Example #1
 def empty_return(self, dasquery, status='busy', reason=None):
     "Return header/data when DAS server is busy"
     if  not reason:
         reason  = 'DAS server is busy'
         reason += ', #requests=%s, #workers=%s, queue size=%s' \
             % (self.reqmgr.size(), self.taskmgr.nworkers(), self.queue_limit)
     head = dict(timestamp=time.time())
     head.update({'status': status, 'reason': reason, 'ctime':0})
     data = []
     dasprint(dastimestamp('DAS INFO '), dasquery, 'server status=%s'%status, reason)
     return self.datastream(dict(head=head, data=data))
Example #2
 def busy(self):
     Check server load and report busy status if
     nrequests - nworkers > queue limit
     nrequests = self.reqmgr.size()
     if  (nrequests - self.taskmgr.nworkers()) > self.queue_limit:
         msg = '#request=%s, queue_limit=%s, #workers=%s' \
                 % (nrequests, self.taskmgr.nworkers(), self.queue_limit)
         dasprint(dastimestamp('DAS WEB SERVER IS BUSY '), msg)
         return True
     return False
Example #3
    def status(self):
        """Return list of all current requests in DAS queue"""
        requests = [r for r in self.reqmgr.items()]
        page = self.templatepage('das_status', requests=requests, time=time)

        sdict = self.dasmgr.status()
        sdict['web'] = self.taskmgr.status()
        dasprint(dastimestamp('DAS INFO '), "web TaskManager", sdict['web'])
        for key, val in sdict.items():
            dasprint(dastimestamp('DAS INFO '), "%s TaskManager %s" % (key, val))
        page += '<h3>Services</h3>'
        def dump(idict):
            "Dump input dict"
            return ', '.join(['<em>%s:</em> %s' % (k, idict[k]) for k in sorted(idict)])
        for key, val in sdict.items():
            page += '<div>'
            stats = ', '.join([dump(v) for v in val.values()])
            page += '<b>%s</b>: %s' % (key, stats)
            page += '</div>'
        return self.page(page)
Example #4
    def check_pid(self, pid):
        Check status of given pid. This is a server callback
        function for ajaxCheckPid, see js/ajax_utils.js
        # do not allow caching

        img  = '<img src="%s/images/loading.gif" alt="loading"/>' % self.base
        page = ''
            if  self.taskmgr.is_alive(pid):
                page = img + " processing PID=%s" % pid
                # at this point we don't know if request arrived to this host
                # or it was processed. To distinguish the case we'll ask
                # request manager for that pid
                if  self.reqmgr.has_pid(pid):
                    page  = 'Request PID=%s is completed' % pid
                    page += ', please wait for results to load'
                    # there're no request on this server, re-initiate it
                    ref = cherrypy.request.headers.get('Referer', None)
                    if  ref:
                        url = urlparse(ref)
                        params = dict(parse_qsl(url.query))
                        return self.request(**params)
                        msg  = 'No referer in cherrypy.request.headers'
                        msg += '\nHeaders: %s' % cherrypy.request.headers
                        dasprint(dastimestamp('DAS WEB ERROR '), msg)
        except Exception as err:
            msg = 'check_pid fails for pid=%s' % pid
            dasprint(dastimestamp('DAS WEB ERROR '), msg)
            return self.error(gen_error_msg({'pid':pid}), wrap=False)
        return page
Example #5
    def get_data(self, kwargs):
        Invoke DAS workflow and get data from the cache.
        head   = dict(timestamp=time.time())
        head['args'] = kwargs
        uinput = kwargs.get('input', '')
        inst   = kwargs.get('instance', self.dbs_global)
        idx    = getarg(kwargs, 'idx', 0)
        limit  = getarg(kwargs, 'limit', 0) # do not impose limit
        coll   = kwargs.get('collection', 'merge')
        status = kwargs.get('status')
        error  = kwargs.get('error')
        reason = kwargs.get('reason')
        dasquery = kwargs.get('dasquery', None)
        time0  = time.time()
        if  dasquery:
            dasquery = DASQuery(dasquery, instance=inst)
            if  dasquery.error:
                return self.page(form + dasquery.error, ctime=time.time()-time0)
            check, content = \
                    self.generate_dasquery(uinput, inst, html_mode=False)
            if  check:
                head.update({'status': 'fail', 'reason': content,
                             'ctime': time.time()-time0, 'input': uinput})
                data = []
                return head, data
            dasquery = content # returned content is valid DAS query
            nres = self.dasmgr.nresults(dasquery, coll)
            data = \
                self.dasmgr.get_from_cache(dasquery, idx, limit)
            # check that we got what we expected
            data = [r for r in data]
            if  nres and not len(data):
                for retry in range(1, 3, 5):
                    msg = 'retry in %s sec' % retry
                    dasprint(dastimestamp('DAS WARNING '), msg, dasquery)
                    time.sleep(retry) # retry one more time
                    data = \
                        self.dasmgr.get_from_cache(dasquery, idx, limit)
                    data = [r for r in data]
                    if  len(data):
            if  nres and not len(data):
                msg = 'fail to get all data for %s, nres=%s, len(data)=%s' \
                        % (dasquery, nres, len(data))
                dasprint(dastimestamp('DAS WARNING '), msg)
                status = 'fail'
                reason = 'Fail to retrieve data from DAS cache, please retry'

            if  dasquery.aggregators:
                # aggregators split DAS record into sub-system and then
                # apply aggregator functions, therefore we need to correctly
                # account for nresults. Resolve generator into list and take
                # its length as nresults value.
                data = [r for r in data]
                nres = len(data)
            if  error: # DAS record contains an error
                status = 'error'
            head.update({'status':status, 'nresults':nres,
                         'ctime': time.time()-time0, 'dasquery': dasquery})
        except Exception as exc:
            status = 'fail'
            reason = str(exc)
            head.update({'status': status,
                         'ctime': time.time()-time0, 'dasquery': dasquery})
            data = []
        head.update({'incache':self.dasmgr.incache(dasquery, coll='cache'),
        if  reason:
            head.update({'reason': reason})
        if  status != 'ok':

        # check if query had dataset input and returned no results
        # then run hint functions to find dataset in other DBS instances
        mquery = dasquery.mongo_query
        empty = False
        for item in data:
            if  'dataset.name' in mquery['spec'] and 'dataset' in mquery['fields'] \
                    and 'result' not in item:
                if  not item['dataset']:
                    empty = True
        if  empty: # if no results found add dataset from other DBS instances
            hints = self.hint_datasets(kwargs)
            for item in data:
                item.update({'hints': hints})

        return head, data