Example #1
 def build_booking_table(self):
     """Bookings table builder."""
     data = [
         i for i in
         Booking.select(Booking.id, User.first_name, Booking.confirm,
                        Booking.past, Booking.time).join(User).tuples()
     fields = [
         'Id', 'Client name', "Confirmed", 'Finished', 'Time of booking'
     self.table_booking = Table(self, data, fields, 0, 0, size=True)
Example #2
 def build_driver_table(self):
     """Driver table builder."""
     data = [
         i for i in Driver.select(Driver.id, Driver.first_name,
                                  Driver.last_name, Driver.distance,
                                  Driver.trips, Driver.income).tuples()
     fields = [
         'Id', 'First name', 'Last name', 'Total miles', 'Total trips',
         'Total income'
     self.table_driver = Table(self, data, fields, 0, 0, size=True)
Example #3
 def build_user_table(self):
     """User table builder."""
     data = [
         for i in User.select(User.id, User.first_name, User.last_name, User
                              .spent, User.trips, User.joined_at).tuples()
     fields = [
         'Id', 'First name', 'Last name', 'Total spent', 'Total trips',
         'Joined at'
     self.table_user = Table(self, data, fields, 0, 0, size=True)
Example #4
 def build_table(self, driver_id):
     """Table builder to display all trips allocated to a driver."""
     self.data, distance = [], []
     # Column names for table
     fields = ['Id', 'Client name', 'Tariff', 'Distance', 'Time of booking']
     # creating all booking data for table
     for item in Booking.select(Booking.id, User.first_name, Booking.price,
                                    Booking.driver_id == driver_id,
                                    Booking.past == True).tuples():
     self.table_past = Table(self, self.data, fields, 0, 0, size=True)
     # Displaying current driver income and distance driven.
     self.total = Label(
         text="Total income is: ${}    Total miles is: {}".format(
             retrieve_driver_income(driver_id)[0], sum(distance)),
     self.total.grid(row=1, **st.booking_g)
Example #5
 def build_past_table(self, user_id=None):
     """<Past bookings> table entries. All trips which was confirmed by admin and finished by the driver."""
     fields, self.past_data = self.content(user_id, True)
     self.past_table = Table(self, self.past_data, fields, 5, 0)
Example #6
 def build_due_table(self, user_id=None):
     """<Due bookings> table entries. Confirmed trips by admin."""
     fields, self.due_data = self.content(user_id, False)
     self.due_table = Table(self, self.due_data, fields, 3, 0)
Example #7
 def build_table(self, user_id=None):
     """<Bookings> table entries. All booked trips by current user."""
     fields, self.data = self.content(user_id, False, flag=True)
     self.table = Table(self, self.data, fields, 1, 0)
Example #8
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        self.master = master
        x = int(float(65) * float(self.master.winfo_screenwidth()) / 100)
        y = int(float(75) * float(self.master.winfo_screenheight()) / 100)
        w = self.master.winfo_screenwidth() // 2 - x // 2
        h = self.master.winfo_screenheight() // 2 - y // 2

        self.container = Frame(self.master, bg='red')
        self.container.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)

        self.container.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1, uniform=None)

        self.container.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=0, uniform=None)
        self.container.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=0, uniform=None)
        self.container.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=0, uniform=None)
        self.container.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=0, uniform=None)
        self.container.grid_rowconfigure(4, weight=0, uniform=None)
        # self.container.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=0, uniform=None)
        # self.container.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1, uniform=None)

        # self.first_frame = Frame(self.container, bg='green')
        # # self.first_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
        # self.first_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news', rowspan=1)

        # self.second_frame = Frame(self.container, bg='blue')
        # # self.second_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
        # self.second_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news', padx=0, pady=10)

        from CreateTable import Table
        from UseCases import User as U
        from UseCases import Driver as D
        from UseCases import Booking as B
        from UseCases import Admin as A
        # from UseCases import delete_booking
        # U.delete().where(U.id==4).execute()
        # B.delete().execute()
        # B.update(driver_id=1).where(B.user_id==1).execute()
        # D.update(available=True).where((D.available==False)).execute()
        import datetime
        list_ = [
            i for i in U.select(U.id, U.first_name, U.last_name, U.username,
        list_2 = [
            i for i in D.select(D.id, D.reg_nr, D.available, D.first_name,
                                D.last_name, D.username, D.email).tuples()
        list_3 = [i for i in B.select().tuples()]

        list_4 = [
            i for i in B.select(B.id, B.time, B.confirm, B.user_id,
        # list_4 = [i for i in list_4.tuples()]  datetime.datetime.strptime(str(B.time), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")
        list_5 = [i for i in A.select().tuples()]
        no_fields = ['password', 'joined_at', 'is_admin']
        # print(D._meta.fields.keys())
        # fields = []
        fields = ['Id', "Booking time", "Confirm", "User name", "Driver name"]
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        for i in B._meta.fields.keys():
            if i not in no_fields:
                fields.append(i.replace('_', ' ').capitalize())
        # fields = [i.replace('_', " ").capitalize() for i in U._meta.fields.keys() if i not in no_fields]
        # print(((B._meta.fields.keys())))
        # print(fields)
        # print(list_3)
        # B.delete().execute()

        l = Table(self.container, list_4, fields, 0, 0)

        item = l.table.focus()
        # print(l.table.identify)

        self.button = Button(
            text="Print List Item",
            command=lambda: print(l.table.item(l.table.focus())['values'][0]))
        self.button.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='news', rowspan=1)

        # def delete():
        #     delete_user(user_id=l.tv.item(l.tv.focus())['values'][0])
        #     l.tv.delete(l.tv.selection()[0])
        self.delete = Button(
            text="Delete Item",
            command=lambda: (delete_user(user_id=l.table.item(l.table.focus())[
                'values'][0]), l.table.delete(l.table.selection()[0])))
        self.delete.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='news', rowspan=1)