Example #1
def getYAMLModels(filename):
    from Container import Diagram, Block

    ### load diagram from yaml and update args
    dia = Diagram()

    if dia.LoadFile(filename):
        shape_list = dia.GetShapeList()
        block_list = filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, Block), shape_list)

        ### write new yaml file
        print dict(map(lambda a: (str(a.id), str(a.label)), block_list))

        return True

        return False
Example #2
def makeJSON(filename, json=None, diagram=None):
    """ Make JSON file from D graph of the diagram
    from Container import Diagram, ConnectionShape, CodeBlock, ContainerBlock, iPort, oPort

    if not json:
        ### add filename in json
        json = {
            os.path.basename(filename): [{
                "cells": []
            }, {
                "description": ""
        json = json

    if not diagram:
        dia = Diagram()

        if not dia.LoadFile(filename):
            json['success'] = False
            return json
        dia = diagram

    for c in dia.GetShapeList():

        ### if c is coupled model
        if isinstance(c, ContainerBlock):
            D = {
                "type": "devs.Coupled",
                "angle": 0,
                "id": c.label,
                "z": 1,
                "size": {
                    "width": c.w,
                    "height": c.h
                "position": {
                    "x": c.x[0],
                    "y": c.y[0]
                "inPorts": map(lambda i: "in%d" % i, range(c.input)),
                "outPorts": map(lambda i: "out%d" % i, range(c.output)),
                "attrs": {
                    "text": {
                        "text": c.label

            ### embeds key
            shapes = c.GetFlatBlockShapeList()
            D["embeds"] = [s.label for s in shapes]


            return makeJSON(filename, json, c)

        ### if c is connexion
            if isinstance(c, ConnectionShape):
                D = {
                    "type": "devs.Link",
                    "id": str(id(c)),
                    "z": 0,
                    "attrs": {},
                    'source': {
                        "selector": ".outPorts>g:nth-child(1)>circle"
                    'target': {
                        "selector": ".inPorts>g:nth-child(1)>circle"
                model1, portNumber1 = c.input
                model2, portNumber2 = c.output

                D['source']['id'] = model1.label.encode("utf-8")
                D['target']['id'] = model2.label.encode("utf-8")

            ### if c is atomic model
            elif isinstance(c, CodeBlock):

                D = {
                    "type": "devs.Atomic",
                    "angle": 0,
                    "id": c.label,
                    "z": 1,
                    "size": {
                        "width": c.w,
                        "height": c.h
                    "position": {
                        "x": c.x[0],
                        "y": c.y[0]
                    "inPorts": map(lambda i: "in%d" % i, range(c.input)),
                    "outPorts": map(lambda i: "out%d" % i, range(c.output)),
                    "attrs": {
                        "text": {
                            "text": c.label
                    "prop": {
                        "data": c.args

                for i in xrange(c.input):
                        ".inPorts>.port%d>.port-label" % i: {
                            "text": "in%d" % i
                        ".inPorts>.port%d>.port-body" % i: {
                            "port": {
                                "id": "in%d" % i,
                                "type": "in"
                        ".inPorts>.port%d" % i: {
                            "ref": ".body",
                            "ref-y": float(i + 1) / (c.input + 1)
                for j in xrange(c.output):
                        ".outPorts>.port%d>.port-label" % j: {
                            "text": "out%d" % j
                        ".outPorts>.port%d>.port-body" % j: {
                            "port": {
                                "id": "out%d" % j,
                                "type": "out"
                        ".outPorts>.port%d" % j: {
                            "ref": ".body",
                            "ref-y": float(j + 1) / (c.output + 1)


    return json