Example #1
def LoginSequence(dynamic_socket, addr, dataRecv):
    global user_DHkey
    global user_networkinfo
    global serverprivkey

    print 'LoginSequence'

    # msg format greeting_msg = bytes(0x00)  + bytes(iv) + bytes(cipher_key_sym) + bytes(ciphertext)
    cipher_key_sym = None
    ciphertext = None
    iv = None
    moduli = None

    offset = InitOffset  # Initial offset
    msg_type = dataRecv[offset]  # byte 0 contains the msg_type
    offset += LengthType
    iv = dataRecv[offset:offset + 16]  # 16 bytes of IV
    offset += LengthIV
    cipher_key_sym = dataRecv[offset:offset +
                              256]  # 256 bytes of the symmetric key
    offset += LengthKey
    ciphertext = dataRecv[offset:len(dataRecv)]  # The encrypted text

    # Load Private key of the server
        with open('serverprivkey.pem', 'rb') as f:
            serverprivkey = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
                f.read(), password=None, backend=default_backend())
        print("The file specified does not exist")

    # Decrypt key_sym with reciever's private key
    key_sym = RSADecrypt(cipher_key_sym, serverprivkey)

    # Decrypt the ciphertext using the key_sym and iv
    plaintext = AESDecrypt(key_sym, iv, ciphertext)
    N1 = bytes(plaintext)[0:32]
    plaintext = str(bytes(plaintext[32:len(bytes(plaintext))]))

    # Get data from plaintext
    split_data = plaintext.split(',')
    username = split_data[0]

    # Check if the user already exists
        if user_networkinfo[username] != [] or user_DHkey[username] != None:
            print "User has already logged in!"
        print "User doesn't exist!"

    # DH public key - 2^a mod p and rsa public key of the client
    client_dh_pub_key = split_data[1]
    client_rsa_pub_key = split_data[2]
    client_rsa_auth_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(
        client_rsa_pub_key, backend=default_backend())

    u = DiffieHellman()
    b = str(u.privateKey)  # DH private key of the server
    dh_key_server = str(u.publicKey)  # DH public key of the server - 2^b mod p
    p = str(u.prime)  # p - prime number for DH
    moduli = user_moduli[username]  # 2^W mod p
    u.genHashSecretM(moduli, client_dh_pub_key)
    N2 = os.urandom(LengthN)
    msg = N1 + N2 + u.hashsecret + dh_key_server

    # Generate a aes key , iv and use it to encrypt the above msg
    aes_key = keygen()
    iv = os.urandom(LengthIV)
    ciphertext = AESEncrypt(msg, aes_key, iv)

    # Encrypt the symmetric key with client's rsa public key
    cipher_key_sym = RSAEncrypt(aes_key, client_rsa_auth_key)

    # Constant for GREETING is 0x00
    server_first_msg = bytes(0x00) + bytes(iv) + bytes(cipher_key_sym) + bytes(
    print 'Received Greeting from: ', username

    dynamic_socket.sendto(server_first_msg, (addr[0], int(addr[1])))

    (dataRecv, addr) = dynamic_socket.recvfrom(4096)
    print 'Verifying the hashes for ', username
    _N2 = dataRecv[0:LengthN]
    if _N2 != str(N2):
        print "Nonce N2 doesn't match"

    u.genHashSecretM1(moduli, client_dh_pub_key)
    hash_recv = dataRecv[LengthN:len(dataRecv)]
    if hash_recv == u.hashsecret1:
        print 'Hashes does not match'
    print 'Sending ACK to ', username

    sym_key_shared = aeskeygen(u.key)  # Generate AES key out of DH key
    iv = os.urandom(LengthIV)
    acknowledge = AESEncrypt('ACK', sym_key_shared,
                             iv)  # Encrypt the ACK with the symmetric key
    msg = bytes(iv) + bytes(acknowledge)
        msg, (addr[0], int(addr[1])))  # Send the ACK to the client

    print 'Waiting for Network Information of ', username
    (dataRecv, addr) = dynamic_socket.recvfrom(4096)
    offset = InitOffset
    new_iv = dataRecv[offset:offset + LengthIV]
    offset += LengthIV
    iv = dataRecv[offset:offset + LengthIV]
    offset += LengthIV
    cipher_key_new = dataRecv[offset:offset + LengthKey]
    offset += LengthKey
    nwciphertext = dataRecv[offset:len(dataRecv)]

    # Decrypt cipher_key_new with server's private key
    new_key_sym = RSADecrypt(cipher_key_new, serverprivkey)

    # Decrypt the nwciphertext using symmetric key decryption
    plaintext = AESDecrypt(new_key_sym, new_iv, nwciphertext)
    user = plaintext.split(',')[0]
    enc_nwinfo = plaintext[len(user) + 1:len(plaintext)]

    # Decrypt the nwinfo using DH key
    plaintext = AESDecrypt(sym_key_shared, iv, enc_nwinfo)
    ip_address = plaintext.split(',')[0]
    port_num = plaintext.split(',')[1]
    #print('Received common port and ip')

