Example #1
  def getGroupsToUpload( self ):
    uploadGroups = []

    if self.__piParams.uploadProxy or Registry.getGroupOption( self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoUploadProxy", False ):
      uploadGroups.append( self.__piParams.diracGroup )

    if not self.__piParams.uploadPilot:
      if not Registry.getGroupOption( self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoUploadPilotProxy", False ):
        return uploadGroups

    issuerCert = self.getIssuerCert()
    resultUserDN = issuerCert.getSubjectDN() #pylint: disable=no-member
    if not resultUserDN['OK']:
      return resultUserDN
    userDN = resultUserDN[ 'Value' ]

    resultGroups = Registry.getGroupsForDN( userDN )
    if not resultGroups[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( "No groups defined for DN %s" % userDN )
      return []
    availableGroups = resultGroups[ 'Value' ]

    for group in availableGroups:
      groupProps = Registry.getPropertiesForGroup( group )
      if Properties.PILOT in groupProps or Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in groupProps:
        uploadGroups.append( group )
    return uploadGroups
Example #2
    def getGroupsToUpload(self):
        uploadGroups = []

        if self.__piParams.uploadProxy or Registry.getGroupOption(
                self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoUploadProxy", False):

        if not self.__piParams.uploadPilot:
            if not Registry.getGroupOption(self.__piParams.diracGroup,
                                           "AutoUploadPilotProxy", False):
                return uploadGroups

        issuerCert = self.getIssuerCert()
        userDN = issuerCert.getSubjectDN()['Value']

        result = Registry.getGroupsForDN(userDN)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("No groups defined for DN %s" % userDN)
            return []
        availableGroups = result['Value']

        pilotGroups = []
        for group in availableGroups:
            groupProps = Registry.getPropertiesForGroup(group)
            if Properties.PILOT in groupProps or Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in groupProps:
        return uploadGroups
Example #3
    def addVOMSExtIfNeeded(self):
        addVOMS = self.__piParams.addVOMSExt or Registry.getGroupOption(
            self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoAddVOMS", False
        if not addVOMS:
            return S_OK()

        vomsAttr = Registry.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(self.__piParams.diracGroup)
        if not vomsAttr:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Requested adding a VOMS extension but no VOMS attribute defined for group %s"
                % self.__piParams.diracGroup

        result = VOMS.VOMS().setVOMSAttributes(
            self.__proxyGenerated, attribute=vomsAttr, vo=Registry.getVOForGroup(self.__piParams.diracGroup)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Could not add VOMS extensions to the proxy\nFailed adding VOMS attribute: %s" % result["Message"]

        gLogger.notice("Added VOMS attribute %s" % vomsAttr)
        chain = result["Value"]
        return S_OK()
Example #4
    def addVOMSExtIfNeeded(self):
        addVOMS = self.__piParams.addVOMSExt or Registry.getGroupOption(
            self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoAddVOMS", False)
        if not addVOMS:
            return S_OK()

        vomsAttr = Registry.getVOMSAttributeForGroup(
        if not vomsAttr:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Requested adding a VOMS extension but no VOMS attribute defined for group %s"
                % self.__piParams.diracGroup)

        result = VOMS.VOMS().setVOMSAttributes(self.__proxyGenerated,
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(
                "Could not add VOMS extensions to the proxy\nFailed adding VOMS attribute: %s"
                % result['Message'])

        gLogger.notice("Added VOMS attribute %s" % vomsAttr)
        chain = result['Value']
        return S_OK()
Example #5
    def setMetadata(self, dPath, metaDict, credDict):
        """Set the value of a given metadata field for the the given directory path

        :param str dPath: directory path
        :param dict metaDict: dictionary with metadata
        :param dict credDict: client credential dictionary

