Example #1
def launch(method, neighbor_by_class: int = 3, store: bool = False):
    """Launch a classification algorithm. Train on a first dataset, and validate it with a second (and print result)

        method (object): Class object that have a make_samples function
        neighbor_by_class (int, optional): Nb nearsest neighbors by class. Defaults to 3.
        store (bool, optional): True if you want to store the alg result in a folder. Default to False.
    db_train = Database(DB_TRAIN)
    db_validation = Database(DB_VALIDATION)

    train_samples = method.make_samples(db_train)
    validation_samples = method.make_samples(db_validation)

    if store:
        # Delete previous result
        for classe in db_train.get_class():
            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(RESULT_RETRIEVAL, classe),

        # and re-create directory
        for classe in db_train.get_class():
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(RESULT_RETRIEVAL, classe))

    final = {cl: [0, 0] for cl in sorted(db_train.get_class())}

    for img in validation_samples:
        selected_class = knn(img,

        # Compare selected class with real class
        if img['cls'] == selected_class:
            final[img['cls']][0] += 1
        final[img['cls']][1] += 1

        # Store image class result if asked
        if store:
            # Copy image to result dir
            i = os.path.basename(img['img'])
                        os.path.join(RESULT_RETRIEVAL, selected_class, i))

    # Beautiful print
    print("\n========= Result =========")
    col_width = max(len(cl) for cl, v in final.items()) + 2
    for cl, v in final.items():
            f"{cl.ljust(col_width)}: {v[0]}/{v[1]}\t{round(v[0]*100/v[1], 2)} %"
Example #2
                samples.append({'img': d_img, 'cls': d_cls, 'hist': d_hist})
                         open(os.path.join(cache_dir, sample_cache), "wb"))

        return samples

if __name__ == "__main__":
    d = Daisy()

    # Create my samples
    db = Database("database\\train")
    print("Train databse created.")
    samples = d.make_samples(db, sample_name="train")
    print("Train samples created.")

    test = Database("database\dev")
    print("Test databse created.")
    sample_test = d.make_samples(test, sample_name="dev")
    print("Test samples created.")

    # Find class for each image of my test DB and verify the result
    nb_good_classification = 0
    for img_test in sample_test:
        _, resultes = infer(img_test, samples)
        real_cls = KNN(resultes, db.get_class())

        nb_good_classification += get_cls(img_test['cls']) == get_cls(real_cls)

    print("\n{}/{}".format(nb_good_classification, len(sample_test)))