Example #1
 def SubmitQuote(self, asset_id, asset_name, timestamp, quote):
     old_id = 0
     query = executeSQL(
         "SELECT id FROM quotes WHERE asset_id = :asset_id AND timestamp = :timestamp",
         [(":asset_id", asset_id), (":timestamp", timestamp)])
     if query.next():
         old_id = query.value(0)
     if old_id:
                    "UPDATE quotes SET quote=:quote WHERE id=:old_id", [
                        (":quote", quote),
                        (":old_id", old_id),
             "INSERT INTO quotes(timestamp, asset_id, quote) VALUES (:timestamp, :asset_id, :quote)",
             [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":asset_id", asset_id),
              (":quote", quote)])
         g_tr('QuotesUpdateDialog', "Quote loaded: ") +
         f"{asset_name} @ {datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')} = {quote}"
Example #2
 def prepareDealsReport(self, begin, end, account_id, group_dates):
     if account_id == 0:
                  "You should select account to create Deals report"))
         return False
     if group_dates == 1:
         self.query = executeSQL(
             self.db, "SELECT asset, "
             "strftime('%s', datetime(open_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of day')) as open_timestamp, "
             "strftime('%s', datetime(close_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of day')) as close_timestamp, "
             "SUM(open_price*qty)/SUM(qty) as open_price, SUM(close_price*qty)/SUM(qty) AS close_price, "
             "SUM(qty) as qty, SUM(fee) as fee, SUM(profit) as profit, "
             "coalesce(100*SUM(qty*(close_price-open_price)-fee)/SUM(qty*open_price), 0) AS rel_profit "
             "FROM deals_ext "
             "WHERE account_id=:account_id AND close_timestamp>=:begin AND close_timestamp<=:end "
             "GROUP BY asset, open_timestamp, close_timestamp "
             "ORDER BY close_timestamp, open_timestamp",
             [(":account_id", account_id), (":begin", begin),
              (":end", end)],
         self.query = executeSQL(
             "SELECT asset, open_timestamp, close_timestamp, open_price, close_price, "
             "qty, fee, profit, rel_profit FROM deals_ext "
             "WHERE account_id=:account_id AND close_timestamp>=:begin AND close_timestamp<=:end",
             [(":account_id", account_id), (":begin", begin),
              (":end", end)],
     return True
Example #3
 def response_esia(self, auth_code, state):
     client_secret = readSQL(
         "SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='RuTaxClientSecret'")
     payload = '{' + f'"authorization_code": "{auth_code}", "client_secret": "{client_secret}", "state": "{state}"' \
               + '}'
     response = self.web_session.post(
     if response.status_code != 200:
             g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "ESIA login failed: ") +
         g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "ESIA login successful: ") +
     json_content = json.loads(response.text)
     new_session_id = json_content['sessionId']
     new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token']
     _ = executeSQL(
         "UPDATE settings SET value=:new_session WHERE name='RuTaxSessionId'",
         [(":new_session", new_session_id)])
     _ = executeSQL(
         "UPDATE settings SET value=:new_refresh_token WHERE name='RuTaxRefreshToken'",
         [(":new_refresh_token", new_refresh_token)])
Example #4
 def createTransfer(self, timestamp, f_acc_id, f_amount, t_acc_id, t_amount, fee_acc_id, fee, note):
     transfer_id = readSQL(self.db,
                           "SELECT id FROM transfers_combined "
                           "WHERE from_timestamp=:timestamp AND from_acc_id=:from_acc_id AND to_acc_id=:to_acc_id",
                           [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":from_acc_id", f_acc_id), (":to_acc_id", t_acc_id)])
     if transfer_id:
         logging.info(f"Currency exchange {f_amount}->{t_amount} already exists in ledger. Skipped")
     if abs(fee) > Setup.CALC_TOLERANCE:
         _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                        "INSERT INTO transfers_combined (from_timestamp, from_acc_id, from_amount, "
                        "to_timestamp, to_acc_id, to_amount, fee_timestamp, fee_acc_id, fee_amount, note) "
                        "VALUES (:timestamp, :f_acc_id, :f_amount, :timestamp, :t_acc_id, :t_amount, "
                        ":timestamp, :fee_acc_id, :fee_amount, :note)",
                        [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":f_acc_id", f_acc_id), (":t_acc_id", t_acc_id),
                         (":f_amount", f_amount), (":t_amount", t_amount), (":fee_acc_id", fee_acc_id),
                         (":fee_amount", fee), (":note", note)])
         _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                        "INSERT INTO transfers_combined (from_timestamp, from_acc_id, from_amount, "
                        "to_timestamp, to_acc_id, to_amount, note) "
                        "VALUES (:timestamp, :f_acc_id, :f_amount, :timestamp, :t_acc_id, :t_amount, :note)",
                        [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":f_acc_id", f_acc_id), (":t_acc_id", t_acc_id),
                         (":f_amount", f_amount), (":t_amount", t_amount), (":note", note)])
     logging.info(g_tr('StatementLoader', "Currency exchange ") + f"{f_amount}->{t_amount}" +
                  g_tr('StatementLoader', " added"))
Example #5
    def loadIBTransactionTax(self, IBtax):
        account_id = self.findAccountID(IBtax.accountId, IBtax.currency)
        if account_id is None:
            logging.error(g_tr('StatementLoader', "Account ") + f"{IBtax.accountId} ({IBtax.currency})" +
                          g_tr('StatementLoader', " not found. Tax #") + f"{IBtax.tradeID}" +
                          g_tr('StatementLoader', " skipped"))
        timestamp = int(datetime.combine(IBtax.date, datetime.min.time()).timestamp())
        amount = float(IBtax.taxAmount)  # value is negative already
        note = f"{IBtax.symbol} ({IBtax.description}) - {IBtax.taxDescription} (#{IBtax.tradeId})"

        id = readSQL(self.db, "SELECT id FROM all_operations WHERE type = :type "
                              "AND timestamp=:timestamp AND account_id=:account_id AND amount=:amount",
                     [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":type", TransactionType.Action),
                      (":account_id", account_id), (":amount", amount)])
        if id:
            logging.warning(g_tr('StatementLoader', "Tax transaction #") + f"{IBtax.tradeId}" +
                            g_tr('StatementLoader', " already exists"))
        query = executeSQL(self.db,
                           "INSERT INTO actions (timestamp, account_id, peer_id) VALUES "
                           "(:timestamp, :account_id, (SELECT organization_id FROM accounts WHERE id=:account_id))",
                           [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":account_id", account_id)])
        pid = query.lastInsertId()
        _ = executeSQL(self.db, "INSERT INTO action_details (pid, category_id, sum, note) "
                                "VALUES (:pid, :category_id, :sum, :note)",
                       [(":pid", pid), (":category_id", PredefinedCategory.Taxes), (":sum", amount), (":note", note)])
        logging.info(g_tr('StatementLoader', "Transaction tax added: ") + f"{note}, {amount}")
Example #6
 def loadIBFee(self, fee):
     account_id = self.findAccountID(fee.accountId, fee.currency)
     if account_id is None:
             g_tr('StatementLoader', "Account ") +
             f"{fee.accountId} ({fee.currency})" +
             g_tr('StatementLoader', " not found. Skipping fee #") +
     timestamp = int(fee.dateTime.timestamp())
     amount = float(fee.amount)  # value may be both positive and negative
     note = fee.description
     query = executeSQL(
         "INSERT INTO actions (timestamp, account_id, peer_id) VALUES "
         "(:timestamp, :account_id, (SELECT organization_id FROM accounts WHERE id=:account_id))",
         [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":account_id", account_id)])
     pid = query.lastInsertId()
     _ = executeSQL(
         "INSERT INTO action_details (pid, category_id, sum, note) "
         "VALUES (:pid, :category_id, :sum, :note)",
         [(":pid", pid), (":category_id", PredefinedCategory.Fees),
          (":sum", amount), (":note", note)])
         g_tr('StatementLoader', "Fee added: ") + f"{note}, {amount}")
Example #7
File: taxes.py Project: uMag/ledger
    def prepare_broker_fees(self, sheet, account_id, begin, end, formats):
        self.add_report_header(sheet, formats, "Отчет по комиссиям, уплаченным брокеру в отчетном периоде")

