Example #1
def find_generator_and_safe_prime(bits, gen_max_bits = False):
    stdout.write('Trying to find prime p ')
        q = number.getPrime(bits-1) # zeby pomnozona przez 2 byla na pewno mniejsza od p, (+1 pomijam, zakladam ze nie przekroczy)
        p = (q << 1) + 1
        if number.isPrime(p):
            print '\n' + str(number.size(p)) + ' bits prime p found'
            p_sub_1 = p - 1
            stdout.write('Trying to find generator g ')
                if gen_max_bits: # generator moze miec dowolna liczbe bitow
                    g = number.getRandomNBitInteger(bits)
                    if g >= p:
                    g = number.getRandomRange(2, p)
                if pow(g, 2, p) == 1 or pow(g, q, p) == 1:
                print '\n' + str(number.size(g)) + ' bits generator g found'
                return p, g
Example #2
    def randrange(self, *args):
        """randrange([start,] stop[, step]):
        Return a randomly-selected element from range(start, stop, step)."""
        if len(args) == 3:
            (start, stop, step) = args
        elif len(args) == 2:
            (start, stop) = args
            step = 1
        elif len(args) == 1:
            (stop, ) = args
            start = 0
            step = 1
            raise TypeError("randrange expected at most 3 arguments, got %d" %
                            (len(args), ))
        if (not isinstance(start,
                           (int, long)) or not isinstance(stop, (int, long))
                or not isinstance(step, (int, long))):
            raise TypeError("randrange requires integer arguments")
        if step == 0:
            raise ValueError("randrange step argument must not be zero")

        num_choices = ceil_div(stop - start, step)
        if num_choices < 0:
            num_choices = 0
        if num_choices < 1:
            raise ValueError("empty range for randrange(%r, %r, %r)" %
                             (start, stop, step))

        # Pick a random number in the range of possible numbers
        r = num_choices
        while r >= num_choices:
            r = self.getrandbits(size(num_choices))

        return start + (step * r)
Example #3
    def _check_public_key(self, dsaObj):
        k = a2b_hex(self.k)
        m_hash = a2b_hex(self.m_hash)

        # Check capabilities
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.has_private())
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.can_sign())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_encrypt())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_blind())

        # Check dsaObj.[ygpq] -> dsaObj.key.[ygpq] mapping
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.y, dsaObj.key.y)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.g, dsaObj.key.g)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.p, dsaObj.key.p)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.q, dsaObj.key.q)

        # Check that private parameters are all missing
        self.assertEqual(0, hasattr(dsaObj, 'x'))
        self.assertEqual(0, hasattr(dsaObj.key, 'x'))

        # Sanity check key data
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.p > dsaObj.q)            # p > q
        self.assertEqual(160, size(dsaObj.q))               # size(q) == 160 bits
        self.assertEqual(0, (dsaObj.p - 1) % dsaObj.q)      # q is a divisor of p-1

        # Public-only key objects should raise an error when .sign() is called
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, dsaObj.sign, m_hash, k)

        # Check __eq__ and __ne__
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.publickey() == dsaObj.publickey(),True) # assert_
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.publickey() != dsaObj.publickey(),False) # failIf
def genKey(name, filename):

    #print("Reading public key: %s" % filename)
    with open(filename, 'rU') as fh:
        pubkey_data = fh.read()
    pubkey = RSA.importKey(pubkey_data)

    # Only support 2048 or 4096 bit keys
    size = number.size(pubkey.n)
    if size < 2000:
        print("Error: Key size is: %d" % pubkey.size())

    key = {}
    key["name"] = name
    key["size"] = "%s" % size
    key["bits"] = "0x%x" % size

    # Here be dragons, this really doesn't handle a u64.
    key["exponent"] = "0x0 0x%x" % pubkey.e

    b2_32 = 2**32L
    n0_invp = (number.inverse(pubkey.n, b2_32) - b2_32) * -1
    key["n0inverse"] = "0x%x" % n0_invp

    modulus = pubkey.n
    key["modulus"] = " ".join(genWords(size, modulus))

