Example #1
  def __findServiceURL( self ):
    if not self.__initStatus[ 'OK' ]:
      return self.__initStatus
    gatewayURL = False
    if self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS not in self.kwargs or not self.kwargs[ self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS ]:
      dRetVal = gConfig.getOption( "/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" % DIRAC.siteName() )
      if dRetVal[ 'OK' ]:
        rawGatewayURL = List.randomize( List.fromChar( dRetVal[ 'Value'], "," ) )[0]
        gatewayURL = "/".join( rawGatewayURL.split( "/" )[:3] )

    for protocol in gProtocolDict.keys():
      if self._destinationSrv.find( "%s://" % protocol ) == 0:
        gLogger.debug( "Already given a valid url", self._destinationSrv )
        if not gatewayURL:
          return S_OK( self._destinationSrv )
        gLogger.debug( "Reconstructing given URL to pass through gateway" )
        path = "/".join( self._destinationSrv.split( "/" )[3:] )
        finalURL = "%s/%s" % ( gatewayURL, path )
        gLogger.debug( "Gateway URL conversion:\n %s -> %s" % ( self._destinationSrv, finalURL ) )
        return S_OK( finalURL )

    if gatewayURL:
      gLogger.debug( "Using gateway", gatewayURL )
      return S_OK( "%s/%s" % ( gatewayURL, self._destinationSrv ) )

      urls = getServiceURL( self._destinationSrv, setup = self.setup )
    except Exception, e:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot get URL for %s in setup %s: %s" % ( self._destinationSrv, self.setup, str( e ) ) )
Example #2
def getServiceOption( serviceInfo, optionName, defaultValue ):
  """ Get service option resolving default values from the master service
  if optionName[0] == "/":
    return gConfig.getValue( optionName, defaultValue )
  for csPath in serviceInfo[ 'csPaths' ]:
    result = gConfig.getOption( "%s/%s" % ( csPath, optionName, ), defaultValue )
    if result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result[ 'Value' ]
  return defaultValue
Example #3
  def srv_getCSOption( cls, optionName, defaultValue = False ):
    Get an option from the CS section of the services

    :return : Value for serviceSection/optionName in the CS being defaultValue the default
    if optionName[0] == "/":
      return gConfig.getValue( optionName, defaultValue )
    for csPath in cls.__srvInfoDict[ 'csPaths' ]:
      result = gConfig.getOption( "%s/%s" % ( csPath, optionName, ), defaultValue )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result[ 'Value' ]
    return defaultValue
Example #4
  def __findServiceURL(self):
    """ Discovers the URL of a service, taking into account gateways, multiple URLs, banned URLs

        If the site on which we run is configured to use gateways (/DIRAC/Gateways/<siteName>),
        these URLs will be used. To ignore the gateway, it is possible to set KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS
        to False in kwargs.

        If self._destinationSrv (given as constructor attribute) is a properly formed URL,
        we just return this one. If we have to use a gateway, we just replace the server name in the url.

        The list of URLs defined in the CS (<System>/URLs/<Component>) is randomized

        This method also sets some attributes:
          * self.__nbOfUrls = number of URLs
          * self.__nbOfRetry = 2 if we have more than 2 urls, otherwise 3
          * self.__bannedUrls is reinitialized if all the URLs are banned

        :return: S_OK(str)/S_ERROR() -- the selected URL
    if not self.__initStatus['OK']:
      return self.__initStatus

    # Load the Gateways URLs for the current site Name
    gatewayURL = False
    if not self.kwargs.get(self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS):
      dRetVal = gConfig.getOption("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" % DIRAC.siteName())
      if dRetVal['OK']:
        rawGatewayURL = List.randomize(List.fromChar(dRetVal['Value'], ","))[0]
        gatewayURL = "/".join(rawGatewayURL.split("/")[:3])

    # If what was given as constructor attribute is a properly formed URL,
    # we just return this one.
    # If we have to use a gateway, we just replace the server name in it
    for protocol in gProtocolDict:
      if self._destinationSrv.find("%s://" % protocol) == 0:
        gLogger.debug("Already given a valid url", self._destinationSrv)
        if not gatewayURL:
          return S_OK(self._destinationSrv)
        gLogger.debug("Reconstructing given URL to pass through gateway")
        path = "/".join(self._destinationSrv.split("/")[3:])
        finalURL = "%s/%s" % (gatewayURL, path)
        gLogger.debug("Gateway URL conversion:\n %s -> %s" % (self._destinationSrv, finalURL))
        return S_OK(finalURL)

    if gatewayURL:
      gLogger.debug("Using gateway", gatewayURL)
      return S_OK("%s/%s" % (gatewayURL, self._destinationSrv))

