Example #1
def _get_alt_price(i):
    print('Calculating alternating prices for %s ' % i)
    univ_ib_ret = mkt_retrieve(i, 'Stats', 'Returns')
    univ_ib_op = univ_ib_ret['Open'].values
    univ_ib_cl = univ_ib_ret['Close'].values

    univ_ib_sprc = univ_ib_ret[['Contract', 'Date']]
    for smth in _smth:  # range(6, _smth + 1, 3)
        _sp = smth_param(smth)
        for days in range(1, _days+1):
            nb = filt.fst_nan(univ_ib_cl)
            ne = len(univ_ib_cl)
            univ_ib_ord = np.ones(ne, dtype=int) * 99
            univ_ib_ap = np.zeros(ne) * np.nan
            for k in range(0, days):
                univ_ib_ord[nb + days + k - 1:ne:days] = k
            for k in range(0, days):
                zk = np.where(univ_ib_ord == k)[0]
                cl_ = univ_ib_cl[list(zk)]
                op_ = univ_ib_op[list(zk - days + 1)]
                univ_ib_ap[list(zk)] = filt.smth_price(op_, cl_, _sp[0], _sp[1], _sp[2], _sp[3], 0, _sp[4])
            univ_ib_ap = filt.sma(univ_ib_ap, days)
            univ_ib_ap = filt.fill(univ_ib_ap)
            if (days < 10) and (smth < 10):
                univ_ib_sprc['D0'+str(days)+'S0'+str(smth)] = univ_ib_ap
            elif (days >= 10) and (smth < 10):
                univ_ib_sprc['D'+str(days)+'S0'+str(smth)] = univ_ib_ap
            elif (days < 10) and (smth >= 10):
                univ_ib_sprc['D0'+str(days)+'S'+str(smth)] = univ_ib_ap
                univ_ib_sprc['D'+str(days)+'S'+str(smth)] = univ_ib_ap
    del univ_ib_sprc['Contract']
    mkt_store(i, 'Stats', 'AltReturns', univ_ib_sprc)
def refresh_correl(_window=240):
    _cls = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'Close')
    _vol = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'vol_gk240')
    tcl = _cls.tick_cols()
    for i in tcl:
        _cls[i] = filt.ret(_cls[i].values)/_vol[i].values
    _corr = dummy_df(_cls)
    n = _corr.shape[0]
    # need to make this code parallel
    for j in range(0, len(tcl)-1):
        for k in range(j+1, len(tcl)):
            print('Processing rolling correlation of %s and %s' % (tcl[j], tcl[k]))
            _corr[tcl[j]+'_'+tcl[k]] = np.empty(n)*np.nan
            _tmp1 = _cls[tcl[k]].values
            _tmp2 = _cls[tcl[j]].values
            ny1 = np.maximum(filt.fst_nan(_tmp1), filt.fst_nan(_tmp2))
            for _lbck in range(_window + ny1, n):
                _corr[_lbck, tcl[j]+'_'+tcl[k]] = bst.kendall_tau(_tmp1[_lbck-_window:_lbck],
    cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext+'Correl', _corr)
    return None
def get_alt_price_weekly():
    univ_ib_op = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + "Open")
    univ_ib_cl = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + "Close")
    tick_cols = univ_ib_cl.tick_cols()
    univ_ib_gd = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + "ExchOpen")
    univ_ib_ap1 = univ_ib_cl.copy()
    univ_ib_ap2 = univ_ib_cl.copy()
    univ_ib_ap3 = univ_ib_cl.copy()

