def fullReco() : from Configurables import ( ProcessPhase, GaudiSequencer, RecSysConf ) brunelSeq = GaudiSequencer("BrunelSequencer") # analysis and Phys init are not run with MDF GaudiSequencer("DaVinciInitSeq").Members += [ brunelSeq ] brunelSeq.Members += [ "ProcessPhase/Init", "ProcessPhase/Reco", "ProcessPhase/Moni"] ProcessPhase("Init").DetectorList += [ "Brunel", "Calo"] GaudiSequencer("InitCaloSeq").Members += ["GaudiSequencer/CaloBanksHandler"] importOptions("$CALODAQROOT/options/CaloBankHandler.opts") configureMoni(False,False)
def _setupPhase(self, name, knownDets): seq = self.getProp("%sSequence" % name) if len(seq) == 0: seq = knownDets self.setProp("%sSequence" % name, seq) else: for det in seq: if det not in knownDets: log.warning("Unknown subdet '%s' in %sSequence" % (det, seq)) ProcessPhase(name).DetectorList += seq return seq
def daqOutput(self): from Configurables import DstConf, Serialisation, ProcessPhase ###print '[WARN] Running GaudiSerialize!' = False = 'Online' print '[WARN] Running brunel with histogram settings:Online' sys.stdout.flush() Brunel.Configuration.Brunel.configureOutput = dummy ProcessPhase("Output").DetectorList += ['DST']'DatasetName', 'GaudiSerialize') DstConf().Writer = 'DstWriter' DstConf().DstType = 'DST' DstConf().PackType = 'NONE' Serialisation().Writer = 'Writer' Serialisation()._ConfigurableUser__addPassiveUseOf(DstConf())
def configureFilter(self): """ Set up the filter sequence to selectively write out events """ filterDets = self.getProp("FilterSequence") for det in filterDets: if det not in self.KnownFilterSubdets: log.warning("Unknown subdet '%s' in FilterSequence" % det) filterSeq = ProcessPhase("Filter", ModeOR=True) filterSeq.DetectorList += filterDets if "L0" in filterDets: from Configurables import L0Conf L0Conf().FilterSequencer = GaudiSequencer("FilterL0Seq") if "ODIN" in filterDets: from Configurables import OdinTypesFilter odinFilter = OdinTypesFilter() GaudiSequencer("FilterODINSeq").Members += [odinFilter]
def configureMoni(expert,withMC): # Set up monitoring (i.e. not using MC truth) moniSeq = ["CALO","RICH","MUON","VELO","Tr","ST"] ProcessPhase("Moni").DetectorList += moniSeq # Histograms filled both in real and simulated data cases if "CALO" in moniSeq : importOptions('$CALOMONIDSTOPTS/CaloMonitor.opts') else : # Hack for units options, normally included by CaloMonitor.opts importOptions('$STDOPTS/PreloadUnits.opts') if "VELO" in moniSeq : importOptions('$VELORECMONITORSROOT/options/') if "Tr" in moniSeq : from TrackMonitors.ConfiguredTrackMonitors import ConfiguredTrackMonitorSequence ConfiguredTrackMonitorSequence(Name='MoniTrSeq') if "MUON" in moniSeq : importOptions("$MUONPIDCHECKERROOT/options/") if "ST" in moniSeq : from Configurables import ST__STClusterMonitor, GaudiSequencer GaudiSequencer( "MoniSTSeq" ).Members += [ ST__STClusterMonitor("TTClusterMonitor"), ST__STClusterMonitor("ITClusterMonitor")] ST__STClusterMonitor("TTClusterMonitor").DetType = "TT" ## default anyway ST__STClusterMonitor("ITClusterMonitor").DetType = "IT" # Histograms filled only in real data case if not withMC: from Configurables import RichRecQCConf if "RICH" in moniSeq : from Configurables import GaudiSequencer RichRecQCConf().DataType = "MDF" RichRecQCConf().setProp("MoniSequencer", GaudiSequencer("MoniRICHSeq"))
def configureInit(self, inputType): # Init sequence if not self.isPropertySet("InitSequence"): if self._isReprocessing(inputType): self.setProp( "InitSequence", self.DefaultReproInitSequence ) else: self.setProp( "InitSequence", self.DefaultInitSequence ) from Configurables import ProcessPhase ProcessPhase("Init").DetectorList += self.getProp("InitSequence") from Configurables import RecInit, MemoryTool recInit = RecInit( "BrunelInit", PrintFreq = self.getProp("PrintFreq")) GaudiSequencer("InitBrunelSeq").Members += [ recInit ] recInit.addTool( MemoryTool(), name = "BrunelMemory" ) recInit.BrunelMemory.HistoTopDir = "Brunel/" recInit.BrunelMemory.HistoDir = "MemoryTool" if not recInit.isPropertySet( "MemoryPurgeLimit" ): recInit.MemoryPurgeLimit = 2000 * 1000 # 2GB # count events from Configurables import EventCountHisto evtC = EventCountHisto("BrunelEventCount") evtC.HistoTopDir = "Brunel/" GaudiSequencer("InitBrunelSeq").Members += [ evtC ] # kill some RAW banks banksToKill = [] if self.isPropertySet( "RawBanksToKill" ): banksToKill = self.getProp( "RawBanksToKill" ) if ("2009" == self.getProp("DataType")) and (inputType in ["MDF"]) and not self.getProp("Simulation") : banksToKill += ["VeloFull", "L0PUFull"] if len(banksToKill) > 0 : from Configurables import bankKiller bkKill = bankKiller("BrunelBankKiller") bkKill.BankTypes = banksToKill GaudiSequencer("InitBrunelSeq").Members += [ bkKill ] # Do not print event number at every event (done already by BrunelInit) EventSelector().PrintFreq = -1 # OutputLevel self.setOtherProp(LHCbApp(),"OutputLevel") if self.isPropertySet( "OutputLevel" ) : level = self.getProp("OutputLevel") if level == ERROR or level == WARNING : # Suppress known warnings importOptions( "$BRUNELOPTS/SuppressWarnings.opts" ) if not recInit.isPropertySet( "OutputLevel" ): recInit.OutputLevel = INFO self.setOtherProps(RecSysConf(), ["OutputLevel","Detectors"]) self.setOtherProps(RecMoniConf(),["OutputLevel","Detectors"]) # New NoSPDPRS switches noSPDPRS = False if [det for det in ['Spd', 'Prs'] if det not in self.getProp("Detectors")]: noSPDPRS = True # only set properties if no use RecoSequence is defined or if it contains 'PROTO' # not that 'PROTO' alone is not sufficient to run the Calo reconstruction, but a requirement if ( not self.isPropertySet("RecoSequence") or "PROTO" in self.getProp("RecoSequence") ): CaloProcessor().setProp("NoSpdPrs", noSPDPRS) GlobalRecoConf().setProp("NoSpdPrs", noSPDPRS) # Always print Magnetic Field used from Configurables import MagneticFieldSvc magSvc = MagneticFieldSvc() if not magSvc.isPropertySet("OutputLevel") : magSvc.setProp("OutputLevel", INFO) # Switch off LoKi banner from Configurables import LoKiSvc LoKiSvc().Welcome = False
def defineOptions(self): # Kept for Dirac backward compatibility if self.getProp( "NoWarnings" ) : log.warning("Brunel().NoWarnings=True property is obsolete and maintained for Dirac compatibility. Please use Brunel().ProductionMode=True instead") self.setProp( "ProductionMode", True ) # Special settings for production if self.getProp( "ProductionMode" ) : if not self.isPropertySet( "OutputLevel" ) : self.setProp("OutputLevel", ERROR) if not LHCbApp().isPropertySet( "TimeStamp" ) : LHCbApp().setProp( "TimeStamp", True ) if not self.isPropertySet( "PrintFreq" ) : self.setProp("PrintFreq", 1000) # HC does not exist in Run 1, so use appropriate split output if self.getProp( "DataType" ) in self.Run1DataTypes : if not self.isPropertySet( "SplitRawEventOutput" ) : self.setProp( "SplitRawEventOutput", 4.0 ) # Online mode if self.getProp( "OnlineMode" ) : if not self.isPropertySet("Histograms") : self.setProp("Histograms","Online") if not CondDB().isPropertySet("Online") : CondDB().setProp("Online", True) inputType = self.getProp( "InputType" ).upper() if inputType not in self.KnownInputTypes: raise TypeError( "Invalid inputType '%s'"%inputType ) outputType = self.getProp( "OutputType" ).upper() histOpt = self.getProp("Histograms") if histOpt not in self.KnownHistograms: raise RuntimeError("Unknown Histograms option '%s'"%histOpt) withMC = self.getProp("WithMC") if withMC: if inputType in [ "MDF" ]: log.warning( "WithMC = True, but InputType = '%s'. Forcing WithMC = False"%inputType ) withMC = False # Force it, MDF never contains MC truth if outputType in [ "RDST" ]: log.warning( "WithMC = True, but OutputType = '%s'. Forcing WithMC = False"%inputType ) withMC = False # Force it, RDST never contains MC truth if self.getProp("WriteFSR") and self.getProp("PackType").upper() in ["MDF"]: if hasattr( self, "WriteFSR" ): log.warning("Don't know how to write FSR to MDF output file") self.setProp("WriteFSR", False) if self.getProp( "MergeGenFSR") and not self.getProp( "Simulation" ): if hasattr( self, "MergeGenFSR" ): log.warning("Cannot MergeGenFSR on real data") self.setProp( "MergeGenFSR", False ) # Do not look for Hlt errors in data without HltDecReports bank if self.getProp( "DataType" ) in [ "2008", "2009" ]: self.setProp( "VetoHltErrorEvents", False ) # For simulation, change the default but allow to override if self.getProp( "Simulation" ) and not hasattr( self, "VetoHltErrorEvents" ): self.setProp( "VetoHltErrorEvents", False ) # Flag to handle or not LumiEvents handleLumi = inputType in ["MDF"] and not withMC and not self.getProp('UseDBSnapshot') # Top level configuration for skipping tracking if self.getProp("SkipTracking"): if inputType in ["MDF", "DIGI" ]: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot skip tracking if tracks not present on the input file" ) if withMC: raise RuntimeError( "SkipTracking not (yet) supported for simulation input" ) if( self.getProp("DataType") is "Upgrade"): raise RuntimeError( "SkipTracking not (yet) supported for Upgrade configurations" ) ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ "DataOnDemandSvc" ] # to decode the tracks from the DST DstConf().setProp("EnableUnpack", ["Tracking"] ) # veto Hlt Error Events vetoHltErrorEvents = self.getProp("VetoHltErrorEvents") self.configureSequences( withMC, handleLumi, vetoHltErrorEvents ) self.configureInit( inputType ) self.configureInput( inputType ) self.configureOutput( outputType, withMC, handleLumi ) if withMC: # Create associators for checking and for DST from Configurables import ProcessPhase ProcessPhase("MCLinks").DetectorList += self.getProp("MCLinksSequence") # Unpack Sim data GaudiSequencer("MCLinksUnpackSeq").Members += [ "UnpackMCParticle"] # particle gun uses MCVertex to fake a reconstructed one # unpacking again would lead to crash if "pGun" not in self.getProp("SpecialData"): GaudiSequencer("MCLinksUnpackSeq").Members += [ "UnpackMCVertex" ] else: # Cannot run trigger on pGun events... L0Conf().EnsureKnownTCK=False GaudiSequencer("MCLinksTrSeq").Members += [ "TrackAssociator" ] GaudiSequencer("MCLinksCaloSeq").Members += [ "CaloDigit2MCLinks2Table", "CaloClusterMCTruth", "CaloHypoMCTruth" ] # activate all configured checking (uses MC truth) self.configureCheck( histOpt == "Expert" ) # data on demand needed to pack RichDigitSummary for DST, when reading unpacked DIGI # Also needed to unpack MCHit containers when expert checking enabled ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [ "DataOnDemandSvc" ] # ROOT persistency for histograms ApplicationMgr().HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" from Configurables import RootHistCnv__PersSvc RootHistCnv__PersSvc('RootHistCnv').ForceAlphaIds = True