    r = 2**size
    r_squared = (r * r) % modulus
    key["rsquared"] = " ".join(genWords(size, r_squared))
    return key
Example #5
    def randrange(self, *args):
        if len(args) == 3:
            start, stop, step = args
        elif len(args) == 2:
            start, stop = args
            step = 1
        elif len(args) == 1:
            stop, = args
            start = 0
            step = 1
            raise TypeError('randrange expected at most 3 arguments, got %d' % (len(args),))
        if not isinstance(start, (int, long)) or not isinstance(stop, (int, long)) or not isinstance(step, (int, long)):
            raise TypeError('randrange requires integer arguments')
        if step == 0:
            raise ValueError('randrange step argument must not be zero')
        num_choices = ceil_div(stop - start, step)
        if num_choices < 0:
            num_choices = 0
        if num_choices < 1:
            raise ValueError('empty range for randrange(%r, %r, %r)' % (start, stop, step))
        r = num_choices
        while r >= num_choices:
            r = self.getrandbits(size(num_choices))

        return start + step * r
Example #6
def generate_c(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:

    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits / 2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits / 2, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q) = (q, p)
    if progress_func:
    u = pubkey.inverse(p, q)
    n = p * q

    e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    d = pubkey.inverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
    key = _fastmath.rsa_construct(n, e, d, p, q, u)
    obj = RSAobj_c(key)

    ##    print p
    ##    print q
    ##    print number.size(p), number.size(q), number.size(q*p),
    ##    print obj.size(), bits
    assert bits <= 1 + obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"
    return obj
Example #7
    def _check_public_key(self, dsaObj):
        k = a2b_hex(self.k)
        m_hash = a2b_hex(self.m_hash)

        # Check capabilities
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.has_private())
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.can_sign())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_encrypt())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_blind())

        # Check dsaObj.[ygpq] -> dsaObj.key.[ygpq] mapping
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.y, dsaObj.key.y)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.g, dsaObj.key.g)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.p, dsaObj.key.p)
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.q, dsaObj.key.q)

        # Check that private parameters are all missing
        self.assertEqual(0, hasattr(dsaObj, 'x'))
        self.assertEqual(0, hasattr(dsaObj.key, 'x'))

        # Sanity check key data
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.p > dsaObj.q)            # p > q
        self.assertEqual(160, size(dsaObj.q))               # size(q) == 160 bits
        self.assertEqual(0, (dsaObj.p - 1) % dsaObj.q)      # q is a divisor of p-1

        # Public-only key objects should raise an error when .sign() is called
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, dsaObj.sign, m_hash, k)

        # Check __eq__ and __ne__
        self.assert_(dsaObj.publickey() == dsaObj.publickey())
        self.assert_(not (dsaObj.publickey() != dsaObj.publickey()))
Example #8
def testing_full(i):
    print('running full test %d times' % i)
    bits = 128
    for i in range(100):
        p = gmpy2.next_prime(2**(bits / 2))
        q = gmpy2.next_prime(p)
        n = p * q
        n2 = n * n
        mbits = size(n)
        b = mbits // 2
        k = getRandomRange(0, n)
        g = (1 + k * n) % n2
        sk1 = LCM(p - 1, q - 1)
        sk2 = inverse(L(pow(g, sk1, n2), n), n)
        pt = getRandomInteger(bits - 1)
        ct = encrypt(pt, g, n, n2)

        assert decrypt(encrypt(pt, g, n, n2), sk1, sk2, n, n2) == pt

        low = recover_low_bits(LocalOracle(sk1, sk2, n, n2, b), n, n2, g, ct)
        high = recover_high_bits(int(low, 2), LocalOracle(sk1, sk2, n, n2, b),
                                 n, n2, g, ct)
        result = int(high + low, 2)
        assert result == pt
Example #9
 def rsa_long_encrypt(self, plaintext_str):
     """Encrypt the string
     :param plaintext_str: Strings that need to be encrypted, type str
     :return: Encrypted string, type str
     _msg = plaintext_str.encode('utf-8')
     length = len(_msg)
     # 1024/8 - 11=117, 1024 bits key
     # 2048/8 - 11=245, 2048 bits key
     mod_bits = size(rsa.importKey(self.public_key).n)
     default_length = ceil_div(mod_bits, 8) - 11
     # Public key encryption
     public_obj = PKCS1_v1_5.new(rsa.importKey(self.public_key))
     # Fragment encryption is not required
     if length < default_length:
         return base64.b64encode("".join(public_obj.encrypt(_msg)))
     # Fragment encryption
     offset = 0
     res = []
     while length - offset > 0:
         if length - offset > default_length:
                 public_obj.encrypt(_msg[offset:offset + default_length]))
         offset += default_length
     return base64.b64encode("".join(res))
Example #10
def generate(bits, randfunc=None, progress_func=None):
    obj = Paillierobj()
    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    assert bits % 2 == 0, "Not an even number of bits"
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        p = number.getPrime(bits >> 1, randfunc)
        q = number.getPrime(bits >> 1, randfunc)

