Example #1
    def decodingSeq(self, outputLevel=INFO):
        if not allConfigurables.get("DecodingSeq"):
            if outputLevel == VERBOSE:
                print "VERBOSE: Decoding Sequencer not defined! Defining!"
            decodingSequencer = GaudiSequencer("DecodingSeq")
            decodingSequencer.MeasureTime = True

            from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
            from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
            DecodeRawEvent().DataOnDemand = False
            decs = []
            decs += decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "ODIN")
            decs += decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "Velo")
            decs += decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "IT")
            decs += decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "TT")
            for d in decs:
                d.Properties["OutputLevel"] = outputLevel

            decodingSequencer.Members = [d.setup() for d in decs]

            ## ST Decoding
            from Configurables import (STOfflinePosition)

            itClusterPosition = STOfflinePosition("ITClusterPosition",
            itClusterPosition.ErrorVec = [0.22, 0.11, 0.24, 0.20]

            ## Muons (not yet)

            return decodingSequencer
            if outputLevel == VERBOSE:
                print "VERBOSE: Decoding Sequencer already defined!"
            return allConfigurables.get("DecodingSeq")
  def _createWriter(self, sequence):
    create writer sequence
    debugOPL = self.getProp("OutputLevel")
    debugging = self.getProp("Debug")
    writeLumiSequence = _sequenceAppender( Sequence('writeLumiSeq',
                                                    ModeOR = False,
                                                    ShortCircuit = True,
                                                    IgnoreFilterPassed = False,
                                                    MeasureTime = True,
                                                    OutputLevel = debugOPL  ) )
    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
    # create ODIN by hand
    for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB,"ODIN"):
        writeLumiSequence( d.setup() )
    # verbose output
    if debugging:
      writeLumiSequence( RawEventDump( 'InputDump', DumpData = False, OutputLevel = debugOPL ) )
    # select only the right Trigger Type
    writeLumiSequence( ODINFilter ( 'OdinTriggerTypes',
                                    Code = ' ( ODIN_TRGTYP == LHCb.ODIN.LumiTrigger ) ' ))

    ## Lumi only triggers 
    # decode summary data
    for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB,"HltLumiSummary"):
        writeLumiSequence( d.setup() ) 
    # add filter to check if this was L0 triggered
    filterRan = FilterOnLumiSummary('LumiRandomFilter', CounterName = "Random", ValueName = "RandomMethod")
    #filterLow = FilterOnLumiSummary('LumiLowFilter', CounterName = "Method", ValueName = "L0RateMethod")
    writeLumiSequence( Sequence('filterLumi', 
                                Members = [filterRan], #, filterLow],  
                                ModeOR = True,
                                ShortCircuit = True,
                                IgnoreFilterPassed = False,
                                MeasureTime = True )
    # kill non-lumi banks
    if self.getProp('KillBanks') :
        bankKiller( 'KillAll', BankTypes=[ 'ODIN','HltLumiSummary','HltRoutingBits','DAQ' ],  DefaultIsKill=True )
    # tag input file ---
    writeLumiSequence( FileIdBankWriter( OutputLevel = debugOPL ) ) 
    # verbose output
    if debugging:
        writeLumiSequence( RawEventDump( 'OutputDump', DumpData = True, OutputLevel = debugOPL ) )

    writeLumiSequence( MDFWriter( "MDFWriter" ) )  # configure somewhere else

    # and activate it
    sequence.Members+=[ Sequence('writeLumiSeq') ]
def DecodeTracking(trackAlgs, ExcludedLayers=[]):

    #configure the decoding
    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
    decs = []
    if "Velo" or "FastVelo" in trackAlgs:
        #clone an existing algorithm, in order to create both the full
        #and the partial clusters
        vdec = DecoderDB["DecodeVeloRawBuffer/createBothVeloClusters"]
        #set as active to make sure nobody tries to use the DoD service along side...
        vdec.Active = True
        #set the other algs to inactive, needed for re-running tracking in DaVinci... quite annoying really, see task #19106
        #there is another way to do this, set vdec.Active=False, but then someone might run a decoder before the createBoth alg, and screw everything up
        DecoderDB["DecodeVeloRawBuffer/createVeloClusters"].Active = False
        DecoderDB["DecodeVeloRawBuffer/createVeloLiteClusters"].Active = False

        globalCuts = TrackSys().getProp("GlobalCuts")
        if ("Velo" in globalCuts):
            vdec.Properties["MaxVeloClusters"] = globalCuts["Velo"]
        decs = decs + [vdec]

    #from Configurables import RawBankToSTClusterAlg, RawBankToSTLiteClusterAlg
    decs = decs + decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "TT")
    decs = decs + decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "IT")
    GaudiSequencer("RecoDecodingSeq").Members += [d.setup() for d in decs]

    # Exclude ST layers:
    if len(ExcludedLayers) > 0:
        from TrackSys.RecoExcludeSTLayers import ExcludeSTLayers

    ## Special OT decoder for cosmics to merge spills.
    if TrackSys().cosmics():
        from Configurables import (Tf__OTHitCreator)
            'OTHitCreator').RawBankDecoder = 'OTMultiBXRawBankDecoder'
        ## note: this does not change the OTMeasurementProvider used in the fit.
        # also adapt the MasterExtrapolator in the TrackInterpolator
        from Configurables import TrackInterpolator
        ).Extrapolator.ExtraSelector = 'TrackSimpleExtraSelector'

    d = DecoderDB["OTRawBankDecoder/ToolSvc.OTRawBankDecoder"]
    if "disableOTTimeWindow" in TrackSys().getProp("ExpertTracking"):
        from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import ns
        d.Properties["TimeWindow"] = (-999.0 * ns, 999.0 * ns)
    #ensure the public tool is configured and marked as used
Example #4
    def _createReader(self, sequence):
    create reader sequence
        debugOPL = self.getProp("OutputLevel")
        debugging = self.getProp("Debug")
        readLumiSequence = _sequenceAppender(
        from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
        from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
        # create ODIN by hand
        for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "ODIN"):
        # select only the right Trigger Type
                       Code=' ( ODIN_TRGTYP == LHCb.ODIN.LumiTrigger ) '))

