Example #1
def build_mc_unbiased_selection(decayDesc, arrow = '==>', refitpvs = True) :
    '''Make a selection for the given decay descriptor that has no cuts besides
    truth matching.'''

    preamble = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *" , "from LoKiPhysMC.functions import mcMatch" ]
    decayDesc = decayDesc.copy()
    decayDescCC = decayDesc.copy()
    decayDescCC.cc = True
    algname = decayDesc.get_full_alias() + '_MCSel'
    algnameconj = decayDesc.conjugate().get_full_alias() + '_MCSel'
    if algname in selections :
        return selections[algname]
    elif algnameconj in selections :
        return selections[algnameconj]

    if not decayDesc.daughters :
        alg = FilterDesktop(algname + '_Filter')
        basicname = decayDesc.particle.name
        if not basicname in mcbasicinputs :
            basicname = decayDesc.conjugate().particle.name
        if basicname in mcbasicinputs :
            inputsels = [RebuildSelection(getattr(StandardParticles, basicinput)) for basicinput in mcbasicinputs[basicname]]
        else :
            raise ValueError("Can't find MC basic input for particle " + repr(decayDesc.particle.name))
        alg.Code = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
        alg.Preambulo = preamble
        sel = Selection(algname,
                        Algorithm = alg,
                        RequiredSelections = inputsels)
        selections[algname] = sel
        return sel
    inputs = set()
    daughtercuts = {}
    for daughter in decayDescCC.daughters :
        originaldaughtercc = daughter.cc
        daughter.cc = True
        sel = build_mc_unbiased_selection(daughter, arrow, refitpvs)
        daughter.cc = originaldaughtercc
        #daughter.caret = True
        #daughtercuts[daughter.particle.name] = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
        #daughter.caret = False
    #comb = nCombiners[len(decayDesc.daughters)](algname + '_Comb')
    comb = CombineParticles(algname + '_Comb')
    # CombineParticles uses small cc, so set ishead = False
    comb.DecayDescriptors = [decayDesc.to_string(depth = 1).replace('CC', 'cc')]
    comb.MotherCut = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
    comb.Preambulo = preamble
    comb.DaughtersCuts = daughtercuts
    comb.ReFitPVs = refitpvs
    if refitpvs:
        comb.MotherCut += ' & BPVVALID()'
    sel = Selection(algname,
                    Algorithm = comb,
                    RequiredSelections = list(inputs))
    selections[algname] = sel
    return sel
Example #2
    def MakeLine(self,name,
        D0CombinationCut = "(AM > 0.1*GeV) & (AM < 3.0*GeV)"
        D0CombinationCut += " & (AMAXDOCA('') < 0.05 * mm)"
        D0CombinationCut += " & (ACHILD(MIPDV(PRIMARY),1)+ACHILD(MIPDV(PRIMARY),2) > 0.2*mm)" 
        D0MotherCut  = "(VFASPF(VZ) > 2*mm) & (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < 4.0)"
        SlowpionCuts = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) < 9)" 
        DstMotherCut = "(PT > 1*MeV)" 

        CombD0 = CombineParticles(name="CombD0for"+name,
                                  DecayDescriptors = D0DecayDescriptor,
                                  CombinationCut = D0CombinationCut,
                                  MotherCut = D0MotherCut)
        SelD0 = Selection('SelD0for'+name,
                          Algorithm = CombD0,
                          RequiredSelections = D0Requirements)

        CombDstar = CombineParticles(name = "CombDstarFor"+name,
                                     DecayDescriptors = DstDecayDescriptors,
                                     DaughtersCuts = {"pi+": SlowpionCuts},
                                     CombinationCut = "(AALLSAMEBPV)",
                                     MotherCut = DstMotherCut)
        SelDstar = Selection("SelDstarfor"+name,
                             Algorithm = CombDstar,
                             RequiredSelections = [SelD0,StdAllLoosePions])
        SelDstarTOS = TOSFilter("TOSDstarfor"+name,
        MassFilter =FilterDesktop(name="MassFilter"+name, 
                                  Code="(DTF_CHI2NDOF(True,'D0') < %(Dst_DTFCHI2_MAX)s) & (DTF_FUN( M ,True,'D0') < %(Dst_M_MAX)s)" %self.__confdict__)
        MassFilterSel = Selection("MassFilterSel"+name,
                                  Algorithm = MassFilter,
                                  RequiredSelections = [SelDstarTOS])

        if self.__confdict__["Monitor"]:
            MassFilter.Preambulo    = [
                "Histo  = Gaudi.Histo1DDef"  ,
                "mass     = monitor ( DTF_FUN( M ,True,'D0') ,             Histo ( 'Title' , 2000. , 2100. , 100 ) , 'HistoNameInMemory'    ) "
            MassFilter.Monitor      = True  ,
            MassFilter.HistoProduce = True  ,
            MassFilter.PostMonitor  = """ process ( mass ) >> EMPTY """                                                                                                        
        LineDstar = StrippingLine(name, 
                                  HLT1 = self.__confdict__["HLT1"],
                                  HLT2 = self.__confdict__["HLT2"],
                                  selection = MassFilterSel)
        return LineDstar
Example #3
def build_mc_unbiased_selection(decayDesc, arrow = '==>') :
    preamble = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *" , "from LoKiPhysMC.functions import mcMatch" ]
    decayDescCC = decayDesc.copy()
    decayDescCC.cc = True
    algname = decayDesc.get_full_alias() + '_MCSel'
    algnameconj = decayDesc.conjugate().get_full_alias() + '_MCSel'
    if algname in selections :
        return selections[algname]
    elif algnameconj in selections :
        return selections[algnameconj]