    for i in tick_cols:
        # i = 'SP500'
        z = np.where(univ_ib_gd[i].values.astype("int") == 1)[0]
        if z.shape[0] > 0:
            univ_ib_cl_ = univ_ib_cl[i].values[z]
            univ_ib_op_ = univ_ib_op[i].values[z]
            # univ_ib_dt_ = univ_ib_cl['Date'].values[z]  # temp
            # convert to weekly
            nb = filt.fst_nan(univ_ib_cl_)
            ne = len(univ_ib_cl_)
            univ_ib_ord = np.ones(ne) * 99
            univ_ib_ap1_ = np.zeros(ne) * np.nan
            univ_ib_ap2_ = np.zeros(ne) * np.nan
            univ_ib_ap3_ = np.zeros(ne) * np.nan
            for k in range(0, 5):
                univ_ib_ord[nb + 4 + k : ne : 5] = k
            univ_ib_ord = univ_ib_ord.astype("int")
            for k in range(0, 5):
                # k = 0
                zk = np.where(univ_ib_ord == k)[0]
                univ_ib_cl__ = univ_ib_cl_[list(zk)]
                univ_ib_op__ = univ_ib_op_[list(zk - 4)]
                univ_ib_ap1__ = filt.smth_price(univ_ib_op__, univ_ib_cl__, 120, 10, 10, 6, 1, 13)
                univ_ib_ap2__ = filt.smth_price(univ_ib_op__, univ_ib_cl__, 180, 15, 10, 8, 1, 13)
                univ_ib_ap3__ = filt.smth_price(univ_ib_op__, univ_ib_cl__, 140, 30, 10, 8, 1, 16)

                univ_ib_ap1_[list(zk)] = univ_ib_ap1__
                univ_ib_ap2_[list(zk)] = univ_ib_ap2__
                univ_ib_ap3_[list(zk)] = univ_ib_ap3__

            univ_ib_ap1_ = filt.sma(univ_ib_ap1_, 5)
            univ_ib_ap2_ = filt.sma(univ_ib_ap2_, 5)
            univ_ib_ap3_ = filt.sma(univ_ib_ap3_, 5)
            univ_ib_ap1[list(z), i] = univ_ib_ap1_
            univ_ib_ap2[list(z), i] = univ_ib_ap2_
            univ_ib_ap3[list(z), i] = univ_ib_ap3_
            univ_ib_ap1[i] = np.nan
            univ_ib_ap2[i] = np.nan
            univ_ib_ap3[i] = np.nan
    cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + "AdjSer20W", univ_ib_ap1)
    cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + "AdjSer30W", univ_ib_ap2)
    cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + "AdjSer40W", univ_ib_ap3)
def check_price_forecast():

    univ_ib_dt = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'ExchOpen')['Date'].values
    univ_ib_gd = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'ExchOpen')['SP500'].values
    z = np.where(univ_ib_gd.astype('int') == 1)[0]
    univ_ib_cl = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'Close')['SP500'].values[z]
    univ_ib_vl = cr_vol_all_adj.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'vol_pb_120')['SP500'].values[z]
    univ_ib_dt = univ_ib_dt[z]

    nlag = 2

    n1 = filt.fst_nan(univ_ib_cl)
    n1 = np.maximum(n1, filt.fst_nan(univ_ib_vl))
    univ_ib_sig = np.empty(0)
    univ_ib_sig_ = np.empty(0)

    for days in range(1, 11):
        for smth in range(5, 33):
            if days < 10:
                if smth < 10:
                    tmp = cr_aret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'AdjSerD0' + str(days)+'S0' + str(smth))['SP500'].values[z]
                    tmp = cr_aret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'AdjSerD0' + str(days)+'S' + str(smth))['SP500'].values[z]
                if smth < 10:
                    tmp = cr_aret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'AdjSerD' + str(days)+'S0' + str(smth))['SP500'].values[z]
                    tmp = cr_aret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'AdjSerD' + str(days)+'S' + str(smth))['SP500'].values[z]
            # get the change in the signal
            # tmp = np.sign(filt.chg(tmp))

            # lag the data
            # tmp = filt.lag(tmp, nlag)

            if univ_ib_sig.shape[0] == 0:
                univ_ib_sig = tmp
                univ_ib_sig = np.vstack((univ_ib_sig, tmp))
            n1 = np.maximum(n1, filt.fst_nan(tmp))

    univ_ib_cl_ = np.sign(filt.chg(univ_ib_cl, nlag))

    univ_ib_cl_ = univ_ib_cl_[n1:]
    univ_ib_vl_ = univ_ib_vl[n1:]
    univ_ib_sig = univ_ib_sig[:, n1:]

    names = []
    for days in range(1, 11):
        for smth in range(5, 33):
            if (days < 10) and (smth < 10):
            elif (days < 10) and (smth >= 10):
            elif (days >= 10) and (smth < 10):

