Example #1
    def getControlledUsers(self, right):
        """Get users and groups which jobs are subject to the given access right"""

        userGroupList = "ALL"
        # If allInfo flag is defined we can see info for any job
        if right == RIGHT_GET_INFO and self.allInfo:
            return S_OK(userGroupList)

        # Administrators can do everything
        if Properties.JOB_ADMINISTRATOR in self.userProperties:
            return S_OK(userGroupList)

        # Inspectors can see info for all the jobs
        if Properties.JOB_MONITOR in self.userProperties and right == RIGHT_GET_INFO:
            return S_OK(userGroupList)

        userGroupList = []
        # User can do many things with his jobs
        if Properties.NORMAL_USER in self.userProperties and right in OWNER_RIGHTS:
            result = getGroupsForUser(self.userName)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            groups = result["Value"]
            for group in groups:
                if "NormalUser" in getPropertiesForGroup(group, []):
                    userGroupList.append((self.userName, group))

        # User can do many things with the jobs in the shared group
        if Properties.JOB_SHARING in self.userProperties and right in SHARED_GROUP_RIGHTS:
            sharedUsers = getUsersInGroup(self.userGroup)
            for user in sharedUsers:
                userGroupList.append((user, self.userGroup))

        userGroupList = list(set(userGroupList))
        return S_OK(userGroupList)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, userDN, userGroup, allInfo=True):

        self.userDN = userDN
        self.userName = ''
        result = getUsernameForDN(userDN)
        if result['OK']:
            self.userName = result['Value']
        self.userGroup = userGroup
        self.userProperties = getPropertiesForGroup(userGroup, [])
        self.jobDB = None
        self.allInfo = allInfo
        self.__permissions = {}
Example #3
  def __init__( self, userDN, userGroup, allInfo=True ):

    self.userDN = userDN
    self.userName = ''
    result = getUsernameForDN(userDN)
    if result['OK']:
      self.userName = result['Value']
    self.userGroup = userGroup
    self.userProperties = getPropertiesForGroup( userGroup, [] )
    self.jobDB = None
    self.allInfo = allInfo
    self.__permissions = {}
Example #4
  def getControlledUsers( self, right ):
    """ Get users and groups which jobs are subject to the given access right
    userGroupList = 'ALL'
    # If allInfo flag is defined we can see info for any job
    if right == RIGHT_GET_INFO and self.allInfo:
      return S_OK( userGroupList ) 
    # Administrators can do everything
    if Properties.JOB_ADMINISTRATOR in self.userProperties:
      return S_OK( userGroupList )
    # Inspectors can see info for all the jobs
    if Properties.JOB_MONITOR in self.userProperties and right == RIGHT_GET_INFO:
      return S_OK( userGroupList )  
    userGroupList = []
    # User can do many things with his jobs
    if Properties.NORMAL_USER in self.userProperties and right in OWNER_RIGHTS:
      result = getGroupsForUser( self.userName )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
      groups = result['Value']
      for group in groups:
        if 'NormalUser' in getPropertiesForGroup( group, [] ):
          userGroupList.append( ( self.userName, group ) )
    # User can do many things with the jobs in the shared group
    if Properties.JOB_SHARING in self.userProperties and right in SHARED_GROUP_RIGHTS:
      sharedUsers = getUsersInGroup( self.userGroup )
      for user in sharedUsers:
        userGroupList.append( ( user, self.userGroup ) )
    userGroupList = list( set( userGroupList ) )    
    return S_OK( userGroupList )  

def main():
        "C", "country",
        "Sort site names by country postfix (i.e. LCG.IHEP.cn, LCG.IN2P3.fr, LCG.IHEP.su)",
    Script.registerSwitch("R", "reverse", "Reverse the sort order", isReverse)
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
        "Section: Name of the subsection in '/Resources/Sites/' for sort (i.e. LCG DIRAC)"

