Example #1
class SearchEngine(object):
    Manages crawler, indexer and page rank computer and provides a convenient method for querying
    the search index.
    The class is initialized with a set of seed URLs for the crawler and a list of stop words for
    the indexer. It will then run the crawler, indexer and page rank computer and provides a ready-
    to-use search index which can be queried using query().

    # Words that are filtered out before term/document frequency calculation.
    _stopwords = []
    # Seed URLs for the web crawler, these are the URLs which the web crawler uses to start 
    # crawling.
    _seed_urls = []
    # The web crawler, starts with the seed URLs and build up the web graph and extracts terms from
    # the web sites.
    _crawler = None
    # Computes the page ranks for every website using the web graph.
    _page_rank_computer = None
    # The indexer that creates the term frequency and document frequency indexes.
    _indexer = None
    # The webgraph is a dictionary mapping websites to a list of outlinks (websites linked to by
    # that website).
    _webgraph = {}
    # A dictionary mapping websites to extracted terms.
    _extracted_terms = {}
    # A dictionary mapping websites to computed page ranks.
    _page_ranks = {}
    # A dictionary mapping terms to the number of documents they occur in.
    _document_frequency = {}
    # A dictionary mapping terms to a list of tuples of documents and the number of times the term
    # occurs in that document, e.g. { 'term' : [('document', 123), ('anotherdocument', 1234)] }
    _term_frequency = {}
    # A dictionary mapping websites to the length of their content (number of words).
    _document_lengths = {}
    def __init__(self, seed_urls, stopwords = None):
        Initializes the search engine with the given seed urls and the given stop words and does the
        crawling, computes page ranks and builds up the index. 
            seed_urls: The seed urls for the crawler.
            stopwords: The stop words for the indexer.
        if stopwords is not None:
            self._stopwords = stopwords
        self._seed_urls = seed_urls
    def _sanitize_query(self, query):
        Sanitizes the query by lowercasing all characters, then creates a dictionary mapping query
        terms to occurrence count.
            query: The search query, terms separated by whitespace.
            A dictionary mapping query terms to occurrence count.
        query_terms = query.lower().split()
        terms = {}
        for term in query_terms:
            if term in terms:
                terms[term] = terms[term] + 1
                terms[term] = 1
        return terms
    def query(self, query):
        Searches the index for every term (separated by whitespace), then sorts the 
        resulting documents by relevance using the cosine score algorithm and prints them.
            query: The search query, terms separated by whitespace (all terms will be converted to
        terms = self._sanitize_query(query)
        if not terms:
            print "No search terms entered."
        documents = []
        scores = defaultdict(int)
        querryLength = 0
        for term in terms:
            if not term in self._term_frequency:
            # The inverse document frequency weight is a measure of informativeness of a term and 
            # is calculated by dividing the number of documents in the webgraph by the number of 
            # documents the term occurs in.
            # idf = log10(number of documents in webgraph/number of documents containing term)
            idf = log10(len(self._document_frequency) / self._document_frequency[term])
            # The weight of a term in the query is the product of the term frequency weight and the
            # inverse document frequency weight.
            # tqw = (1 + log10(term frequency in the query)) * idf
            term_query_weight = (1 + log10(terms[term])) * idf;
            querryLength = querryLength + pow(term_query_weight, 2)
        for term in terms:
            documents_containing_term = []
            if not term in self._term_frequency:
            # The inverse document frequency weight is a measure of informativeness of a term and 
            # is calculated by dividing the number of documents in the webgraph by the number of 
            # documents the term occurs in.
            # idf = log10(number of documents in webgraph/number of documents containing term)
            idf = log10(len(self._document_frequency) / self._document_frequency[term])
            # The weight of a term in the query is the product of the term frequency weight and the
            # inverse document frequency weight.
            # tqw = (1 + log10(term frequency in the query)) * idf
            term_query_weight = (1 + log10(terms[term])) * idf;
            term_document_weights = {}
            for document_and_count in self._term_frequency[term]:
                document, count,tfidf = document_and_count
                # The weight of a term in the document is the product of the weighted term frequency
                # and the inverse document frequency weight.
                # tdw = (1 + log10(frequency of the term in the document)) * idf
                term_document_weights[document] = tfidf
            # Merge documents containing the term with the result list.
            documents = list(set(documents + documents_containing_term))
            # Add the product of the term query weight and the term document weight to each 
            # document.
            for document in documents_containing_term:
                score = scores[document] + (term_query_weight * term_document_weights[document])
                scores[document] = score
        # Divide the score of each document d by the length of document d, so that longer and 
        # shorter documents have scores in the same order of magnitude. 

