def _start_mac(self):

        assert(self._mac_status == MacStatus.NOT_STARTED)
        assert(None not in (self._assoc_len, self._msg_len))
        assert(isinstance(self._cache, list))

        # Formatting control information and nonce (A.2.1)
        q = 15 - len(self.nonce)  # length of Q, the encoded message length
        flags = (64 * (self._assoc_len > 0) + 8 * ((self._mac_len - 2) // 2) +
                 (q - 1))
        b_0 = bchr(flags) + self.nonce + long_to_bytes(self._msg_len, q)

        # Formatting associated data (A.2.2)
        # Encoded 'a' is concatenated with the associated data 'A'
        assoc_len_encoded = b('')
        if self._assoc_len > 0:
            if self._assoc_len < (2 ** 16 - 2 ** 8):
                enc_size = 2
            elif self._assoc_len < (2L ** 32):
                assoc_len_encoded = b('\xFF\xFE')
                enc_size = 4
                assoc_len_encoded = b('\xFF\xFF')
                enc_size = 8
            assoc_len_encoded += long_to_bytes(self._assoc_len, enc_size)
Example #2
    def decrypt(self, init_value, ciphertext, auth_tag, auth_data=b''):
        if init_value >= (1 << 96):
            raise InvalidInputException('IV should be 96-bit')
        if auth_tag >= (1 << 128):
            raise InvalidInputException('Tag should be 128-bit')

        if auth_tag != self.__ghash(
                auth_data, ciphertext) ^ bytes_to_long(
                long_to_bytes((init_value << 32) | 1, 16))):
            raise InvalidTagException

        len_ciphertext = len(ciphertext)
        if len_ciphertext > 0:
            counter =
                prefix=long_to_bytes(init_value, 12),
            aes_ctr =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter)

            if 0 != len_ciphertext % 16:
                padded_ciphertext = ciphertext + \
                                    b'\x00' * (16 - len_ciphertext % 16)
                padded_ciphertext = ciphertext
            plaintext = aes_ctr.decrypt(padded_ciphertext)[:len_ciphertext]

            plaintext = b''

        return plaintext
Example #3
    def _start_mac(self):

        assert(self._mac_status == MacStatus.NOT_STARTED)
        assert(None not in (self._assoc_len, self._msg_len))
        assert(isinstance(self._cache, list))

        # Formatting control information and nonce (A.2.1)
        q = 15 - len(self.nonce)  # length of Q, the encoded message length
        flags = (64 * (self._assoc_len > 0) + 8 * ((self._mac_len - 2) // 2) +
                 (q - 1))
        b_0 = struct.pack("B", flags) + self.nonce + long_to_bytes(self._msg_len, q)

        # Formatting associated data (A.2.2)
        # Encoded 'a' is concatenated with the associated data 'A'
        assoc_len_encoded = b''
        if self._assoc_len > 0:
            if self._assoc_len < (2 ** 16 - 2 ** 8):
                enc_size = 2
            elif self._assoc_len < (2 ** 32):
                assoc_len_encoded = b'\xFF\xFE'
                enc_size = 4
                assoc_len_encoded = b'\xFF\xFF'
                enc_size = 8
            assoc_len_encoded += long_to_bytes(self._assoc_len, enc_size)

        # b_0 and assoc_len_encoded must be processed first
        self._cache.insert(0, b_0)
        self._cache.insert(1, assoc_len_encoded)

        # Process all the data cached so far
        first_data_to_mac = b"".join(self._cache)
        self._cache = b""
        self._mac_status = MacStatus.PROCESSING_AUTH_DATA
Example #4
    def test3(self):

        for keylen, taglen, result in self.tv3:

            key = bchr(0) * (keylen // 8 - 1) + bchr(taglen)
            C = b("")

            for i in range(128):
                S = bchr(0) * i

                N = long_to_bytes(3 * i + 1, 12)
                cipher =, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=N, mac_len=taglen // 8)
                C += cipher.encrypt(S) + cipher.encrypt() + cipher.digest()

                N = long_to_bytes(3 * i + 2, 12)
                cipher =, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=N, mac_len=taglen // 8)
                C += cipher.encrypt(S) + cipher.encrypt() + cipher.digest()

                N = long_to_bytes(3 * i + 3, 12)
                cipher =, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=N, mac_len=taglen // 8)
                C += cipher.encrypt() + cipher.digest()

            N = long_to_bytes(385, 12)
            cipher =, AES.MODE_OCB, nonce=N, mac_len=taglen // 8)
            result2 = cipher.encrypt() + cipher.digest()
            self.assertEquals(unhexlify(b(result)), result2)
Example #5
    def sign(self, msg_hash):
        """Create the PKCS#1 v1.5 signature of a message.

        This function is also called ``RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN`` and
        it is specified in
        `section 8.2.1 of RFC8017 <>`_.

        :parameter msg_hash:
            This is an object from the :mod:`Cryptodome.Hash` package.
            It has been used to digest the message to sign.
        :type msg_hash: hash object

        :return: the signature encoded as a *byte string*.
        :raise ValueError: if the RSA key is not long enough for the given hash algorithm.
        :raise TypeError: if the RSA key has no private half.

        # See 8.2.1 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes

        # Step 1
        em = _EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(msg_hash, k)
        # Step 2a (OS2IP)
        em_int = bytes_to_long(em)
        # Step 2b (RSASP1)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(em_int)
        # Step 2c (I2OSP)
        signature = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        return signature
 def to_bytes(self, block_size=0):
     if self._value < 0:
         raise ValueError("Conversion only valid for non-negative numbers")
     result = long_to_bytes(self._value, block_size)
     if len(result) > block_size > 0:
         raise ValueError("Value too large to encode")
     return result
    def sign(self, msg_hash):
        """Produce the PKCS#1 v1.5 signature of a message.

        This function is named ``RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN``;
        it is specified in section 8.2.1 of RFC3447.

          msg_hash : hash object
            This is an object created with to the `Cryptodome.Hash` module.
            It was used used to hash the message to sign.

        :Return: The signature encoded as a byte string.
        :Raise ValueError:
            If the RSA key is not long enough when combined with the given
            hash algorithm.
        :Raise TypeError:
            If the RSA key has no private half.

        # See 8.2.1 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes

        # Step 1
        em = _EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(msg_hash, k)
        # Step 2a (OS2IP)
        em_int = bytes_to_long(em)
        # Step 2b (RSASP1)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(em_int)
        # Step 2c (I2OSP)
        signature = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        return signature
    def _compute_mac(self):
        """Compute MAC without any FSM checks."""

        if self._tag:
            return self._tag

        # Step 5 in NIST SP 800-38D, Algorithm 4 - Compute S
        self._update(long_to_bytes(8 * self._auth_len, 8))
        self._update(long_to_bytes(8 * self._msg_len, 8))
        s_tag = self._signer.digest()

        # Step 6 - Compute T
        self._tag = self._tag_cipher.encrypt(s_tag)[:self._mac_len]

        return self._tag
Example #9
def MGF1(mgfSeed, maskLen, hash_gen):
    """Mask Generation Function, described in `B.2.1 of RFC8017

    :param mfgSeed:
        seed from which the mask is generated
    :type mfgSeed: byte string

    :param maskLen:
        intended length in bytes of the mask
    :type maskLen: integer

    :param hash_gen:
        A module or a hash object from :mod:`Cryptodome.Hash`
    :type hash_object:

    :return: the mask, as a *byte string*
    T = b""
    for counter in iter_range(ceil_div(maskLen, hash_gen.digest_size)):
        c = long_to_bytes(counter, 4)
        hobj =
        hobj.update(mgfSeed + c)
        T = T + hobj.digest()
    assert(len(T) >= maskLen)
    return T[:maskLen]
Example #10
 def _definite_form(length):
         """Build length octets according to BER/DER
         definite form.
         if length > 127:
                 encoding = long_to_bytes(length)
                 return bchr(len(encoding) + 128) + encoding
         return bchr(length)
Example #11
    def inplace_pow(self, exponent, modulus=None):
        exp_value = int(exponent)
        if exp_value < 0:
            raise ValueError("Exponent must not be negative")

        # No modular reduction
        if modulus is None:
            self._value = pow(self._value, exp_value)
            return self

        # With modular reduction
        mod_value = int(modulus)
        if mod_value < 0:
            raise ValueError("Modulus must be positive")
        if mod_value == 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError("Modulus cannot be zero")

        # C extension only works with odd moduli
        if (mod_value & 1) == 0:
            self._value = pow(self._value, exp_value, mod_value)
            return self

        max_len = len(long_to_bytes(max(self._value, exp_value, mod_value)))

        base_b    = long_to_bytes(self._value, max_len)
        exp_b     = long_to_bytes(exp_value, max_len)
        modulus_b = long_to_bytes(mod_value, max_len)

        out = create_string_buffer(max_len)

        error = _raw_montgomery.monty_pow(

        if error:
            raise ValueError("monty_pow failed with error: %d" % error)

        result = bytes_to_long(get_raw_buffer(out))
        self._value = result
        return self
Example #12
def MGF1(mgfSeed, maskLen, hash):
    """Mask Generation Function, described in B.2.1"""
    T = b("")
    for counter in xrange(ceil_div(maskLen, hash.digest_size)):
        c = long_to_bytes(counter, 4)
        hobj =
        hobj.update(mgfSeed + c)
        T = T + hobj.digest()
    assert(len(T) >= maskLen)
    return T[:maskLen]
    def encrypt(self, message):
        """Produce the PKCS#1 OAEP encryption of a message.