        _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_last_dates")
        _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                       "INSERT INTO t_last_dates(ref_id, timestamp) "
                       "SELECT a.id AS ref_id, MAX(q.timestamp) AS timestamp "
                       "FROM actions AS a "
                       "LEFT JOIN accounts AS c ON c.id = :account_id "
                       "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON a.timestamp >= q.timestamp AND c.currency_id=q.asset_id "
                       "LEFT JOIN action_details AS d ON d.pid=a.id "
                       "WHERE a.timestamp>=:begin AND a.timestamp<:end "
                       "AND a.account_id=:account_id AND d.note LIKE '%MONTHLY%' "
                       "GROUP BY a.id",
                       [(":begin", begin), (":end", end), (":account_id", account_id)])

        header_row = {
            0: ("Описание", formats.ColumnHeader(), 50, 0, 0),
            1: ("Сумма, USD", formats.ColumnHeader(), 8, 0, 0),
            2: ("Дата оплаты", formats.ColumnHeader(), 10, 0, 0),
            3: ("Курс USD/RUB на дату оплаты", formats.ColumnHeader(), 10, 0, 0),
            4: ("Сумма, RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 10, 0, 0)
        xlsxWriteRow(sheet, 7, header_row, 60)
        for column in range(len(header_row)):  # Put column numbers for reference
            header_row[column] = (f"({column + 1})", formats.ColumnHeader())
        xlsxWriteRow(sheet, 8, header_row)

        query = executeSQL(self.db,
                           "SELECT a.timestamp AS payment_date, d.sum AS amount, d.note AS note, q.quote AS rate_cbr "
                           "FROM actions AS a "
                           "LEFT JOIN action_details AS d ON d.pid=a.id "
                           "LEFT JOIN accounts AS c ON c.id = :account_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ld ON a.id=ld.ref_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ld.timestamp=q.timestamp AND c.currency_id=q.asset_id "
                           "WHERE a.timestamp>=:begin AND a.timestamp<:end "
                           "AND a.account_id=:account_id AND d.note LIKE '%MONTHLY%' ",
                           [(":begin", begin), (":end", end), (":account_id", account_id)])
        row = 9
        amount_rub_sum = 0
        while query.next():
            payment_date, amount, note, rate = readSQLrecord(query)
            amount_rub = round(-amount * rate, 2)
            xlsxWriteRow(sheet, row, {
                0: (note, formats.Text(row)),
                1: (-amount, formats.Number(row, 2)),
                2: (datetime.fromtimestamp(payment_date).strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), formats.Text(row)),
                3: (rate, formats.Number(row, 4)),
                4: (amount_rub, formats.Number(row, 2))
            amount_rub_sum += amount_rub
            row += 1
        sheet.write(row, 3, "ИТОГО", formats.ColumnFooter())
        sheet.write(row, 4, amount_rub_sum, formats.ColumnFooter())
Example #8
    def UpdateQuotes(self, start_timestamp, end_timestamp):

        executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM holdings_aux")

        # Collect list of assets that are/were held on end date
            self.db, "INSERT INTO holdings_aux(asset) "
            "SELECT l.asset_id AS asset FROM ledger AS l "
            "WHERE l.book_account = 4 AND l.timestamp <= :end_timestamp "
            "GROUP BY l.asset_id "
            "HAVING sum(l.amount) > :tolerance "
            "UNION "
            "SELECT DISTINCT l.asset_id AS asset FROM ledger AS l "
            "WHERE l.book_account = 4 AND l.timestamp >= :start_timestamp AND l.timestamp <= :end_timestamp "
            "UNION "
            "SELECT DISTINCT a.currency_id AS asset FROM ledger AS l "
            "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON a.id = l.account_id "
            "WHERE (l.book_account = 3 OR l.book_account = 5) "
            "AND l.timestamp >= :start_timestamp AND l.timestamp <= :end_timestamp",
            [(":start_timestamp", start_timestamp),
             (":end_timestamp", end_timestamp),
             (":tolerance", Setup.CALC_TOLERANCE)])

        # Get a list of symbols ordered by data source ID
        query = executeSQL(
            "SELECT h.asset, a.name, a.src_id, a.isin, MAX(q.timestamp) AS last_timestamp "
            "FROM holdings_aux AS h "
            "LEFT JOIN assets AS a ON a.id=h.asset "
            "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON q.asset_id=h.asset "
            "GROUP BY h.asset "
            "ORDER BY a.src_id")
        while query.next():
            asset_id = query.value(0)
            asset = query.value(1)
            feed_id = query.value(2)
            isin = query.value(3)
            last_timestamp = query.value(4) if query.value(4) != '' else 0
            from_timestamp = last_timestamp if last_timestamp > start_timestamp else start_timestamp
                data = self.data_loaders[feed_id](asset, isin, from_timestamp,
            except (xml_tree.ParseError, pd.errors.EmptyDataError):
                    g_tr('QuotesUpdateDialog', "No data were downloaded for ")
                    + f"{asset}")
            if data is not None:
                for date, quote in data.iterrows():
                    self.SubmitQuote(asset_id, asset, int(date.timestamp()),
        logging.info(g_tr('QuotesUpdateDialog', "Download completed"))
Example #9
    def addOperation(self):
        if self.AccountEdit.selected_id == 0:
                     "Not possible to import slip: no account set for import"))
        if self.PeerEdit.selected_id == 0:
                    "Not possible to import slip: can't import: no peer set for import"
        if self.slip_lines[self.slip_lines['category'] == 0].shape[0] != 0:
                    "Not possible to import slip: some categories are not set")

        query = executeSQL(
            self.db, "INSERT INTO actions (timestamp, account_id, peer_id) "
            "VALUES (:timestamp, :account_id, :peer_id)",
            [(":timestamp", self.SlipDateTime.dateTime().toSecsSinceEpoch()),
             (":account_id", self.AccountEdit.selected_id),
             (":peer_id", self.PeerEdit.selected_id)])
        pid = query.lastInsertId()
        # update mappings
        _ = executeSQL(
            "INSERT INTO map_peer (value, mapped_to) VALUES (:peer_name, :peer_id)",
            [(":peer_name", self.SlipShopName.text()),
             (":peer_id", self.PeerEdit.selected_id)])

        for index, row in self.slip_lines.iterrows():
            _ = executeSQL(
                "INSERT INTO action_details (pid, category_id, sum, note) "
                "VALUES (:pid, :category_id, :amount, :note)",
                [(":pid", pid), (":category_id", row['category']),
                 (":amount", row['sum']), (":note", row['name'])])
            # update mappings
            _ = executeSQL(
                "INSERT INTO map_category (value, mapped_to) VALUES (:item_name, :category_id)",
                [(":item_name", row['name']),
                 (":category_id", row['category'])])
Example #10
 def onLanguageChanged(self, action):
     language_code = action.data()
     if language_code != self.currentLanguage:
                    "UPDATE settings "
                    "SET value=(SELECT id FROM languages WHERE language = :new_language) WHERE name ='Language'",
                    [(':new_language', language_code)])
         QMessageBox().information(self, g_tr('MainWindow', "Restart required"),
                                   g_tr('MainWindow', "Language was changed to ") +
                                   QLocale.languageToString(QLocale(language_code).language()) + "\n" +
                                   g_tr('MainWindow', "You should restart application to apply changes\n"
                                        "Application will be terminated now"),
Example #11
    def copyOperation(self):
        index = self.table_view.currentIndex()
        operations_model = self.table_view.model()
        operation_type = operations_model.data(
            operations_model.index(index.row(), 0))
        mapper = self.operations[operation_type][self.OP_MAPPER]
        row = mapper.currentIndex()
        old_id = mapper.model().record(row).value(
        new_record = mapper.model().record(row)
        new_record = self.prepareNewOperation(operation_type,
            f"{self.operations[operation_type][self.OP_MAPPER_TABLE]}.id = 0")
        assert mapper.model().insertRows(0, 1)
        mapper.model().setRecord(0, new_record)