    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q
    obj.n = p * q
    obj.n_sq = obj.n * obj.n

    if progress_func:
    obj.l = number.LCM(obj.p - 1, obj.q - 1)

    if progress_func:

    obj.g = obj._getRandomMult() * obj.n + 1  # TODO: check
    gExp = L(pow(obj.g, obj.l, obj.n_sq), obj.n)
    while not number.GCD(gExp, obj.n) == 1:
        obj.g = obj._getRandomMult() * obj.n + 1  # TODO: check
        gExp = L(pow(obj.g, obj.l, obj.n_sq), obj.n)
    obj.m = number.inverse(gExp, obj.n)

    assert bits <= 1 + obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #11
    def _check_public_key(self, dsaObj):
        k = bytes_to_long(a2b_hex(self.k))
        m_hash = bytes_to_long(a2b_hex(self.m_hash))

        # Check capabilities
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.has_private())
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.can_sign())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_encrypt())

        # Check that private parameters are all missing
        self.assertEqual(0, hasattr(dsaObj, 'x'))

        # Sanity check key data
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.p > dsaObj.q)  # p > q
        self.assertEqual(160, size(dsaObj.q))  # size(q) == 160 bits
        self.assertEqual(0, (dsaObj.p - 1) % dsaObj.q)  # q is a divisor of p-1

        # Public-only key objects should raise an error when .sign() is called
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, dsaObj._sign, m_hash, k)

        # Check __eq__ and __ne__
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.publickey() == dsaObj.publickey(),
                         True)  # assert_
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.publickey() != dsaObj.publickey(),
                         False)  # failIf
Example #12
 def rsa_long_decrypt(self, encrypted_str):
     """Decrypt an encrypted string
     :param encrypted_str: Encrypted string, type str
     :return: Decrypted string, type str
     _msg = base64.b64decode(encrypted_str)
     length = len(_msg)
     # 1024/8=128, 1024 bits key
     # 2048/8=256, 2048 bits key
     mod_bits = size(rsa.importKey(self.private_key).n)
     default_length = ceil_div(mod_bits, 8)
     # Private key to decrypt
     private_obj = PKCS1_v1_5.new(rsa.importKey(self.private_key))
     # Fragment decryption is not required
     if length < default_length:
         return "".join(private_obj.decrypt(_msg, 'xyz'))
     # Fragment decryption
     offset = 0
     res = []
     while length - offset > 0:
         if length - offset > default_length:
                 private_obj.decrypt(_msg[offset:offset + default_length],
             res.append(private_obj.decrypt(_msg[offset:], 'xyz'))
         offset += default_length
     return "".join(res)
    def randrange(self, *args):
        """randrange([start,] stop[, step]):
        Return a randomly-selected element from range(start, stop, step)."""
        if len(args) == 3:
            (start, stop, step) = args
        elif len(args) == 2:
            (start, stop) = args
            step = 1
        elif len(args) == 1:
            (stop,) = args
            start = 0
            step = 1
            raise TypeError("randrange expected at most 3 arguments, got %d" % (len(args),))
        if not isinstance(start, (int, long)) or not isinstance(stop, (int, long)) or not isinstance(step, (int, long)):
            raise TypeError("randrange requires integer arguments")
        if step == 0:
            raise ValueError("randrange step argument must not be zero")

        num_choices = ceil_div(stop - start, step)
        if num_choices < 0:
            num_choices = 0
        if num_choices < 1:
            raise ValueError("empty range for randrange(%r, %r, %r)" % (start, stop, step))

        # Pick a random number in the range of possible numbers
        r = num_choices
        while r >= num_choices:
            r = self.getrandbits(size(num_choices))

        return start + (step * r)
Example #14
def generate_c(bits, randfunc, progress_func = None):
    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:

    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    if progress_func:
    u=pubkey.inverse(p, q)

    e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    d=pubkey.inverse(e, (p-1)*(q-1))
    key = _fastmath.rsa_construct(n,e,d,p,q,u)
    obj = RSAobj_c(key)