    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get proxy information", result["Message"])
    proxy = result["Value"]
    if proxy["secondsLeft"] < 1:
        gLogger.error("Your proxy has expired, please create new one")
    group = proxy["group"]
    if "CSAdministrator" not in getPropertiesForGroup(group):
            "You must be CSAdministrator user to execute this script")
            "Please issue 'dirac-proxy-init -g [group with CSAdministrator Property]'"

    cs = CSAPI()
    result = cs.getCurrentCFG()
    if not result["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to get copy of CS", result["Message"])
    cfg = result["Value"]

    if not cfg.isSection("Resources"):
        gLogger.error("Section '/Resources' is absent in CS")

    if not cfg.isSection("Resources/Sites"):
        gLogger.error("Subsection '/Resources/Sites' is absent in CS")

    if args and len(args) > 0:
        resultList = args[:]
        resultList = cfg["Resources"]["Sites"].listSections()

    hasRun = False
    isDirty = False
    for i in resultList:
        if not cfg.isSection("Resources/Sites/%s" % i):
            gLogger.error("Subsection /Resources/Sites/%s does not exists" % i)
        hasRun = True
        if SORTBYNAME:
            dirty = cfg["Resources"]["Sites"][i].sortAlphabetically(
                ascending=not REVERSE)
            dirty = cfg["Resources"]["Sites"][i].sortByKey(key=country,
        if dirty:
            isDirty = True

    if not hasRun:
            "Failed to find suitable subsections with site names to sort")

    if not isDirty:
        gLogger.notice("Nothing to do, site names are already sorted")

    timestamp = toString(dateTime())
    stamp = "Site names are sorted by %s script at %s" % (Script.scriptName,
    cs.setOptionComment("/Resources/Sites", stamp)

    result = cs.commit()
    if not result["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to commit changes to CS", result["Message"])
    gLogger.notice("Site names are sorted and committed to CS")
Example #6
 def hasAdminAccess(self,credDict):
   group = credDict.get('group','')
   if FC_MANAGEMENT in getPropertiesForGroup(group):
     return S_OK(True)
   return S_OK(False)
Example #7
 def hasAdminAccess(self, credDict):
     group = credDict.get('group', '')
     if FC_MANAGEMENT in getPropertiesForGroup(group):
         return S_OK(True)
     return S_OK(False)
Example #8
gridSiteName = args[1]
ces = args[2:]
  diracGridType, place, country = diracSiteName.split( '.' )
  gLogger.error( "The DIRACSiteName should be of the form GRID.LOCATION.COUNTRY for example LCG.CERN.ch" )
  DIRAC.exit( -1 )

res = getProxyInfo()
if not res['OK']:
  gLogger.error( "Failed to get proxy information", res['Message'] )
  DIRAC.exit( 2 )
userName = res['Value']['username']
group = res['Value']['group']

if not 'CSAdministrator' in getPropertiesForGroup( group ):
   gLogger.error( "You must be CSAdministrator user to execute this script" )
   gLogger.notice( "Please issue 'dirac-proxy-init -g [group with CSAdministrator Property]'" )
   DIRAC.exit( 2 )

cfgBase = "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s" % ( diracGridType, diracSiteName )
res = gConfig.getOptionsDict( cfgBase )
if res['OK'] and res['Value']:
  gLogger.error( "The site %s is already defined:" % diracSiteName )
  for key, value in res['Value'].items():
    gLogger.notice( "%s = %s" % ( key, value ) )
  DIRAC.exit( 2 )

csAPI.setOption( "%s/Name" % cfgBase, gridSiteName )
csAPI.setOption( "%s/CE" % cfgBase, ','.join( ces ) )
res = csAPI.commitChanges()
Example #9

args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

result = getProxyInfo()
if not result["OK"]:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get proxy information", result["Message"])
proxy = result["Value"]
if proxy["secondsLeft"] < 1:
    gLogger.error("Your proxy has expired, please create new one")
group = proxy["group"]
if not "CSAdministrator" in getPropertiesForGroup(group):
    gLogger.error("You must be CSAdministrator user to execute this script")
    gLogger.notice("Please issue 'dirac-proxy-init -g [group with CSAdministrator Property]'")

cs = CSAPI()
result = cs.getCurrentCFG()
if not result["OK"]:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get copy of CS", result["Message"])
cfg = result["Value"]

if not cfg.isSection("Resources"):
    gLogger.error("Section '/Resources' is absent in CS")
Example #10
  def _getPilotOptions( self, taskQueueDict, pilotsToSubmit ):