        # decode lumi
        for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "HltLumiSummary"):
        # add filter to check if this was L0 triggered
        filterRan = FilterOnLumiSummary('LumiRandomFilter',
        filterLow = FilterOnLumiSummary('LumiLowFilter',
                     Members=[filterRan, filterLow],
        # read and decode input file ---
        # verbose output
        if debugging:
                RawEventDump('InputDump', DumpData=True, OutputLevel=debugOPL))

        # and activate it
        sequence.Members += [Sequence('readLumiSeq')]
Example #5
def myAction():
    from Gaudi.Configuration import GaudiSequencer
    from Configurables import (PrTrackAssociator, TrackResChecker,
                               TrackOccupChecker, PrChecker, TrackSelector,
                               MCReconstructible, MCParticleSelector,
                               PrLHCbID2MCParticle, UnpackMCParticle,
                               UnpackMCVertex, DebugTrackingLosses)

    from HltTracking.HltTrackNames import HltSharedTrackLoc, HltSharedTrackRoot

    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank

    decs = []

    decs = decs + decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "TT", "IT")

    DecSeq = GaudiSequencer("MyDecodingSeq")
    DecSeq.Members += [d.setup() for d in decs]

    PatCheck = GaudiSequencer("CheckPatSeq")
    PatCheck.Members += [

    PrChecker("PrChecker").TriggerNumbers = True
    PrChecker("PrChecker").Eta25Cut = True

    PrChecker("PrChecker").WriteForwardHistos = 1
    PrChecker("PrChecker").WriteUpHistos = 0
    PrChecker("PrChecker").WriteVeloHistos = 1

    #(N.B.: container base for velo tracks was renamed to Hlt1)
    # Figure out which HLT is run from HltConf
    PrChecker("PrChecker").VeloTracks = HltSharedTrackLoc["Velo"]
    PrChecker("PrChecker").ForwardTracks = HltSharedTrackLoc[
        "ForwardHPT"]  #HltSharedForwardLocation
    PrChecker("PrChecker").UpTracks = HltSharedTrackLoc["VeloTTHPT"]

    PrChecker("PrChecker").HistoPrint = True
    #PrChecker("PrChecker").OutputLevel = 1

    PrTrackAssociator("AssocAll").RootOfContainers = HltSharedTrackRoot
    #PrTrackAssociator("AssocAll").OutputLevel = 2
    #PrTrackAssociator("AssocAll").SingleContainer = HltSharedTrackLoc["ForwardHPT"]

    PatCheck.Members += [PrTrackAssociator("AssocAll")]
    PatCheck.Members += [PrChecker("PrChecker")]

    EndMembers = GaudiSequencer("HltEndSequence").Members
    EndMembers.insert(0, DecSeq)
    EndMembers.insert(1, PatCheck)
def ReviveHltTracks(TriggerLines=[]):

    HltLines = TriggerLines
    # Default trigger lines from Escher filter
    from Configurables import Escher
    if len(TriggerLines) == 0:
        lines = Escher().HltFilterCode.split('\'')
        for l in lines:
            if l.find('Hlt') != -1 and l.find('Decision') - 1:

    # revive only particles used for trigger
    from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
    trackseq = GaudiSequencer("RecoAlignTrSeq")

    from Configurables import HltTrackConverter
    hltTrackConv = HltTrackConverter("HltTrackConv")
    hltTrackConv.HltLinesToUse = HltLines
    hltTrackConv.TrackDestination = 'Rec/Track/AllBest'
    if Escher().DataType in ['2015']:
        hltTrackConv.SelReportsLocation = 'Hlt1/SelReports'

    ## TODO: Watch out for the HLT1/2 Split here!!
    ## probably the decoder DB will take care of it for you...
    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
    hltdecs = []
    if Escher().DataType in ['2015']:
        decDec = DecoderDB["HltDecReportsDecoder/Hlt1DecReportsDecoder"]
        selDec = DecoderDB["HltSelReportsDecoder/Hlt1SelReportsDecoder"]
        hltdecs += [decDec, selDec]
        from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
        hltdecs = decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "HltSelReports")
    trackseq.Members += [d.setup() for d in hltdecs]
    trackseq.Members += [hltTrackConv]

    # Add a filter to skip events with empty input container
    from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as Filter
    fltr = Filter('TrackConvOutput',
                  Code=" 1 < CONTAINS ( '%s') " %

