Example #1
class ServiceReactor(object):

  __transportExtraKeywords = {'SSLSessionTimeout': False,
                              'IgnoreCRLs': False,
                              'PacketTimeout': 'timeout',
                              'SocketBacklog': False,

  def __init__(self):
    self.__services = {}
    self.__alive = True
    self.__loader = ModuleLoader("Service",
    self.__maxFD = 0
    self.__listeningConnections = {}
    self.__stats = ReactorStats()
    self.__processes = []

  def initialize(self, servicesList):
      self.__services[GatewayService.GATEWAY_NAME] = GatewayService()
    except ValueError:
      # No GW in the service list

    result = self.__loader.loadModules(servicesList)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    self.__serviceModules = self.__loader.getModules()

    for serviceName in self.__serviceModules:
      self.__services[serviceName] = Service(self.__serviceModules[serviceName])

    # Loop again to include the GW in case there is one (included in the __init__)
    for serviceName in self.__services:
      gLogger.info("Initializing %s" % serviceName)
      result = self.__services[serviceName].initialize()
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
    return S_OK()

  def closeListeningConnections(self):
    gLogger.info("Closing listening connections...")
    for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
      if 'transport' in self.__listeningConnections[svcName]:
        except BaseException:
    gLogger.info("Connections closed")

  def __createListeners(self):
    for serviceName in self.__services:
      svcCfg = self.__services[serviceName].getConfig()
      protocol = svcCfg.getProtocol()
      port = svcCfg.getPort()
      if not port:
        return S_ERROR("No port defined for service %s" % serviceName)
      if protocol not in gProtocolDict:
        return S_ERROR("Protocol %s is not known for service %s" % (protocol, serviceName))
      self.__listeningConnections[serviceName] = {'port': port, 'protocol': protocol}
      transportArgs = {}
      for kw in ServiceReactor.__transportExtraKeywords:
        value = svcCfg.getOption(kw)
        if value:
          ikw = ServiceReactor.__transportExtraKeywords[kw]
          if ikw:
            kw = ikw
          if kw == 'timeout':
            value = int(value)
          transportArgs[kw] = value
      gLogger.verbose("Initializing %s transport" % protocol, svcCfg.getURL())
      transport = gProtocolDict[protocol]['transport'](("", port),
                                                       bServerMode=True, **transportArgs)
      retVal = transport.initAsServer()
      if not retVal['OK']:
        return S_ERROR("Cannot start listening connection for service %s: %s" % (serviceName, retVal['Message']))
      self.__listeningConnections[serviceName]['transport'] = transport
      self.__listeningConnections[serviceName]['socket'] = transport.getSocket()
    return S_OK()

  def stopChildProcesses(self, _sig, frame):
    It is used to properly stop the service when more than one process are used.
    In principle this is doing the job of runsv, becuase runsv only send a sigterm to the parent process...

    :param int _sig: the signal sent to the process
    :param object frame: execution frame which contains the child processes

    handler = frame.f_locals.get('self')
    if handler and isinstance(handler, ServiceReactor):

    for child in frame.f_locals.get('children', []):
      gLogger.info("Stopping child processes: %d" % child)
      os.kill(child, signal.SIGTERM)


  def serve(self):
    result = self.__createListeners()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
      gLogger.always("Listening at %s" % self.__services[svcName].getConfig().getURL())

    isMultiProcessingAllowed = False
    for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
      if self.__services[svcName].getConfig().getCloneProcesses() > 0:
        isMultiProcessingAllowed = True
    if isMultiProcessingAllowed:
      signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.stopChildProcesses)
      signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.stopChildProcesses)
      for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
        clones = self.__services[svcName].getConfig().getCloneProcesses()
        for i in range(1, clones):
          p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__startCloneProcess, args=(svcName, i))
          gLogger.always("Started clone process %s for %s" % (i, svcName))

    while self.__alive:

  def stopAllProcess(self):
    It stops all the running processes.
    for process in self.__processes:
      gLogger.info("Stopping: PID=%d, name=%s, parentPid=%d" % (process.pid, process.name, process._parent_pid))
      if process.is_alive():

  # This function runs in a different process
  def __startCloneProcess(self, svcName, i):
    self.__alive = i
    while self.__alive:

  def __getListeningSocketsList(self, svcName=False):
    if svcName:
      sockets = [self.__listeningConnections[svcName]['socket']]
      sockets = []
      for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
    return sockets

  def __acceptIncomingConnection(self, svcName=False):
      This method just gets the incoming connection, checks IP address
      and generates job. SSL/TLS handshake and execution of the remote call
      are made by Service._processInThread() (in another thread) so
      the service can accept other clients while another thread handling remote call