    # Need to limit the maximum number of pilots to submit at once 
    # For generic pilots this is limited by the number of use of the tokens and the 
    # maximum number of jobs in Filling mode, but for private Jobs we need an extra limitation:
    pilotsToSubmit = min( pilotsToSubmit, int( 50 / self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )
    pilotOptions = []
    privateIfGenericTQ = self.privatePilotFraction > random.random()
    privateTQ = ( 'PilotTypes' in taskQueueDict and 'private' in [ t.lower() for t in taskQueueDict['PilotTypes'] ] )
    forceGeneric = 'ForceGeneric' in taskQueueDict
    submitPrivatePilot = ( privateIfGenericTQ or privateTQ ) and not forceGeneric
    if submitPrivatePilot:
      self.log.verbose( 'Submitting private pilots for TaskQueue %s' % taskQueueDict['TaskQueueID'] )
      ownerDN = taskQueueDict['OwnerDN']
      ownerGroup = taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup']
      # User Group requirement
      pilotOptions.append( '-G %s' % taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup'] )
      # check if group allows jobsharing
      ownerGroupProperties = getPropertiesForGroup( ownerGroup )
      if not 'JobSharing' in ownerGroupProperties:
        # Add Owner requirement to pilot
        pilotOptions.append( "-O '%s'" % ownerDN )
      if privateTQ:
        pilotOptions.append( '-o /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/PilotType=private' )
      maxJobsInFillMode = self.maxJobsInFillMode
      #For generic jobs we'll submit mixture of generic and private pilots
      self.log.verbose( 'Submitting generic pilots for TaskQueue %s' % taskQueueDict['TaskQueueID'] )
      ownerDN = self.genericPilotDN
      ownerGroup = self.genericPilotGroup
      result = gProxyManager.requestToken( ownerDN, ownerGroup, max( pilotsToSubmit, self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( ERROR_TOKEN, result['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( ERROR_TOKEN )
      ( token, numberOfUses ) = result[ 'Value' ]
      pilotsToSubmit = min( numberOfUses, pilotsToSubmit )

      pilotOptions.append( '-o /Security/ProxyToken=%s' % token )

      pilotsToSubmit = ( pilotsToSubmit - 1 ) / self.maxJobsInFillMode + 1

      maxJobsInFillMode = int( numberOfUses / pilotsToSubmit )
    # Use Filling mode
    pilotOptions.append( '-M %s' % maxJobsInFillMode )

    # Debug
    pilotOptions.append( '-d' )
    # Setup.
    pilotOptions.append( '-S %s' % taskQueueDict['Setup'] )
    # CS Servers
    csServers = gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", [] )
    pilotOptions.append( '-C %s' % ",".join( csServers ) )
    # DIRAC Extensions
    extensionsList = getCSExtensions()
    if extensionsList:
      pilotOptions.append( '-e %s' % ",".join( extensionsList ) )
    # Requested version of DIRAC
    pilotOptions.append( '-r %s' % self.installVersion )
    # Requested Project to install
    if self.installInstallation:
      pilotOptions.append( '-V %s' % self.installInstallation )
    # Requested CPU time
    pilotOptions.append( '-T %s' % taskQueueDict['CPUTime'] )

    if self.extraPilotOptions:
      pilotOptions.extend( self.extraPilotOptions )

    return S_OK( ( pilotOptions, pilotsToSubmit, ownerDN, ownerGroup, submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ ) )
Example #11
gridSiteName = args[1]
ces = args[2:]
  diracGridType, place, country = diracSiteName.split( '.' )
  gLogger.error( "The DIRACSiteName should be of the form GRID.LOCATION.COUNTRY for example LCG.CERN.ch" )
  DIRAC.exit( -1 )