    # create a sequence that fits the tracks and does the hit-adding
    from TAlignment.Utils import configuredFitAndHitAdderSequence
    fitseq = configuredFitAndHitAdderSequence(
    return HltLines
def SetEvtClock(bank, db=None):
    Add specific decoder to EvtClockSvc, replace disparate code
    if db is None:
        from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
        db = DecoderDB
    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
    odinconfs = decodersForBank(db, bank)
    if len(odinconfs):
        #force to take the same public tool
        publicTool = odinconfs[0].PublicTools[0]
        from Configurables import EventClockSvc
        #force it to use the same public tool as the rest of the ODIN decoding
        EventClockSvc(EventTimeDecoder=publicTool.replace("ToolSvc.", "") +
def protoParticlesFromHLTSelSequence(Name,
    # create a sequence that
    # * revives tracks from an HLT sequence
    # * fits them
    # * runs rich or muon ID on demand
    # tracks will be stored at location 'Rec/Track/' + Name
    # protoparticles will be stored at location ????
    trackListName = 'Rec/Track/' + Name
    from Configurables import GaudiSequencer
    seq = GaudiSequencer(Name + "Seq")
    # revive only particles used for trigger
    from Configurables import HltTrackConverter
    hltTrackConv = HltTrackConverter(Name + "HltTrackConv")
    hltTrackConv.ReadHltLinesFrom1stEvent = HltDecision
    hltTrackConv.TrackDestination = 'Rec/Track/' + Name + 'All'
    if Escher().DataType in ['2015']:
        hltTrackConv.SelReportsLocation = 'Hlt1/SelReports'

    ## TODO: Watch out for the HLT1/2 Split here!!
    ## probably the decoder DB will take care of it for you...
    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
    hltdecs = []
    if Escher().DataType in ['2015']:
        decDec = DecoderDB["HltDecReportsDecoder/Hlt1DecReportsDecoder"]
        selDec = DecoderDB["HltSelReportsDecoder/Hlt1SelReportsDecoder"]
        hltdecs += [decDec, selDec]
        from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
        hltdecs = decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "HltSelReports")
    trackseq.Members += [d.setup() for d in hltdecs]
    trackseq.Members += [hltTrackConv]

    # now fit those tracks and apply a selection
    from TAlignment.Utils import configuredFitAndHitAdderSequence
    fitseq = configuredFitAndHitAdderSequence(Name + 'Fit',
                                              trackListName + 'All',
    seq.Members += [fitseq]
    # next step, prepare the RICH sequence, if we need it.
    #if ApplyRichID:
    return seq
Example #9
    def l0Filters(self):
        ## L0Report and HltDecReport missing in 2008 and 2009 data
        if (self.getProp("DataType") in ["2008", "2009"]): return []

        from Configurables import (LoKi__HDRFilter, LoKi__L0Filter,
        from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
        from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
        l0dec = [d.setup() for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB, 'L0DU')]
        hltdec = DecoderDB["HltDecReportsDecoder/Hlt1DecReportsDecoder"].setup(

        return l0dec + [
            LoKi__L0Filter("RichL0Filter", Code='L0_DECISION_PHYSICS'), hltdec,
Example #10
    def __l0_monitoring(self, stage):

        from Configurables import HltL0GlobalMonitor
        from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
        from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank

        l0decoder = decodersForBank(DecoderDB, 'L0DU')
        assert len(l0decoder)
        l0decoder = l0decoder[0].setup()

        decRepLoc = DecoderDB["HltDecReportsDecoder/%sDecReportsDecoder" %
        monitor = HltL0GlobalMonitor(stage + 'L0GlobalMonitor',
                                     HltDecName=stage + "Global")

        if self.getProp("EnableL0Monitor"):
            return [l0decoder, monitor]
            return []
Example #11
def configureHltReportDecoding(trunk):
    Create HltDecReports and HltSelReports from DAQ/RawEvent banks.
    Fetches DAQ/RawEvent from trunk+DAQ/RawEvent, places reports in trunk + Hlt/DecReports and trunk + Hlt/SelReports respectively. Action is on-demand via the DataOnDemandSvs.

    locationRoot = fixTrunk(trunk)

    name = trunkName(trunk)

    rawEventLoc = locationRoot + "DAQ/RawEvent"
    #decReportLoc = locationRoot + "Hlt/DecReports"
    #selReportLoc = locationRoot + "Hlt/SelReports"

    ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += [DataOnDemandSvc()]
    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
    for bank in ["Sel", "Dec", "Vertex", "Track"]:
        for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "Hlt" + bank + "Reports"):
            d.overrideOutputs([locationRoot + loc for loc in d.listOutputs()])
Example #12
Brunel().WithMC = True
Brunel().PrintFreq = 100
Brunel().Simulation = True
Brunel().EvtMax = 200*5
Brunel().DatasetName = "seeding-%i%s"%(stereo, "-XOnly" if x_only else "")
Brunel().Detectors = ['VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt',
                      'Spd', 'Prs', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr']

MessageSvc().Format = '% F%20W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M'

GaudiSequencer("RecoHLTSeq").Members = ["GaudiSequencer/SeedingSeq"]

seed_seq = GaudiSequencer("SeedingSeq")

decs = []
createUTLiteClusters = decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "UT")
seed_seq.Members += [d.setup() for d in createUTLiteClusters]

UT = STOfflinePosition('ToolSvc.UTClusterPosition')
UT.DetType = "UT"
seed_seq.Members += [d.setup() for d in decs]
seed_seq.Members += [PrPixelTracking(), PrPixelStoreClusters(),