##    print p
##    print q
##    print number.size(p), number.size(q), number.size(q*p),
##    print obj.size(), bits
    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"
    return obj
Example #15
def find_generator_and_prime(bits, n, gen_max_bits = False):
    # p - 1 = q1 * q2 * q3 * ... * qn
    p_sub_1 = 0 # p - 1
    p = 0
    stdout.write('Trying to find prime p ')
    while(not number.isPrime(p)): # sprawdzamy czy liczba p jest pierwsza, inaczej nie ma sensu szukac generatora
        qs = [2] # lista q, inicjowana q1 = 2, bez 2 p+1 bylaby zawsze liczba parzysta czyli nie pierwsza
        p_sub_1 = qs[0] # p - 1 = q1
        for i in range(0, n):
            q = number.getPrime(bits/n)
            tmp_p_sub_1 = p_sub_1 * q
            tmp_p = tmp_p_sub_1 + 1
            if number.size(tmp_p) <= bits: # sprawdzamy czy liczba p ma tyle bitow ile chcemy
                p_sub_1 = tmp_p_sub_1
                p = tmp_p
        if(number.size(p_sub_1) != bits): # dopelniamy do oczekiwanej liczby bitow mnozac kilkukrotnie przez 2
            p_sub_1 <<= bits-number.size(p_sub_1)
            p = p_sub_1 + 1
    stdout.write('\n' + str(number.size(p)) + ' bits prime p found\n')

    stdout.write("Trying to find generator g ")
    while(1): # kazda grupa cykliczna ma generator
        if gen_max_bits:
            g = number.getRandomNBitInteger(bits) # generator moze miec dowolna liczbe bitow
            if g >= p:
            g = number.getRandomRange(2, p)
        isGenerator = True
        for q in qs:
            if pow(g, p_sub_1/q, p) == 1: # nie jest generatorem jesli g ^ ((p-1) / q) mod p == 1
                isGenerator = False
        if isGenerator:
            stdout.write('\n' + str(number.size(g)) + ' bits generator g found\n')
            return p, g
Example #16
 def update_rsa_key_info(self, rsa_key, mode):
     """Stores info about the RSA key.
     modBits = number.size(rsa_key._key.n)
     self.rsa_key_info[mode] = {"bits": modBits}
     k = number.ceil_div(modBits, 8)
     self.rsa_key_info[mode].update({"bytes": k})
     hLen = rsa_key._hashObj.digest_size
     self.rsa_key_info[mode].update({"max_message_length": k - (2 * hLen) - 2})
Example #17
 def update_rsa_key_info(self, rsa_key, mode):
     """Stores info about the RSA key.
     modBits = number.size(rsa_key._key.n)
     self.rsa_key_info[mode] = {'bits': modBits}
     k = number.ceil_div(modBits, 8)
     self.rsa_key_info[mode].update({'bytes': k})
     hLen = rsa_key._hashObj.digest_size
         {'max_message_length': k - (2 * hLen) - 2})
Example #18
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.
    obj.e = 65537L

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        # Note also that we ensure that e is coprime to (p-1) and (q-1).
        # This is needed for encryption to work properly, according to the 1997
        # paper by Robert D. Silverman of RSA Labs, "Fast generation of random,
        # strong RSA primes", available at
        #   http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
        # Since e=65537 is prime, it is sufficient to check that e divides
        # neither (p-1) nor (q-1).
        p = 1L
        while (p - 1) % obj.e == 0:
            if progress_func:
            p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
        q = 1L
        while (q - 1) % obj.e == 0:
            if progress_func:
            q = pubkey.getPrime(bits - (bits/2), randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #19
    def _check_private_key(self, dsaObj):
        # Check capabilities
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.has_private())
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.can_sign())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_encrypt())

        # Sanity check key data
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.p > dsaObj.q)            # p > q
        self.assertEqual(160, size(dsaObj.q))               # size(q) == 160 bits
        self.assertEqual(0, (dsaObj.p - 1) % dsaObj.q)      # q is a divisor of p-1
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.y, pow(dsaObj.g, dsaObj.x, dsaObj.p))     # y == g**x mod p
        self.assertEqual(1, 0 < dsaObj.x < dsaObj.q)       # 0 < x < q
Example #20
    def _needs_symmetric(self, plaintext):
        """ Determines whether the key is big enough for the plaintext, or whether we need to go
        symmetric. Stolen from pycrypto source.