if histOpt == "None" or histOpt == "": # HistogramPersistency still needed to read in CaloPID DLLs. # so do not set ApplicationMgr().HistogramPersistency = "NONE" return # Pass expert checking option to RecSys and RecMoni if histOpt == "Expert": DstConf().EnablePackingChecks = True # Use a default histogram file name if not already set if not HistogramPersistencySvc().isPropertySet( "OutputFile" ): histosName = self.getProp("DatasetName") if histosName == "": histosName = "Brunel" if self.getProp( "RecL0Only" ): histosName += '-L0Yes' if (self.evtMax() > 0): histosName += '-' + str(self.evtMax()) + 'ev' if histOpt == "Expert": histosName += '-expert' histosName += '-histos.root' HistogramPersistencySvc().OutputFile = histosName #reconfigure decoders to point to default location, if required! if DecodeRawEvent().isPropertySet("OverrideInputs") and DecodeRawEvent().getProp("OverrideInputs") is not None: #do nothing, it's been configured by someone else! pass elif self.isPropertySet("SplitRawEventInput") and self.getProp("SplitRawEventInput") is not None: #print "WAAAAH Overriding RawEvent Locations" DecodeRawEvent().setProp("OverrideInputs",self.getProp("SplitRawEventInput")) elif inputType in [ "MDF", "DIGI", "XDIGI" ]: #set to the default of what comes out of Moore DecodeRawEvent().setProp("OverrideInputs","Moore") #remember that the default is a long list of locations, #starting with places which only exist _after_ brunel has run! # Following needed to build RecSummary, even if tracking is skipped. if self.getProp("SkipTracking"): from TrackSys import RecoTracking RecoTracking.DecodeTracking(["FastVelo"])
def configureSequences(self, withMC, handleLumi, vetoHltErrorEvents): brunelSeq = GaudiSequencer("BrunelSequencer") brunelSeq.Context = self.getProp("Context") ApplicationMgr().TopAlg += [ brunelSeq ] brunelSeq.Members += [ "ProcessPhase/Init" ] physicsSeq = GaudiSequencer( "PhysicsSeq" ) # Treatment of luminosity events if handleLumi: lumiSeq = GaudiSequencer("LumiSeq") # Prepare the FSR if self.getProp("WriteFSR"): self.setOtherProps(LumiAlgsConf(),["Context","DataType","InputType","Simulation"]) lumiCounters = GaudiSequencer("LumiCounters") lumiSeq.Members += [ lumiCounters ] LumiAlgsConf().LumiSequencer = lumiCounters # Trigger masks changed in 2016, see LHCBPS-1486 if self.getProp( "DataType" ) in self.Run1DataTypes or self.getProp( "DataType" ) in [ "2015" ]: physFilterRequireMask = [ 0x0, 0x4, 0x0 ] lumiFilterRequireMask = [ 0x0, 0x2, 0x0 ] else: physFilterRequireMask = [ 0x0, 0x0, 0x80000000 ] lumiFilterRequireMask = [ 0x0, 0x0, 0x40000000 ] # Filter out Lumi only triggers from further processing, but still write to output from Configurables import HltRoutingBitsFilter physFilter = HltRoutingBitsFilter( "PhysFilter", RequireMask = physFilterRequireMask ) physicsSeq.Members += [ physFilter ] lumiFilter = HltRoutingBitsFilter( "LumiFilter", RequireMask = lumiFilterRequireMask ) lumiSeq.Members += [ lumiFilter, physFilter ] lumiSeq.ModeOR = True # Sequence to be executed if physics sequence not called (nano events) notPhysSeq = GaudiSequencer("NotPhysicsSeq") notPhysSeq.ModeOR = True notPhysSeq.Members = [ physFilter ] brunelSeq.Members += [ lumiSeq, notPhysSeq ] # Hlt decreports decoders from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB from Configurables import LoKi__HDRFilter, AddToProcStatus hltStages = ('Hlt1',) if self.getProp('OnlineMode') else ('Hlt1', 'Hlt2') hltDecoders = [] hltErrorFilters = [] hltFilters = [] for stage in hltStages: decoder = DecoderDB["HltDecReportsDecoder/%sDecReportsDecoder" % stage].setup() hltDecoders += [decoder] # decode DecReports # identifies events that are not of type ErrorEvent errorFilterCode = "HLT_PASS_RE('%s(?!ErrorEvent).*Decision')" % stage hltErrorFilter = LoKi__HDRFilter('%sErrorFilter' % stage, Code = errorFilterCode, Location = decoder.OutputHltDecReportsLocation) hltErrorFilters += [decoder, hltErrorFilter] # and apply filter filterCode = self.getProp(stage + "FilterCode") if filterCode: hltFilter = LoKi__HDRFilter('%sFilter' % stage, Code = filterCode, Location = decoder.OutputHltDecReportsLocation) hltFilters += [decoder, hltFilter] # Do not process events flagged as error in Hlt, but still write procstatus if vetoHltErrorEvents: """ By Patrick Koppenburg, 16/6/2011 """ # Make a sequence that selects HltErrorEvents hltErrorFilterSeq = GaudiSequencer("HltErrorFilterSeq") if handleLumi: hltErrorFilterSeq.Members = [ physFilter ] # protect against lumi (that doesn't have decreports) hltErrorFilterSeq.Members += hltErrorFilters # Sequence to be executed if HltErrorFilter is failing to set ProcStatus hltErrorSeq = GaudiSequencer("HltErrorSeq", ModeOR = True, ShortCircuit = True) # anti-logic addToProc = AddToProcStatus("HltErrorProc", Reason = "HltError", Subsystem = "Hlt") # write a procstatus hltErrorSeq.Members += [hltErrorFilterSeq, addToProc] # only run if hltErrorFilterSeq fails brunelSeq.Members += [hltErrorSeq] # add this sequece to Brunel _before_ physseq physicsSeq.Members += [hltErrorFilterSeq] # take good events in physics seq # Filter events based on HLT decisions if filters were specified if hltFilters: hltFilterSeq = GaudiSequencer("HltFilterSeq") hltFilterSeq.Members = hltFilters physicsSeq.Members += [hltFilterSeq] # Convert Calo ReadoutStatus to ProcStatus caloBanks=GaudiSequencer("CaloBanksHandler") caloDetectors = [det for det in ['Spd','Prs','Ecal','Hcal'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")] CaloDigitConf(ReadoutStatusConvert=True,Sequence=caloBanks,Detectors=caloDetectors) physicsSeq.Members += [caloBanks] # Decode L0 (and HLT if not already done) trgSeq = GaudiSequencer("DecodeTriggerSeq") l0TrgSeq = GaudiSequencer("L0TriggerSeq") if self.getProp( "DataType" ) not in [ "2008", "2009" ]: trgSeq.Members += hltDecoders trgSeq.Members += [ l0TrgSeq ] physicsSeq.Members += [ trgSeq ] L0Conf().L0Sequencer = l0TrgSeq if self.getProp("RecL0Only"): # Setup L0 filtering if requested, runs L0 before Reco L0Conf().FilterL0FromRaw = True self.setOtherProps( L0Conf(), ["DataType"] ) else: L0Conf().DecodeL0DU = True if not self.isPropertySet("MainSequence"): if withMC: mainSeq = self.DefaultMCSequence else: mainSeq = self.DefaultSequence self.MainSequence = mainSeq physicsSeq.Members += self.getProp("MainSequence") from Configurables import ProcessPhase outputPhase = ProcessPhase("Output") brunelSeq.Members += [ physicsSeq ] brunelSeq.Members += [ outputPhase ]
def enableTAE(self): """ switch to generate Time Alignment events (only Prev1 for now). """ from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import ns taeSlots = [] mainSeq = GaudiSequencer("BooleSequencer").Members taePrev = self.getProp("TAEPrev") while taePrev > 0: digi = mainSeq.index("ProcessPhase/Digi") taePhase = ProcessPhase("DigiPrev%s" % taePrev) taePhase.RootInTES = "Prev%s/" % taePrev mainSeq.insert(digi, taePhase) taeSlots.append("Prev%s" % taePrev) taePrev -= 1 taeNext = self.getProp("TAENext") while taeNext > 0: digi = mainSeq.index("ProcessPhase/Digi") taePhase = ProcessPhase("DigiNext%s" % taeNext) taePhase.RootInTES = "Next%s/" % taeNext mainSeq.insert(digi + 1, taePhase) taeSlots.append("Next%s" % taeNext) taeNext -= 1 GaudiSequencer("BooleSequencer").Members = mainSeq for taeSlot in taeSlots: taePhase = ProcessPhase("Digi%s" % taeSlot) taeDets = self.getProp("TAESubdets") taePhase.DetectorList = ["Init"] + taeDets from Configurables import BooleInit slotInit = BooleInit("Init%s" % taeSlot, RootInTES="%s/" % taeSlot) GaudiSequencer("Digi%sInitSeq" % taeSlot).Members = [slotInit] if "Velo" in taeDets: self.configureDigiVelo( GaudiSequencer("Digi%sVeloSeq" % taeSlot), taeSlot) if "VeloPix" in taeDets: self.configureDigiVeloPix( GaudiSequencer("Digi%sVeloPixSeq" % taeSlot), taeSlot) if "TT" in taeDets: self.configureDigiST(GaudiSequencer("Digi%sTTSeq" % taeSlot), "TT", taeSlot) if "IT" in taeDets: self.configureDigiST(GaudiSequencer("Digi%sITSeq" % taeSlot), "IT", taeSlot) if "OT" in taeDets: self.configureDigiOT(GaudiSequencer("Digi%sOTSeq" % taeSlot), taeSlot) if "Rich" in taeDets: self.configureDigiRich( GaudiSequencer("Digi%sRichSeq" % taeSlot), taeSlot) if "Calo" in taeDets: self.configureDigiCalo( GaudiSequencer("Digi%sCaloSeq" % taeSlot), taeSlot) if "Muon" in taeDets: self.configureDigiMuon( GaudiSequencer("Digi%sMuonSeq" % taeSlot), taeSlot) if "L0" in taeDets: self.configureDigiL0(GaudiSequencer("Digi%sL0Seq" % taeSlot), taeSlot)
STOfflineConf.DefaultConf().configureTools() # Create the top level Conf object and set some general options from DV rConf = RecSysConf("RecSysConf") DaVinci().setOtherProps(rConf, ["Simulation", "DataType"]) # Only run PID + Protoparticles rConf.RecoSequence = ["CALO", "PROTO"] rConf.SkipTracking = True PhysConf().CaloReProcessing = True # list of algs to prepend to DV palgs = [] # Create the Reco process phase reco = ProcessPhase("Reco") palgs += [reco] # Re-pack the new CALO output from Configurables import CaloDstPackConf caloPackSeq = GaudiSequencer("CaloPacking") caloPack = CaloDstPackConf(Enable=True) caloPack.Sequence = caloPackSeq caloPack.AlwaysCreate = True caloPack.EnableChecks = False caloPack.ClearRegistry = False palgs += [caloPackSeq] # Pack the new ProtoParticles from Configurables import PackProtoParticle packChargedPs = PackProtoParticle(name="PackChargedProtos",