    for i in range(0, len(names)):
        print(names[i], ':', smart_kendall(univ_ib_cl_, univ_ib_sig[i, :]))

    plot_ts_new(univ_ib_dt, univ_ib_cl)
    plot_ts_new(univ_ib_dt, univ_ib_sig[167, :])

    t1 = filt.ret(filt.lag(univ_ib_sig[167, :]))
    t1_ = filt.ret(univ_ib_sig[167, :])
    t2 = filt.ret(univ_ib_cl)
    t3 = t2*np.sign(t1)

    t1_, t2, t3 = reduce_nonnan(t1_, t2, t3)
    ct1_ = np.cumprod(1+t1_)*100
    ct2 = np.cumprod(1+t2)*100
    ct3 = np.cumprod(1-t3)*100

    f = pyl.figure(1)
    pyl.subplot(3, 1, 1)
    pyl.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    pyl.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    test2_ = mkt_retrieve(i, 'MovReg', 'Changes9')[['Date']+_sig_set_95_ch9]
    test2_.set_columns(['Date']+[k + '_CH9' for k in _sig_set_95_ch9])
    test2 = DataFrame.merge(test2, test2_, on='Date')

    tcl2 = test2.tick_cols()
    for k in tcl2:
        test2[k] = filt.lag(test2[k].values)/testv

    # get the returns
    test1 = mkt_retrieve(i, 'Stats', 'Returns')[['Date', 'Close']]
    test1['Returns'] = filt.ret(test1['Close'].values)/testv
    del test1['Close']

    tcl2 = test2.tick_cols()

    ny = filt.fst_nan(test1['Returns'].values)
    for k in tcl2:
        ny = np.maximum(ny, filt.fst_nan(test2[k].values))

    test1 = test1[ny:, :]
    test2 = test2[ny:, :]

    if i == _eq_idx[0]:
        test1_all = test1.copy()
        test2_all = test2.copy()
    print('Processed ticker %s and size of dataframe is %s' % (i, str(test1_all.shape[0])))

del test1
def get_cs_factor_portfolios():
    # just testing here
    # read the closing prices, convert it to returns
    _cls = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'Close')
    tcl = _cls.tick_cols()
    for j in tcl:
        _cls[j] = filt.ret(_cls[j].values)

    # read the volatility, signal, pca beta, lag them
    _vol = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'vol_gk240')
    _sig = cr_sret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'D10S26_521_QRB_LVL')
    # _sig = cr_sret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + _all_signals_p1_55[2])
    _pca1 = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'PCA1_Beta')
    _pca2 = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'PCA2_Beta')
    for j in tcl:
        _sig[j] = filt.lag(_sig[j].values)
        _pca1[j] = filt.lag(_pca1[j].values)
        _pca2[j] = filt.lag(_pca2[j].values)
        _vol[j] = filt.lag(_vol[j].values)

    # find starting point, at least 20 markets are live (from both beta, sig)
    nc = len(tcl)
    ny = np.zeros(nc)
    for j in range(0, nc):
        ny[j] = np.maximum(filt.fst_nan(_sig[tcl[j]].values), filt.fst_nan(_pca1[tcl[j]].values))
    _ny_mn = int(np.min(ny))
    _ny_mx = int(np.max(ny))
    _ny = _ny_mn
    for j in range(_ny_mn, _ny_mx):
        if np.where(ny >= j)[0].shape[0] >= 20:
            _ny = j

    # cross-sectionally normalize the signal
    _sign1 = _sig.copy()
    _sign2 = _sig.copy()
    _sign3 = _sig.copy()
    _sign4 = _sig.copy()
    _sign5 = _sig.copy()
    _sign6 = _sig.copy()
    for j in tcl:
        _sign1[j] = np.nan
        _sign2[j] = np.nan
        _sign3[j] = np.nan
        _sign4[j] = np.nan
        _sign5[j] = np.nan
        _sign6[j] = np.nan
    for j in range(_ny, _sig.shape[0]):
        _tmp = _sig[j, tcl] / _vol[j, tcl]
        _sign1[j, tcl] = half_norm_rankit(_tmp)
        _sign2[j, tcl] = _sign1[j, tcl].values
        _sign3[j, tcl] = _sign1[j, tcl].values
        _sign4[j, tcl] = full_norm_rankit(_tmp)
        _sign5[j, tcl] = _sign4[j, tcl].values
        _sign6[j, tcl] = _sign4[j, tcl].values