        This function is named ``RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT``, and is specified in
        section 7.1.1 of RFC3447.

         message : byte string
                The message to encrypt, also known as plaintext. It can be of
                variable length, but not longer than the RSA modulus (in bytes)
                minus 2, minus twice the hash output size.

        :Return: A byte string, the ciphertext in which the message is encrypted.
            It is as long as the RSA modulus (in bytes).
        :Raise ValueError:
            If the RSA key length is not sufficiently long to deal with the given
        # TODO: Verify the key is RSA

        # See 7.1.1 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes
        hLen = self._hashObj.digest_size
        mLen = len(message)

        # Step 1b
        ps_len = k-mLen-2*hLen-2
        if ps_len<0:
            raise ValueError("Plaintext is too long.")
        # Step 2a
        lHash =
        # Step 2b
        ps = bchr(0x00)*ps_len
        # Step 2c
        db = lHash + ps + bchr(0x01) + message
        # Step 2d
        ros = self._randfunc(hLen)
        # Step 2e
        dbMask = self._mgf(ros, k-hLen-1)
        # Step 2f
        maskedDB = strxor(db, dbMask)
        # Step 2g
        seedMask = self._mgf(maskedDB, hLen)
        # Step 2h
        maskedSeed = strxor(ros, seedMask)
        # Step 2i
        em = bchr(0x00) + maskedSeed + maskedDB
        # Step 3a (OS2IP)
        em_int = bytes_to_long(em)
        # Step 3b (RSAEP)
        m_int = self._key._encrypt(em_int)
        # Step 3c (I2OSP)
        c = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        return c
    def verify(self, msg_hash, signature):
        """Verify that a certain PKCS#1 v1.5 signature is valid.

        This method checks if the message really originates from someone
        that holds the RSA private key.
        really signed the message.

        This function is named ``RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY``;
        it is specified in section 8.2.2 of RFC3447.

          msg_hash : hash object
            The hash that was carried out over the message. This is an object
            belonging to the `Cryptodome.Hash` module.
          signature : byte string
            The signature that needs to be validated.
        :Raise ValueError:
            if the signature is not valid.

        # See 8.2.2 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits, 8) # Convert from bits to bytes

        # Step 1
        if len(signature) != k:
            raise ValueError("Invalid signature")
        # Step 2a (O2SIP)
        signature_int = bytes_to_long(signature)
        # Step 2b (RSAVP1)
        em_int = self._key._encrypt(signature_int)
        # Step 2c (I2OSP)
        em1 = long_to_bytes(em_int, k)
        # Step 3
            possible_em1 = [ _EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(msg_hash, k, True) ]
            # MD2/4/5 hashes always require NULL params in AlgorithmIdentifier.
            # For all others, it is optional.
                algorithm_is_md = msg_hash.oid.startswith('1.2.840.113549.2.')
            except AttributeError:
                algorithm_is_md = False
            if not algorithm_is_md:  # MD2/MD4/MD5
                possible_em1.append(_EMSA_PKCS1_V1_5_ENCODE(msg_hash, k, False))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid signature")
        # Step 4
        # By comparing the full encodings (as opposed to checking each
        # of its components one at a time) we avoid attacks to the padding
        # scheme like Bleichenbacher's (see[email protected]/msg06537).
        if em1 not in possible_em1:
            raise ValueError("Invalid signature")
    def _compute_mac(self):
        """Finalize the cipher (if not done already) and return the MAC."""

        if self._mac_tag:
            assert(self._status == _CipherStatus.PROCESSING_DONE)
            return self._mac_tag

        assert(self._status != _CipherStatus.PROCESSING_DONE)
        if self._status == _CipherStatus.PROCESSING_AUTH_DATA:

        if self._len_ct & 0x0F:
            self._authenticator.update(b'\x00' * (16 - (self._len_ct & 0x0F)))
        self._status = _CipherStatus.PROCESSING_DONE
        self._authenticator.update(long_to_bytes(self._len_aad, 8)[::-1])
        self._authenticator.update(long_to_bytes(self._len_ct, 8)[::-1])
        self._mac_tag = self._authenticator.digest()
        return self._mac_tag
        def testVerify2(self):
                # Verify that decryption fails if ciphertext is not as long as
                # RSA modulus
                cipher =
                self.assertRaises(ValueError, cipher.decrypt, '\x00'*127, "---")
                self.assertRaises(ValueError, cipher.decrypt, '\x00'*129, "---")

                # Verify that decryption fails if there are less then 8 non-zero padding
                # bytes
                pt = b('\x00\x02' + '\xFF'*7 + '\x00' + '\x45'*118)
                pt_int = bytes_to_long(pt)
                ct_int = self.key1024._encrypt(pt_int)
                ct = long_to_bytes(ct_int, 128)
                self.assertEqual("---", cipher.decrypt(ct, "---"))
Example #17
def monty_pow(base, exp, modulus):
    max_len = len(long_to_bytes(max(base, exp, modulus)))

    base_b, exp_b, modulus_b = [ long_to_bytes(x, max_len) for x in
                                 (base, exp, modulus) ]

    out = create_string_buffer(max_len)
    error = _raw_montgomery.monty_pow(

    if error == 2:
        raise ExceptionModulus()
    if error:
        raise ValueError("monty_pow failed with error: %d" % error)

    result = bytes_to_long(get_raw_buffer(out))
    return result
Example #18
    def encrypt(self, init_value, plaintext, auth_data=b''):
        if init_value >= (1 << 96):
            raise InvalidInputException('IV should be 96-bit')
        # a naive checking for IV reuse
        if init_value == self.prev_init_value:
            raise InvalidInputException('IV must not be reused!')
        self.prev_init_value = init_value

        len_plaintext = len(plaintext)
        # len_auth_data = len(auth_data)

        if len_plaintext > 0:
            counter =
                prefix=long_to_bytes(init_value, 12),
                initial_value=2,  # notice this
            aes_ctr =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter)

            if 0 != len_plaintext % 16:
                padded_plaintext = plaintext + \
                                   b'\x00' * (16 - len_plaintext % 16)
                padded_plaintext = plaintext
            ciphertext = aes_ctr.encrypt(padded_plaintext)[:len_plaintext]

            ciphertext = b''

        auth_tag = self.__ghash(auth_data, ciphertext)
        # print 'GHASH\t', hex(auth_tag)
        auth_tag ^= bytes_to_long(self._aes_ecb.encrypt(
            long_to_bytes((init_value << 32) | 1, 16)))

        # assert len(ciphertext) == len(plaintext)
        assert auth_tag < (1 << 128)
        return ciphertext, auth_tag
Example #19
    def sign(self, msg_hash):
        """Produce the PKCS#1 PSS signature of a message.

        This function is named ``RSASSA-PSS-SIGN``, and is specified in
        section 8.1.1 of RFC3447.

          msg_hash : hash object
            The hash that was carried out over the message. This is an object
            belonging to the `Cryptodome.Hash` module.

        :Return: The PSS signature encoded as a byte string.
        :Raise ValueError:
            If the RSA key length is not sufficiently long to deal
            with the given hash algorithm.
        :Raise TypeError:
            If the RSA key has no private half.

        :attention: Modify the salt length and the mask generation
                    function only if you know what you are doing.
                    The receiver must use the same parameters too.

        # Set defaults for salt length and mask generation function
        if self._saltLen is None:
            sLen = msg_hash.digest_size
            sLen = self._saltLen

        if self._mgfunc is None:
            mgf = lambda x, y: MGF1(x, y, msg_hash)
            mgf = self._mgfunc

        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)

        # See 8.1.1 in RFC3447
        k = ceil_div(modBits, 8)  # k is length in bytes of the modulus
        # Step 1
        em = _EMSA_PSS_ENCODE(msg_hash, modBits-1, self._randfunc, mgf, sLen)
        # Step 2a (OS2IP)
        em_int = bytes_to_long(em)
        # Step 2b (RSASP1)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(em_int)
        # Step 2c (I2OSP)
        signature = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        return signature
Example #20
    def encrypt(self, message):
        """Produce the PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption of a message.