def RecoTrackingHLT2(exclude=[], simplifiedGeometryFit=True, liteClustersFit=True): '''Function that defines the pattern recognition algorithms for the HLT2 sequence of the Run 2 offline tracking''' ## Tracking sequence from Configurables import ProcessPhase track = ProcessPhase("TrackHLT2") GaudiSequencer("RecoTrHLT2Seq").Members += [track] tracklists = [] # Which algs to run ? trackAlgs = TrackSys().getProp("TrackPatRecAlgorithms") # Which data type is it? dataType = TrackSys().getProp("DataType") ## Forward pattern if "ForwardHLT2" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["ForwardPatHLT2"] # Need to filter out the Velo tracks of the fitted HLT1 tracks #from Configurables import TrackListRefiner, TrackSelector #refiner = TrackListRefiner("FilterForwardHLT1Tracks") #refiner.inputLocation = "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1Tracks" #refiner.outputLocation = "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1ForwardTracks" #refiner.Selector = "TrackSelector" #refiner.addTool(TrackSelector("TrackSelector")) #refiner.TrackSelector.TrackTypes = [ "Long" ] #GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT2ForwardPatHLT2Seq").Members += [ refiner ] from Configurables import PatForward GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT2ForwardPatHLT2Seq").Members += [ PatForward("PatForwardHLT2") ] from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf PatAlgConf.ForwardConf().configureAlgRun2HLT2() if TrackSys().timing(): PatForward("PatForwardHLT2").TimingMeasurement = True #tracklists += ["Rec/Track/ForwardHLT2"] #merge forward from HLT1 and HLT2 from Configurables import TrackContainerCopy merger = TrackContainerCopy("MergeForwardHLT1HLT2") merger.inputLocations = [ "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1ForwardTracks", "Rec/Track/ForwardHLT2" ] merger.outputLocation = "Rec/Track/Forward" merger.copyFailures = True GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT2ForwardPatHLT2Seq").Members += [merger] tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Forward"] ## Seed pattern if "PatSeed" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["SeedPat"] from Configurables import PatSeeding GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT2SeedPatSeq").Members += [ PatSeeding("PatSeeding") ] # should be replaced by more 'global' tracking configuration from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf PatAlgConf.SeedingConf().configureAlg() if TrackSys().timing(): PatSeeding("PatSeeding").TimingMeasurement = True if TrackSys().cosmics(): from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf PatAlgConf.CosmicConf().configureAlg() tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Seed"] ## Matching if "PatMatch" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["MatchPat"] from Configurables import PatMatch GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT2MatchPatSeq").Members += [ PatMatch("PatMatch") ] # timing? # global conf? tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Match"] ## avoid running both downstream algos if "Downstream" in trackAlgs and "PatLongLivedTracking" in trackAlgs: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot run both PatDownstream and PatLongLivedTracking at once") ## Downstream if "Downstream" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["DownstreamPat"] from Configurables import PatDownstream GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT2DownstreamPatSeq").Members += [ PatDownstream("PatDownstream") ] from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf # global conf? #PatAlgConf.DownstreamConf().configureAlg() if TrackSys().timing(): PatDownstream("PatDownstream").TimingMeasurement = True tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Downstream"] ## PatLongLivedTracking (aka improved Downstream) if "PatLongLivedTracking" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["DownstreamPat"] from Configurables import PatLongLivedTracking GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT2DownstreamPatSeq").Members += [ PatLongLivedTracking("PatLongLivedTracking") ] if TrackSys().timing(): PatLongLivedTracking( "PatLongLivedTracking").TimingMeasurement = True tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Downstream"] fit = ProcessPhase("FitHLT2") GaudiSequencer("RecoTrHLT2Seq").Members += [fit] ### Clean clone and fit fit.DetectorList += ["Best"] # complete the list of track lists if "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Velo"] if "VeloTT" in trackAlgs: tracklists += ["Rec/Track/VeloTT"] # create the best track creator # note the comment for the HLT1 forward fitter about configurations from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import ConfiguredMasterFitter from Configurables import TrackBestTrackCreator, TrackMasterFitter, TrackStateInitTool # add and cut on the GP in the TrackBestTrackCreator # the variable is needed later addGhostProbTBTC = True bestTrackCreator = TrackBestTrackCreator(TracksInContainers=tracklists) bestTrackCreator.MaxChi2DoF = 4.0 bestTrackCreator.addTool(TrackMasterFitter, name="Fitter") bestTrackCreator.DoNotRefit = True bestTrackCreator.addTool(TrackStateInitTool, name="StateInitTool") bestTrackCreator.StateInitTool.UseFastMomentumEstimate = True # cut on ghost prob bestTrackCreator.AddGhostProb = addGhostProbTBTC bestTrackCreator.GhostIdTool = "Run2GhostId" bestTrackCreator.MaxGhostProb = 0.4 # configure its fitter and stateinittool ConfiguredMasterFitter(getattr(bestTrackCreator, "Fitter"), SimplifiedGeometry=simplifiedGeometryFit, LiteClusters=liteClustersFit, MSRossiAndGreisen=True) if "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: bestTrackCreator.StateInitTool.VeloFitterName = "FastVeloFitLHCbIDs" # add to the sequence GaudiSequencer("FitHLT2BestSeq").Members += [bestTrackCreator] ### Change dEdx correction for simulated data #if TrackSys().getProp("Simulation"): # from Configurables import StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool,DetailedMaterialLocator # from Configurables import TrackBestTrackCreator # fitter = TrackBestTrackCreator().Fitter # fitter.MaterialLocator.addTool(StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool("GeneralDedxTool")) # fitter.MaterialLocator.GeneralDedxTool.EnergyLossFactor = 0.76 # Make V0 # needs to be done after fitting, but before the extra infos from Configurables import TrackV0Finder V0 = ProcessPhase("RecV0") GaudiSequencer("RecoTrHLT2Seq").Members += [V0] V0.DetectorList += ["MakeV0"] ### Clean clone and fit trackV0Finder = TrackV0Finder("TrackV0Finder") GaudiSequencer("RecV0MakeV0Seq").Members += [trackV0Finder] ######################################################### ########################################################## addExtraInfo = ProcessPhase("AddExtraInfo") GaudiSequencer("RecoTrHLT2Seq").Members += [addExtraInfo] ## Extra track information sequence extraInfos = TrackSys().getProp("TrackExtraInfoAlgorithms") if len(extraInfos) > 0: ## Clone finding and flagging if "CloneFlagging" in extraInfos: addExtraInfo.DetectorList += ["Clones"] from Configurables import TrackBuildCloneTable, TrackCloneCleaner #trackClones = GaudiSequencer("TrackClonesSeq") if TrackSys().timing(): trackClones.MeasureTime = True cloneTable = TrackBuildCloneTable("FindTrackClones") cloneTable.maxDz = 500 * mm cloneTable.zStates = [0 * mm, 990 * mm, 9450 * mm] cloneTable.klCut = 5e3 cloneCleaner = TrackCloneCleaner("FlagTrackClones") cloneCleaner.CloneCut = 5e3 #trackClones.Members += [ cloneTable, cloneCleaner ] GaudiSequencer("AddExtraInfoClonesSeq").Members += [ cloneTable, cloneCleaner ] ## Add the likelihood information if "TrackLikelihood" in extraInfos and ('TrackLikelihood' not in exclude): addExtraInfo.DetectorList += ["TrackLikelihood"] from Configurables import TrackAddLikelihood, TrackLikelihood trackAddLikelihood = TrackAddLikelihood() trackAddLikelihood.addTool(TrackLikelihood, name="TrackMatching_likTool") trackAddLikelihood.TrackMatching_likTool.otEff = 0.9 GaudiSequencer("AddExtraInfoTrackLikelihoodSeq").Members += [ trackAddLikelihood ] ## ghost probability using a Neural Net if "GhostProbability" in extraInfos and addGhostProbTBTC is False: addExtraInfo.DetectorList += ["GhostProb"] from Configurables import TrackAddNNGhostId nn = TrackAddNNGhostId("TrackAddNNGhostdId") nn.GhostIdTool = "Run2GhostId" # to be decided GaudiSequencer("AddExtraInfoGhostProbSeq").Members += [nn] # this is very misleading (naming wise), but it will erase extra info that is put on the track by some algorithms # (not of the ones beforehand). addExtraInfo.DetectorList += ["EraseExtraInfo"] from Configurables import TrackEraseExtraInfo # erase extra info on Best tracks and on fitted Velo tracks (i.e. on everything that is saved on a DST) eraseExtraInfoBest = TrackEraseExtraInfo("TrackEraseExtraInfoBest") eraseExtraInfoFittedVelo = TrackEraseExtraInfo( "TrackEraseExtraInfoFittedVelo") eraseExtraInfoFittedVelo.InputLocation = "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1VeloTracks" GaudiSequencer("AddExtraInfoEraseExtraInfoSeq").Members += [ eraseExtraInfoBest, eraseExtraInfoFittedVelo ] ## Muon alignment tracks ## is this still needed? Looks rather old if "MuonAlign" in trackAlgs: from Configurables import TrackEventFitter, AlignMuonRec track.DetectorList += ["MuonRec"] GaudiSequencer("TrackMuonRecSeq").Members += [ AlignMuonRec("AlignMuonRec"), TrackEventFitter("MuonTrackFitter") ] importOptions("$TRACKSYSROOT/options/AlignMuonRec.opts") if TrackSys().fieldOff(): AlignMuonRec("AlignMuonRec").BField = False importOptions("$STDOPTS/DstContentMuonAlign.opts")
def RecoTrackingHLT1(exclude=[], simplifiedGeometryFit=True, liteClustersFit=True): '''Function that defines the pattern recognition algorithms for the HLT1 sequence of the Run 2 offline tracking''' ## Start TransportSvc, needed by track fit ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.append("TransportSvc") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Pattern Recognition and Fitting ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Which algs to run ? trackAlgs = TrackSys().getProp("TrackPatRecAlgorithms") # Which data type is it? dataType = TrackSys().getProp("DataType") # Decode the RAW banks ExcludedLayers = TrackSys().getProp("ExcludedLayers") DecodeTracking(trackAlgs, ExcludedLayers) from Configurables import STOfflinePosition IT = STOfflinePosition('ITClusterPosition') IT.DetType = "IT" TT = STOfflinePosition('TTClusterPosition') TT.DetType = "TT" from STTools import STOfflineConf STOfflineConf.DefaultConf().configureTools() ## Make sure the default extrapolator and interpolator use simplified material from Configurables import TrackMasterExtrapolator, TrackInterpolator, SimplifiedMaterialLocator, DetailedMaterialLocator if TrackSys().simplifiedGeometry() and ('SimpleGeom' not in exclude): TrackMasterExtrapolator().MaterialLocator = 'SimplifiedMaterialLocator' TrackInterpolator().addTool(TrackMasterExtrapolator( MaterialLocator='SimplifiedMaterialLocator'), name='Extrapolator') ### This configures public tools to use the new multiple scattering description without the log term from Configurables import StateThickMSCorrectionTool me = TrackMasterExtrapolator() me.addTool(DetailedMaterialLocator(), name="MaterialLocator") me.MaterialLocator.addTool(StateThickMSCorrectionTool, name="StateMSCorrectionTool") me.MaterialLocator.StateMSCorrectionTool.UseRossiAndGreisen = True ti = TrackInterpolator() ti.addTool(me) from Configurables import TrackStateProvider tsp = TrackStateProvider() tsp.addTool(TrackInterpolator, name="Interpolator") tsp.addTool(TrackMasterExtrapolator, name="Extrapolator") tsp.Interpolator.addTool(TrackMasterExtrapolator, name='Extrapolator') if simplifiedGeometryFit or (TrackSys().simplifiedGeometry() and ('SimpleGeom' not in exclude)): tsp.Extrapolator.addTool(SimplifiedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator") tsp.Interpolator.Extrapolator.addTool(SimplifiedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator") else: tsp.Extrapolator.addTool(DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator") tsp.Interpolator.Extrapolator.addTool(DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator") tsp.