res = getProxyInfo()
if not res['OK']:
  gLogger.error( "Failed to get proxy information", res['Message'] )
  DIRAC.exit( 2 )
userName = res['Value']['username']
group = res['Value']['group']

if not 'CSAdministrator' in getPropertiesForGroup( group ):
   gLogger.error( "You must be CSAdministrator user to execute this script" )
   gLogger.notice( "Please issue 'dirac-proxy-init -g [group with CSAdministrator Property]'" )
   DIRAC.exit( 2 )

cfgBase = "/Resources/Sites/%s/%s" % ( diracGridType, diracSiteName )
res = gConfig.getOptionsDict( cfgBase )
if res['OK'] and res['Value']:
  gLogger.error( "The site %s is already defined:" % diracSiteName )
  for key, value in res['Value'].items():
    gLogger.notice( "%s = %s" % ( key, value ) )
  DIRAC.exit( 2 )

csAPI.setOption( "%s/Name" % cfgBase, gridSiteName )
csAPI.setOption( "%s/CE" % cfgBase, ','.join( ces ) )
res = csAPI.commitChanges()
Example #12
    def _getPilotOptions(self, taskQueueDict, pilotsToSubmit):

        # Need to limit the maximum number of pilots to submit at once
        # For generic pilots this is limited by the number of use of the tokens and the
        # maximum number of jobs in Filling mode, but for private Jobs we need an extra limitation:
        pilotsToSubmit = max(min(pilotsToSubmit, int(50 / self.maxJobsInFillMode)), 1)
        pilotOptions = []
        privateIfGenericTQ = self.privatePilotFraction > random.random()
        privateTQ = "PilotTypes" in taskQueueDict and "private" in [t.lower() for t in taskQueueDict["PilotTypes"]]
        forceGeneric = "ForceGeneric" in taskQueueDict
        submitPrivatePilot = (privateIfGenericTQ or privateTQ) and not forceGeneric
        if submitPrivatePilot:
            self.log.verbose("Submitting private pilots for TaskQueue %s" % taskQueueDict["TaskQueueID"])
            ownerDN = taskQueueDict["OwnerDN"]
            ownerGroup = taskQueueDict["OwnerGroup"]
            # User Group requirement
            pilotOptions.append("-G %s" % taskQueueDict["OwnerGroup"])
            # check if group allows jobsharing
            ownerGroupProperties = getPropertiesForGroup(ownerGroup)
            if not "JobSharing" in ownerGroupProperties:
                # Add Owner requirement to pilot
                pilotOptions.append("-O '%s'" % ownerDN)
            if privateTQ:
                pilotOptions.append("-o /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/PilotType=private")
            maxJobsInFillMode = self.maxJobsInFillMode
            # For generic jobs we'll submit mixture of generic and private pilots
            self.log.verbose("Submitting generic pilots for TaskQueue %s" % taskQueueDict["TaskQueueID"])
            # ADRI: Find the generic group
            result = findGenericPilotCredentials(group=taskQueueDict["OwnerGroup"])
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error(ERROR_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS, result["Message"])
            ownerDN, ownerGroup = result["Value"]

            result = gProxyManager.requestToken(ownerDN, ownerGroup, max(pilotsToSubmit, self.maxJobsInFillMode))
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error(ERROR_TOKEN, result["Message"])
                return S_ERROR(ERROR_TOKEN)
            (token, numberOfUses) = result["Value"]
            pilotsToSubmit = min(numberOfUses, pilotsToSubmit)

            pilotOptions.append("-o /Security/ProxyToken=%s" % token)

            pilotsToSubmit = max(1, (pilotsToSubmit - 1) / self.maxJobsInFillMode + 1)

            maxJobsInFillMode = int(numberOfUses / pilotsToSubmit)
        # Use Filling mode
        pilotOptions.append("-M %s" % maxJobsInFillMode)