PrSeedingXLayers().XOnly = x_only
Example #13
    def endSequence(self):
        define end sequence (persistence + monitoring)
        from Configurables import GaudiSequencer as Sequence
        from Configurables import bankKiller
        from Configurables import LoKi__HDRFilter as HltFilter
        from Configurables import Hlt1SelReportsMaker, Hlt2SelReportsMaker, HltSelReportsWriter
        from Configurables import HltDecReportsWriter
        from Configurables import HltVertexReportsMaker, HltVertexReportsWriter
        from Configurables import HltTrackReportsWriter
        from Configurables import HltRoutingBitsWriter
        from Configurables import HltLumiWriter
        from Configurables import DeterministicPrescaler as Prescale
        from HltLine.HltDecodeRaw import DecodeIT, DecodeVELO, DecodeL0DU
        from Configurables import LoKi__VoidFilter as Filter

        sets = self.settings()
        if sets and hasattr(sets, 'StripEndSequence') and getattr(
                sets, 'StripEndSequence'):
                '### Setting requests stripped down HltEndSequence ###')
            strip = getattr(sets, 'StripEndSequence')
            for option in [
                    'EnableHltSelReports', 'EnableHltVtxReports',
                    'EnableHltTrkReports', 'EnableLumiEventWriting'
                self._safeSet(option, (option in strip))

        activehlt1lines, activehlt2lines = self._runHltLines()

        # make sure we encode from the locations the decoders will use...
        from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
        hlt1_decrep_loc = DecoderDB[
        hlt2_decrep_loc = DecoderDB[
        hlt1_selrep_loc = DecoderDB[
        hlt2_selrep_loc = DecoderDB[
        hlt1_vtxrep_loc = DecoderDB[
        hlt2_vtxrep_loc = DecoderDB[

        ## L0 decoder
        from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
        l0decoder = decodersForBank(DecoderDB, 'L0DU')
        assert len(l0decoder)
        l0decoder = l0decoder[0].setup()

        ### store the BDT response (and a bit more) through ExtraInfo on particles:
        sel_rep_opts = dict(

        ### HLT2 rec summary location, empty if HltAfterburner is disabled
        if self.getProp("EnableHltAfterburner"):
            recSumLoc = HltAfterburnerConf().getProp("RecSummaryLocation")
            recSumLoc = ""

        ### FIXME/TODO: having the routing bits writer(s) in the postamble implies they do NOT run for rejected events.
        ###             Is that really appropriate? Maybe we don't care, as those events (in the pit!) are never seen
        ###             downstream, but eg. for MC they may be kept...
        ### So maybe the routingbits should be written in the end sequence instead, but then the code must take into
        ### account that Hlt2 missing on Hlt1 rejected events is not an error...
        _hlt1postamble = (("EnableHltRoutingBits", type(l0decoder),
                           l0decoder.getName(), {}),
                          ("EnableHltRoutingBits", HltRoutingBitsWriter,
                           'Hlt1RoutingBitsWriter', {
                               'Hlt1DecReportsLocation': hlt1_decrep_loc,
                               'Hlt2DecReportsLocation': '',
                           }), ("EnableHltDecReports", HltDecReportsWriter,
                                'Hlt1DecReportsWriter', {
                                    'SourceID': 1,
                          ("EnableHltSelReports", Hlt1SelReportsMaker,
                          ("EnableHltSelReports", HltSelReportsWriter,
                           'Hlt1SelReportsWriter', {
                               'SourceID': 1,
                               'InputHltSelReportsLocation': hlt1_selrep_loc
                           }), ("EnableHltTrkReports", HltTrackReportsWriter,
                                'Hlt1TrkReportsWriter', {}),
                          ("EnableHltVtxReports", HltVertexReportsMaker,
                           'Hlt1VtxReportsMaker', {
                           }), ("EnableHltVtxReports", HltVertexReportsWriter,
                                'Hlt1VtxReportWriter', {
        _hlt2postamble = (("EnableHltRoutingBits", type(l0decoder),
                           {}), ("EnableHltDecReports", HltDecReportsWriter,
                                 'Hlt2DecReportsWriter', {
                                     'SourceID': 2,
                          ("EnableHltSelReports", Hlt2SelReportsMaker,
                          ("EnableHltSelReports", HltSelReportsWriter,
                           'Hlt2SelReportsWriter', {
                               'SourceID': 2,
                               'InputHltSelReportsLocation': hlt2_selrep_loc
                           }), ("EnableHltVtxReports", HltVertexReportsMaker,
                                'Hlt2VtxReportsMaker', {
                                }), ("EnableHltVtxReports",
                                     'Hlt2VtxReportWriter', {

        # Don't try to decode L0 for the routing bits writer if no L0TCK has
        # been set. This allows forward compatibility.
        if self.getProp('L0TCK') is None:
            _hlt1postamble = _hlt1postamble[1:]
            _hlt2postamble = _hlt2postamble[1:]

        # make sure we only instantiate members which are used...
        instantiate = lambda name, cfg: Sequence(
                tp(nm, **props) for (gate, tp, nm, props) in cfg
                if self.getProp(gate)
        Monitoring = Sequence("HltMonitorSequence", IgnoreFilterPassed=True)
        End = Sequence('HltEndSequence', [])
        Hlt1PostAmble = instantiate('Hlt1Postamble', _hlt1postamble)
        Hlt2PostAmble = instantiate('Hlt2Postamble', _hlt2postamble)

        # Configure monitoring
        from HltMonitoring import HltMonitoringConf
        HltMonitoringConf().MonitorSequence = Monitoring
        # Disable L0 monitoring if no L0TCK has been set
        if self.getProp('L0TCK') is None:
            HltMonitoringConf().EnableL0Monitor = False

        # Set end sequence for output
        HltOutputConf().HltEndSequence = End

        if self.getProp('RequireL0ForEndSequence'):
            from Configurables import LoKi__L0Filter as L0Filter
            from HltLine.HltDecodeRaw import DecodeL0DU
            L0accept = Sequence(
                Members=DecodeL0DU.members() +
                [L0Filter('L0Pass', Code="L0_DECISION_PHYSICS")])
            End.Members += [L0accept]
    def overrideIfRequired(self, adecoder=None, setup=False):
        Override inputs to the decoders, the RawEventLocation,
        with a different location as specified in RawEventFormat DB.