      :param str svcName=False: Name of a service if you use multiple
                                services at the same time
    sockets = self.__getListeningSocketsList(svcName)
    while self.__alive:
        inList, _outList, _exList = select.select(sockets, [], [], 10)
        if len(inList) == 0:
        for inSocket in inList:
          for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
            if inSocket == self.__listeningConnections[svcName]['socket']:
              retVal = self.__listeningConnections[svcName]['transport'].acceptConnection()
              if not retVal['OK']:
                gLogger.warn("Error while accepting a connection: ", retVal['Message'])
              clientTransport = retVal['Value']
      except socket.error:
      self.__maxFD = max(self.__maxFD, clientTransport.oSocket.fileno())
      # Is it banned?
      clientIP = clientTransport.getRemoteAddress()[0]
      if clientIP in Registry.getBannedIPs():
        gLogger.warn("Client connected from banned ip %s" % clientIP)
      # Handle connection
      # Renew context?
      now = time.time()
      renewed = False
      for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
        tr = self.__listeningConnections[svcName]['transport']
        if now - tr.latestServerRenewTime() > self.__services[svcName].getConfig().getContextLifeTime():
          result = tr.renewServerContext()
          if result['OK']:
            renewed = True
      if renewed:
        sockets = self.__getListeningSocketsList()

  def __closeListeningConnections(self):
    for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
      lc = self.__listeningConnections[svcName]
      if 'transport' in lc and lc['transport']:
Example #2
class AgentReactor(object):
    Main interface to DIRAC Agents. It allows to :
    - define a Agents modules to be executed
    - define the number of cycles to execute
    - steer the execution

    Agents are declared via:
    - loadAgentModule(): for a single Agent
    - loadAgentModules(): for a list of Agents

    The number of cycles to execute for a defined Agent can be set via:
    - setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute()

    The execution of the Agents is done with:
    - runNumCycles(): to execute an additional number of cycles
    - go():

    During the execution of the cycles, each of the Agents can be signaled to stop
    by creating a file named "stop_agent" in its Control Directory.

    def __init__(self, baseAgentName):
        self.__agentModules = {}
        self.__loader = ModuleLoader("Agent", PathFinder.getAgentSection,
        self.__tasks = {}
        self.__baseAgentName = baseAgentName
        self.__scheduler = ThreadScheduler.ThreadScheduler(
            enableReactorThread=False, minPeriod=30)
        self.__alive = True
        self.__running = False

    def loadAgentModules(self, modulesList, hideExceptions=False):
      Load all modules required in moduleList
        result = self.__loader.loadModules(modulesList,
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        self.__agentModules = self.__loader.getModules()
        for agentName in self.__agentModules:
            agentData = self.__agentModules[agentName]
            agentData['running'] = False
                instanceObj = agentData['classObj'](agentName,
                result = instanceObj.am_initialize()
                if not result['OK']:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Error while calling initialize method of %s: %s" %
                        (agentName, result['Message']))
                agentData['instanceObj'] = instanceObj
            except Exception as excp:
                if not hideExceptions:
                    gLogger.exception("Can't load agent %s" % agentName,
                return S_ERROR("Can't load agent %s: \n %s" %
                               (agentName, excp))
            agentPeriod = instanceObj.am_getPollingTime()
            result = self.__scheduler.addPeriodicTask(
            if not result['OK']:
                return result

            taskId = result['Value']
            self.__tasks[result['Value']] = agentName
            agentData['taskId'] = taskId
            agentData['running'] = True

        if not self.__agentModules:
            return S_ERROR("No agent module loaded")

        return S_OK()

    def runNumCycles(self, agentName=None, numCycles=1):
      Run all defined agents a given number of cycles
        if agentName:
        error = ''
        for aName in self.__agentModules:
            result = self.setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute(aName, numCycles)
            if not result['OK']:
                error = 'Failed to set cycles to execute'
                gLogger.error('%s:' % error, aName)
        if error:
            return S_ERROR(error)
        return S_OK()

    def __finalize(self):
      Execute the finalize method of all Agents
        for agentName in self.__agentModules:
            except Exception as excp:
                gLogger.exception('Failed to execute finalize for Agent: %s' %

    def go(self):
      Main method to control the execution of all configured Agents
        if self.__running:
        self.__running = True
            while self.__alive:
                timeToNext = self.__scheduler.executeNextTask()
                if timeToNext is None:
                    gLogger.info("No more agent modules to execute. Exiting")
                time.sleep(min(max(timeToNext, 0.5), 5))
            self.__running = False

    def setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute(self, agentName, maxCycles=1):
      Set number of cycles to execute for a given agent (previously defined)
        if agentName not in self.__agentModules:
            return S_ERROR("%s has not been loaded" % agentName)
        if maxCycles:
                maxCycles += self.__agentModules[agentName][
            except Exception as excp:
                error = 'Can not determine number of cycles to execute'
                gLogger.exception("%s: '%s'" % (error, maxCycles),
                return S_ERROR(error)
            'MaxCycles', maxCycles)
            self.__agentModules[agentName]['taskId'], maxCycles)
        return S_OK()

    def __checkControlDir(self):
      Check for the presence of stop_agent file to stop execution of the corresponding Agent
        for agentName in self.__agentModules:
            if not self.__agentModules[agentName]['running']:
            agent = self.__agentModules[agentName]['instanceObj']

            alive = agent.am_getModuleParam('alive')
            if alive:
                if agent.am_checkStopAgentFile():
                    gLogger.info("Found StopAgent file for agent %s" %
                    alive = False

            if not alive:
                gLogger.info("Stopping agent module %s" % (agentName))
                del self.__tasks[self.__agentModules[agentName]['taskId']]
                self.__agentModules[agentName]['running'] = False
Example #3
class ServiceReactor(object):