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.addTool(StateThickMSCorrectionTool, name="StateMSCorrectionTool") tsp.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.StateMSCorrectionTool.UseRossiAndGreisen = True tsp.Interpolator.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.addTool( StateThickMSCorrectionTool, name="StateMSCorrectionTool") tsp.Interpolator.Extrapolator.MaterialLocator.StateMSCorrectionTool.UseRossiAndGreisen = True ### ## Velo tracking ## Why is Velo not in the tracking sequence? if "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: from Configurables import FastVeloTracking GaudiSequencer("RecoVELOSeq").Members += [ FastVeloTracking("FastVeloTracking") ] if TrackSys().timing(): FastVeloTracking().TimingMeasurement = True ## Tracking sequence from Configurables import ProcessPhase track = ProcessPhase("TrackHLT1") GaudiSequencer("RecoTrHLT1Seq").Members += [track] from Configurables import MagneticFieldSvc if TrackSys().fieldOff(): MagneticFieldSvc().ForcedSignedCurrentScaling = 0. if "noDrifttimes" in TrackSys().getProp("ExpertTracking"): from Configurables import (Tf__OTHitCreator) Tf__OTHitCreator("OTHitCreator").NoDriftTimes = True # Get the fitters from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import ConfiguredFit, ConfiguredFitSeed, ConfiguredMasterFitter # Clone killer tracklists = [] # Is this standard sequence? stdSeq = "fastSequence" not in TrackSys().getProp("ExpertTracking") ## Velo-TT pattern if "VeloTT" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["VeloTTPat"] from Configurables import PatVeloTTHybrid GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT1VeloTTPatSeq").Members += [ PatVeloTTHybrid("PatVeloTTHybrid") ] from PatVeloTT import PatVeloTTAlgConf PatVeloTTAlgConf.PatVeloTTConf().configureAlgRun2HLT1() if TrackSys().timing(): PatVeloTTHybrid("PatVeloTTHybrid").TimingMeasurement = True tracklists += ["Rec/Track/VeloTT"] ## Forward pattern if "ForwardHLT1" in trackAlgs: if "VeloTT" not in trackAlgs: raise RuntimeError("Cannot run HLT1 forward without VeloTT") track.DetectorList += ["ForwardPatHLT1"] from Configurables import PatForward, PatForwardTool GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT1ForwardPatHLT1Seq").Members += [ PatForward("PatForwardHLT1") ] # should be replaced by more 'global' tracking configuration from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf PatAlgConf.ForwardConf().configureAlgRun2HLT1() if TrackSys().timing(): PatForward("PatForwardHLT1").TimingMeasurement = True tracklists += ["Rec/Track/ForwardHLT1"] ## Fitting all HLT1 tracks track.DetectorList += ["FitHLT1"] from Configurables import TrackEventFitter, TrackInitFit, TrackStateInitTool, TrackStateInitAlg, TrackMasterExtrapolator, TrackMasterFitter from Configurables import SimplifiedMaterialLocator, DetailedMaterialLocator from Configurables import TrackContainerCopy ###### ### Fitter for Velo tracks ###### if "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: if "VeloForwardKalmanHLT1" in TrackSys().getProp("ExpertTracking"): # This is the option for the 2015 early measurements veloFitter = TrackEventFitter('VeloOnlyFitterAlg') veloFitter.TracksInContainer = "Rec/Track/Velo" veloFitter.TracksOutContainer = "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1VeloTracks" veloFitter.Fitter = "TrackInitFit/Fit" veloFitter.addTool(TrackInitFit, "Fit") veloFitter.Fit.Init = "TrackStateInitTool/VeloOnlyStateInit" veloFitter.Fit.addTool(TrackStateInitTool, "VeloOnlyStateInit") veloFitter.Fit.VeloOnlyStateInit.VeloFitterName = "FastVeloFitLHCbIDs" veloFitter.Fit.VeloOnlyStateInit.addTool(TrackMasterExtrapolator, "Extrapolator") if (simplifiedGeometryFit): veloFitter.Fit.VeloOnlyStateInit.Extrapolator.addTool( SimplifiedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator") else: veloFitter.Fit.VeloOnlyStateInit.Extrapolator.addTool( DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator") veloFitter.Fit.Fit = "TrackMasterFitter/Fit" veloFitter.Fit.addTool(TrackMasterFitter, name="Fit") from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import ConfiguredForwardFitter ConfiguredForwardFitter(veloFitter.Fit.Fit, LiteClusters=liteClustersFit) GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT1FitHLT1Seq").Members += [veloFitter] else: # and this is the option for after the early measurements # copy tracks from pat reco output container to a new one copyVeloTracks = TrackContainerCopy("CopyVeloTracks") copyVeloTracks.inputLocations = ["Rec/Track/Velo"] copyVeloTracks.outputLocation = "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1VeloTracks" from FastVelo import FastVeloAlgConf stateInit = TrackStateInitAlg('VeloOnlyInitAlg') FastVeloAlgConf.FastVeloKalmanConf().configureFastKalmanFit( init=stateInit) GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT1FitHLT1Seq").Members += [ copyVeloTracks, stateInit ] ###### ### Fitter for Forward tracks ### Need to be careful: This is all a little fragile, so if you plan to change something, check that everything configures the way you expect ### The Extrapolator for the StateInitTool does not use material corrections, so don't need to explicitely add the StateThickMSCorrectionTool ###### if "ForwardHLT1" in trackAlgs: fwdFitter = TrackEventFitter('ForwardHLT1FitterAlg') fwdFitter.TracksInContainer = "Rec/Track/ForwardHLT1" fwdFitter.TracksOutContainer = "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1ForwardTracks" # Keep only good tracks, this cut should be aligned with the one in the TrackBestTrackCreator fwdFitter.MaxChi2DoF = 4.0 fwdFitter.Fitter = "TrackInitFit/Fit" fwdFitter.addTool(TrackInitFit, "Fit") fwdFitter.Fit.Init = "TrackStateInitTool/FwdStateInit" fwdFitter.Fit.addTool(TrackStateInitTool, "FwdStateInit") fwdFitter.Fit.FwdStateInit.addTool(TrackMasterExtrapolator, "Extrapolator") fwdFitter.Fit.FwdStateInit.UseFastMomentumEstimate = True fwdFitter.Fit.FwdStateInit.VeloFitterName = "FastVeloFitLHCbIDs" if (simplifiedGeometryFit): fwdFitter.Fit.FwdStateInit.Extrapolator.addTool( SimplifiedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator") else: fwdFitter.Fit.FwdStateInit.Extrapolator.addTool( DetailedMaterialLocator, name="MaterialLocator") fwdFitter.Fit.Fit = "TrackMasterFitter/Fit" fwdFitter.Fit.addTool(TrackMasterFitter, name="Fit") from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import ConfiguredMasterFitter ConfiguredMasterFitter(fwdFitter.Fit.Fit, SimplifiedGeometry=simplifiedGeometryFit, LiteClusters=liteClustersFit, MSRossiAndGreisen=True) GaudiSequencer("TrackHLT1FitHLT1Seq").Members += [fwdFitter]
def configureInit(self, tae, initDets): """ Set up the initialization sequence """ # Start the DataOnDemandSvc ahead of ToolSvc ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["DataOnDemandSvc"] ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["ToolSvc"] ProcessPhase("Init").DetectorList.insert( 0, "Boole") # Always run Boole initialisation first! initBoole = GaudiSequencer("InitBooleSeq") initBoole.Members += ["BooleInit"] # Kept for Dirac backward compatibility if self.getProp("NoWarnings"): log.warning( "Boole().NoWarnings=True property is obsolete and maintained for Dirac compatibility. Please use Boole().ProductionMode=True instead" ) self.setProp("ProductionMode", True) # Special settings for production if self.getProp("ProductionMode"): self.setProp("OutputLevel", ERROR) if not LHCbApp().isPropertySet("TimeStamp"): LHCbApp().setProp("TimeStamp", True) # OutputLevel self.setOtherProp(LHCbApp(), "OutputLevel") if self.isPropertySet("OutputLevel"): level = self.getProp("OutputLevel") if level == ERROR or level == WARNING: # Suppress known warnings importOptions("$BOOLEOPTS/SuppressWarnings.opts") # Additional information to be kept getConfigurable("BooleInit").OutputLevel = INFO # Do not print event number at every event (done already by BooleInit) EventSelector().PrintFreq = -1 # Load the spillover branches, then kill those not required to prevent further access spillPaths = self.getProp("SpilloverPaths") killPaths = [] if len(spillPaths) == 0: spillPaths = self.KnownSpillPaths self.setProp("SpilloverPaths", spillPaths) if self.getProp("UseSpillover"): if tae: killPaths = self.KnownSpillPaths else: self.setOtherProp(SimConf(), "SpilloverPaths") # Kill any spillover paths not required for spill in self.KnownSpillPaths: if spill not in spillPaths: killPaths.append(spill) else: # Kill all spillover paths killPaths = self.KnownSpillPaths from Configurables import EventNodeKiller, TESCheck spillLoader = TESCheck("SpilloverLoader") spillLoader.Inputs = spillPaths spillLoader.Stop = False # In case no spillover on input file spillLoader.OutputLevel = ERROR spillKiller = EventNodeKiller("SpilloverKiller") spillKiller.Nodes = killPaths spillHandler = GaudiSequencer("SpilloverHandler") spillHandler.Members += [spillLoader, spillKiller] spillHandler.IgnoreFilterPassed = True # In case no spillover on input file initBoole.Members += [spillHandler] if "Muon" in initDets: # Muon Background from Configurables import MuonBackground GaudiSequencer("InitMuonSeq").Members += [ MuonBackground("MuonLowEnergy") ] importOptions("$MUONBACKGROUNDROOT/options/MuonLowEnergy-G4.opts") if not tae: flatSpillover = MuonBackground("MuonFlatSpillover") GaudiSequencer("InitMuonSeq").Members += [flatSpillover] if self.getProp("DataType") == "2010": flatSpillover.NBXFullFull = 344 if self.getProp("DataType") == "2009": flatSpillover.NBXFullFull = 4 importOptions( "$MUONBACKGROUNDROOT/options/MuonFlatSpillover-G4.opts")
