Example #1
 if(key == "user_id"):
     feature_queryset = feature_queryset.filter(user__exact = value)
 elif(key == "id"):
     feature_queryset = feature_queryset.filter(id__exact = value)
 elif(key == "time"):
     dt = None
     if(command == "now" and value):
         dt = datetime.datetime.now()
     elif(command == "now" and not value):
         dt = SoftGISFormatUtils.parse_time(value)
     property_qs_expired = property_queryset.filter(create_time__lte = dt)
     property_qs_expired = property_qs_expired.filter(expire_time__gte = dt)
     property_qs_not_exp = property_queryset.filter(create_time__lte = dt)
     property_qs_not_exp = property_qs_not_exp.filter(expire_time = None)
     property_qs_not_exp = property_qs_not_exp.exclude(id__in = property_qs_expired)
     property_queryset = property_qs_not_exp | property_qs_expired
     #do the same for features
     feature_ids = property_queryset.values_list('feature_id', )
     feature_queryset = feature_queryset.filter(id__in = feature_ids)
     feature_qs_expired = feature_queryset.filter(expire_time__gt = dt)
     feature_qs_expired = feature_qs_expired.filter(create_time__lt = dt)
Example #2
def profile(request):
    This method handles the profile part of the
    REST api.
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        logger.warning("A %s request was received in the profile but the user is not authenticated" % request.method)
        return HttpResponseForbidden(_("The request has to be made by an signed in user"))
    if(request.method == "GET"):
        # get the definied limiting parameters
        limiting_param = request.GET.items()

        profile_queryset = None
        #filter according to permissions
            profile_queryset = Profile.objects.all()
            profile_queryset = \
                    Profile.objects.filter(user__exact = request.user)
        mongo_query = {}

        #set up the query
        for key, value in limiting_param:
            key = str(key)
            if value.isnumeric():
                value = int(value)
            elif value == "true":
                value = True
            elif value == "false":
                value = False
            key_split = key.split('__')
            command = ""
            if len(key_split) > 1:
                command = key_split[1]
                key = key_split[0]
            if key == 'user_id':
                profile_queryset = profile_queryset.filter(user__exact = value)
            elif key == 'time':
                dt = None
                if command == 'now' and value:
                    dt = datetime.datetime.now()
                elif command == 'now' and not value:
                    dt = SoftGISFormatUtils.parse_time(value)
                profile_qs_expired = profile_queryset.filter(create_time__lte = dt)
                profile_qs_expired = profile_qs_expired.filter(expire_time__gte = dt)
                profile_qs_not_exp = profile_queryset.filter(create_time__lte = dt)
                profile_qs_not_exp = profile_qs_not_exp.filter(expire_time = None)
                profile_queryset = profile_qs_not_exp | profile_qs_expired
            elif USE_MONGODB:
                if command == "max":

                    if mongo_query.has_key(key):
                        mongo_query[key]["$lte"] = value
                        mongo_query[key] = {}
                        mongo_query[key]["$lte"] = value
                elif command == "min":

                    if mongo_query.has_key(key):
                        mongo_query[key]["$gte"] = value
                        mongo_query[key] = {}
                        mongo_query[key]["$gte"] = value
                elif command == "range":
                    value_l = value.split('-')
                    if mongo_query.has_key(key):
                        mongo_query[key]["$gte"] = int(value_l[0])
                        mongo_query[key]["$lte"] = int(value_l[1])
                        mongo_query[key] = {}
                        mongo_query[key]["$gte"] = int(value_l[0])
                        mongo_query[key]["$lte"] = int(value_l[1])
                elif command == "":
                    mongo_query[key] = value
        #filter the queries acccording to the json
        if len(mongo_query) > 0:
            qs = Profile.mongodb.find(mongo_query)
            profile_queryset = profile_queryset.filter(id__in = qs.values_list('id', flat=True))
        profile_list = []
        for prof in profile_queryset:

        logger.info("The GET request for user %s with the params %s returned successfully %s" %(request.user.username, limiting_param, profile_list))

        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(profile_list),  mimetype="application/json")
    elif(request.method == "POST"):
        #mime type should be application/json    
        values = None
            values = json.loads(request.POST.keys()[0])
        except ValueError, err:
            logger.warning("The json received via POST to profile was not valid: %s" %request.POST.keys()[0])
            return HttpResponseBadRequest("JSON error: " + str(err.args))
        except IndexError:
            return HttpResponseBadRequest(_("POST data was empty so could not save the profile"))