  __transportExtraKeywords = {'SSLSessionTimeout': False,
                              'IgnoreCRLs': False,
                              'PacketTimeout': 'timeout',
                              'SocketBacklog': False,

  def __init__(self):
    self.__services = {}
    self.__alive = True
    self.__loader = ModuleLoader("Service",
    self.__maxFD = 0
    self.__listeningConnections = {}
    self.__stats = ReactorStats()

  def initialize(self, servicesList):
      self.__services[GatewayService.GATEWAY_NAME] = GatewayService()
    except ValueError:
      # No GW in the service list

    result = self.__loader.loadModules(servicesList)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    self.__serviceModules = self.__loader.getModules()

    for serviceName in self.__serviceModules:
      self.__services[serviceName] = Service(self.__serviceModules[serviceName])

    # Loop again to include the GW in case there is one (included in the __init__)
    for serviceName in self.__services:
      gLogger.info("Initializing %s" % serviceName)
      result = self.__services[serviceName].initialize()
      if not result['OK']:
        return result
    return S_OK()

  def closeListeningConnections(self):
    gLogger.info("Closing listening connections...")
    for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
      if 'transport' in self.__listeningConnections[svcName]:
    gLogger.info("Connections closed")

  def __createListeners(self):
    for serviceName in self.__services:
      svcCfg = self.__services[serviceName].getConfig()
      protocol = svcCfg.getProtocol()
      port = svcCfg.getPort()
      if not port:
        return S_ERROR("No port defined for service %s" % serviceName)
      if protocol not in gProtocolDict:
        return S_ERROR("Protocol %s is not known for service %s" % (protocol, serviceName))
      self.__listeningConnections[serviceName] = {'port': port, 'protocol': protocol}
      transportArgs = {}
      for kw in ServiceReactor.__transportExtraKeywords:
        value = svcCfg.getOption(kw)
        if value:
          ikw = ServiceReactor.__transportExtraKeywords[kw]
          if ikw:
            kw = ikw
          if kw == 'timeout':
            value = int(value)
          transportArgs[kw] = value
      gLogger.verbose("Initializing %s transport" % protocol, svcCfg.getURL())
      transport = gProtocolDict[protocol]['transport'](("", port),
                                                       bServerMode=True, **transportArgs)
      retVal = transport.initAsServer()
      if not retVal['OK']:
        return S_ERROR("Cannot start listening connection for service %s: %s" % (serviceName, retVal['Message']))
      self.__listeningConnections[serviceName]['transport'] = transport
      self.__listeningConnections[serviceName]['socket'] = transport.getSocket()
    return S_OK()

  def serve(self):
    result = self.__createListeners()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
      gLogger.always("Listening at %s" % self.__services[svcName].getConfig().getURL())
    # Multiple clones not yet working. Disabled by default
    if False and multiprocessing:
      for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
        clones = self.__services[svcName].getConfig().getCloneProcesses()
        for i in range(1, clones):
          p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__startCloneProcess, args=(svcName, i))
          gLogger.always("Started clone process %s for %s" % (i, svcName))
    while self.__alive:

  # This function runs in a different process
  def __startCloneProcess(self, svcName, i):
    self.__alive = i
    while self.__alive:

  def __getListeningSocketsList(self, svcName=False):
    if svcName:
      sockets = [self.__listeningConnections[svcName]['socket']]
      sockets = []
      for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
    return sockets

  def __acceptIncomingConnection(self, svcName=False):
      This method just gets the incoming connection, checks IP address
      and generates job. SSL/TLS handshake and execution of the remote call
      are made by Service._processInThread() (in another thread) so
      the service can accept other clients while another thread handling remote call

      :param str svcName=False: Name of a service if you use multiple
                                services at the same time
    sockets = self.__getListeningSocketsList(svcName)
    while self.__alive:
        inList, _outList, _exList = select.select(sockets, [], [], 10)
        if len(inList) == 0:
        for inSocket in inList:
          for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
            if inSocket == self.__listeningConnections[svcName]['socket']:
              retVal = self.__listeningConnections[svcName]['transport'].acceptConnection()
              if not retVal['OK']:
                gLogger.warn("Error while accepting a connection: ", retVal['Message'])
              clientTransport = retVal['Value']
      except socket.error:
      self.__maxFD = max(self.__maxFD, clientTransport.oSocket.fileno())
      # Is it banned?
      clientIP = clientTransport.getRemoteAddress()[0]
      if clientIP in Registry.getBannedIPs():
        gLogger.warn("Client connected from banned ip %s" % clientIP)
      # Handle connection
      # Renew context?
      now = time.time()
      renewed = False
      for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
        tr = self.__listeningConnections[svcName]['transport']
        if now - tr.latestServerRenewTime() > self.__services[svcName].getConfig().getContextLifeTime():
          result = tr.renewServerContext()
          if result['OK']:
            renewed = True
      if renewed:
        sockets = self.__getListeningSocketsList()

  def __closeListeningConnections(self):
    for svcName in self.__listeningConnections:
      lc = self.__listeningConnections[svcName]
      if 'transport' in lc and lc['transport']:
Example #4
class AgentReactor:
    Main interface to DIRAC Agents. It allows to :
    - define a Agents modules to be executed
    - define the number of cycles to execute
    - steer the execution

