def GlobalTag(essource = None, globaltag = None, conditions = None): """Modify the GlobalTag module configuration, allowing to use the extended Configuration/AlCa/python/ functionality of specifying symbolic globaltags (i.e., actual global tags, plus additional payloads to get from the DB as customisations). The actual code is taken from cmsDriver's, adapted here to apply the changes directly to the process object and its module GlobalTag.""" # custom conditions: # - start from an empty map # - add any conditions coming from # - then add and override them with any conditions explicitly requested custom_conditions = {} # if no GlobalTag ESSource module is given, load a "default" configuration if essource is None: from Configuration.StandardSequences.CondDBESSource_cff import GlobalTag as essource # if a Global Tag is given, check for an "auto" tag, and look it up in # if a match is found, load the actual Global Tag and optional conditions if globaltag is not None: if globaltag.startswith('auto:'): from Configuration.AlCa.autoCond import autoCond globaltag = globaltag[5:] if globaltag not in autoCond: raise Exception('no correspondence for '+globaltag+'\navailable keys are\n'+','.join(autoCond.keys())) if 'phase1_2017_design' == globaltag: sys.stderr.write('Warning: %s now points to %s. This has reco-Beamspot centered to (0,0,0)\n'%(globaltag,autoCond[globaltag])) autoKey = autoCond[globaltag] if isinstance(autoKey, tuple) or isinstance(autoKey, list): globaltag = autoKey[0] # TODO backward compatible code: to be removed after migrating to use a map for custom conditions map = {} for entry in autoKey[1:]: entry = entry.split(',') record = entry[1] label = len(entry) > 3 and entry[3] or None tag = entry[0] connection = len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] or None snapshotTime = len(entry) > 4 and entry[4] or None map[ (record, label) ] = (tag, connection, snapshotTime) custom_conditions.update( map ) else: globaltag = autoKey # if a GlobalTag globaltag is given or loaded from, check for optional connection string and pfn prefix globaltag = globaltag.split(',') if len(globaltag) > 0 : # Perform any alias expansion and consistency check. # We are assuming the same connection and pfnPrefix/Postfix will be used for all GTs. globaltag[0] = combineGTs(globaltag[0]) essource.globaltag = cms.string( str(globaltag[0]) ) if len(globaltag) > 1: essource.connect = cms.string( str(globaltag[1]) ) if len(globaltag) > 2: essource.pfnPrefix = cms.untracked.string( str(globaltag[2]) ) # add any explicitly requested conditions, possibly overriding those from if conditions is not None: # TODO backward compatible code: to be removed after migrating and to use a map for custom conditions if isinstance(conditions, str): if conditions: map = {} for entry in conditions.split('+'): entry = entry.split(',') record = entry[1] label = len(entry) > 3 and entry[3] or None tag = entry[0] connection = len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] or None snapshotTime = len(entry) > 4 and entry[4] or None map[ (record, label) ] = (tag, connection, snapshotTime) custom_conditions.update( map ) elif isinstance(conditions, dict): custom_conditions.update( conditions ) else: raise TypeError("the 'conditions' argument should be either a string or a dictionary") # explicit payloads toGet from DB if custom_conditions: for ( (record, label), (tag, connection, snapshotTime) ) in sorted(custom_conditions.iteritems()): payload = cms.PSet() payload.record = cms.string( record ) if label: payload.label = cms.untracked.string( label ) payload.tag = cms.string( tag ) if connection: payload.connect = cms.string( connection ) if snapshotTime: payload.snapshotTime = cms.string( snapshotTime ) essource.toGet.append( payload ) return essource
def GlobalTag(essource=None, globaltag=None, conditions=None): """Modify the GlobalTag module configuration, allowing to use the extended Configuration/AlCa/python/ functionality of specifying symbolic globaltags (i.e., actual global tags, plus additional payloads to get from the DB as customisations). The actual code is taken from cmsDriver's, adapted here to apply the changes directly to the process object and its module GlobalTag.""" # custom conditions: # - start from an empty map # - add any conditions coming from # - then add and override them with any conditions explicitly requested custom_conditions = {} # if no GlobalTag ESSource module is given, load a "default" configuration if essource is None: from Configuration.StandardSequences.FrontierConditions_GlobalTag_cfi import GlobalTag as essource # if a Global Tag is given, check for an "auto" tag, and look it up in # if a match is found, load the actual Global Tag and optional conditions if globaltag is not None: if globaltag.startswith("auto:"): from Configuration.AlCa.autoCond import autoCond