        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR
        result = self._getMetadataFields(credDict)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        metaFields = result["Value"]

        result = self.db.dtree.findDir(dPath)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        if not result["Value"]:
            return S_ERROR("Path not found: %s" % dPath)
        dirID = result["Value"]

        dirmeta = self.getDirectoryMetadata(dPath, credDict, ownData=False)
        if not dirmeta["OK"]:
            return dirmeta

        voName = Registry.getGroupOption(credDict["group"], "VO")
        forceIndex = Operations(vo=voName).getValue(
            "DataManagement/ForceIndexedMetadata", False)
        for metaName, metaValue in metaDict.items():
            if metaName not in metaFields:
                if forceIndex:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Field %s not indexed, but ForceIndexedMetadata is set"
                        % metaName,
                result = self.setMetaParameter(dPath, metaName, metaValue,
                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result
            # Check that the metadata is not defined for the parent directories
            if metaName in dirmeta["Value"]:
                return S_ERROR(
                    "Metadata conflict detected for %s for directory %s" %
                    (metaName, dPath))
            result = self.db.insertFields("FC_Meta_%s" % metaName,
                                          ["DirID", "Value"],
                                          [dirID, metaValue])
            if not result["OK"]:
                if result["Message"].find("Duplicate") != -1:
                    req = "UPDATE FC_Meta_%s SET Value='%s' WHERE DirID=%d" % (
                        metaName, metaValue, dirID)
                    result = self.db._update(req)
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        return result
                    return result

        return S_OK()
Example #6
 def sendExpirationNotifications( self ):
   result = self.__cleanExpNotifs()
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   cmd = "SELECT UserDN, UserGroup, LifeLimit FROM `ProxyDB_ExpNotifs`"
   result = self._query( cmd )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   notifDone = dict( [ ( ( row[0], row[1] ), row[2] ) for row in result[ 'Value' ] ] )
   notifLimits = sorted( [ int( x ) for x in self.getCSOption( "NotificationTimes", ProxyDB.NOTIFICATION_TIMES ) ] )
   sqlSel = "UserDN, UserGroup, TIMESTAMPDIFF( SECOND, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), ExpirationTime )"
   sqlCond = "TIMESTAMPDIFF( SECOND, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), ExpirationTime ) < %d" % max( notifLimits )
   cmd = "SELECT %s FROM `ProxyDB_Proxies` WHERE %s" % ( sqlSel, sqlCond )
   result = self._query( cmd )
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     return result
   pilotProps = ( Properties.GENERIC_PILOT, Properties.PILOT )
   data = result[ 'Value' ]
   sent = []
   for row in data:
     userDN, group, lTime = row
     #If it's a pilot proxy, skip it
     if Registry.groupHasProperties( group, pilotProps ):
     #IF it dosn't hace the auto upload proxy, skip it
     if not Registry.getGroupOption( group, "AutoUploadProxy", False ):
     notKey = ( userDN, group )
     for notifLimit in notifLimits:
       if notifLimit < lTime:
         #Not yet in this notification limit
       if notKey in notifDone and notifDone[ notKey ] <= notifLimit:
         #Already notified for this notification limit
       if not self._notifyProxyAboutToExpire( userDN, group, lTime, notifLimit ):
         #Cannot send notification, retry later
         sUserDN = self._escapeString( userDN )[ 'Value' ]
         sGroup = self._escapeString( group )[ 'Value' ]
       except KeyError:
         return S_ERROR( "OOPS" )
       if notKey not in notifDone:
         values = "( %s, %s, %d, TIMESTAMPADD( SECOND, %s, UTC_TIMESTAMP() ) )" % ( sUserDN, sGroup, notifLimit, lTime )
         cmd = "INSERT INTO `ProxyDB_ExpNotifs` ( UserDN, UserGroup, LifeLimit, ExpirationTime ) VALUES %s" % values
         result = self._update( cmd )
         if not result[ 'OK' ]:
           gLogger.error( "Could not mark notification as sent", result[ 'Message' ] )
         values = "LifeLimit = %d, ExpirationTime = TIMESTAMPADD( SECOND, %s, UTC_TIMESTAMP() )" % ( notifLimit, lTime )
         cmd = "UPDATE `ProxyDB_ExpNotifs` SET %s WHERE UserDN = %s AND UserGroup = %s" % ( values, sUserDN, sGroup )
         result = self._update( cmd )
         if not result[ 'OK' ]:
           gLogger.error( "Could not mark notification as sent", result[ 'Message' ] )
       sent.append( ( userDN, group, lTime ) )
       notifDone[ notKey ] = notifLimit
   return S_OK( sent )
Example #7
def _getMetaNameSuffix(credDict):
  Get a VO specific suffix from user credentials.