    Agents are declared via:
    - loadAgentModule(): for a single Agent
    - loadAgentModules(): for a list of Agents

    The number of cycles to execute for a defined Agent can be set via:
    - setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute()

    The execution of the Agents is done with:
    - runNumCycles(): to execute an additional number of cycles
    - go():

    During the execution of the cycles, each of the Agents can be signaled to stop
    by creating a file named "stop_agent" in its Control Directory.


  def __init__( self, baseAgentName ):
    self.__agentModules = {}
    self.__loader = ModuleLoader( "Agent", PathFinder.getAgentSection, AgentModule )
    self.__tasks = {}
    self.__baseAgentName = baseAgentName
    self.__scheduler = ThreadScheduler.ThreadScheduler( enableReactorThread = False,
                                                        minPeriod = 30 )
    self.__alive = True
    self.__running = False

  def loadAgentModules( self, modulesList, hideExceptions = False ):
      Load all modules required in moduleList
    result = self.__loader.loadModules( modulesList, hideExceptions = hideExceptions )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self.__agentModules = self.__loader.getModules()
    for agentName in self.__agentModules:
      agentData = self.__agentModules[ agentName ]
      agentData[ 'running' ] = False
        instanceObj = agentData[ 'classObj' ]( agentName, agentData[ 'loadName' ], self.__baseAgentName )
        result = instanceObj.am_initialize()
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          return S_ERROR( "Error while calling initialize method of %s: %s" % ( agentName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        agentData[ 'instanceObj' ] = instanceObj
      except Exception, excp:
        if not hideExceptions:
          gLogger.exception( "Can't load agent %s" % agentName )
        return S_ERROR(  "Can't load agent %s: \n %s" % ( agentName, excp ) )
      agentPeriod = instanceObj.am_getPollingTime()
      result = self.__scheduler.addPeriodicTask( agentPeriod, instanceObj.am_go,
                                                 executions = instanceObj.am_getMaxCycles(),
                                                 elapsedTime = agentPeriod )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result

      taskId = result[ 'Value' ]
      self.__tasks[ result[ 'Value' ] ] = agentName
      agentData[ 'taskId' ] = taskId
      agentData[ 'running' ] = True

    if not self.__agentModules:
      return S_ERROR( "No agent module loaded" )

    return S_OK()
Example #5
class ExecutorReactor( object ):

  class AliveLock( object ):

    def __init__( self ):
      self.__alive = 0
      self.__cond = threading.Condition( threading.Lock() )

    def alive( self ):
      self.__alive += 1

    def dead( self ):
      self.__alive -= 1

    def lockUntilAllDead( self ):
      while True:
        if self.__alive < 1:
        self.__cond.wait( 1 )

  class MindCluster( object ):

    def __init__( self, mindName, aliveLock ):
      self.__mindName = mindName
      self.__modules = {}
      self.__maxTasks = 1
      self.__reconnectSleep = 1
      self.__reconnectRetries = 10
      self.__extraArgs = {}
      self.__instances = {}
      self.__instanceLock = threading.Lock()
      self.__aliveLock = aliveLock

    def updateMaxTasks( self, mt ):
      self.__maxTasks = max( self.__maxTasks, mt )

    def addModule( self, name, exeClass ):
      self.__modules[ name ] = exeClass
      self.__maxTasks = max( self.__maxTasks, exeClass.ex_getOption( "MaxTasks" ) )
      self.__reconnectSleep = max( self.__reconnectSleep, exeClass.ex_getOption( "ReconnectSleep" ) )
      self.__reconnectRetries = max( self.__reconnectRetries, exeClass.ex_getOption( "ReconnectRetries" ) )
      self.__extraArgs[ name ] = exeClass.ex_getExtraArguments()

    def connect( self ):
      self.__msgClient = MessageClient( self.__mindName )
      self.__msgClient.subscribeToMessage( 'ProcessTask', self.__processTask )
      self.__msgClient.subscribeToDisconnect( self.__disconnected )
      result = self.__msgClient.connect( executorTypes = list( self.__modules.keys() ),
                                         maxTasks = self.__maxTasks,
                                         extraArgs = self.__extraArgs )
      if result[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.info( "Connected to %s" % self.__mindName )
      return result

    def __disconnected( self, msgClient ):
      retryCount = 0
      while True:
        gLogger.notice( "Trying to reconnect to %s" % self.__mindName )
        result = self.__msgClient.connect( executorTypes = list( self.__modules.keys() ),
                                           maxTasks = self.__maxTasks,
                                           extraArgs = self.__extraArgs )

