def modify_password(self): """ 个人中心 - 修改密码 :return: """ _not_null_flag = False try: while not _not_null_flag: _new_password = input("输入新密码: ").strip() _confirm_password = input("再次输入确认密码:").strip() if not _new_password or not _confirm_password: common.show_message("密码不能为空,请重新输入!", "ERROR") continue if _new_password != _confirm_password: common.show_message("两次输入密码不一致,请重新输入!", "NOTICE") continue _not_null_flag = True self.password = _new_password _password = common.encrypt(self.password) self.dict_user[self.username]["password"] = _password self.update_user() common.show_message("密码修改成功!", "INFORMATIOM") return True except Exception as e: common.write_log(e) return False
def load_data_from_db(tabename): """ 从指定的数据表中获取所有数据,通过 json 方式将数据返回 :param tabename: 数据文件名 :return: 返回所有结果 """ try: with open(tabename, 'r+') as f: return json.load(f) except Exception as e: write_log(e)
def write_db_json(contant, filename): """ 将信息以 json 格式写入数据表文件(覆盖) :param contant: 写入的json数据内容 :param filename: 要写入的文件名 :return: 无返回结果 """ try: with open(filename, 'w+') as fw: fw.write(json.dumps(contant)) except Exception as e: write_log(e)
def append_db_json(contant, filename): """ 将信息以 json 格式写入数据表文件(追加) :param contant: 要写入的 json 格式内容 :param filename: 要写入的数据表文件名 :return: 无返回 """ try: with open(filename, 'a+') as fa: fa.write(json.dumps(contant)) fa.write("\n") except Exception as e: write_log(e)
def init_database(): tables = list(settings.DATABASE['tables'].values()) # 数据表名称列表 database = settings.DATABASE['dbpath'] # 数据表存放路径 for _table in tables: # 如果表不存在 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(database, "{0}.db".format(_table))): print("Table {0}.db create successfull".format(_table)) # 通过反射初始化数据表 if hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], "init_db_{0}".format(_table)): init_func = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], "init_db_{0}".format(_table)) init_func() else: common.write_log( "init table {0} failed,no function init_db_{0} found". format(_table))
def load_statement_list(cardno): """ 从对账单中获取记录, :param cardno: 对账单文件 :return: 返回一个列表 """ file = os.path.join(settings.REPORT_PATH, "statement_{0}".format(cardno)) result_list = list() try: if os.path.isfile(file): with open(file, 'r+') as f: for line in f: statement = json.loads(line) result_list.append(statement) return result_list except Exception as e: write_log("dbapi > load_statement_list > {0}".format(e))
def load_bill_report(cardno, startdate, enddate): """ 从信用卡对账单中获取指定卡的对账信息数据, 获取某一个时间段内的数据 :param enddate: 查询记录的结束日期 :param startdate: 查询记录的开始日期 :param cardno: 信用卡卡号 :return: 信用卡对账单数据 ,返回结果为 list 数据类型 """ r_file = os.path.join(settings.REPORT_PATH, "report_bill") result = [] try: with open(r_file, "r+") as f: for line in f: _record = json.loads(line) if _record["cardno"] == cardno: if startdate <= _record["starttime"] <= enddate: result.append(_record) return result except Exception as e: write_log(e)
def load_shop_history(user, startdate, enddate): """ 查找报表记录中的指定用户的购物历史记录,将结果存入到列表中 :param user: 用户名 :param startdate: 开始日期 :param enddate: 结束日期 :return: 结果 dict_list """ _file = os.path.join(settings.REPORT_PATH, "shopping_history") result = list() try: with open(_file, "r") as f: for line in f: _record = json.loads(line) # 如果找到指定用户记录 if list(_record.keys())[0] == user: if list(_record.values())[0]["time"] >= startdate <= enddate: result.append(_record) return result except Exception as e: write_log("dbapi > load_shop_history > {0}".format(e))
def update_user(self): """ 用户数据更新方法,用户修改信息、用户账户锁定、解锁等操作之后更新数据库文件 :return: """ try: ''' _password = common.encrypt(self.password) self.dict_user[self.username]["password"] = _password self.dict_user[self.username]["islocked"] = self.islocked self.dict_user[self.username]["name"] = self.dict_user[self.username]["mobile"] = self.dict_user[self.username]["bindcard"] = self.bindcard self.dict_user[self.username]["isdel"] = self.isdel self.dict_user[self.username]["role"] = self.role ''' # 写入数据库文件 dbapi.write_db_json(self.dict_user, self.__database) return True except Exception as e: common.write_log(e) return False