        if self.operations[operation_type][self.OP_CHILD_VIEW]:
            child_view = self.operations[operation_type][self.OP_CHILD_VIEW]
                f"{self.operations[operation_type][self.OP_CHILD_TABLE]}.pid = 0"
            query = executeSQL(
                f"SELECT * FROM {self.operations[operation_type][self.OP_CHILD_TABLE]} "
                "WHERE pid = :pid ORDER BY id DESC", [(":pid", old_id)])
            while query.next():
                new_record = query.record()
                assert child_view.model().insertRows(0, 1)
                child_view.model().setRecord(0, new_record)
Example #12
 def addWithholdingTax(self, timestamp, account_id, asset_id, amount, note):
     parts = re.match(IBKR.TaxNotePattern, note)
     if not parts:
             g_tr('StatementLoader', "*** MANUAL ENTRY REQUIRED ***"))
             g_tr('StatementLoader', "Unhandled tax pattern found: ") +
     dividend_note = parts.group(1) + '%'
     country_code = parts.group(2)
         dividend_id, old_tax = readSQL(
             self.db, "SELECT id, sum_tax FROM dividends "
             "WHERE timestamp=:timestamp AND account_id=:account_id "
             "AND asset_id=:asset_id AND note LIKE :dividend_description",
             [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":account_id", account_id),
              (":asset_id", asset_id),
              (":dividend_description", dividend_note)])
                  "Dividend not found for withholding tax: ") + f"{note}")
     _ = executeSQL(
         "UPDATE dividends SET sum_tax=:tax, note_tax=:note WHERE id=:dividend_id",
         [(":dividend_id", dividend_id), (":tax", old_tax + amount),
          (":note", country_code + " tax")])
         g_tr('StatementLoader', "Withholding tax added: ") + f"{note}")
Example #13
 def deleteTrade(self, account_id, asset_id, timestamp, _settlement, number, qty, price, _fee):
     _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM trades "
                             "WHERE timestamp=:timestamp AND asset_id=:asset "
                             "AND account_id=:account AND number=:number AND qty=:qty AND price=:price",
                    [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":asset", asset_id), (":account", account_id),
                     (":number", number), (":qty", -qty), (":price", price)])
     logging.info(f"Trade #{number} cancelled for account {account_id} asset {asset_id} @{timestamp}: {qty}x{price}")
Example #14
 def processActionDetails(self):
     query = executeSQL(
         "SELECT sum as amount, category_id, tag_id FROM action_details AS d WHERE pid=:pid",
         [(":pid", self.current[OPERATION_ID])])
     while query.next():
         amount, self.current[PRICE_CATEGORY], self.current[
             FEE_TAX_TAG] = readSQLrecord(query)
         book = BookAccount.Costs if amount < 0 else BookAccount.Incomes
         self.appendTransaction(book, -amount)
Example #15
 def reconcileAtCurrentOperation(self):
     model = self.current_index.model()
     timestamp = model.data(model.index(self.current_index.row(), 2),
     account_id = model.data(model.index(self.current_index.row(), 3),
     _ = executeSQL(
         "UPDATE accounts SET reconciled_on=:timestamp WHERE id = :account_id",
         [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":account_id", account_id)])
Example #16
def addNewAsset(db, symbol, name, asset_type, isin, data_source=-1):
    _ = executeSQL(db, "INSERT INTO assets(name, type_id, full_name, isin, src_id) "
                       "VALUES(:symbol, :type, :full_name, :isin, :data_src)",
                   [(":symbol", symbol), (":type", asset_type), (":full_name", name),
                    (":isin", isin), (":data_src", data_source)])
    asset_id = readSQL(db, "SELECT id FROM assets WHERE name=:symbol", [(":symbol", symbol)])
    if asset_id is not None:
        logging.info(g_tr('', "New asset with id ") + f"{asset_id}" + g_tr('', " was added: ") + f"{symbol} - '{name}'")
        logging.error(g_tr('', "Failed to add new asset: "), + f"{symbol}")
    return asset_id
Example #17
 def refresh_session(self):
     session_id = self.get_ru_tax_session()
     client_secret = readSQL(
         "SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='RuTaxClientSecret'")
     refresh_token = readSQL(
         "SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='RuTaxRefreshToken'")
     s = requests.Session()
     s.headers['ClientVersion'] = '2.9.0'
     s.headers['Device-Id'] = str(uuid.uuid1())
     s.headers['Device-OS'] = 'Android'
     s.headers['sessionId'] = session_id
     s.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
     s.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
     s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'okhttp/4.2.2'
     payload = '{' + f'"client_secret":"{client_secret}","refresh_token":"{refresh_token}"' + '}'
     response = s.post(
     if response.status_code == 200:
             g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "Session refreshed: ") +
         json_content = json.loads(response.text)
         new_session_id = json_content['sessionId']
         new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token']
         _ = executeSQL(
             "UPDATE settings SET value=:new_session WHERE name='RuTaxSessionId'",
             [(":new_session", new_session_id)])
         _ = executeSQL(
             "UPDATE settings SET value=:new_refresh_token WHERE name='RuTaxRefreshToken'",
             [(":new_refresh_token", new_refresh_token)])
             g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "Can't refresh session, response: ") +
Example #18
 def createDividend(self, timestamp, account_id, asset_id, amount, note):
     id = readSQL(self.db, "SELECT id FROM dividends WHERE timestamp=:timestamp "
                           "AND account_id=:account_id AND asset_id=:asset_id AND note=:note",
                  [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":account_id", account_id), (":asset_id", asset_id), (":note", note)])
     if id:
         logging.warning(g_tr('StatementLoader', "Dividend already exists: ") + f"{note}")
     _ = executeSQL(self.db, "INSERT INTO dividends (timestamp, account_id, asset_id, sum, note) "
                             "VALUES (:timestamp, :account_id, :asset_id, :sum, :note)",
                    [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":account_id", account_id), (":asset_id", asset_id),
                     (":sum", amount), (":note", note)])
     logging.info(g_tr('StatementLoader', "Dividend added: ") + f"{note}")
Example #19
    def login_fns(self):
        client_secret = readSQL(
            "SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='RuTaxClientSecret'")
        inn = self.InnEdit.text()
        password = self.PasswordEdit.text()

        s = requests.Session()
        s.headers['ClientVersion'] = '2.9.0'
        s.headers['Device-Id'] = str(uuid.uuid1())
        s.headers['Device-OS'] = 'Android'
        s.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
        s.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
        s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'okhttp/4.2.2'
        payload = '{' + f'"client_secret":"{client_secret}","inn":"{inn}","password":"******"' + '}'
        response = s.post(
        if response.status_code != 200:
                g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "FNS login failed: ") +
            g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "FNS login successful: ") + f"{response.text}")
        json_content = json.loads(response.text)
        new_session_id = json_content['sessionId']
        new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token']
        _ = executeSQL(
            "UPDATE settings SET value=:new_session WHERE name='RuTaxSessionId'",
            [(":new_session", new_session_id)])
        _ = executeSQL(
            "UPDATE settings SET value=:new_refresh_token WHERE name='RuTaxRefreshToken'",
            [(":new_refresh_token", new_refresh_token)])
Example #20
 def prepareCategoryReport(self, begin, end, category_id, group_dates):
     if category_id == 0:
                 "You should select category to create By Category report"))
         return False
     self.query = executeSQL(
         "SELECT a.timestamp, ac.name AS account, p.name, d.sum, d.note "
         "FROM actions AS a "
         "LEFT JOIN action_details AS d ON d.pid=a.id "
         "LEFT JOIN agents AS p ON p.id=a.peer_id "
         "LEFT JOIN accounts AS ac ON ac.id=a.account_id "
         "WHERE a.timestamp>=:begin AND a.timestamp<=:end "
         "AND d.category_id=:category_id", [(":category_id", category_id),
                                            (":begin", begin),
                                            (":end", end)],
     return True
Example #21
    def createTrade(self, account_id, asset_id, timestamp, settlement, number, qty, price, fee, coupon=0.0):
        trade_id = readSQL(self.db,
                           "SELECT id FROM trades "
                           "WHERE timestamp=:timestamp AND asset_id = :asset "
                           "AND account_id = :account AND number = :number AND qty = :qty AND price = :price",
                           [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":asset", asset_id), (":account", account_id),
                            (":number", number), (":qty", qty), (":price", price)])
        if trade_id:
            logging.info(g_tr('StatementLoader', "Trade #") + f"{number}" +
                         g_tr('StatementLoader', " already exists in ledger. Skipped"))