  :param credDict: user credentials
  :return: VO specific suffix
    vo = Registry.getGroupOption(credDict['group'], 'VO')
    return VO_SUFFIX_SEPARATOR + vo.replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
Example #8
def _getMetaNameSuffix(credDict):
    Get a VO specific suffix from user credentials.

    :param credDict: user credentials
    :return: VO specific suffix
    vo = Registry.getGroupOption(credDict["group"], "VO")
    return VO_SUFFIX_SEPARATOR + vo.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
Example #9
 def certLifeTimeCheck(self):
     minLife = Registry.getGroupOption(self.__piParams.diracGroup, "SafeCertificateLifeTime", 2592000)
     resultIssuerCert = self.getIssuerCert()
     resultRemainingSecs = resultIssuerCert.getRemainingSecs()  # pylint: disable=no-member
     if not resultRemainingSecs["OK"]:
         gLogger.error("Could not retrieve certificate expiration time", resultRemainingSecs["Message"])
     lifeLeft = resultRemainingSecs["Value"]
     if minLife > lifeLeft:
         daysLeft = int(lifeLeft / 86400)
         msg = "Your certificate will expire in less than %d days. Please renew it!" % daysLeft
         sep = "=" * (len(msg) + 4)
         msg = "%s\n  %s  \n%s" % (sep, msg, sep)
 def certLifeTimeCheck( self ):
   minLife = Registry.getGroupOption( self.__piParams.diracGroup, "SafeCertificateLifeTime", 2592000 )
   issuerCert = self.getIssuerCert()
   result = issuerCert.getRemainingSecs()
   if not result[ 'OK' ]:
     gLogger.error( "Could not retrieve certificate expiration time", result[ 'Message' ] )
   lifeLeft = result[ 'Value' ]
   if minLife > lifeLeft:
     daysLeft = int( lifeLeft / 86400 )
     msg = "Your certificate will expire in less than %d days. Please renew it!" % daysLeft
     sep = "=" * ( len( msg ) + 4 )
     msg = "%s\n  %s  \n%s" % ( sep, msg, sep )
     gLogger.notice( msg )
Example #11
    def setMetadata(self, path, metaDict, credDict):
        """Set the value of a given metadata field for the the given directory path

        :param str path: file path
        :param dict metaDict: dictionary with metadata
        :param dict credDict: client credential dictionary

        :return: S_OK/S_ERROR
        result = self._getFileMetadataFields(credDict)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        metaFields = result["Value"]

        result = self.db.fileManager._findFiles([path])
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        if result["Value"]["Successful"]:
            fileID = result["Value"]["Successful"][path]["FileID"]
            return S_ERROR("File %s not found" % path)

        voName = Registry.getGroupOption(credDict["group"], "VO")
        forceIndex = Operations(vo=voName).getValue(
            "DataManagement/ForceIndexedMetadata", False)
        for metaName, metaValue in metaDict.items():
            if metaName not in metaFields:
                if forceIndex:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Field %s not indexed, but ForceIndexedMetadata is set"
                        % metaName,
                result = self.__setFileMetaParameter(fileID, metaName,
                                                     metaValue, credDict)
                result = self.db.insertFields("FC_FileMeta_%s" % metaName,
                                              ["FileID", "Value"],
                                              [fileID, metaValue])
                if not result["OK"]:
                    if result["Message"].find("Duplicate") != -1:
                        req = "UPDATE FC_FileMeta_%s SET Value='%s' WHERE FileID=%d" % (
                            metaName, metaValue, fileID)
                        result = self.db._update(req)
                        if not result["OK"]:
                            return result
                        return result

        return S_OK()
  def addVOMSExtIfNeeded( self ):
    addVOMS = Registry.getGroupOption( self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoAddVOMS", self.__piParams.addVOMSExt )
    if not addVOMS:

    vomsAttr = Registry.getVOMSAttributeForGroup( self.__piParams.diracGroup )
    if not vomsAttr:
      gLogger.error( "Requested adding a VOMS extension but no VOMS attribute defined for group %s" % self.__piParams.diracGroup )

    result = VOMS.VOMS().setVOMSAttributes( vomsAttr, vo = Registry.getVOForGroup( self.__piParams.diracGroup ) )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( "Failed adding VOMS attribute:", result[ 'Message' ] )
      return False
      gLogger.notice( "Added VOMS attribute %s" % vomsAttr )
  def getPilotGroupsToUpload( self ):
    pilotUpload = Registry.getGroupOption( self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoUploadPilotProxy", self.__piParams.uploadPilot )
    if not pilotUpload:
      return []

