Example #1
def generate_c(bits, randfunc, progress_func = None):
    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:

    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    if progress_func:
    u=pubkey.inverse(p, q)

    e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    d=pubkey.inverse(e, (p-1)*(q-1))
    key = _fastmath.rsa_construct(n,e,d,p,q,u)
    obj = RSAobj_c(key)

##    print p
##    print q
##    print number.size(p), number.size(q), number.size(q*p),
##    print obj.size(), bits
    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"
    return obj
Example #2
def generate_c(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:

    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits / 2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits / 2, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q) = (q, p)
    if progress_func:
    u = pubkey.inverse(p, q)
    n = p * q

    e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    d = pubkey.inverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
    key = _fastmath.rsa_construct(n, e, d, p, q, u)
    obj = RSAobj_c(key)

    ##    print p
    ##    print q
    ##    print number.size(p), number.size(q), number.size(q*p),
    ##    print obj.size(), bits
    assert bits <= 1 + obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"
    return obj
Example #3
 def _attack_single(self,hA,sigA,hB,sigB,q=None):
     q = q or self.pubkey.q
     k = (hA - hB)* inverse(sA -sB,q) %q
     x = ((k*sA-hA)* inverse( rA,q) )% q
     return k,x
 def _attack_single(self,hA,sigA,hB,sigB,q=None):
     q = q or self.pubkey.q
     k = (hA - hB)* inverse(sA -sB,q) %q
     x = ((k*sA-hA)* inverse( rA,q) )% q
     return k,x
 def recover_nonce_reuse(self, other):
     assert (self.pubkey.q == other.pubkey.q)
     assert (self.sig.r == other.sig.r)  # reused *k* implies same *r*
     self.k = (self.h - other.h) * inverse(self.sig.s - other.sig.s,
                                           self.pubkey.q) % self.pubkey.q
     self.x = ((self.k * self.sig.s - self.h) *
               inverse(self.sig.r, self.pubkey.q)) % self.pubkey.q
     # other.k, other.x = self.k, self.x   # update other object as well?
     return self
Example #6
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.
    obj.e = 65537L

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        # Note also that we ensure that e is coprime to (p-1) and (q-1).
        # This is needed for encryption to work properly, according to the 1997
        # paper by Robert D. Silverman of RSA Labs, "Fast generation of random,
        # strong RSA primes", available at
        #   http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
        # Since e=65537 is prime, it is sufficient to check that e divides
        # neither (p-1) nor (q-1).
        p = 1L
        while (p - 1) % obj.e == 0:
            if progress_func:
            p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
        q = 1L
        while (q - 1) % obj.e == 0:
            if progress_func:
            q = pubkey.getPrime(bits - (bits/2), randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #7
def make_private_key(public_config, private_config):
        public_config (dict): Contains public modulus p, q
        private_config (dict): Contains private exponent e
        An RSA key object (`_RSAobj`).
    # public key contains public modulus
    # in production, use a local public key file
    p = long(public_config['encryption']['p'])
    q = long(public_config['encryption']['q'])
    # private key contains private exponent
    e = long(private_config['encryption']['e'])

    # Enforce constraint that p must be bigger.
    # http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/18084/in-rsa-why-does-p-have-to-be-bigger-than-q-where-n-p-times-q
    if p < q:
        p, q = q, p

    # in practice, not needed
    n = p * q
    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    d = pubkey.inverse(e, phi)
    rsaInit = (n, e, d, p, q)
    #     rsaInit = (n, e, d)
    #     print "n {}, e {}, d {}, p {}, q {}".format(n, e, d, p, q)
    return RSA.construct(rsaInit)
Example #8
def main():
    # collect a few public keys
    keys = []
    flags = []
    for i in range(20):
        conn = remote(HOST, PORT)
        keystr = conn.recvuntil("And here", drop=True)
        key = RSA.importKey(keystr)

        flagstr = conn.recvline().strip()
        flag = binascii.unhexlify(flagstr)


    # Try to find two n's with a common GCD
    nums = [k.n for k in keys]
    i, j, gcd = find_common_gcd(nums)
    log.info("Found GCD! gcd({:d}, {:d}) = {:d}".format(i, j, gcd))

    p = gcd
    q = keys[i].n / gcd
    d = pubkey.inverse(65537, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
    privkey = RSA.construct((keys[i].n, 65537L, d))
    cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(privkey)
    flag = cipher.decrypt(flags[i])
    log.success("Flag: {:s}".format(flag))
Example #9
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None, e=65537):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable, e:int)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', public exponent 'e'(which must be
    odd), using 'randfunc' to get random data and 'progress_func',
    if present, to display the progress of the key generation.
    obj.e = long(e)

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits>>1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits - (bits>>1), obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)

    # It's OK for p to be larger than q, but let's be
    # kind to the function that will invert it for
    # th calculation of u.
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #10
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None, e=65537):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable, e:int)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', public exponent 'e'(which must be
    odd), using 'randfunc' to get random data and 'progress_func',
    if present, to display the progress of the key generation.
    obj.e = long(e)

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits>>1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits - (bits>>1), obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)

