def decryption_oracle(payload): global iv_as_key iv = bytes(b'A' * block_size) payload = iv + payload + blocks_with_correct_padding plaintext = decrypt(payload, iv_as_key) if iv_as_key: return xor(plaintext[block_size:block_size * 2], iv) return xor(plaintext[:block_size], iv)
def break_one_char_key(ciphertext, lang='English', no_of_comparisons=5, alphabet=False, key_space=False, reliability=100.0): """Brute for all one-char keys, return most language-like Args: ciphertext(string): text xored with short key lang(string): key in frequencies dict no_of_comparisons(int): used during comparing by frequencies alphabet(string/None): plaintext space key_space(string/None): key space reliability(float): between 0 and 100, used during comparing by frequencies Returns: list: sorted (by frequencies) list of tuples (key, plaintext) """ if not alphabet: alphabet = string.printable if not key_space: key_space = list(map(chr, list(range(256)))) result = {} for key in key_space: xored = xor(ciphertext, key) if is_printable(xored, alphabet=alphabet, reliability=reliability): result[key] = xored if result: return sorted(list(result.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True, cmp=lambda x, y: compare_by_frequencies(x, y, lang=lang, no_of_comparisons=no_of_comparisons)) return False
def iv_as_key(ciphertext, plaintext, padding_oracle=None, decryption_oracle=None, block_size=16): """If iv is used as key, we can recover it using decryption oracle, padding oracle or known plaintext (if first ciphertext block is repeated) Args: ciphertext(string): first block must be AES.encrypt(iv xor plaintext[0]) plaintext(string): with padding padding_oracle(function/None) decryption_oracle(function/None) block_size(int) Returns: string: key (== iv) """ key = None ciphertext = chunks(ciphertext, block_size) plaintext = chunks(plaintext, block_size) try: position_second = ciphertext.index(ciphertext[0], 1) log.debug("Position of the same block as the first is {}".format( position_second)) key = xor(plaintext[0], ciphertext[position_second - 1], plaintext[position_second]) except ValueError: log.debug( "first ciphertext block is not repeated, will use decryption/padding oracle" ) if key is None: iv = bytes(b'A' * block_size) iv_xor_plaintext0 = decrypt(ciphertext[0], padding_oracle=padding_oracle, decryption_oracle=decryption_oracle, iv=iv, block_size=block_size, is_correct=False, amount=1) iv_xor_plaintext0 = xor(iv_xor_plaintext0, iv) key = xor(iv_xor_plaintext0, plaintext[0]) log.success("Key(hex): {}".format(b2h(key))) return key
def fake_ciphertext(new_plaintext, padding_oracle=None, decryption_oracle=None, block_size=16): """Make ciphertext that will decrypt to given plaintext Give padding_oracle or decryption_oracle (or both) Args: new_plaintext(string): with padding padding_oracle(function/None) decryption_oracle(function/None): maximum one block to decrypt block_size(int) Returns: fake_ciphertext(string): fake ciphertext that will decrypt to new_plaintext """ _check_oracles(padding_oracle=padding_oracle, decryption_oracle=decryption_oracle, block_size=block_size) if block_size % 8 != 0: log.critical_error("Incorrect block size: {}".format(block_size))"Start fake ciphertext") ciphertext = bytes(b'A' * (len(new_plaintext) + block_size)) # prepare blocks blocks = chunks(ciphertext, block_size) new_pl_blocks = chunks(new_plaintext, block_size) if len(new_pl_blocks) != len(blocks) - 1: log.critical_error( "Wrong new plaintext length({}), should be {}".format( len(new_plaintext), block_size * (len(blocks) - 1))) new_ct_blocks = list(blocks) # add known plaintext for count_block in range(len(blocks) - 1, 0, -1): """ Every block, modify block[count_block-1] to set block[count_block] """"Block no. {}".format(count_block)) ciphertext_to_decrypt = bytes(b''.join(new_ct_blocks[:count_block + 1])) original_plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext_to_decrypt, padding_oracle=padding_oracle, decryption_oracle=decryption_oracle, block_size=block_size, amount=1, is_correct=False)"Set block no. {}".format(count_block)) new_ct_blocks[count_block - 1] = xor(blocks[count_block - 1], original_plaintext, new_pl_blocks[count_block - 1]) fake_ciphertext_res = bytes(b''.join(new_ct_blocks)) log.success("Fake ciphertext(hex): {}".format(b2h(fake_ciphertext_res))) return fake_ciphertext_res
