Example #1
    def write(self, filename, data):
        Function: write to a pre-created dfs3 file.

            full path and filename to existing dfs3 file

            list of arrays. len(data) must equal the number of items in the dfs3.
            Each array must be of dimension t,z,y,x

        # Open the dfs file for writing
        dfs = DfsFileFactory.Dfs3FileOpenEdit(filename)

        # Determine the size of the grid
        number_y = dfs.SpatialAxis.YCount
        number_x = dfs.SpatialAxis.XCount
        number_z = dfs.SpatialAxis.ZCount
        n_time_steps = dfs.FileInfo.TimeAxis.NumberOfTimeSteps
        n_items = safe_length(dfs.ItemInfo)

        deletevalue = dfs.FileInfo.DeleteValueFloat

        if not all(np.shape(d)[0] == n_time_steps for d in data):
            raise Warning(
                "ERROR data matrices in the time dimension do not all match in the data list. "
                "Data is list of matices [time,y,x]")
        if not all(np.shape(d)[1] == number_z for d in data):
            raise Warning(
                "ERROR data matrices in the Y dimension do not all match in the data list. "
                "Data is list of matices [time,y,x]")
        if not all(np.shape(d)[2] == number_y for d in data):
            raise Warning(
                "ERROR data matrices in the Y dimension do not all match in the data list. "
                "Data is list of matices [time,y,x]")
        if not all(np.shape(d)[3] == number_x for d in data):
            raise Warning(
                "ERROR data matrices in the X dimension do not all match in the data list. "
                "Data is list of matices [time, y, x]")
        if not len(data) == n_items:
            raise Warning(
                "The number of matrices in data do not match the number of items in the dfs3 file."

        for i in range(n_time_steps):
            for item in range(n_items):
                d = data[item][i]
                d[np.isnan(d)] = deletevalue
                d = np.flipud(d)
                darray = to_dotnet_float_array(d.reshape(d.size, 1)[:, 0])

                dfs.WriteItemTimeStepNext(0, darray)

Example #2
    def write(self, dfs3file, data):
        Function: write to a pre-created dfs3 file. Only ONE item supported.

            The dfs3 file must be pre-created with corresponding y,x, z dimensions and number of time steps.

        The Data Matrix
            size ( y, x, z, nt)

            write( filename, data) where  data( y, x, z, nt)


        # Open the dfs file for writing
        dfs = DfsFileFactory.Dfs3FileOpenEdit(dfs3file)

        # Determine the size of the grid
        yNum = dfs.SpatialAxis.YCount
        xNum = dfs.SpatialAxis.XCount
        zNum = dfs.SpatialAxis.ZCount

        nt = dfs.FileInfo.TimeAxis.NumberOfTimeSteps
        deletevalue = dfs.FileInfo.DeleteValueFloat

        if data.shape[0] != yNum:
            sys.exit("ERROR Y dimension does not match")
        elif data.shape[1] != xNum:
            sys.exit("ERROR X dimension does not match")
        elif data.shape[2] != zNum:
            sys.exit("ERROR X dimension does not match")
        elif data.shape[3] != nt:
            sys.exit("ERROR Number of Time Steps dimension does not match")

        for it in range(nt):
            d = data[:, :, :, it]
            d[np.isnan(d)] = deletevalue
            d = d.swapaxes(1, 2).swapaxes(1, 0)
            d = d[:, ::-1, :]
            darray = Array[System.Single](np.asarray(d).reshape(-1))
            dfs.WriteItemTimeStepNext(0, darray)