    # We extract the list of URLs from the CS (System/URLs/Component)
      urls = getServiceURL(self._destinationSrv, setup=self.setup)
    except Exception as e:
      return S_ERROR("Cannot get URL for %s in setup %s: %s" % (self._destinationSrv, self.setup, repr(e)))
    if not urls:
      return S_ERROR("URL for service %s not found" % self._destinationSrv)

    failoverUrls = []
    # Try if there are some failover URLs to use as last resort
      failoverUrlsStr = getServiceFailoverURL(self._destinationSrv, setup=self.setup)
      if failoverUrlsStr:
        failoverUrls = failoverUrlsStr.split(',')
    except Exception as e:

    # We randomize the list, and add at the end the failover URLs (System/FailoverURLs/Component)
    urlsList = List.randomize(List.fromChar(urls, ",")) + failoverUrls
    self.__nbOfUrls = len(urlsList)
    self.__nbOfRetry = 2 if self.__nbOfUrls > 2 else 3  # we retry 2 times all services, if we run more than 2 services
    if self.__nbOfUrls == len(self.__bannedUrls):
      self.__bannedUrls = []  # retry all urls
      gLogger.debug("Retrying again all URLs")

    if len(self.__bannedUrls) > 0 and len(urlsList) > 1:
      # we have host which is not accessible. We remove that host from the list.
      # We only remove if we have more than one instance
      for i in self.__bannedUrls:
        gLogger.debug("Removing banned URL", "%s" % i)

    # Take the first URL from the list
    # randUrls = List.randomize( urlsList ) + failoverUrls

    sURL = urlsList[0]

    # If we have banned URLs, and several URLs at disposals, we make sure that the selected sURL
    # is not on a host which is banned. If it is, we take the next one in the list using __selectUrl
    # If we have banned URLs, and several URLs at disposals, we make sure that the selected sURL
    # is not on a host which is banned. If it is, we take the next one in the list using __selectUrl

    if len(self.__bannedUrls) > 0 and self.__nbOfUrls > 2:  # when we have multiple services then we can
      # have a situation when two services are running on the same machine with different ports...
      retVal = Network.splitURL(sURL)
      nexturl = None
      if retVal['OK']:
        nexturl = retVal['Value']

        found = False
        for i in self.__bannedUrls:
          retVal = Network.splitURL(i)
          if retVal['OK']:
            bannedurl = retVal['Value']
          # We found a banned URL on the same host as the one we are running on
          if nexturl[1] == bannedurl[1]:
            found = True
        if found:
          nexturl = self.__selectUrl(nexturl, urlsList[1:])
          if nexturl:  # an url found which is in different host
            sURL = nexturl
    gLogger.debug("Discovering URL for service", "%s -> %s" % (self._destinationSrv, sURL))
    return S_OK(sURL)
Example #5
    def __findServiceURL(self):
        if not self.__initStatus['OK']:
            return self.__initStatus
        gatewayURL = False
        if self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS not in self.kwargs or not self.kwargs[
            dRetVal = gConfig.getOption("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" %
            if dRetVal['OK']:
                rawGatewayURL = List.randomize(
                    List.fromChar(dRetVal['Value'], ","))[0]
                gatewayURL = "/".join(rawGatewayURL.split("/")[:3])

        for protocol in gProtocolDict.keys():
            if self._destinationSrv.find("%s://" % protocol) == 0:
                gLogger.debug("Already given a valid url",
                if not gatewayURL:
                    return S_OK(self._destinationSrv)
                    "Reconstructing given URL to pass through gateway")
                path = "/".join(self._destinationSrv.split("/")[3:])
                finalURL = "%s/%s" % (gatewayURL, path)
                gLogger.debug("Gateway URL conversion:\n %s -> %s" %
                              (self._destinationSrv, finalURL))
                return S_OK(finalURL)

        if gatewayURL:
            gLogger.debug("Using gateway", gatewayURL)
            return S_OK("%s/%s" % (gatewayURL, self._destinationSrv))

            urls = getServiceURL(self._destinationSrv, setup=self.setup)
        except Exception as e:
            return S_ERROR("Cannot get URL for %s in setup %s: %s" %
                           (self._destinationSrv, self.setup, repr(e)))
        if not urls:
            return S_ERROR("URL for service %s not found" %

        urlsList = List.fromChar(urls, ",")
        self.__nbOfUrls = len(urlsList)
        self.__nbOfRetry = 2 if self.__nbOfUrls > 2 else 3  # we retry 2 times all services, if we run more than 2 services
        if len(urlsList) == len(self.__bannedUrls):
            self.__bannedUrls = []  # retry all urls
            gLogger.debug("Retrying again all URLs")

        if len(self.__bannedUrls) > 0 and len(urlsList) > 1:
            # we have host which is not accessible. We remove that host from the list.
            # We only remove if we have more than one instance
            for i in self.__bannedUrls:
                gLogger.debug("Removing banned URL", "%s" % i)

        randUrls = List.randomize(urlsList)
        sURL = randUrls[0]

        if len(
        ) > 0 and self.__nbOfUrls > 2:  # when we have multiple services then we can have a situation
            # when two service are running on the same machine with different port...

