Example #1
  def initialize( self ):

    # TODO: Have no default and if no mail is found then use the diracAdmin group
    # and resolve all associated mail addresses.
    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', self.addressTo )
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption( 'MailFrom', self.addressFrom )
    # create a list of alternative bdii urls
    self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption( 'AlternativeBDIIs', [] )
    # check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
    for index, url in enumerate( self.alternativeBDIIs ):
      if not url.split( ':' )[-1].isdigit():
        self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
    if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
      self.log.info( "MailTo", self.addressTo )
      self.log.info( "MailFrom", self.addressFrom )
    if self.alternativeBDIIs :
      self.log.info( "AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs )
    self.subject = "CE2CSAgent"

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/SAMManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'SAMManager' )

    self.voName = self.am_getOption( 'VirtualOrganization', self.voName )
    if not self.voName:
      self.voName = getVO()

    if not self.voName:
      self.log.fatal( "VO option not defined for agent" )
      return S_ERROR()

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()
Example #2
def updateCS(changeSet):

    global vo, dry, ceBdiiDict

    changeList = sorted(changeSet)
    if dry:
        gLogger.notice("The following needed changes are detected:\n")
        gLogger.notice("We are about to make the following changes to CS:\n")
    for entry in changeList:
        gLogger.notice("%s/%s %s -> %s" % entry)

    if not dry:
        csAPI = CSAPI()
        result = csAPI.downloadCSData()
        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("Failed to initialize CSAPI object", result["Message"])
        for section, option, value, new_value in changeSet:
            if value == "Unknown" or not value:
                csAPI.setOption(cfgPath(section, option), new_value)
                csAPI.modifyValue(cfgPath(section, option), new_value)

        yn = six.moves.input("Do you want to commit changes to CS ? [default yes] [yes|no]: ")
        if yn == "" or yn.lower().startswith("y"):
            result = csAPI.commit()
            if not result["OK"]:
                gLogger.error("Error while commit to CS", result["Message"])
                gLogger.notice("Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len(changeSet))
class TestComponentInstallation( unittest.TestCase ):
  Contains methods for testing of separate elements

  def setUp( self ):
    self.host = 'localhost'
    self.notificationPort = 9154
    self.rootPwd = ''
    self.csClient = CSAPI()
    self.monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()
    self.client = SystemAdministratorClientCLI( self.host )

    result = self.csClient.getCurrentCFG()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      raise Exception( result[ 'Message' ] )
    cfg = result[ 'Value' ]

    setup = cfg.getOption( 'DIRAC/Setup', 'JenkinsSetup' )

    self.frameworkSetup = cfg.getOption( 'DIRAC/Setups/' + setup + '/Framework' )
    self.rootPwd = cfg.getOption( 'Systems/Databases/Password' )
    self.diracPwd = self.rootPwd

  def tearDown( self ):
Example #4
    def initialize(self):

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        # API initialization is required to get an up-to-date configuration from the CS
        self.csAPI = CSAPI()

        # temporary buffer for network accounting objects + some parameters
        self.buffer = {
        }  # { {addTime: datetime.now(), object: Network() }, ... }
        self.bufferTimeout = self.am_getOption("BufferTimeout",

        # internal list of message queue consumers
        self.consumers = []

        # host-to-dirac name dictionary
        self.nameDictionary = {}

        # statistics
        self.messagesCount = 0  # number of received messages
        self.messagesCountOld = 0  # previous number of received messages (used to check connection status)

        self.skippedMessagesCount = 0  # number of skipped messages (errors, unsupported metrics, etc.)
        self.PLRMetricCount = 0  # number of received packet-loss-rate metrics
        self.OWDMetricCount = 0  # number of received one-way-delay metrics
        self.skippedMetricCount = 0  # number of skipped metrics (errors, invalid data, etc.)
        self.insertedCount = 0  # number of properly inserted accounting objects
        self.removedCount = 0  # number of removed accounting objects (missing data)

        return S_OK()
def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
        "ShifterRole:  Name of the shifter role, e.g. DataManager")
        "UserName:     A user name, as registered in Registry section")
        "DIRACGroup:   DIRAC Group, e.g. diracAdmin (the user has to have this role)"

    csAPI = CSAPI()

    shifterRole, userName, diracGroup = Script.getPositionalArgs(group=True)
    res = csAPI.addShifter(
        {shifterRole: {
            "User": userName,
            "Group": diracGroup
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Could not add shifter", ": " + res["Message"])
    res = csAPI.commit()
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Could not add shifter", ": " + res["Message"])
    gLogger.notice("Added shifter %s as user %s with group %s" %
                   (shifterRole, userName, diracGroup))
Example #6
  def __setCSElementStatus(self, elementName, elementType, statusType, status):
    Sets on the CS the Elements status

    # DIRAC doesn't store the status of ComputingElements nor FTS in the CS, so here we can just do nothing
    if elementType in ('ComputingElement', 'FTS'):
      return S_OK()

    # If we are here it is because elementType is either 'StorageElement' or 'Catalog'
    statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType(elementType)
    if statusType not in statuses:
      gLogger.error("%s is not a valid statusType" % statusType)
      return S_ERROR("%s is not a valid statusType: %s" % (statusType, statuses))

    if elementType == 'StorageElement':
      cs_path = "/Resources/StorageElements"
    elif elementType == 'Catalog':
      cs_path = "/Resources/FileCatalogs"
      # FIXME: This a probably outdated location (new one is in /Operations/[]/Services/Catalogs)
      # but needs to be VO-aware
      statusType = 'Status'

    csAPI = CSAPI()
    csAPI.setOption("%s/%s/%s/%s" % (cs_path, elementName, elementType, statusType), status)

    res = csAPI.commitChanges()
    if not res['OK']:
      gLogger.warn('CS: %s' % res['Message'])

    return res
Example #7
    def initialize(self):
        """ Initialize the default parameters

        voNames = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
        if not voNames[0].lower() == "none":
            if voNames[0].lower() == "any":
                voNames = []
            result = getVOMSVOs(voNames)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            self.__voDict = result['Value']
            self.log.notice("VOs: %s" % self.__voDict.keys())

        self.csapi = CSAPI()

        self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)
        self.autoAddUsers = self.am_getOption('AutoAddUsers',
        self.autoModifyUsers = self.am_getOption('AutoModifyUsers',
        self.autoDeleteUsers = self.am_getOption('AutoDeleteUsers',
        self.detailedReport = self.am_getOption('DetailedReport',
        self.makeFCEntry = self.am_getOption('MakeHomeDirectory',

        return S_OK()
def updateCS( changeSet ):

  global vo, dry, ceBdiiDict

  changeList = list( changeSet )
  if dry:
    gLogger.notice( 'The following needed changes are detected:\n' )
    gLogger.notice( 'We are about to make the following changes to CS:\n' )
  for entry in changeList:
    gLogger.notice( "%s/%s %s -> %s" % entry )

  if not dry:
    csAPI = CSAPI()
    result = csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to initialize CSAPI object', result['Message'] )
      DIRACExit( -1 )
    for section, option, value, new_value in changeSet:
      if value == 'Unknown' or not value:
        csAPI.setOption( cfgPath( section, option ), new_value )
        csAPI.modifyValue( cfgPath( section, option ), new_value )

    yn = raw_input( 'Do you want to commit changes to CS ? [default yes] [yes|no]: ' )
    if yn == '' or yn.lower().startswith( 'y' ):
      result = csAPI.commit()
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "Error while commit to CS", result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( "Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len( changeSet ) )
Example #9
def main():
    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    csAPI = CSAPI()

    if len(args) < 3:

    shifterRole = args[0]
    userName = args[1]
    diracGroup = args[2]

    res = csAPI.addShifter(
        {shifterRole: {
            'User': userName,
            'Group': diracGroup
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Could not add shifter", ": " + res['Message'])
    res = csAPI.commit()
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Could not add shifter", ": " + res['Message'])
    gLogger.notice("Added shifter %s as user %s with group %s" %
                   (shifterRole, userName, diracGroup))
Example #10
    def __setCSElementStatus(self, elementName, elementType, statusType,
    Sets on the CS the Elements status

        # DIRAC doesn't store the status of ComputingElements nor FTS in the CS, so here we can just do nothing
        if elementType in ('ComputingElement', 'FTS'):
            return S_OK()

        # If we are here it is because elementType is either 'StorageElement' or 'Catalog'
        statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType(elementType)
        if statusType not in statuses:
            gLogger.error("%s is not a valid statusType" % statusType)
            return S_ERROR("%s is not a valid statusType: %s" %
                           (statusType, statuses))

        if elementType == 'StorageElement':
            cs_path = "/Resources/StorageElements"
        elif elementType == 'Catalog':
            cs_path = "/Resources/FileCatalogs"
            #FIXME: This a probably outdated location (new one is in /Operations/[]/Services/Catalogs)
            # but needs to be VO-aware
            statusType = 'Status'

        csAPI = CSAPI()
            "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (cs_path, elementName, elementType, statusType),

        res = csAPI.commitChanges()
        if not res['OK']:
            gLogger.warn('CS: %s' % res['Message'])

        return res
Example #11
    def initialize(self):
        """Run at the agent initialization (normally every 500 cycles)"""
        # client to connect to GOCDB
        self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()
        self.dryRun = self.am_getOption("DryRun", self.dryRun)

        # API needed to update configuration stored by CS
        self.csAPI = CSAPI()
        return self.csAPI.initialize()
def updateCS( changeSet ):
  global vo, dry, ceBdiiDict
  changeList = list( changeSet )
  if dry:
    gLogger.notice( 'The following needed changes are detected:\n' )
    gLogger.notice( 'We are about to make the following changes to CS:\n' )
  for entry in changeList:
    gLogger.notice( "%s/%s %s -> %s" % entry )

  if not dry:
    csAPI = CSAPI()
    result = csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to initialize CSAPI object', result['Message'] )
      DIRACExit( -1 )
    for section, option, value, new_value in changeSet:
      if value == 'Unknown' or not value:
        csAPI.setOption( cfgPath( section, option ), new_value )
        csAPI.modifyValue( cfgPath( section, option ), new_value )
    yn = raw_input( 'Do you want to commit changes to CS ? [default yes] [yes|no]: ' )
    if yn == '' or yn.lower().startswith( 'y' ):    
      result = csAPI.commit()
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "Error while commit to CS", result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( "Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len( changeSet ) )  
Example #13
 def __init__(self):
     self._num_changes = 0
     self._append_dict = ConfigDefaultDict(list)
     self._append_unique_dict = ConfigDefaultDict(set)
     result = self.initialize()
     if not result['OK']:
         gLogger.error('Failed to initialise CSAPI object:',
         raise RuntimeError(result['Message'])
Example #14
  def __init__(self, vo, autoModifyUsers=True, autoAddUsers=True, autoDeleteUsers=False):