def break_repeated_key(ciphertext, lang='English', no_of_comparisons=5, key_size=None, max_key_size=40, alphabet=None, key_space=None, reliability=100.0): """Short key encrypted with long plaintext Args: ciphertext(string): text xored with short key lang(string): key in frequencies dict no_of_comparisons(int): used during comparing by frequencies key_size(int/None) max_key_size(int/None) alphabet(string/None): plaintext space key_space(string/None): key space reliability(float): between 0 and 100, used during comparing by frequencies Returns: list: sorted (by frequencies) list of tuples (key, plaintext) """ if not key_size: key_size = guess_key_size(ciphertext, max_key_size)[0][0] cipher_same_key_char = [ciphertext[i::key_size] for i in range(key_size)] key = {} for position, item in enumerate(cipher_same_key_char): key_char = break_one_char_key(item, lang=lang, no_of_comparisons=no_of_comparisons, alphabet=alphabet, key_space=key_space, reliability=reliability) if not key_char: continue key_char = key_char[0] # get only most probable, because product may be large key[position] = key_char key = [x[1] for x in list(key.items())] key = [x[0] for x in key] if not key: return False plaintexts = {} for guessed_key in itertools.product(*key): guessed_key = ''.join(guessed_key) plaintexts[guessed_key] = xor(guessed_key, ciphertext) return sorted(list(plaintexts.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True, cmp=lambda x, y: compare_by_frequencies(x, y, lang=lang, no_of_comparisons=no_of_comparisons))
def bit_flipping(ciphertext, plaintext, wanted, block_size=16): """Given ciphertext and corresponding plaintext (two blocks) we can set first block of ciphertext so that last block of plaintext will be our wanted value Args: ciphertext(string): size == 2*block_size plaintext(string): size == block_size, plaintext of second ciphertext block wanted(string): size == block_size, we want ciphertext last block decrypt to this block_size(int) Returns: string: ciphertext that will decrypt to garbage_block+wanted_last_block """ if len(ciphertext) != 2 * block_size: log.critical_error("Incorrect ciphertext size") if len(plaintext) != block_size: log.critical_error("Incorrect plaintext size") if len(wanted) != block_size: log.critical_error("Incorrect wanted_last_block size") return xor(ciphertext[:block_size], plaintext, wanted) + ciphertext[block_size:]
def decrypt(ciphertext, padding_oracle=None, decryption_oracle=None, iv=None, block_size=16, is_correct=True, amount=0, known_plaintext=None, async_calls=False): """Decrypt ciphertext Give padding_oracle or decryption_oracle (or both) Args: ciphertext(string): to decrypt padding_oracle(function/None) decryption_oracle(function/None) iv(string): if not specified, first block of ciphertext is treated as iv block_size(int) is_correct(bool): set if ciphertext will decrypt to something with correct padding amount(int): how much blocks decrypt (counting from last), zero (default) means all known_plaintext(string): with padding, from end (aligned to end of ciphertext) async_calls(bool): make asynchronous calls to oracle (not implemented yet) Returns: plaintext(string): with padding """ _check_oracles(padding_oracle=padding_oracle, decryption_oracle=decryption_oracle, block_size=block_size) if block_size % 8 != 0: log.critical_error("Incorrect block size: {}".format(block_size)) if len(ciphertext) % block_size != 0: log.critical_error("Incorrect ciphertext length: {}".format( len(ciphertext))) if decryption_oracle: if iv: ciphertext = iv + ciphertext blocks = chunks(ciphertext, block_size) plaintext = bytes(b'') for position in range(len(blocks) - 1, 0, -1): plaintext = xor(decryption_oracle(blocks[position]), blocks[position - 1]) + plaintext"Plaintext(hex): {}".format(b2h(plaintext))) if amount != 0 and len(plaintext) == amount * block_size: break log.success("Decrypted(hex): {}".format(b2h(plaintext))) return plaintext"Start cbc padding oracle") log.debug(print_chunks(chunks(ciphertext, block_size))) # prepare blocks blocks = chunks(ciphertext, block_size) if iv: if len(iv) % block_size != 0: log.critical_error("Incorrect iv length: {}".format(len(iv)))"Set iv") blocks.insert(0, iv) if amount != 0: amount = len(blocks) - amount - 1 if amount < 0 or amount >= len(blocks): log.critical_error( "Incorrect