        for doc in scores:
            scores[doc] = scores[doc] / (self._document_lengths[doc] *sqrt(querryLength))
        if not documents:
            print ("No documents match your search terms (\"" 
                   "" + ', '.join(str(term) for term in terms) + "\").")
        print "Results:"
        for document in sorted(documents, 
                               key = lambda url : self._page_ranks[url] * scores[url], 
                               reverse = True):
            print "  - " + document
            print ("      (Score: " + str(scores[document]) + ""
                   ", PageRank: " + str(self._page_ranks[document]) + ""
                   ", Combined: " + str(self._page_ranks[document] * scores[document]) + ")")
    def _do_crawling(self):
        Initializes the crawler with the seed urls and starts crawling, then stores the resulting
        webgraph and the extracted terms in the attributes.
        Also counts the extracted words in every website and stores each website's length in the 
        document_lengths attribute.
        print "Starting crawler ..."
        print "  Seed URLs: "
        for url in self._seed_urls:
            print "   - " + url
        self._crawler = Crawler(self._seed_urls)
        results = self._crawler.startCrawling()
        self._webgraph = results[0]
        self._extracted_terms = results[1]

        print "  Web graph: "
        for url in self._webgraph.keys():
            print "   - " + url
            for outlink in self._webgraph[url]:
                print "     -> " + outlink
        #print "  Extracted terms: "
        #for website in self._extracted_terms:
        #    print "   - " + website[0] + ": "
        #    print ', '.join(str(token) for token in website[1])
        print "Crawler finished."
    def _compute_page_ranks(self):
        Initializes the page rank computer with the webgraph and computes the page ranks.
        print "Computing page ranks ..."

        self._page_rank_computer = Computer(self._webgraph)
        self._page_rank_computer.dampening_factor = 0.95
        self._page_ranks = self._page_rank_computer.page_ranks
        print "  Page ranks:"
        result_sum = 0
        for website in sorted(self._page_ranks.keys()):
            result_sum += self._page_ranks[website]
            print "   - " + website + ": " + str(self._page_ranks[website])
        #print "  Sum: " + str(result_sum)
        print "Page ranks computed."
    def _build_index(self):
        Takes the extracted terms and stop words and builds up the term frequency index and the 
        document frequency index.
        print "Building index ..."        
        for website_and_terms in self._extracted_terms:
            website = website_and_terms[0]
            terms = website_and_terms[1]
            self._document_lengths[website] = len(terms)
        self._indexer = Indexer(self._extracted_terms, self._stopwords)
        index = self._indexer.buidlindex()
        self._document_frequency = index[0]
        self._term_frequency = index[1]
        self._extracted_terms = index[2]
        self._document_lengths = index[3]

        #print "  Document index:"
        #for term in sorted(self._document_frequency):
        #    print "   - " + term + ": " + str(self._document_frequency[term]) + " times"
        print "  Term frequency:"
        for term in sorted(self._term_frequency):
            print "   - " + term + ":"
            print "      -   Document Frequency: "+ str(self._document_frequency[term])
            for document_and_count in self._term_frequency[term]:
                print "      - " + document_and_count[0] + ": " + str(document_and_count[1]) + " times"
        print " Document Lengthes"
        pprint (self._document_lengths)
        print "Index build up."