b:</span> %d<br>' % rgba.b ) h, s, v = rgba.tohsv() info.append( '<span class="key">h:</span> %.0f ' % (h * 360.0) + '<span class="key">s:</span> %.0f ' % (s * 100.0) + '<span class="key">v:</span> %.0f<br>' % (v * 100.0) ) h, l, s = rgba.tohls() info.append( '<span class="key">h:</span> %.0f ' % (h * 360.0) + '<span class="key">s:</span> %.0f ' % (s * 100.0) + '<span class="key">l:</span> %.0f<br>' % (l * 100.0) ) return ''.join(info)
def insert_color(self, target_color, convert=None): """Insert colors.""" sels = self.view.sel() if (len(sels) == 1 and sels[0].size() == 0): point = sels[0].begin() insert_calc = InsertionCalc(self.view, point, target_color, convert) insert_calc.calc() if insert_calc.web_color: value = insert_calc.web_color elif insert_calc.convert_rgb: value = "%d, %d, %d" % ( int(target_color[1:3], 16), int(target_color[3:5], 16), int(target_color[5:7], 16) ) if insert_calc.alpha: value += ', %s' % insert_calc.alpha if insert_calc.format_override: value = ("rgba(%s)" if insert_calc.alpha else "rgb(%s)") % value elif insert_calc.convert_hsl: hsl = RGBA(target_color) h, l, s = hsl.tohls() value = "%s, %s%%, %s%%" % ( util.fmt_float(h * 360.0), util.fmt_float(s * 100.0), util.fmt_float(l * 100.0) ) if insert_calc.alpha: value += ', %s' % insert_calc.alpha if insert_calc.format_override: value = ("hsla(%s)" if insert_calc.alpha else "hsl(%s)") % value else: use_upper = ch_settings.get("upper_case_hex", False) value = target_color.upper() if use_upper else target_color.lower() self.view.sel().subtract(sels[0]) self.view.sel().add(insert_calc.region) self.view.run_command("insert", {"characters": value}) self.view.hide_popup()
def format_info(self, color, alpha=None): """Format the selected color info.""" rgba = RGBA(color) try: web_color = csscolors.hex2name(rgba.get_rgb()) except Exception: web_color = None color_picker = util.color_picker_available() s = sublime.load_settings('color_helper.sublime-settings') show_global_palettes = s.get('enable_global_user_palettes', True) show_project_palettes = s.get('enable_project_user_palettes', True) show_favorite_palette = s.get('enable_favorite_palette', True) show_current_palette = s.get('enable_current_file_palette', True) show_conversions = s.get('enable_color_conversions', True) show_picker = s.get('enable_color_picker', True) palettes_enabled = ( show_global_palettes or show_project_palettes or show_favorite_palette or show_current_palette ) click_color_box_to_pick = s.get('click_color_box_to_pick', 'none') if click_color_box_to_pick == 'color_picker' and color_picker and show_picker: color_box_wrapper = '\n\n[%s]' + ('(__color_picker__:%s)' % color) elif click_color_box_to_pick == 'palette_picker' and palettes_enabled: color_box_wrapper = '\n\n[%s](__palettes__)' else: color_box_wrapper = '\n\n%s' info = [] if click_color_box_to_pick != 'palette_picker' and palettes_enabled: info.append(PALETTE_MENU) if click_color_box_to_pick != 'color_picker' and color_picker and show_picker: info.append(PICK_MENU % color) if show_global_palettes or show_project_palettes: info.append(ADD_COLOR_MENU % color.lower()) if show_favorite_palette: if color in util.get_favs()['colors']: info.append(UNMARK_MENU % color.lower()) else: info.append(MARK_MENU % color.lower()) info.append( color_box_wrapper % mdpopups.color_box([color], '#cccccc', '#333333', height=64, width=192, border_size=2) ) if show_conversions: info.append('\n\n---\n\n') if web_color: info.append(WEB_COLOR % (color, web_color)) info.append(HEX_COLOR % (color, (color.lower() if not alpha else color[:-2].lower()))) info.append(RGB_COLOR % (color, rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b)) info.append(RGBA_COLOR % (color, rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, alpha if alpha else '1')) h, l, s = rgba.tohls() info.append( HSL_COLOR % (color, util.fmt_float(h * 360.0), util.fmt_float(s * 100.0), util.fmt_float(l * 100.0)) ) info.append( HSLA_COLOR % ( color, util.fmt_float(h * 360.0), util.fmt_float(s * 100.0), util.fmt_float(l * 100.0), alpha if alpha else '1' ) ) return ''.join(info)