        modBits = number.size(self.key.n)
        k = number.ceil_div(modBits, 8) # Convert from bits to bytes
        hLen = self.hashAlgo.digest_size
        mLen = len(plaintext)

        ps_len = k-mLen-2*hLen-2
        return ps_len < 0
Example #21
    def _check_private_key(self, dsaObj):
        # Check capabilities
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.has_private())
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.can_sign())
        self.assertEqual(0, dsaObj.can_encrypt())

        # Sanity check key data
        self.assertEqual(1, dsaObj.p > dsaObj.q)            # p > q
        self.assertEqual(160, size(dsaObj.q))               # size(q) == 160 bits
        self.assertEqual(0, (dsaObj.p - 1) % dsaObj.q)      # q is a divisor of p-1
        self.assertEqual(dsaObj.y, pow(dsaObj.g, dsaObj.x, dsaObj.p))     # y == g**x mod p
        self.assertEqual(1, 0 < dsaObj.x < dsaObj.q)       # 0 < x < q
Example #22
def encrypt(msg, e, n=None, p=None, q=None):
    '''Encrypts a string msg with values e and n in 6 steps

    1) Breaks the sting into chunks that can be encrypted for given n.
    2) Each chunk is translated into its ascii value as a hex string.
    3) The last chunk is padded with null values if it is smaller
       than the other chunks.
    4) Each chunk is encrypted and stored as a binary value.
    5) Each chunk is given leading 0's so each has bits equal
       to the number of bits in n.
    6) The chunks are joined together and converted to a number.

        msg(str): ascii sting containing a message

        int: encrypted message as a number

        ValueError: if n is not given and p or q are not given

    if n is None:
        if p is None or q is None:
            raise ValueError("p and q are needed if n is not given")
        n = p * q

    chunkSize = int(size(n) / 8)

    # Step 1: Break message up into chunks
    msgChunks = strToList(msg, chunkSize)
    # Steps 2 to 5: Read docstring
    for func in [(lambda chunk: ''.join(hex(ord(c))[2:] for c in chunk)),
                 (lambda chunk: chunk + '0' * ((chunkSize * 2) - len(chunk))),
                 (lambda chunk: bin(pow(int(chunk, 16), e, n))[2:]),
                 (lambda chunk: chunk.zfill(size(n)))]:
        msgChunks = list(map(func, msgChunks))
    # Step 6: Merge chunks into a single string and convert to integer
    return int(listToStr(msgChunks), 2)
Example #23
    def eval(self, x):
        """This method returns the evaluation of the function with input x

        :param x: this is the input as a Long
        aes = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CFB, "\0"*AES.block_size)
        while True:
            nonce = 0
            data = KeyedPRF.pad(SHA256.new(str(x+nonce).encode()).digest(),
            num = self.mask & number.bytes_to_long(aes.encrypt(data))
            if (num < self.range):
                return num
            nonce += 1
Example #24
def get_bit(number, n_bit, dire):
		1: left
		0: right

	if dire:
		sn = size(number)
		if sn % 8 != 0:
			sn += (8 - sn % 8)
		return number >> (sn-n_bit)
		return number & (pow(2, n_bit) - 1)
Example #25
def bit_length(input_num):
   Return the bit length of input.
   EX: 7 (0b111) has length 3
   EX: 8 (0b1000) has length 4

   ``int`` input_num

    # just use the pycryptodome function for this
    return number.size(int(input_num))
Example #26
def recover_high_bits(low, oracle, n, n2, g, ct):
    print('cracking high bits')
    mbits = size(n)
    b = mbits // 2
    result_bits = []
    subtractor = n - low
    sub = encrypt(subtractor, g, n, n2)
    ct_sub = (ct * sub) % n2
    for i in range(b):
        divisor = inverse(2**i, n)
        payload = pow(ct_sub, divisor, n2)
        lsb = oracle.get_lsb(payload)
    return "".join(result_bits[::-1])
Example #27
File: rsa2.py Project: comahax/ctf
def get_bit(number, n_bit, dire):
		1: left
		0: right

	if dire:
		sn = size(number)
		if sn % 8 != 0:
			sn += (8 - sn % 8)
		return number >> (sn-n_bit)
		return number & (pow(2, n_bit) - 1)
Example #28
def get_random_range(a, b, randfunc=None):
    """getRandomRange(a:int, b:int, randfunc:callable):long
    Return a random number n so that a <= n < b.

