Example #1
import bet.calculateP.simpleFunP as simpleFunP
import bet.calculateP.calculateP as calculateP
import bet.postProcess.plotP as plotP
import bet.postProcess.plotDomains as plotD
import bet.sample as samp
import bet.sampling.basicSampling as bsam
from myModel import my_model
from Compute_Save_KL import computeSaveKL

# Interface BET to the model.
sampler = bsam.sampler(my_model)

# Define the number of KL terms to use to represent permeability field
num_KL_terms = 2
# Compute and save the KL expansion -- can comment out after running once

# Initialize input parameter sample set object
input_samples = samp.sample_set(num_KL_terms)

# Set parameter domain
KL_term_min = -3.0
KL_term_max = 3.0
    np.repeat([[KL_term_min, KL_term_max]], num_KL_terms, axis=0))
Suggested changes for user:

Try with and without random sampling.

If using regular sampling, try different numbers of samples
import bet.calculateP.calculateP as calculateP
import bet.postProcess.plotP as plotP
import bet.postProcess.plotDomains as plotD
import bet.sample as samp
import bet.sampling.basicSampling as bsam
from lbModel import lb_model
from myModel import my_model
from Compute_Save_KL import computeSaveKL

# Interface BET to the model.
sampler = bsam.sampler(lb_model)

# Define the number of KL terms to use to represent permeability field
num_KL_terms = 2
# Compute and save the KL expansion -- can comment out after running once

# Initialize input parameter sample set object
input_samples = samp.sample_set(num_KL_terms)

# Set parameter domain
KL_term_min = -3.0
KL_term_max = 3.0
input_samples.set_domain(np.repeat([[KL_term_min, KL_term_max]],

Suggested changes for user:

Try with and without random sampling.