        Will complain if what you're trying to go from/to is not possible.

        Will override any decoder which has either been set to active *or* was 'used'

        #print "IN OVERRIDE IF REQUIRED!!"
        if (not self.isPropertySet("OverrideInputs")) or (
                self.getProp("OverrideInputs") is None):
        #load dictionary of possible raw event locations
        from RawEventCompat.Configuration import WhereBest, WhereAll, KnownBanks
        v = self.getProp("OverrideInputs")

        if adecoder is None:
            #print "Finding the decoders!"
            #which banks, and which decoders will be overwritten
            from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank, usedDecoders
            banks = self.allBanks()
            for d in usedDecoders(self.__db__()):
                for b in d.Banks:
                    if b not in banks:
            b_locs_toset = {}
            known = KnownBanks(v)
            for b in banks:
                if b not in known:
                    #I can't reconfigure it if the bank type is not known!
                    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
                    d = decodersForBank(self.__db__(), b)
                    if len(d):
                        names = [di.FullName for di in d]
                        print "# WARNING: Re-configuration of inputs for " + names.__str__(
                        ) + " could not be done, because the bank it decodes '" + b + "' does not appear in the list of available banks for target version '" + str(
                        ) + "' try setting this decoder to active=False and configuring yourself if really needed, or manually editing the contents of the RawEventFormat/Compat dictionaries"
                        #there are no decoders for this bank, just ignore it
                    #the bank type is known
                    b_locs_toset[b] = WhereBest(b, v)
            reset_list = {}
            for b in b_locs_toset:
                from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank, usedDecoders
                for d in decodersForBank(self.__db__(), b) + usedDecoders(
                        self.__db__(), b):
                    if d.listInputs()[0] != b_locs_toset[b]:
                        if b not in reset_list:
                            reset_list[b] = [d]
                        elif d not in reset_list[b]:
            if not len(reset_list):
            for k, ds in reset_list.iteritems():
                for d in ds:
                    self.overrideIfRequired(d, setup=setup)
        #when a decoder is passed...
        d = adecoder
        known = KnownBanks(v)
        #have to skip it if it decodes an unknown bank!
        for b in d.Banks:
            if b not in known:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The algorithm " + d.FullName +
                    " should not have been passed into the overrideInputs method, because it decodes '"
                    + b +
                    "' banks which do not exist in the target format version '"
                    + str(v) +
                    "' try setting this decoder to active=False and configuring yourself if really needed, or manually editing the contents of the RawEventFormat/Compat dictionaries"
        dest = WhereBest(d.Banks[0], v)

        #does it make sense to overwrite these banks?
        for b in d.Banks:
            if dest != WhereBest(b, v):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The algorithm " + d.FullName +
                    " decodes multiple banks, so they need to all be in the same location!"

        #am I able to overwrite these banks?
        if not d.isInputSettable():
            if not d.Active:
                #ignore other not-Active things..., pah, not sure, new to enable overriding all "used" items...
            flag = False
            whereall = WhereAll(d.Banks[0], v)
            for l in adecoder.listInputs():
                if l in whereall:
                    flag = True
            if not flag:
                raise ValueError(
                    "I cannot overwrite to this raw version, because the input for the alg "
                    + d.FullName + " is not configurable")
            print "# WARNING: Re-configuration of inputs for " + d.FullName + " was not done, but it might be OK since at least one location is in the default decode list"

        #overwrite them if able
        #print "# DecodeRawEvent: Overriding "+d.FullName+" from "+d.listInputs().__str__()+" to " +str(dest)
        if setup:
Example #15
    def applyConf(self) :

        # Get the sequence to fill
        sequence = self.getRecoSeq()
        if None == sequence : return

        # Common stuff

        # Get the context
        cont = self.getProp("Context")

        # Some preliminary stuff
        if self.getProp("ConfigurePrelims") :

            # Preload the raw event
            if self.getProp("PreloadRawEvent"):
                from Configurables import Rich__DAQ__LoadRawEvent
                raw = self.makeRichAlg( Rich__DAQ__LoadRawEvent, "LoadRawRichEvent"+cont )
                sequence.Members += [ raw ]

            # Preload the raw input tracks
            if self.getProp("PreloadTracks"):
                from Configurables import Rich__Rec__Initialise
                trackInit = self.makeRichAlg( Rich__Rec__Initialise, "LoadRawTracks"+cont )
                trackInit.LoadRawTracks = True
                sequence.Members += [ trackInit ]

            # Enable this to run a full track refit prior to processing
            # Useful for running on DSTs.
            if self.getProp("RefitTracks") :
                from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
                from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
                for det in ["Velo","TT","IT"] :
                    sequence.Members += [ d.setup() for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB,det) ]
                from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import ConfiguredFit
                from Configurables import TrackStateInitAlg
                tracksLoc = self.trackConfig().getProp("InputTracksLocation")
                init = TrackStateInitAlg( name = "InitRichTrackStates",
                                          TrackLocation = tracksLoc )
                fit = ConfiguredFit("RefitRichTracks",tracksLoc)
                #init.OutputLevel = 1
                #fit.OutputLevel  = 1
                sequence.Members += [ init, fit ]