    # calculate returns using risk parity portfolio approaches
    bk_test = dummy_df(_vol)
    bk_test['H1'] = np.nan
    bk_test['H2'] = np.nan
    bk_test['H3'] = np.nan
    bk_test['F1'] = np.nan
    bk_test['F2'] = np.nan
    bk_test['F3'] = np.nan

    for j in range(_ny, _sig.shape[0]):
        # j = _ny
        _sign1_tmp = _sign1[j:j, tcl].values
        _sign2_tmp = _sign2[j:j, tcl].values
        _sign3_tmp = _sign3[j:j, tcl].values
        _sign4_tmp = _sign4[j:j, tcl].values
        _sign5_tmp = _sign5[j:j, tcl].values
        _sign6_tmp = _sign6[j:j, tcl].values
        _cls_tmp = _cls[j:j, tcl].values
        _vol_tmp = _vol[j:j, tcl].values
        _pca1_tmp = _pca1[j:j, tcl].values
        _pca2_tmp = _pca2[j:j, tcl].values

        _sign1_tmp, _sign2_tmp, _sign3_tmp, _sign4_tmp, _sign5_tmp, _sign6_tmp, _cls_tmp, _vol_tmp, _pca1_tmp,\
            _pca2_tmp = reduce_nonnan(_sign1_tmp, _sign2_tmp, _sign3_tmp, _sign4_tmp, _sign5_tmp, _sign6_tmp,
                                      _cls_tmp, _vol_tmp, _pca1_tmp, _pca2_tmp)

        _tmp11 = np.dot(_pca1_tmp, _pca1_tmp)
        _tmp22 = np.dot(_pca2_tmp, _pca2_tmp)
        _tmps11 = np.dot(_sign1_tmp, _pca1_tmp)
        _tmps12 = np.dot(_sign1_tmp, _pca2_tmp)
        _tmps21 = np.dot(_sign4_tmp, _pca1_tmp)
        _tmps22 = np.dot(_sign4_tmp, _pca2_tmp)

        _sign2_tmp = _sign2_tmp - _pca1_tmp * _tmps11 / _tmp11
        _sign5_tmp = _sign5_tmp - _pca1_tmp * _tmps21 / _tmp11

        _sign3_tmp = _sign3_tmp - _pca1_tmp * _tmps11 / _tmp11 - _pca2_tmp * _tmps12 / _tmp22
        _sign6_tmp = _sign6_tmp - _pca1_tmp * _tmps21 / _tmp11 - _pca2_tmp * _tmps22 / _tmp22

        _sign1_tmp_sum = np.sum(np.abs(_sign1_tmp))
        _sign2_tmp_sum = np.sum(np.abs(_sign2_tmp))
        _sign3_tmp_sum = np.sum(np.abs(_sign3_tmp))
        _sign4_tmp_sum = np.sum(np.abs(_sign4_tmp))
        _sign5_tmp_sum = np.sum(np.abs(_sign5_tmp))
        _sign6_tmp_sum = np.sum(np.abs(_sign6_tmp))

        _sign1_tmp = _sign1_tmp / _sign1_tmp_sum
        _sign2_tmp = _sign2_tmp / _sign2_tmp_sum
        _sign3_tmp = _sign3_tmp / _sign3_tmp_sum
        _sign4_tmp = _sign4_tmp / _sign4_tmp_sum
        _sign5_tmp = _sign5_tmp / _sign5_tmp_sum
        _sign6_tmp = _sign6_tmp / _sign6_tmp_sum

        _lev_tmp = 0.005 / _vol_tmp
        _ret_tmp = _cls_tmp * _lev_tmp

        bk_test[j, 'H1'] = np.dot(_sign1_tmp, _ret_tmp)
        bk_test[j, 'H2'] = np.dot(_sign2_tmp, _ret_tmp)
        bk_test[j, 'H3'] = np.dot(_sign3_tmp, _ret_tmp)
        bk_test[j, 'F1'] = np.dot(_sign4_tmp, _ret_tmp)
        bk_test[j, 'F2'] = np.dot(_sign5_tmp, _ret_tmp)
        bk_test[j, 'F3'] = np.dot(_sign6_tmp, _ret_tmp)