        This function is named ``RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCRYPT``, and it is specified in
        `section 7.2.1 of RFC8017

        :param message:
            The message to encrypt, also known as plaintext. It can be of
            variable length, but not longer than the RSA modulus (in bytes) minus 11.
        :type message: bytes/bytearray/memoryview

        :Returns: A byte string, the ciphertext in which the message is encrypted.
            It is as long as the RSA modulus (in bytes).

        :Raises ValueError:
            If the RSA key length is not sufficiently long to deal with the given

        # See 7.2.1 in RFC8017
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes
        mLen = len(message)

        # Step 1
        if mLen > k - 11:
            raise ValueError("Plaintext is too long.")
        # Step 2a
        ps = []
        while len(ps) != k - mLen - 3:
            new_byte = self._randfunc(1)
            if bord(new_byte[0]) == 0x00:
        ps = b"".join(ps)
        assert(len(ps) == k - mLen - 3)
        # Step 2b
        em = b'\x00\x02' + ps + b'\x00' + _copy_bytes(None, None, message)
        # Step 3a (OS2IP)
        em_int = bytes_to_long(em)
        # Step 3b (RSAEP)
        m_int = self._key._encrypt(em_int)
        # Step 3c (I2OSP)
        c = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        return c
Example #21
    def verify(self, msg_hash, signature):
        """Verify that a certain PKCS#1 PSS signature is authentic.

        This function checks if the party holding the private half
        of the given RSA key has really signed the message.

        This function is called ``RSASSA-PSS-VERIFY``, and is specified
        in section 8.1.2 of RFC3447.

          msg_hash : hash object
            The cryptographic hash computed over the message.
            This is an object belonging to the `Cryptodome.Hash` module.
          signature : byte string
            The signature that needs to be validated.

        :Raise ValueError:
            if the signature is incorrect.

        # Set defaults for salt length and mask generation function
        if self._saltLen is None:
            sLen = msg_hash.digest_size
            sLen = self._saltLen
        if self._mgfunc:
            mgf = self._mgfunc
            mgf = lambda x, y: MGF1(x, y, msg_hash)

        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)

        # See 8.1.2 in RFC3447
        k = ceil_div(modBits, 8)  # Convert from bits to bytes
        # Step 1
        if len(signature) != k:
            raise ValueError("Incorrect signature")
        # Step 2a (O2SIP)
        signature_int = bytes_to_long(signature)
        # Step 2b (RSAVP1)
        em_int = self._key._encrypt(signature_int)
        # Step 2c (I2OSP)
        emLen = ceil_div(modBits - 1, 8)
        em = long_to_bytes(em_int, emLen)
        # Step 3/4
        _EMSA_PSS_VERIFY(msg_hash, em, modBits-1, mgf, sLen)
    def encrypt(self, message):
        """Produce the PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption of a message.

        This function is named ``RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCRYPT``, and is specified in
        section 7.2.1 of RFC3447.
        For a complete example see `Cryptodome.Cipher.PKCS1_v1_5`.

         message : byte string
                The message to encrypt, also known as plaintext. It can be of
                variable length, but not longer than the RSA modulus (in bytes) minus 11.

        :Return: A byte string, the ciphertext in which the message is encrypted.
            It is as long as the RSA modulus (in bytes).
        :Raise ValueError:
            If the RSA key length is not sufficiently long to deal with the given


        # See 7.2.1 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes
        mLen = len(message)

        # Step 1
        if mLen > k-11:
            raise ValueError("Plaintext is too long.")
        # Step 2a
        ps = []
        while len(ps) != k - mLen - 3:
            new_byte = self._randfunc(1)
            if bord(new_byte[0]) == 0x00:
        ps = b("").join(ps)
        assert(len(ps) == k - mLen - 3)
        # Step 2b
        em = b('\x00\x02') + ps + bchr(0x00) + message
        # Step 3a (OS2IP)
        em_int = bytes_to_long(em)
        # Step 3b (RSAEP)
        m_int = self._key._encrypt(em_int)
        # Step 3c (I2OSP)
        c = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        return c
Example #23
    def verify(self, msg_hash, signature):
        """Check if the  PKCS#1 PSS signature over a message is valid.

        This function is also called ``RSASSA-PSS-VERIFY`` and
        it is specified in
        `section 8.1.2 of RFC8037 <>`_.

        :parameter msg_hash:
            The hash that was carried out over the message. This is an object
            belonging to the :mod:`Cryptodome.Hash` module.
        :type parameter: hash object

        :parameter signature:
            The signature that needs to be validated.
        :type signature: byte string

        :raise ValueError: if the signature is not valid.

        # Set defaults for salt length and mask generation function
        if self._saltLen is None:
            sLen = msg_hash.digest_size
            sLen = self._saltLen
        if self._mgfunc:
            mgf = self._mgfunc
            mgf = lambda x, y: MGF1(x, y, msg_hash)

        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)

        # See 8.1.2 in RFC3447
        k = ceil_div(modBits, 8)  # Convert from bits to bytes
        # Step 1
        if len(signature) != k:
            raise ValueError("Incorrect signature")
        # Step 2a (O2SIP)
        signature_int = bytes_to_long(signature)
        # Step 2b (RSAVP1)
        em_int = self._key._encrypt(signature_int)
        # Step 2c (I2OSP)
        emLen = ceil_div(modBits - 1, 8)
        em = long_to_bytes(em_int, emLen)
        # Step 3/4
        _EMSA_PSS_VERIFY(msg_hash, em, modBits-1, mgf, sLen)
Example #24
    def change_key(self, master_key):
        # RLB: Need to allow 192-, 256-bit keys
        # if master_key >= (1 << 128):
        #    raise InvalidInputException('Master key should be 128-bit')

        self._master_key = long_to_bytes(master_key, 16)
        self._aes_ecb =, AES.MODE_ECB)
        self._auth_key = bytes_to_long(self._aes_ecb.encrypt(b'\x00' * 16))

        # precompute the table for multiplication in finite field
        table = []  # for 8-bit
        for i in range(16):
            row = []
            for j in range(256):
                row.append(gf_2_128_mul(self._auth_key, j << (8 * i)))
        self._pre_table = tuple(table)

        self.prev_init_value = None  # reset
Example #25
    def sign(self, msg_hash):
        """Produce the DSS signature of a message.

          msg_hash : hash object
            The hash that was carried out over the message.
            The object belongs to the `Cryptodome.Hash` package.

            Under mode *'fips-186-3'*, the hash must be a FIPS
            approved secure hash (SHA-1 or a member of the SHA-2 family),
            of cryptographic strength appropriate for the DSA key.
            For instance, a 3072/256 DSA key can only be used
            in combination with SHA-512.

        :Return: The signature encoded as a byte string.
        :Raise ValueError:
            If the hash algorithm is incompatible to the DSA key.
        :Raise TypeError:
            If the DSA key has no private half.

        if not self._valid_hash(msg_hash):
            raise ValueError("Hash is not sufficiently strong")

        # Generate the nonce k (critical!)
        nonce = self._compute_nonce(msg_hash)

        # Perform signature using the raw API
        z = Integer.from_bytes(msg_hash.digest()[:self._order_bytes])
        sig_pair = self._key._sign(z, nonce)

        # Encode the signature into a single byte string
        if self._encoding == 'binary':
            output = b("").join([long_to_bytes(x, self._order_bytes)
                                 for x in sig_pair])
            # Dss-sig  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
            #               r       OCTET STRING,
            #               s       OCTET STRING
            # }
            output = DerSequence(sig_pair).encode()

        return output
Example #26
    def sign(self, msg_hash):
        """Create the PKCS#1 PSS signature of a message.

        This function is also called ``RSASSA-PSS-SIGN`` and
        it is specified in
        `section 8.1.1 of RFC8017 <>`_.

        :parameter msg_hash:
            This is an object from the :mod:`Cryptodome.Hash` package.
            It has been used to digest the message to sign.
        :type msg_hash: hash object

        :return: the signature encoded as a *byte string*.
        :raise ValueError: if the RSA key is not long enough for the given hash algorithm.
        :raise TypeError: if the RSA key has no private half.

