Example #1
 def allocate(self, group, sys_id, min_rating, min_rating_vs_planets, take_any, max_rating):
     tup = (sys_id, min_rating, min_rating_vs_planets, take_any, max_rating)
     self.allocation_by_groups.setdefault(group, []).append(tup)
     if self._remaining_rating <= min_rating:
         self._remaining_rating = 0
         self._remaining_rating = rating_difference(self._remaining_rating, min_rating)
Example #2
def get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=None, try_reset=True, thisround="Main"):
    """Get armed military fleets."""
    global _military_allocations

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()

    all_military_fleet_ids = (mil_fleets_ids if mil_fleets_ids is not None
                              else FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.MILITARY))

    if try_reset and (fo.currentTurn() + empire_id) % 30 == 0 and thisround == "Main":
        try_again(all_military_fleet_ids, try_reset=False, thisround=thisround + " Reset")

    mil_fleets_ids = list(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(all_military_fleet_ids))
    mil_needing_repair_ids, mil_fleets_ids = avail_mil_needing_repair(mil_fleets_ids, split_ships=True)
    avail_mil_rating = combine_ratings_list(map(CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating, mil_fleets_ids))

    if not mil_fleets_ids:
        if "Main" in thisround:
            _military_allocations = []
        return []

    # for each system, get total rating of fleets assigned to it
    already_assigned_rating = {}
    already_assigned_rating_vs_planets = {}
    aistate = get_aistate()
    systems_status = aistate.systemStatus
    enemy_sup_factor = {}  # enemy supply
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = 0
        already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[sys_id] = 0
        enemy_sup_factor[sys_id] = min(2, len(systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('enemies_nearly_supplied', [])))
    for fleet_id in [fid for fid in all_military_fleet_ids if fid not in mil_fleets_ids]:
        ai_fleet_mission = aistate.get_fleet_mission(fleet_id)
        if not ai_fleet_mission.target:  # shouldn't really be possible
        last_sys = ai_fleet_mission.target.get_system().id  # will count this fleet as assigned to last system in target list  # TODO last_sys or target sys?
        this_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id)
        this_rating_vs_planets = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating_against_planets(fleet_id)
        already_assigned_rating[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                already_assigned_rating.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating)
        already_assigned_rating_vs_planets[last_sys] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                already_assigned_rating_vs_planets.get(last_sys, 0), this_rating_vs_planets)
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        my_defense_rating = systems_status.get(sys_id, {}).get('mydefenses', {}).get('overall', 0)
        already_assigned_rating[sys_id] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(my_defense_rating, already_assigned_rating[sys_id])
        if _verbose_mil_reporting and already_assigned_rating[sys_id]:
            print "\t System %s already assigned rating %.1f" % (
                universe.getSystem(sys_id), already_assigned_rating[sys_id])

    # get systems to defend
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    if capital_id is not None:
        capital_planet = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
        capital_planet = None
    # TODO: if no owned planets try to capture one!
    if capital_planet:
        capital_sys_id = capital_planet.systemID
    else:  # should be rare, but so as to not break code below, pick a randomish mil-centroid system
        capital_sys_id = None  # unless we can find one to use
        system_dict = {}
        for fleet_id in all_military_fleet_ids:
            status = aistate.fleetStatus.get(fleet_id, None)
            if status is not None:
                system_id = status['sysID']
                if not list(universe.getSystem(system_id).planetIDs):
                system_dict[system_id] = system_dict.get(system_id, 0) + status.get('rating', 0)
        ranked_systems = sorted([(val, sys_id) for sys_id, val in system_dict.items()])
        if ranked_systems:
            capital_sys_id = ranked_systems[-1][-1]
                capital_sys_id = aistate.fleetStatus.items()[0][1]['sysID']

    num_targets = max(10, PriorityAI.allotted_outpost_targets)
    top_target_planets = ([pid for pid, pscore, trp in AIstate.invasionTargets[:PriorityAI.allotted_invasion_targets()]
                           if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE] +
                          [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in aistate.colonisableOutpostIDs.items()[:num_targets]
                           if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE] +
                          [pid for pid, (pscore, spec) in aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs.items()[:num_targets]
                           if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE])

    base_col_target_systems = PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(top_target_planets)
    top_target_systems = []
    for sys_id in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs + base_col_target_systems:
        if sys_id not in top_target_systems:
            if aistate.systemStatus[sys_id]['totalThreat'] > get_tot_mil_rating():
            top_target_systems.append(sys_id)  # doing this rather than set, to preserve order