        if result[ 'OK' ]:
          if retryCount >= self.__reconnectRetries:
          gLogger.notice( "Reconnected to %s" % self.__mindName )
          return S_OK()
        retryCount += 1
        if retryCount == self.__reconnectRetries:
        gLogger.info( "Connect error failed: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] )
        gLogger.notice( "Failed to reconnect. Sleeping for %d seconds" % self.__reconnectSleep )
        time.sleep( self.__reconnectSleep )

    def __storeInstance( self, modName, modObj ):
        self.__instances[ modName ].append( modObj )

    def __getInstance( self, moduleName ):
        if moduleName not in self.__instances:
          self.__instances[ moduleName ] = []
          return S_OK( self.__instances[ moduleName ].pop( 0 ) )
        except IndexError:
        modObj = self.__modules[ moduleName ]
      except KeyError:
        return S_ERROR( "Unknown %s executor" )
      modInstance = modObj()
      return S_OK( modInstance )

    def __sendExecutorError( self, eType, taskId, errMsg ):
      result = self.__msgClient.createMessage( "ExecutorError" )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
      msgObj = result[ 'Value' ]
      msgObj.taskId = taskId
      msgObj.errorMsg = errMsg
      msgObj.eType = eType
      return self.__msgClient.sendMessage( msgObj )

    def __processTask( self, msgObj ):
      eType = msgObj.eType
      taskId = msgObj.taskId
      taskStub = msgObj.taskStub

      result = self.__moduleProcess( eType, taskId, taskStub )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return self.__sendExecutorError( eType, taskId, result[ 'Message' ] )
      msgName, taskStub, extra = result[ 'Value' ]

      result = self.__msgClient.createMessage( msgName )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return self.__sendExecutorError( eType, taskId, "Can't generate %s message: %s" % ( msgName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
      gLogger.verbose( "Task %s: Sending %s" % ( str( taskId ), msgName ) )
      msgObj = result[ 'Value' ]
      msgObj.taskId = taskId
      msgObj.taskStub = taskStub
      if msgName == "TaskError":
        msgObj.errorMsg = extra
        msgObj.eType = eType
      elif msgName == "TaskFreeze":
        msgObj.freezeTime = extra
      return self.__msgClient.sendMessage( msgObj )

    def __moduleProcess( self, eType, taskId, taskStub, fastTrackLevel = 0 ):
      result = self.__getInstance( eType )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
      modInstance = result[ 'Value' ]
        result = modInstance._ex_processTask( taskId, taskStub )
      except Exception as excp:
        gLogger.exception( "Error while processing task %s" % taskId, lException = excp )
        return S_ERROR( "Error processing task %s: %s" % ( taskId, excp ) )

      self.__storeInstance( eType, modInstance )

      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return S_OK( ( 'TaskError', taskStub, "Error: %s" % result[ 'Message' ] ) )
      taskStub, freezeTime, fastTrackType = result[ 'Value' ]
      if freezeTime:
        return S_OK( ( "TaskFreeze", taskStub, freezeTime ) )
      if fastTrackType:
        if fastTrackLevel < 10 and fastTrackType in self.__modules:
          gLogger.notice( "Fast tracking task %s to %s" % ( taskId, fastTrackType ) )
          return self.__moduleProcess( fastTrackType, taskId, taskStub, fastTrackLevel + 1 )
          gLogger.notice( "Stopping %s fast track. Sending back to the mind" % ( taskId ) )

      return S_OK( ( "TaskDone", taskStub, True ) )

  # Start of ExecutorReactor

  def __init__( self ):
    self.__aliveLock = self.AliveLock()
    self.__executorModules = {}
    self.__codeModules = {}
    self.__minds = {}
    self.__loader = ModuleLoader( "Executor",
                                  ExecutorModule )

  def loadModules( self, modulesList, hideExceptions = False ):
      Load all modules required in moduleList
    result = self.__loader.loadModules( modulesList, hideExceptions = hideExceptions )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self.__executorModules = self.__loader.getModules()
    return S_OK()

  def go( self ):
    for name in self.__executorModules:
      exeClass = self.__executorModules[ name ][ 'classObj' ]
      result = exeClass._ex_initialize( name, self.__executorModules[ name ][ 'loadName' ] )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
      mind = exeClass.ex_getMind()
      if mind not in self.__minds:
        self.__minds[ mind ] = self.MindCluster( mind, self.__aliveLock )
      mc = self.__minds[ mind ]
      mc.addModule( name, exeClass )
    for mindName in self.__minds:
      gLogger.info( "Trying to connect to %s" % mindName )
      result = self.__minds[ mindName ].connect()
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result
    return S_OK()
Example #6
class HandlerManager(object):
    This utility class allows to load the handlers, generate the appropriate route,
    and discover the handlers based on the CS.
    In order for a service to be considered as using HTTPS, it must have
    ``protocol = https`` as an option.