        # Set defaults for salt length and mask generation function
        if self._saltLen is None:
            sLen = msg_hash.digest_size
            sLen = self._saltLen

        if self._mgfunc is None:
            mgf = lambda x, y: MGF1(x, y, msg_hash)
            mgf = self._mgfunc

        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)

        # See 8.1.1 in RFC3447
        k = ceil_div(modBits, 8)  # k is length in bytes of the modulus
        # Step 1
        em = _EMSA_PSS_ENCODE(msg_hash, modBits-1, self._randfunc, mgf, sLen)
        # Step 2a (OS2IP)
        em_int = bytes_to_long(em)
        # Step 2b (RSASP1)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(em_int)
        # Step 2c (I2OSP)
        signature = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        return signature
Example #27
    def enc_setup(self, enc_alg, msg, auth_data, key=None, iv=""):
        """ Encrypt JWE content.

        :param enc_alg: The JWE "enc" value specifying the encryption algorithm
        :param msg: The plain text message
        :param auth_data: Additional authenticated data
        :param key: Key (CEK)
        :return: Tuple (ciphertext, tag), both as bytes

        key, iv = self._generate_key_and_iv(enc_alg, key, iv)

        if enc_alg in ["A192GCM", "A128GCM", "A256GCM"]:
            gcm = AES_GCM(bytes_to_long(key))
            ctxt, tag = gcm.encrypt(bytes_to_long(iv), msg, auth_data)
            tag = long_to_bytes(tag)
        elif enc_alg in ["A128CBC-HS256", "A192CBC-HS384", "A256CBC-HS512"]:
            assert enc_alg in SUPPORTED["enc"]
            ctxt, tag = aes_cbc_hmac_encrypt(key, iv, auth_data, msg)
            raise NotSupportedAlgorithm(enc_alg)

        return ctxt, tag, key
Example #28
def _length_encode(x):
    if x == 0:
        return b'\x00'

    S = long_to_bytes(x)
    return S + bchr(len(S))
Example #29
    def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
        """Decrypt a message with PKCS#1 OAEP.

        :param ciphertext: The encrypted message.
        :type ciphertext: bytes/bytearray/memoryview

        :returns: The original message (plaintext).
        :rtype: bytes

        :raises ValueError:
            if the ciphertext has the wrong length, or if decryption
            fails the integrity check (in which case, the decryption
            key is probably wrong).
        :raises TypeError:
            if the RSA key has no private half (i.e. you are trying
            to decrypt using a public key).

        # See 7.1.2 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits, 8)  # Convert from bits to bytes
        hLen = self._hashObj.digest_size

        # Step 1b and 1c
        if len(ciphertext) != k or k < hLen + 2:
            raise ValueError("Ciphertext with incorrect length.")
        # Step 2a (O2SIP)
        ct_int = bytes_to_long(ciphertext)
        # Step 2b (RSADP)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(ct_int)
        # Complete step 2c (I2OSP)
        em = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        # Step 3a
        lHash =
        # Step 3b
        y = em[0]
        # y must be 0, but we MUST NOT check it here in order not to
        # allow attacks like Manger's (
        maskedSeed = em[1:hLen + 1]
        maskedDB = em[hLen + 1:]
        # Step 3c
        seedMask = self._mgf(maskedDB, hLen)
        # Step 3d
        seed = strxor(maskedSeed, seedMask)
        # Step 3e
        dbMask = self._mgf(seed, k - hLen - 1)
        # Step 3f
        db = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask)
        # Step 3g
        one_pos = db[hLen:].find(b'\x01')
        lHash1 = db[:hLen]
        invalid = bord(y) | int(one_pos < 0)
        hash_compare = strxor(lHash1, lHash)
        for x in hash_compare:
            invalid |= bord(x)
        for x in db[hLen:one_pos]:
            invalid |= bord(x)
        if invalid != 0:
            raise ValueError("Incorrect decryption.")
        # Step 4
        return db[hLen + one_pos + 1:]
Example #30
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Cryptodome.Util import number
import gmpy

n = 17258212916191948536348548470938004244269544560039009244721959293554822498047075403658429865201816363311805874117705688359853941515579440852166618074161313773416434156467811969628473425365608002907061241714688204565170146117869742910273064909154666642642308154422770994836108669814632309362483307560217924183202838588431342622551598499747369771295105890359290073146330677383341121242366368309126850094371525078749496850520075015636716490087482193603562501577348571256210991732071282478547626856068209192987351212490642903450263288650415552403935705444809043563866466823492258216747445926536608548665086042098252335883
e = 3
ct = 243251053617903760309941844835411292373350655973075480264001352919865180151222189820473358411037759381328642957324889519192337152355302808400638052620580409813222660643570085177957

# n is a prime, e is small, ct is smaller than n
print(number.long_to_bytes(gmpy.root(ct, e)[0]))
Example #31
    def __init__(self, factory, nonce, mac_len, cipher_params):

        if factory.block_size != 16:
            raise ValueError("OCB mode is only available for ciphers"
                             " that operate on 128 bits blocks")

        self.block_size = 16
        """The block size of the underlying cipher, in bytes."""

        self.nonce = bstr(nonce)
        """Nonce used for this session."""
        if len(nonce) not in range(1, 16):
            raise ValueError("Nonce must be at most 15 bytes long")
        if isinstance(nonce, unicode):
            raise TypeError("Nonce must be a byte string")

        self._mac_len = mac_len
        if not 8 <= mac_len <= 16:
            raise ValueError("MAC tag must be between 8 and 16 bytes long")

        # Cache for MAC tag
        self._mac_tag = None

        # Cache for unaligned associated data
        self._cache_A = b("")

        # Cache for unaligned ciphertext/plaintext
        self._cache_P = b("")

        # Allowed transitions after initialization
        self._next = [
            self.update, self.encrypt, self.decrypt, self.digest, self.verify

        # Compute Offset_0
        params_without_key = dict(cipher_params)
        key = params_without_key.pop("key")
        nonce = (bchr(self._mac_len << 4 & 0xFF) + bchr(0) *
                 (14 - len(self.nonce)) + bchr(1) + self.nonce)
        bottom = bord(nonce[15]) & 0x3F  # 6 bits, 0..63
        ktop =, factory.MODE_ECB, **params_without_key)\
                      .encrypt(nonce[:15] + bchr(bord(nonce[15]) & 0xC0))
        stretch = ktop + strxor(ktop[:8], ktop[1:9])  # 192 bits
        offset_0 = long_to_bytes(bytes_to_long(stretch) >> (64 - bottom),

        # Create low-level cipher instance
        raw_cipher = factory._create_base_cipher(cipher_params)
        if cipher_params:
            raise TypeError("Unknown keywords: " + str(cipher_params))

        self._state = VoidPointer()
        result = _raw_ocb_lib.OCB_start_operation(raw_cipher.get(), offset_0,
        if result:
            raise ValueError("Error %d while instantiating the OCB mode" %

        # Ensure that object disposal of this Python object will (eventually)
        # free the memory allocated by the raw library for the cipher mode
        self._state = SmartPointer(self._state.get(),

        # Memory allocated for the underlying block cipher is now owed
        # by the cipher mode
Example #32
 def int2bytes(self, x):
     return long_to_bytes(x, self.bytes)
Example #33
    def encode(self):
        """Return the field element, encoded as a 16 byte string."""

        return long_to_bytes(self._value, 16)
Example #34
# reference
import Cryptodome.Util.number as number

e = 3
c = 219878849218803628752496734037301843801487889344508611639028
n = 245841236512478852752909734912575581815967630033049838269083

# factorize n @
p = 416064700201658306196320137931
q = 590872612825179551336102196593

# calculate phi(n) and d
phi = (q - 1) * (p - 1)
d = number.inverse(e, phi)

# plaintext: M = Cрхѕ (mod n)
print(number.long_to_bytes(pow(c, d, n)))
Example #35
    def _int2octets(self, int_mod_q):
        """See 2.3.3 in RFC6979"""

        assert 0 < int_mod_q < self._order
        return long_to_bytes(int_mod_q, self._order_bytes)
Example #36
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Cryptodome.Util import number

expected = 0x685f624f7d4563444f522b47297568286a6c2c764c
expected = number.long_to_bytes(expected)

def decrypt():
    buf = [0] * len(expected)
    arr = [0] * 6
    arr[0] = 0x10
    arr[1] = 0x18
    arr[2] = len(buf) >> 1
    arr[3] = len(buf)
    arr[4] = 0
    arr[5] = len(buf) >> 1
    for i in range(2):
        cur = arr[i + 4]
        while cur < arr[i + 2]:
            buf[cur] = expected[cur] ^ arr[i]
            cur = cur + 1

    return ''.join(map(chr, buf))