    If randfunc is omitted, then Random.new().read is used.

    This function is for internal use only and may be renamed or removed in
    the future.
    range_ = b - a - 1
    bits = size(range_)
    value = get_random_integer(bits, randfunc)
    while value > range_:
        value = get_random_integer(bits, randfunc)
    return a + value
Example #29
    def eval(self, x):
        """This method returns the evaluation of the function with input x

        :param x: this is the input as a Long
        aes = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CFB, "\0" * AES.block_size)
        while True:
            nonce = 0
            data = KeyedPRF.pad(
                SHA256.new(str(x + nonce).encode()).digest(),
                (number.size(self.range) + 7) // 8)
            num = self.mask & number.bytes_to_long(aes.encrypt(data))
            if (num < self.range):
                return num
            nonce += 1
Example #30
    def __init__(self, key, range):
        """Initialization method

        :param key: the key to use for the PRF.  this key is the only source
        of randomness for the output of this function. should be a hashable
        object, preferably a byte array or string
        :param range: the output range as a long of the function. the output
        of the function will be in [0:range)
        self.key = key
        self.range = range
        # we need a mask because the number we'll generate will be of a
        # certain byte size but we want to restrict it to within a
        # certain bit size because we're trying to find numbers within
        # a certain range this will speed it up
        self.mask = (1 << number.size(self.range)) - 1
Example #31
def generate_pq(modbits):
    # generate primes p ad q
    # stolen from pycrypt
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < modbits:
        if modbits > 512:
            # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
            # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
            # more security.)
            p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(modbits >> 1, 0, 1e-12, None)
            q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(modbits - (modbits >> 1), 0, 1e-12, None)
            p = pubkey.getPrime(modbits >> 1, None)
            q = pubkey.getPrime(modbits - (modbits >> 1), None)

    return (p, q)
Example #32
def generate_pq(modBits):
        Generate p, q (public key) with modBits bits for SRA encryption
        generate primes p and q, from Sefasi and pycrypt
    assert (modBits % 2 == 0)  # must provide even number of bits
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < modBits:
        if modBits > 512:
            p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(modBits >> 1, 0, 1e-12, None)
            q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(modBits - (modBits >> 1), 0, 1e-12, None)
            p = pubkey.getPrime(modBits >> 1, None)
            q = pubkey.getPrime(modBits - (modBits >> 1), None)

    return (p, q)
Example #33
    def __init__(self, key, range):
        """Initialization method

        :param key: the key to use for the PRF.  this key is the only source
        of randomness for the output of this function. should be a hashable
        object, preferably a byte array or string
        :param range: the output range as a long of the function. the output
        of the function will be in [0:range)
        self.key = key
        self.range = range
        # we need a mask because the number we'll generate will be of a
        # certain byte size but we want to restrict it to within a
        # certain bit size because we're trying to find numbers within
        # a certain range this will speed it up
        self.mask = (1 << number.size(self.range))-1
def generate_pq(modbits):
	# generate primes p ad q
	# stolen from pycrypt
        p = q = 1L
        while number.size(p*q) < modbits:
                if modbits > 512 :
                        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
                        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
                        # more security.)
                        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(modbits>>1, 0, 1e-12, None)
                        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(modbits - (modbits>>1), 0, 1e-12, None)
                else :
                        p = pubkey.getPrime(modbits>>1, None)
                        q = pubkey.getPrime(modbits - (modbits>>1), None)

	return (p, q)
Example #35
    def Sign(self, data):
        # Prepend precomputed ASN1 hash code for SHA1
        data = b'\x30\x21\x30\x09\x06\x05\x2b\x0e\x03\x02\x1a\x05\x00\x04\x14' + data
        pkcs = pkcs1_15.new(self.rsa_key)

        # See 8.2.1 in RFC3447
        modBits = number.size(pkcs._key.n)
        k = pkcs1_15.ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes

        # Step 2a (OS2IP)
        em_int = pkcs1_15.bytes_to_long(PycryptodomeAuthSigner._pad_for_signing(data, k))
        # Step 2b (RSASP1)
        m_int = pkcs._key._decrypt(em_int)
        # Step 2c (I2OSP)
        signature = pkcs1_15.long_to_bytes(m_int, k)

        return signature
Example #36
def get_pkey():
    print "DH key exchange system:"
    P = getPrime(m)
    print "P: ", hex(P)
    G = getRandomNBitInteger(m)
    a = getRandomNBitInteger(m / 4)
    Ya = pow(G, a, P)
    print "Please enter you secret key: "
        b = raw_input()
        b = int(b)
        assert size(b) == m / 4
    Yb = pow(G, b, P)
    K = pow(Yb, a, P)
    return (Ya, K)
Example #37
def get_pkey():
	print "DH key exchange system:"
	P = getPrime(m)
	print "P: ", hex(P)
	G = getRandomNBitInteger(m)
	a = getRandomNBitInteger(m/4)
	Ya = pow(G, a, P)
	print "Please enter you secret key: "
		b = raw_input()
		b = int(b)
		assert size(b) == m/4
	Yb = pow(G, b, P)
	K = pow(Yb, a, P)
	return (Ya, K)
Example #38
def recover_low_bits(oracle, n, n2, g, ct):
    print('cracking low bits')
    mbits = size(n)
    bits_to_recover = mbits // 2
    result_bits = []
    initial_state = oracle.get_lsb(ct)
    for i in range(bits_to_recover):
        filling = [
            '0' if known_bit == '1' else '1' for known_bit in result_bits
        add = int("".join(filling + ['1']), 2) << (bits_to_recover - i - 1)
        payload = (ct * encrypt(add, g, n, n2)) % n2
        lsb = oracle.get_lsb(payload)
        if lsb != initial_state:
    result = "".join(result_bits)
    return result
Example #39
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None, e=65537):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable, e:int)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', public exponent 'e'(which must be
    odd), using 'randfunc' to get random data and 'progress_func',
    if present, to display the progress of the key generation.
    obj.e = long(e)

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits>>1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits - (bits>>1), obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)

    # It's OK for p to be larger than q, but let's be
    # kind to the function that will invert it for
    # th calculation of u.
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #40
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None, e=65537):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable, e:int)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', public exponent 'e'(which must be
    odd), using 'randfunc' to get random data and 'progress_func',
    if present, to display the progress of the key generation.
    obj.e = long(e)

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits>>1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits - (bits>>1), obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)

    # It's OK for p to be larger than q, but let's be
    # kind to the function that will invert it for
    # th calculation of u.
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #41
    def sign(self, message):
        from Crypto.Util.py3compat import _copy_bytes

        modBits = size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits, 8)
        mLen = len(message)

        # Step 1
        if mLen > k - 11:
            raise ValueError("Plaintext is too long.")
        # Step 2a
        ps = b'\xff' * (k - mLen - 3)
        # Step 2b
        em = b'\x00\x01' + ps + b'\x00' + _copy_bytes(None, None, message)
        # Step 3a (OS2IP)
        em_int = bytes_to_long(em)
        # Step 3b (RSAEP)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(em_int)
        # Step 3c (I2OSP)
        c = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        return c
Example #42
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits - (bits/2), randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    obj.e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #43
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.
    obj = RSAobj()
    obj.e = 65537L

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        # Note that q might be one bit longer than p if somebody specifies an odd
        # number of bits for the key. (Why would anyone do that?  You don't get
        # more security.)
        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits >> 1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits - (bits >> 1), obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q) = (q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p * obj.q

    if progress_func:
    obj.d = pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p - 1) * (obj.q - 1))

    assert bits <= 1 + obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #44
def generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None, e=65537):
    obj = RSAobj()
    obj.e = long(e)
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits >> 1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits - (bits >> 1), obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)

    if p > q:
        p, q = q, p
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q
    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p * obj.q
    if progress_func:
    obj.d = pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p - 1) * (obj.q - 1))
    return obj
Example #45
def decrypt_with_rsa_chunyu(msg):
    msg必须采用base64编码, 注意: base64编码的数据经过URLDecoder处理之后,可能不正确,其中的+会变成' '
    msg = base64ToString(msg)
    key = RSA.importKey(_private_rsa_key)
    cipher = PKCS1_v1_5_Cipher.new(key)
    modBits = number.size(key.n)
    k = ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes
    print "K: ", k

    msglen = len(msg)
    msg_encryted = ""
    start_idx = 0
    ## 处理过长的加密
    while msglen > 0:
        len1 = min([msglen, k])
        cleartext = cipher.decrypt(msg[start_idx: (start_idx + len1)], "")
        msg_encryted = msg_encryted + cleartext
        start_idx = start_idx + len1
        msglen = msglen - len1
    return msg_encryted
Example #46
def ecnrypt_symm_key(user, user_pub_key, symm_key):
    key = RSA.import_key(user_pub_key)