def insert_color(self, target_color): sels = self.view.sel() if (len(sels) == 1 and sels[0].size() == 0): try: web_color = webcolors.hex_to_name(target_color) except: web_color = None point = sels[0].begin() visible = self.view.visible_region() start = point - 50 end = point + 50 convert_rgb = False convert_hsl = False alpha = None region = sublime.Region(point) if start < visible.begin(): start = visible.begin() if end > visible.end(): end = visible.end() bfr = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(start, end)) ref = point - start found = False for m in COLOR_RE.finditer(bfr): if ref >= m.start(0) and ref < m.end(0): found = True if'hex'): region = sublime.Region( m.start('hex') + start, m.end('hex') + start) break elif'rgb'): if web_color: region = sublime.Region( m.start('rgb') + start, m.end('rgb') + start) else: region = sublime.Region( m.start('rgb_content') + start, m.end('rgb_content') + start) convert_rgb = True break elif'rgba'): web_color = None region = sublime.Region( m.start('rgba_content') + start, m.end('rgba_content') + start) convert_rgb = True content = [ x.strip() for x in'rgba_content').split(',') ] alpha = content[3] break elif'hsl'): if web_color: region = sublime.Region( m.start('hsl') + start, m.end('hsl') + start) else: region = sublime.Region( m.start('hsl_content') + start, m.end('hsl_content') + start) convert_hsl = True break elif'hsla'): web_color = None region = sublime.Region( m.start('hsla_content') + start, m.end('hsla_content') + start) convert_hsl = True content = [ x.strip().rstrip('%') for x in'hsla_content').split(',') ] alpha = content[3] break elif'hash'): region = sublime.Region( m.start('hash') + start, m.end('hash') + start) break elif'rgb'): if not web_color: convert_rgb = True break elif'rgba'): convert_rgb = True alpha = '1' break elif'hsl'): if not web_color: convert_hsl = True break elif'rgb'): convert_hsl = True alpha = '1' break else: found = False if not found: word_region = self.view.word(sels[0]) word = self.view.substr(word_region) try: webcolors.name_to_hex(word).lower() region = word_region except: pass if web_color: value = web_color elif convert_rgb: value = "%d, %d, %d" % (int( target_color[1:3], 16), int( target_color[3:5], 16), int(target_color[5:7], 16)) if alpha: value += ', %s' % alpha elif convert_hsl: hsl = RGBA(target_color) h, l, s = hsl.tohls() value = "%d, %d%%, %d%%" % (int( '%.0f' % (h * 360.0)), int('%.0f' % (s * 100.0)), int('%.0f' % (l * 100.0))) if alpha: value += ', %s' % alpha else: value = target_color self.view.sel().subtract(sels[0]) self.view.sel().add(region) self.view.run_command("insert", {"characters": value}) self.view.hide_popup()
def insert_color(self, target_color): sels = self.view.sel() if (len(sels) == 1 and sels[0].size() == 0): try: web_color = webcolors.hex_to_name(target_color) except: web_color = None point = sels[0].begin() visible = self.view.visible_region() start = point - 50 end = point + 50 convert_rgb = False convert_hsl = False alpha = None region = sublime.Region(point) if start < visible.begin(): start = visible.begin() if end > visible.end(): end = visible.end() bfr = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(start, end)) ref = point - start found = False for m in COLOR_RE.finditer(bfr): if ref >= m.start(0) and ref < m.end(0): found = True if'hex'): region = sublime.Region(m.start('hex') + start, m.end('hex') + start) break elif'rgb'): if web_color: region = sublime.Region(m.start('rgb') + start, m.end('rgb') + start) else: region = sublime.Region(m.start('rgb_content') + start, m.end('rgb_content') + start) convert_rgb = True break elif'rgba'): web_color = None region = sublime.Region(m.start('rgba_content') + start, m.end('rgba_content') + start) convert_rgb = True content = [x.strip() for x in'rgba_content').split(',')] alpha = content[3] break elif'hsl'): if web_color: region = sublime.Region(m.start('hsl') + start, m.end('hsl') + start) else: region = sublime.Region(m.start('hsl_content') + start, m.end('hsl_content') + start) convert_hsl = True break elif'hsla'): web_color = None region = sublime.Region(m.start('hsla_content') + start, m.end('hsla_content') + start) convert_hsl = True content = [x.strip().rstrip('%') for x in'hsla_content').split(',')] alpha = content[3] break elif'hash'): region = sublime.Region(m.start('hash') + start, m.end('hash') + start) break elif'rgb'): if not web_color: convert_rgb = True break elif'rgba'): convert_rgb = True alpha = '1' break elif'hsl'): if not web_color: convert_hsl = True break elif'rgb'): convert_hsl = True alpha = '1' break else: found = False if not found: word_region = self.view.word(sels[0]) word = self.view.substr(word_region) try: webcolors.name_to_hex(word).lower() region = word_region except: pass if web_color: value = web_color elif convert_rgb: value = "%d, %d, %d" % ( int(target_color[1:3], 16), int(target_color[3:5], 16), int(target_color[5:7], 16) ) if alpha: value += ', %s' % alpha elif convert_hsl: hsl = RGBA(target_color) h, l, s = hsl.tohls() value = "%d, %d%%, %d%%" % ( int('%.0f' % (h * 360.0)), int('%.0f' % (s * 100.0)), int('%.0f' % (l * 100.0)) ) if alpha: value += ', %s' % alpha else: value = target_color self.view.sel().subtract(sels[0]) self.view.sel().add(region) self.view.run_command("insert", {"characters": value}) self.view.hide_popup()