Example #37
 def _double(self, bs):
     doubled = bytes_to_long(bs)<<1
     if bord(bs[0]) & 0x80:
         doubled ^= 0x87
     return long_to_bytes(doubled, len(bs))[-len(bs):]
Example #38
 def rsa_encrypt(cls, data: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes:
     rsa_key = RSA.import_key(key)
     return long_to_bytes(
Example #39
def _shift_bytes(bs, xor_lsb=0):
    num = (bytes_to_long(bs) << 1) ^ xor_lsb
    return long_to_bytes(num, len(bs))[-len(bs):]
Example #40
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Cryptodome.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
UMAX = 256**16

def pad(block):
    return b"\x00" * (16 - len(block)) + block

data = open("body.enc", "rb").read()
img = b""
for i in range(16, len(data), 16):
    img += pad(
            bytes_to_long(data[i:i + 16]) -
            bytes_to_long(data[i - 16:i]) % UMAX))
open("body.ecb.ppm", "wb").write(b"P6\n1895 820\n255\n" + img)
Example #41
 def int2bytes(self, x):
     return long_to_bytes(x, self.bytes)
Example #42
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import mpfr
from Cryptodome.Util.number import long_to_bytes
gmpy2.get_context().precision = 1000
c = 2205316413931134031074603746928247799030155221252519872650082343781881947286623459260358458095368337105247516735006016223547924074432814737081052371203373104854490121754016011241903971190586239974732476290129461147622505210058893325312869
Example #43
    return data.decode()

conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
conn.connect((HOST, PORT))
conn.send(b'0' * 64 + b'\n')
res = ""

messages = [*filter(lambda x: len(x) == 64, recvall(conn).split('\n'))]

for m in messages:
    if m[:32] == m[32:]: res += "1"
    else: res += "0"

print(long_to_bytes(int(res[::-1], 2)).decode())

# alternative way
# run $python -c 'print("0"*64+"\n")' | nc 3333 > outcbc.txt

f = open(os.path.join(os.sys.path[0], "outcbc.txt"), "r")

messages = f.readlines()
res = ""
for m in messages:
  if m[:32] == m[32:-1]: res += "1"
  else: res += "0"

print(long_to_bytes(int(res[::-1], 2)))
Example #44
File: Project: na1pir/hbc
def bhex(s,sep=""):
	return hexdump(long_to_bytes(s,30),sep)
Example #45
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Cryptodome.Util.number import long_to_bytes
f = open('whitepages.txt', 'rb').read()
out = ""
i = 0
while i < len(f):
    if f[i:i + 1] == b'\x20':
        out += "1"
    elif f[i:i + 3] == b'\xe2\x80\x83':
        out += "0"
        i += 2
    i += 1
print(long_to_bytes(int(out, 2)).decode('utf-8'))
Example #46
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Cryptodome.Util import number

n = 1063494238636905330671898279123020701722241177838742822812173978727720269828464796177466331816675300997219760473399150899338190503499441304612339501295713174906319744094945565844664372365921409430229356934682156557249826723147031652843433859344718768493183522524995480377138743798310313783408725321419870843554822150601536373735923419276343616677440442774544203945706641152517137477442684440329779076981535293867470891276594740058202983415251883426242386508849130959905432961654910957147313116759921173654729071152981682554792584462863534617943384988632032130835087976957452863581161399454295389753849954195624356779281196493728732643445649356033158461867533398892265000228558146288424480232820613034689816560319929705959290376265550914058448343308161173100473161643834475548888676356572581129193395124610558172636505697071928778350452726229098387020587814634712035171712313035012109421792643188405752849278190287414108308734638519593282032082768153331276317440224645157072560878195004847185217741752846484430459047014205368551175641186962966731731946128786111994668528579102737764964521437485037695161775036622411218739549286577109028626220150452705854596994751235894610227300222070678106023292138580496517177268042770934391185798181598618563332872419401223903806812404310665174941843727792999745655534108889130325189241267039092501129173520194489329592776789648244263220437261594447066833175026748830694496235756029688061559449109400248449366143822446893851310444152168531390880512280359096438303124398155397910138799660941243464476642041104225318910175143988510614445494598098558426300612294667831401095538851181871031466580808942102239297182977785401087460226345045290147371931284725756179151791539310603340196586480494033673522637677423221202352493653286430691931273676649062037570851083535722738207802574643773975006788646467981693396925922930573766914743566111012462215653872417726475122775377641591778444141816733462035690735543990556767891443301312941168828619850007793197693295002346977318117653857994731382292035666024397790972920502626243999541832942059274728220802530163223188484361653845185336386588669397688474323385816925410493569923865462650449548121898936835205060632513390578074550881170405889665319159308800795056447244869407145217360018494614236328487464266591617854909647808315406639117270321158016494893469025866752746911948790708005075752364953010067274475470453957941422189404716860354111166203043679764568407375052809648827400302926099178569
e = 322080206518256091443899533297838582806903462189212623492459529527398362853578807723331748892091281476489691674322396825893568981731186597175657851460964692083587224231830304595753200276915353388440323973696723177120007866661510911934423352216586106031397002127519163858107192766128665700540985814443511274004469695128927172454976219787146706562954392698315026949257322529441349029783228167181158744356828575460114272675952388130344874175195393881248661753342888300368969470477541152888408256683251028110005741172636776279619483668723660512026112365800539035538500635904281702733475127339140385714006560153071610279780303018848372325359598739283968138816333125764253403325773002607652913882484078902775827169048401031393263955166695217841400017855979724317225872294531492451624247032809524082714281043873127461832051383511298796820369453358960824162684362741938604084210435623099328622028419710290325683380378726085007158903982932912214314158223921219724759717266136246703830446993309980595073110001804483058339461412460693911416430728558495048873597685942089531373734578638349738930086910038003088294940942692030998047041393152747526278088574238755027474019265539054527491401757165011505470582647900401492273402847703170162847259159161319094910753659832147964969052296859561769298825881593753592121708897035728873795159475926749806998737812501868665513946666352941497086651818553871606417281352599234688183547212675353626023151426982640664474136377374110023532481101565870359846621748326349516467938614155834462639061592390266451169971250010491497379073868786106821570448253182042906240682833067783409574735400739329311810053094530811477002973464432651755811246151509011287858077298295987954915889199100328695730233096226912526329144478198121096489396083876129542516602969866961376423685647767885680559757094208574124411496017291060228388949556065235333802142865557844913535276572535282671404020237763405558477020152910105019008364237315330047605257380696367871417207254833979064342650664181309067142909106945469319731754805506564282047041605728503555870882010025649797753726253285119740979484849951129514070748168270413416940958393138417596025358589062839735425553556206423183484639265605269615685651949641759227283257819425264608389110223455267792764547470141745830149226062457331548317230637497633273069300415564503833751637575125936072041989787691982221885384446295804003751739608564016981200019839941768866474797817202494560129096305497153712068566001154013937
c = 329889278578044016824313741527705229624826354380113199851837764563746872233807021113693371778072747023303193661391256917654673579748983619101229337776995574989101525295578632981918777232038222679949264372167418981038519164359046193397794833575692294838270919137212503594644756884879905102382013616716795766055806380675079122193261937202152727372307035197702671407008933906723580158843896939160889881874945976423829414877735269690727711347872615864084627631956403177338185780100778564548976884299086453421725163428017908949325966904530291069025584097022695816511626589485257615664532774194555809017763622197728156453680059300808277471558450818004384751746190317910501772671219117514746584045928056487904112720801176609889740173288130073788687010544220250814378467249611243953690831406523455960639957029937819775398561228599467536715020954136970283137688613486109370883547218314163119613810764259334933209435078926856747403933578685724271075988136268967520808025339001863614193092075106995811355116213778057037256625729238040020810096266917394213617319914026291093309897483557317625696133298013326746629673265558468135602690674704939910172338556035967840157228859997765219241095551758253889312610691956445984657535082546460420349808372702307807697037778668585720318640246334216650054353036505301550387620089144331383076791604944171531121861009872807022569971425034887955393207445086587528972631782104261610625226982484798915695532492666822649105680868782554501246818156815043534857204078057748607289822387462529373683511672270708474273078574153649263666927268413520984191265086647728912692418609093325194826161869428270138209430215739290181617579745939639392608498596400274014103435747462262045586624613109970954762445247628187031774393639286689201449970646288560996969456145518290732375783779950601901268751888374247634804346090070762202809312421725537938059723148831745384765961875359917754708570262909323774973728101735046489385116839098154905761289565030660932858839402457684704605894701939226586411257561719440368089980555960049063794123068432799043630558103308335378100690170353973384441557259766075780510887009923794374174414344793891145106172614982174022423725641446878993111773629101974963001417653742183922637679467704643683488299451383820099923197374567580088833681469257525555566554059017269673597621231456370183587051700138951722854738823417346171701112221512801669470086625272428387110466009926633732340715338158014022960380535876415340423270463298180055