globaltag = globaltag[5:] if globaltag not in autoCond: raise Exception( "no correspondence for " + globaltag + "\navailable keys are\n" + ",".join(autoCond.keys()) ) autoKey = autoCond[globaltag] if isinstance(autoKey, tuple) or isinstance(autoKey, list): globaltag = autoKey[0] # TODO backward compatible code: to be removed after migrating to use a map for custom conditions map = {} for entry in autoKey[1:]: entry = entry.split(",") record = entry[1] label = len(entry) > 3 and entry[3] or None tag = entry[0] connection = len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] or None map[(record, label)] = (tag, connection) custom_conditions.update(map) else: globaltag = autoKey # if a GlobalTag globaltag is given or loaded from, check for optional connection string and pfn prefix globaltag = globaltag.split(",") if len(globaltag) > 0: essource.globaltag = cms.string(str(globaltag[0])) if len(globaltag) > 1: essource.connect = cms.string(str(globaltag[1])) if len(globaltag) > 2: essource.pfnPrefix = cms.untracked.string(str(globaltag[2])) # add any explicitly requested conditions, possibly overriding those from if conditions is not None: # TODO backward compatible code: to be removed after migrating and to use a map for custom conditions if isinstance(conditions, basestring): if conditions: map = {} for entry in conditions.split("+"): entry = entry.split(",") record = entry[1] label = len(entry) > 3 and entry[3] or None tag = entry[0] connection = len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] or None map[(record, label)] = (tag, connection) custom_conditions.update(map) elif isinstance(conditions, dict): custom_conditions.update(conditions) else: raise TypeError, "the 'conditions' argument should be either a string or a dictionary" # explicit payloads toGet from DB if custom_conditions: for ((record, label), (tag, connection)) in custom_conditions.iteritems(): payload = cms.PSet() payload.record = cms.string(record) if label: payload.label = cms.untracked.string(label) payload.tag = cms.string(tag) if connection: payload.connect = cms.untracked.string(connection) essource.toGet.append(payload) return essource
def GlobalTag(essource = None, globaltag = None, conditions = None): """Modify the GlobalTag module configuration, allowing to use the extended Configuration/AlCa/python/ functionality of specifying symbolic globaltags (i.e., actual global tags, plus additional payloads to get from the DB as customisations). The actual code is taken from cmsDriver's, adapted here to apply the changes directly to the process object and its module GlobalTag.""" # custom conditions: # - start from an empty map # - add any conditions coming from # - then add and override them with any conditions explicitly requested custom_conditions = {} # if no GlobalTag ESSource module is given, load a "default" configuration if essource is None: from Configuration.StandardSequences.FrontierConditions_GlobalTag_cfi import GlobalTag as essource # if a Global Tag is given, check for an "auto" tag, and look it up in # if a match is found, load the actual Global Tag and optional conditions if globaltag is not None: if globaltag.startswith('auto:'): from Configuration.AlCa.autoCond import autoCond globaltag = globaltag[5:] if globaltag not in autoCond: raise Exception('no correspondence for '+globaltag+'\navailable keys are\n'+','.join(autoCond.keys())) autoKey = autoCond[globaltag] if isinstance(autoKey, tuple) or isinstance(autoKey, list): globaltag = autoKey[0] # TODO backward compatible code: to be removed after migrating to use a map for custom conditions map = {} for entry in autoKey[1:]: entry = entry.split(',') record = entry[1] label = len(entry) > 3 and entry[3] or None tag = entry[0] connection = len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] or None map[ (record, label) ] = (tag, connection) custom_conditions.update( map ) else: globaltag = autoKey # if a GlobalTag globaltag is given or loaded from, check for optional connection string and pfn prefix globaltag = globaltag.split(',') if len(globaltag) > 0 : essource.globaltag = cms.string( str(globaltag[0]) ) if len(globaltag) > 1: essource.connect = cms.string( str(globaltag[1]) ) if len(globaltag) > 2: essource.pfnPrefix = cms.untracked.string( str(globaltag[2]) ) # add any explicitly requested conditions, possibly overriding those from if conditions is not None: # TODO backward compatible code: to be removed after migrating and to use a map for custom conditions if isinstance(conditions, basestring): if conditions: map = {} for entry in conditions.split('+'): entry = entry.split(',') record = entry[1] label = len(entry) > 3 and entry[3] or None tag = entry[0] connection = len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] or None map[ (record, label) ] = (tag, connection) custom_conditions.update( map ) elif isinstance(conditions, dict): custom_conditions.update( conditions ) else: raise TypeError, "the 'conditions' argument should be either a string or a dictionary" # explicit payloads toGet from DB if custom_conditions: for ( (record, label), (tag, connection) ) in custom_conditions.iteritems(): payload = cms.PSet() payload.record = cms.string( record ) if label: payload.label = cms.untracked.string( label ) payload.tag = cms.string( tag ) if connection: payload.connect = cms.untracked.string( connection ) essource.toGet.append( payload ) return essource