    # Register the client's network info along with the client rsa public key into user_networkinfo table

    # Register the DH shared key in the user_DHkey table
    user_DHkey[username] = sym_key_shared

Example #2
def LoginSequence(dynamic_socket, addr, dataRecv):
   global user_DHkey
   global user_networkinfo
   global serverprivkey

   print 'LoginSequence'
   # msg format greeting_msg = bytes(0x00)  + bytes(iv) + bytes(cipher_key_sym) + bytes(ciphertext)
   cipher_key_sym = None
   ciphertext = None
   iv = None
   moduli = None

   offset = InitOffset	                               # Initial offset
   msg_type = dataRecv[offset] 		               # byte 0 contains the msg_type
   offset += LengthType
   iv = dataRecv[offset:offset+16]		       # 16 bytes of IV
   offset += LengthIV
   cipher_key_sym = dataRecv[offset:offset+256]	       # 256 bytes of the symmetric key
   offset += LengthKey
   ciphertext = dataRecv[offset:len(dataRecv)]	       # The encrypted text

   # Load Private key of the server
       with open('serverprivkey.pem', 'rb') as f:
            serverprivkey = serialization.load_pem_private_key(f.read(), password=None, backend=default_backend())
       print("The file specified does not exist")

   # Decrypt key_sym with reciever's private key
   key_sym = RSADecrypt(cipher_key_sym, serverprivkey)

   # Decrypt the ciphertext using the key_sym and iv
   plaintext = AESDecrypt(key_sym, iv , ciphertext)
   N1 = bytes(plaintext)[0:32]
   plaintext = str(bytes(plaintext[32:len(bytes(plaintext))]))
   # Get data from plaintext
   split_data = plaintext.split(',')
   username = split_data[0]

   # Check if the user already exists
    if user_networkinfo[username] != [] or user_DHkey[username] != None:
      print "User has already logged in!"
    print "User doesn't exist!"

   # DH public key - 2^a mod p and rsa public key of the client
   client_dh_pub_key = split_data[1]
   client_rsa_pub_key = split_data[2]
   client_rsa_auth_key =  serialization.load_pem_public_key(client_rsa_pub_key, backend=default_backend())

   u = DiffieHellman()
   b = str(u.privateKey)                             # DH private key of the server
   dh_key_server = str(u.publicKey)                  # DH public key of the server - 2^b mod p
   p = str(u.prime)                                  # p - prime number for DH
   moduli = user_moduli[username]                    # 2^W mod p
   u.genHashSecretM(moduli ,client_dh_pub_key)
   N2 = os.urandom(LengthN)
   msg = N1 + N2 + u.hashsecret + dh_key_server

   # Generate a aes key , iv and use it to encrypt the above msg
   aes_key = keygen()
   iv = os.urandom(LengthIV)
   ciphertext = AESEncrypt(msg, aes_key, iv)

   # Encrypt the symmetric key with client's rsa public key
   cipher_key_sym = RSAEncrypt(aes_key, client_rsa_auth_key)

   # Constant for GREETING is 0x00
   server_first_msg = bytes(0x00)  + bytes(iv) + bytes(cipher_key_sym) + bytes(ciphertext)
   print 'Received Greeting from: ',username

   dynamic_socket.sendto(server_first_msg, (addr[0], int(addr[1])))

   (dataRecv, addr) = dynamic_socket.recvfrom(4096)
   print 'Verifying the hashes for ', username
   _N2 = dataRecv[0:LengthN]
   if _N2!=str(N2):
    print "Nonce N2 doesn't match"
   u.genHashSecretM1(moduli ,client_dh_pub_key)
   hash_recv = dataRecv[LengthN:len(dataRecv)]
   if hash_recv == u.hashsecret1:
      print 'Hashes does not match'
   print 'Sending ACK to ' , username

   sym_key_shared = aeskeygen(u.key)                              # Generate AES key out of DH key
   iv = os.urandom(LengthIV)
   acknowledge = AESEncrypt('ACK', sym_key_shared, iv)            # Encrypt the ACK with the symmetric key
   msg = bytes(iv) + bytes(acknowledge)
   dynamic_socket.sendto(msg, (addr[0], int(addr[1])))            # Send the ACK to the client

   print 'Waiting for Network Information of ',username
   (dataRecv, addr) = dynamic_socket.recvfrom(4096)
   offset = InitOffset
   new_iv = dataRecv[offset:offset+LengthIV]
   offset += LengthIV
   iv = dataRecv[offset:offset+LengthIV]
   offset += LengthIV
   cipher_key_new = dataRecv[offset:offset+LengthKey]
   offset += LengthKey
   nwciphertext = dataRecv[offset:len(dataRecv)]

   # Decrypt cipher_key_new with server's private key
   new_key_sym = RSADecrypt(cipher_key_new, serverprivkey)

   # Decrypt the nwciphertext using symmetric key decryption
   plaintext = AESDecrypt(new_key_sym, new_iv, nwciphertext)
   user = plaintext.split(',')[0]
   enc_nwinfo = plaintext[len(user)+1:len(plaintext)]

   # Decrypt the nwinfo using DH key
   plaintext = AESDecrypt(sym_key_shared, iv, enc_nwinfo)
   ip_address = plaintext.split(',')[0]
   port_num = plaintext.split(',')[1]
   #print('Received common port and ip')
   # Register the client's network info along with the client rsa public key into user_networkinfo table
   # Register the DH shared key in the user_DHkey table
   user_DHkey[username] = sym_key_shared