def applyConf(self): # Check the special data options for option in self.getProp("SpecialData"): if option not in self.KnownSpecialData: raise RuntimeError("Unknown SpecialData option '%s'"%option) # Phases if not self.isPropertySet("RecoSequence"): self.setProp("RecoSequence",self.DefaultSubDetsFieldOn) if self.getProp("DataType") in self.Run2DataTypes: self.setProp("RecoSequence",self.DefaultSubDetsFieldOnRun2) recoSeq = self.getProp("RecoSequence") if self.getProp("SkipTracking"): for det in self.DefaultTrackingSubdets: if det in recoSeq: recoSeq.remove(det) from Configurables import ProcessPhase ProcessPhase("Reco").DetectorList += recoSeq # Primary Vertex and V0 finding if "Vertex" in recoSeq and self.getProp("DataType") not in self.Run2DataTypes: from Configurables import PatPVOffline, TrackV0Finder pvAlg = PatPVOffline() if "2009" == self.getProp("DataType"): from PatPV import PVConf PVConf.VLoosePV().configureAlg() elif ( "veloOpen" in self.getProp("SpecialData") or "microBiasTrigger" in self.getProp("SpecialData") ): from PatPV import PVConf PVConf.LoosePV().configureAlg() elif ( not ( self.getProp("Simulation") and self.getProp("DataType") in ["2008","2009","2010","MC09"] ) ): # Default setting uses beam spot constraint from DB, available from 2011. Prior to 2011 stability of beam spot is not certain from PatPV import PVConf PVConf.StandardPV().configureAlg() # MC with particle gun cannot reconstruct PV, hence need to introduce one by hand if "pGun" in self.getProp("SpecialData"): from Configurables import PGPrimaryVertex pgPV = PGPrimaryVertex() GaudiSequencer("RecoVertexSeq").Members += [ pgPV ] else: GaudiSequencer("RecoVertexSeq").Members += [ pvAlg ]; trackV0Finder = TrackV0Finder() GaudiSequencer("RecoVertexSeq").Members += [ trackV0Finder ] # for Run 2, we run a different algorithm and don't want to have # the V0 finder in the vertex sequence (which is now after HLT1) if "Vertex" in recoSeq and self.getProp("DataType") in self.Run2DataTypes: from Configurables import PatPV3D, PVOfflineTool, LSAdaptPV3DFitter pvAlg = PatPV3D("PatPV3D") ## this should go in a configuration file when we know what to use pvAlg.addTool(PVOfflineTool,"PVOfflineTool") pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.addTool(LSAdaptPV3DFitter, "LSAdaptPV3DFitter") pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.PVFitterName = "LSAdaptPV3DFitter" pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.UseFittedTracks = True pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.AddMultipleScattering = False pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.TrackErrorScaleFactor = 1.0 pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.MinTracks = 4 pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.LSAdaptPV3DFitter.trackMaxChi2 = 12.0 pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.UseBeamSpotRCut = True pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.BeamSpotRCut = 0.2 pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.BeamSpotRHighMultiplicityCut = 0.4 pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.BeamSpotRMultiplicityTreshold = 10 pvAlg.PVOfflineTool.InputTracks = [ "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1VeloTracks" ] pvAlg.OutputVerticesName = "Rec/Vertex/Primary" pvAlg.PrimaryVertexLocation = "Rec/Vertex/PrimaryVertices" # Remove all tracks that don't belong to a PV (to save space on a DST) from Configurables import TrackContainerCleaner, SelectTrackInVertex pvVeloTracksCleaner = TrackContainerCleaner("PVVeloTracksCleaner") pvVeloTracksCleaner.inputLocation = "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1VeloTracks" pvVeloTracksCleaner.selectorName = "SelectTrackInVertex" GaudiSequencer("RecoVertexSeq").Members += [ pvAlg, pvVeloTracksCleaner ]; GaudiSequencer("RecoVertexSeq").IgnoreFilterPassed = True ## Upgrade type? if self.getProp("DataType") == 'Upgrade' : specialDataList = self.getProp("SpecialData") specialDataList.append("upgrade") self.setProp("SpecialData",specialDataList) # Tracking (Should make it more fine grained ??) DoTracking = False for seq in self.DefaultTrackingSubdets : if seq in recoSeq: DoTracking = True if DoTracking: trackConf = TrackSys() self.setOtherProps(trackConf,["SpecialData","OutputType"]) trackConf.ExpertHistos = self.expertHistos() # RICH if "RICH" in recoSeq: # The main sequence seq = GaudiSequencer("RecoRICHSeq") # Create the top level Conf object richConf = RichRecSysConf(self.richRecConfName) # set some general options self.setOtherProps(richConf,["SpecialData","Context","OutputLevel", "Simulation","DataType","OnlineMode"]) # Set the sequencer the RICH reco algs should be added to richConf.RecoSequencer = seq # Input Tracks (would be better to not hard code this. Get from TrackSys() or DstConf()) # Only set if not previously set, to allow for custom studies using non standard locations # set at the top level options file level if not richConf.trackConfig().isPropertySet("InputTracksLocation") : richConf.trackConfig().setProp("InputTracksLocation","Rec/Track/Best") # Output PID Location. Again allow for pre-defined custom locations. if not richConf.isPropertySet("RichPIDLocation") : richConf.setProp("RichPIDLocation","Rec/Rich/PIDs") # Printout import GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOn() log.debug(richConf) GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOff() # CALO if "CALO" in recoSeq: import GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions seq = GaudiSequencer ( 'RecoCALOSeq' ) caloConf=CaloProcessor( Context = self.getProp('Context') , OutputLevel = self.getProp('OutputLevel') , UseTracks = True , EnableOnDemand = False , DataType = self.getProp ('DataType') ) GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOn() seq.Members = [caloConf.caloSequence()] GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOff() # MUON if "MUON" in recoSeq: from MuonID import ConfiguredMuonIDs from Configurables import RawBankReadoutStatusConverter,RawBankReadoutStatusFilter cm=ConfiguredMuonIDs.ConfiguredMuonIDs(data=self.getProp("DataType"), specialData=self.getProp("SpecialData")) MuonIDSeq=cm.getMuonIDSeq() RawBankReadoutStatusConverter("MuonProcStatus").System="Muon" RawBankReadoutStatusConverter("MuonProcStatus").BankTypes=["Muon"] RawBankReadoutStatusFilter("MuonROFilter").BankType=13 RawBankReadoutStatusFilter("MuonROFilter").RejectionMask=2067 GaudiSequencer("RecoMUONSeq").Members += [ "MuonRec", "RawBankReadoutStatusConverter/MuonProcStatus", "RawBankReadoutStatusFilter/MuonROFilter", MuonIDSeq ] # PROTO if "PROTO" in recoSeq: self.setOtherProps(GlobalRecoConf(),["DataType","SpecialData", "Context","OutputLevel"]) GlobalRecoConf().RecoSequencer = GaudiSequencer("RecoPROTOSeq") # SUMMARY if "SUMMARY" in recoSeq: from Configurables import RecSummaryAlg summary = RecSummaryAlg("RecSummary") # make a new list of uppered detectors dets = [] for det in self.getProp("Detectors"): dets.append(det.upper()) summary.Detectors = dets GaudiSequencer("RecoSUMMARYSeq").Members += [summary]
def configureOutput(self, dstType, withMC, handleLumi): """ Set up output stream """ # Merge genFSRs if self.getProp("WriteFSR"): if self.getProp("MergeGenFSR"): GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq").Members += ["GenFSRMerge"] if dstType in [ "XDST", "DST", "LDST", "RDST" ]: writerName = "DstWriter" packType = self.getProp( "PackType" ) # event output dstWriter = OutputStream( writerName ) dstWriter.AcceptAlgs += ["Reco"] # Write only if Rec phase completed if handleLumi and self.getProp( "WriteLumi" ): dstWriter.AcceptAlgs += ["LumiSeq"] # Write also if Lumi sequence completed # set verbosity if self.getProp( "ProductionMode" ): if not dstWriter.isPropertySet( "OutputLevel" ): dstWriter.OutputLevel = INFO if self.getProp("WriteFSR"): FSRWriter = RecordStream( "FSROutputStreamDstWriter") if not FSRWriter.isPropertySet( "OutputLevel" ): FSRWriter.OutputLevel = INFO # Suppress spurious error when reading POOL files without run records if self.getProp("WriteFSR"): if self.getProp( "InputType" ).upper() not in [ "MDF" ]: from Configurables import FileRecordDataSvc FileRecordDataSvc().OutputLevel = FATAL if dstType == "XDST": # Allow multiple files open at once (SIM,DST,DIGI etc.) IODataManager().AgeLimit += 1 if dstType in ["DST","XDST","LDST"] and packType not in ["MDF"]: jseq=GaudiSequencer("RawEventSplitSeq") ################################# # Split the Raw Event for the DST # Use the RawEventJuggler. # Not delegated to DSTConf. # Some information must be shared with DSTConf ################################# juggler=RawEventJuggler() juggler.Sequencer=jseq dstseq=GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq") dstseq.Members.append(jseq) # Set the output version if not already overwritten if juggler.isPropertySet("Output") and juggler.getProp("Output") is not None: #it's already set pass else: juggler.setProp("Output",self.getProp("SplitRawEventOutput")) #set the input version, could come from several places if self.isPropertySet("SplitRawEventInput") and self.getProp("SplitRawEventInput") is not None: #if set, take it from Brunel() juggler.setProp("Input",self.getProp("SplitRawEventInput")) #otherwise use the setting of the juggler if it is set elif juggler.isPropertySet("Input") and juggler.getProp("Input") is not None: pass #else find it from DecodeRawEvent elif DecodeRawEvent().isPropertySet("OverrideInputs") and DecodeRawEvent().getProp("OverrideInputs") is not None: juggler.setProp("Input",DecodeRawEvent().getProp("OverrideInputs")) #else if I'm input with a DST, assume it is a Stripping20 type elif self._isReprocessing(self.getProp("InputType")): juggler.setProp("Input",2.0) else: #or set the default to whatever comes out of Moore by default juggler.setProp("Input","Moore") #share information from the Juggler with DSTConf #always write out to where the Juggler asked! DstConf().setProp("SplitRawEventOutput", juggler.getProp("Output")) #or else the default in the juggler is used, should be 0.0 #TODO, handle the turned off Calo, shouldn't actually be a problem... from RawEventCompat.Configuration import _checkv from Configurables import RawEventFormatConf RawEventFormatConf().loadIfRequired() if juggler.getProp("Input")!=juggler.getProp("Output"): if (juggler.getProp("Input") is None or juggler.getProp("Output")) is None or (_checkv(juggler.getProp("Input")))!=(_checkv(juggler.getProp("Output"))): juggler.KillExtraBanks=True juggler.KillExtraNodes=True #really kill /Event/DAQ to prevent it re-appearing! juggler.KillExtraDirectories=True from Configurables import TrackToDST # Filter Best Track States to be written trackFilter = TrackToDST("FilterBestTrackStates") from Configurables import ProcessPhase ProcessPhase("Output").DetectorList += [ "DST" ] GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq").Members += [ trackFilter ] ### For Run 2, filter the fitted Velo tracks for PV if( self.getProp("DataType") in self.Run2DataTypes ): fittedVeloTracksFilter = TrackToDST("FilterFittedVeloTrackStates", veloStates = ["ClosestToBeam"]) fittedVeloTracksFilter.TracksInContainer = "Rec/Track/FittedHLT1VeloTracks" GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq").Members += [ fittedVeloTracksFilter ] if "Muon" in self.getProp("Detectors"): # Filter Muon Track States muonTrackFilter = TrackToDST("FilterMuonTrackStates") muonTrackFilter.TracksInContainer = "/Event/Rec/Track/Muon" GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq").Members += [ muonTrackFilter ] if packType != "NONE": # Add the sequence to pack the DST containers packSeq = GaudiSequencer("PackDST") DstConf().PackSequencer = packSeq DstConf().AlwaysCreate = True GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq").Members += [ packSeq ] # Run the packers also on Lumi only events to write empty containers if handleLumi and self.getProp( "WriteLumi" ): notPhysSeq = GaudiSequencer("NotPhysicsSeq") notPhysSeq.Members += [ packSeq ] # Define the file content DstConf().Writer = writerName DstConf().DstType = dstType DstConf().PackType = packType #In case we didn't juggle the raw event, #We should write out the same as the input type! if not DstConf().isPropertySet("SplitRawEventOutput"): if self.isPropertySet("SplitRawEventInput") and self.getProp("SplitRawEventInput") is not None: DstConf().setProp("SplitRawEventOutput",self.getProp("SplitRawEventInput")) elif DecodeRawEvent().isPropertySet("OverrideInputs") and DecodeRawEvent().getProp("OverrideInputs") is not None: DstConf().setProp("SplitRawEventOutput",DecodeRawEvent().getProp("SplitRawEventInput")) if withMC: DstConf().SimType = "Full" elif self.getProp("DigiType").capitalize() == "Minimal": from Configurables import PackMCVertex GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq").Members += [PackMCVertex()] DstConf().SimType = "Minimal" DstConf().OutputName = self.outputName() self.setOtherProps(DstConf(),["DataType","WriteFSR"])
