Example #1
  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]

    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is not Site nor Resource' )

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    gocdbServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
      if getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['TapeSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm"
      elif getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['DiskSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost

    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType ) )
Example #2
  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]

    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is not Site nor Resource' )

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    gocdbServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
      if getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['TapeSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"
      elif getStorageElementOptions( elementName )['Value']['DiskSE']:
        gocdbServiceType = "srm"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost

    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType ) )
Example #3
    def _prepareCommand(self):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

        if 'name' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args['name']

        if 'element' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
        element = self.args['element']

        if 'elementType' not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
        elementType = self.args['elementType']

        if not element in ['Site', 'Resource']:
            return S_ERROR('element is neither Site nor Resource')

        hours = None
        if 'hours' in self.args:
            hours = self.args['hours']

        gOCDBServiceType = None

        # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
        if element == 'Site':

            gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
            if not gocSite[
                    'OK']:  # The site is most probably not a grid site - not an issue, of course
                pass  # so, elementName remains unchanged
                elementName = gocSite['Value']

        # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
        elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
            # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
            seOptions = getStorageElementOptions(elementName)
            if not seOptions['OK']:
                return seOptions
            if seOptions['Value'].get('TapeSE'):
                gOCDBServiceType = "srm.nearline"
            elif seOptions['Value'].get('DiskSE'):
                gOCDBServiceType = "srm"

            seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost(elementName)
            if not seHost['OK']:
                return seHost
            seHost = seHost['Value']

            if not seHost:
                return S_ERROR('No seHost for %s' % elementName)
            elementName = seHost

        elif elementType in ['FTS', 'FTS3']:
            gOCDBServiceType = 'FTS'
                #WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
                elementName = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
                return S_ERROR(
                    'No FTS3 server specified in dirac.cfg (see Resources/FTSEndpoints)'

        return S_OK((element, elementName, hours, gOCDBServiceType))
Example #4
  def _prepareCommand( self ):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

    if 'name' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"name" not found in self.args' )
    elementName = self.args[ 'name' ]

    if 'element' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"element" not found in self.args' )
    element = self.args[ 'element' ]

    if 'elementType' not in self.args:
      return S_ERROR( '"elementType" not found in self.args' )
    elementType = self.args[ 'elementType' ]

    if not element in [ 'Site', 'Resource' ]:
      return S_ERROR( 'element is neither Site nor Resource' )

    hours = None
    if 'hours' in self.args:
      hours = self.args[ 'hours' ]

    gocdbServiceType = None

    # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
    if element == 'Site':

      gocSite = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
      if not gocSite[ 'OK' ]:
        return gocSite
      elementName = gocSite[ 'Value' ]

    # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
    elif elementType == 'StorageElement':
      # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
      seOptions = getStorageElementOptions( elementName )
      if not seOptions['OK']:
        return seOptions
      if seOptions['Value'].get( 'TapeSE' ):
        gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"
      elif seOptions['Value'].get( 'DiskSE' ):
        gocdbServiceType = "srm"

      seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost( elementName )
      if not seHost['OK']:
        return seHost
      seHost = seHost['Value']

      if not seHost:
        return S_ERROR( 'No seHost for %s' % elementName )
      elementName = seHost
    elif elementType == 'FTS' or elementType == 'FTS3':
      gocdbServiceType = 'FTS'
        #WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
        elementName  = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
        return S_ERROR( 'No FTS3 server specified in dirac.cfg (see Resources/FTSEndpoints)' )

    return S_OK( ( element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType ) )
Example #5
  def __getSiteCandidates( self, inputData ):
    """This method returns a list of possible site candidates based on the
       job input data requirement.  For each site candidate, the number of files
       on disk and tape is resolved.

    fileSEs = {}
    for lfn, replicas in inputData.items():
      siteList = []
      for se in replicas.keys():
        sites = self.__getSitesForSE( se )
        if sites['OK']:
          siteList += sites['Value']
      fileSEs[lfn] = uniqueElements( siteList )

    siteCandidates = []
    i = 0
    for _fileName, sites in fileSEs.items():
      if not i:
        siteCandidates = sites
        tempSite = []
        for site in siteCandidates:
          if site in sites:
            tempSite.append( site )
        siteCandidates = tempSite
      i += 1

    if not len( siteCandidates ):
      return S_ERROR( 'No candidate sites available' )

    #In addition, check number of files on tape and disk for each site
    #for optimizations during scheduling
    siteResult = {}
    for site in siteCandidates:
      siteResult[site] = { 'disk': [], 'tape': [] }

    seDict = {}
    for lfn, replicas in inputData.items():
      for se in replicas.keys():
        if se not in seDict:
          sites = self.__getSitesForSE( se )
          if not sites['OK']:
            #storageElement = StorageElement( se )
            result = self.resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatus( se, statusType = 'ReadAccess' )
            if not result['OK']:
            seDict[se] = { 'Sites': sites['Value'], 'SEParams': result['Value'][se] }
            result = getStorageElementOptions( se )
            if not result['OK']:
          except Exception:
            self.log.exception( 'Failed to instantiate StorageElement( %s )' % se )
        for site in seDict[se]['Sites']:
          if site in siteCandidates:
            if seDict[se]['SEParams']['ReadAccess'] and seDict[se]['SEParams']['DiskSE']:
              if lfn not in siteResult[site]['disk']:
                siteResult[site]['disk'].append( lfn )
                if lfn in siteResult[site]['tape']:
                  siteResult[site]['tape'].remove( lfn )
            if seDict[se]['SEParams']['ReadAccess'] and seDict[se]['SEParams']['TapeSE']:
              if lfn not in siteResult[site]['tape'] and lfn not in siteResult[site]['disk']:
                siteResult[site]['tape'].append( lfn )