    issuerCert = self.getIssuerCert()
    userDN = issuerCert.getSubjectDN()[ 'Value' ]

    result = Registry.getGroupsForDN( userDN )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( "No groups defined for DN %s" % userDN )
      return []
    availableGroups = result[ 'Value' ]

    pilotGroups = []
    for group in availableGroups:
      groupProps = Registry.getPropertiesForGroup( group )
      if Properties.PILOT in groupProps or Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in groupProps:
        pilotGroups.append( group )
    return pilotGroups
 def __checkParams( self ):
   #Check if the proxy needs to be uploaded
   if not self.__piParams.uploadProxy:
     self.__piParams.uploadProxy = Registry.getGroupOption( self.__piParams.diracGroup, "AutoUploadProxy", False )
   if self.__piParams.uploadProxy:
     gLogger.verbose( "Proxy will be uploaded to ProxyManager" )
Example #15
    def beginExecution(self):

        self.gridEnv = self.am_getOption("GridEnv", getGridEnv())
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user community
        self.vo = self.am_getOption("Community", '')
        if not self.vo:
            self.vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user group
        self.group = self.am_getOption("Group", '')
        # self.voGroups contain all the eligible user groups for pilots submutted by this SiteDirector
        self.voGroups = []

        # Choose the group for which pilots will be submitted. This is a hack until
        # we will be able to match pilots to VOs.
        if not self.group:
            if self.vo:
                result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(self.vo)
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
                for group in result['Value']:
                    if 'NormalUser' in Registry.getPropertiesForGroup(group):
            self.voGroups = [self.group]

        result = findGenericPilotCredentials(vo=self.vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        self.pilotDN, self.pilotGroup = result['Value']
        self.pilotDN = self.am_getOption("PilotDN", self.pilotDN)
        self.pilotGroup = self.am_getOption("PilotGroup", self.pilotGroup)

        self.platforms = []
        self.sites = []
        self.defaultSubmitPools = ''
        if self.group:
            self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getGroupOption(
                self.group, 'SubmitPools', '')
        elif self.vo:
            self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getVOOption(
                self.vo, 'SubmitPools', '')

        self.pilot = self.am_getOption('PilotScript', DIRAC_PILOT)
        self.install = DIRAC_INSTALL
        self.workingDirectory = self.am_getOption('WorkDirectory')
        self.maxQueueLength = self.am_getOption('MaxQueueLength', 86400 * 3)
        self.pilotLogLevel = self.am_getOption('PilotLogLevel', 'INFO')
        self.maxJobsInFillMode = self.am_getOption('MaxJobsInFillMode',
        self.maxPilotsToSubmit = self.am_getOption('MaxPilotsToSubmit',
        self.pilotWaitingFlag = self.am_getOption('PilotWaitingFlag', True)
        self.pilotWaitingTime = self.am_getOption('MaxPilotWaitingTime', 7200)

        # Flags
        self.updateStatus = self.am_getOption('UpdatePilotStatus', True)
        self.getOutput = self.am_getOption('GetPilotOutput', True)
        self.sendAccounting = self.am_getOption('SendPilotAccounting', True)

        # Get the site description dictionary
        siteNames = None
        if not self.am_getOption('Site', 'Any').lower() == "any":
            siteNames = self.am_getOption('Site', [])
        ceTypes = None
        if not self.am_getOption('CETypes', 'Any').lower() == "any":
            ceTypes = self.am_getOption('CETypes', [])
        ces = None
        if not self.am_getOption('CEs', 'Any').lower() == "any":
            ces = self.am_getOption('CEs', [])
        result = Resources.getQueues(community=self.vo,
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        resourceDict = result['Value']
        result = self.getQueues(resourceDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        #if not siteNames:
        #  siteName = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Site', 'Unknown' )
        #  if siteName == 'Unknown':
        #    return S_OK( 'No site specified for the SiteDirector' )
        #  else:
        #    siteNames = [siteName]
        #self.siteNames = siteNames

        if self.updateStatus:
            self.log.always('Pilot status update requested')
        if self.getOutput:
            self.log.always('Pilot output retrieval requested')
        if self.sendAccounting:
            self.log.always('Pilot accounting sending requested')

