def __set_init_time__(self, utcDatetime): """ Configure the initialization time, depends on the value of self.IntitialTime Default: using the lower between the proposed time and the current time 'Now' : use the higher between the current time and the proposed time dateime : use this datetime """ #default situation if self.getProp("InitialTime").lower()=="safe" or not len(self.getProp("InitialTime")): #default situation utcDatetime = min(datetime.utcnow(), utcDatetime) elif self.getProp("InitialTime").lower()=="now": #Moore! utcDatetime = max(datetime.utcnow(), utcDatetime) else: raise TypeError("DDDBConf.InitialTime, I don't have a good way to convert "+self.getProp("InitialTime")+" to a datetime, please use 'Now' or 'Safe'") from Configurables import EventClockSvc ecs = EventClockSvc() # do not overwrite already set values if not ecs.isPropertySet("InitialTime"): dt = utcDatetime - datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0) ns = (dt.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + dt.seconds) * 1000000000 ecs.InitialTime = ns else: t = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0) + timedelta(seconds=ecs.InitialTime/1000000000) log.warning("EventClockSvc().InitialTime already set to %s UTC (requested %s UTC)", t.isoformat(), utcDatetime.isoformat())
def patchEscher(true_online_version, alignment_module, n=-1): import GaudiConf.DstConf import Escher.Configuration from Configurables import MagneticFieldSvc from Configurables import TAlignment from TAlignment.VertexSelections import configuredPVSelection Online = importOnline() from Configurables import EventClockSvc initialTime = long(time.time() * 1e9) clkSvc = EventClockSvc() clkSvc.InitialTime = initialTime from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction appendPostConfigAction(fakeEventTime(initialTime)) TAlignment().RunList = Online.DeferredRuns if hasattr( Online, "DeferredRuns") else [] sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() escher = EscherCommon(true_online_version, alignment_module) hostname = HostName() escher.InputType = "MDF" escher.PrintFreq = 10000 # escher.EvtMax=300 # asddir = Online.ASDDir + "/" if hasattr(Online, "ASDDir") else "/group/online/alignment/EscherOut/" asddir = Online.ASDDir + "/" if hasattr( Online, "ASDDir") else "/calib/align/EscherOut/" if n == -1: suffix = "_Escher.out" else: suffix = ("_%02d_Escher.out" % n) TAlignment().OutputDataFile = asddir + hostname + suffix TAlignment().UpdateInFinalize = False return escher
def setupOnline(): """ Setup the online environment: Buffer managers, event serialisation, etc. @author M.Frank """ from Configurables import LHCb__FILEEvtSelector as es from Configurables import LHCb__AlignDrv as Adrv from Configurables import EventClockSvc Online = importOnline() app = Gaudi.ApplicationMgr() app.AppName = '' app.HistogramPersistency = 'ROOT' app.SvcOptMapping.append('LHCb::FILEEvtSelector/EventSelector') app.SvcOptMapping.append('LHCb::FmcMessageSvc/MessageSvc') #app.EvtMax = 10000 Online.rawPersistencySvc() evtloop = Configs.EventLoopMgr('LHCb::OnlineRunable/EmptyEventLoop') evtloop.Warnings = False evtloop.EvtSel = "NONE" app.EventLoop = evtloop app.HistogramPersistency = "NONE" # runable = Configs.Runable # runable.MEPManager = "" app.AuditAlgorithms = False Configs.MonitorSvc().OutputLevel = MSG_ERROR Configs.MonitorSvc().UniqueServiceNames = 1 Configs.RootHistCnv__PersSvc("RootHistSvc").OutputLevel = MSG_ERROR app.OutputLevel = MSG_INFO def __propAtt(att, fr, to, d=None): if