p = 1031258570212585108808698603414182767555445052897677639423866948951702189749952118077362278114791597873887374857849110608843945147999602931524514893327261593245634596300688793100804696383294331600862616307361838713625075530605923033057798420292607084313324005960030670742335903236707051347424668165182998981826362651597673529922520050741321978487995340508870176506061078988455472726629983757177891334495427992036037888916869197023625923268730362395628981698644454605598015102743149344660035753289954772524768182414961907417128262780872736150088018242362782713626021366840839008377050943258156783230469319218694881328828604655568910359478263596900470171095487577492594356082970726490010775806829047896425017646008684855593468580466231984962033813483461967968983477403906884788740883210124619436397985264796766794127947460072675613579010189440726827908362619176030945977304565494739199204024180711769355470160343449180210621099035783410130473892034907154940221812620552070078037267581459485481935234171716161857442373193231844735828719676870205773550742748115751746679863993359028942356902435101216732629439956995080906856117921874868778807816437722779021770626701787029584425435823156963642252037843217983129594166645096945256426591587

phi = pow(p - 1, 2)
d = number.inverse(e, phi)
ans = pow(c, d, p)
Example #47
        elif high > mid and mid**n > x:
            high = mid
            return mid
    return mid + 1

def xgcd(a, b):
    """return (x, y) such that a*x + b*y = gcd(a, b)"""
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while a != 0:
        (q, a), b = divmod(b, a), a
        y0, y1 = y1, y0 - q * y1
        x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1
    return x0, y0

N = N_us * N_ger * N_rus

C = 0
for c, n in ((C_us, N_us), (C_ger, N_ger), (C_rus, N_rus)):
    m = N // n
    r, s = xgcd(n, m)
    C += c * s * m

C %= N

m = root(C, 3)

    def decrypt(self, ct, sentinel):
        """Decrypt a PKCS#1 v1.5 ciphertext.

        This function is named ``RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-DECRYPT``, and is specified in
        section 7.2.2 of RFC3447.
        For a complete example see `Cryptodome.Cipher.PKCS1_v1_5`.

         ct : byte string
                The ciphertext that contains the message to recover.
         sentinel : any type
                The object to return to indicate that an error was detected during decryption.

        :Return: A byte string. It is either the original message or the ``sentinel`` (in case of an error).
        :Raise ValueError:
            If the ciphertext length is incorrect
        :Raise TypeError:
            If the RSA key has no private half.

            You should **never** let the party who submitted the ciphertext know that
            this function returned the ``sentinel`` value.
            Armed with such knowledge (for a fair amount of carefully crafted but invalid ciphertexts),
            an attacker is able to recontruct the plaintext of any other encryption that were carried out
            with the same RSA public key (see `Bleichenbacher's`__ attack).

            In general, it should not be possible for the other party to distinguish
            whether processing at the server side failed because the value returned
            was a ``sentinel`` as opposed to a random, invalid message.

            In fact, the second option is not that unlikely: encryption done according to PKCS#1 v1.5
            embeds no good integrity check. There is roughly one chance
            in 2^16 for a random ciphertext to be returned as a valid message
            (although random looking).

            It is therefore advisabled to:

            1. Select as ``sentinel`` a value that resembles a plausable random, invalid message.
            2. Not report back an error as soon as you detect a ``sentinel`` value.
               Put differently, you should not explicitly check if the returned value is the ``sentinel`` or not.
            3. Cover all possible errors with a single, generic error indicator.
            4. Embed into the definition of ``message`` (at the protocol level) a digest (e.g. ``SHA-1``).
               It is recommended for it to be the rightmost part ``message``.
            5. Where possible, monitor the number of errors due to ciphertexts originating from the same party,
               and slow down the rate of the requests from such party (or even blacklist it altogether).

            **If you are designing a new protocol, consider using the more robust PKCS#1 OAEP.**

            .. __:


        # See 7.2.1 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes

        # Step 1
        if len(ct) != k:
            raise ValueError("Ciphertext with incorrect length.")
        # Step 2a (O2SIP)
        ct_int = bytes_to_long(ct)
        # Step 2b (RSADP)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(ct_int)
        # Complete step 2c (I2OSP)
        em = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        # Step 3
        sep = em.find(bchr(0x00),2)
        if  not em.startswith(b('\x00\x02')) or sep<10:
            return sentinel
        # Step 4
        return em[sep+1:]
Example #49
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Cryptodome.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from functools import reduce
import gmpy
c = 6266581299888401431356019685857676721005512997725159922779081961687643614552653153087574483260130787394160238006621991373227618549941265310264217473547297262515846291154704261375478737585940284506042322757388295442811794858315659558177274861105499106012394787944480624348595769062576911527554694105458355954925447902832889109094510575783610671
n = 17149550745874756611746349488171572231438371200348231719633014088974736884802848076523237745947661578970091737572169150026095175495608893630786048592718568155807514756252934154133476630756347906038049557655224302390258950256747769841607263907756157608189991803473550647948992295574885014528722284654016490409005358726716870537326555765863520721
factors_n = "8651947541 × 9022377359 × 9117056461 × 9134561857 × 9281718053 × 9418281881 × 9714592933 × 10327569731 × 11298080977 × 11699883407 × 11736985709 × 11961457069 × 12046239061 × 12163490981 × 12314578559 × 12353897999 × 12372681967 × 12737016053 × 12903583153 × 13415378663 × 13501287773 × 13982548169 × 13997803987 × 14024346211 × 14401620067 × 14416034443 × 14464157419 × 14873424353 × 15341140931 × 15357953617 × 15621353197 × 15670322663 × 16471179583 × 16950016631".split(" × ")
factors_n = [int(f) for f in factors_n]
# as always
phi = reduce(lambda x,y:x*(y-1),factors_n,1)
e = 65537
d = gmpy.invert(e,phi)
Example #50
eaten_onion = parse_onion(out.strip().decode()[:-30])
route = "=============================================================================================================================================================================x========xxxx====xx==xxxx==xxxx==xxxxxxxxxxxxx===xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==xxxxxxxxxxxxx=xx"
count = 0
onion2 = ""
for idx, symbol in enumerate(route):
    if route[idx] == '=':
        onion2 += eaten_onion[count]
        count += 1
        onion2 += '0'

onion2 = bytes_to_long(bytes.fromhex(onion2))
print(f'coppersmith({n}, 3, {onion2}, {onion})')

conn.sendline(long_to_bytes(onion2 + int(input("x = ?"))).hex())

# Level 3
conn.recvuntil('layer: ')
conn.recvuntil('your onion')

out = conn.recvuntil('layer: ')
onion = parse_onion(out.strip().decode()[:-6])
conn.recvuntil('layer: ')
conn.recvuntil('layer: ')
conn.recvuntil("How would my onion looks like?")
Example #51
    if len(vector) == 12:
        result_vector = vector.bin + "0" * 31 + "1"
        return bitstring_to_bytes(result_vector)
        length_vector = len(vector.bin)
        s = 128 * ceil(length_vector / 128) - length_vector
        result_vector = vector.bin + "0" * (s + 64) + bin(length_vector)[2:]
        return ghash(result_vector)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_str = input("Введите строку:\n")
    res = ''.join(format(ord(i), 'b') for i in test_str)
    addi_auth_data = bitstring.BitArray(get_random_bytes(8)).bin
    lenght_aad = len(addi_auth_data)
    key = long_to_bytes(pow(2, 128) - 1)
    aes =, AES.MODE_EAX)
    H, tag = aes.encrypt_and_digest(bytearray(16))
    H_int = format(int.from_bytes(H, byteorder='big'), "b").rjust(128, "0")
    tag_int = format(int.from_bytes(tag, byteorder='big'), "b").rjust(128, "0")
    init_vector = bitstring.BitArray(bytearray(16))
    j0 = make_a_blockJ(init_vector)
    cipher_text = gctr(inc(j0, 32), res, key)
    if len(cipher_text) % 128 != 0:
        cipher_text = cipher_text.rjust(
            128 - len(cipher_text) % 128 + len(cipher_text), "0")
    u = 128 * ceil(lenght_aad / 128) - len(cipher_text)
    v = 128 * ceil(lenght_aad / 128) - lenght_aad
    addi_auth_dat = addi_auth_data + ("0" * u) + cipher_text + (
        "0" * v) + bin(lenght_aad)[2:] + bin(len(cipher_text))[2:]
    tag_cipher = gctr(j0, addi_auth_dat, key)
Example #52
    def decrypt(self, ciphertext, sentinel, expected_pt_len=0):
        r"""Decrypt a PKCS#1 v1.5 ciphertext.

