Example #1
def print_tsv(filename, allchans, subs):
    f = open(filename, "w")
    print >> f, "\t" + "\t".join(allchans)

    for name, levels in subs.items():
        normd = {}
        # nrmalize the names in the sub
        for k, v in levels.items():
            normd[Patch.resolve_name(k)] = v

        print >> f, "%s\t%s" % (name, "\t".join([str(normd.get(c, "")) for c in allchans]))
Example #2
    '2-01' : 'hotbox',
    '2-02' : 'more can i wish you',
    '2-03' : 'sewer (crap game)',
    '2-04' : 'sue me',
    '2-05' : 'rock the boat (int. mission)',
    '2-06' : 'marry (trav)',
    '2-07' : 'finale (broadway)',

sub_to_scene = {}

# blacklist is a list of *prefixes* to light names that won't be shown
blacklist = 'god upfill red blue cyc oran sidefill'.split()
blacklist.extend(['side l','side r'])

for subname, levdict in subs.items():
    if type(subname) == TupleType:
        subname = subname[0]
    oldname = subname
    subname = re.sub(r'\*(\d-\d+)-.*', r'\1', subname)
    if oldname == subname: continue
    sub_to_scene[oldname] = subname
    subname = oldname # restore 'em.  restore 'em good.
    if not levdict:
        print "Warning: %s is useless (empty sub)." % subname
        for ch, lev in levdict.items():
            if lev:
                ch = resolve_name(ch)
                subusage.setdefault(ch, [])
                subusage[ch].append((lev, subname))