        _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                       "INSERT INTO trades (timestamp, settlement, corp_action_id, number, account_id, "
                       "asset_id, qty, price, fee, coupon) "
                       "VALUES (:timestamp, :settlement, 0, :number, :account, "
                       ":asset, :qty, :price, :fee, :coupon)",
                       [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":settlement", settlement), (":number", number),
                        (":account", account_id), (":asset", asset_id), (":qty", float(qty)),
                        (":price", float(price)), (":fee", -float(fee)), (":coupon", float(coupon))])
        logging.info(f"Trade #{number} added for account {account_id} asset {asset_id} @{timestamp}: {qty}x{price}")
Example #22
def calculateBalances(db, timestamp, currency, active_accounts_only):
    _ = executeSQL(db, "DELETE FROM t_last_quotes")
    _ = executeSQL(db, "DELETE FROM t_last_dates")
    _ = executeSQL(db, "DELETE FROM balances_aux")
    _ = executeSQL(db, "DELETE FROM balances")
    _ = executeSQL(
        db, "INSERT INTO t_last_quotes(timestamp, asset_id, quote) "
        "SELECT MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp, asset_id, quote "
        "FROM quotes "
        "WHERE timestamp <= :balances_timestamp "
        "GROUP BY asset_id", [(":balances_timestamp", timestamp)])
    _ = executeSQL(
        db, "INSERT INTO t_last_dates(ref_id, timestamp) "
        "SELECT account_id AS ref_id, MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp "
        "FROM ledger "
        "WHERE timestamp <= :balances_timestamp "
        "GROUP BY ref_id", [(":balances_timestamp", timestamp)])
    _ = executeSQL(
        "INSERT INTO balances_aux(account_type, account, currency, balance, "
        "balance_adj, unreconciled_days, active) "
        "SELECT a.type_id AS account_type, l.account_id AS account, a.currency_id AS currency, "
        "SUM(CASE WHEN l.book_account = 4 THEN l.amount*act_q.quote ELSE l.amount END) AS balance, "
        "SUM(CASE WHEN l.book_account = 4 THEN l.amount*act_q.quote*cur_q.quote/cur_adj_q.quote "
        "ELSE l.amount*cur_q.quote/cur_adj_q.quote END) AS balance_adj, "
        "(d.timestamp - coalesce(a.reconciled_on, 0))/86400 AS unreconciled_days, "
        "a.active AS active "
        "FROM ledger AS l "
        "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = a.id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS act_q ON l.asset_id = act_q.asset_id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS cur_q ON a.currency_id = cur_q.asset_id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS cur_adj_q ON cur_adj_q.asset_id = :base_currency "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS d ON l.account_id = d.ref_id "
        "WHERE (book_account = :money_book OR book_account = :assets_book OR book_account = :liabilities_book) "
        "AND l.timestamp <= :balances_timestamp "
        "GROUP BY l.account_id "
        "HAVING ABS(balance)>0.0001",
        [(":base_currency", currency), (":money_book", BookAccount.Money),
         (":assets_book", BookAccount.Assets),
         (":liabilities_book", BookAccount.Liabilities),
         (":balances_timestamp", timestamp)])
    _ = executeSQL(
        "INSERT INTO balances(level1, level2, account_name, currency_name, "
        "balance, balance_adj, days_unreconciled, active) "
        "SELECT  level1, level2, account, currency, balance, balance_adj, unreconciled_days, active "
        "FROM ( "
        "SELECT 0 AS level1, 0 AS level2, account_type, a.name AS account, c.name AS currency, "
        "balance, balance_adj, unreconciled_days, b.active "
        "FROM balances_aux AS b LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON b.account = a.id "
        "LEFT JOIN assets AS c ON b.currency = c.id "
        "WHERE b.active >= :active_only "
        "UNION "
        "SELECT 0 AS level1, 1 AS level2, account_type, t.name AS account, c.name AS currency, "
        "0 AS balance, SUM(balance_adj) AS balance_adj, 0 AS unreconciled_days, 1 AS active "
        "FROM balances_aux AS b LEFT JOIN account_types AS t ON b.account_type = t.id "
        "LEFT JOIN assets AS c ON c.id = :base_currency "
        "WHERE active >= :active_only "
        "GROUP BY account_type "
        "UNION "
        "SELECT 1 AS level1, 0 AS level2, -1 AS account_type, 'Total' AS account, c.name AS currency, "
        "0 AS balance, SUM(balance_adj) AS balance_adj, 0 AS unreconciled_days, 1 AS active "
        "FROM balances_aux LEFT JOIN assets AS c ON c.id = :base_currency "
        "WHERE active >= :active_only "
        ") ORDER BY level1, account_type, level2",
        [(":base_currency", currency), (":active_only", active_accounts_only)])
Example #23
File: taxes.py Project: uMag/ledger
    def prepare_trades(self, sheet, account_id, begin, end, formats):
        self.add_report_header(sheet, formats, "Отчет по сделкам с ценными бумагами, завершённым в отчетном периоде")
        _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_last_dates")
        _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                       "INSERT INTO t_last_dates(ref_id, timestamp) "
                       "SELECT ref_id, MAX(q.timestamp) AS timestamp "
                       "FROM (SELECT o.timestamp AS ref_id "
                       "FROM deals AS d "
                       "LEFT JOIN sequence AS os ON os.id=d.open_sid "
                       "LEFT JOIN trades AS o ON os.operation_id=o.id "
                       "WHERE o.timestamp<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id "
                       "UNION "
                       "SELECT c.timestamp AS ref_id "
                       "FROM deals AS d "
                       "LEFT JOIN sequence AS cs ON cs.id=d.close_sid "
                       "LEFT JOIN trades AS c ON cs.operation_id=c.id "
                       "WHERE c.timestamp<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id "
                       "UNION "
                       "SELECT o.settlement AS ref_id "
                       "FROM deals AS d "
                       "LEFT JOIN sequence AS os ON os.id=d.open_sid "
                       "LEFT JOIN trades AS o ON os.operation_id=o.id "
                       "WHERE o.timestamp<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id "
                       "UNION "
                       "SELECT c.settlement AS ref_id "
                       "FROM deals AS d "
                       "LEFT JOIN sequence AS cs ON cs.id=d.close_sid "
                       "LEFT JOIN trades AS c ON cs.operation_id=c.id "
                       "WHERE c.timestamp<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id "
                       "ORDER BY ref_id) "
                       "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON a.id = :account_id "
                       "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ref_id >= q.timestamp AND a.currency_id=q.asset_id "
                       "GROUP BY ref_id",
                       [(":begin", begin), (":end", end), (":account_id", account_id)])

        header_row = {
            0: ("Ценная бумага", formats.ColumnHeader(), 8, 0, 0),
            1: ("Кол-во", formats.ColumnHeader(), 8, 0, 0),
            2: ("Тип сделки", formats.ColumnHeader(), 8, 0, 0),
            3: ("Дата сделки", formats.ColumnHeader(), 10, 0, 0),
            4: ("Курс USD/RUB на дату сделки", formats.ColumnHeader(), 9, 0, 0),
            5: ("Дата поставки", formats.ColumnHeader(), 10, 0, 0),
            6: ("Курс USD/RUB на дату поставки", formats.ColumnHeader(), 9, 0, 0),
            7: ("Цена, USD", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            8: ("Сумма сделки, USD", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            9: ("Сумма сделки, RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            10: ("Комиссия, USD", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            11: ("Комиссия, RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 9, 0, 0),
            12: ("Доход, RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            13: ("Расход, RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            14: ("Финансовый результат, RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0)
        xlsxWriteRow(sheet, 7, header_row, 60)
        for column in range(len(header_row)):  # Put column numbers for reference
            header_row[column] = (f"({column + 1})", formats.ColumnHeader())
        xlsxWriteRow(sheet, 8, header_row)

