Example #1
def main(config_file):
    _cfg = BotConfig(open(config_file), "irc-bot")

    server = _cfg.param("server")
    port = 6667

    # A file to remember working info in (e.g. IDs of last messages retrieved)
    MEMORY_FILE = "IrcBot.mem"

    with closing(shelve.open(MEMORY_FILE, writeback=True)) as _memory:

        # create factory protocol and application
        f = LogBotFactory(_cfg, _memory)

        from twisted.protocols.policies import TrafficLoggingFactory
        f = TrafficLoggingFactory(f, "irc")

        # connect factory to this host and port
        reactor.connectTCP(server, port, f)

        # run bot
Example #2
    def setUp(self):
        # TODO: Add channel keys 
        cfg_str = """
nick: test-x-bot
server: irc.freenode.net
load: chan1, chan2

name = #test-bot

name = #test-bot2
        self.cfg = BotConfig(StringIO(cfg_str), "irc-bot")
Example #3
class ConfigTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # TODO: Add channel keys 
        cfg_str = """
nick: test-x-bot
server: irc.freenode.net
load: chan1, chan2

name = #test-bot

name = #test-bot2
        self.cfg = BotConfig(StringIO(cfg_str), "irc-bot")

    def test_get(self):
        self.assertEquals(self.cfg.get("irc-bot", "server"), "irc.freenode.net")
        self.assertEquals(self.cfg.get("irc-bot", "nick"), "test-x-bot")
        self.assertEquals(self.cfg.get("irc-bot", "load"), "chan1, chan2")

    def test_main_param(self):
        self.assertEquals(self.cfg.param("server"), "irc.freenode.net")
        self.assertEquals(self.cfg.param("nick"), "test-x-bot")
        self.assertEquals(self.cfg.param("load"), "chan1, chan2")

    def test_unknown_param(self):
        self.assertRaises(ConfigParser.NoOptionError, self.cfg.param, "unknown")

    def test_channel_list(self):
        channels = self.cfg.channel_list("load")
        self.assertIn(("chan1", "#test-bot"), channels)
        self.assertIn(("chan2", "#test-bot2"), channels)
        self.assertEquals(len(channels), 2)

#    def test_channel_names(self):
#        names = self.cfg.channel_names("load")
#        self.assertIn("#test-bot", names)
#        self.assertIn("#test-bot2", names)
#        self.assertEquals(len(names), 2)

    def test_existing_chaninfo(self):
        chan = "chan1"
        name = self.cfg.get(chan, "name")
        self.assertEquals(name, "#test-bot")

    def test_missing_chaninfo(self):
        chan = "chan_x"
        self.assertRaises(ConfigParser.NoSectionError, self.cfg.get, chan, "name")