        This is the function ``RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-DECRYPT`` specified in
        `section 7.2.2 of RFC8017

          ciphertext (bytes/bytearray/memoryview):
            The ciphertext that contains the message to recover.
          sentinel (any type):
            The object to return whenever an error is detected.
          expected_pt_len (integer):
            The length the plaintext is known to have, or 0 if unknown.

        Returns (byte string):
            It is either the original message or the ``sentinel`` (in case of an error).

        .. warning::
            PKCS#1 v1.5 decryption is intrinsically vulnerable to timing
            attacks (see `Bleichenbacher's`__ attack).
            **Use PKCS#1 OAEP instead**.

            This implementation attempts to mitigate the risk
            with some constant-time constructs.
            However, they are not sufficient by themselves: the type of protocol you
            implement and the way you handle errors make a big difference.

            Specifically, you should make it very hard for the (malicious)
            party that submitted the ciphertext to quickly understand if decryption
            succeeded or not.

            To this end, it is recommended that your protocol only encrypts
            plaintexts of fixed length (``expected_pt_len``),
            that ``sentinel`` is a random byte string of the same length,
            and that processing continues for as long
            as possible even if ``sentinel`` is returned (i.e. in case of
            incorrect decryption).

            .. __:

        # See 7.2.2 in RFC8017
        k = self._key.size_in_bytes()

        # Step 1
        if len(ciphertext) != k:
            raise ValueError("Ciphertext with incorrect length (not %d bytes)" % k)

        # Step 2a (O2SIP)
        ct_int = bytes_to_long(ciphertext)

        # Step 2b (RSADP)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(ct_int)

        # Complete step 2c (I2OSP)
        em = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)

        # Step 3 (not constant time when the sentinel is not a byte string)
        output = bytes(bytearray(k))
        if not is_bytes(sentinel) or len(sentinel) > k:
            size = _pkcs1_decode(em, b'', expected_pt_len, output)
            if size < 0:
                return sentinel
                return output[size:]

        # Step 3 (somewhat constant time)
        size = _pkcs1_decode(em, sentinel, expected_pt_len, output)
        return output[size:]
Example #53
from Cryptodome.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
import random

magic =  -2366540547707921699196359399704685795692230503857310199630127241713302904294984638188222048954693422933286057485453364955232326575156580931098343765793 
enc = 481730728147477590058623891675498051334529574592495375656331717409768416155349933803891410647003817827440361572464319442970436132820134834740943058323

for i in range(256):
  for j in range(256):
    for k in range(256):
      random.seed(i); b = random.getrandbits(500)
      random.seed(j); c = random.getrandbits(500)
      random.seed(k); d = random.getrandbits(500)
      ct = magic ^ enc ^ -1 ^ (b & c) ^ (c | d) ^ b ^ c ^ d 
      ct = long_to_bytes(ct)
Example #54
def _create_ctr_cipher(factory, **kwargs):
    """Instantiate a cipher object that performs CTR encryption/decryption.

      factory : module
        The underlying block cipher, a module from ``Cryptodome.Cipher``.

      nonce : binary string
        The fixed part at the beginning of the counter block - the rest is
        the counter number that gets increased when processing the next block.
        The nonce must be such that no two messages are encrypted under the
        same key and the same nonce.

        The nonce must be shorter than the block size (it can have
        zero length).

        If this parameter is not present, a random nonce will be created with
        length equal to half the block size. No random nonce shorter than
        64 bits will be created though - you must really think through all
        security consequences of using such a short block size.

      initial_value : posive integer
        The initial value for the counter. If not present, the cipher will
        start counting from 0. The value is incremented by one for each block.
        The counter number is encoded in big endian mode.

      counter : object
        Instance of ``Cryptodome.Util.Counter``, which allows full customization
        of the counter block. This parameter is incompatible to both ``nonce``
        and ``initial_value``.

    Any other keyword will be passed to the underlying block cipher.
    See the relevant documentation for details (at least ``key`` will need
    to be present).

    cipher_state = factory._create_base_cipher(kwargs)

    counter = kwargs.pop("counter", None)
    nonce = kwargs.pop("nonce", None)
    initial_value = kwargs.pop("initial_value", None)
    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError("Invalid parameters for CTR mode: %s" % str(kwargs))

    if counter is not None and (nonce, initial_value) != (None, None):
        raise TypeError("'counter' and 'nonce'/'initial_value'"
                        " are mutually exclusive")

    if counter is None:
        # Cryptodome.Util.Counter is not used
        if nonce is None:
            if factory.block_size < 16:
                raise TypeError("Impossible to create a safe nonce for short"
                                " block sizes")
            nonce = get_random_bytes(factory.block_size // 2)

        if initial_value is None:
            initial_value = 0

        if len(nonce) >= factory.block_size:
            raise ValueError("Nonce is too long")

        counter_len = factory.block_size - len(nonce)
        if (1 << (counter_len * 8)) - 1 < initial_value:
            raise ValueError("Initial counter value is too large")

        return CtrMode(
            # initial_counter_block
            nonce + long_to_bytes(initial_value, counter_len),
            len(nonce),  # prefix
            False)  # little_endian

    # Cryptodome.Util.Counter is used

    # 'counter' used to be a callable object, but now it is
    # just a dictionary for backward compatibility.
    _counter = dict(counter)
        counter_len = _counter.pop("counter_len")
        prefix = _counter.pop("prefix")
        suffix = _counter.pop("suffix")
        initial_value = _counter.pop("initial_value")
        little_endian = _counter.pop("little_endian")
    except KeyError:
        raise TypeError("Incorrect counter object"
                        " (use")

    # Compute initial counter block
    words = []
    while initial_value > 0:
        words.append(bchr(initial_value & 255))
        initial_value >>= 8
    words += [bchr(0)] * max(0, counter_len - len(words))
    if not little_endian:
    initial_counter_block = prefix + b("").join(words) + suffix

    if len(initial_counter_block) != factory.block_size:
        raise ValueError("Size of the counter block (% bytes) must match"
                         " block size (%d)" %
                         (len(initial_counter_block), factory.block_size))

    return CtrMode(cipher_state, initial_counter_block, len(prefix),
                   counter_len, little_endian)
Example #55
    def decrypt(self, ciphertext, sentinel):
        """Decrypt a PKCS#1 v1.5 ciphertext.

        This function is named ``RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-DECRYPT``, and is specified in
        `section 7.2.2 of RFC8017

        :param ciphertext:
            The ciphertext that contains the message to recover.
        :type ciphertext: byte string

        :param sentinel:
            The object to return whenever an error is detected.
        :type sentinel: any type

        :Returns: A byte string. It is either the original message or the ``sentinel`` (in case of an error).

        :Raises ValueError:
            If the ciphertext length is incorrect
        :Raises TypeError:
            If the RSA key has no private half (i.e. it cannot be used for

        .. warning::
            You should **never** let the party who submitted the ciphertext know that
            this function returned the ``sentinel`` value.
            Armed with such knowledge (for a fair amount of carefully crafted but invalid ciphertexts),
            an attacker is able to recontruct the plaintext of any other encryption that were carried out
            with the same RSA public key (see `Bleichenbacher's`__ attack).

            In general, it should not be possible for the other party to distinguish
            whether processing at the server side failed because the value returned
            was a ``sentinel`` as opposed to a random, invalid message.

            In fact, the second option is not that unlikely: encryption done according to PKCS#1 v1.5
            embeds no good integrity check. There is roughly one chance
            in 2\ :sup:`16` for a random ciphertext to be returned as a valid message
            (although random looking).

            It is therefore advisabled to:

            1. Select as ``sentinel`` a value that resembles a plausable random, invalid message.
            2. Not report back an error as soon as you detect a ``sentinel`` value.
               Put differently, you should not explicitly check if the returned value is the ``sentinel`` or not.
            3. Cover all possible errors with a single, generic error indicator.
            4. Embed into the definition of ``message`` (at the protocol level) a digest (e.g. ``SHA-1``).
               It is recommended for it to be the rightmost part ``message``.
            5. Where possible, monitor the number of errors due to ciphertexts originating from the same party,
               and slow down the rate of the requests from such party (or even blacklist it altogether).