        # Take all actions without conversion
        query = executeSQL(self.db,
                           "SELECT s.name AS symbol, d.qty AS qty, "
                           "o.timestamp AS o_date, qo.quote AS o_rate, o.settlement AS os_date, "
                           "qos.quote AS os_rate, o.price AS o_price, o.fee AS o_fee, "
                           "c.timestamp AS c_date, qc.quote AS c_rate, c.settlement AS cs_date, "
                           "qcs.quote AS cs_rate, c.price AS c_price, c.fee AS c_fee, "
                           "coalesce(ao.type, ac.type, 0) AS corp_action_type "
                           "FROM deals AS d "
                           "LEFT JOIN sequence AS os ON os.id=d.open_sid "
                           "LEFT JOIN trades AS o ON os.operation_id=o.id "
                           "LEFT JOIN sequence AS cs ON cs.id=d.close_sid "
                           "LEFT JOIN trades AS c ON cs.operation_id=c.id "
                           "LEFT JOIN assets AS s ON o.asset_id=s.id "
                           "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON a.id = :account_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldo ON o.timestamp=ldo.ref_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qo ON ldo.timestamp=qo.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qo.asset_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldos ON o.settlement=ldos.ref_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qos ON ldos.timestamp=qos.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qos.asset_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldc ON c.timestamp=ldc.ref_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qc ON ldc.timestamp=qc.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qc.asset_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldcs ON c.settlement=ldcs.ref_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qcs ON ldcs.timestamp=qcs.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qcs.asset_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN corp_actions AS ao ON ao.id=o.corp_action_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN corp_actions AS ac ON ac.id=c.corp_action_id "
                           "WHERE c.timestamp>=:begin AND c.timestamp<:end "
                           "AND d.account_id=:account_id AND corp_action_type != 1 "
                           "ORDER BY o.timestamp, c.timestamp",
                           [(":begin", begin), (":end", end), (":account_id", account_id)])
        start_row = 9
        data_row = 0
        income_sum = 0.0
        spending_sum = 0.0
        profit_sum = 0.0
        while query.next():
            symbol, qty, o_date, o_fee_rate, os_date, o_rate, o_price, o_fee_usd, \
                c_date, c_fee_rate, cs_date, c_rate, c_price, c_fee_usd, corp_action_type = readSQLrecord(query)
            row = start_row + (data_row * 2)
            o_amount_usd = round(o_price * qty, 2)
            o_amount_rub = round(o_amount_usd * o_rate, 2)
            c_amount_usd = round(c_price * qty, 2)
            c_amount_rub = round(c_amount_usd * c_rate, 2)
            o_fee_rub = round(o_fee_usd * o_fee_rate, 2)
            c_fee_rub = round(c_fee_usd * c_fee_rate, 2)
            income = c_amount_rub
            spending = o_amount_rub + o_fee_rub + c_fee_rub
            xlsxWriteRow(sheet, row, {
                0: (symbol, formats.Text(data_row), 0, 0, 1),
                1: (float(qty), formats.Number(data_row, 0, True), 0, 0, 1),
                2: ("Покупка", formats.Text(data_row)),
                3: (datetime.fromtimestamp(o_date).strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), formats.Text(data_row)),
                4: (o_fee_rate, formats.Number(data_row, 4)),
                5: (datetime.fromtimestamp(os_date).strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), formats.Text(data_row)),
                6: (o_rate, formats.Number(data_row, 4)),
                7: (o_price, formats.Number(data_row, 6)),
                8: (o_amount_usd, formats.Number(data_row, 2)),
                9: (o_amount_rub, formats.Number(data_row, 2)),
                10: (o_fee_usd, formats.Number(data_row, 6)),
                11: (o_fee_rub, formats.Number(data_row, 2)),
                12: (income, formats.Number(data_row, 2), 0, 0, 1),
                13: (spending, formats.Number(data_row, 2), 0, 0, 1),
                14: (income - spending, formats.Number(data_row, 2), 0, 0, 1)
            xlsxWriteRow(sheet, row + 1, {
                2: ("Продажа", formats.Text(data_row)),
                3: (datetime.fromtimestamp(c_date).strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), formats.Text(data_row)),
                4: (c_fee_rate, formats.Number(data_row, 4)),
                5: (datetime.fromtimestamp(cs_date).strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), formats.Text(data_row)),
                6: (c_rate, formats.Number(data_row, 4)),
                7: (c_price, formats.Number(data_row, 6)),
                8: (c_amount_usd, formats.Number(data_row, 2)),
                9: (c_amount_rub, formats.Number(data_row, 2)),
                10: (c_fee_usd, formats.Number(data_row, 6)),
                11: (c_fee_rub, formats.Number(data_row, 2))
            income_sum += income
            spending_sum += spending
            profit_sum += income - spending
            data_row = data_row + 1
        row = start_row + (data_row * 2)
        xlsxWriteRow(sheet, row, {
            11: ("ИТОГО", formats.ColumnFooter()),
            12: (income_sum, formats.ColumnFooter()),
            13: (spending_sum, formats.ColumnFooter()),
            14: (profit_sum, formats.ColumnFooter())
Example #24
File: taxes.py Project: uMag/ledger
    def prepare_dividends(self, sheet, account_id, begin, end, formats):
        self.add_report_header(sheet, formats, "Отчет по дивидендам, полученным в отчетном периоде")
        _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_last_dates")
        _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                       "INSERT INTO t_last_dates(ref_id, timestamp) "
                       "SELECT d.id AS ref_id, MAX(q.timestamp) AS timestamp "
                       "FROM dividends AS d "
                       "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON d.account_id=a.id "
                       "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON d.timestamp >= q.timestamp AND a.currency_id=q.asset_id "
                       "WHERE d.timestamp>=:begin AND d.timestamp<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id "
                       "GROUP BY d.id", [(":begin", begin), (":end", end), (":account_id", account_id)])

        header_row = {
            0: ("Дата выплаты", formats.ColumnHeader(), 10, 0, 0),
            1: ("Ценная бумага", formats.ColumnHeader(), 8, 0, 0),
            2: ("Полное наименование", formats.ColumnHeader(), 50, 0, 0),
            3: ("Курс USD/RUB на дату выплаты", formats.ColumnHeader(), 16, 0, 0),
            4: ("Доход, USD", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            5: ("Доход, RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            6: ("Налог упл., USD", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            7: ("Налог упл., RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0),
            8: ("Налок к уплате, RUB", formats.ColumnHeader(), 12, 0, 0)
        xlsxWriteRow(sheet, 7, header_row, 30)
        for column in range(len(header_row)):  # Put column numbers for reference
            header_row[column] = (f"({column + 1})", formats.ColumnHeader())
        xlsxWriteRow(sheet, 8, header_row)