    Each of the Handler will have one associated route to it:

    * Directly specified as ``LOCATION`` in the handler module
    * automatically deduced from the module name, of the form
      ``System/Component`` (e.g. ``DataManagement/FileCatalog``)

    def __init__(self, autoDiscovery=True):
        Initialization function, you can set autoDiscovery=False to prevent automatic
        discovery of handler. If disabled you can use loadHandlersByServiceName() to
        load your handlers or loadHandlerInHandlerManager()

        :param autoDiscovery: (default True) Disable the automatic discovery,
            can be used to choose service we want to load.
        self.__handlers = {}
        self.__objectLoader = ObjectLoader()
        self.__autoDiscovery = autoDiscovery
        self.loader = ModuleLoader("Service", PathFinder.getServiceSection, RequestHandler, moduleSuffix="Handler")

    def __addHandler(self, handlerTuple, url=None):
        Function which add handler to list of known handlers

        :param handlerTuple: (path, class)
        # Check if handler not already loaded
        if not url or url not in self.__handlers:
            gLogger.debug("Find new handler %s" % (handlerTuple[0]))

            # If url is not given, try to discover it
            if url is None:
                # FIRST TRY: Url is hardcoded
                    url = handlerTuple[1].LOCATION
                # SECOND TRY: URL can be deduced from path
                except AttributeError:
                    gLogger.debug("No location defined for %s try to get it from path" % handlerTuple[0])
                    url = urlFinder(handlerTuple[0])

            # We add "/" if missing at begin, e.g. we found "Framework/Service"
            # URL can't be relative in Tornado
            if url and not url.startswith("/"):
                url = "/%s" % url
            elif not url:
                gLogger.warn("URL not found for %s" % (handlerTuple[0]))
                return S_ERROR("URL not found for %s" % (handlerTuple[0]))

            # Finally add the URL to handlers
            if url not in self.__handlers:
                self.__handlers[url] = handlerTuple[1]
                gLogger.info("New handler: %s with URL %s" % (handlerTuple[0], url))
            gLogger.debug("Handler already loaded %s" % (handlerTuple[0]))
        return S_OK()

    def discoverHandlers(self):
        Force the discovery of URL, automatic call when we try to get handlers for the first time.
        You can disable the automatic call with autoDiscovery=False at initialization
        gLogger.debug("Trying to auto-discover the handlers for Tornado")

        # Look in config
        diracSystems = gConfig.getSections("/Systems")
        serviceList = []
        if diracSystems["OK"]:
            for system in diracSystems["Value"]:
                    instance = PathFinder.getSystemInstance(system)
                    services = gConfig.getSections("/Systems/%s/%s/Services" % (system, instance))
                    if services["OK"]:
                        for service in services["Value"]:
                            newservice = "%s/%s" % (system, service)

                            # We search in the CS all handlers which used HTTPS as protocol
                            isHTTPS = gConfig.getValue(
                                "/Systems/%s/%s/Services/%s/Protocol" % (system, instance, service)
                            if isHTTPS and isHTTPS.lower() == "https":
                # On systems sometime you have things not related to services...
                except RuntimeError:
        return self.loadHandlersByServiceName(serviceList)

    def loadHandlersByServiceName(self, servicesNames):
        Load a list of handler from list of service using DIRAC moduleLoader
        Use :py:class:`DIRAC.Core.Base.private.ModuleLoader`

        :param servicesNames: list of service, e.g. ['Framework/Hello', 'Configuration/Server']

        # Use DIRAC system to load: search in CS if path is given and if not defined
        # it search in place it should be (e.g. in DIRAC/FrameworkSystem/Service)
        if not isinstance(servicesNames, list):
            servicesNames = [servicesNames]

        load = self.loader.loadModules(servicesNames)
        if not load["OK"]:
            return load
        for module in self.loader.getModules().values():
            url = module["loadName"]

            # URL can be like https://domain:port/service/name or just service/name
            # Here we just want the service name, for tornado
            serviceTuple = url.replace("https://", "").split("/")[-2:]
            url = "%s/%s" % (serviceTuple[0], serviceTuple[1])
            self.__addHandler((module["loadName"], module["classObj"]), url)
        return S_OK()

    def getHandlersURLs(self):
        Get all handler for usage in Tornado, as a list of tornado.web.url
        If there is no handler found before, it try to find them

        :returns: a list of URL (not the string with "https://..." but the tornado object)
                  see http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/web.html#tornado.web.URLSpec
        if not self.__handlers and self.__autoDiscovery:
            self.__autoDiscovery = False
        urls = []
        for key in self.__handlers:
            urls.append(TornadoURL(key, self.__handlers[key]))
        return urls

    def getHandlersDict(self):
        Return all handler dictionary

        :returns: dictionary with absolute url as key ("/System/Service")
                  and tornado.web.url object as value
        if not self.__handlers and self.__autoDiscovery:
            self.__autoDiscovery = False
            res = self.discoverHandlers()
            if not res["OK"]:
                gLogger.error("Could not load handlers", res)
        return self.__handlers
Example #7
class ExecutorReactor(object):
    class AliveLock(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.__alive = 0
            self.__cond = threading.Condition(threading.Lock())

        def alive(self):
            self.__alive += 1

        def dead(self):
            self.__alive -= 1

        def lockUntilAllDead(self):
            while True:
                if self.__alive < 1:

    class MindCluster(object):
        def __init__(self, mindName, aliveLock):
            self.__mindName = mindName
            self.__modules = {}
            self.__maxTasks = 1
            self.__reconnectSleep = 1
            self.__reconnectRetries = 10
            self.__extraArgs = {}
            self.__instances = {}
            self.__instanceLock = threading.Lock()
            self.__aliveLock = aliveLock

        def updateMaxTasks(self, mt):
            self.__maxTasks = max(self.__maxTasks, mt)

        def addModule(self, name, exeClass):
            self.__modules[name] = exeClass
            self.__maxTasks = max(self.__maxTasks, exeClass.ex_getOption("MaxTasks", 0))
            self.__reconnectSleep = max(self.__reconnectSleep, exeClass.ex_getOption("ReconnectSleep", 0))
            self.__reconnectRetries = max(self.__reconnectRetries, exeClass.ex_getOption("ReconnectRetries", 0))
            self.__extraArgs[name] = exeClass.ex_getExtraArguments()

        def connect(self):
            self.__msgClient = MessageClient(self.__mindName)
            self.__msgClient.subscribeToMessage("ProcessTask", self.__processTask)
            result = self.__msgClient.connect(
                executorTypes=list(self.__modules), maxTasks=self.__maxTasks, extraArgs=self.__extraArgs
            if result["OK"]:
                gLogger.info("Connected to %s" % self.__mindName)
            return result

        def __disconnected(self, msgClient):
            retryCount = 0
            while True:
                gLogger.notice("Trying to reconnect to %s" % self.__mindName)
                result = self.__msgClient.connect(
                    executorTypes=list(self.__modules), maxTasks=self.__maxTasks, extraArgs=self.__extraArgs

                if result["OK"]:
                    if retryCount >= self.__reconnectRetries:
                    gLogger.notice("Reconnected to %s" % self.__mindName)
                    return S_OK()
                retryCount += 1
                if retryCount == self.__reconnectRetries:
                gLogger.info("Connect error failed: %s" % result["Message"])
                gLogger.notice("Failed to reconnect. Sleeping for %d seconds" % self.__reconnectSleep)

        def __storeInstance(self, modName, modObj):

        def __getInstance(self, moduleName):
                if moduleName not in self.__instances:
                    self.__instances[moduleName] = []
                    return S_OK(self.__instances[moduleName].pop(0))
                except IndexError:
                modObj = self.__modules[moduleName]
            except KeyError:
                return S_ERROR("Unknown %s executor")
            modInstance = modObj()
            return S_OK(modInstance)

        def __sendExecutorError(self, eType, taskId, errMsg):
            result = self.__msgClient.createMessage("ExecutorError")
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            msgObj = result["Value"]
            msgObj.taskId = taskId
            msgObj.errorMsg = errMsg
            msgObj.eType = eType
            return self.__msgClient.sendMessage(msgObj)

        def __processTask(self, msgObj):
            eType = msgObj.eType
            taskId = msgObj.taskId
            taskStub = msgObj.taskStub

            result = self.__moduleProcess(eType, taskId, taskStub)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return self.__sendExecutorError(eType, taskId, result["Message"])
            msgName, taskStub, extra = result["Value"]

            result = self.__msgClient.createMessage(msgName)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return self.__sendExecutorError(
                    eType, taskId, "Can't generate %s message: %s" % (msgName, result["Message"])
            gLogger.verbose("Task %s: Sending %s" % (str(taskId), msgName))
            msgObj = result["Value"]
            msgObj.taskId = taskId
            msgObj.taskStub = taskStub
            if msgName == "TaskError":
                msgObj.errorMsg = extra
                msgObj.eType = eType
            elif msgName == "TaskFreeze":
                msgObj.freezeTime = extra
            return self.__msgClient.sendMessage(msgObj)

        def __moduleProcess(self, eType, taskId, taskStub, fastTrackLevel=0):
            result = self.__getInstance(eType)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            modInstance = result["Value"]
                result = modInstance._ex_processTask(taskId, taskStub)
            except Exception as excp:
                gLogger.exception("Error while processing task %s" % taskId, lException=excp)
                return S_ERROR("Error processing task %s: %s" % (taskId, excp))

            self.__storeInstance(eType, modInstance)

            if not result["OK"]:
                return S_OK(("TaskError", taskStub, "Error: %s" % result["Message"]))
            taskStub, freezeTime, fastTrackType = result["Value"]
            if freezeTime:
                return S_OK(("TaskFreeze", taskStub, freezeTime))
            if fastTrackType:
                if fastTrackLevel < 10 and fastTrackType in self.__modules:
                    gLogger.notice("Fast tracking task %s to %s" % (taskId, fastTrackType))
                    return self.__moduleProcess(fastTrackType, taskId, taskStub, fastTrackLevel + 1)
                    gLogger.notice("Stopping %s fast track. Sending back to the mind" % (taskId))

            return S_OK(("TaskDone", taskStub, True))