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("VOMS2CSSynchronizer")
    self.csapi = CSAPI()
    self.vo = vo
    self.vomsVOName = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName", "")
    if not self.vomsVOName:
      raise Exception("VOMS name not defined for VO %s" % vo)
    self.adminMsgs = {'Errors': [], 'Info': []}
    self.vomsUserDict = {}
    self.autoModifyUsers = autoModifyUsers
    self.autoAddUsers = autoAddUsers
    self.autoDeleteUsers = autoDeleteUsers
Example #15
    def initialize(self):
        """ Gets run paramaters from the configuration

        self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', self.addressTo)
        self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', self.addressFrom)
        # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
        self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption('AlternativeBDIIs',
        self.host = self.am_getOption('Host', self.host)
        self.glue2URLs = self.am_getOption('GLUE2URLs', self.glue2URLs)
        self.glue2Only = self.am_getOption('GLUE2Only', self.glue2Only)

        # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
        for index, url in enumerate(self.alternativeBDIIs):
            if not url.split(':')[-1].isdigit():
                self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
            self.log.info("MailTo", self.addressTo)
            self.log.info("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
        if self.alternativeBDIIs:
            self.log.info("AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs)

        self.processCEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessCEs', self.processCEs)
        self.processSEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessSEs', self.processSEs)
        self.selectedSites = self.am_getOption('SelectedSites', [])
        self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)

        self.voName = self.am_getOption('VirtualOrganization', self.voName)
        if not self.voName:
            self.voName = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
        if not self.voName or (len(self.voName) == 1
                               and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all'):
            # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
            self.voName = []
            result = getVOs()
            if result['OK']:
                vos = result['Value']
                for vo in vos:
                    vomsVO = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName")
                    if vomsVO:

        if self.voName:
            self.log.info("Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName)
            self.log.fatal("VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent")
            return S_ERROR()

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()
        return self.csAPI.initialize()
Example #16
    def __init__(self):
        """Internal initialization of the DIRAC Admin API.
        super(DiracAdmin, self).__init__()

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()

        self.dbg = False
        if gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/LogLevel', 'DEBUG') == 'DEBUG':
            self.dbg = True

        self.scratchDir = gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/ScratchDir',
        self.currentDir = os.getcwd()
def updateFlag():
    # Here now setting the flag as the following inside /Operations/Defaults:
    # in Operations/Defaults/Services/JobMonitoring/useESForJobParametersFlag

    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI
    csAPI = CSAPI()

    res = csAPI.createSection('Operations/Defaults/Services/')
    if not res['OK']:

    res = csAPI.createSection('Operations/Defaults/Services/JobMonitoring/')
    if not res['OK']:


    # Now we need to restart the services for the new configuration to be picked up


    os.system("dirac-restart-component WorkloadManagement JobMonitoring")
    os.system("dirac-restart-component WorkloadManagement JobStateUpdate")

Example #18
    def __init__(self):
        from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI

        self.detmodels = {}
        self.lcgeo_env = "lcgeo_DIR"
        self.ddhep_env = "DD4HEP"
        self.softSec = "/Operations/Defaults/AvailableTarBalls"
        self.version = ''
        self.platform = 'x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt'
        self.comment = ""
        self.name = "ddsim"
        self.csapi = CSAPI()
        self.tarBallName = None
        self.md5sum = None
Example #19
def getMQParamsFromCS(mqURI):
    """Function gets parameters of a MQ destination (queue/topic) from the CS.

      mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing the MQ service. It has the following format:
                e.g. blabla.cern.ch::Queues::MyQueue1
      mType(str): 'consumer' or 'producer'
      S_OK(param_dicts) or S_ERROR
    # API initialization is required to get an up-to-date configuration from the CS
    csAPI = CSAPI()

        mqService, mqType, mqName = mqURI.split("::")
    except ValueError:
        return S_ERROR("Bad format of mqURI address:%s" % (mqURI))

    result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree("/Resources/MQServices", mqService,
                                          mqType, mqName)
    if not result["OK"] or not result["Value"]:
        return S_ERROR(
            "Requested destination not found in the CS: %s::%s::%s" %
            (mqService, mqType, mqName))
    mqDestinationPath = None
    for path, value in result["Value"].items():
        if not value and path.endswith(mqName):
            mqDestinationPath = path

    # set-up internal parameter depending on the destination type
    tmp = mqDestinationPath.split("Queues")[0].split("Topics")
    servicePath = tmp[0]
    serviceDict = {}
    if len(tmp) > 1:
        serviceDict["Topic"] = mqName
        serviceDict["Queue"] = mqName

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(servicePath)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result

    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(mqDestinationPath)
    if not result["OK"]:
        return result
    return S_OK(serviceDict)
 def __init__(self, cliParams):
     from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI
     self.modifiedCS = False
     self.softSec = "/Operations/Defaults/AvailableTarBalls"
     self.mailadress = '*****@*****.**'
     self.cliParams = cliParams
     self.parameter = dict(softSec=self.softSec,
     self.applications = cliParams.applicationSet
     self.detmodels = {}
     self.csAPI = CSAPI()
Example #21
    def initialize(self):
        """Gets run paramaters from the configuration"""

        self.addressTo = self.am_getOption("MailTo", self.addressTo)
        self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
        # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
        self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption("AlternativeBDIIs",
        self.host = self.am_getOption("Host", self.host)
        self.injectSingleCoreQueues = self.am_getOption(
            "InjectSingleCoreQueues", self.injectSingleCoreQueues)

        # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
        for index, url in enumerate(self.alternativeBDIIs):
            if not url.split(":")[-1].isdigit():
                self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ":2170"
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
            self.log.info("MailTo", self.addressTo)
            self.log.info("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
        if self.alternativeBDIIs:
            self.log.info("AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs)

        self.processCEs = self.am_getOption("ProcessCEs", self.processCEs)
        self.selectedSites = self.am_getOption("SelectedSites", [])
        self.dryRun = self.am_getOption("DryRun", self.dryRun)

        self.voName = self.am_getOption("VirtualOrganization", self.voName)
        if not self.voName:
            self.voName = self.am_getOption("VO", [])
        if not self.voName or (len(self.voName) == 1
                               and self.voName[0].lower() == "all"):
            # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
            self.voName = []
            result = getVOs()
            if result["OK"]:
                vos = result["Value"]
                for vo in vos:
                    vomsVO = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName")
                    if vomsVO:

        if self.voName:
            self.log.info("Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName)
            self.log.fatal("VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent")
            return S_ERROR()

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()
        return self.csAPI.initialize()
Example #22
    def __init__(self):
        """Internal initialization of the DIRAC Admin API."""
        super(DiracAdmin, self).__init__()

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()

        self.dbg = False
        if gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/LogLevel", "DEBUG") == "DEBUG":
            self.dbg = True

        self.scratchDir = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/ScratchDir",
        self.currentDir = os.getcwd()
        self.rssFlag = ResourceStatus().rssFlag
        self.sitestatus = SiteStatus()
Example #23
  def initialize( self ):

    # TODO: Have no default and if no mail is found then use the diracAdmin group
    # and resolve all associated mail addresses.
    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', self.addressTo )
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption( 'MailFrom', self.addressFrom )
    # create a list of alternative bdii urls
    self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption( 'AlternativeBDIIs', [] )
    # check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
    for index, url in enumerate( self.alternativeBDIIs ):
      if not url.split( ':' )[-1].isdigit():
        self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
    if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
      self.log.info( "MailTo", self.addressTo )
      self.log.info( "MailFrom", self.addressFrom )
    if self.alternativeBDIIs :
      self.log.info( "AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs )
    self.subject = "CE2CSAgent"

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/TestManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'TestManager' )

    self.voName = self.am_getOption( 'VirtualOrganization', self.voName )
    if not self.voName:
      self.voName = getVO()

    if not self.voName:
      self.log.fatal( "VO option not defined for agent" )
      return S_ERROR()

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()
Example #24
  def beginExecution(self):
    """Reload the configurations before every cycle."""
    self.setup = self.am_getOption("Setup", self.setup)
    self.enabled = self.am_getOption("EnableFlag", self.enabled)
    self.restartAgents = self.am_getOption("RestartAgents", self.restartAgents)
    self.restartExecutors = self.am_getOption("RestartExecutors", self.restartExecutors)
    self.restartServices = self.am_getOption("RestartServices", self.restartServices)
    self.diracLocation = os.environ.get("DIRAC", self.diracLocation)
    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', self.addressTo)
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', self.addressFrom)
    self.controlComponents = self.am_getOption('ControlComponents', self.controlComponents)
    self.commitURLs = self.am_getOption('CommitURLs', self.commitURLs)

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()

    res = self.getRunningInstances(instanceType='Agents')
    if not res["OK"]:
      return S_ERROR("Failure to get running agents")
    self.agents = res["Value"]

    res = self.getRunningInstances(instanceType='Executors')
    if not res["OK"]:
      return S_ERROR("Failure to get running executors")
    self.executors = res["Value"]

    res = self.getRunningInstances(instanceType='Services')
    if not res["OK"]:
      return S_ERROR("Failure to get running services")
    self.services = res["Value"]

    return S_OK()
Example #25
  def initialize( self ):
    """ Standard constructor

      self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()
      self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

      self.StorageElementToBeChecked = Queue.Queue()
      self.StorageElementInCheck     = []

      self.maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption( 'maxThreadsInPool', 1 )
      self.threadPool         = ThreadPool( self.maxNumberOfThreads,
                                            self.maxNumberOfThreads )

      if not self.threadPool:
        self.log.error( 'Can not create Thread Pool' )
        return S_ERROR( 'Can not create Thread Pool' )

      self.setup                = getSetup()[ 'Value' ]
      self.VOExtension          = getExt()
      self.StorageElsWriteFreqs = CheckingFreqs[ 'StorageElsWriteFreqs' ]
      self.nc                   = NotificationClient()
      self.diracAdmin           = DiracAdmin()
      self.csAPI                = CSAPI()

      for _i in xrange( self.maxNumberOfThreads ):
        self.threadPool.generateJobAndQueueIt( self._executeCheck, args = ( None, ) )

      return S_OK()

    except Exception:
      errorStr = "StElWriteInspectorAgent initialization"
      gLogger.exception( errorStr )
      return S_ERROR( errorStr )
  def insertCSSection( self, path, pardict ):
    """ insert a section and values (or subsections) into the CS