        # capital defense
        allocation_helper = AllocationHelper(already_assigned_rating, already_assigned_rating_vs_planets, avail_mil_rating, try_reset)
        if capital_sys_id is not None:
            CapitalDefenseAllocator(capital_sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # defend other planets
        empire_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
        empire_occupied_system_ids = list(set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(empire_planet_ids)) - {capital_sys_id})
        for sys_id in empire_occupied_system_ids:
            PlanetDefenseAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # attack / protect high priority targets
        for sys_id in top_target_systems:
            TopTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # enemy planets
        other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs)) if
                                     sys_id not in top_target_systems]
        for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids:
            TargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # colony / outpost targets
        other_targeted_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in
                                     list(set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs + AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs)) if
                                     sys_id not in top_target_systems]
        for sys_id in other_targeted_system_ids:
            OutpostTargetAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # TODO blockade enemy systems

        # interior systems
        targetable_ids = set(state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(0))
        current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, _, _, _, _ in allocation_helper.allocations]
        interior_targets1 = targetable_ids.difference(current_mil_systems)
        interior_targets = [sid for sid in interior_targets1 if (
            allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('totalThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])]
        for sys_id in interior_targets:
            InteriorTargetsAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()

        # TODO Exploration targets

        # border protections
        visible_system_ids = aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs | aistate.visBorderSystemIDs
        accessible_system_ids = ([sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if
                                 universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id, empire_id)]
                                 if home_system_id != INVALID_ID else [])
        current_mil_systems = [sid for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, _ in allocation_helper.allocations if alloc > 0]
        border_targets1 = [sid for sid in accessible_system_ids if sid not in current_mil_systems]
        border_targets = [sid for sid in border_targets1 if (
            allocation_helper.threat_bias + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get('fleetThreat', 0) + systems_status.get(sid, {}).get(
                    'planetThreat', 0) > 0.8 * allocation_helper.already_assigned_rating[sid])]
        for sys_id in border_targets:
            BorderSecurityAllocator(sys_id, allocation_helper).allocate()
    except ReleaseMilitaryException:

    new_allocations = []
    remaining_mil_rating = avail_mil_rating
    # for top categories assign max_alloc right away as available
    for cat in ['capitol', 'occupied', 'topTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            this_alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, max_alloc)
            new_allocations.append((sid, this_alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any))
            remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(remaining_mil_rating,  this_alloc)

    base_allocs = set()
    # for lower priority categories, first assign base_alloc around to all, then top up as available
    for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []):
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
            alloc = min(remaining_mil_rating, alloc)
            remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(remaining_mil_rating,  alloc)
    for cat in ['otherTargets', 'accessibleTargets', 'exploreTargets']:
        for sid, alloc, rvp, take_any, max_alloc in allocation_helper.allocation_by_groups.get(cat, []):
            if sid not in base_allocs:
            if remaining_mil_rating <= 0:
                new_allocations.append((sid, alloc, alloc, rvp, take_any))
                local_max_avail = combine_ratings(remaining_mil_rating, alloc)
                new_rating = min(local_max_avail, max_alloc)
                new_allocations.append((sid, new_rating, alloc, rvp, take_any))
                remaining_mil_rating = rating_difference(local_max_avail, new_rating)

    if "Main" in thisround:
        _military_allocations = new_allocations
    if _verbose_mil_reporting or "Main" in thisround:
        print "------------------------------\nFinal %s Round Military Allocations: %s \n-----------------------" % (thisround, dict([(sid, alloc) for sid, alloc, _, _, _ in new_allocations]))
        print "(Apparently) remaining military rating: %.1f" % remaining_mil_rating

    return new_allocations