            **If you are designing a new protocol, consider using the more robust PKCS#1 OAEP.**

            .. __:


        # See 7.2.1 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits, 8)  # Convert from bits to bytes

        # Step 1
        if len(ciphertext) != k:
            raise ValueError("Ciphertext with incorrect length.")
        # Step 2a (O2SIP)
        ct_int = bytes_to_long(ciphertext)
        # Step 2b (RSADP)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(ct_int)
        # Complete step 2c (I2OSP)
        em = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        # Step 3
        sep = em.find(bchr(0x00), 2)
        if not em.startswith(b('\x00\x02')) or sep < 10:
            return sentinel
        # Step 4
        return em[sep + 1:]
Example #56
    def __init__(self, factory, key, nonce, mac_len, cipher_params, ghash_c):

        self.block_size = factory.block_size
        if self.block_size != 16:
            raise ValueError("GCM mode is only available for ciphers"
                             " that operate on 128 bits blocks")

        if len(nonce) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Nonce cannot be empty")
        if isinstance(nonce, str):
            raise TypeError("Nonce must be a byte string")

        # See NIST SP 800 38D,
        if len(nonce) > 2**64 - 1:
            raise ValueError("Nonce exceeds maximum length")

        self.nonce = _copy_bytes(None, None, nonce)

        self._factory = factory
        self._key = _copy_bytes(None, None, key)
        self._tag = None  # Cache for MAC tag

        self._mac_len = mac_len
        if not (4 <= mac_len <= 16):
            raise ValueError("Parameter 'mac_len' must be in the range 4..16")

        # Allowed transitions after initialization
        self._next = [self.update, self.encrypt, self.decrypt,
                      self.digest, self.verify]

        self._no_more_assoc_data = False

        # Length of associated data
        self._auth_len = 0

        # Length of the ciphertext or plaintext
        self._msg_len = 0

        # Step 1 in SP800-38D, Algorithm 4 (encryption) - Compute H
        # See also Algorithm 5 (decryption)
        hash_subkey =,
                                  ).encrypt(b'\x00' * 16)

        # Step 2 - Compute J0 (integer, not byte string!)
        if len(self.nonce) == 12:
            self._j0 = bytes_to_long(self.nonce + b"\x00\x00\x00\x01")
            fill = (16 - (len(nonce) % 16)) % 16 + 8
            ghash_in = (self.nonce +
                        b'\x00' * fill +
                        long_to_bytes(8 * len(nonce), 8))
            self._j0 = bytes_to_long(_GHASH(hash_subkey, ghash_c)

        # Step 3 - Prepare GCTR cipher for encryption/decryption
        nonce_ctr = long_to_bytes(self._j0 >> 32, 12)
        iv_ctr = (self._j0 + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        self._cipher =,

        # Step 5 - Bootstrat GHASH
        self._signer = _GHASH(hash_subkey, ghash_c)

        # Step 6 - Prepare GCTR cipher for GMAC
        self._tag_cipher =,

        # Cache for data to authenticate
        self._cache = b""

        self._status = MacStatus.PROCESSING_AUTH_DATA
Example #57
 def __init__(self, randomness):
     length = len(randomness)
     self._idx = 0
     # Fix required to get the right K (see how randint() works!)
     self._randomness = long_to_bytes(bytes_to_long(randomness) - 1, length)
Example #58
def _create_ctr_cipher(factory, **kwargs):
    """Instantiate a cipher object that performs CTR encryption/decryption.

      factory : module
        The underlying block cipher, a module from ``Cryptodome.Cipher``.

      nonce : bytes/bytearray/memoryview
        The fixed part at the beginning of the counter block - the rest is
        the counter number that gets increased when processing the next block.
        The nonce must be such that no two messages are encrypted under the
        same key and the same nonce.

        The nonce must be shorter than the block size (it can have
        zero length; the counter is then as long as the block).

        If this parameter is not present, a random nonce will be created with
        length equal to half the block size. No random nonce shorter than
        64 bits will be created though - you must really think through all
        security consequences of using such a short block size.

      initial_value : posive integer or bytes/bytearray/memoryview
        The initial value for the counter. If not present, the cipher will
        start counting from 0. The value is incremented by one for each block.
        The counter number is encoded in big endian mode.

      counter : object
        Instance of ``Cryptodome.Util.Counter``, which allows full customization
        of the counter block. This parameter is incompatible to both ``nonce``
        and ``initial_value``.

    Any other keyword will be passed to the underlying block cipher.
    See the relevant documentation for details (at least ``key`` will need
    to be present).

    cipher_state = factory._create_base_cipher(kwargs)

    counter = kwargs.pop("counter", None)
    nonce = kwargs.pop("nonce", None)
    initial_value = kwargs.pop("initial_value", None)
    if kwargs:
        raise TypeError("Invalid parameters for CTR mode: %s" % str(kwargs))

    if counter is not None and (nonce, initial_value) != (None, None):
            raise TypeError("'counter' and 'nonce'/'initial_value'"
                            " are mutually exclusive")

    if counter is None:
        # Cryptodome.Util.Counter is not used
        if nonce is None:
            if factory.block_size < 16:
                raise TypeError("Impossible to create a safe nonce for short"
                                " block sizes")
            nonce = get_random_bytes(factory.block_size // 2)
            if len(nonce) >= factory.block_size:
                raise ValueError("Nonce is too long")
        # What is not nonce is counter
        counter_len = factory.block_size - len(nonce)

        if initial_value is None:
            initial_value = 0

        if isinstance(initial_value, (int, long)):
            if (1 << (counter_len * 8)) - 1 < initial_value:
                raise ValueError("Initial counter value is too large")
            initial_counter_block = nonce + long_to_bytes(initial_value, counter_len)
            if len(initial_value) != counter_len:
                raise ValueError("Incorrect length for counter byte string (%d bytes, expected %d)" % (len(initial_value), counter_len))
            initial_counter_block = nonce + initial_value

        return CtrMode(cipher_state,
                       len(nonce),                     # prefix
                       False)                          # little_endian

    # Cryptodome.Util.Counter is used

    # 'counter' used to be a callable object, but now it is
    # just a dictionary for backward compatibility.
    _counter = dict(counter)
        counter_len = _counter.pop("counter_len")
        prefix = _counter.pop("prefix")
        suffix = _counter.pop("suffix")
        initial_value = _counter.pop("initial_value")
        little_endian = _counter.pop("little_endian")
    except KeyError:
        raise TypeError("Incorrect counter object"
                        " (use")

    # Compute initial counter block
    words = []
    while initial_value > 0:
        words.append(struct.pack('B', initial_value & 255))
        initial_value >>= 8
    words += [ b'\x00' ] * max(0, counter_len - len(words))
    if not little_endian:
    initial_counter_block = prefix + b"".join(words) + suffix

    if len(initial_counter_block) != factory.block_size:
        raise ValueError("Size of the counter block (%d bytes) must match"
                         " block size (%d)" % (len(initial_counter_block),

    return CtrMode(cipher_state, initial_counter_block,
                   len(prefix), counter_len, little_endian)
Example #59
    def decrypt(self, ct):
        """Decrypt a PKCS#1 OAEP ciphertext.

        This function is named ``RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT``, and is specified in
        section 7.1.2 of RFC3447.

         ct : byte string
                The ciphertext that contains the message to recover.

        :Return: A byte string, the original message.
        :Raise ValueError:
            If the ciphertext length is incorrect, or if the decryption does not
        :Raise TypeError:
            If the RSA key has no private half.

        # See 7.1.2 in RFC3447
        modBits = Cryptodome.Util.number.size(self._key.n)
        k = ceil_div(modBits,8) # Convert from bits to bytes
        hLen = self._hashObj.digest_size

        # Step 1b and 1c
        if len(ct) != k or k<hLen+2:
            raise ValueError("Ciphertext with incorrect length.")
        # Step 2a (O2SIP)
        ct_int = bytes_to_long(ct)
        # Step 2b (RSADP)
        m_int = self._key._decrypt(ct_int)
        # Complete step 2c (I2OSP)
        em = long_to_bytes(m_int, k)
        # Step 3a
        lHash =
        # Step 3b
        y = em[0]
        # y must be 0, but we MUST NOT check it here in order not to
        # allow attacks like Manger's (
        maskedSeed = em[1:hLen+1]
        maskedDB = em[hLen+1:]
        # Step 3c
        seedMask = self._mgf(maskedDB, hLen)
        # Step 3d
        seed = strxor(maskedSeed, seedMask)
        # Step 3e
        dbMask = self._mgf(seed, k-hLen-1)
        # Step 3f
        db = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask)
        # Step 3g
        valid = 1
        one = db[hLen:].find(bchr(0x01))
        lHash1 = db[:hLen]
        if lHash1!=lHash:
            valid = 0
        if one<0:
            valid = 0
        if bord(y)!=0:
            valid = 0
        if not valid:
            raise ValueError("Incorrect decryption.")
        # Step 4
        return db[hLen+one+1:]