from Configurables import (ProcessPhase, GaudiSequencer, RecSysConf) RecSysConf() appConf = ApplicationMgr() # Set main sequence brunelSeq = GaudiSequencer("BrunelSequencer") appConf.TopAlg = [brunelSeq] brunelSeq.Members += ["ProcessPhase/Init", "ProcessPhase/Reco"] ProcessPhase("Init").DetectorList += ["Brunel", "Calo"]
def RecoTracking(exclude=[]): '''What used to be in the options file, moved here''' ## Start TransportSvc, needed by track fit ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.append("TransportSvc") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Pattern Recognition and Fitting ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Which algs to run ? trackAlgs = TrackSys().getProp("TrackPatRecAlgorithms") # Which data type is it? dataType = TrackSys().getProp("DataType") # Decode the RAW banks DecodeTracking(trackAlgs) from Configurables import STOfflinePosition IT = STOfflinePosition('ITClusterPosition') IT.DetType = "IT" TT = STOfflinePosition('TTClusterPosition') TT.DetType = "TT" from STTools import STOfflineConf STOfflineConf.DefaultConf().configureTools() #importOptions( "$STTOOLSROOT/options/Brunel.opts" ) ## Velo tracking if "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: from Configurables import FastVeloTracking GaudiSequencer("RecoVELOSeq").Members += [FastVeloTracking()] if TrackSys().timing(): FastVeloTracking().TimingMeasurement = True if "Velo" in trackAlgs: from Configurables import Tf__PatVeloGeneralTracking if TrackSys().veloOpen(): if TrackSys().beamGas(): from Configurables import Tf__PatVeloGeneric GaudiSequencer("RecoVELOSeq").Members += [ Tf__PatVeloGeneric("PatVeloGeneric"), Tf__PatVeloGeneralTracking("PatVeloGeneralTracking") ] else: from Configurables import Tf__PatVeloTrackTool GaudiSequencer("RecoVELOSeq").Members += [ Tf__PatVeloGeneralTracking("PatVeloGeneralTracking") ] Tf__PatVeloGeneralTracking( "PatVeloGeneralTracking").PointErrorMin = 2 * mm Tf__PatVeloGeneralTracking("PatVeloGeneralTracking").addTool( Tf__PatVeloTrackTool("PatVeloTrackTool")) Tf__PatVeloTrackTool("PatVeloTrackTool").highChargeFract = 0.5 if TrackSys().timing(): Tf__PatVeloGeneralTracking( "PatVeloGeneralTracking").TimingMeasurement = True else: from Configurables import (Tf__PatVeloRTracking, Tf__PatVeloSpaceTool, Tf__PatVeloSpaceTracking) GaudiSequencer("RecoVELOSeq").Members += [ Tf__PatVeloRTracking("PatVeloRTracking"), Tf__PatVeloSpaceTracking("PatVeloSpaceTracking"), Tf__PatVeloGeneralTracking("PatVeloGeneralTracking") ] Tf__PatVeloSpaceTracking("PatVeloSpaceTracking").addTool( Tf__PatVeloSpaceTool(), name="PatVeloSpaceTool") Tf__PatVeloSpaceTracking("PatVeloSpaceTracking" ).PatVeloSpaceTool.MarkClustersUsed = True if TrackSys().timing(): Tf__PatVeloSpaceTracking( "PatVeloSpaceTracking").TimingMeasurement = True Tf__PatVeloRTracking( "PatVeloRTracking").TimingMeasurement = True Tf__PatVeloGeneralTracking( "PatVeloGeneralTracking").TimingMeasurement = True ## Make sure the default extrapolator and interpolator use simplified material if TrackSys().simplifiedGeometry() and ('SimpleGeom' not in exclude): from Configurables import TrackMasterExtrapolator, TrackInterpolator TrackMasterExtrapolator().MaterialLocator = 'SimplifiedMaterialLocator' TrackInterpolator().addTool(TrackMasterExtrapolator( MaterialLocator='SimplifiedMaterialLocator'), name='Extrapolator') ## Tracking sequence from Configurables import ProcessPhase track = ProcessPhase("Track") GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [track] from Configurables import MagneticFieldSvc if TrackSys().fieldOff(): MagneticFieldSvc().ForcedSignedCurrentScaling = 0. if "noDrifttimes" in TrackSys().getProp("ExpertTracking"): from Configurables import (Tf__OTHitCreator) Tf__OTHitCreator("OTHitCreator").NoDriftTimes = True # Get the fitters from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import ConfiguredFit, ConfiguredFitSeed, ConfiguredMasterFitter # Clone killer tracklists = [] # Is this standard sequence? stdSeq = "fastSequence" not in TrackSys().getProp("ExpertTracking") # TrackMatching not supported anymore, raise error if "Match" in trackAlgs: raise RuntimeError( "TrackMatching not supported anymore. If you think this is wrong, report to [email protected]" ) ## Forward pattern if "Forward" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["ForwardPat"] from Configurables import PatForward GaudiSequencer("TrackForwardPatSeq").Members += [ PatForward("PatForward") ] from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf PatAlgConf.ForwardConf().configureAlg() if TrackSys().timing(): PatForward("PatForward").TimingMeasurement = True tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Forward"] ## Seed pattern if "TsaSeed" in trackAlgs and "PatSeed" in trackAlgs: raise RuntimeError("Cannot run both Tsa and Pat Seeding at once") if "TsaSeed" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["SeedPat"] from Configurables import Tf__Tsa__Seed, Tf__Tsa__SeedTrackCnv GaudiSequencer("TrackSeedPatSeq").Members += [ Tf__Tsa__Seed("TsaSeed"), Tf__Tsa__SeedTrackCnv("TsaSeedTrackCnv") ] from TsaAlgorithms import TsaAlgConf TsaAlgConf.TsaSeedConf().configureAlg() if TrackSys().timing(): Tf__Tsa__Seed("TsaSeed").TimingMeasurement = True if "PatSeed" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["SeedPat"] from Configurables import PatSeeding GaudiSequencer("TrackSeedPatSeq").Members += [PatSeeding("PatSeeding")] from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf PatAlgConf.SeedingConf().configureAlg() if TrackSys().timing(): PatSeeding("PatSeeding").TimingMeasurement = True if TrackSys().cosmics(): from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf PatAlgConf.CosmicConf().configureAlg() if "TsaSeed" in trackAlgs or "PatSeed" in trackAlgs: tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Seed"] # TrackMatching not supported anymore, comment for the moment in case anything breaks #if "Match" in trackAlgs : # Fit now #track.DetectorList += [ "SeedFit" ] ## Seed fit initialization #from Configurables import TrackStateInitAlg, TrackStateInitTool #initSeedFit = TrackStateInitAlg("InitSeedFit", # TrackLocation = "Rec/Track/Seed") #GaudiSequencer("TrackSeedFitSeq").Members += [initSeedFit] #if "FastVelo" in trackAlgs : # initSeedFit.StateInitTool.VeloFitterName = "FastVeloFitLHCbIDs" # Use small ErrorQoP fitter, needed for Match #GaudiSequencer("TrackSeedFitSeq").Members += [ConfiguredFitSeed()] # TrackMatching not supported anymore, comment for the moment in case anything breaks ## Match #if "Match" in trackAlgs and "PatMatch" in trackAlgs : # raise RuntimeError("Cannot run both TrackMatching and PatMatch at once") #if "Match" in trackAlgs : # track.DetectorList += [ "MatchPat" ] # from Configurables import TrackMatchVeloSeed # GaudiSequencer("TrackMatchPatSeq").Members += [ TrackMatchVeloSeed("TrackMatch") ] # from TrackMatching import TrackMatchConf # TrackMatchConf.MatchingConf().configureAlg() # TrackMatchVeloSeed("TrackMatch").LikCut = -99999. # if TrackSys().timing() : # TrackMatchVeloSeed("TrackMatch").TimingMeasurement = True; if "PatMatch" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["MatchPat"] from Configurables import PatMatch GaudiSequencer("TrackMatchPatSeq").Members += [PatMatch("PatMatch")] if "Match" in trackAlgs or "PatMatch" in trackAlgs: tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Match"] ## Downstream if "Downstream" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["DownstreamPat"] from Configurables import PatDownstream GaudiSequencer("TrackDownstreamPatSeq").Members += [PatDownstream()] tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Downstream"] from PatAlgorithms import PatAlgConf #PatAlgConf.DownstreamConf().configureAlg() if TrackSys().timing(): PatDownstream("PatDownstream").TimingMeasurement = True ## Velo-TT pattern if "VeloTT" in trackAlgs: track.DetectorList += ["VeloTTPat"] # from 2015 on, 'VeloTTHybrid' is used (as in the HLT) # on python configuration is used if dataType is "2015": from Configurables import PatVeloTTHybrid GaudiSequencer("TrackVeloTTPatSeq").Members += [ PatVeloTTHybrid("PatVeloTTHybrid") ] if TrackSys().timing(): PatVeloTTHybrid("PatVeloTTHybrid").TimingMeasurement = True # for everything older, the old 'PatVeloTT' is run else: from Configurables import PatVeloTT GaudiSequencer("TrackVeloTTPatSeq").Members += [ PatVeloTT("PatVeloTT") ] from PatVeloTT.PatVeloTTAlgConf import PatVeloTTConf PatVeloTTConf().configureAlg() if TrackSys().timing(): PatVeloTT("PatVeloTT").TimingMeasurement = True tracklists += ["Rec/Track/VeloTT"] ### Clean clone and fit track.DetectorList += ["Fit"] if TrackSys().getProp("OldCloneKiller"): from Configurables import TrackEventCloneKiller, TrackStateInitAlg, TrackContainerCopy cloneKiller = TrackEventCloneKiller() cloneKiller.TracksInContainers = tracklists cloneKiller.TracksOutContainer = "Rec/Track/AllBest" GaudiSequencer("TrackFitSeq").Members += [cloneKiller] stateInitAlg = TrackStateInitAlg("InitBestFit") stateInitAlg.TrackLocation = "Rec/Track/AllBest" if "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: stateInitAlg.StateInitTool.VeloFitterName = "FastVeloFitLHCbIDs" GaudiSequencer("TrackFitSeq").Members += [stateInitAlg] GaudiSequencer("TrackFitSeq").Members += [ ConfiguredFit("FitBest", "Rec/Track/AllBest") ] copyBest = TrackContainerCopy("CopyBest") copyBest.inputLocations = ["Rec/Track/AllBest"] GaudiSequencer("TrackFitSeq").Members += [copyBest] ## Velo fitting if "Velo" in trackAlgs or "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: ## Prepare the velo tracks for the fit track.DetectorList += ["VeloFit"] from Configurables import