        # Debug
        # Setup.
        pilotOptions.append("-S %s" % taskQueueDict["Setup"])
        # CS Servers
        csServers = gConfig.getServersList()
        if len(csServers) > 3:
            # Remove the master
            master = gConfigurationData.getMasterServer()
            if master in csServers:
        pilotOptions.append("-C %s" % ",".join(csServers))
        # DIRAC Extensions
        extensionsList = getCSExtensions()
        if extensionsList:
            pilotOptions.append("-e %s" % ",".join(extensionsList))
        # Get DIRAC version and project, There might be global Setup defaults and per VO/Setup defaults (from configure)
        opsHelper = Operations(group=taskQueueDict["OwnerGroup"], setup=taskQueueDict["Setup"])
        # Requested version of DIRAC (it can be a list, so we take the fist one)
        version = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Pilot", "Version"), [self.installVersion])[0]
        pilotOptions.append("-r %s" % version)
        # Requested Project to install
        installProject = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Pilot", "Project"), self.installProject)
        if installProject:
            pilotOptions.append("-l %s" % installProject)
        installation = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath("Pilot", "Installation"), self.installation)
        if installation:
            pilotOptions.append("-V %s" % installation)
        # Requested CPU time
        pilotOptions.append("-T %s" % taskQueueDict["CPUTime"])

        if self.submitPoolOption not in self.extraPilotOptions:

        if self.extraPilotOptions:

        return S_OK((pilotOptions, pilotsToSubmit, ownerDN, ownerGroup, submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ))

args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

result = getProxyInfo()
if not result["OK"]:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get proxy information", result["Message"])
proxy = result["Value"]
if proxy["secondsLeft"] < 1:
    gLogger.error("Your proxy has expired, please create new one")
group = proxy["group"]
if not "CSAdministrator" in getPropertiesForGroup(group):
    gLogger.error("You must be CSAdministrator user to execute this script")
        "Please issue 'dirac-proxy-init -g [group with CSAdministrator Property]'"

cs = CSAPI()
result = cs.getCurrentCFG()
if not result["OK"]:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get copy of CS", result["Message"])
cfg = result["Value"]

if not cfg.isSection("Resources"):
    gLogger.error("Section '/Resources' is absent in CS")
Example #14
  def _getPilotOptions( self, taskQueueDict, pilotsToSubmit ):

    # Need to limit the maximum number of pilots to submit at once 
    # For generic pilots this is limited by the number of use of the tokens and the 
    # maximum number of jobs in Filling mode, but for private Jobs we need an extra limitation:
    pilotsToSubmit = min( pilotsToSubmit, int( 50 / self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )
    pilotOptions = [ "-V %s" % self.virtualOrganization ]
    privateIfGenericTQ = self.privatePilotFraction > random.random()
    privateTQ = ( 'PilotTypes' in taskQueueDict and 'private' in [ t.lower() for t in taskQueueDict['PilotTypes'] ] )
    forceGeneric = 'ForceGeneric' in taskQueueDict
    submitPrivatePilot = ( privateIfGenericTQ or privateTQ ) and not forceGeneric
    if submitPrivatePilot:
      self.log.verbose( 'Submitting private pilots for TaskQueue %s' % taskQueueDict['TaskQueueID'] )
      ownerDN = taskQueueDict['OwnerDN']
      ownerGroup = taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup']
      # User Group requirement
      pilotOptions.append( '-G %s' % taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup'] )
      # check if group allows jobsharing
      ownerGroupProperties = getPropertiesForGroup( ownerGroup )
      if not 'JobSharing' in ownerGroupProperties:
        # Add Owner requirement to pilot
        pilotOptions.append( "-O '%s'" % ownerDN )
      if privateTQ:
        pilotOptions.append( '-o /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/PilotType=private' )
      maxJobsInFillMode = self.maxJobsInFillMode
      #For generic jobs we'll submit mixture of generic and private pilots
      self.log.verbose( 'Submitting generic pilots for TaskQueue %s' % taskQueueDict['TaskQueueID'] )
      ownerDN = self.genericPilotDN
      ownerGroup = self.genericPilotGroup
      result = gProxyManager.requestToken( ownerDN, ownerGroup, max( pilotsToSubmit, self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( ERROR_TOKEN, result['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( ERROR_TOKEN )
      ( token, numberOfUses ) = result[ 'Value' ]
      pilotsToSubmit = min( numberOfUses, pilotsToSubmit )