        self.log.always('Sites:', siteNames)
        self.log.always('CETypes:', ceTypes)
        self.log.always('CEs:', ces)
        self.log.always('PilotDN:', self.pilotDN)
        self.log.always('PilotGroup:', self.pilotGroup)
        self.log.always('MaxPilotsToSubmit:', self.maxPilotsToSubmit)
        self.log.always('MaxJobsInFillMode:', self.maxJobsInFillMode)

        self.localhost = socket.getfqdn()
        self.proxy = ''

        if self.queueDict:
            self.log.always("Agent will serve queues:")
            for queue in self.queueDict:
                self.log.always("Site: %s, CE: %s, Queue: %s" %
                                 self.queueDict[queue]['CEName'], queue))

        return S_OK()
Example #16
def generateProxy( params ):

  if params.checkClock:
    result = getClockDeviation()
    if result[ 'OK' ]:
      deviation = result[ 'Value' ]
      if deviation > 600:
        gLogger.error( "Your host clock seems to be off by more than TEN MINUTES! Thats really bad." )
        gLogger.error( "We're cowardly refusing to generate a proxy. Please fix your system time" )
        sys.exit( 1 )
      elif deviation > 180:
        gLogger.error( "Your host clock seems to be off by more than THREE minutes! Thats bad." )
        gLogger.notice( "We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time" )
      elif deviation > 60:
        gLogger.error( "Your host clock seems to be off by more than a minute! Thats not good." )
        gLogger.notice( "We'll generate the proxy but please fix your system time" )

  certLoc = params.certLoc
  keyLoc = params.keyLoc
  if not certLoc or not keyLoc:
    cakLoc = Locations.getCertificateAndKeyLocation()
    if not cakLoc:
      return S_ERROR( "Can't find user certificate and key" )
    if not certLoc:
      certLoc = cakLoc[0]
    if not keyLoc:
      keyLoc = cakLoc[1]
  params.certLoc = certLoc
  params.keyLoc = keyLoc

  #Load password
  testChain = X509Chain()
  retVal = testChain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    passwdPrompt = "Enter Certificate password:"******"\n" )
      userPasswd = getpass.getpass( passwdPrompt )
    params.userPasswd = userPasswd

  #Find location
  proxyLoc = params.proxyLoc
  if not proxyLoc:
    proxyLoc = Locations.getDefaultProxyLocation()

  chain = X509Chain()
  #Load user cert and key
  retVal = chain.loadChainFromFile( certLoc )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % certLoc )
  retVal = chain.loadKeyFromFile( keyLoc, password = params.userPasswd )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_ERROR( "Can't load %s" % keyLoc )

  if params.checkWithCS:
    retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile( proxyLoc,
                                        strength = params.proxyStrength,
                                        limited = params.limitedProxy )

    gLogger.info( "Contacting CS..." )

    retVal = Script.enableCS()
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "Can't contact DIRAC CS: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    userDN = chain.getCertInChain( -1 )['Value'].getSubjectDN()['Value']
    if not params.diracGroup:
      result = Registry.findDefaultGroupForDN( userDN )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.warn( "Could not get a default group for DN %s: %s" % ( userDN, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        params.diracGroup = result[ 'Value' ]
        gLogger.info( "Default discovered group is %s" % params.diracGroup )
    gLogger.info( "Checking DN %s" % userDN )
    retVal = Registry.getUsernameForDN( userDN )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "DN %s is not registered" % userDN )
    username = retVal[ 'Value' ]
    gLogger.info( "Username is %s" % username )
    retVal = Registry.getGroupsForUser( username )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_ERROR( "User %s has no groups defined" % username )
    groups = retVal[ 'Value' ]
    if params.diracGroup not in groups:
      return S_ERROR( "Requested group %s is not valid for user %s" % ( params.diracGroup, username ) )
    gLogger.info( "Creating proxy for %s@%s (%s)" % ( username, params.diracGroup, userDN ) )
    #Check if the proxy needs to be uploaded
    if not params.uploadProxy:
      params.uploadProxy = Registry.getGroupOption( params.diracGroup, "AutoUploadProxy", False )
      gLogger.verbose( "Proxy will be uploaded to ProxyManager " )