            retVal = Network.splitURL(sURL)
            nexturl = None
            if retVal['OK']:
                nexturl = retVal['Value']

                found = False
                for i in self.__bannedUrls:
                    retVal = Network.splitURL(i)
                    if retVal['OK']:
                        bannedurl = retVal['Value']

                    if nexturl[1] == bannedurl[1]:
                        found = True
                if found:
                    nexturl = self.__selectUrl(nexturl, randUrls[1:])
                    if nexturl:  # an url found which is in different host
                        sURL = nexturl
        gLogger.debug("Discovering URL for service",
                      "%s -> %s" % (self._destinationSrv, sURL))
        return S_OK(sURL)
Example #6
  def __findServiceURL(self):
        Discovers the URL of a service, taking into account gateways, multiple URLs, banned URLs

        If the site on which we run is configured to use gateways (/DIRAC/Gateways/<siteName>),
        these URLs will be used. To ignore the gateway, it is possible to set KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS
        to False in kwargs.

        If self._destinationSrv (given as constructor attribute) is a properly formed URL,
        we just return this one. If we have to use a gateway, we just replace the server name in the url.

        The list of URLs defined in the CS (<System>/URLs/<Component>) is randomized

        This method also sets some attributes:
          * self.__nbOfUrls = number of URLs
          * self.__nbOfRetry = 2 if we have more than 2 urls, otherwise 3
          * self.__bannedUrls is reinitialized if all the URLs are banned

        :return: the selected URL

    if not self.__initStatus['OK']:
      return self.__initStatus

    # Load the Gateways URLs for the current site Name
    gatewayURL = False
    if self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS not in self.kwargs or not self.kwargs[self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS]:
      dRetVal = gConfig.getOption("/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" % DIRAC.siteName())
      if dRetVal['OK']:
        rawGatewayURL = List.randomize(List.fromChar(dRetVal['Value'], ","))[0]
        gatewayURL = "/".join(rawGatewayURL.split("/")[:3])

    # If what was given as constructor attribute is a properly formed URL,
    # we just return this one.
    # If we have to use a gateway, we just replace the server name in it
    for protocol in gProtocolDict:
      if self._destinationSrv.find("%s://" % protocol) == 0:
        gLogger.debug("Already given a valid url", self._destinationSrv)
        if not gatewayURL:
          return S_OK(self._destinationSrv)
        gLogger.debug("Reconstructing given URL to pass through gateway")
        path = "/".join(self._destinationSrv.split("/")[3:])
        finalURL = "%s/%s" % (gatewayURL, path)
        gLogger.debug("Gateway URL conversion:\n %s -> %s" % (self._destinationSrv, finalURL))
        return S_OK(finalURL)

    if gatewayURL:
      gLogger.debug("Using gateway", gatewayURL)
      return S_OK("%s/%s" % (gatewayURL, self._destinationSrv))

    # We extract the list of URLs from the CS (System/URLs/Component)
      urls = getServiceURL(self._destinationSrv, setup=self.setup)
    except Exception as e:
      return S_ERROR("Cannot get URL for %s in setup %s: %s" % (self._destinationSrv, self.setup, repr(e)))
    if not urls:
      return S_ERROR("URL for service %s not found" % self._destinationSrv)

    failoverUrls = []
    # Try if there are some failover URLs to use as last resort
      failoverUrlsStr = getServiceFailoverURL(self._destinationSrv, setup=self.setup)
      if failoverUrlsStr:
        failoverUrls = failoverUrlsStr.split(',')
    except Exception as e:

    # We randomize the list, and add at the end the failover URLs (System/FailoverURLs/Component)
    urlsList = List.randomize(List.fromChar(urls, ",")) + failoverUrls
    self.__nbOfUrls = len(urlsList)
    self.__nbOfRetry = 2 if self.__nbOfUrls > 2 else 3  # we retry 2 times all services, if we run more than 2 services
    if self.__nbOfUrls == len(self.__bannedUrls):
      self.__bannedUrls = []  # retry all urls
      gLogger.debug("Retrying again all URLs")

    if len(self.__bannedUrls) > 0 and len(urlsList) > 1:
      # we have host which is not accessible. We remove that host from the list.
      # We only remove if we have more than one instance
      for i in self.__bannedUrls:
        gLogger.debug("Removing banned URL", "%s" % i)