amount of blocks to decrypt: {} (have to be in [0,{}]". format(amount, len(blocks) - 1))"Will decrypt {} block(s)".format(len(blocks) - 1 - amount)) # add known plaintext plaintext = bytes(b'') position_known = 0 chars_decoded = 0 if known_plaintext: is_correct = False plaintext = known_plaintext blocks_decoded = len(plaintext) // block_size chars_decoded = len(plaintext) % block_size if blocks_decoded == len(blocks) - 1: log.debug("Nothing decrypted, known plaintext long enough") return plaintext if blocks_decoded > len(blocks) - 1: log.critical_error( "Too long known plaintext ({} blocks)".format(blocks_decoded)) if blocks_decoded != 0: blocks = blocks[:-blocks_decoded] position_known = chars_decoded"Have known plaintext, skip {} block(s) and {} bytes".format( blocks_decoded, chars_decoded)) # start decryption for count_block in range(len(blocks) - 1, amount, -1): """ Blocks from the last to the second (all except iv) """"Block no. {}".format(count_block)) payload_prefix = bytes(b''.join(blocks[:count_block - 1])) payload_modify = blocks[count_block - 1] payload_decrypt = blocks[count_block] if chars_decoded != 0: # we know some chars, so modify previous block payload_modify = payload_modify[:-chars_decoded] +\ xor(plaintext[:chars_decoded], payload_modify[-chars_decoded:], bytes([chars_decoded + 1])) chars_decoded = 0 position = block_size - 1 - position_known position_known = 0 while position >= 0: """ Every position in block, from the end """ log.debug("Position: {}".format(position)) found_correct_char = False for guess_char in range(256): modified = payload_modify[:position] + bytes( [guess_char]) + payload_modify[position + 1:] payload = bytes(b''.join( [payload_prefix, modified, payload_decrypt])) iv = payload[:block_size] payload = payload[block_size:] log.debug(print_chunks(chunks(iv + payload, block_size))) correct = padding_oracle(payload=payload, iv=iv) if correct: """ oracle returns True """ padding = block_size - position # sent ciphertext decoded to that padding decrypted_char = bytes( [payload_modify[position] ^ guess_char ^ padding]) if is_correct: """ If we didn't send original ciphertext, then we have found original padding value. Otherwise keep searching and if won't find any other correct char - padding is \x01 """ if guess_char == blocks[-2][-1]: log.debug( "Skip this guess char ({})".format(guess_char)) continue dc = int(decrypted_char[0]) "Found padding value for correct ciphertext: {}". format(dc)) if dc == 0 or dc > block_size: log.critical_error( "Found bad padding value (given ciphertext may not be correct)" ) plaintext = decrypted_char * dc payload_modify = payload_modify[:-dc] + xor( payload_modify[-dc:], decrypted_char, bytes([dc + 1])) position = position - dc + 1 is_correct = False else: """ abcd efgh ijkl o|guess_char|xy || 1234 5678 9tre qwer - ciphertext what ever itma ybex || xyzw rtua lopo k|\x03|\x03\x03 - plaintext abcd efgh ijkl |guess_char|wxy || 1234 5678 9tre qwer - next round ciphertext some thin gels eheh || xyzw rtua lopo guessing|\x04\x04\x04 - next round plaintext """ if position == block_size - 1: """ if we decrypt first byte, check if we didn't hit other padding than \x01 """ payload = iv + payload payload = payload[:-block_size - 2] + bytes( b'A') + payload[-block_size - 1:] iv = payload[:block_size] payload = payload[block_size:] correct = padding_oracle(payload=payload, iv=iv) if not correct: log.debug("Hit false positive, guess char({})". format(guess_char)) continue payload_modify = payload_modify[:position] + xor( bytes([guess_char]) + payload_modify[position + 1:], bytes([padding]), bytes([padding + 1])) plaintext = decrypted_char + plaintext found_correct_char = True log.debug( "Guessed char(\\x{:02x}), decrypted char(\\x{:02x})". format(guess_char, decrypted_char[0])) log.debug("Plaintext: {}".format(plaintext))"Plaintext(hex): {}".format(b2h(plaintext))) break position -= 1 if found_correct_char is False: if is_correct: padding = 0x01 payload_modify = payload_modify[:position + 1] + xor( payload_modify[position + 1:], bytes([padding]), bytes([padding + 1])) plaintext = bytes(b"\x01") is_correct = False else: log.critical_error( "Can't find correct padding (oracle function return False 256 times)" ) log.success("Decrypted(hex): {}".format(b2h(plaintext))) return plaintext