    # It's OK for p to be larger than q, but let's be
    # kind to the function that will invert it for
    # th calculation of u.
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #11
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits - (bits/2), randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    obj.e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #12
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None, e=65537):
    obj = RSAobj()
    obj.e = long(e)
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits >> 1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits - (bits >> 1), obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)

    if p > q:
        p, q = q, p
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q
    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p * obj.q
    if progress_func:
    obj.d = pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p - 1) * (obj.q - 1))
    return obj
Example #13
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.
    obj = RSAobj()
    obj.e = 65537L

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits >> 1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits - (bits >> 1), obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q) = (q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p * obj.q

    if progress_func:
    obj.d = pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p - 1) * (obj.q - 1))

    assert bits <= 1 + obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #14
    def _attack(self,samples,q=None):
            samples = r,s,long(hash)
        q = q or self.pubkey.q
        rA,sA,hA = samples[0]
        k_h_diff = hA
        k_s_diff = sA
        first = True
        for r,s,hash in samples:
            if first:   
                continue            #skip first one due to autofill
            k_h_diff -=hash
            k_s_diff -=s
        k = (k_h_diff)* inverse(k_s_diff,q) %q
        x = ((k*sA-hA)* inverse( rA,q) )% q

        LOG.debug("privkey reconstructed: k=%s; x=%s;"%(k,x))
        return k,x
    def _attack(self,samples,q=None):
            samples = r,s,long(hash)
        q = q or self.pubkey.q
        rA,sA,hA = samples[0]
        k_h_diff = hA
        k_s_diff = sA
        first = True
        for r,s,hash in samples:
            if first:   
                continue            #skip first one due to autofill
            k_h_diff -=hash
            k_s_diff -=s
        k = (k_h_diff)* inverse(k_s_diff,q) %q
        x = ((k*sA-hA)* inverse( rA,q) )% q

        LOG.debug("privkey reconstructed: k=%s; x=%s;"%(k,x))
        return k,x
Example #16
def generate(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    obj.e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #17
def generate(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.
    obj = RSAobj()

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits / 2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits / 2, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q) = (q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p * obj.q

    obj.e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    obj.d = pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p - 1) * (obj.q - 1))

    assert bits <= 1 + obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #18
    def handle(self):
        print("[*] Connection from {:s}:{:d}".format(*self.client_address))

        e = 65537
        p, q = random.sample(PRIMES, 2)
        n = p * q
        d = pubkey.inverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
        public = RSA.construct((n, e))
        privkey = RSA.construct((n, e, d))
        cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(privkey)

        self.request.sendall(b"Here's your public key:\n")
        self.request.sendall(public.exportKey() + b"\n")

        self.request.sendall(b"And here's the flag! :)\n")
        with open("flag.txt", "rb") as f:
            flag = f.read()
        ct = cipher.encrypt(flag)
        self.request.sendall(binascii.hexlify(ct) + b"\n")
Example #19
    def generateKey(self, key_size, pq=None):
        if pq is None:
            p = getStrongPrime(key_size)
            q = getStrongPrime(key_size)
            p, q = pq
        n = p * q

        while True:
            # Keep trying random numbers for e until one is valid.
            e = random.randrange(2**(key_size - 1), 2**key_size)
            if pubkey.GCD(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1)) == 1:

        d = pubkey.inverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))

        self.n = n
        self.e = e
        self.d = d
        self.pq = (p, q)
Example #20
 def _brute_k(self,sample,p=None,q=None,g=None,maxTries=None):
         sample = (r,s,h(m))
     # 1 < k < q
     p = p or self.pubkey.p
     q = q or self.pubkey.q
     g = g or self.pubkey.g
     r,s,h = sample
     k= 2
     while k< q-1:
         if maxTries and k >= maxTries+2:
         # calc r = g^k mod p mod q
         if r == pow(g,k,p)%q: 
             x = ((k*s-h)* inverse( r,q) )% q
             return k,x
         k+=1        #next k
     raise Exception("Max tries reached! - %d/%d"%(k-2,maxTries))
 def _brute_k(self,sample,p=None,q=None,g=None,maxTries=None):
         sample = (r,s,h(m))
     # 1 < k < q
     p = p or self.pubkey.p
     q = q or self.pubkey.q
     g = g or self.pubkey.g
     r,s,h = sample
     k= 2
     while k< q-1:
         if maxTries and k >= maxTries+2:
         # calc r = g^k mod p mod q
         if r == pow(g,k,p)%q: 
             x = ((k*s-h)* inverse( r,q) )% q
             return k,x
         k+=1        #next k
     raise Exception("Max tries reached! - %d/%d"%(k-2,maxTries))
Example #22
def construct(tuple):
    """construct(tuple:(long,) : RSAobj
    Construct an RSA object from a 2-, 3-, 5-, or 6-tuple of numbers.

