class TestControllerCheckTie(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Check for controller for the situation of a a tie, full board """

    def setUp(self):
        """Inits empty grid for testing"""
        self.controller = Controller()

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Closes the controller """
        del self.controller

    @patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO)
    def test_if_tie_completely_full(self, mock_stdout):
        """ Check if board is completely full call show_tie and print that it's a tie """

        self.controller.board = [
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,

        tie_print = "Yay! It's a tie! (^-^)\n"

        self.assertEqual(tie_print, mock_stdout.getvalue())

    @patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=StringIO)
    def test_if_tie_partially_full(self, mock_stdout):
        """ Check if board is partially full call show_tie and print that it's a tie """

        self.controller.board = [
        [" "] * 3 + ["\u25CF"] * 3,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,
        ["\u25CF"] * 6,

        tie_print = "Yay! It's a tie! (^-^)\n"

        self.assertNotEqual(tie_print, mock_stdout.getvalue())
 def setUp(self):
     """Inits empty grid for testing"""
     self.controller = Controller()
class TestControllerCheckWinner(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Checks the controller's logic for the situation of a win. """

    def setUp(self):
        """Inits empty grid for testing"""
        self.controller = Controller()

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Closes the view """
        del self.controller

    def test_if_winner_column_player_a(self):
        """ Check for a vertical win player A """

        self.controller.board = [
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 2 + ["\u25CF"] * 4,
        [" "] * 6


    def test_if_winner_column_player_b(self):
        """ Check for a vertical win Player B """

        self.controller.board = [
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 2 + ["\u25CB"] * 4,
        [" "] * 6


    def test_if_winner_row_player_A(self):
        """ Check for a horizontal win Player A """

        self.controller.board = [
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 5 + ["\u25CF"] * 1,
        [" "] * 5 + ["\u25CF"] * 1,
        [" "] * 5 + ["\u25CF"] * 1,
        [" "] * 5 + ["\u25CF"] * 1,


    def test_if_winner_diag_player_a(self):
        """ Check for a diagonal win Player A """

        self.controller.board = [
        [" "] * 5 + ["\u25CF"] * 1,
        [" "] * 4 + ["\u25CF"] * 1 + [" "] * 1,
        [" "] * 3 + ["\u25CF"] * 1 + [" "] * 2,
        [" "] * 2 + ["\u25CF"] * 1 + [" "] * 3,
        [" "] * 1 + ["\u25CF"] * 1 + [" "] * 4,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6


    def test_if_winner_player_a_other_way(self):
        """ Check for other diagonal win Player A """

        self.controller.board = [
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 6,
        [" "] * 1 + ["\u25CF"] * 1 + [" "] * 4,
        [" "] * 2 + ["\u25CF"] * 1 + [" "] * 3,
        [" "] * 3 + ["\u25CF"] * 1 + [" "] * 2,
        [" "] * 4 + ["\u25CF"] * 1 + [" "] * 1,
        [" "] * 5 + ["\u25CF"] * 1