  if params.summary:
    h = int( params.proxyLifeTime / 3600 )
    m = int( params.proxyLifeTime / 60 ) - h * 60
    gLogger.notice( "Proxy lifetime will be %02d:%02d" % ( h, m ) )
    gLogger.notice( "User cert is %s" % certLoc )
    gLogger.notice( "User key  is %s" % keyLoc )
    gLogger.notice( "Proxy will be written to %s" % proxyLoc )
    if params.diracGroup:
      gLogger.notice( "DIRAC Group will be set to %s" % params.diracGroup )
      gLogger.notice( "No DIRAC Group will be set" )
    gLogger.notice( "Proxy strength will be %s" % params.proxyStrength )
    if params.limitedProxy:
      gLogger.notice( "Proxy will be limited" )

  retVal = chain.generateProxyToFile( proxyLoc,
                                      strength = params.proxyStrength,
                                      limited = params.limitedProxy )

  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.warn( retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return S_ERROR( "Couldn't generate proxy: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
  return S_OK( proxyLoc )
Example #17
def getSubmitPools( group = None, vo = None ):
  if group:
    return Registry.getGroupOption( group, 'SubmitPools', '' )
  if vo:
    return Registry.getVOOption( vo, 'SubmitPools', '' )
  return ''
Example #18
    def beginExecution(self):

        self.gridEnv = self.am_getOption("GridEnv", getGridEnv())
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user community
        self.vo = self.am_getOption("Community", "")
        if not self.vo:
            self.vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
        # The SiteDirector is for a particular user group
        self.group = self.am_getOption("Group", "")
        # self.voGroups contain all the eligible user groups for pilots submutted by this SiteDirector
        self.voGroups = []

        # Choose the group for which pilots will be submitted. This is a hack until
        # we will be able to match pilots to VOs.
        if not self.group:
            if self.vo:
                result = Registry.getGroupsForVO(self.vo)
                if not result["OK"]:
                    return result
                for group in result["Value"]:
                    if "NormalUser" in Registry.getPropertiesForGroup(group):
            self.voGroups = [self.group]

        result = findGenericPilotCredentials(vo=self.vo)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        self.pilotDN, self.pilotGroup = result["Value"]
        self.pilotDN = self.am_getOption("PilotDN", self.pilotDN)
        self.pilotGroup = self.am_getOption("PilotGroup", self.pilotGroup)

        self.platforms = []
        self.sites = []
        self.defaultSubmitPools = ""
        if self.group:
            self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getGroupOption(self.group, "SubmitPools", "")
        elif self.vo:
            self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getVOOption(self.vo, "SubmitPools", "")

        self.pilot = self.am_getOption("PilotScript", DIRAC_PILOT)
        self.install = DIRAC_INSTALL
        self.workingDirectory = self.am_getOption("WorkDirectory")
        self.maxQueueLength = self.am_getOption("MaxQueueLength", 86400 * 3)
        self.pilotLogLevel = self.am_getOption("PilotLogLevel", "INFO")
        self.maxJobsInFillMode = self.am_getOption("MaxJobsInFillMode", self.maxJobsInFillMode)
        self.maxPilotsToSubmit = self.am_getOption("MaxPilotsToSubmit", self.maxPilotsToSubmit)
        self.pilotWaitingFlag = self.am_getOption("PilotWaitingFlag", True)
        self.pilotWaitingTime = self.am_getOption("MaxPilotWaitingTime", 7200)

        # Flags
        self.updateStatus = self.am_getOption("UpdatePilotStatus", True)
        self.getOutput = self.am_getOption("GetPilotOutput", True)
        self.sendAccounting = self.am_getOption("SendPilotAccounting", True)

        # Get the site description dictionary
        siteNames = None
        if not self.am_getOption("Site", "Any").lower() == "any":
            siteNames = self.am_getOption("Site", [])
        ceTypes = None
        if not self.am_getOption("CETypes", "Any").lower() == "any":
            ceTypes = self.am_getOption("CETypes", [])
        ces = None
        if not self.am_getOption("CEs", "Any").lower() == "any":
            ces = self.am_getOption("CEs", [])
        result = Resources.getQueues(
            community=self.vo, siteList=siteNames, ceList=ces, ceTypeList=ceTypes, mode="Direct"
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        resourceDict = result["Value"]
        result = self.getQueues(resourceDict)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result