def GlobalTag(essource = None, globaltag = None, conditions = None): """Modify the GlobalTag module configuration, allowing to use the extended Configuration/AlCa/python/ functionality of specifying symbolic globaltags (i.e., actual global tags, plus additional payloads to get from the DB as customisations). The actual code is taken from cmsDriver's, adapted here to apply the changes directly to the process object and its module GlobalTag.""" # custom conditions: # - start from an empty map # - add any conditions coming from # - then add and override them with any conditions explicitly requested custom_conditions = {} # if no GlobalTag ESSource module is given, load a "default" configuration if essource is None: from Configuration.StandardSequences.CondDBESSource_cff import GlobalTag as essource # if a Global Tag is given, check for an "auto" tag, and look it up in # if a match is found, load the actual Global Tag and optional conditions if globaltag is not None: if globaltag.startswith('auto:'): from Configuration.AlCa.autoCond import autoCond globaltag = globaltag[5:] if globaltag not in autoCond: raise Exception('no correspondence for '+globaltag+'\navailable keys are\n'+','.join(autoCond.keys())) if 'phase1_2017_design' == globaltag: sys.stderr.write('Warning: %s now points to %s. This has reco-Beamspot centered to (0,0,0)\n'%(globaltag,autoCond[globaltag])) if 'phase2_realistic' == globaltag: sys.stderr.write('*'*120+'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WARNING!\n The key %s now points to %s.'\ '\n Usage of this key is discretionary and users are cautioned to use it at their own risk!'\ '\n This Global Tag contains tags suited for an Inner Tracker layout with rectangular (25x100um2) pixel cells (T15,T21).'\ '\n If this is not the geometry you are expecting to use, please consult:' \ '\n' \ ' to retrieve the right key.\n'%(globaltag,autoCond[globaltag])+'*'*120+'\n') autoKey = autoCond[globaltag] if isinstance(autoKey, tuple) or isinstance(autoKey, list): globaltag = autoKey[0] # TODO backward compatible code: to be removed after migrating to use a map for custom conditions map = {} for entry in autoKey[1:]: entry = entry.split(',') record = entry[1] label = len(entry) > 3 and entry[3] or "" tag = entry[0] connection = len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] or None snapshotTime = len(entry) > 4 and entry[4] or None map[ (record, label) ] = (tag, connection, snapshotTime) custom_conditions.update( map ) else: globaltag = autoKey # if a GlobalTag globaltag is given or loaded from, check for optional connection string and pfn prefix globaltag = globaltag.split(',') if len(globaltag) > 0 : # Perform any alias expansion and consistency check. # We are assuming the same connection and pfnPrefix/Postfix will be used for all GTs. globaltag[0] = combineGTs(globaltag[0]) essource.globaltag = cms.string( str(globaltag[0]) ) if len(globaltag) > 1: essource.connect = cms.string( str(globaltag[1]) ) if len(globaltag) > 2: essource.pfnPrefix = cms.untracked.string( str(globaltag[2]) ) # add any explicitly requested conditions, possibly overriding those from if conditions is not None: # TODO backward compatible code: to be removed after migrating and to use a map for custom conditions if isinstance(conditions, str): if conditions: map = {} for entry in conditions.split('+'): entry = entry.split(',') record = entry[1] label = len(entry) > 3 and entry[3] or "" tag = entry[0] connection = len(entry) > 2 and entry[2] or None snapshotTime = len(entry) > 4 and entry[4] or None map[ (record, label) ] = (tag, connection, snapshotTime) custom_conditions.update( map ) elif isinstance(conditions, dict): custom_conditions.update( conditions ) else: raise TypeError("the 'conditions' argument should be either a string or a dictionary") # explicit payloads toGet from DB if custom_conditions: for ( (record, label), (tag, connection, snapshotTime) ) in sorted(six.iteritems(custom_conditions)): payload = cms.PSet() payload.record = cms.string( record ) if label: payload.label = cms.untracked.string( label ) payload.tag = cms.string( tag ) if connection: payload.connect = cms.string( connection ) if snapshotTime: payload.snapshotTime = cms.string( snapshotTime ) essource.toGet.append( payload ) return essource