    _dt = bk_test['Date'].values[_ny:]
    f1 = plt.figure(1)
    for jidx, j in enumerate(['H1', 'H2', 'H3']):
        _sh = np.nanmean(bk_test[j].values)*16/np.nanstd(bk_test[j].values)
        if _sh > 0:
            _mx = avg_drawdown(bk_test[_ny:, j].values) / (16 * np.std(bk_test[_ny:, j].values))
            testh = conv_to_price(bk_test[j].values)
            _mx = avg_drawdown(-bk_test[_ny:, j].values) / (16 * np.std(bk_test[_ny:, j].values))
            testh = conv_to_price(-bk_test[j].values)
            _sh = -_sh
        print([_sh, _mx])
        plt.subplot(3, 1, jidx+1)
        plot_ts_new(_dt, testh[_ny:])
    f2 = plt.figure(2)
    for jidx, j in enumerate(['F1', 'F2', 'F3']):
        _sh = np.nanmean(bk_test[j].values) * 16 / np.nanstd(bk_test[j].values)
        if _sh > 0:
            _mx = avg_drawdown(bk_test[_ny:, j].values) / (16 * np.std(bk_test[_ny:, j].values))
            testh = conv_to_price(bk_test[j].values)
            _mx = avg_drawdown(-bk_test[_ny:, j].values) / (16 * np.std(bk_test[_ny:, j].values))
            testh = conv_to_price(-bk_test[j].values)
            _sh = -_sh
        print([_sh, _mx])
        plt.subplot(3, 1, jidx + 1)
        plot_ts_new(_dt, testh[_ny:])
    _bk_test = bk_test[_ny:, bk_test.tick_cols()].values

    # bk_test3 = bk_test.copy()


    plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
    tmp = bk_test1[:, 'F1'].values
    plot_ts_new(_dt, conv_to_price(tmp)[_ny:])
    plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    tmp = bk_test2[:, 'F1'].values
    plot_ts_new(_dt, conv_to_price(tmp)[_ny:])
    plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    tmp = 0.5 * -bk_test3[:, 'F1'].values + 0.5 * bk_test2[:, 'F2'].values
    plot_ts_new(_dt, conv_to_price(tmp)[_ny:])
    print(np.nanmean(tmp) * 16 / np.nanstd(tmp))
def refresh_pca():
    correl1 = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext+'CorrelSmooth')
    _correl_ = dummy_df(correl1)
    nc = len(_tcl_liq)
    for k in range(0, nc-1):
        for l in range(k+1, nc):
            _correl_[_tcl_liq[k]+'_'+_tcl_liq[l]] = correl1[_tcl_liq[k]+'_'+_tcl_liq[l]].values

    _vol = cr_cret.retrieve(univ_ib_eqidx_ext+'vol_gk240')
    # find the first element when all liquid contracts are trading
    ny = 0
    for j in range(0, nc):
        ny = np.maximum(ny, filt.fst_nan(_vol[_tcl_liq[j]].values))
    n = _vol.shape[0]

    _ny = np.zeros(nc)
    for j in range(0, nc):
        _ny[j] = filt.fst_nan(_vol[_tcl_liq[j]].values)
    ny = int(np.min(_ny))

    nc1 = int(nc*0.75)
    for j in range(ny, n):
        if np.where(_ny <= j)[0].shape[0] > nc1:
            ny = j

