async def urbandict(self, ctx, *, terms): embeds = [] try: async with self.http as http: data = await http.get(f"", params={'term': terms}) await http.close() items = data['list'] for item in items: embed = discord.Embed( embed.title = item['word'] embed.set_author(name=item['author'], icon_url="") embed.description = cyberformat.hyper_replace(str(item['definition']), old=['[', ']'], new=['', '']) embed.description += f"\nš **{item['thumbs_up']:,}** š **{item['thumbs_down']}**" embed.add_field(name="Example", value=cyberformat.hyper_replace(str(item['example']), old=['[', ']'], new=['', ''])) embeds.append(embed) source = paginator.EmbedSource(embeds) menu = paginator.CatchAllMenu(source=source) menu.add_info_fields({"<:author:734991429843157042>": "The author of the post", ":thumbsup:": "How many thumbs up the post has", ":thumbsdown:": "How many thumbs down the post has"}) await menu.start(ctx) except (APIError, IndexError): raise commands.BadArgument(f"term not found on urban dictionary.")
async def cleverbot_session(self, message): if in (730486269468999741, 730570845013147708, 750404241566335088): if return async with if len(message.content) < 2 or len(message.content) > 100: return await f"**{}**, text must be below 100 characters and over 2." ) resp = await self.clever.ask(message.content, r = str(resp) if str(resp).startswith("I") else minimalize( str(resp)) if str(r)[-1] not in ['.', '?', '!']: suff = "?" if any(s in str(r) for s in [ 'who', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'why', 'how' ]) else "." else: suff = "\u200b" send = hyper_replace(str(r), old=[' i ', "i'm", "i'll"], new=[' I ', "I'm", "I'll"]) await f"**{}**, {send}{suff}")
async def cleverbot(self, ctx, *, text: str): """ Ask the clever bot a question. """ async with ctx.typing(): if len(ctx.message.content) < 2 or len(ctx.message.content) > 60: return await ctx.send( f"**{}**, text must be below 60 characters and over 2.") resp = await self.clever.ask(text, r = str(resp) if str(resp).startswith("I") else cyberformat.minimalize(str(resp)) if str(r)[-1] not in ['.', '?', '!']: suff = "?" if any(s in str(r) for s in ['who', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'why', 'how']) else "." else: suff = "\u200b" send = cyberformat.hyper_replace(str(r), old=[' i ', "i'm", "i'll"], new=[' I ', "I'm", "I'll"]) await ctx.send(f"**{}**, {send}{suff}")
async def b(self, ctx, *, message): await ctx.send( cyberformat.hyper_replace(text=message, old=['b', 'B', 'D', 'd'], new=['š ±', 'š ±', "š ±", "š ±"]))
async def owo(self, ctx, *, message): await ctx.send( cyberformat.hyper_replace(text=message, old=['r', 'l', 'R', 'L'], new=['w', 'w', "W", "W"]))