        # if not siteNames:
        #  siteName = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Site', 'Unknown' )
        #  if siteName == 'Unknown':
        #    return S_OK( 'No site specified for the SiteDirector' )
        #  else:
        #    siteNames = [siteName]
        # self.siteNames = siteNames

        if self.updateStatus:
            self.log.always("Pilot status update requested")
        if self.getOutput:
            self.log.always("Pilot output retrieval requested")
        if self.sendAccounting:
            self.log.always("Pilot accounting sending requested")

        self.log.always("Sites:", siteNames)
        self.log.always("CETypes:", ceTypes)
        self.log.always("CEs:", ces)
        self.log.always("PilotDN:", self.pilotDN)
        self.log.always("PilotGroup:", self.pilotGroup)
        self.log.always("MaxPilotsToSubmit:", self.maxPilotsToSubmit)
        self.log.always("MaxJobsInFillMode:", self.maxJobsInFillMode)

        self.localhost = socket.getfqdn()
        self.proxy = ""

        if self.queueDict:
            self.log.always("Agent will serve queues:")
            for queue in self.queueDict:
                    "Site: %s, CE: %s, Queue: %s"
                    % (self.queueDict[queue]["Site"], self.queueDict[queue]["CEName"], queue)

        return S_OK()
Example #19
def getSubmitPools( group = None, vo = None ):
  if group:
    return Registry.getGroupOption( group, 'SubmitPools', '' )
  if vo:
    return Registry.getVOOption( vo, 'SubmitPools', '' )
  return ''
Example #20
  def beginExecution( self ):

    self.gridEnv = self.am_getOption( "GridEnv", getGridEnv() )
    # The SiteDirector is for a particular user community
    self.vo = self.am_getOption( "VO", '' )
    if not self.vo:
      self.vo = self.am_getOption( "Community", '' )
    if not self.vo:
      self.vo = CSGlobals.getVO()
    # The SiteDirector is for a particular user group
    self.group = self.am_getOption( "Group", '' )
    # self.voGroups contain all the eligible user groups for pilots submutted by this SiteDirector
    self.voGroups = []

    # Choose the group for which pilots will be submitted. This is a hack until
    # we will be able to match pilots to VOs.
    if not self.group:
      if self.vo:
        result = Registry.getGroupsForVO( self.vo )
        if not result['OK']:
          return result
        for group in result['Value']:
          if 'NormalUser' in Registry.getPropertiesForGroup( group ):
            self.voGroups.append( group )
      self.voGroups = [ self.group ]

    result = findGenericPilotCredentials( vo = self.vo )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self.pilotDN, self.pilotGroup = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.pilotDN = self.am_getOption( "PilotDN", self.pilotDN )
    self.pilotGroup = self.am_getOption( "PilotGroup", self.pilotGroup )

    self.platforms = []
    self.sites = []
    self.defaultSubmitPools = ''
    if self.group:
      self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getGroupOption( self.group, 'SubmitPools', '' )
    elif self.vo:
      self.defaultSubmitPools = Registry.getVOOption( self.vo, 'SubmitPools', '' )

    self.pilot = self.am_getOption( 'PilotScript', DIRAC_PILOT )
    self.install = DIRAC_INSTALL
    self.extraModules = self.am_getOption( 'ExtraPilotModules', [] ) + DIRAC_MODULES
    self.workingDirectory = self.am_getOption( 'WorkDirectory' )
    self.maxQueueLength = self.am_getOption( 'MaxQueueLength', 86400 * 3 )
    self.pilotLogLevel = self.am_getOption( 'PilotLogLevel', 'INFO' )
    self.maxJobsInFillMode = self.am_getOption( 'MaxJobsInFillMode', self.maxJobsInFillMode )
    self.maxPilotsToSubmit = self.am_getOption( 'MaxPilotsToSubmit', self.maxPilotsToSubmit )
    self.pilotWaitingFlag = self.am_getOption( 'PilotWaitingFlag', True )
    self.pilotWaitingTime = self.am_getOption( 'MaxPilotWaitingTime', 3600 )
    self.failedQueueCycleFactor = self.am_getOption( 'FailedQueueCycleFactor', 10 )
    self.pilotStatusUpdateCycleFactor = self.am_getOption( 'PilotStatusUpdateCycleFactor', 10 ) 