    _pca1 = dummy_df(_vol)
    for j in _tcl_liq:
        _pca1[j] = np.nan
    _pca2 = _pca1.copy()
    _pca_den = dummy_df(_vol)
    _pca_den['PCA1_Den'] = np.nan
    _pca_den['PCA2_Den'] = np.nan
    for j in range(ny, n):
        # recreate the correlation matrix, j = ny
        _correl = _correl_[j:j, :]
        _mat = np.zeros((nc, nc))*np.nan
        _cnt = 0
        for k in range(0, nc-1):
            for l in range(k+1, nc):
                _cnt += 1
                _mat[k, l] = _correl[0, _tcl_liq[k]+'_'+_tcl_liq[l]]
                _mat[l, k] = _mat[k, l]
        # mark out stocks with no correlation values
        c_idx = []
        for k in range(0, nc):
            _mat_r = np.all(np.isnan(np.array([l for m, l in enumerate(_mat[k, :]) if m != k])))
            _mat_c = np.all(np.isnan(np.array([l for m, l in enumerate(_mat[:, k]) if m != k])))
            if ~_mat_r or ~_mat_c:
        tcl2 = [_tcl_liq[k] for k in c_idx]
        if len(tcl2) < nc1:
        # reduce the correlation matrix
        _mat = _mat[c_idx, :]
        _mat = _mat[:, c_idx]
        nc_ = _mat.shape[0]
        for k in range(0, nc_):
            _mat[k, k] = 1
        # get pca loadings
        _eig, _veig = np.linalg.svd(_mat)[1:3]      # rows are the eigenvectors
        if np.sum(_veig[0, :]) < 0:
            _veig[0, :] = -_veig[0, :]
        if j > ny:
            _tmp1, _tmp2 = reduce_nonnan(_veig[1, :], _pca2[j-1, tcl2].values)
            if np.dot(_tmp1, _tmp2) < 0:
                _veig[1, :] = -_veig[1, :]
        # save the pca factors
        _pca1[j, tcl2] = _veig[0, :]
        _pca2[j, tcl2] = _veig[1, :]
        _pca_den[j, 'PCA1_Den'] = np.dot(np.transpose(_veig[0, :]), np.dot(_mat, _veig[0, :]))
        _pca_den[j, 'PCA2_Den'] = np.dot(np.transpose(_veig[1, :]), np.dot(_mat, _veig[1, :]))
    cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'PCA1_CorrLoads', _pca1)
    cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'PCA2_CorrLoads', _pca2)

    _pca_den['PCA1_Den'] = np.sqrt(_pca_den['PCA1_Den'].values)
    _pca_den['PCA2_Den'] = np.sqrt(_pca_den['PCA2_Den'].values)

    _pca1_ = _pca1.copy()
    _pca2_ = _pca2.copy()
    _chk_idx = []
    tcl2 = _pca1_.tick_cols()
    for m in tcl2:
        _tmp = np.where(np.isnan(_pca1[ny:, m]))[0]
        if _tmp.shape[0] > 0:
            _pca1_[_tmp+ny, m] = 0
            _pca2_[_tmp+ny, m] = 0

    tcl = _vol.tick_cols()
    tcl_cr = correl1.tick_cols()
    _pca1_beta_ = dummy_df(_vol)
    _pca2_beta_ = dummy_df(_vol)

    for k in tcl:
        # k = tcl[0]
        _corr_i = dummy_df(_vol)
        for midx, m in enumerate(tcl2):
            # m = 'SPToronto60'
            if m == k:
                _corr_i[m] = 1.0
                if (m + '_' + k) in tcl_cr:
                    _corr_i[m] = correl1[m + '_' + k].values
                    _corr_i[m] = correl1[k + '_' + m].values
            if _chk_idx[midx].shape[0] > 0:
                _corr_i[_chk_idx[midx] + ny, m] = 0
            if midx == 0:
                _pca1_beta_[k] = _pca1_[m].values * _corr_i[m].values
                _pca2_beta_[k] = _pca2_[m].values * _corr_i[m].values
                _pca1_beta_[k] = _pca1_beta_[k].values + _pca1_[m].values * _corr_i[m].values
                _pca2_beta_[k] = _pca2_beta_[k].values + _pca2_[m].values * _corr_i[m].values
        _pca1_beta_[k] = _pca1_beta_[k].values/_pca_den['PCA1_Den'].values
        _pca2_beta_[k] = _pca2_beta_[k].values/_pca_den['PCA2_Den'].values
    cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'PCA1_Beta', _pca1_beta_)
    cr_cret.store(univ_ib_eqidx_ext + 'PCA2_Beta', _pca2_beta_)
Example #8
def fst_nan(x):
    return filt.fst_nan(x)