            # Preload MC association information
            if self.getProp("PreloadMCLinks") :
                sequence.Members += ["UnpackMCParticle","UnpackMCVertex","TrackAssociator"]

            # RICH RawEvent decoding
            if self.getProp("InitDecoding") :

                # Raw decoding algorithm
                # Parasite in on this with my database so that the
                # automatic reconfiguration of locations is spawned
                from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
                from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
                # clone the pre-existing alg in the database first...
                decodeRich =DecoderDB["Rich::DAQ::RawBufferToRichDigitsAlg/RichRawEventToDigits"].clone("Rich::DAQ::RawBufferToRichDigitsAlg/"+aname)
                # with ["DecodeBufferOnly"]=True, alg produces no output ...
                # set "Active" to auto reconfigure the input location if needed
                # call the makeRichAlg anyway, even though it is already "made..."
                # just in case it is adapted to do other things in the future
                from Configurables import Rich__DAQ__RawBufferToRichDigitsAlg
                decodeRich = self.makeRichAlg( Rich__DAQ__RawBufferToRichDigitsAlg, aname )
                sequence.Members += [ decodeRich ]

        # Configure the RICH processing
        if not self.usingTrackGroups() :

            # Run a single sequence for all track types
            if self.getProp("ConfigureAlgs")  : self.configAlgorithms()


            # Run a seperate sequence for each track grouping

            # Get the track groupings
            tkGroups = self.getProp("TrackTypeGroups")

            # Global tracking cuts
            globalTkCuts = self.trackConfig().getProp("TrackCuts")

            # Seperated PID location s
            pidLocs = [ ]

            # Split by track type
            for tkTypeGroup in tkGroups:

                # Is at least one of the track types in this group in the track selection cuts ?
                if self.trackGroupSelected(tkTypeGroup) :

                    # Build the reco sequence for this group
                    groupConfig = RichRecSysBaseConf( self.getConfName(tkTypeGroup) )

                    # Context for this group
                    groupcont = self.getConfContext(tkTypeGroup)

                    # Set context with group name
                    self.propagateContext( groupConfig, groupcont )

                    # Propagate all options
                    self.propagateAllOptions( groupConfig )
                    # Then tweak things for this track group
                    # Turn off stuff run once for all
                    # Turn off splitting again
                    # Proper context for this group
                    self.propagateContext( groupConfig, groupcont )
                    # Clone tool registry tool list
                    groupConfig.toolRegistry().Tools = self.toolRegistry().Tools

                    # PID Output location
                    pidLoc = self.getProp("RichPIDLocation")+self.trackGroupName(tkTypeGroup)
                    pidLocs += [pidLoc]

                    # Construct the track selection cuts for this group
                    tkCuts = { }
                    for tkType in tkTypeGroup : tkCuts[tkType] = globalTkCuts[tkType]

                    # Set the track selection for this group

                    # Make a sequence for this track group
                    tkGroupSeq = self.makeRichAlg(GaudiSequencer,"RichRec"+groupcont+"Seq")
                    sequence.Members += [tkGroupSeq]

            # Finalise (merge results from various algorithms)
            pidMode = self.getProp("PidConfig")
            if pidMode != "None" :
                from Configurables import Rich__Rec__PIDMerge
                pidMerge = self.makeRichAlg(Rich__Rec__PIDMerge,"Merge"+cont+"RichPIDs")
                pidMerge.OutputLocation = self.getProp("RichPIDLocation")
                pidMerge.InputLocations = pidLocs
                sequence.Members += [pidMerge]
Example #16
def RecoUpgradeTracking(exclude=[]):
    ## Start TransportSvc, needed by track fit  ???
    subDets = []
    from Configurables import LHCbApp
    #Test if LHCbApp has this method (same revision as property)
    if hasattr(LHCbApp(), "Detectors"):
        if LHCbApp().isPropertySet("Detectors"):
            subDets = LHCbApp().upgradeDetectors()
    trackTypes = TrackSys().getProp("TrackTypes")

    ### Sanity checks
    if "Forward" in trackTypes:
        if not ("Velo" in trackTypes):
            log.warning("Velo tracks added to tracking sequence.")
            trackTypes += ["Velo"]
        if not (("FT" in subDets)):
            raise RuntimeError("Specify T-Stations.")

    if "Upstream" in trackTypes:
        if not ("Velo" in trackTypes):
            log.warning("Velo tracks added to tracking sequence.")
            trackTypes += ["Velo"]
        if not (("UT" in subDets)):
            raise RuntimeError("Specify UT.")

    if "Downstream" in trackTypes:
        if not ("Seeding" in trackTypes):
            log.warning("Seed tracks added to tracking sequence.")
            trackTypes += ["Seeding"]
        if not (("UT" in subDets)):
            raise RuntimeError("Specify UT.")

    if "Velo" in trackTypes:
        if not (("VP" in subDets)):
            raise RuntimeError("Specify VP.")

    if "Seeding" in trackTypes:
        if not ("FT" in subDets):
            raise RuntimeError("Specify T-Stations.")

    if "Match" in trackTypes:
        if not ("Velo" in trackTypes):
            log.warning("Velo tracks added to tracking sequence.")
            trackTypes += ["Velo"]

        if not ("Seeding" in trackTypes):
            log.warning("Seed tracks added to tracking sequence.")
            trackTypes += ["Seeding"]