    # encrypt symm key wirh public RSA key
    cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(key, SHA256)

    # Adapted from github kadaliao/rsa_util.py
    # to calculate the max message size the cipher can handle
    # it can be of variable length, but not longer than the RSA modulus (in bytes)
    # minus 2, minus twice the hash output size.
    modBits = number.size(cipher._key.n)
    k = number.ceil_div(modBits, 8)
    hLen = cipher._hashObj.digest_size
    length = k - 2 * hLen - 3

    res = []
    for i in range(0, len(symm_key), length):
        res.append(cipher.encrypt(symm_key[i:i + length]))
    ciph_symm_key = b''.join(res)

    symm_b64 = b64encode(ciph_symm_key).decode('utf-8')
    return symm_key_format % (user, symm_b64)
Example #47
def decrypt_with_rsa_chunyu(msg):
    msg必须采用base64编码, 注意: base64编码的数据经过URLDecoder处理之后,可能不正确,其中的+会变成' '
    msg = base64ToString(msg)
    key = RSA.importKey(_private_rsa_key)
    cipher = PKCS1_v1_5_Cipher.new(key)

    modBits = number.size(key.n)
    k = ceil_div(modBits, 8)  # Convert from bits to bytes
    print "K: ", k

    msglen = len(msg)
    msg_encryted = ""
    start_idx = 0
    ## 处理过长的加密
    while msglen > 0:
        len1 = min([msglen, k])
        cleartext = cipher.decrypt(msg[start_idx:(start_idx + len1)], "")
        msg_encryted = msg_encryted + cleartext
        start_idx = start_idx + len1
        msglen = msglen - len1
    return msg_encryted
Example #48
def generate(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q)=(q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q

    obj.e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))

    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #49
def encrypt_with_rsa_chunyu(msg):
    msg = ensure_utf8(msg)

    key = RSA.importKey(_public_rsa_key)
    cipher = PKCS1_v1_5_Cipher.new(key)
    modBits = number.size(key.n)
    k = ceil_div(modBits,8) - 28 ## 11 # Convert from bits to bytes
    print "K: ", k

    msglen = len(msg)
    msg_encryted = ""
    start_idx = 0
    ## 处理过长的加密
    while msglen > 0:
        len1 = min([msglen, k])
        encrypt = cipher.encrypt(msg[start_idx: (start_idx + len1)])
        msg_encryted = msg_encryted + encrypt
        start_idx = start_idx + len1
        msglen = msglen - len1
    return stringToBase64(msg_encryted)
Example #50
def generate(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)

    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
    the progress of the key generation.
    obj = RSAobj()

    # Generate the prime factors of n
    if progress_func:
    p = q = 1L
    while number.size(p * q) < bits:
        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits / 2, randfunc)
        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits / 2, randfunc)

    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
    if p > q:
        (p, q) = (q, p)
    obj.p = p
    obj.q = q

    if progress_func:
    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
    obj.n = obj.p * obj.q

    obj.e = 65537L
    if progress_func:
    obj.d = pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p - 1) * (obj.q - 1))

    assert bits <= 1 + obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"

    return obj
Example #51
 def size(self):
     return number.size(self.n) - 1  # TODO: check this
Example #52
 def size(self):
     """size() : int
     Return the maximum number of bits that can be handled by this key.
     return number.size(self.n) - 1
Example #53
 def test_size(self):
     self.assertEqual(number.size(0xa2ba40ee07e3b2bd2f02ce227f36a195024486e49c19cb41bbbdfbba98b22b0e577c2eeaffa20d883a76e65e394c69d4b3c05a1e8fadda27edb2a42bc000fe888b9b32c22d15add0cd76b3e7936e19955b220dd17d4ea904b1ec102b2e4de7751222aa99151024c7cb41cc5ea21d00eeb41f7c800834d2c6e06bce3bce7ea9a5L), 1024)
Example #54
 def size(self):
     """Return the maximum number of bits that can be encrypted"""
     return size(self.n) - 1
Example #55
 def size(self):
     "Return the maximum number of bits that can be handled by this key."
     return number.size(self.p) - 1
Example #56
 def size(self):
     return number.size(self.p) - 1