    :param str path: full path of the new section
    :param str pardict: dictionary of key values in the new section, values can also be dictionaries
    :return: S_OK(), S_ERROR()
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI
    if self.csapi is None:
      self.csapi = CSAPI()

    for key, value in pardict.iteritems():
      newSectionPath = os.path.join(path,key)
      gLogger.debug( "Adding to cs %s : %s " % ( newSectionPath, value ) )
      self.csapi.createSection( path )
      if isinstance( value, dict ):
        res = self.insertCSSection( newSectionPath, value )
        res = self.csapi.setOption( newSectionPath, value )

      if not res['OK']:
        return res
        gLogger.notice( "Added to CS: %s " % res['Value'] )

    return S_OK("Added all things to cs")
Example #27
    def __init__(self):
        """Internal initialization of the DIRAC Admin API.
        super(DiracAdmin, self).__init__()

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()

        self.dbg = False
        if gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/LogLevel', 'DEBUG') == 'DEBUG':
            self.dbg = True

        self.scratchDir = gConfig.getValue(self.section + '/ScratchDir',
        self.currentDir = os.getcwd()
        self.rssFlag = ResourceStatus().rssFlag
        self.sitestatus = SiteStatus()
        self._siteSet = set(getSites().get('Value', []))
Example #28
  def initialize( self ):

    # client to connect to GOCDB
    self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()

    # API needed to update configuration stored by CS
    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()
Example #29
 def __init__( self, agentName, baseAgentName, properties ):
   AgentModule.__init__( self, agentName, baseAgentName, properties )
   self.addressTo = ''
   self.addressFrom = ''
   self.voName = ''
   self.csAPI = CSAPI()
   self.subject = "CE2CSAgent"
   self.alternativeBDIIs = []
Example #30
    def __init__(
        """VOMS2CSSynchronizer class constructor

        :param str vo: VO to be synced
        :param boolean autoModifyUsers: flag to automatically modify user data in CS
        :param autoAddUsers: flag to automatically add new users to CS
        :param autoDeleteUsers: flag to automatically delete users from CS if no more in VOMS
        :param autoLiftSuspendedStatus: flag to automatically remove Suspended status in CS
        :param syncPluginName: name of the plugin to validate or extend users' info

        :return: None

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        self.csapi = CSAPI()
        self.vo = vo
        self.vomsVOName = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName", "")
        if not self.vomsVOName:
            raise Exception("VOMS name not defined for VO %s" % vo)
        self.adminMsgs = {"Errors": [], "Info": []}
        self.vomsUserDict = {}
        self.autoModifyUsers = autoModifyUsers
        self.autoAddUsers = autoAddUsers
        self.autoDeleteUsers = autoDeleteUsers
        self.autoLiftSuspendedStatus = autoLiftSuspendedStatus
        self.voChanged = False
        self.syncPlugin = None

        if syncPluginName:
            objLoader = ObjectLoader()
            _class = objLoader.loadObject(
                "ConfigurationSystem.Client.SyncPlugins.%sSyncPlugin" % syncPluginName, "%sSyncPlugin" % syncPluginName

            if not _class["OK"]:
                raise Exception(_class["Message"])

            self.syncPlugin = _class["Value"]()
Example #31
def getMQParamsFromCS( mqURI ):
  """ Function gets parameters of a MQ destination (queue/topic) from the CS.
    mqURI(str):Pseudo URI identifing the MQ service. It has the following format:
              e.g. blabla.cern.ch::Queue::MyQueue1
    mType(str): 'consumer' or 'producer'
  # API initialization is required to get an up-to-date configuration from the CS
  csAPI = CSAPI()

  try :
    mqService, mqType, mqName = mqURI.split( "::" )
  except ValueError:
    return S_ERROR( 'Bad format of mqURI address:%s' % ( mqURI ) )

  result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree( '/Resources/MQServices', mqService, mqType, mqName )
  if not result['OK'] or len( result['Value'] ) == 0:
    return S_ERROR( 'Requested destination not found in the CS: %s::%s::%s' % ( mqService, mqType, mqName ) )
  mqDestinationPath = None
  for path, value in result['Value'].iteritems():
    if not value and path.endswith( mqName ):
      mqDestinationPath = path

  # set-up internal parameter depending on the destination type
  tmp = mqDestinationPath.split( 'Queue' )[0].split( 'Topic' )
  servicePath = tmp[0]
  serviceDict = {}
  if len( tmp ) > 1:
    serviceDict['Topic'] = mqName
    serviceDict['Queue'] = mqName

  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( servicePath )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  serviceDict.update( result['Value'] )

  result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( mqDestinationPath )
  if not result['OK']:
    return result
  serviceDict.update( result['Value'] )
  return S_OK( serviceDict )
Example #32
    def initialize(self):

        self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', self.addressTo)
        self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', self.addressFrom)
        # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
        self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption('AlternativeBDIIs', [])
        # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
        for index, url in enumerate(self.alternativeBDIIs):
            if not url.split(':')[-1].isdigit():
                self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
            self.log.info("MailTo", self.addressTo)
            self.log.info("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
        if self.alternativeBDIIs:
            self.log.info("AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs)
        self.subject = "Bdii2CSAgent"

        self.processCEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessCEs', True)
        self.processSEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessSEs', False)

        self.voName = self.am_getOption('VirtualOrganization', [])
        if not self.voName:
            self.voName = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
        if not self.voName or (len(self.voName) == 1
                               and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all'):
            # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
            self.voName = []
            result = getVOs()
            if result['OK']:
                vos = result['Value']
                for vo in vos:
                    vomsVO = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName")
                    if vomsVO:

        if self.voName:
            self.log.info("Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName)
            self.log.fatal("VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent")
            return S_ERROR()
        self.voBdiiCEDict = {}
        self.voBdiiSEDict = {}

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()
        return self.csAPI.initialize()
class TestComponentInstallation(unittest.TestCase):
  Contains methods for testing of separate elements

  def setUp(self):
    self.host = 'localhost'
    self.notificationPort = 9154
    self.rootPwd = ''
    self.csClient = CSAPI()
    self.monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()
    self.client = SystemAdministratorClientCLI(self.host)

    result = self.csClient.getCurrentCFG()
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    cfg = result['Value']

    setup = cfg.getOption('DIRAC/Setup', 'dirac-JenkinsSetup')

    self.frameworkSetup = cfg.getOption('DIRAC/Setups/' + setup + '/Framework')
    self.rootPwd = cfg.getOption('Systems/Databases/Password')
    self.diracPwd = self.rootPwd

    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    chain = result['Value']['chain']
    result = chain.getCertInChain(-1)
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    result = result['Value'].getSubjectDN()
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    userDN = result['Value']
    result = getUsernameForDN(userDN)
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    self.user = result['Value']
    if not self.user:
      self.user = '******'

  def tearDown(self):
Example #34
class TestComponentInstallation(unittest.TestCase):
    Contains methods for testing of separate elements
    def setUp(self):
        self.host = "localhost"
        self.notificationPort = 9154
        self.rootPwd = ""
        self.csClient = CSAPI()
        self.monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()
        self.client = SystemAdministratorClientCLI(self.host)

        result = self.csClient.getCurrentCFG()
        if not result["OK"]:
            raise Exception(result["Message"])
        cfg = result["Value"]

        setup = cfg.getOption("DIRAC/Setup", "dirac-JenkinsSetup")

        self.frameworkSetup = cfg.getOption("DIRAC/Setups/" + setup +
        self.rootPwd = cfg.getOption("Systems/Databases/Password")
        self.diracPwd = self.rootPwd

        result = getProxyInfo()
        if not result["OK"]:
            raise Exception(result["Message"])
        chain = result["Value"]["chain"]
        result = chain.getCertInChain(-1)
        if not result["OK"]:
            raise Exception(result["Message"])
        result = result["Value"].getSubjectDN()
        if not result["OK"]:
            raise Exception(result["Message"])
        userDN = result["Value"]
        result = getUsernameForDN(userDN)
        if not result["OK"]:
            raise Exception(result["Message"])
        self.user = result["Value"]
        if not self.user:
            self.user = "******"

    def tearDown(self):
Example #35
class TestComponentInstallation(unittest.TestCase):
  Contains methods for testing of separate elements

  def setUp(self):
    self.host = 'localhost'
    self.notificationPort = 9154
    self.rootPwd = ''
    self.csClient = CSAPI()
    self.monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()
    self.client = SystemAdministratorClientCLI(self.host)

    result = self.csClient.getCurrentCFG()
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    cfg = result['Value']

    setup = cfg.getOption('DIRAC/Setup', 'dirac-JenkinsSetup')

    self.frameworkSetup = cfg.getOption('DIRAC/Setups/' + setup + '/Framework')
    self.rootPwd = cfg.getOption('Systems/Databases/Password')
    self.diracPwd = self.rootPwd

    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    chain = result['Value']['chain']
    result = chain.getCertInChain(-1)
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    result = result['Value'].getSubjectDN()
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    userDN = result['Value']
    result = getUsernameForDN(userDN)
    if not result['OK']:
      raise Exception(result['Message'])
    self.user = result['Value']
    if not self.user:
      self.user = '******'

  def tearDown(self):
Example #36
  def initialize(self):
    """ Run at the agent initialization (normally every 500 cycles)
    # client to connect to GOCDB
    self.GOCDBClient = GOCDBClient()
    self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)