    ### Do the decoding of the detectors

    decodingSeq = GaudiSequencer("RecoDecodingSeq")
    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
    decs = []
    # Are these the right decoders?
    if "VP" in subDets:
        decs = decs + decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "VP")
    if "UT" in subDets:
        decs = decs + decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "UT")
        from Configurables import STOfflinePosition
        UT = STOfflinePosition('ToolSvc.UTClusterPosition')
        UT.DetType = "UT"
    if "FT" in subDets:
        decs = decs + decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "FTCluster")

    decodingSeq.Members += [d.setup() for d in decs]
    ### Define the pattern recognition
    if "Velo" in trackTypes:
        veloSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrVeloSeq")
        GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [veloSeq]
        if "VP" in subDets:
            from Configurables import PrPixelTracking, PrPixelStoreClusters
            veloSeq.Members += [PrPixelTracking(), PrPixelStoreClusters()]

    if "Upstream" in trackTypes:
        upSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrUpSeq")
        GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [upSeq]
        if "UT" in subDets:
            from Configurables import PrVeloUT
            prVeloUT = PrVeloUT()
            from Configurables import TrackMasterFitter
            prVeloUT.addTool(TrackMasterFitter, "Fitter")
            prVeloUT.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreVelo = True
            prVeloUT.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreVP = True
            prVeloUT.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreTT = True
            prVeloUT.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreIT = True
            prVeloUT.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreOT = True
            prVeloUT.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreUT = False
            if ("VP" in subDets):
                prVeloUT.Fitter.MeasProvider.IgnoreVP = False
            upSeq.Members += [PrVeloUT()]

    if "Forward" in trackTypes:
        forwardSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrForwardSeq")
        GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [forwardSeq]
        if "FT" in subDets:
            from Configurables import PrForwardTracking
            forwardSeq.Members += [PrForwardTracking()]
    if "Seeding" in trackTypes:
        seedingSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrSeedingSeq")
        GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [seedingSeq]
        if "FT" in subDets:
            #from Configurables import PrSeedingAlgorithm
            #seedingSeq.Members += [ PrSeedingAlgorithm() ]
            #from Configurables import PrSeedingXLayers
            #seedingSeq.Members += [PrSeedingXLayers()]
            from Configurables import PrHybridSeeding
            seedingSeq.Members += [PrHybridSeeding()]

    if "Match" in trackTypes:
        matchSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrMatchSeq")
        GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [matchSeq]
        from Configurables import PrMatch
        #from Configurables import PatMatch, PatMatchTool, PrAddUTCoord
        matchSeq.Members += [PrMatch()]
        #PatMatch().addTool(PatMatchTool, "PatMatchTool")
        #PatMatch().PatMatchTool.AddTTClusters = True
        #PatMatch().PatMatchTool.AddTTClusterName = "PrAddUTCoord"

    if "Downstream" in trackTypes:
        downSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrDownSeq")
        GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [downSeq]
        if "UT" in subDets:
            from Configurables import PrDownstream
            downSeq.Members += [PrDownstream()]

    # Do the Clone Killing and create Best tracks container
    bestSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrBestSeq")
    GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [bestSeq]

    #Fill list of Tracks to write out
    tracklists = []
    if "Velo" in trackTypes:
        tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Velo"]
    if "Seeding" in trackTypes:
        tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Seed"]
    if "Forward" in trackTypes:
        tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Forward"]
    if "Upstream" in trackTypes:
        tracklists += ["Rec/Track/VeloTT"]
    if "Downstream" in trackTypes:
        tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Downstream"]
    if "Match" in trackTypes:
        tracklists += ["Rec/Track/Match"]

    from Configurables import TrackBestTrackCreator, TrackMasterFitter
    from TrackFitter.ConfiguredFitters import ConfiguredMasterFitter
    bestTrackCreator = TrackBestTrackCreator(TracksInContainers=tracklists)
    bestTrackCreator.addTool(TrackMasterFitter, name="Fitter")
    bestTrackCreator.FitTracks = True
    bestTrackCreator.InitTrackStates = False
    bestSeq.Members += [bestTrackCreator]

    ## Extra track information sequence
    extraInfos = TrackSys().getProp("TrackExtraInfoAlgorithms")
    if len(extraInfos) > 0:

        ## ghost probability using a Neural Net
        if "GhostProbability" in extraInfos:
            from Configurables import TrackAddNNGhostId, TrackNNGhostId
            ghostID = TrackAddNNGhostId()
            ghostID.GhostIdTool = "UpgradeGhostId"
            GaudiSequencer("TrackAddExtraInfoSeq").Members += [ghostID]

        addExtraInfoSeq = GaudiSequencer("TrackAddExtraInfoSeq")
        GaudiSequencer("RecoTrSeq").Members += [addExtraInfoSeq]
Example #17
def uDstConf(rootInTes, killNodes=['/Event/DAQ', '/Event/pRec'], logger=None):
    Various settings for mDst
    #  from PhysConf.MicroDST import uDstConf
    #  uDstConf ( '/Event/Leptonic' )
    if not logger: logger = log
    ## Never use gfal ...
    from Configurables import Gaudi__IODataManager as IODataManager
    IODataManager("IODataManager").UseGFAL = False
    logger.info("Disable GFAL")