    # Take the first URL from the list
    #randUrls = List.randomize( urlsList ) + failoverUrls

    sURL = urlsList[0]

    # If we have banned URLs, and several URLs at disposals, we make sure that the selected sURL
    # is not on a host which is banned. If it is, we take the next one in the list using __selectUrl
    # If we have banned URLs, and several URLs at disposals, we make sure that the selected sURL
    # is not on a host which is banned. If it is, we take the next one in the list using __selectUrl

    if len(self.__bannedUrls) > 0 and self.__nbOfUrls > 2:  # when we have multiple services then we can
      # have a situation when two services are running on the same machine with different ports...
      retVal = Network.splitURL(sURL)
      nexturl = None
      if retVal['OK']:
        nexturl = retVal['Value']

        found = False
        for i in self.__bannedUrls:
          retVal = Network.splitURL(i)
          if retVal['OK']:
            bannedurl = retVal['Value']
          # We found a banned URL on the same host as the one we are running on
          if nexturl[1] == bannedurl[1]:
            found = True
        if found:
          nexturl = self.__selectUrl(nexturl, urlsList[1:])
          if nexturl:  # an url found which is in different host
            sURL = nexturl
    gLogger.debug("Discovering URL for service", "%s -> %s" % (self._destinationSrv, sURL))
    return S_OK(sURL)
Example #7
  def __findServiceURL( self ):
    if not self.__initStatus[ 'OK' ]:
      return self.__initStatus
    gatewayURL = False
    if self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS not in self.kwargs or not self.kwargs[ self.KW_IGNORE_GATEWAYS ]:
      dRetVal = gConfig.getOption( "/DIRAC/Gateways/%s" % DIRAC.siteName() )
      if dRetVal[ 'OK' ]:
        rawGatewayURL = List.randomize( List.fromChar( dRetVal[ 'Value'], "," ) )[0]
        gatewayURL = "/".join( rawGatewayURL.split( "/" )[:3] )

    for protocol in gProtocolDict.keys():
      if self._destinationSrv.find( "%s://" % protocol ) == 0:
        gLogger.debug( "Already given a valid url", self._destinationSrv )
        if not gatewayURL:
          return S_OK( self._destinationSrv )
        gLogger.debug( "Reconstructing given URL to pass through gateway" )
        path = "/".join( self._destinationSrv.split( "/" )[3:] )
        finalURL = "%s/%s" % ( gatewayURL, path )
        gLogger.debug( "Gateway URL conversion:\n %s -> %s" % ( self._destinationSrv, finalURL ) )
        return S_OK( finalURL )

    if gatewayURL:
      gLogger.debug( "Using gateway", gatewayURL )
      return S_OK( "%s/%s" % ( gatewayURL, self._destinationSrv ) )

      urls = getServiceURL( self._destinationSrv, setup = self.setup )
    except Exception as e:
      return S_ERROR( "Cannot get URL for %s in setup %s: %s" % ( self._destinationSrv, self.setup, repr( e ) ) )
    if not urls:
      return S_ERROR( "URL for service %s not found" % self._destinationSrv )

    urlsList = List.fromChar( urls, "," )
    self.__nbOfUrls = len( urlsList )
    self.__nbOfRetry = 2 if self.__nbOfUrls > 2 else 3 # we retry 2 times all services, if we run more than 2 services
    if len( urlsList ) == len( self.__bannedUrls ):
      self.__bannedUrls = []  # retry all urls
      gLogger.debug( "Retrying again all URLs" )

    if len( self.__bannedUrls ) > 0 and len( urlsList ) > 1 :
      # we have host which is not accessible. We remove that host from the list.
      # We only remove if we have more than one instance
      for i in self.__bannedUrls:
        gLogger.debug( "Removing banned URL", "%s" % i )
        urlsList.remove( i )

    randUrls = List.randomize( urlsList )
    sURL = randUrls[0]

    if len( self.__bannedUrls ) > 0 and self.__nbOfUrls > 2:  # when we have multiple services then we can have a situation
      # when two service are running on the same machine with different port...

      retVal = Network.splitURL( sURL )
      nexturl = None
      if retVal['OK']:
        nexturl = retVal['Value']

        found = False
        for i in self.__bannedUrls:
          retVal = Network.splitURL( i )
          if retVal['OK']:
            bannedurl = retVal['Value']

          if nexturl[1] == bannedurl[1]:
            found = True
        if found:
          nexturl = self.__selectUrl( nexturl, randUrls[1:] )
          if nexturl:  # an url found which is in different host
            sURL = nexturl
    gLogger.debug( "Discovering URL for service", "%s -> %s" % ( self._destinationSrv, sURL ) )
    return S_OK( sURL )