hasattr(fr, att): setattr(to, att, getattr(fr, att)) elif d: setattr(to, att, d) from Configurables import AlignOnlineIterator as Aiter ad = Adrv("AlignDrv") ad.PartitionName = Online.PartitionName ad.FitterClass = "AlignOnlineIterator" ad.FitterName = "AlIterator" __propAtt('RefFileName', Online, ad) ## The Alignment driver is the runable app.Runable = ad.getType() + "/" + ad.getName() ad.addTool(Aiter, ad.FitterName) ai = ad.AlIterator ai.PartitionName = Online.PartitionName ai.ASDFilePattern = "_Escher.out" ai.OutputLevel = 3 ai.MaxIteration = MAX_NITER ai.ServiceInfix = "" ai.ReferenceRunNr = Online.DeferredRuns[0] if hasattr( Online, "DeferredRuns") else -1 runType = os.environ.get('RUN_TYPE', 'Unknown') runType = runType.split('|')[-1].strip() if '|' in runType else runType if runType == 'Tracker': sds = ['TT', 'IT', 'OT'] ai.RunType = runType elif runType in ('Velo', 'Muon'): sds = [runType] ai.RunType = runType else: print 'WARNING: RUN_TYPE is not one of Velo, Tracker or Muon. Will assume all subdetectors' sds = ['Velo', 'TT', 'IT', 'OT', 'Muon'] ai.SubDetectors = sds # for attr, default in [('ASDDir', "/group/online/alignment/EscherOut/"), # ('OnlineXmlDir', "/group/online/alignment"), # ('AlignXmlDir', "/group/online/AligWork")]: for attr, default in [('ASDDir', "/calib/align/EscherOut/"), ('OnlineXmlDir', "/group/online/alignment"), ('AlignXmlDir', "/group/online/AligWork")]: __propAtt(attr, Online, ai, default) initialTime = long(time.time() * 1e9) clkSvc = EventClockSvc() clkSvc.InitialTime = initialTime from Configurables import FakeEventTime clkSvc.EventTimeDecoder = "FakeEventTime" clkSvc.addTool(FakeEventTime, "FakeEventTime") clkSvc.FakeEventTime.StartTime = initialTime
for i in range(len(ks)): k = ks[i] excl=False; for j in range(len(excludeFiles)): if k.find(excludeFiles[j]) >= 0: excl = True break if excl : continue detxml = k[k.rfind('/')+1:] det = detxml[:detxml.rfind('.xml')] det = det.lower() dets.append(det) print "Moving to Offline DB the following detector Data ",dets ecs = EventClockSvc() ecs.InitialTime = RunOption.RunStartTime*1000000000 ecs.addTool(FakeEventTime,"EventTimeDecoder") ecs.EventTimeDecoder.StartTime = ecs.InitialTime ecs.EventTimeDecoder.TimeStep = 10 #xmlCnvSvc = XmlCnvSvc(AllowGenericConversion = True) DDDBConf() #detDataSvc = DetectorDataSvc() #DetectorPersistencySvc( CnvServices = [ xmlCnvSvc ] ) cdb = CondDB() cdb.RunChangeHandlerConditions=CondMap.ConditionMap cdb.EnableRunChangeHandler = True cdb.EnableRunStampCheck=False cdb.UseDBSnapshot = True cdb.Tags = { "DDDB" : RunOption.DDDBTag, "LHCBCOND" : RunOption.CondDbTag,
def setup(): initialTime = long(time.time() * 1e9) OTGaudiSeq = GaudiSequencer("OTt0OnlineClbrSeq") OTt0OnlineClbrAlg = OTt0OnlineClbr("OTt0OnlineClbrAlg") #OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.InputFiles = [ "/hist/Savesets/2013/LHCb/Brunel/01/20/Brunel-135576-20130120T161302-EOR.root"] # OT T0 calibration algorithm OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.InputTasks = ["Brunel"] OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.Partition = partition OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.ReadInitialT0FromDB = False OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.SaveFits = False OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.RunOnline = True OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.CheckDataT0 = True OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.PublishedName = "OT/Calib" OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.XMLFilePath = "/group/online/alignment/OT/Calib" OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.OutputLevel = MSG_INFO OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.UseClockPhase = (partition != "FEST") OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.InitialTime = initialTime OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.Threshold = 0.1 OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.MaxDifference = 2 # Keep analysis task going. OTt0OnlineClbrAlg.StopAlgSequence = False OTGaudiSeq.Members += [OTt0OnlineClbrAlg] OTGaudiSeq.IgnoreFilterPassed = True ## Configure saving of histograms from Configurables import UpdateAndReset ur = UpdateAndReset() ur.saveHistograms = 1 ApplicationMgr().TopAlg.insert(0, ur) from Configurables import MonitorSvc MonitorSvc().disableDimPropServer = 1 MonitorSvc().disableDimCmdServer = 1 #import OnlineEnv MonitorSvc().ExpandCounterServices = 0 MonitorSvc().ExpandNameInfix = "<part>_x_<program>/" #MonitorSvc().PartitionName = OnlineEnv.PartitionName; MonitorSvc().PartitionName = partition MonitorSvc().ProgramName = "OTOnlineCalib_0" #setup the histograms and the monitoring service #ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.append( 'MonitorSvc' ) from Configurables import RootHistCnv__PersSvc RootHistCnv__PersSvc().OutputEnabled = False ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [OTGaudiSeq] ApplicationMgr().EvtSel = "NONE" ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ "LHCb::PublishSvc", "MonitorSvc", "IncidentSvc" ] ApplicationMgr().Runable = "LHCb::OnlineRunable/Runable" from Configurables import CondDB conddb = CondDB() conddb.Tags["ONLINE"] = 'fake' conddb.IgnoreHeartBeat = True conddb.UseDBSnapshot = True conddb.DBSnapshotDirectory = "/group/online/hlt/conditions" from Configurables import EventClockSvc, FakeEventTime, EventDataSvc ecs = EventClockSvc() ecs.InitialTime = initialTime ecs.addTool(FakeEventTime, "EventTimeDecoder") ecs.EventTimeDecoder.StartTime = initialTime ecs.EventTimeDecoder.TimeStep = 10 EventDataSvc().ForceLeaves = True # Configure DB tags and per-run conditions to be used to be the same as what # the HLT1 reconstruction farm uses. This is done by directly importing the # python file to ensure the script can also start when LHCb is running # passthrough. conddb.EnableRunChangeHandler = True conddb.RunChangeHandlerConditions = { 'LHCb/2015/%d/ot.xml': ["Conditions/Calibration/OT/CalibrationGlobal"] } from Configurables import LHCbApp import ConditionsMap LHCbApp().CondDBtag = ConditionsMap.CondDBTag LHCbApp().DDDBtag = ConditionsMap.DDDBTag # LHCbApp().CondDBtag = 'cond-20150409-2' # LHCbApp().DDDBtag = 'dddb-20150119-3' LHCbApp().DataType = '2015'
# Configure Brunel from Configurables import LHCbApp app = LHCbApp() app.DataType = '2015' app.Simulation = False app.EvtMax = 1 import HLT2Params app.DDDBtag = HLT2Params.DDDBTag app.CondDBtag = HLT2Params.CondDBTag from Configurables import EventClockSvc, FakeEventTime, EventDataSvc ecs = EventClockSvc() ecs.InitialTime = arguments.start[0] ecs.addTool(FakeEventTime, "EventTimeDecoder") ecs.EventTimeDecoder.TimeStep = 10 ecs.EventTimeDecoder.StartTime = arguments.start[0] from Configurables import DumpConditions DumpConditions().RunStartTime = arguments.start[0] DumpConditions().RunNumber =[0] DumpConditions().OutFile= arguments.output[0] DumpConditions().Conditions = list_conditions from Configurables import CondDB cdb = CondDB() if import CondMap cdb.RunChangeHandlerConditions = CondMap.ConditionMap