      pilotOptions.append( '-o /Security/ProxyToken=%s' % token )

      pilotsToSubmit = ( pilotsToSubmit - 1 ) / self.maxJobsInFillMode + 1

      maxJobsInFillMode = int( numberOfUses / pilotsToSubmit )
    # Use Filling mode
    pilotOptions.append( '-M %s' % maxJobsInFillMode )

    # Debug
    pilotOptions.append( '-d' )
    # Setup.
    pilotOptions.append( '-S %s' % taskQueueDict['Setup'] )
    # CS Servers
    csServers = gConfig.getValue( "/DIRAC/Configuration/Servers", [] )
    pilotOptions.append( '-C %s' % ",".join( csServers ) )
    # DIRAC Extensions
    extensionsList = getCSExtensions()
    if extensionsList:
      pilotOptions.append( '-e %s' % ",".join( extensionsList ) )
    # Requested version of DIRAC
    pilotOptions.append( '-r %s' % self.installVersion )
    # Requested Project to install
    pilotOptions.append( '-V %s' % self.installInstallation )
    # Requested CPU time
    pilotOptions.append( '-T %s' % taskQueueDict['CPUTime'] )

    if self.extraPilotOptions:
      pilotOptions.extend( self.extraPilotOptions )

    return S_OK( ( pilotOptions, pilotsToSubmit, ownerDN, ownerGroup, submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ ) )
Example #15
  def _getPilotOptions( self, taskQueueDict, pilotsToSubmit ):

    # Need to limit the maximum number of pilots to submit at once
    # For generic pilots this is limited by the number of use of the tokens and the
    # maximum number of jobs in Filling mode, but for private Jobs we need an extra limitation:
    pilotsToSubmit = max( min( pilotsToSubmit, int( 50 / self.maxJobsInFillMode ) ), 1 )
    pilotOptions = []
    privateIfGenericTQ = self.privatePilotFraction > random.random()
    privateTQ = ( 'PilotTypes' in taskQueueDict and 'private' in [ t.lower() for t in taskQueueDict['PilotTypes'] ] )
    forceGeneric = 'ForceGeneric' in taskQueueDict
    submitPrivatePilot = ( privateIfGenericTQ or privateTQ ) and not forceGeneric
    if submitPrivatePilot:
      self.log.verbose( 'Submitting private pilots for TaskQueue %s' % taskQueueDict['TaskQueueID'] )
      ownerDN = taskQueueDict['OwnerDN']
      ownerGroup = taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup']
      # User Group requirement
      pilotOptions.append( '-G %s' % taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup'] )
      # check if group allows jobsharing
      ownerGroupProperties = getPropertiesForGroup( ownerGroup )
      if not 'JobSharing' in ownerGroupProperties:
        # Add Owner requirement to pilot
        pilotOptions.append( "-O '%s'" % ownerDN )
      if privateTQ:
        pilotOptions.append( '-o /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/PilotType=private' )
      maxJobsInFillMode = self.maxJobsInFillMode
      #For generic jobs we'll submit mixture of generic and private pilots
      self.log.verbose( 'Submitting generic pilots for TaskQueue %s' % taskQueueDict['TaskQueueID'] )
      #ADRI: Find the generic group
      result = findGenericPilotCredentials( group = taskQueueDict[ 'OwnerGroup' ] )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( ERROR_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS, result[ 'Message' ] )
      ownerDN, ownerGroup = result[ 'Value' ]