    if len(tuple) not in [2,3,5,6]:
        raise error, 'argument for construct() wrong length'
    for i in range(len(tuple)):
        field = obj.keydata[i]
        setattr(obj, field, tuple[i])
    if len(tuple) >= 5:
        # Ensure p is smaller than q 
        if obj.p>obj.q:
            (obj.p, obj.q)=(obj.q, obj.p)

    if len(tuple) == 5:
        # u not supplied, so we're going to have to compute it.
        obj.u=pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)

    return obj
Example #23
def construct(tuple):
    """construct(tuple:(long,) : RSAobj
    Construct an RSA object from a 2-, 3-, 5-, or 6-tuple of numbers.

    obj = RSAobj()
    if len(tuple) not in [2, 3, 5, 6]:
        raise error, 'argument for construct() wrong length'
    for i in range(len(tuple)):
        field = obj.keydata[i]
        setattr(obj, field, tuple[i])
    if len(tuple) >= 5:
        # Ensure p is smaller than q
        if obj.p > obj.q:
            (obj.p, obj.q) = (obj.q, obj.p)

    if len(tuple) == 5:
        # u not supplied, so we're going to have to compute it.
        obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)

    return obj
p = int('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', 16)
q = int('9f3710274717b060dee9fef0aaf01572e9cc53ba6ac10492bd5446bb41a248a9',16)
g = int('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', 16)
y =20636836524380396244196072696577569262126621637693518417515831389588156010110727694179220341766312812167934840038173702512714672935256591366304513258964123770331403988242338829851121917054712366378000466271493525015744412519308988145299857577333546970037261427973290256403898499766279180979277265983341722384272524689611144938145070671581385845523894185215290296247151150557881827136342152143825772770126693742120775894397288900938364960208586264826886039992581043142765638948169372930513082826136892625732961853419727731657648155505907704183872630951714970690302024937399383304248276584035831599631104415986634886780

DEBUG:DSAregenK:privkey reconstructed: 
k = 25768127004975721051099847404129291547143434939937043331286111399159730732336
x = 66982082206795733973204253209195163373920331769528646357832825612336892590101

# https://github.com/zydeon/DSA/blob/master/DSA.py
k_ = inverse(k,q)

def calculate_s(x, r, q, z, k_):
    return (k_*(z+x*r)) % q

filename = sys.argv[1]
with file(filename) as f:
    m = f.read()
    name_of_game = m[6:262]
    game = m[796:]
    print 'Signature of', name_of_game, ':'

Example #25
#  r = g^k mod p mod q
#  s = k-1 (H(m) + x*r) mod q
# ============================================================
	LOG.debug("---- Verify by r ----")
	k = input("Insert k from output message: ")
	verify_r = pow(priv_key.g,k,priv_key.p) % priv_key.q
	LOG.debug("Calculated r: %s"%verify_r)
	h, (r,s) = mA
	LOG.debug("Inserted   r: %s"%r)
	if verify_r == r :
		LOG.info("Verified! Successfully reconstructed r!!!")
	else :
		LOG.info("Fail to find real r...QQ")
# ============================================================
#  Verify attack result by calculating s
# ============================================================
	verify_s = ( inverse(k,priv_key.q) * (h + priv_key.x * verify_r) ) % priv_key.q
	LOG.debug("Calculated s: %s"%verify_s)
	LOG.debug("Inserted   s: %s"%s)
	if verify_s == s :
		LOG.info("Verified! Successfully reconstructed s!!!")
	else :
		LOG.info("Fail to find real s...QQ")

# Output answer
	print "r = ",verify_r
	H = int(sha1("FLAG").hexdigest(),16)
	S = ( inverse(k,priv_key.q) * (H + priv_key.x * verify_r) ) % priv_key.q
	print "s = ",S
Example #26
 def _unblind(self, M, B):
     tmp = pubkey.inverse(B, self.n)
     return  (M * tmp) % self.n
p = long(config.get("encryption", "p"))
q = long(config.get("encryption", "q"))

# get private key
if not pconfig.has_option("encryption", "private_key"):
    die("Error: private key must be defined in private config")

e = long(pconfig.get("encryption", "private_key"))

if p > q:
    (p, q) = (q, p)

phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
n = p * q
d = pubkey.inverse(e, phi)

tuple = n, e, d, p, q

if verbose:
    print "p=", p
    print "q=", q
    print "n=", n
    print "e=", e
    print "d=", d

# encrypt without armouring (PKCS)
key = RSA.construct(tuple)

if (cmp(sys.argv[-1], "-") == 0):
Example #28
 def _unblind(self, M, B):
     tmp = pubkey.inverse(B, self.n)
     return (M * tmp) % self.n
p = long(config.get("encryption", "p"))
q = long(config.get("encryption", "q"))

# get private key
if not pconfig.has_option("encryption", "private_key"):
        die("Error: private key must be defined in private config")

e = long(pconfig.get("encryption", "private_key"))

if p > q:
	(p, q)=(q, p)

phi = (p - 1)*(q - 1)
n = p*q
d=pubkey.inverse(e, phi)

tuple = n, e, d, p, q

if verbose:
	print "p=", p
	print "q=", q
	print "n=", n
	print "e=", e
	print "d=", d

# encrypt without armouring (PKCS)
key = RSA.construct(tuple)

if (cmp(sys.argv[-1], "-") == 0):