    # API needed to update configuration stored by CS
    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()
    def setUp(self):
        self.host = 'localhost'
        self.notificationPort = 9154
        self.rootPwd = ''
        self.csClient = CSAPI()
        self.monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()
        self.client = SystemAdministratorClientCLI(self.host)

        result = self.csClient.getCurrentCFG()
        if not result['OK']:
            raise Exception(result['Message'])
        cfg = result['Value']

        setup = cfg.getOption('DIRAC/Setup', 'JenkinsSetup')

        self.frameworkSetup = cfg.getOption('DIRAC/Setups/' + setup +
        self.rootPwd = cfg.getOption('Systems/Databases/Password')
        self.diracPwd = self.rootPwd
Example #38
  def __setCSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, status ):
    Sets on the CS the StorageElements status

    statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType( 'StorageElement' )
    if not statusType in statuses:
      gLogger.error( "%s is not a valid statusType" % statusType )
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not a valid statusType: %s" % ( statusType, statuses ) )

    csAPI = CSAPI()

    cs_path = "/Resources/StorageElements"

    csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/%s" % ( cs_path, elementName, statusType ), status )

    res = csAPI.commitChanges()
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( 'CS: %s' % res[ 'Message' ] )

    return res
Example #39
  def __setCSStorageElementStatus( self, elementName, statusType, status ):
    Sets on the CS the StorageElements status

    statuses = self.rssConfig.getConfigStatusType( 'StorageElement' )
    if not statusType in statuses:
      gLogger.error( "%s is not a valid statusType" % statusType )
      return S_ERROR( "%s is not a valid statusType: %s" % ( statusType, statuses ) )

    csAPI = CSAPI()

    cs_path = "/Resources/StorageElements"

    csAPI.setOption( "%s/%s/%s" % ( cs_path, elementName, statusType ), status )

    res = csAPI.commitChanges()
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( 'CS: %s' % res[ 'Message' ] )

    return res
def test_configurationAutoUpdate(value1, value2):
    Test if service refresh his configuration. It sent a random value to the CS
    and check if Service can return it.

    csapi = CSAPI()

    csapi.modifyValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/TestUpdateValue", value1)

    # Wait for automatic refresh (+1 to be sure that request is done)
    time.sleep(gConfigurationData.getPropagationTime() + 1)
    assert RPCClient("Framework/User").getTestValue()["Value"] == value1

    csapi.modifyValue("/DIRAC/Configuration/TestUpdateValue", value2)
    time.sleep(gConfigurationData.getPropagationTime() + 1)
    assert RPCClient("Framework/User").getTestValue()["Value"] == value2
Example #41
  def __init__( self ):
    """Internal initialization of the DIRAC Admin API.
    super( DiracAdmin, self ).__init__()

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()

    self.dbg = False
    if gConfig.getValue( self.section + '/LogLevel', 'DEBUG' ) == 'DEBUG':
      self.dbg = True

    self.scratchDir = gConfig.getValue( self.section + '/ScratchDir', '/tmp' )
    self.currentDir = os.getcwd()
Example #42
    def __init__(self):
        """Internal initialization of the DIRAC Admin API.
        super(DiracAdmin, self).__init__()

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()

        self.dbg = False
        if gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/LogLevel", "DEBUG") == "DEBUG":
            self.dbg = True

        self.scratchDir = gConfig.getValue(self.section + "/ScratchDir", "/tmp")
        self.currentDir = os.getcwd()
Example #43
  def __init__(self, vo, autoModifyUsers=True, autoAddUsers=True, autoDeleteUsers=False):

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("VOMS2CSSynchronizer")
    self.csapi = CSAPI()
    self.vo = vo
    self.vomsVOName = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName", "")
    if not self.vomsVOName:
      raise Exception("VOMS name not defined for VO %s" % vo)
    self.adminMsgs = {'Errors': [], 'Info': []}
    self.vomsUserDict = {}
    self.autoModifyUsers = autoModifyUsers
    self.autoAddUsers = autoAddUsers
    self.autoDeleteUsers = autoDeleteUsers
  def __init__( self ):
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI

    self.detmodels = {}
    self.softSec = "/Operations/Defaults/AvailableTarBalls"
    self.version = ''
    self.platform = 'x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt'
    self.comment = ""
    self.name = "ddsim"
    self.csapi = CSAPI()
    self.tarBallName = None
    self.md5sum = None
    def beginExecution(self):
        """Reload the configurations before every cycle."""
        self.setup = self.am_getOption("Setup", self.setup)
        self.enabled = self.am_getOption("EnableFlag", self.enabled)
        self.restartAgents = self.am_getOption("RestartAgents",
        self.restartExecutors = self.am_getOption("RestartExecutors",
        self.restartServices = self.am_getOption("RestartServices",
        self.addressTo = self.am_getOption("MailTo", self.addressTo)
        self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
        self.controlComponents = self.am_getOption("ControlComponents",
        self.commitURLs = self.am_getOption("CommitURLs", self.commitURLs)
        self.doNotRestartInstancePattern = self.am_getOption(
            "DoNotRestartInstancePattern", self.doNotRestartInstancePattern)

        self.csAPI = CSAPI()

        res = self.getRunningInstances(instanceType="Agents")
        if not res["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Failure to get running agents")
        self.agents = res["Value"]

        res = self.getRunningInstances(instanceType="Executors")
        if not res["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Failure to get running executors")
        self.executors = res["Value"]

        res = self.getRunningInstances(instanceType="Services")
        if not res["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Failure to get running services")
        self.services = res["Value"]

        return S_OK()
Example #46
  def initialize(self):
    """ Gets run paramaters from the configuration

    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption('MailTo', self.addressTo)
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption('MailFrom', self.addressFrom)
    # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
    self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption('AlternativeBDIIs', self.alternativeBDIIs)
    self.host = self.am_getOption('Host', self.host)
    self.glue2URLs = self.am_getOption('GLUE2URLs', self.glue2URLs)
    self.glue2Only = self.am_getOption('GLUE2Only', self.glue2Only)

    # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
    for index, url in enumerate(self.alternativeBDIIs):
      if not url.split(':')[-1].isdigit():
        self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
    if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
      self.log.info("MailTo", self.addressTo)
      self.log.info("MailFrom", self.addressFrom)
    if self.alternativeBDIIs:
      self.log.info("AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs)

    self.processCEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessCEs', self.processCEs)
    self.processSEs = self.am_getOption('ProcessSEs', self.processSEs)
    self.selectedSites = self.am_getOption('SelectedSites', [])
    self.dryRun = self.am_getOption('DryRun', self.dryRun)

    self.voName = self.am_getOption('VirtualOrganization', self.voName)
    if not self.voName:
      self.voName = self.am_getOption('VO', [])
    if not self.voName or (len(self.voName) == 1 and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all'):
      # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
      self.voName = []
      result = getVOs()
      if result['OK']:
        vos = result['Value']
        for vo in vos:
          vomsVO = getVOOption(vo, "VOMSName")
          if vomsVO:

    if self.voName:
      self.log.info("Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName)
      self.log.fatal("VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent")
      return S_ERROR()

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()
 def __init__(self, cliParams ):
   from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI
   self.modifiedCS = False
   self.softSec = "/Operations/Defaults/AvailableTarBalls"
   self.mailadress = '*****@*****.**'
   self.cliParams = cliParams
   self.parameter = dict( softSec = self.softSec,
                          platform = cliParams.platform,
                          version = cliParams.version,
                          basepath = cliParams.basePath,
                          initsctipt = cliParams.initScriptLocation
   self.applications = cliParams.applicationSet
   self.detmodels = {}
   self.csAPI = CSAPI()
Example #48
    def initialize(self):
        """ Standard constructor

            self.rsDB = ResourceStatusDB()
            self.rmDB = ResourceManagementDB()

            self.ResourcesToBeChecked = Queue.Queue()
            self.ResourceNamesInCheck = []

            self.maxNumberOfThreads = self.am_getOption('maxThreadsInPool', 1)
            self.threadPool = ThreadPool(self.maxNumberOfThreads,

            if not self.threadPool:
                self.log.error('Can not create Thread Pool')
                return S_ERROR('Can not create Thread Pool')

            self.setup = getSetup()['Value']

            self.VOExtension = getExt()

            configModule = __import__(
                self.VOExtension +
                "DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.Policy.Configurations", globals(),
                locals(), ['*'])

            self.Resources_check_freq = copy.deepcopy(

            self.nc = NotificationClient()

            self.diracAdmin = DiracAdmin()

            self.csAPI = CSAPI()

            for i in xrange(self.maxNumberOfThreads):
                                                      args=(None, ))

            return S_OK()

        except Exception:
            errorStr = "RSInspectorAgent initialization"
            return S_ERROR(errorStr)
Example #49
    def setUp(self):
        self.dirac = Dirac()
        csAPI = CSAPI()

        self.lfn5 = os.path.join(DESTINATION_PATH, "test_file_10MB_v5.bin")
        self.dir5 = os.path.dirname(self.lfn5)
        # local file, for now:
        self.fname = os.path.basename(self.lfn5)
        random_dd(self.fname, 10)
        self.diracSE = "SE-1"
            self.fc = FileCatalogClient("DataManagement/MultiVOFileCatalog")
        except Exception:
            self.fail(" FileCatalog(['MultiVOFileCatalog']) raised Exception unexpectedly!\n" + traceback.format_exc())
        # add a replica
        self.fileadded = self.dirac.addFile(self.lfn5, self.fname, self.diracSE)
Example #50
  def initialize( self ):

    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', self.addressTo )
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption( 'MailFrom', self.addressFrom )
    # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
    self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption( 'AlternativeBDIIs', [] )
    # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
    for index, url in enumerate( self.alternativeBDIIs ):
      if not url.split( ':' )[-1].isdigit():
        self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
    if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
      self.log.info( "MailTo", self.addressTo )
      self.log.info( "MailFrom", self.addressFrom )
    if self.alternativeBDIIs :
      self.log.info( "AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs )
    self.subject = "CE2CSAgent"
    self.processCEs = self.am_getOption( 'ProcessCEs', True )
    self.processSEs = self.am_getOption( 'ProcessSEs', False )

    self.voName = self.am_getOption( 'VirtualOrganization', [] )
    if not self.voName:
      self.voName = self.am_getOption( 'VO', [] )
    if not self.voName or ( len( self.voName ) == 1 and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all' ):
      # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
      self.voName = []
      result = getVOs()
      if result['OK']:
        vos = result['Value']
        for vo in vos:
          vomsVO = getVOOption( vo, "VOMSName" )
          if vomsVO:
            self.voName.append( vomsVO )

    if self.voName:
      self.log.info( "Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName )
      self.log.fatal( "VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent" )
      return S_ERROR()
    self.voBdiiCEDict = {}
    self.voBdiiSEDict = {}