      result = gProxyManager.requestToken( ownerDN, ownerGroup, max( pilotsToSubmit, self.maxJobsInFillMode ) )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( ERROR_TOKEN, result['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( ERROR_TOKEN )
      ( token, numberOfUses ) = result[ 'Value' ]
      pilotsToSubmit = min( numberOfUses, pilotsToSubmit )

      pilotOptions.append( '-o /Security/ProxyToken=%s' % token )

      pilotsToSubmit = max( 1, ( pilotsToSubmit - 1 ) / self.maxJobsInFillMode + 1 )

      maxJobsInFillMode = int( numberOfUses / pilotsToSubmit )
    # Use Filling mode
    pilotOptions.append( '-M %s' % maxJobsInFillMode )

    # Debug
    pilotOptions.append( '-d' )
    # Setup.
    pilotOptions.append( '-S %s' % taskQueueDict['Setup'] )
    # CS Servers
    csServers = gConfig.getServersList()
    if len( csServers ) > 3:
      # Remove the master
      master = gConfigurationData.getMasterServer()
      if master in csServers:
        csServers.remove( master )
    pilotOptions.append( '-C %s' % ",".join( csServers ) )
    # DIRAC Extensions to be used in pilots
    # ubeda: I'm not entirely sure if we can use here the same opsHelper as in line
    # line +352
    pilotExtensionsList = Operations().getValue( "Pilot/Extensions", [] )
    extensionsList = []
    if pilotExtensionsList:
      if pilotExtensionsList[0] != 'None':
        extensionsList = pilotExtensionsList
      extensionsList = getCSExtensions()
    if extensionsList:
      pilotOptions.append( '-e %s' % ",".join( extensionsList ) )

    #Get DIRAC version and project, There might be global Setup defaults and per VO/Setup defaults (from configure)
    opsHelper = Operations( group = taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup'], setup = taskQueueDict['Setup'] )
    # Requested version of DIRAC (it can be a list, so we take the fist one)
    version = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Version' ) , [ self.installVersion ] )[0]
    pilotOptions.append( '-r %s' % version )
    # Requested Project to install
    installProject = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Project' ) , self.installProject )
    if installProject:
      pilotOptions.append( '-l %s' % installProject )
    installation = opsHelper.getValue( cfgPath( 'Pilot', 'Installation' ), self.installation )
    if installation:
      pilotOptions.append( "-V %s" % installation )
    # Requested CPU time
    pilotOptions.append( '-T %s' % taskQueueDict['CPUTime'] )

    if self.submitPoolOption not in self.extraPilotOptions:
      pilotOptions.append( self.submitPoolOption )

    if self.extraPilotOptions:
      pilotOptions.extend( self.extraPilotOptions )

    return S_OK( ( pilotOptions, pilotsToSubmit, ownerDN, ownerGroup, submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ ) )
Example #16
    def _getPilotOptions(self, taskQueueDict, pilotsToSubmit):

        # Need to limit the maximum number of pilots to submit at once
        # For generic pilots this is limited by the number of use of the tokens and the
        # maximum number of jobs in Filling mode, but for private Jobs we need an extra limitation:
        pilotsToSubmit = max(
            min(pilotsToSubmit, int(50 / self.maxJobsInFillMode)), 1)
        pilotOptions = []
        privateIfGenericTQ = self.privatePilotFraction > random.random()
        privateTQ = ('PilotTypes' in taskQueueDict and 'private'
                     in [t.lower() for t in taskQueueDict['PilotTypes']])
        forceGeneric = 'ForceGeneric' in taskQueueDict
        submitPrivatePilot = (privateIfGenericTQ
                              or privateTQ) and not forceGeneric
        if submitPrivatePilot:
            self.log.verbose('Submitting private pilots for TaskQueue %s' %
            ownerDN = taskQueueDict['OwnerDN']
            ownerGroup = taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup']
            # User Group requirement
            pilotOptions.append('-G %s' % taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup'])
            # check if group allows jobsharing
            ownerGroupProperties = getPropertiesForGroup(ownerGroup)
            if not 'JobSharing' in ownerGroupProperties:
                # Add Owner requirement to pilot
                pilotOptions.append("-O '%s'" % ownerDN)
            if privateTQ:
                    '-o /Resources/Computing/CEDefaults/PilotType=private')
            maxJobsInFillMode = self.maxJobsInFillMode
            #For generic jobs we'll submit mixture of generic and private pilots
            self.log.verbose('Submitting generic pilots for TaskQueue %s' %
            #ADRI: Find the generic group
            result = findGenericPilotCredentials(
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error(ERROR_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS, result['Message'])
            ownerDN, ownerGroup = result['Value']