    for site in siteResult:
      siteResult[site]['disk'] = len( siteResult[site]['disk'] )
      siteResult[site]['tape'] = len( siteResult[site]['tape'] )
    return S_OK( siteResult )
Example #6
  def __getSiteCandidates( self, inputData ):
    """This method returns a list of possible site candidates based on the
       job input data requirement.  For each site candidate, the number of files
       on disk and tape is resolved.

    fileSEs = {}
    for lfn, replicas in inputData.items():
      siteList = []
      for se in replicas.keys():
        sites = self.__getSitesForSE( se )
        if sites['OK']:
          siteList += sites['Value']
      fileSEs[lfn] = uniqueElements( siteList )

    siteCandidates = []
    i = 0
    for fileName, sites in fileSEs.items():
      if not i:
        siteCandidates = sites
        tempSite = []
        for site in siteCandidates:
          if site in sites:
            tempSite.append( site )
        siteCandidates = tempSite
      i += 1

    if not len( siteCandidates ):
      return S_ERROR( 'No candidate sites available' )

    #In addition, check number of files on tape and disk for each site
    #for optimizations during scheduling
    siteResult = {}
    for site in siteCandidates:
      siteResult[site] = { 'disk': [], 'tape': [] }

    seDict = {}
    for lfn, replicas in inputData.items():
      for se in replicas.keys():
        if se not in seDict:
          sites = self.__getSitesForSE( se )
          if not sites['OK']:
            #storageElement = StorageElement( se )
            result = self.resourceStatus.getStorageElementStatus( se, statusType = 'Read' )
            if not result['OK']:
            seDict[se] = { 'Sites': sites['Value'], 'SEParams': result['Value'][se] }
            result = getStorageElementOptions( se )
            if not result['OK']:
          except Exception:
            self.log.exception( 'Failed to instantiate StorageElement( %s )' % se )
        for site in seDict[se]['Sites']:
          if site in siteCandidates:
            if seDict[se]['SEParams']['Read'] and seDict[se]['SEParams']['DiskSE']:
              if lfn not in siteResult[site]['disk']:
                siteResult[site]['disk'].append( lfn )
                if lfn in siteResult[site]['tape']:
                  siteResult[site]['tape'].remove( lfn )
            if seDict[se]['SEParams']['Read'] and seDict[se]['SEParams']['TapeSE']:
              if lfn not in siteResult[site]['tape'] and lfn not in siteResult[site]['disk']:
                siteResult[site]['tape'].append( lfn )

    for site in siteResult:
      siteResult[site]['disk'] = len( siteResult[site]['disk'] )
      siteResult[site]['tape'] = len( siteResult[site]['tape'] )
    return S_OK( siteResult )
Example #7
    def _prepareCommand(self):
      DowntimeCommand requires four arguments:
      - name : <str>
      - element : Site / Resource
      - elementType: <str>

      If the elements are Site(s), we need to get their GOCDB names. They may
      not have, so we ignore them if they do not have.

        if "name" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"name" not found in self.args')
        elementName = self.args["name"]

        if "element" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"element" not found in self.args')
        element = self.args["element"]

        if "elementType" not in self.args:
            return S_ERROR('"elementType" not found in self.args')
        elementType = self.args["elementType"]

        if not element in ["Site", "Resource"]:
            return S_ERROR("element is neither Site nor Resource")

        hours = None
        if "hours" in self.args:
            hours = self.args["hours"]

        gocdbServiceType = None

        # Transform DIRAC site names into GOCDB topics
        if element == "Site":

            gocSite = getGOCSiteName(elementName)
            if not gocSite["OK"]:
                return gocSite
            elementName = gocSite["Value"]

        # The DIRAC se names mean nothing on the grid, but their hosts do mean.
        elif elementType == "StorageElement":
            # We need to distinguish if it's tape or disk
            seOptions = getStorageElementOptions(elementName)
            if not seOptions["OK"]:
                return seOptions
            if seOptions["Value"].get("TapeSE"):
                gocdbServiceType = "srm.nearline"
            elif seOptions["Value"].get("DiskSE"):
                gocdbServiceType = "srm"

            seHost = CSHelpers.getSEHost(elementName)
            if not seHost["OK"]:
                return seHost
            seHost = seHost["Value"]

            if not seHost:
                return S_ERROR("No seHost for %s" % elementName)
            elementName = seHost

        elif elementType in ["FTS", "FTS3"]:
            gocdbServiceType = "FTS"
                # WARNING: this method presupposes that the server is an FTS3 type
                elementName = getGOCFTSName(elementName)
                return S_ERROR("No FTS3 server specified in dirac.cfg (see Resources/FTSEndpoints)")

        return S_OK((element, elementName, hours, gocdbServiceType))