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()
  def setUp( self ):
    self.host = 'localhost'
    self.notificationPort = 9154
    self.rootPwd = ''
    self.csClient = CSAPI()
    self.monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()
    self.client = SystemAdministratorClientCLI( self.host )

    result = self.csClient.getCurrentCFG()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      raise Exception( result[ 'Message' ] )
    cfg = result[ 'Value' ]

    setup = cfg.getOption( 'DIRAC/Setup', 'JenkinsSetup' )

    self.frameworkSetup = cfg.getOption( 'DIRAC/Setups/' + setup + '/Framework' )
    self.rootPwd = cfg.getOption( 'Systems/Databases/Password' )
    self.diracPwd = self.rootPwd
Example #52
  def initialize( self ):
    """ Initialize the default parameters

    voNames = self.am_getOption( 'VO', [] )
    if not voNames[0].lower() == "none":
      if voNames[0].lower() == "any":
        voNames = []
      result = getVOMSVOs( voNames )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      self.__voDict = result['Value']
      self.log.notice( "VOs: %s" % self.__voDict.keys() )

    self.csapi = CSAPI()

    self.dryRun = self.am_getOption( 'DryRun', self.dryRun )
    self.autoAddUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoAddUsers', self.autoAddUsers )
    self.autoModifyUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoModifyUsers', self.autoModifyUsers )

    return S_OK()
Example #53
    def commit(self):
        """Commit the changes to the configuration system."""
        # Perform all the appending operations at the end to only get from current config once.
        for path, value in chain(self._append_dict.iteritems(),
            section, option = path.rsplit('/', 1)
            self.add(section, option, value)
            self._num_changes += 1

        result = CSAPI.commit(self)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Error while commit to CS", result['Message'])
            raise RuntimeError("Error while commit to CS")
        if self._num_changes:
            gLogger.notice("Successfully committed %d changes to CS\n"
                           % self._num_changes)
            self._num_changes = 0
            gLogger.notice("No changes to commit")
Example #54
  def initialize( self ):

    self.__voDict = {}
    voNames = self.am_getOption( 'VO', [] )
    if not voNames[0].lower() == "none":
      if voNames[0].lower() == "any":
        voNames = []
      result = getVOMSVOs( voNames )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      self.__voDict = result['Value']

    self.__adminMsgs = {}
    self.csapi = CSAPI()
    self.voChanged = False

    self.log.notice( "VOs: %s" % self.__voDict.keys() )

    self.autoAddUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoAddUsers', False )
    self.autoModifyUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoModifyUsers', False )
    self.autoSuspendUsers = self.am_getOption( 'AutoSuspendUsers', False )
    return S_OK()
                                     '  %s [option|cfgFile] ... DB ...' % Script.scriptName] ) )


args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
setupName = args[0]

# Where to store outputs
if not os.path.isdir( '%s/sandboxes' % setupName ):
  os.makedirs( '%s/sandboxes' % setupName )

# now updating the CS

from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI

csAPI.setOption( 'Systems/WorkloadManagement/Production/Services/SandboxStore/BasePath', '%s/sandboxes' % setupName )
csAPI.setOption( 'Systems/WorkloadManagement/Production/Services/SandboxStore/LogLevel', 'DEBUG' )

# Now setting a SandboxSE as the following:
#     ProductionSandboxSE
#     {
#       BackendType = DISET
#       AccessProtocol.1
#       {
#         Host = localhost
#         Port = 9196
#         ProtocolName = DIP
#         Protocol = dips
#         Path = /scratch/workspace/%s/sandboxes % setupName
Example #56
                "  %s [option|cfgfile] ... DIRACSiteName GridSiteName CE [CE] ..." % Script.scriptName,
                "  DIRACSiteName: Name of the site for DIRAC in the form GRID.LOCATION.COUNTRY (ie:LCG.CERN.ch)",
                "  GridSiteName: Name of the site in the Grid (ie: CERN-PROD)",
                "  CE: Name of the CE to be included in the site (ie: ce111.cern.ch)",
    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    csAPI = CSAPI()

    if len(args) < 3:

    diracSiteName = args[0]
    gridSiteName = args[1]
    ces = args[2:]
        diracGridType, place, country = diracSiteName.split(".")
    except ValueError:
        gLogger.error("The DIRACSiteName should be of the form GRID.LOCATION.COUNTRY for example LCG.CERN.ch")

    result = getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName)
Example #57
class Bdii2CSAgent( AgentModule ):

  addressTo = ''
  addressFrom = ''
  voName = ''
  subject = "CE2CSAgent"
  alternativeBDIIs = []

  def initialize( self ):

    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', self.addressTo )
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption( 'MailFrom', self.addressFrom )
    # Create a list of alternative bdii urls
    self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption( 'AlternativeBDIIs', [] )
    # Check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
    for index, url in enumerate( self.alternativeBDIIs ):
      if not url.split( ':' )[-1].isdigit():
        self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
    if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
      self.log.info( "MailTo", self.addressTo )
      self.log.info( "MailFrom", self.addressFrom )
    if self.alternativeBDIIs :
      self.log.info( "AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs )
    self.subject = "CE2CSAgent"
    self.processCEs = self.am_getOption( 'ProcessCEs', True )
    self.processSEs = self.am_getOption( 'ProcessSEs', False )

    self.voName = self.am_getOption( 'VirtualOrganization', [] )
    if not self.voName:
      self.voName = self.am_getOption( 'VO', [] )
    if not self.voName or ( len( self.voName ) == 1 and self.voName[0].lower() == 'all' ):
      # Get all VOs defined in the configuration
      self.voName = []
      result = getVOs()
      if result['OK']:
        vos = result['Value']
        for vo in vos:
          vomsVO = getVOOption( vo, "VOMSName" )
          if vomsVO:
            self.voName.append( vomsVO )

    if self.voName:
      self.log.info( "Agent will manage VO(s) %s" % self.voName )
      self.log.fatal( "VirtualOrganization option not defined for agent" )
      return S_ERROR()
    self.voBdiiCEDict = {}
    self.voBdiiSEDict = {}

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()

  def execute( self ):
    """ General agent execution method
    # Get a "fresh" copy of the CS data
    result = self.csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.warn( "Could not download a fresh copy of the CS data", result[ 'Message' ] )

    if self.processCEs:
    if self.processSEs:  
    return S_OK()

  def __lookForNewCEs( self ):
    """ Look up BDII for CEs not yet present in the DIRAC CS

    bannedCEs = self.am_getOption( 'BannedCEs', [] )
    result = getCEsFromCS()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    knownCEs = set( result['Value'] )
    knownCEs = knownCEs.union( set( bannedCEs ) )

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiCEInfo( vo )
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiInfo = result['Value']
      result = getGridCEs( vo, bdiiInfo = bdiiInfo, ceBlackList = knownCEs )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Failed to get unused CEs', result['Message'] )
      siteDict = result['Value']  
      body = ''
      for site in siteDict:
        newCEs = set( siteDict[site].keys() )
        if not newCEs:
        ceString = ''
        for ce in newCEs:
          queueString = ''
          ceInfo = bdiiInfo[site]['CEs'][ce]
          ceString = "CE: %s, GOCDB Site Name: %s" % ( ce, site )
          systemTuple = siteDict[site][ce]['System']
          osString = "%s_%s_%s" % ( systemTuple )
          newCEString = "\n%s\n%s\n" % ( ceString, osString )
          for queue in ceInfo['Queues']:
            queueStatus = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get( 'GlueCEStateStatus', 'UnknownStatus' )
            if 'production' in queueStatus.lower():
              ceType = ceInfo['Queues'][queue].get( 'GlueCEImplementationName', '' )
              queueString += "   %s %s %s\n" % ( queue, queueStatus, ceType )
          if queueString:
            ceString = newCEString
            ceString += "Queues:\n"
            ceString += queueString

        if ceString:
          body += ceString

      if body:
        body = "\nWe are glad to inform You about new CE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % vo + body
        body += "\n\nTo suppress information about CE add its name to BannedCEs list.\n"
        body += "Add new Sites/CEs for vo %s with the command:\n" % vo
        body += "dirac-admin-add-resources --vo %s --ce\n" % vo
        self.log.info( body )
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
          notification = NotificationClient()
          result = notification.sendMail( self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt = False )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error( 'Can not send new site notification mail', result['Message'] )

    return S_OK()

  def __getBdiiCEInfo( self, vo ):

    if vo in self.voBdiiCEDict:
      return S_OK( self.voBdiiCEDict[vo] )
    self.log.info( "Check for available CEs for VO", vo )
    result = getBdiiCEInfo( vo )
    message = ''
    if not result['OK']:
      message = result['Message']
      for bdii in self.alternativeBDIIs :
        result = getBdiiCEInfo( vo, host = bdii )
        if result['OK']:
    if not result['OK']:
      if message:
        self.log.error( "Error during BDII request", message )
        self.log.error( "Error during BDII request", result['Message'] )
      self.voBdiiCEDict[vo] = result['Value']
    return result
  def __getBdiiSEInfo( self, vo ):

    if vo in self.voBdiiSEDict:
      return S_OK( self.voBdiiSEDict[vo] )
    self.log.info( "Check for available SEs for VO", vo )
    result = getBdiiSEInfo( vo )
    message = ''
    if not result['OK']:
      message = result['Message']
      for bdii in self.alternativeBDIIs :
        result = getBdiiSEInfo( vo, host = bdii )
        if result['OK']:
    if not result['OK']:
      if message:
        self.log.error( "Error during BDII request", message )
        self.log.error( "Error during BDII request", result['Message'] )
      self.voBdiiSEDict[vo] = result['Value']
    return result

  def __updateCEs( self ):
    """ Update the Site/CE/queue settings in the CS if they were changed in the BDII

    bdiiChangeSet = set()

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiCEInfo( vo )
      if not result['OK']:
      ceBdiiDict = result['Value']
      result = getSiteUpdates( vo, bdiiInfo = ceBdiiDict, log = self.log )
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiChangeSet = bdiiChangeSet.union( result['Value'] )
    # We have collected all the changes, consolidate VO settings
    result = self.__updateCS( bdiiChangeSet )
    return result

  def __updateCS( self, bdiiChangeSet ):
    queueVODict = {}
    changeSet = set()
    for entry in bdiiChangeSet:
      section, option , _value, new_value = entry
      if option == "VO":
        queueVODict.setdefault( section, set() )
        queueVODict[section] = queueVODict[section].union( set( new_value.split( ',' ) ) )  
        changeSet.add( entry )  
    for section, VOs in queueVODict.items():
      changeSet.add( ( section, 'VO', '', ','.join( VOs ) ) )    

    if changeSet:
      changeList = list( changeSet )
      body = '\n'.join( [ "%s/%s %s -> %s" % entry for entry in changeList ] )
      if body and self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
        notification = NotificationClient()
        result = notification.sendMail( self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt = False )
      if body:  
        self.log.info( 'The following configuration changes were detected:' )  
        self.log.info( body )

      for section, option, value, new_value in changeSet:
        if value == 'Unknown' or not value:
          self.csAPI.setOption( cfgPath( section, option ), new_value )
          self.csAPI.modifyValue( cfgPath( section, option ), new_value )

      result = self.csAPI.commit()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( "Error while committing to CS", result['Message'] )
        self.log.info( "Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len( changeList ) )
      return result
      self.log.info( "No changes found" )
      return S_OK()

  def __lookForNewSEs( self ):
    """ Look up BDII for SEs not yet present in the DIRAC CS
    bannedSEs = self.am_getOption( 'BannedSEs', [] )
    result = getSEsFromCS()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    knownSEs = set( result['Value'] )
    knownSEs = knownSEs.union( set( bannedSEs ) )

