def post_action_for_cpp():
    Post-configh action to enforce initialization of DoD-algorithms

    from Gaudi.Configuration import log
    from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
    app = ApplicationMgr(OutputLevel=3)
    app.EvtMax = 0
    app.EvtSel = 'NONE'

    from Configurables import LHCb__ParticlePropertySvc as PPSvc
    from Configurables import DetDataSvc
    from Configurables import LoKiSvc

    ## some reshuffling of order of services is needed
    #    in particular DOD should come after PPSVC, LoKiSvc and ToolSvc

    services = app.ExtSvc
    app.ExtSvc = [
    ] + services

    ## suppress some prints
    from Configurables import TimingAuditor
    timer = TimingAuditor()
    from Configurables import SequencerTimerTool
    timer.addTool(SequencerTimerTool, 'TIMER')
    timer.TIMER.OutputLevel = 5

    # suppress printout of various summaries from algorithms.
    from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables
    for conf in allConfigurables.itervalues():
        for opt in ('StatPrint', 'ErrorsPrint', 'HistoPrint'):
            if opt in conf.__slots__:
                setattr(conf, opt, False)

    # ensure that prints from the main tools/factories are not suppressed
    import Configurables
    from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__CoreFactory as CoreFactory
    from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__Tool as HybridFactory
    from Configurables import LoKi__Hybrid__HltFactory as HltFactory
    for Factory, names in {
            HltFactory: ("HltFactory", "Hlt1HltFactory", "Hlt2HltFactory"),
            CoreFactory: ("Hlt1CoreFactory", "Hlt2CoreFactory", "Hlt1Factory"),
            HybridFactory: ("Hlt1HybridFactory", "Hlt2HybridFactory")
        for name in names:
            f = Factory(name)
            f.OutputLevel = 2
            f.StatPrint = True
Example #2
import os
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units
from GaudiKernel import PhysicalConstants as constants

from Gaudi.Configuration import *

from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
main = ApplicationMgr()
main.EvtSel = 'NONE'
main.EvtMax = 10
main.TopAlg = []
main.ExtSvc = []

# PODIO algorithm
from Configurables import FCCDataSvc
podioevent = FCCDataSvc("EventDataSvc")
main.ExtSvc += [podioevent]

### Generation #################################################

from Configurables import GaussSmearVertex
smeartool = GaussSmearVertex()
smeartool.xVertexSigma = 0.5 *
smeartool.yVertexSigma = 0.5 *
smeartool.zVertexSigma = 40.0 *
smeartool.tVertexSigma = 180.0 * units.picosecond

from Configurables import ConstPtParticleGun
pgun_tool = ConstPtParticleGun()
pgun_tool.PdgCodes = [13]
pgun_tool.PhiMin = 0.0
Example #3
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units

from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
app = ApplicationMgr()
app.EvtMax = 3
app.EvtSel = "NONE"

from Configurables import k4DataSvc
podioevent = k4DataSvc("EventDataSvc")
app.ExtSvc += [podioevent]

from Configurables import ConstPtParticleGun
guntool1 = ConstPtParticleGun(PdgCodes=[-211],
                              PtMin=50 * units.GeV,
                              PtMax=50 * units.GeV)

from Configurables import GenAlg
gun = GenAlg()
gun.SignalProvider = guntool1
gun.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [gun]

from Configurables import HepMCToEDMConverter
hepmc_converter = HepMCToEDMConverter()
hepmc_converter.hepmc.Path = "hepmc"
hepmc_converter.GenParticles.Path = "GenParticles"
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [hepmc_converter]

from Configurables import k4SimDelphesAlg
delphesalg = k4SimDelphesAlg()
def post_action_for_cpp():
    Post-configh action to enforce initialization of DoD-algorithms

    from Gaudi.Configuration import log
        '# VB: Post-action to enforce the initialization of DoD-algorithms')

    from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc
    dod = DataOnDemandSvc()
    dod.PreInitialize = True  ## this is the most important line here

    ## dod.AllowPreInitializeFailure = True
    ## dod.Dump                      = True

    removed = []
    for key in dod.AlgMap:
        if 0 <= key.find('Raw/UT'):
            log.warning('# VB:   REMOVE UT decoding from DataOnDemand!')
    dct = dod.AlgMap
    for k in removed:
        del dct[k]
    dod.AlgMap = dct

    from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
    app = ApplicationMgr(OutputLevel=5)
    app.EvtMax = 0
    app.EvtSel = 'NONE'

    from Configurables import LHCb__ParticlePropertySvc as PPSvc
    from Configurables import DetDataSvc
    from Configurables import LoKiSvc