TrackPrepareVelo GaudiSequencer("TrackVeloFitSeq").Members += [TrackPrepareVelo()] ## Fit the velo tracks GaudiSequencer("TrackVeloFitSeq").Members += [ ConfiguredFit("FitVelo", "Rec/Track/PreparedVelo") ] ## copy the velo tracks to the "best" container copyVelo = TrackContainerCopy("CopyVelo") copyVelo.inputLocations = ["Rec/Track/PreparedVelo"] GaudiSequencer("TrackVeloFitSeq").Members += [copyVelo] else: # complete the list of track lists if "Velo" in trackAlgs or "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Velo"] # create the best track creator from Configurables import TrackBestTrackCreator bestTrackCreator = TrackBestTrackCreator(TracksInContainers=tracklists) # configure its fitter and stateinittool ConfiguredMasterFitter(bestTrackCreator.Fitter) if "FastVelo" in trackAlgs: bestTrackCreator.StateInitTool.VeloFitterName = "FastVeloFitLHCbIDs" # add to the sequence GaudiSequencer("TrackFitSeq").Members.append(bestTrackCreator) ### Change dEdx correction for simulated data if TrackSys().getProp("Simulation"): from Configurables import StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool, DetailedMaterialLocator if TrackSys().getProp("OldCloneKiller"): from Configurables import TrackEventFitter, TrackMasterFitter fitBest = TrackEventFitter("FitBest") fitBest.Fitter.MaterialLocator.addTool( StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool("GeneralDedxTool")) fitBest.Fitter.MaterialLocator.GeneralDedxTool.EnergyLossFactor = 0.76 else: from Configurables import TrackBestTrackCreator fitter = TrackBestTrackCreator().Fitter fitter.MaterialLocator.addTool( StateDetailedBetheBlochEnergyCorrectionTool("GeneralDedxTool")) fitter.MaterialLocator.GeneralDedxTool.EnergyLossFactor = 0.76 ## Extra track information sequence extraInfos = TrackSys().getProp("TrackExtraInfoAlgorithms") if len(extraInfos) > 0: track.DetectorList += ["AddExtraInfo"] ## Clone finding and flagging if "CloneFlagging" in extraInfos: from Configurables import TrackBuildCloneTable, TrackCloneCleaner trackClones = GaudiSequencer("TrackClonesSeq") GaudiSequencer("TrackAddExtraInfoSeq").Members += [trackClones] if TrackSys().timing(): trackClones.MeasureTime = True cloneTable = TrackBuildCloneTable("FindTrackClones") cloneTable.maxDz = 500 * mm cloneTable.zStates = [0 * mm, 990 * mm, 9450 * mm] cloneTable.klCut = 5e3 cloneCleaner = TrackCloneCleaner("FlagTrackClones") cloneCleaner.CloneCut = 5e3 trackClones.Members += [cloneTable, cloneCleaner] ## Add expected hit information #if "ExpectedHits" in extraInfos : # GaudiSequencer("TrackAddExtraInfoSeq").Members += [ TrackComputeExpectedHits() ] ## Add the likelihood information if "TrackLikelihood" in extraInfos and ('TrackLikelihood' not in exclude): from Configurables import TrackAddLikelihood, TrackLikelihood trackAddLikelihood = TrackAddLikelihood() trackAddLikelihood.addTool(TrackLikelihood, name="TrackMatching_likTool") trackAddLikelihood.TrackMatching_likTool.otEff = 0.9 GaudiSequencer("TrackAddExtraInfoSeq").Members += [ trackAddLikelihood ] ## ghost probability using a Neural Net if "GhostProbability" in extraInfos: from Configurables import TrackAddNNGhostId, TrackNNGhostId nn = TrackAddNNGhostId() GaudiSequencer("TrackAddExtraInfoSeq").Members += [nn] track.DetectorList += ["EraseExtraInformation"] from Configurables import TrackEraseExtraInfo GaudiSequencer("TrackEraseExtraInformationSeq").Members += [ TrackEraseExtraInfo() ] ## Muon alignment tracks if "MuonAlign" in trackAlgs: from Configurables import TrackEventFitter, AlignMuonRec track.DetectorList += ["MuonRec"] GaudiSequencer("TrackMuonRecSeq").Members += [ AlignMuonRec("AlignMuonRec"), TrackEventFitter("MuonTrackFitter") ] importOptions("$TRACKSYSROOT/options/AlignMuonRec.opts") if TrackSys().fieldOff(): AlignMuonRec("AlignMuonRec").BField = False importOptions("$STDOPTS/DstContentMuonAlign.opts")
def configureOutput(self, dstType): """ Set up output stream """ if dstType in ["DST", "RDST"]: if hasattr(self, "Persistency"): if self.getProp("Persistency") is not None: DstConf().Persistency = self.getProp("Persistency") writerName = "DstWriter" packType = self.getProp("PackType") # Do not pack DC06 DSTs, for consistency with existing productions if self.getProp("DataType") == "DC06": packType = "NONE" dstWriter = OutputStream(writerName) dstWriter.RequireAlgs += ["Reco" ] # Write only if Rec phase completed # Set a default output file name if not already defined in the user job options if not hasattr(dstWriter, "Output"): DstConf().OutputName = self.outputName() # Define the file content DstConf().Writer = writerName DstConf().DstType = dstType DstConf().PackType = packType DstConf().setProp("WriteFSR", self.getProp("WriteFSR")) if hasattr(self, "Persistency"): if self.getProp("Persistency") is not None: DstConf().setProp("Persistency", self.getProp("Persistency")) from Configurables import TrackToDST if dstType == "DST": # Sequence for altering DST content ProcessPhase("Output").DetectorList += ["DST"] # Filter Track States to be written trackFilter = TrackToDST() else: # Sequence for altering content of rDST compared to DST ProcessPhase("Output").DetectorList += ["L0", "DST"] # Filter Track States to be written trackFilter = TrackToDST("TrackToRDST") trackFilter.veloStates = ["ClosestToBeam"] trackFilter.longStates = ["ClosestToBeam"] trackFilter.TTrackStates = ["FirstMeasurement"] trackFilter.downstreamStates = ["FirstMeasurement"] trackFilter.upstreamStates = ["ClosestToBeam"] GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq").Members += [trackFilter] if packType != "NONE": # Add the sequence to pack the DST containers packSeq = GaudiSequencer("PackDST") DstConf().PackSequencer = packSeq DstConf().AlwaysCreate = True GaudiSequencer("OutputDSTSeq").Members += [packSeq] # Always write an ETC if ETC input if self.getProp("InputType").upper() == "ETC": raise DeprecationWarning, "ETC are no longer supported by LHCb" etcWriter = TagCollectionSvc("EvtTupleSvc") ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.append(etcWriter) ApplicationMgr().OutStream.append("GaudiSequencer/SeqTagWriter") importOptions("$ESCHEROPTS/DefineETC.opts") if not hasattr(etcWriter, "Output"): etcWriter.Output = [ "EVTTAGS2 DATAFILE='" + self.getProp("DatasetName") + "-etc.root' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='RECREATE' " ] # Do not print event number at every event (done already by Brunel) EventSelector().PrintFreq = -1 CountingPrescaler("EscherPrescaler").PrintFreq = self.getProp( "PrintFreq") # Modify printout defaults if self.getProp("NoWarnings"): importOptions("$ESCHEROPTS/SuppressWarnings.opts")
def configureSequences(self): # Check for special data options for option in self.getProp('SpecialData'): if option not in self.KnownSpecialData: raise RunTimeError("Unknown SpecialData option '%s'" % option) escherSeq = GaudiSequencer("EscherSequencer") #escherSeq.Context = self.getProp("Context") ApplicationMgr().TopAlg = [escherSeq] mainSeq = self.getProp("MainSequence") if len(mainSeq) == 0: self.MainSequence = self.DefaultSequence mainSeq = self.MainSequence escherSeq.Members += mainSeq ProcessPhase("Init").DetectorList += self.getProp("InitSequence") ProcessPhase("Init").Context = self.getProp("Context") from Configurables import RecInit, TrackSys"Setting up alignment sequence") recInit = RecInit(name="EscherInit", PrintFreq=self.getProp("PrintFreq")) GaudiSequencer("InitEscherSeq").Members += [recInit] # set up the HltFilterSeq from Configurables import HltCompositionMonitor from Configurables import LoKi__HDRFilter as HDRFilter hltFilterSeq = GaudiSequencer("HltFilterSeq") from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank from itertools import chain hltdecs = [DecoderDB.get("HltDecReportsDecoder/Hlt1DecReportsDecoder")] if not self.getProp("OnlineMode"): ## HLT2 decreports are only used offline. hltdecs += [ DecoderDB.get("HltDecReportsDecoder/Hlt2DecReportsDecoder") ] hltFilterSeq.Members = [d.setup() for d in hltdecs] ## FIXME: These lines should go back in as soon as an easy to use filter ## FIXME: is available that works for HLT1 and HLT2 decreports at the same time. ## identifies events that are not of type Hlt1ErrorEvent or Hlt2ErrorEvent ## hltErrCode = "HLT_PASS_RE('Hlt1(?!ErrorEvent).*Decision') & HLT_PASS_RE('Hlt2(?!ErrorEvent).*Decision')" ## hltErrorFilter = HDRFilter('HltErrorFilter', Code = hltErrCode ) # the filter ## hltFilterSeq.Members += [ HltCompositionMonitor(), hltErrorFilter ] ## add more hlt filters, if requested ## if hasattr(self,"HltFilterCode") and len(self.getProp("HltFilterCode"))>0: ## hltfilter = HDRFilter ( 'HLTFilter', ## Code = self.getProp("HltFilterCode")) ## hltfilter.Preambulo += [ "from LoKiCore.functions import *" ] ## hltFilterSeq.Members += [ hltfilter ] # in Escher we'll always use the DOD ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["DataOnDemandSvc"] alignSeq = GaudiSequencer("AlignSequence") # if the patter reco is not run, we need the DataOnDemand svc # so that e.g. the track container(s) is unpacked: if not GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").getProp("Enable"): DstConf(EnableUnpack=True) # Setup tracking sequence trackConf = TrackSys() self.setOtherProps(trackConf, [ "SpecialData", "OutputType", "DataType", "Simulation", "GlobalCuts" ]) trackConf.ExpertTracking = self.getProp("ExpertTracking") ta = TAlignment() ta.Upgrade = self.getProp("Upgrade") self.setOtherProps(ta, ["DatasetName", "OnlineMode", "OnlineAligWorkDir"]) ta.Sequencer = alignSeq if self.getProp("Millepede"):"Using Millepede type alignment!") self.setProp("Incident", "GlobalMPedeFit") ta.Method = "Millepede" ta.Sequencer = GaudiSequencer("MpedeAlignSeq")