    if not decayDesc.daughters :
        alg = FilterDesktop(algname + '_Filter')
        if decayDesc.particle.name in mcbasicinputs :
            inputsel = mcbasicinputs[decayDesc.particle.name]
        else :
            conj = decayDesc.conjugate()
            if conj.particle.name in mcbasicinputs :
                inputsel = mcbasicinputs[conj.particle.name]
            else :
                raise ValueError("Can't find MC basic input for particle " + repr(decayDesc.particle.name))
        alg.Code = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
        alg.Preambulo = preamble
        sel = Selection(algname,
                        Algorithm = alg,
                        RequiredSelections = [inputsel])
        selections[algname] = sel
        return sel
    inputs = set()
    daughtercuts = {}
    for daughter in decayDescCC.daughters :
        originaldaughtercc = daughter.cc
        daughter.cc = True
        sel = build_mc_unbiased_selection(daughter, arrow)
        daughter.cc = originaldaughtercc
        #daughter.caret = True
        #daughtercuts[daughter.particle.name] = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
        #daughter.caret = False
    #comb = nCombiners[len(decayDesc.daughters)](algname + '_Comb')
    comb = CombineParticles(algname + '_Comb')
    # CombineParticles uses small cc, so set ishead = False
    comb.DecayDescriptors = [decayDesc.to_string(depth = 1).replace('CC', 'cc')]
    comb.MotherCut = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
    comb.Preambulo = preamble
    comb.DaughtersCuts = daughtercuts
    sel = Selection(algname,
                    Algorithm = comb,
                    RequiredSelections = list(inputs))
    selections[algname] = sel
    return sel
def build_mc_unbiased_selection(decayDesc, arrow = '==>') :
    preamble = [ "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *" , "from LoKiPhysMC.functions import mcMatch" ]
    decayDescCC = decayDesc.copy()
    decayDescCC.cc = True
    algname = decayDesc.get_full_alias() + '_MCSel'
    if algname in selections :
        return selections[algname]
    if not decayDesc.daughters :
        alg = FilterDesktop(algname + '_Filter')
        if decayDesc.particle.name in mcbasicinputs :
            inputsel = mcbasicinputs[decayDesc.particle.name]
        else :
            conj = decayDesc.conjugate()
            if conj.particle.name in mcbasicinputs :
                inputsel = mcbasicinputs[conj.particle.name]
            else :
                raise ValueError("Can't find MC basic input for particle " + repr(decayDesc.particle.name))
        alg.Code = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
        alg.Preambulo = preamble
        sel = Selection(algname,
                        Algorithm = alg,
                        RequiredSelections = [inputsel])
        selections[algname] = sel
        return sel
    inputs = []
    daughtercuts = {}
    for daughter in decayDescCC.daughters :
        originaldaughtercc = daughter.cc
        daughter.cc = True
        sel = build_mc_unbiased_selection(daughter, arrow)
        daughter.cc = originaldaughtercc
        #daughter.caret = True
        #daughtercuts[daughter.particle.name] = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
        #daughter.caret = False
    #comb = nCombiners[len(decayDesc.daughters)](algname + '_Comb')
    comb = CombineParticles(algname + '_Comb')
    # CombineParticles uses small cc, so set ishead = False
    comb.DecayDescriptors = [decayDesc.to_string(depth = 1, ishead = False)]
    comb.MotherCut = 'mcMatch({0!r})'.format(decayDescCC.to_string(arrow))
    comb.Preambulo = preamble
    comb.DaughtersCuts = daughtercuts
    sel = Selection(algname,
                    Algorithm = comb,
                    RequiredSelections = inputs)
    selections[algname] = sel
    return sel
Example #5
## configure Data-On-Demand service 
locations = updateDoD ( algorithm )
## finally: define the symbol 
SmrdLoosePions = algorithm 

#Truth matching
matchpion = "(mcMatch('[^pi-]CC'))" 
#matchpion = "ALL" 

# pions
_pions = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/StdLoosePions')
_filter = FilterDesktop("filterPions", Code = matchpion)
_filter.Preambulo = [
    "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *" ,
    "from PartProp.Nodes import CC"    
_selPions = Selection("SelFilterPions",
                        Algorithm = _filter,
                        RequiredSelections = [_pions])
_seqPions = SelectionSequence("SeqFilterPions", TopSelection = _selPions)

# pions
_pions2 = DataOnDemand(Location='Phys/SmrdLoosePions')
_filter2 = FilterDesktop("filterPions", Code = matchpion)
_filter2.Preambulo = [
    "from LoKiPhysMC.decorators import *" ,
    "from PartProp.Nodes import CC"    
_selPions2 = Selection("SelFilterPions2",