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiSEInfo( vo )
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiInfo = result['Value']
      result = getGridSRMs( vo, bdiiInfo = bdiiInfo, srmBlackList = knownSEs )
      if not result['OK']:
      siteDict = result['Value']  
      body = ''
      for site in siteDict:
        newSEs = set( siteDict[site].keys() )
        if not newSEs:
        for se in newSEs:
          body += '\n New SE %s available at site %s:\n' % ( se, site )
          backend = siteDict[site][se]['SE'].get( 'GlueSEImplementationName', 'Unknown' )
          size = siteDict[site][se]['SE'].get( 'GlueSESizeTotal', 'Unknown' )
          body += '  Backend %s, Size %s' % ( backend, size )
      if body:
        body = "\nWe are glad to inform You about new SE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % vo + body
        body += "\n\nTo suppress information about an SE add its name to BannedSEs list.\n"
        body += "Add new SEs for vo %s with the command:\n" % vo
        body += "dirac-admin-add-resources --vo %s --se\n" % vo
        self.log.info( body )
        if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
          notification = NotificationClient()
          result = notification.sendMail( self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt = False )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error( 'Can not send new site notification mail', result['Message'] )

    return S_OK()   
  def __updateSEs( self ):
    """ Update the Storage Element settings in the CS if they were changed in the BDII
    bdiiChangeSet = set()

    for vo in self.voName:
      result = self.__getBdiiSEInfo( vo )
      if not result['OK']:
      seBdiiDict = result['Value']
      result = getSRMUpdates( vo, bdiiInfo = seBdiiDict )
      if not result['OK']:
      bdiiChangeSet = bdiiChangeSet.union( result['Value'] )
    # We have collected all the changes, consolidate VO settings
    result = self.__updateCS( bdiiChangeSet )
    return result
Example #58
class CE2CSAgent( AgentModule ):

  addressTo = ''
  addressFrom = ''
  voName = ''
  subject = "CE2CSAgent"
  alternativeBDIIs = []

  def initialize( self ):

    # TODO: Have no default and if no mail is found then use the diracAdmin group
    # and resolve all associated mail addresses.
    self.addressTo = self.am_getOption( 'MailTo', self.addressTo )
    self.addressFrom = self.am_getOption( 'MailFrom', self.addressFrom )
    # create a list of alternative bdii urls
    self.alternativeBDIIs = self.am_getOption( 'AlternativeBDIIs', [] )
    # check if the bdii url is appended by a port number, if not append the default 2170
    for index, url in enumerate( self.alternativeBDIIs ):
      if not url.split( ':' )[-1].isdigit():
        self.alternativeBDIIs[index] += ':2170'
    if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
      self.log.info( "MailTo", self.addressTo )
      self.log.info( "MailFrom", self.addressFrom )
    if self.alternativeBDIIs :
      self.log.info( "AlternativeBDII URLs:", self.alternativeBDIIs )
    self.subject = "CE2CSAgent"

    # This sets the Default Proxy to used as that defined under
    # /Operations/Shifter/TestManager
    # the shifterProxy option in the Configuration can be used to change this default.
    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'TestManager' )

    self.voName = self.am_getOption( 'VirtualOrganization', self.voName )
    if not self.voName:
      self.voName = getVO()

    if not self.voName:
      self.log.fatal( "VO option not defined for agent" )
      return S_ERROR()

    self.csAPI = CSAPI()
    return self.csAPI.initialize()

  def execute( self ):

    self.log.info( "Start Execution" )
    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    infoDict = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.log.info( formatProxyInfoAsString( infoDict ) )

    #Get a "fresh" copy of the CS data
    result = self.csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      self.log.warn( "Could not download a fresh copy of the CS data", result[ 'Message' ] )

    self.log.info( "End Execution" )
    return S_OK()

  def __checkAlternativeBDIISite( self, fun, *args ):
    if self.alternativeBDIIs:
      self.log.warn( "Trying to use alternative bdii sites" )
      for site in self.alternativeBDIIs :
        self.log.info( "Trying to contact alternative bdii ", site )
        if len( args ) == 1 :
          result = fun( args[0], host = site )
        elif len( args ) == 2 :
          result = fun( args[0], vo = args[1], host = site )
        if not result['OK'] :
          self.log.error ( "Problem contacting alternative bddii", result['Message'] )
        elif result['OK'] :
          return result
      self.log.warn( "Also checking alternative BDII sites failed" )
      return result

  def __lookForCE( self ):

    knownces = self.am_getOption( 'BannedCEs', [] )

    result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites' )
    if not result['OK']:
    grids = result['Value']

    for grid in grids:

      result = gConfig.getSections( '/Resources/Sites/%s' % grid )
      if not result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']

      for site in sites:
        opt = gConfig.getOptionsDict( '/Resources/Sites/%s/%s' % ( grid, site ) )['Value']
        ces = List.fromChar( opt.get( 'CE', '' ) )
        knownces += ces

    response = ldapCEState( '', vo = self.voName )
    if not response['OK']:
      self.log.error( "Error during BDII request", response['Message'] )
      response = self.__checkAlternativeBDIISite( ldapCEState, '', self.voName )
      return response

    newces = {}
    for queue in response['Value']:
        queuename = queue['GlueCEUniqueID']

      cename = queuename.split( ":" )[0]
      if not cename in knownces:
        newces[cename] = None
        self.log.debug( "newce", cename )

    body = ""
    possibleNewSites = []
    for ce in newces.iterkeys():
      response = ldapCluster( ce )
      if not response['OK']:
        self.log.warn( "Error during BDII request", response['Message'] )
        response = self.__checkAlternativeBDIISite( ldapCluster, ce )
      clusters = response['Value']
      if len( clusters ) != 1:
        self.log.warn( "Error in cluster length", " CE %s Length %d" % ( ce, len( clusters ) ) )
      if len( clusters ) == 0:
      cluster = clusters[0]
      fkey = cluster.get( 'GlueForeignKey', [] )
      if type( fkey ) == type( '' ):
        fkey = [fkey]
      nameBDII = None
      for entry in fkey:
        if entry.count( 'GlueSiteUniqueID' ):
          nameBDII = entry.split( '=' )[1]
      if not nameBDII:

      cestring = "CE: %s, GOCDB Name: %s" % ( ce, nameBDII )
      self.log.info( cestring )

      response = ldapCE( ce )
      if not response['OK']:
        self.log.warn( "Error during BDII request", response['Message'] )
        response = self.__checkAlternativeBDIISite( ldapCE, ce )

      ceinfos = response['Value']
      if len( ceinfos ):
        ceinfo = ceinfos[0]
        systemName = ceinfo.get( 'GlueHostOperatingSystemName', 'Unknown' )
        systemVersion = ceinfo.get( 'GlueHostOperatingSystemVersion', 'Unknown' )
        systemRelease = ceinfo.get( 'GlueHostOperatingSystemRelease', 'Unknown' )
        systemName = "Unknown"
        systemVersion = "Unknown"
        systemRelease = "Unknown"

      osstring = "SystemName: %s, SystemVersion: %s, SystemRelease: %s" % ( systemName, systemVersion, systemRelease )
      self.log.info( osstring )

      response = ldapCEState( ce, vo = self.voName )
      if not response['OK']:
        self.log.warn( "Error during BDII request", response['Message'] )
        response = self.__checkAlternativeBDIISite( ldapCEState, ce, self.voName )

      newcestring = "\n\n%s\n%s" % ( cestring, osstring )
      usefull = False
      cestates = response['Value']
      for cestate in cestates:
        queuename = cestate.get( 'GlueCEUniqueID', 'UnknownName' )
        queuestatus = cestate.get( 'GlueCEStateStatus', 'UnknownStatus' )

        queuestring = "%s %s" % ( queuename, queuestatus )
        self.log.info( queuestring )
        newcestring += "\n%s" % queuestring
        if queuestatus.count( 'Production' ):
          usefull = True
      if usefull:
        body += newcestring
        possibleNewSites.append( 'dirac-admin-add-site DIRACSiteName %s %s' % ( nameBDII, ce ) )
    if body:
      body = "We are glad to inform You about new CE(s) possibly suitable for %s:\n" % self.voName + body
      body += "\n\nTo suppress information about CE add its name to BannedCEs list."
      for  possibleNewSite in  possibleNewSites:
        body = "%s\n%s" % ( body, possibleNewSite )
      self.log.info( body )
      if self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
        notification = NotificationClient()
        result = notification.sendMail( self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt = False )

    return S_OK()

  def __infoFromCE( self ):

    sitesSection = cfgPath( 'Resources', 'Sites' )
    result = gConfig.getSections( sitesSection )
    if not result['OK']:
    grids = result['Value']

    changed = False
    body = ""

    for grid in grids:

      gridSection = cfgPath( sitesSection, grid )
      result = gConfig.getSections( gridSection )
      if not result['OK']:
      sites = result['Value']

      for site in sites:
        siteSection = cfgPath( gridSection, site )
        opt = gConfig.getOptionsDict( siteSection )['Value']
        name = opt.get( 'Name', '' )
        if name:
          coor = opt.get( 'Coordinates', 'Unknown' )
          mail = opt.get( 'Mail', 'Unknown' )

          result = ldapSite( name )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.warn( "BDII site %s: %s" % ( name, result['Message'] ) )
            result = self.__checkAlternativeBDIISite( ldapSite, name )

          if result['OK']:
            bdiisites = result['Value']
            if len( bdiisites ) == 0:
              self.log.warn( name, "Error in bdii: leng = 0" )
              if not len( bdiisites ) == 1:
                self.log.warn( name, "Warning in bdii: leng = %d" % len( bdiisites ) )

              bdiisite = bdiisites[0]

                longitude = bdiisite['GlueSiteLongitude']
                latitude = bdiisite['GlueSiteLatitude']
                newcoor = "%s:%s" % ( longitude, latitude )
                self.log.warn( "Error in bdii coor" )
                newcoor = "Unknown"

                newmail = bdiisite['GlueSiteSysAdminContact'].split( ":" )[-1].strip()
                self.log.warn( "Error in bdii mail" )
                newmail = "Unknown"

              self.log.debug( "%s %s %s" % ( name, newcoor, newmail ) )

              if newcoor != coor:
                self.log.info( "%s" % ( name ), "%s -> %s" % ( coor, newcoor ) )
                if coor == 'Unknown':
                  self.csAPI.setOption( cfgPath( siteSection, 'Coordinates' ), newcoor )
                  self.csAPI.modifyValue( cfgPath( siteSection, 'Coordinates' ), newcoor )
                changed = True

              if newmail != mail:
                self.log.info( "%s" % ( name ), "%s -> %s" % ( mail, newmail ) )
                if mail == 'Unknown':
                  self.csAPI.setOption( cfgPath( siteSection, 'Mail' ), newmail )
                  self.csAPI.modifyValue( cfgPath( siteSection, 'Mail' ), newmail )
                changed = True

        celist = List.fromChar( opt.get( 'CE', '' ) )

        if not celist:
          self.log.warn( site, 'Empty site list' )

