Example #1
def PyrexCompile ( Errors, Main, source, pxddirectories = None ):
    """Convert a Pyrex file to C."""
    options = Main.default_options
    # . Change for Pyrex version 0.9.6: options is now a dictionary not a CompilationOptions object so convert to a CompilationOptions object.
    if isinstance ( options, dict ): options = Main.CompilationOptions ( options )
    if pxddirectories is not None: options.include_path.extend ( pxddirectories )
    context = Main.Context ( options.include_path )
        result   = context.compile ( source, options )
        QFAILURE = ( result.num_errors > 0 )
    except Errors.PyrexError, e:
        print >>sys.stderr, e
        QFAILURE = True
Example #2
def PyrexCompile ( Errors, Main, source, pxdDirectories = None ):
    """Convert a Pyrex file to C."""
    options = Main.default_options
    # . Change for Pyrex version 0.9.6: options is now a dictionary not a CompilationOptions object so convert to a CompilationOptions object.
    if isinstance ( options, dict ): options = Main.CompilationOptions ( options )
    if pxdDirectories is not None: options.include_path.extend ( pxdDirectories )
    context = Main.Context ( options.include_path, {} )
        result = Main.compile ( source, options )
        failed = ( result.num_errors > 0 )
    except Errors.PyrexError as e:
        print ( e )
        failed = True
    if failed: raise ValueError ( "There was a Pyrex compiler error." )
Example #3
def parser(module):
    """ Read, parse a Cython code and generate an abstract syntaxique tree.
    Context: Compilation context: contains every pxd ever loaded, path information and the data related to the compilation.
    Class where it is implemented Cython parse method.
    options: To set Compilation Options as 
                language_level:     The source language level to use,
                formal_grammar:     to define if it will be used to Parse the file
                evaluate_tree_assertions:   To evaluate parse tree
                show_version :  To display version number
                use_listing_file:  Generate a .lis file
                errors_to_stderr:   Echo errors to stderr when using .lis
                include_path:    Directories to search for include files
                output_file:     Name of generated .c file
                generate_pxi:   Generate .pxi file for public declarations
                capi_reexport_cincludes:   Add cincluded headers to any auto-generated  header files.
                timestamps:   Only compile changed source files  
                verbose : Always print source names being compiled
                compiler_directives:    Overrides for pragma options (see Options.py)
                embedded_metadata:      Metadata to embed in the C file as json.
                evaluate_tree_assertions:  Test support: evaluate parse tree assertions
                cplus :     Compile as c++ code                
    Here default options were used except language level
    Scanning.FileSourceDescriptor: Represents a code source. Only file sources for Cython code supported
    options = opt(**options_defaults)
    if isinstance(module, Path):
        context = Main.Context([os.path.dirname(module)], {},
        scope = context.find_submodule(module)
        with open(module.encode('utf-8'), 'r') as f:
            source = f.read()
        source_desc = Scanning.FileSourceDescriptor(module, source)
        tree = context.parse(source_desc,
        from Cython.Compiler.TreeFragment import parse_from_strings
        if sys.version_info[0] < 3: module = unicode(module)
        tree = parse_from_strings("module", module)
    return tree