            result = gProxyManager.requestToken(
                ownerDN, ownerGroup, max(pilotsToSubmit,
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error(ERROR_TOKEN, result['Message'])
                return S_ERROR(ERROR_TOKEN)
            (token, numberOfUses) = result['Value']
            pilotsToSubmit = min(numberOfUses, pilotsToSubmit)

            pilotOptions.append('-o /Security/ProxyToken=%s' % token)

            pilotsToSubmit = max(
                1, (pilotsToSubmit - 1) / self.maxJobsInFillMode + 1)

            maxJobsInFillMode = int(numberOfUses / pilotsToSubmit)
        # Use Filling mode
        pilotOptions.append('-M %s' % maxJobsInFillMode)

        # Debug
        # Setup.
        pilotOptions.append('-S %s' % taskQueueDict['Setup'])
        # CS Servers
        csServers = gConfig.getServersList()
        if len(csServers) > 3:
            # Remove the master
            master = gConfigurationData.getMasterServer()
            if master in csServers:
        pilotOptions.append('-C %s' % ",".join(csServers))
        # DIRAC Extensions to be used in pilots
        # ubeda: I'm not entirely sure if we can use here the same opsHelper as in line
        # line +352
        pilotExtensionsList = Operations().getValue("Pilot/Extensions", [])
        extensionsList = []
        if pilotExtensionsList:
            if pilotExtensionsList[0] != 'None':
                extensionsList = pilotExtensionsList
            extensionsList = getCSExtensions()
        if extensionsList:
            pilotOptions.append('-e %s' % ",".join(extensionsList))

        #Get DIRAC version and project, There might be global Setup defaults and per VO/Setup defaults (from configure)
        opsHelper = Operations(group=taskQueueDict['OwnerGroup'],
        # Requested version of DIRAC (it can be a list, so we take the fist one)
        version = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Pilot', 'Version'),
        pilotOptions.append('-r %s' % version)
        # Requested Project to install
        installProject = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Pilot', 'Project'),
        if installProject:
            pilotOptions.append('-l %s' % installProject)
        installation = opsHelper.getValue(cfgPath('Pilot', 'Installation'),
        if installation:
            pilotOptions.append("-V %s" % installation)
        # Requested CPU time
        pilotOptions.append('-T %s' % taskQueueDict['CPUTime'])

        if self.submitPoolOption not in self.extraPilotOptions:

        if self.extraPilotOptions:

        return S_OK((pilotOptions, pilotsToSubmit, ownerDN, ownerGroup,
                     submitPrivatePilot, privateTQ))

args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

result = getProxyInfo()
if not result["OK"]:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get proxy information", result["Message"])
proxy = result["Value"]
if proxy["secondsLeft"] < 1:
    gLogger.error("Your proxy has expired, please create new one")
group = proxy["group"]
if "CSAdministrator" not in getPropertiesForGroup(group):
    gLogger.error("You must be CSAdministrator user to execute this script")
        "Please issue 'dirac-proxy-init -g [group with CSAdministrator Property]'"

cs = CSAPI()
result = cs.getCurrentCFG()
if not result["OK"]:
    gLogger.error("Failed to get copy of CS", result["Message"])
cfg = result["Value"]

if not cfg.isSection("Resources"):
    gLogger.error("Section '/Resources' is absent in CS")