  #      result = gConfig.getSections( cfgPath( siteSection,'CEs' )
  #      if not result['OK']:
  #        self.log.debug( "Section CEs:", result['Message'] )

        for ce in celist:
          ceSection = cfgPath( siteSection, 'CEs', ce )
          result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( ceSection )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.debug( "Section CE", result['Message'] )
            wnTmpDir = 'Unknown'
            arch = 'Unknown'
            os = 'Unknown'
            si00 = 'Unknown'
            pilot = 'Unknown'
            cetype = 'Unknown'
            ceopt = result['Value']
            wnTmpDir = ceopt.get( 'wnTmpDir', 'Unknown' )
            arch = ceopt.get( 'architecture', 'Unknown' )
            os = ceopt.get( 'OS', 'Unknown' )
            si00 = ceopt.get( 'SI00', 'Unknown' )
            pilot = ceopt.get( 'Pilot', 'Unknown' )
            cetype = ceopt.get( 'CEType', 'Unknown' )

          result = ldapCE( ce )
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.warn( 'Error in bdii for %s' % ce, result['Message'] )
            result = self.__checkAlternativeBDIISite( ldapCE, ce )
            bdiice = result['Value'][0]
            self.log.warn( 'Error in bdii for %s' % ce, result )
            bdiice = None
          if bdiice:
              newwnTmpDir = bdiice['GlueSubClusterWNTmpDir']
              newwnTmpDir = 'Unknown'
            if wnTmpDir != newwnTmpDir and newwnTmpDir != 'Unknown':
              section = cfgPath( ceSection, 'wnTmpDir' )
              self.log.info( section, " -> ".join( ( wnTmpDir, newwnTmpDir ) ) )
              if wnTmpDir == 'Unknown':
                self.csAPI.setOption( section, newwnTmpDir )
                self.csAPI.modifyValue( section, newwnTmpDir )
              changed = True

              newarch = bdiice['GlueHostArchitecturePlatformType']
              newarch = 'Unknown'
            if arch != newarch and newarch != 'Unknown':
              section = cfgPath( ceSection, 'architecture' )
              self.log.info( section, " -> ".join( ( arch, newarch ) ) )
              if arch == 'Unknown':
                self.csAPI.setOption( section, newarch )
                self.csAPI.modifyValue( section, newarch )
              changed = True

              newos = '_'.join( ( bdiice['GlueHostOperatingSystemName'],
                                  bdiice['GlueHostOperatingSystemRelease'] ) )
              newos = 'Unknown'
            if os != newos and newos != 'Unknown':
              section = cfgPath( ceSection, 'OS' )
              self.log.info( section, " -> ".join( ( os, newos ) ) )
              if os == 'Unknown':
                self.csAPI.setOption( section, newos )
                self.csAPI.modifyValue( section, newos )
              changed = True
              body = body + "OS was changed %s -> %s for %s at %s\n" % ( os, newos, ce, site )

              newsi00 = bdiice['GlueHostBenchmarkSI00']
              newsi00 = 'Unknown'
            if si00 != newsi00 and newsi00 != 'Unknown':
              section = cfgPath( ceSection, 'SI00' )
              self.log.info( section, " -> ".join( ( si00, newsi00 ) ) )
              if si00 == 'Unknown':
                self.csAPI.setOption( section, newsi00 )
                self.csAPI.modifyValue( section, newsi00 )
              changed = True

              rte = bdiice['GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment']
              if self.voName.lower() == 'lhcb':
                if 'VO-lhcb-pilot' in rte:
                  newpilot = 'True'
                  newpilot = 'False'
                newpilot = 'Unknown'
              newpilot = 'Unknown'
            if pilot != newpilot and newpilot != 'Unknown':
              section = cfgPath( ceSection, 'Pilot' )
              self.log.info( section, " -> ".join( ( pilot, newpilot ) ) )
              if pilot == 'Unknown':
                self.csAPI.setOption( section, newpilot )
                self.csAPI.modifyValue( section, newpilot )
              changed = True

          result = ldapCEState( ce, vo = self.voName )        #getBDIICEVOView
          if not result['OK']:
            self.log.warn( 'Error in bdii for queue %s' % ce, result['Message'] )
            result = self.__checkAlternativeBDIISite( ldapCEState, ce, self.voName )
            queues = result['Value']
            self.log.warn( 'Error in bdii for queue %s' % ce, result['Massage'] )

          newcetype = 'Unknown'
          for queue in queues:
              queuetype = queue['GlueCEImplementationName']
              queuetype = 'Unknown'
            if newcetype == 'Unknown':
              newcetype = queuetype
              if queuetype != newcetype:
                self.log.warn( 'Error in bdii for ce %s ' % ce, 'different cetypes %s %s' % ( newcetype, queuetype ) )

          if newcetype=='ARC-CE':
            newcetype = 'ARC'

          if cetype != newcetype and newcetype != 'Unknown':
            section = cfgPath( ceSection, 'CEType' )
            self.log.info( section, " -> ".join( ( cetype, newcetype ) ) )
            if cetype == 'Unknown':
              self.csAPI.setOption( section, newcetype )
              self.csAPI.modifyValue( section, newcetype )
            changed = True

          for queue in queues:
              queueName = queue['GlueCEUniqueID'].split( '/' )[-1]
              self.log.warn( 'error in queuename ', queue )

              newmaxCPUTime = queue['GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime']
              newmaxCPUTime = None

            newsi00 = None
              caps = queue['GlueCECapability']
              if type( caps ) == type( '' ):
                caps = [caps]
              for cap in caps:
                if cap.count( 'CPUScalingReferenceSI00' ):
                  newsi00 = cap.split( '=' )[-1]
              newsi00 = None

            queueSection = cfgPath( ceSection, 'Queues', queueName )
            result = gConfig.getOptionsDict( queueSection )
            if not result['OK']:
              self.log.warn( "Section Queues", result['Message'] )
              maxCPUTime = 'Unknown'
              si00 = 'Unknown'
              queueopt = result['Value']
              maxCPUTime = queueopt.get( 'maxCPUTime', 'Unknown' )
              si00 = queueopt.get( 'SI00', 'Unknown' )

            if newmaxCPUTime and ( maxCPUTime != newmaxCPUTime ):
              section = cfgPath( queueSection, 'maxCPUTime' )
              self.log.info( section, " -> ".join( ( maxCPUTime, newmaxCPUTime ) ) )
              if maxCPUTime == 'Unknown':
                self.csAPI.setOption( section, newmaxCPUTime )
                self.csAPI.modifyValue( section, newmaxCPUTime )
              changed = True

            if newsi00 and ( si00 != newsi00 ):
              section = cfgPath( queueSection, 'SI00' )
              self.log.info( section, " -> ".join( ( si00, newsi00 ) ) )
              if si00 == 'Unknown':
                self.csAPI.setOption( section, newsi00 )
                self.csAPI.modifyValue( section, newsi00 )
              changed = True

    if changed:
      self.log.info( body )
      if body and self.addressTo and self.addressFrom:
        notification = NotificationClient()
        result = notification.sendMail( self.addressTo, self.subject, body, self.addressFrom, localAttempt = False )

      return self.csAPI.commit()
      self.log.info( "No changes found" )
      return S_OK()
class DDSimTarMaker( object ):
  """ create a tarball of the DDSim release """
  def __init__( self ):
    self.detmodels = {}
    self.softSec = "/Operations/Defaults/AvailableTarBalls"
    self.version = ''
    self.platform = 'x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt'
    self.comment = ""
    self.name = "ddsim"
    self.csapi = None
    self.tarBallName = None
    self.md5sum = None

  def copyDetectorModels( self, basePath, folder, targetFolder ):
    """copy the compact folders to the targetFolder """
    for root,dirs,_files in os.walk( os.path.join(basePath, folder) ):
      for direct in dirs:
        if root.endswith("compact"):
          ## the main xml file must have the same name as the folder, ILD and CLIC follow this convention already
          xmlPath = os.path.join( root, direct, direct+".xml")
          if os.path.exists( xmlPath ):
            self.detmodels[direct] = "detectors/"+direct+"/"+direct+".xml"
            copyFolder( os.path.join(root, direct), targetFolder )

  def createTarBall( self, folder ):
    """create a tar ball from the folder
    ##Create the Tarball
    if os.path.exists(self.tarBallName):
    gLogger.notice("Creating Tarball...")
    myappTar = tarfile.open(self.tarBallName, "w:gz")
    myappTar.add(folder, self.tarBallName[:-4])

    self.md5sum = md5.md5(open( self.tarBallName, 'r' ).read()).hexdigest()

    return S_OK( "Created Tarball")

  def parseArgs( self ):
    """ parse the command line arguments"""
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
      raise RuntimeError( "Wrong number of arguments in call: '%s'" % " ".join(sys.argv) )
    self.name = sys.argv[1]
    self.version = sys.argv[2]
    self.tarBallName = "%s%s.tgz" % (self.name, self.version)

  def checkEnvironment( self ):
    """ check if dd4hep and lcgeo are in the environment """
    for var in [ self.ddhep_env, self.lcgeo_env , 'ROOTSYS' ]:
      if var not in os.environ:
        raise RuntimeError( "%s is not set" % var )
    return os.environ[self.ddhep_env], os.environ[self.lcgeo_env], os.environ['ROOTSYS']

  def createCSEntry( self ):
    """add the entries for this version into the Configuration System
              TarBall = ddsim<version>.tgz
                ROOTSYS = /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc44_sl6/root/5.34.30
                G4INSTALL = /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc44_sl6/geant4/10.01
                G4DATA = /cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc44_sl6/geant4/10.01/share/Geant4-10.1.0/data
              Overwrite = True
                CLIC_o2_v03 = detectors/CLIC_o2_v03/CLIC_o2_v03.xml