    ## pick up all goodies from Juan
    import MicroDSTConf.TriggerConfUtils as TCU
    ## 'rootify'
    if 0 != rootInTes.find('/Event/'): rootInTes = '/Event/' + rootInTes
    rootInTes = TCU.fixTrunk(rootInTes)

    logger.info("Reconfigure uDST to use    RootInTES='%s'" % rootInTes)
    ## configure L0,Hlt,e tc using Juan's functions:
    logger.info("Configure L0&HLT decoding  RootInTES='%s'" % rootInTes)

    from Configurables import DataOnDemandSvc
    dod = DataOnDemandSvc()

    ## extra configuration:
    #   it is more relevant for Stripping-17 data,
    #   however it is backard compatible with other uDsts

    ## 0. Kill Event/DAQ
    from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction

    def _killDAQ_():
        return killDAQ(nodes=killNodes, logger=logger)

    logger.info("Configure DAQ-killer agent for %s " % killNodes)

    ## 1. Copy/Link ODIN, RawEvent and RecSummary
    from Configurables import Gaudi__DataLink as Link
    rawEvt = Link('LinkRawEvent',
                  Target=rootInTes + 'DAQ/RawEvent')
    odin = Link('LinkODIN',
                Target=rootInTes + 'DAQ/ODIN')
    summary = Link('LinkSummary',
                   Target=rootInTes + 'Rec/Summary')
    header = Link('LinkHeader',
                  Target=rootInTes + 'Rec/Header')
    reports = Link('LinkStripReports',
                   Target=rootInTes + 'Strip/Phys/DecReports')

    dod.AlgMap[rawEvt.Target] = rawEvt
    dod.AlgMap[odin.Target] = odin
    dod.AlgMap[summary.Target] = summary
    dod.AlgMap[header.Target] = header
    dod.AlgMap[reports.Target] = reports

    hlt1_reports = Link('LinkHlt1Reports',
                        What=rootInTes + 'Hlt1/DecReports',

    hlt2_reports = Link('LinkHlt2Reports',
                        What=rootInTes + 'Hlt2/DecReports',

    dod.AlgMap[hlt1_reports.Target] = hlt1_reports
    dod.AlgMap[hlt2_reports.Target] = hlt2_reports

    logger.info("Configure ODIN,Raw,Summary&Reports RootInTES='%s'" %
    rawEventLoc = rootInTes + 'DAQ/RawEvent'
    from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB
    from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
    for d in decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "L0PU"):
Example #18
from DAQSys.DecoderClass import Decoder, decodersForBank
from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB

rich = decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "Rich")
required = []
for r in rich:
    for req in r.allDaughters():
        req = DecoderDB[req]
        if req not in required and req not in rich:

#push into a smaller DB

db = {}

for r in rich + required:
    r.__db__ = db
    db[r.FullName] = r

r0 = rich[0]

expectname = "Rich::DAQ::RawBufferToRichDigitsAlg/DecodeRawRichOffline"
prop = "DecodeBufferOnly"

rclone = r0.clone(expectname)
rclone.Properties[prop] = True
r0.Properties[prop] = False

rcloneset = rclone.setup()
from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB as ddb
from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
from Configurables import GaudiSequencer, DecodeRawEvent, DataOnDemandSvc

mySeq = GaudiSequencer("DecodeTest")
mySeq.Members += [d.setup() for d in decodersForBank(ddb, "Velo")]

newDec = ddb["OTTimeCreator"].clone("OTTimeCreator/Ot2")
newDec.Properties["OutputLevel"] = 42

DecodeRawEvent().OverrideInputs = "Strip20"
DecodeRawEvent().DataOnDemand = True


if "Other/OTTimes" not in DataOnDemandSvc().AlgMap:
    raise KeyError("Other/OTTimes not correctly added to DataOnDemand")

print "Pass"
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
from Configurables import DecodeRawEvent, LHCbApp
from Configurables import GaudiSequencer


mySeq = GaudiSequencer("Decoding")
mySeq.OutputLevel = VERBOSE
DecodeRawEvent().Sequencer = mySeq
ApplicationMgr().TopAlg = [mySeq]

from DAQSys.DecoderClass import decodersForBank
from DAQSys.Decoders import DecoderDB as ddb

#only calo banks
for k, v in ddb.iteritems():
    v.Active = False

flagged = []

for b in ["PrsE", "EcalE", "HcalE", "ODIN"]:
    for d in decodersForBank(ddb, b, ignoreActive=True, addRequired=True):

for k, v in ddb.iteritems():
    if v not in flagged:
        v.Active = False

#configure L0TCKs
Example #21
def _convert(db, bank):
    algs = [d.setup() for d in decodersForBank(db, bank)]
    return bindMembers(None, algs).ignoreOutputSelection()
Example #22
Brunel().Simulation = True
Brunel().EvtMax = 200 * 5
Brunel().DatasetName = "seeding-%i%s" % (stereo, "-XOnly" if x_only else "")
Brunel().Detectors = [
    'VP', 'UT', 'FT', 'Rich1Pmt', 'Rich2Pmt', 'Spd', 'Prs', 'Ecal', 'Hcal',
    'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr'

MessageSvc().Format = '% F%20W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M'

GaudiSequencer("RecoHLTSeq").Members = ["GaudiSequencer/SeedingSeq"]

seed_seq = GaudiSequencer("SeedingSeq")

decs = []
decs.extend(decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "VP"))
decs.extend(decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "FTCluster"))
createUTLiteClusters = decodersForBank(DecoderDB, "UT")
seed_seq.Members += [d.setup() for d in createUTLiteClusters]

UT = STOfflinePosition('ToolSvc.UTClusterPosition')
UT.DetType = "UT"

seed_seq.Members += [d.setup() for d in decs]
seed_seq.Members += [