        query = executeSQL(self.db,
                           "SELECT d.timestamp AS payment_date, s.name AS symbol, s.full_name AS full_name, "
                           "d.sum AS amount, d.sum_tax AS tax_amount, q.quote AS rate_cbr "
                           "FROM dividends AS d "
                           "LEFT JOIN assets AS s ON s.id = d.asset_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON d.account_id = a.id "
                           "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ld ON d.id=ld.ref_id "
                           "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ld.timestamp=q.timestamp AND a.currency_id=q.asset_id "
                           "WHERE d.timestamp>=:begin AND d.timestamp<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id "
                           "ORDER BY d.timestamp",
                           [(":begin", begin), (":end", end), (":account_id", account_id)])
        row = 9
        amount_rub_sum = 0
        amount_usd_sum = 0
        tax_usd_sum = 0
        tax_us_rub_sum = 0
        tax_ru_rub_sum = 0
        while query.next():
            payment_date, symbol, full_name, amount_usd, tax_usd, rate = readSQLrecord(query)
            amount_rub = round(amount_usd * rate, 2)
            tax_us_rub = round(-tax_usd * rate, 2)
            tax_ru_rub = round(0.13 * amount_rub, 2)
            if tax_ru_rub > tax_us_rub:
                tax_ru_rub = tax_ru_rub - tax_us_rub
                tax_ru_rub = 0
            xlsxWriteRow(sheet, row, {
                0: (datetime.fromtimestamp(payment_date).strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), formats.Text(row)),
                1: (symbol, formats.Text(row)),
                2: (full_name, formats.Text(row)),
                3: (rate, formats.Number(row, 4)),
                4: (amount_usd, formats.Number(row, 2)),
                5: (amount_rub, formats.Number(row, 2)),
                6: (-tax_usd, formats.Number(row, 2)),
                7: (tax_us_rub, formats.Number(row, 2)),
                8: (tax_ru_rub, formats.Number(row, 2))
            amount_usd_sum += amount_usd
            amount_rub_sum += amount_rub
            tax_usd_sum += -tax_usd
            tax_us_rub_sum += tax_us_rub
            tax_ru_rub_sum += tax_ru_rub
            row += 1
        xlsxWriteRow(sheet, row, {
            3: ("ИТОГО", formats.ColumnFooter()),
            4: (amount_usd_sum, formats.ColumnFooter()),
            5: (amount_rub_sum, formats.ColumnFooter()),
            6: (tax_usd_sum, formats.ColumnFooter()),
            7: (tax_us_rub_sum, formats.ColumnFooter()),
            8: (tax_ru_rub_sum, formats.ColumnFooter())
Example #25
    def appendTransaction(self, book, amount, value=None):
        seq_id = self.current_seq
        timestamp = self.current[TIMESTAMP]
        if book == BookAccount.Assets:
            asset_id = self.current[ASSET_ID]
            asset_id = self.current[CURRENCY_ID]
        account_id = self.current[ACCOUNT_ID]
        if book == BookAccount.Costs or book == BookAccount.Incomes:
            peer_id = self.current[COUPON_PEER]
            category_id = self.current[PRICE_CATEGORY]
            tag_id = self.current[FEE_TAX_TAG]
        else:  # TODO - check None for empty values (to put NULL in DB)
            peer_id = None
            category_id = None
            tag_id = None
            old_sid, old_amount, old_value = readSQL(
                self.db, "SELECT sid, sum_amount, sum_value FROM ledger_sums "
                "WHERE book_account = :book AND asset_id = :asset_id "
                "AND account_id = :account_id AND sid <= :seq_id "
                "ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 1", [(":book", book),
                                              (":asset_id", asset_id),
                                              (":account_id", account_id),
                                              (":seq_id", seq_id)])
            old_sid = -1
            old_amount = 0.0
            old_value = 0.0
        new_amount = old_amount + amount
        if value is None:
            new_value = old_value
            new_value = old_value + value
        if (abs(new_amount - old_amount) +
                abs(new_value - old_value)) <= (2 * Setup.CALC_TOLERANCE):
            return  # we have zero amount - no reason to put it into ledger

        _ = executeSQL(
            "INSERT INTO ledger (timestamp, sid, book_account, asset_id, account_id, "
            "amount, value, peer_id, category_id, tag_id) "
            "VALUES(:timestamp, :sid, :book, :asset_id, :account_id, "
            ":amount, :value, :peer_id, :category_id, :tag_id)",
            [(":timestamp", timestamp), (":sid", seq_id), (":book", book),
             (":asset_id", asset_id), (":account_id", account_id),
             (":amount", amount), (":value", value), (":peer_id", peer_id),
             (":category_id", category_id), (":tag_id", tag_id)])
        if seq_id == old_sid:
            _ = executeSQL(
                "UPDATE ledger_sums SET sum_amount = :new_amount, sum_value = :new_value"
                " WHERE sid = :sid AND book_account = :book"
                " AND asset_id = :asset_id AND account_id = :account_id",
                [(":new_amount", new_amount), (":new_value", new_value),
                 (":sid", seq_id), (":book", book), (":asset_id", asset_id),
                 (":account_id", account_id)])
            _ = executeSQL(
                "INSERT INTO ledger_sums(sid, timestamp, book_account, "
                "asset_id, account_id, sum_amount, sum_value) "
                "VALUES(:sid, :timestamp, :book, :asset_id, "
                ":account_id, :new_amount, :new_value)",
                [(":sid", seq_id), (":timestamp", timestamp), (":book", book),
                 (":asset_id", asset_id), (":account_id", account_id),
                 (":new_amount", new_amount), (":new_value", new_value)])
Example #26
 def processSell(self):
     seq_id = self.current_seq
     account_id = self.current[ACCOUNT_ID]
     asset_id = self.current[ASSET_ID]
     qty = -self.current[AMOUNT_QTY]
     price = self.current[PRICE_CATEGORY]
     trade_value = round(
         price * qty,
         2) - self.current[FEE_TAX_TAG] + self.current[COUPON_PEER]
     buy_qty = 0
     buy_value = 0
     if self.getAmount(BookAccount.Assets, asset_id) > 0:
         query = executeSQL(
             "SELECT d.open_sid AS open, abs(o.qty) - SUM(d.qty) AS remainder FROM deals AS d "
             "LEFT JOIN sequence AS os ON os.type=3 AND os.id=d.open_sid "
             "JOIN trades AS o ON o.id = os.operation_id "
             "WHERE d.account_id=:account_id AND d.asset_id=:asset_id "
             "GROUP BY d.open_sid "
             "ORDER BY d.close_sid DESC, d.open_sid DESC LIMIT 1",
             [(":account_id", account_id), (":asset_id", asset_id)])
         if query.next(
         ):  # sid of Buy trade from last deal and non-matched reminder of last Sell trade
             last_sid, reminder = readSQLrecord(query)
             query = executeSQL(
                 self.db, "SELECT s.id, t.qty, t.price FROM trades AS t "
                 "LEFT JOIN sequence AS s ON s.type = 3 AND s.operation_id=t.id "
                 "WHERE t.qty > 0 AND t.asset_id = :asset_id AND t.account_id = :account_id "
                 "AND s.id < :sid AND s.id >= :last_sid",
                 [(":asset_id", asset_id), (":account_id", account_id),
                  (":sid", seq_id), (":last_sid", last_sid)])
         else:  # There were no deals -> Select all purchases
             reminder = 0
             query = executeSQL(
                 self.db, "SELECT s.id, t.qty, t.price FROM trades AS t "
                 "LEFT JOIN sequence AS s ON s.type = 3 AND s.operation_id=t.id "
                 "WHERE t.qty>0 AND t.asset_id=:asset_id AND t.account_id=:account_id AND s.id<:sid",
                 [(":asset_id", asset_id), (":account_id", account_id),
                  (":sid", seq_id)])
         while query.next():
             deal_sid, deal_qty, deal_price = readSQLrecord(query)
             if reminder > 0:
                 next_deal_qty = reminder
                 reminder = 0
                 next_deal_qty = deal_qty
             if (
                     buy_qty + next_deal_qty
             ) >= qty:  # we are selling less or the same amount as was bought previously
                 next_deal_qty = qty - buy_qty
             _ = executeSQL(
                 "INSERT INTO deals(account_id, asset_id, open_sid, close_sid, qty) "
                 "VALUES(:account_id, :asset_id, :open_sid, :close_sid, :qty)",
                 [(":account_id", account_id), (":asset_id", asset_id),
                  (":open_sid", deal_sid), (":close_sid", seq_id),
                  (":qty", next_deal_qty)])
             buy_qty = buy_qty + next_deal_qty
             buy_value = buy_value + (next_deal_qty * deal_price)
             if buy_qty == qty:
     credit_returned = self.returnCredit(trade_value)
     if credit_returned < trade_value:
                                (trade_value - credit_returned))
     if buy_qty > 0:  # Add result of closed deals
         self.appendTransaction(BookAccount.Assets, -buy_qty, -buy_value)
         self.current[PRICE_CATEGORY] = PredefinedCategory.Profit
                                (buy_value - (price * buy_qty)))
     if buy_qty < qty:  # Add new short position
         self.appendTransaction(BookAccount.Assets, (buy_qty - qty),
                                (buy_qty - qty) * price)
     if self.current[COUPON_PEER]:
         self.current[PRICE_CATEGORY] = PredefinedCategory.Dividends
     if self.current[FEE_TAX_TAG]:
         self.current[PRICE_CATEGORY] = PredefinedCategory.Fees
Example #27
    def rebuild(self, from_timestamp=-1, fast_and_dirty=False, silent=True):
        operationProcess = {
            TransactionType.Action: self.processAction,
            TransactionType.Dividend: self.processDividend,
            TransactionType.Trade: self.processTrade,
            TransactionType.Transfer: self.processTransfer,