def configureCheck(self,expert): # "Check" histograms filled only with simulated data KnownCheckSubdets = ["Pat"] # CheckSubdets if [det for det in ['Rich1', 'Rich2', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")]: KnownCheckSubdets.append("RICH") if [det for det in ['Muon', 'MuonNoM1'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")]: KnownCheckSubdets.append("MUON") # Expert Check Subdets KnownExpertCheckSubdets = [] + KnownCheckSubdets if [det for det in ['TT'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")]: KnownExpertCheckSubdets.append("TT") tmpExpertSubdets = [det for det in ['IT', 'OT'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")] if tmpExpertSubdets: for det in tmpExpertSubdets: KnownExpertCheckSubdets.append(det) if [det for det in ['Tr'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")]: KnownExpertCheckSubdets.append('Tr') if [det for det in ['Spd', 'Prs', 'Ecal', 'Hcal'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")]: KnownExpertCheckSubdets.append("CALO") KnownExpertCheckSubdets.append("PROTO") RecMoniConf().setProp( "CheckEnabled", True ) if not self.isPropertySet("MCCheckSequence"): if expert: checkSeq = KnownExpertCheckSubdets else: checkSeq = KnownCheckSubdets self.MCCheckSequence = checkSeq else: for seq in self.getProp("MCCheckSequence"): if expert: if seq not in KnownExpertCheckSubdets: log.warning("Unknown subdet '%s' in MCCheckSequence"%seq) else: if seq not in KnownCheckSubdets: log.warning("Unknown subdet '%s' in MCCheckSequence"%seq) checkSeq = self.getProp("MCCheckSequence") from Configurables import ProcessPhase ProcessPhase("Check").DetectorList += checkSeq # Tracking handled inside TrackSys configurable TrackSys().setProp( "WithMC", True ) if ("MUON" in checkSeq) and ("Muon" in self.getProp("Detectors")): from MuonPIDChecker import ConfigureMuonPIDChecker as cmuon mydata = self.getProp("DataType") mycheckconf = cmuon.ConfigureMuonPIDChecker(data = mydata) mycheckconf.configure(UseMC = True, HistosLevel = self.getProp("Histograms")) if ("RICH" in checkSeq) and [det for det in ['Rich1', 'Rich2', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")] : from Configurables import GaudiSequencer richMoniConf = RichRecQCConf(self.richMoniConfName) self.setOtherProps(richMoniConf, ["Histograms","Context","OutputLevel","OnlineMode", "DataType","WithMC","Simulation"] ) richMoniConf.setProp("MoniSequencer", GaudiSequencer("CheckRICHSeq")) if expert: # Data on Demand for MCParticle to MCHit association, needed by ST, IT, OT, Tr, Muon # Different for upgrade and non-upgrade if( self.getProp("DataType") is "Upgrade" ): importOptions( "$ASSOCIATORSROOT/options/" ) else: importOptions( "$ASSOCIATORSROOT/options/" ) # Allow multiple files open at once (SIM,DST,DIGI etc.) IODataManager().AgeLimit += 1 if ( ("TT" in checkSeq) and (hasattr(self, "Detectors")) and ("TT" in self.getProp("Detectors")) ): from Configurables import ( STEffChecker, MCParticleSelector ) from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV effCheck = STEffChecker("TTEffChecker") effCheck.FullDetail = True effCheck.addTool(MCParticleSelector) effCheck.MCParticleSelector.zOrigin = 50.0 effCheck.MCParticleSelector.pMin = 1.0*GeV effCheck.MCParticleSelector.betaGammaMin = 1.0 from Configurables import GaudiSequencer GaudiSequencer("CheckTTSeq").Members += [effCheck] if ( ("IT" in checkSeq) and (hasattr(self, "Detectors")) and ("IT" in self.getProp("Detectors")) ): from Configurables import ( STEffChecker, MCParticleSelector ) from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV effCheck = STEffChecker("ITEffChecker") effCheck.FullDetail = True effCheck.addTool(MCParticleSelector) effCheck.MCParticleSelector.zOrigin = 50.0 effCheck.MCParticleSelector.pMin = 1.0*GeV effCheck.MCParticleSelector.betaGammaMin = 1.0 effCheck.DetType = "IT" from Configurables import GaudiSequencer GaudiSequencer("CheckITSeq").Members += [effCheck] if ( ("OT" in checkSeq) and (hasattr(self, "Detectors")) and ("OT" in self.getProp("Detectors")) ): GaudiSequencer("CheckOTSeq").Members += ["OTTimeChecker"] # needs MCHits if "Tr" in checkSeq : # Checking on the tracks in the "best" container - needs MCHits # not active for upgrade for the moment if( self.getProp("DataType") is "Upgrade" ): pass else: importOptions( "$TRACKSYSROOT/options/TrackChecking.opts" ) if "CALO" in checkSeq : import GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOn() from Configurables import GaudiSequencer ccseq=GaudiSequencer("CaloCheckers") noSPDPRS = False if [det for det in ['Spd', 'Prs'] if det in self.getProp("Detectors")]: noSPDPRS = True caloMoni = CaloMoniDstConf( CheckerSequence = ccseq, OutputLevel = self.getProp('OutputLevel'), Context = 'Offline', NoSpdPrs = noSPDPRS) caloMoni.printConf() GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOff() GaudiSequencer("CheckCALOSeq").Members = [ "CaloDigit2MCLinks2Table", "CaloClusterMCTruth" ,ccseq] if "PROTO" in checkSeq : from Configurables import GaudiSequencer self.setOtherProps(GlobalRecoChecks(),["OutputLevel"]) exSeq = GaudiSequencer("ExpertProtoMoni") GaudiSequencer("CheckPROTOSeq").Members += [exSeq] GlobalRecoChecks().Sequencer = exSeq
def applyConf(self): # Build list of existing detectors dets = [] for det in self.getProp("Detectors"): dets.append(det.upper()) # general monitoring for det in self.KnownMoniGeneral: dets.append(det) # For compatibility reasons if [det for det in ['IT', 'TT'] if det in dets]: dets.append("ST") if [det for det in ['SPD', 'PRS', 'ECAL', 'HCAL'] if det in dets]: dets.append("CALO") if [det for det in ['RICH1', 'RICH2'] if det in dets]: dets.append("RICH") # Set up monitoring (i.e. not using MC truth) moniSeq = [] if not self.isPropertySet("MoniSequence"): # Build default monitoring if self.expertHistos(): moniDets = self.KnownExpertMoniSubdets else: moniDets = self.KnownMoniSubdets # create overlap for det in moniDets: if det in dets: moniSeq.append(det) self.MoniSequence = moniSeq else: for seq in self.getProp("MoniSequence"): if self.expertHistos(): if seq not in self.KnownExpertMoniSubdets: log.warning("Unknown subdet '%s' in MoniSequence"%seq) if seq not in dets: log.warning("Detector unknown '%s'"%seq) else: if seq not in self.KnownMoniSubdets: log.warning("Unknown subdet '%s' in MoniSequence"%seq) if seq not in dets: log.warning("Detector unknown '%s'"%seq) moniSeq = self.getProp("MoniSequence") if self.getProp("SkipTracking"): for det in ['VELO','IT','TT','ST','OT']: if det in moniSeq: moniSeq.remove(det) from Configurables import ProcessPhase ProcessPhase("Moni").DetectorList += moniSeq # Histograms filled both in real and simulated data cases if "GENERAL" in moniSeq : # Enable ChronoAuditor chronoAuditor = "ChronoAuditor" if chronoAuditor not in AuditorSvc().Auditors : AuditorSvc().Auditors += [ chronoAuditor ] ChronoAuditor().Enable = True # Turn off most output ChronoStatSvc().ChronoPrintOutTable = False ChronoStatSvc().PrintUserTime = False ChronoStatSvc().PrintSystemTime = False from Configurables import GaudiSequencer, RecProcessingTimeMoni seq = GaudiSequencer( "MoniGENERALSeq") # Overall time overallTime = RecProcessingTimeMoni("OverallEventProcTime") overallTime.Algorithms = ["PhysicsSeq"] seq.Members += [overallTime] # Tracking trackTime = RecProcessingTimeMoni("TrackEventProcTime") trackTime.Algorithms = ["RecoTrSeq","RecoVELOSeq","RecoDecodingSeq"] seq.Members += [trackTime] # Vertex vertTime = RecProcessingTimeMoni("VertexEventProcTime") vertTime.Algorithms = ["RecoVertexSeq"] seq.Members += [vertTime] # RICH richTime = RecProcessingTimeMoni("RichEventProcTime") richTime.Algorithms = ["RecoRICHSeq"] seq.Members += [richTime] # CALO caloTime = RecProcessingTimeMoni("CaloEventProcTime") caloTime.Algorithms = ["RecoCALOSeq"] seq.Members += [caloTime] # MUON muonTime = RecProcessingTimeMoni("MuonEventProcTime") muonTime.Algorithms = ["RecoMUONSeq"] seq.Members += [muonTime] # PROTO protoTime = RecProcessingTimeMoni("ProtoEventProcTime") protoTime.Algorithms = ["RecoPROTOSeq"] seq.Members += [protoTime] # ProcStat Abort rates from Configurables import ProcStatAbortMoni seq.Members += [ProcStatAbortMoni()] if "CALO" in moniSeq : import GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOn() from Configurables import GaudiSequencer seq = GaudiSequencer( "MoniCALOSeq") noSPDPRS = True if [det for det in ['SPD','PRS'] if det in dets]: noSPDPRS = False caloMoni = CaloMoniDstConf( MonitorSequence = seq, OutputLevel = self.getProp('OutputLevel'), Context = 'Offline', NoSpdPrs = noSPDPRS) caloMoni.printConf() self.setOtherProps(caloMoni,["Histograms"]) GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOff() if "VELO" in moniSeq : from Configurables import GaudiSequencer self.setOtherProps(VeloRecMonitors(),["Histograms","OutputLevel"]) VeloRecMonitors().setProp("MoniSequence", GaudiSequencer("MoniVELOSeq")) #importOptions('$VELORECMONITORSROOT/options/') if "OT" in moniSeq : from TrackMonitors.ConfiguredTrackMonitors import ConfiguredOTMonitorSequence ConfiguredOTMonitorSequence(Name='MoniOTSeq') if "MUON" in moniSeq : from MuonPIDChecker import ConfigureMuonPIDChecker as mmuon mydata = self.getProp("DataType") mymonitconf = mmuon.ConfigureMuonPIDChecker(data = mydata) mymonitconf.configure(UseMC = False, HistosLevel = self.getProp("Histograms")) mymtmconf = MuonTrackMonitorConf() self.setOtherProps(mymtmconf,["Histograms","OutputLevel","DataType"]) mymtmconf.setProp("Sequencer", GaudiSequencer("MoniMUONSeq")) if "ST" in moniSeq : from Configurables import ST__STClusterMonitor, GaudiSequencer GaudiSequencer( "MoniSTSeq" ).Members += [ ST__STClusterMonitor("TTClusterMonitor")] ST__STClusterMonitor("TTClusterMonitor").DetType = "TT" ## default anyway GaudiSequencer( "MoniSTSeq" ).Members += [ ST__STClusterMonitor("ITClusterMonitor")] ST__STClusterMonitor("ITClusterMonitor").DetType = "IT" if "Tr" in moniSeq : from TrackMonitors.ConfiguredTrackMonitors import ConfiguredTrackMonitorSequence ConfiguredTrackMonitorSequence(Name='MoniTrSeq') if "PROTO" in moniSeq : from Configurables import ( ChargedProtoParticleMoni, GaudiSequencer, ANNGlobalPID__ChargedProtoANNPIDMoni ) seq = GaudiSequencer( "MoniPROTOSeq" ) seq.Members += [ ChargedProtoParticleMoni("ChargedProtoPMoni"), ANNGlobalPID__ChargedProtoANNPIDMoni("ChargedProtoANNPIDMoni") ] if self.expertHistos() and not self.getProp("CheckEnabled") : exSeq = GaudiSequencer("ExpertProtoMoni") seq.Members += [exSeq] GlobalRecoChecks().Sequencer = exSeq # If checking is enabled, all Rich histograms are booked in check sequence if "RICH" in moniSeq and not self.getProp("CheckEnabled"): from Configurables import GaudiSequencer conf = RichRecQCConf(self.richMoniConfName) self.setOtherProps(conf,["Histograms","Context","OutputLevel", "DataType","Simulation","OnlineMode"]) conf.setProp("MoniSequencer", GaudiSequencer("MoniRICHSeq")) conf.setProp("WithMC", False) conf.RichPIDLocation = "Rec/Rich/PIDs" import GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOn() log.debug(conf) GaudiKernel.ProcessJobOptions.PrintOff() if "Hlt" in moniSeq : # Do not run Hlt monitoring on DataTypes without HltDecReports if self.getProp("DataType") not in ["2008","DC06","MC09"] and not self.getProp("Simulation") : from HltMonitors.ConfiguredHltMonitors import ConfiguredHltMonitorSequence ConfiguredHltMonitorSequence(Name='MoniHltSeq') # Expert histograms if self.expertHistos(): if "TT" in moniSeq : from Configurables import ST__STClusterMonitor clusMoni = ST__STClusterMonitor("TTClusterMonitor") clusMoni.FullDetail = True GaudiSequencer("MoniTTSeq").Members += [clusMoni] if "IT" in moniSeq : from Configurables import ST__STClusterMonitor clusMoni = ST__STClusterMonitor("ITClusterMonitor") clusMoni.FullDetail = True clusMoni.DetType = "IT" GaudiSequencer("MoniITSeq").Members += [clusMoni]