Example #1
# To run this script you need to set JOBOPTSEARCHPATH
# to the correct path

from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import CreateHistDBPages
createHistAlg = CreateHistDBPages("createHistAlg")

tae = "Central"
folderBase = "Summary"
pageName = "HitMap"

histoName = "TT-Cluster_Map"

createHistAlg.PageNames = []
createHistAlg.HistoNames = []

createHistAlg.PageNames.append("/" + folderBase + "/" + pageName)
folderHistos = [tae + "/" + histoName + "/" + tae]

Example #2
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import CreateHistDBPages
createHistAlg = CreateHistDBPages("createHistAlg")

createHistAlg.PageLayout = []
createHistAlg.PageLayout.append([0.01, 0.676667, 0.323333, 0.99])
createHistAlg.PageLayout.append([0.343333, 0.676667, 0.656667, 0.99])
createHistAlg.PageLayout.append([0.676667, 0.676667, 0.99, 0.99])
createHistAlg.PageLayout.append([0.01, 0.343333, 0.323333, 0.656667])
createHistAlg.PageLayout.append([0.343333, 0.343333, 0.656667, 0.656667])
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import CreateHistDBPages
createHistAlg = CreateHistDBPages("createHistAlg")

createHistAlg.PageBase = "/IT"
createHistAlg.HistoBase = "ITDAQMon/STZSMonitor"

createHistAlg.OutputLevel = INFO

app = ApplicationMgr()
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import CreateHistDBPages
createHistAlg = CreateHistDBPages("createHistAlg")

# specifying the password file
#   this sting points to the file containing the password for HIST_WRITER
#   the file can be given either relative to the run directory or with
#   an absolut path.
#   the default value is 'password'
#createHistAlg.PasswordFile = "password"

# define a fixed part for all page names
#   This will be prepended to all page names and should be used to define 
#   the correct main folder for the project
createHistAlg.PageBase = "/TestDir"

# define a fixed part for all histogram names
#   This will be prepended to all histogram names and can be used to specify 
#   task and algorithm name
createHistAlg.HistoBase = "TestMon"

# set the output level for the message service
# use one of: DEBUG (2), INFO (3), WARNING (4), ERROR (5), FATAL (6) 
# additionally there are: NIL (0), VERBOSE (1), ALWAYS (7), NUM_LEVELS (8)
createHistAlg.OutputLevel = INFO

# Add the algorithm to the application manager from Gaudi
app = ApplicationMgr()
Example #5
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import CreateHistDBPages
createHistAlg = CreateHistDBPages("createHistAlg")

# ***********************************************
# defining helper variables to create the page
# and histogram names

# page info
folderBase = "Expert/perTell/tell"
page = "Noise"

# histogram info
histoSet1 = "Raw/raw_$tell"
histoSet2 = "CMS/cms_$tell"
histoNum = range(1, 49)

# ***********************************************
# setting the options for the algorithm

# defining the pages that should be created
#   PageNames is a list of strings that contains one entry for each page to be
#   created.
#   The page names will be prefixed with PageBase
createHistAlg.PageNames = []

# define the documentation string for each page
#   PageDoc is a list of std::vector<std::string> with the same ordering
#   as PageNames.  A new line is added after each element in the vector.
#   Depending on the size of the list, the follwing actions will be taken:
#   - if the list is empty, no documentation will be added.
Example #6
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import CreateHistDBPages
createHistAlg = CreateHistDBPages("createHistAlg")

createHistAlg.PageBase = "/TT"
createHistAlg.HistoBase = "TTNZSAna"

createHistAlg.OutputLevel = INFO

app = ApplicationMgr()
Example #7
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import CreateHistDBPages
createHistAlg = CreateHistDBPages("createHistAlg")

createHistAlg.PageLayout = [ [0.01, 0.01, 0.99, 0.99] ]