    ## some reshuffling of order of services is needed
    #    in particular DOD should come after PPSVC, LoKiSvc and ToolSvc

    services = app.ExtSvc
    app.ExtSvc = [
    ] + services + [dod]

    ## suppress some prints
    from Configurables import TimingAuditor
    timer = TimingAuditor()
    from Configurables import SequencerTimerTool
    timer.addTool(SequencerTimerTool, 'TIMER')
    timer.TIMER.OutputLevel = 5

    # suppress printout of various summaries from algorithms.
    from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables
    for conf in allConfigurables.itervalues():
        for opt in ('StatPrint', 'ErrorsPrint', 'HistoPrint'):
            if opt in conf.__slots__:
                setattr(conf, opt, False)

    # ensure that prints from the main tools/factories are not suppressed
    import Configurables
    for factory in ('Tool', 'CoreFactory', 'TrackFunctorFactory', 'HltFactory',
                    'Hlt1HltFactory', 'Hlt2HltFactory'):
        factory = 'LoKi__Hybrid__%s' % factory
            factory = getattr(Configurables, factory)
            factory(OutputLevel=2, StatPrint=True)
        except AttributeError:
            # ignore unknown factories
Example #5
def configOnline(app, alg, name):
    from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, UpdateAndReset
    appMgr = ApplicationMgr()

    ## Configure saving of histograms
    ur = UpdateAndReset()
    ur.saveHistograms = 1
    appMgr.TopAlg.insert(0, ur)

    from Configurables import LoKiSvc
    LoKiSvc().Welcome = False

    import OnlineEnv
    app.DDDBtag = OnlineEnv.DDDBTag
    app.CondDBtag = OnlineEnv.CondDBTag

    from Configurables import CondDB
    conddb = CondDB()
    conddb.IgnoreHeartBeat = True
    conddb.UseDBSnapshot = True
    conddb.EnableRunChangeHandler = True
    conddb.EnableRunStampCheck = False
    conddb.Tags['ONLINE'] = 'fake'

    import ConditionsMap
    conddb.RunChangeHandlerConditions = ConditionsMap.RunChangeHandlerConditions

    from Gaudi.Configuration import EventLoopMgr
    EventLoopMgr().Warnings = False

    from Configurables import MonitorSvc
    MonitorSvc().disableDimPropServer      = 1
    MonitorSvc().disableDimCmdServer       = 1

    MonitorSvc().ExpandCounterServices = 0;
    MonitorSvc().ExpandNameInfix       = "<part>_x_<program>/";
    MonitorSvc().PartitionName         = OnlineEnv.PartitionName;
    MonitorSvc().ProgramName           = name + "_00";

    # setup the histograms and the monitoring service
    appMgr.ExtSvc.append( 'MonitorSvc' )
    from Configurables import RootHistCnv__PersSvc
    RootHistCnv__PersSvc().OutputEnabled = False

    from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables
    # set up the event selector
    if 'EventSelector' in allConfigurables :
        del allConfigurables['EventSelector']

    input = 'Events'
    mepMgr = OnlineEnv.mepManager(OnlineEnv.PartitionID,OnlineEnv.PartitionName,[input],True)
    mepMgr.ConnectWhen = "start";

    appMgr.Runable = OnlineEnv.evtRunable(mepMgr)

    eventSelector = OnlineEnv.mbmSelector(input = input, type = 'ONE', decode = False, event_type = 2)
    appMgr.OutputLevel = 3

    eventSelector.REQ1 = 'EvType=2;TriggerMask=0x0,0x4,0x0,0x0;VetoMask=0,0,0,0x300;MaskType=ANY;UserType=USER;Frequency=PERC;Perc=100.0'
    appMgr.EvtSel = eventSelector

    from Configurables import AuditorSvc
    AuditorSvc().Auditors = []
    configMsgSvc( appMgr )
Example #6
import os
from Gaudi.Configuration import *

from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
app = ApplicationMgr()
app.TopAlg = []
app.EvtSel = 'NONE'
app.EvtMax = 1
app.ExtSvc = []
app.OutputLevel = INFO

# DD4hep geometry service
from Configurables import GeoSvc
## parse the given xml file
path_to_detectors = os.environ.get("FCCDETECTORS", "")
geoservice = GeoSvc("GeoSvc")
geoservice.detectors = [
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [geoservice]

from Configurables import SimG4Svc
geantservice = SimG4Svc("SimG4Svc")
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [geantservice]

from Configurables import GeoToGdmlDumpSvc
geodumpservice = GeoToGdmlDumpSvc()
geodumpservice.gdml = "DetFCCeeCLD.gdml"
ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [geodumpservice]