    # Flags
    self.updateStatus = self.am_getOption( 'UpdatePilotStatus', True )
    self.getOutput = self.am_getOption( 'GetPilotOutput', True )
    self.sendAccounting = self.am_getOption( 'SendPilotAccounting', True )

    # Get the site description dictionary
    siteNames = None
    if not self.am_getOption( 'Site', 'Any' ).lower() == "any":
      siteNames = self.am_getOption( 'Site', [] )
      if not siteNames:
        siteNames = None
    ceTypes = None
    if not self.am_getOption( 'CETypes', 'Any' ).lower() == "any":
      ceTypes = self.am_getOption( 'CETypes', [] )
    ces = None
    if not self.am_getOption( 'CEs', 'Any' ).lower() == "any":
      ces = self.am_getOption( 'CEs', [] )
      if not ces:
        ces = None
    result = Resources.getQueues( community = self.vo,
                                  siteList = siteNames,
                                  ceList = ces,
                                  ceTypeList = ceTypes,
                                  mode = 'Direct' )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    resourceDict = result['Value']
    result = self.getQueues( resourceDict )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    #if not siteNames:
    #  siteName = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Site', 'Unknown' )
    #  if siteName == 'Unknown':
    #    return S_OK( 'No site specified for the SiteDirector' )
    #  else:
    #    siteNames = [siteName]
    #self.siteNames = siteNames

    if self.updateStatus:
      self.log.always( 'Pilot status update requested' )
    if self.getOutput:
      self.log.always( 'Pilot output retrieval requested' )
    if self.sendAccounting:
      self.log.always( 'Pilot accounting sending requested' )

    self.log.always( 'Sites:', siteNames )
    self.log.always( 'CETypes:', ceTypes )
    self.log.always( 'CEs:', ces )
    self.log.always( 'PilotDN:', self.pilotDN )
    self.log.always( 'PilotGroup:', self.pilotGroup )
    self.log.always( 'MaxPilotsToSubmit:', self.maxPilotsToSubmit )
    self.log.always( 'MaxJobsInFillMode:', self.maxJobsInFillMode )

    self.localhost = socket.getfqdn()
    self.proxy = ''

    if self.firstPass:
      if self.queueDict:
        self.log.always( "Agent will serve queues:" )
        for queue in self.queueDict:
          self.log.always( "Site: %s, CE: %s, Queue: %s" % ( self.queueDict[queue]['Site'],
                                                           queue ) )
    self.firstPass = False
    return S_OK()
    def getProxyWithToken(self, token):
        """ Get proxy with token

        :param str token: access token

        :return: S_OK()/S_ERROR()
        # Get REST endpoints from local CS
        confUrl = gConfig.getValue("/LocalInstallation/ConfigurationServerAPI")
        if not confUrl:
            return S_ERROR('Could not get configuration server API URL.')
        setup = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup")
        if not setup:
            return S_ERROR('Could not get setup name.')

        # Get REST endpoints from ConfigurationService
            r = requests.get(
                '%s/option?path=/Systems/Framework/Production/URLs/ProxyAPI' %
            proxyAPI = decode(r.text)[0]
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            return S_ERROR('Time out')
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            return S_ERROR(str(e))
        except Exception as e:
            return S_ERROR('Cannot read response: %s' % e)

        # Fill the proxy request URL
        url = '%ss:%s/g:%s/proxy?lifetime=%s' % (proxyAPI, setup, self.group,
        voms = self.voms or Registry.getGroupOption(self.group, "AutoAddVOMS",
        if voms:
            url += '&voms=%s' % voms

        # Get proxy from REST API
            r = requests.get(url,
                             headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token},
            proxy = decode(r.text)[0]
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            return S_ERROR('Time out')
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            return S_ERROR(str(e))
        except Exception as e:
            return S_ERROR('Cannot read response: %s' % e)

        if not proxy:
            return S_ERROR("Result is empty.")

        self.log.notice('Saving proxy.. to %s..' % self.pPath)

        # Save proxy to file
            with open(self.pPath, 'w+') as fd:
            os.chmod(self.pPath, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
        except Exception as e:
            return S_ERROR("%s :%s" % (self.pPath, repr(e).replace(',)', ')')))

        self.log.notice('Proxy is saved to %s.' % self.pPath)
        return S_OK()