        if from_timestamp >= 0:
            frontier = from_timestamp
            silent = False
            frontier = self.getCurrentFrontier()
            operations_count = readSQL(
                "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM all_transactions WHERE timestamp >= :frontier",
                [(":frontier", frontier)])
            if operations_count > self.SILENT_REBUILD_THRESHOLD:
                silent = False
                if QMessageBox().warning(
                        None, g_tr('Ledger', "Confirmation"),
                        f"{operations_count}" + g_tr(
                            " operations require rebuild. Do you want to do it right now?"
                        ), QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No:
        if not silent:
                g_tr('Ledger', "Re-build ledger from: ") +
                f"{datetime.fromtimestamp(frontier).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')}"
        start_time = datetime.now()
        _ = executeSQL(
            self.db, "DELETE FROM deals WHERE close_sid >= "
            "(SELECT coalesce(MIN(id), 0) FROM sequence WHERE timestamp >= :frontier)",
            [(":frontier", frontier)])
        _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                       "DELETE FROM ledger WHERE timestamp >= :frontier",
                       [(":frontier", frontier)])
        _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                       "DELETE FROM sequence WHERE timestamp >= :frontier",
                       [(":frontier", frontier)])
        _ = executeSQL(self.db,
                       "DELETE FROM ledger_sums WHERE timestamp >= :frontier",
                       [(":frontier", frontier)])

        if fast_and_dirty:  # For 30k operations difference of execution time is - with 0:02:41 / without 0:11:44
            _ = executeSQL(self.db, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF")
        query = executeSQL(
            "SELECT type, id, timestamp, subtype, account, currency, asset, amount, "
            "price_category, coupon_peer, fee_tax_tag FROM all_transactions "
            "WHERE timestamp >= :frontier", [(":frontier", frontier)])
        while query.next():
            self.current = readSQLrecord(query)
            seq_query = executeSQL(
                self.db, "INSERT INTO sequence(timestamp, type, operation_id) "
                "VALUES(:timestamp, :type, :operation_id)",
                [(":timestamp", self.current[TIMESTAMP]),
                 (":type", self.current[TRANSACTION_TYPE]),
                 (":operation_id", self.current[OPERATION_ID])])
            self.current_seq = seq_query.lastInsertId()
            if not silent and (query.at() % 1000) == 0:
                    g_tr('Ledger', "Processed ") + f"{int(query.at()/1000)}" +
                    g_tr('Ledger', "k records, current frontier: ") +
                    f"{datetime.fromtimestamp(self.current[TIMESTAMP]).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')}"
        if fast_and_dirty:
            _ = executeSQL(self.db, "PRAGMA synchronous = ON")