    #FIXME: Get root and geant4 location from environment, make sure it is cvmfs
    csParameter = { "TarBall": self.tarBallName,
                    "AdditionalEnvVar": {
                      "ROOTSYS" :   os.environ.get("ROOTSYS"),
                      "G4INSTALL" : os.environ.get("G4INSTALL"),
                      "G4DATA" :    os.environ.get("G4DATA"),
                    "Md5Sum": self.md5sum,

    pars = dict( platform=self.platform,

    csPath = os.path.join( self.softSec , "%(platform)s/%(name)s/%(version)s/" % pars )
    result = self.insertCSSection( csPath, csParameter )

    csPathModels = "Operations/Defaults/DDSimDetectorModels"
    csModels = { self.version : self.detmodels }

    result = self.insertCSSection( csPathModels, csModels )

    if self.csapi is not None:
      resProxy = checkOrGetGroupProxy( "diracAdmin" )
      if not resProxy['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "Failed to get AdminProxy", resProxy['Message'] )
        raise RuntimeError( "Failed to get diracAdminProxy" )

    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error( "Failed to create CS Section", result['Message'] )
      raise RuntimeError( "Failed to create CS Section" )

  def insertCSSection( self, path, pardict ):
    """ insert a section and values (or subsections) into the CS

    :param str path: full path of the new section
    :param str pardict: dictionary of key values in the new section, values can also be dictionaries
    :return: S_OK(), S_ERROR()
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.CSAPI import CSAPI
    if self.csapi is None:
      self.csapi = CSAPI()

    for key, value in pardict.iteritems():
      newSectionPath = os.path.join(path,key)
      gLogger.debug( "Adding to cs %s : %s " % ( newSectionPath, value ) )
      self.csapi.createSection( path )
      if isinstance( value, dict ):
        res = self.insertCSSection( newSectionPath, value )
        res = self.csapi.setOption( newSectionPath, value )

      if not res['OK']:
        return res
        gLogger.notice( "Added to CS: %s " % res['Value'] )

    return S_OK("Added all things to cs")

  def createDDSimTarBall( self ):
    """ do everything to create the DDSim tarball"""
    ddBase, lcgeoBase, _rootsys = self.checkEnvironment()

    realTargetFolder = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), self.name+self.version )
    targetFolder = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "temp", self.name+self.version )
    for folder in (targetFolder, targetFolder+"/lib"):
        os.makedirs( folder )
      except OSError:

    libraries = set()
    rootmaps = set()

    dd4hepLibPath = getLibraryPath( ddBase )
    lcgeoPath = getLibraryPath( lcgeoBase )

    self.copyDetectorModels( lcgeoBase, "CLIC" , targetFolder+"/detectors" )
    self.copyDetectorModels( lcgeoBase, "ILD"  , targetFolder+"/detectors" )

    copyFolder( ddBase+"/DDDetectors/compact", realTargetFolder.rstrip("/")+"/DDDetectors")

    libraries.update( getFiles( dd4hepLibPath, ".so") )
    libraries.update( getFiles( lcgeoPath, ".so" ) )

    rootmaps.update( getFiles( dd4hepLibPath, ".rootmap") )
    rootmaps.update( getFiles( lcgeoPath, ".rootmap" ) )

    pprint( libraries )
    pprint( rootmaps )

    allLibs = set()
    for lib in libraries:
      allLibs.update( getDependentLibraries(lib) )
    ### remote root and geant4 libraries, we pick them up from
    allLibs = set( [ lib for lib in allLibs if not ( "/geant4/" in lib.lower() or "/root/" in lib.lower()) ] )

    print allLibs

    copyLibraries( libraries, targetFolder+"/lib" )
    copyLibraries( allLibs, targetFolder+"/lib" )
    copyLibraries( rootmaps, targetFolder+"/lib" )

    getPythonStuff( ddBase+"/python"       , targetFolder+"/lib/")
    getPythonStuff( lcgeoBase+"/lib/python", targetFolder+"/lib/" )
    getPythonStuff( lcgeoBase+"/bin/ddsim", targetFolder+"/bin/" )

    ##Should get this from CVMFS
    #getRootStuff( rootsys, targetFolder+"/ROOT" )

    copyFolder( targetFolder+"/", realTargetFolder.rstrip("/") )

    killRPath( realTargetFolder )
    resolveLinks( realTargetFolder+"/lib" )
    removeSystemLibraries( realTargetFolder+"/lib" )
    #removeSystemLibraries( realTargetFolder+"/ROOT/lib" )
    print self.detmodels

    self.createTarBall( realTargetFolder )

def checkUnusedSEs():
  global vo, dry
  result = getGridSRMs( vo, unUsed = True )
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.error( 'Failed to look up SRMs in BDII', result['Message'] )
  siteSRMDict = result['Value']

  # Evaluate VOs
  result = getVOs()
  if result['OK']:
    csVOs = set( result['Value'] )
    csVOs = set( [vo] ) 

  changeSetFull = set()

  for site in siteSRMDict:
    for gridSE in siteSRMDict[site]:
      changeSet = set()
      seDict = siteSRMDict[site][gridSE]['SE']
      srmDict = siteSRMDict[site][gridSE]['SRM']
      # Check the SRM version
      version = srmDict.get( 'GlueServiceVersion', '' )
      if not ( version and version.startswith( '2' ) ):
        gLogger.debug( 'Skipping SRM service with version %s' % version )
      result = getDIRACSiteName( site )
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.notice( 'Unused se %s is detected at unused site %s' % ( gridSE, site ) )
        gLogger.notice( 'Consider adding site %s to the DIRAC CS' % site ) 
      diracSites = result['Value']
      yn = raw_input( '\nDo you want to add new SRM SE %s at site(s) %s ? default yes [yes|no]: ' % ( gridSE, str( diracSites ) ) )
      if not yn or yn.lower().startswith( 'y' ):
        if len( diracSites ) > 1:
          prompt = 'Which DIRAC site the new SE should be attached to ?'
          for i, s in enumerate( diracSites ):
            prompt += '\n[%d] %s' % ( i, s )
          prompt += '\nEnter your choice number: '    
          inp = raw_input( prompt )
            ind = int( inp )
            gLogger.notice( 'Can not interpret your choice: %s, try again later' % inp )
          diracSite = diracSites[ind]
          diracSite = diracSites[0]       
        domain, siteName, country = diracSite.split( '.' )
        recName = '%s-disk' % siteName
        inp = raw_input( 'Give a DIRAC name to the grid SE %s, default %s : ' % ( gridSE, recName ) )
        diracSEName = inp
        if not inp:
          diracSEName = recName  
        gLogger.notice( 'Adding new SE %s at site %s' % ( diracSEName, diracSite ) )        
        seSection = cfgPath( '/Resources/StorageElements', diracSEName )
        changeSet.add( ( seSection, 'BackendType', seDict.get( 'GlueSEImplementationName', 'Unknown' ) ) )
        changeSet.add( ( seSection, 'Description', seDict.get( 'GlueSEName', 'Unknown' ) ) )  
        bdiiVOs = set( [ re.sub( '^VO:', '', rule ) for rule in srmDict.get( 'GlueServiceAccessControlBaseRule', [] ) ] )
        seVOs = csVOs.intersection( bdiiVOs )  
        changeSet.add( ( seSection, 'VO', ','.join( seVOs ) ) )
        accessSection = cfgPath( seSection, 'AccessProtocol.1' )
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Protocol', 'srm' ) )
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'ProtocolName', 'SRM2' ) )
        endPoint = srmDict.get( 'GlueServiceEndpoint', '' )
        result = pfnparse( endPoint )
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.error( 'Can not get the SRM service end point. Skipping ...' )
        host = result['Value']['Host']
        port = result['Value']['Port']
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Host', host ) ) 
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Port', port ) ) 
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Access', 'remote' ) )
        voPathSection = cfgPath( accessSection, 'VOPath' )
        if 'VOPath' in seDict:
          path = seDict['VOPath']
          voFromPath = os.path.basename( path )
          if voFromPath != diracVO:
            gLogger.notice( '\n!!! Warning: non-conventional VO path: %s\n' % path )
            changeSet.add( ( voPathSection, diracVO, path ) )
          path = os.path.dirname( path )  
          # Try to guess the Path
          domain = '.'.join( host.split( '.' )[-2:] )
          path = '/dpm/%s/home' % domain
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Path', path ) ) 
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'SpaceToken', '' ) )
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'WSUrl', '/srm/managerv2?SFN=' ) ) 
        gLogger.notice( 'SE %s will be added with the following parameters' % diracSEName )
        changeList = list( changeSet )
        for entry in changeList:
          gLogger.notice( entry )
        yn = raw_input( 'Do you want to add new SE %s ? default yes [yes|no]: ' % diracSEName )   
        if not yn or yn.lower().startswith( 'y' ):
          changeSetFull = changeSetFull.union( changeSet )        
  if dry:
    if changeSetFull:
      gLogger.notice( 'Skipping commit of the new SE data in a dry run' )
      gLogger.notice( "No new SE to be added" )
    return S_OK()

  if changeSetFull:
    csAPI = CSAPI()
    result = csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to initialize CSAPI object', result['Message'] )
      DIRACExit( -1 )
    changeList = list( changeSetFull )
    for section, option, value in changeList:
      csAPI.setOption( cfgPath( section, option ), value )

    yn = raw_input( 'New SE data is accumulated\n Do you want to commit changes to CS ? default yes [yes|no]: ' )
    if not yn or yn.lower().startswith( 'y' ):
      result = csAPI.commit()
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "Error while commit to CS", result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( "Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len( changeSetFull ) )
    gLogger.notice( "No new SE to be added" )

  return S_OK()