        end_time = datetime.now()
        if not silent:
                g_tr('Ledger', "Ledger is complete. Elapsed time: ") +
                f"{end_time - start_time}" +
                g_tr('Ledger', ", new frontier: ") +
                f"{datetime.fromtimestamp(self.current[TIMESTAMP]).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')}"
Example #28
 def prepareIncomeSpendingReport(self, begin, end, account_id, group_dates):
     _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_months")
     _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_pivot")
     _ = executeSQL(
         self.db, "INSERT INTO t_months (month, asset_id, last_timestamp) "
         "SELECT strftime('%s', datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month') ) "
         "AS month, asset_id, MAX(timestamp) AS last_timestamp "
         "FROM quotes AS q "
         "LEFT JOIN assets AS a ON q.asset_id=a.id "
         "WHERE a.type_id=:asset_money "
         "GROUP BY month, asset_id",
         [(":asset_money", PredefinedAsset.Money)])
     _ = executeSQL(
         self.db, "INSERT INTO t_pivot (row_key, col_key, value) "
         "SELECT strftime('%s', datetime(t.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month') ) AS row_key, "
         "t.category_id AS col_key, sum(-t.amount * coalesce(q.quote, 1)) AS value "
         "FROM ledger AS t "
         "LEFT JOIN t_months AS d ON row_key = d.month AND t.asset_id = d.asset_id "
         "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON d.last_timestamp = q.timestamp AND t.asset_id = q.asset_id "
         "WHERE (t.book_account=:book_costs OR t.book_account=:book_incomes) "
         "AND t.timestamp>=:begin AND t.timestamp<=:end "
         "GROUP BY row_key, col_key",
         [(":book_costs", BookAccount.Costs),
          (":book_incomes", BookAccount.Incomes), (":begin", begin),
          (":end", end)])
     self.query = executeSQL(
         self.db, "SELECT c.id, c.level, c.path, "
         "strftime('%Y', datetime(p.row_key, 'unixepoch')) AS year, "
         "strftime('%m', datetime(p.row_key, 'unixepoch')) AS month, p.value "
         "FROM categories_tree AS c "
         "LEFT JOIN t_pivot AS p ON p.col_key=c.id "
         "ORDER BY c.path, year, month")
     table = []
     while self.query.next():
         id, level, category, year, month, value = readSQLrecord(self.query)
         turnover = value if value != '' else 0
             'category': category,
             'Y': year,
             'M': month,
             'turnover': turnover
     data = pd.DataFrame(table)
     data = pd.pivot_table(data,
                           columns=['Y', 'M'],
                           margins_name=g_tr('Reports', "TOTAL"))
     if data.columns[0][
             1] == '':  # if some categories have no data and we have null 1st column
         data = data.drop(columns=[data.columns[0]])
     # Calculate sub-totals from bottom to top
     totals = {}
     prev_level = 0
     for index, row in data[::-1].iterrows():
         if index == g_tr('Reports', "TOTAL"):
         level = index.count(TREE_LEVEL_SEPARATOR)
         if level > prev_level:
             totals[level] = row['turnover']
             prev_level = level
         elif level == prev_level:
                 totals[level] = totals[level] + row['turnover']
             except KeyError:
                 totals[level] = row['turnover']
         elif level < prev_level:
                 totals[level] = totals[level] + totals[prev_level] + row[
             except KeyError:
                 totals[level] = totals[prev_level] + row['turnover']
             sub_total = totals.pop(prev_level, None)
             data.loc[index, :] = sub_total.values
             prev_level = level
     self.dataframe = data
     return True
Example #29
 def prepareProfitLossReport(self, begin, end, account_id, group_dates):
     if account_id == 0:
                  "You should select account to create Profit/Loss report"))
         return False
     _ = executeSQL(self.db, "DELETE FROM t_months")
     _ = executeSQL(
         self.db, "INSERT INTO t_months(asset_id, month, last_timestamp) "
         "SELECT DISTINCT(l.asset_id) AS asset_id, m.m_start, MAX(q.timestamp) AS last_timestamp "
         "FROM ledger AS l "
         "LEFT JOIN "
         "(WITH RECURSIVE months(m_start) AS "
         "( "
         "  VALUES(CAST(strftime('%s', date(:begin, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS INTEGER)) "
         "  UNION ALL "
         "  SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(m_start, 'unixepoch', '+1 month')) AS INTEGER) "
         "  FROM months "
         "  WHERE m_start < :end "
         ") "
         "SELECT m_start FROM months) AS m "
         "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON q.timestamp<=m.m_start AND q.asset_id=l.asset_id "
         "WHERE l.timestamp>=:begin AND l.timestamp<=:end AND l.account_id=:account_id "
         "GROUP BY m.m_start, l.asset_id "
         "ORDER BY m.m_start, l.asset_id", [(":account_id", account_id),
                                            (":begin", begin),
                                            (":end", end)])
     self.query = executeSQL(
         "SELECT DISTINCT(m.month) AS period, coalesce(t.transfer, 0) AS transfer, coalesce(a.assets, 0) AS assets, "
         "coalesce(p.result, 0) AS result, coalesce(o.profit, 0) AS profit, coalesce(d.dividend, 0) AS dividend, "
         "coalesce(f.tax_fee, 0) AS tax_fee "
         "FROM t_months AS m "
         "LEFT JOIN ( "
         "  SELECT mt.month, SUM(-l.amount) AS transfer "
         "  FROM t_months AS mt "
         "  LEFT JOIN ledger AS l ON mt.month = "
         "  CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS INTEGER) "
         "  AND mt.asset_id=l.asset_id "
         "  WHERE l.book_account=:book_transfers AND l.account_id=:account_id GROUP BY mt.month "
         ") AS t ON t.month = m.month "
         "LEFT JOIN ( "
         "  SELECT ma.month, SUM(l.amount*q.quote) AS assets "
         "  FROM t_months AS ma "
         "  LEFT JOIN ledger AS l ON l.timestamp<=ma.month AND l.asset_id=ma.asset_id "
         "  LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ma.last_timestamp=q.timestamp AND ma.asset_id=q.asset_id "
         "  WHERE l.account_id = 76 AND (l.book_account=:book_money OR l.book_account=:book_assets) "
         "  GROUP BY ma.month "
         ") AS a ON a.month = m.month "
         "LEFT JOIN ( "
         "  SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS INTEGER) AS month,"
         "  SUM(-l.amount) as result"
         "  FROM ledger AS l  "
         "  WHERE (l.book_account=:book_costs OR l.book_account=:book_incomes) AND l.account_id=:account_id "
         "  GROUP BY month "
         ") AS p ON p.month = m.month "
         "LEFT JOIN ( "
         "  SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) "
         "  AS INTEGER) AS month, SUM(-l.amount) as profit "
         "  FROM ledger AS l "
         "  WHERE (l.book_account=:book_costs OR l.book_account=:book_incomes) "
         "  AND category_id=9 AND l.account_id=:account_id "
         "  GROUP BY month "
         ") AS o ON o.month = m.month "
         "LEFT JOIN ( "
         "  SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS INTEGER) "
         "  AS month, SUM(-l.amount) as dividend "
         "  FROM ledger AS l "
         "  WHERE (l.book_account=:book_costs OR l.book_account=:book_incomes) "
         "  AND (l.category_id=7 OR l.category_id=8) AND l.account_id=:account_id "
         "  GROUP BY month "
         ") AS d ON d.month = m.month "
         "LEFT JOIN ( "
         "  SELECT CAST(strftime('%s', date(l.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) "
         "  AS INTEGER) AS month, SUM(-l.amount) as tax_fee "
         "  FROM ledger AS l "
         "  WHERE l.book_account=:book_costs AND l.category_id<>7 AND l.category_id<>8 AND l.account_id=:account_id "
         "  GROUP BY month "
         ") AS f ON f.month = m.month",
         [(":account_id", account_id), (":book_costs", BookAccount.Costs),
          (":book_incomes", BookAccount.Incomes),
          (":book_money", BookAccount.Money),
          (":book_assets", BookAccount.Assets),
          (":book_transfers", BookAccount.Transfers)],
     return True
Example #30
def calculateHoldings(db, timestamp, currency):
    _ = executeSQL(db, "DELETE FROM t_last_quotes")
    _ = executeSQL(db, "DELETE FROM t_last_assets")
    _ = executeSQL(db, "DELETE FROM holdings_aux")
    _ = executeSQL(db, "DELETE FROM holdings")
    _ = executeSQL(
        db, "INSERT INTO t_last_quotes(timestamp, asset_id, quote) "
        "SELECT MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp, asset_id, quote "
        "FROM quotes "
        "WHERE timestamp <= :balances_timestamp "
        "GROUP BY asset_id", [(":balances_timestamp", timestamp)])
    # TODO Is account name really required in this temporary table?
    _ = executeSQL(
        db, "INSERT INTO t_last_assets (id, name, total_value) "
        "SELECT a.id, a.name, "
        "SUM(CASE WHEN a.currency_id = l.asset_id THEN l.amount "
        "ELSE (l.amount*q.quote) END) AS total_value "
        "FROM ledger AS l "
        "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = a.id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS q ON l.asset_id = q.asset_id "
        "WHERE (l.book_account = 3 OR l.book_account = 4 OR l.book_account = 5) "
        "AND a.type_id = 4 AND l.timestamp <= :holdings_timestamp "
        "GROUP BY a.id "
        "HAVING ABS(total_value) > :tolerance",
        [(":holdings_timestamp", timestamp),
         (":tolerance", Setup.DISP_TOLERANCE)])
    _ = executeSQL(
        "INSERT INTO holdings_aux (currency, account, asset, qty, value, quote, quote_adj, total, total_adj) "
        "SELECT a.currency_id, l.account_id, l.asset_id, sum(l.amount) AS qty, sum(l.value), "
        "q.quote, q.quote*cur_q.quote/cur_adj_q.quote, t.total_value, t.total_value*cur_q.quote/cur_adj_q.quote "
        "FROM ledger AS l "
        "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = a.id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS q ON l.asset_id = q.asset_id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS cur_q ON a.currency_id = cur_q.asset_id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS cur_adj_q ON cur_adj_q.asset_id = :recalc_currency "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_assets AS t ON l.account_id = t.id "
        "WHERE l.book_account = 4 AND l.timestamp <= :holdings_timestamp "
        "GROUP BY l.account_id, l.asset_id "
        "HAVING ABS(qty) > :tolerance", [(":recalc_currency", currency),
                                         (":holdings_timestamp", timestamp),
                                         (":tolerance", Setup.DISP_TOLERANCE)])
    _ = executeSQL(
        "INSERT INTO holdings_aux (currency, account, asset, qty, value, quote, quote_adj, total, total_adj) "
        "SELECT a.currency_id, l.account_id, l.asset_id, sum(l.amount) AS qty, sum(l.value), 1, "
        "cur_q.quote/cur_adj_q.quote, t.total_value, t.total_value*cur_q.quote/cur_adj_q.quote "
        "FROM ledger AS l "
        "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = a.id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS cur_q ON a.currency_id = cur_q.asset_id "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS cur_adj_q ON cur_adj_q.asset_id = :recalc_currency "
        "LEFT JOIN t_last_assets AS t ON l.account_id = t.id "
        "WHERE (l.book_account = 3 OR l.book_account = 5) AND a.type_id = 4 AND l.timestamp <= :holdings_timestamp "
        "GROUP BY l.account_id, l.asset_id "
        "HAVING ABS(qty) > :tolerance", [(":recalc_currency", currency),
                                         (":holdings_timestamp", timestamp),
                                         (":tolerance", Setup.DISP_TOLERANCE)])
    _ = executeSQL(
        "INSERT INTO holdings (level1, level2, currency, account, asset, asset_name, "
        "qty, open, quote, share, profit_rel, profit, value, value_adj) "
        "SELECT * FROM ( "
        "SELECT 0 AS level1, 0 AS level2, c.name AS currency, a.name AS account, "
        "s.name AS asset, s.full_name AS asset_name, "
        "h.qty, h.value/h.qty AS open, h.quote, 100*h.quote*h.qty/h.total AS share, "
        "100*(h.quote*h.qty/h.value-1) AS profit_rel, h.quote*h.qty-h.value AS profit, "
        "h.qty*h.quote AS value, h.qty*h.quote_adj AS value_adj "
        "FROM holdings_aux AS h "
        "LEFT JOIN assets AS c ON h.currency = c.id "
        "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON h.account = a.id "
        "LEFT JOIN assets AS s ON h.asset = s.id "
        "UNION "
        "SELECT 0 AS level1, 1 AS level2, c.name AS currency, "
        "a.name AS account, '' AS asset, '' AS asset_name, "
        "NULL AS qty, NULL AS open, NULL as quote, NULL AS share, "
        "100*SUM(h.quote*h.qty-h.value)/(SUM(h.qty*h.quote)-SUM(h.quote*h.qty-h.value)) AS profit_rel, "
        "SUM(h.quote*h.qty-h.value) AS profit, SUM(h.qty*h.quote) AS value, "
        "SUM(h.qty*h.quote_adj) AS value_adj "
        "FROM holdings_aux AS h "
        "LEFT JOIN assets AS c ON h.currency = c.id "
        "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON h.account = a.id "
        "GROUP BY currency, account "
        "UNION "
        "SELECT 1 AS level1, 1 AS level2, c.name AS currency, c.name AS account, '' AS asset, "
        "c.full_name AS asset_name, NULL AS qty, NULL AS open, NULL as quote, NULL AS share, "
        "100*SUM(h.quote*h.qty-h.value)/(SUM(h.qty*h.quote)-SUM(h.quote*h.qty-h.value)) AS profit_rel, "
        "SUM(h.quote*h.qty-h.value) AS profit, SUM(h.qty*h.quote) AS value, "
        "SUM(h.qty*h.quote_adj) AS value_adj "
        "FROM holdings_aux AS h "
        "LEFT JOIN assets AS c ON h.currency = c.id "
        "GROUP BY currency "
        ") ORDER BY currency, level1 DESC, account, level2 DESC")