    # Start of ExecutorReactor

    def __init__(self):
        self.__aliveLock = self.AliveLock()
        self.__executorModules = {}
        self.__codeModules = {}
        self.__minds = {}
        self.__loader = ModuleLoader("Executor", PathFinder.getExecutorSection, ExecutorModule)

    def loadModules(self, modulesList, hideExceptions=False):
        Load all modules required in moduleList
        result = self.__loader.loadModules(modulesList, hideExceptions=hideExceptions)
        if not result["OK"]:
            return result
        self.__executorModules = self.__loader.getModules()
        return S_OK()

    # Go!
    def go(self):
        for name in self.__executorModules:
            exeClass = self.__executorModules[name]["classObj"]
            result = exeClass._ex_initialize(name, self.__executorModules[name]["loadName"])
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            mind = exeClass.ex_getMind()
            if mind not in self.__minds:
                self.__minds[mind] = self.MindCluster(mind, self.__aliveLock)
            mc = self.__minds[mind]
            mc.addModule(name, exeClass)
        for mindName in self.__minds:
            gLogger.info("Trying to connect to %s" % mindName)
            result = self.__minds[mindName].connect()
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
        return S_OK()
Example #8
class AgentReactor:
    Main interface to DIRAC Agents. It allows to :
    - define a Agents modules to be executed
    - define the number of cycles to execute
    - steer the execution

    Agents are declared via:
    - loadAgentModule(): for a single Agent
    - loadAgentModules(): for a list of Agents

    The number of cycles to execute for a defined Agent can be set via:
    - setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute()

    The execution of the Agents is done with:
    - runNumCycles(): to execute an additional number of cycles
    - go():

    During the execution of the cycles, each of the Agents can be signaled to stop
    by creating a file named "stop_agent" in its Control Directory.


  def __init__( self, baseAgentName ):
    self.__agentModules = {}
    self.__loader = ModuleLoader( "Agent", PathFinder.getAgentSection, AgentModule )
    self.__tasks = {}
    self.__baseAgentName = baseAgentName
    self.__scheduler = ThreadScheduler.ThreadScheduler( enableReactorThread = False,
                                                        minPeriod = 30 )
    self.__alive = True
    self.__running = False

  def loadAgentModules( self, modulesList, hideExceptions = False ):
      Load all modules required in moduleList
    result = self.__loader.loadModules( modulesList, hideExceptions = hideExceptions )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self.__agentModules = self.__loader.getModules()
    for agentName in self.__agentModules:
      agentData = self.__agentModules[ agentName ]
      agentData[ 'running' ] = False
        instanceObj = agentData[ 'classObj' ]( agentName, agentData[ 'loadName' ], self.__baseAgentName )
        result = instanceObj.am_initialize()
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          return S_ERROR( "Error while calling initialize method of %s: %s" % ( agentName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        agentData[ 'instanceObj' ] = instanceObj
      except Exception, excp:
        if not hideExceptions:
          gLogger.exception( "Can't load agent %s" % agentName )
        return S_ERROR(  "Can't load agent %s: \n %s" % ( agentName, excp ) )
      agentPeriod = instanceObj.am_getPollingTime()
      result = self.__scheduler.addPeriodicTask( agentPeriod, instanceObj.am_go,
                                                 executions = instanceObj.am_getMaxCycles(),
                                                 elapsedTime = agentPeriod )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result

      taskId = result[ 'Value' ]
      self.__tasks[ result[ 'Value' ] ] = agentName
      agentData[ 'taskId' ] = taskId
      agentData[ 'running' ] = True

    if not self.__agentModules:
      return S_ERROR( "No agent module loaded" )

    return S_OK()
Example #9
class AgentReactor( object ):
    Main interface to DIRAC Agents. It allows to :
    - define a Agents modules to be executed
    - define the number of cycles to execute
    - steer the execution

    Agents are declared via:
    - loadAgentModule(): for a single Agent
    - loadAgentModules(): for a list of Agents

    The number of cycles to execute for a defined Agent can be set via:
    - setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute()

    The execution of the Agents is done with:
    - runNumCycles(): to execute an additional number of cycles
    - go():

    During the execution of the cycles, each of the Agents can be signaled to stop
    by creating a file named "stop_agent" in its Control Directory.


  def __init__( self, baseAgentName ):
    self.__agentModules = {}
    self.__loader = ModuleLoader( "Agent", PathFinder.getAgentSection, AgentModule )
    self.__tasks = {}
    self.__baseAgentName = baseAgentName
    self.__scheduler = ThreadScheduler.ThreadScheduler( enableReactorThread = False,
                                                        minPeriod = 30 )
    self.__alive = True
    self.__running = False

  def loadAgentModules( self, modulesList, hideExceptions = False ):
      Load all modules required in moduleList
    result = self.__loader.loadModules( modulesList, hideExceptions = hideExceptions )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result
    self.__agentModules = self.__loader.getModules()
    for agentName in self.__agentModules:
      agentData = self.__agentModules[ agentName ]
      agentData[ 'running' ] = False
        instanceObj = agentData[ 'classObj' ]( agentName, agentData[ 'loadName' ], self.__baseAgentName )
        result = instanceObj.am_initialize()
        if not result[ 'OK' ]:
          return S_ERROR( "Error while calling initialize method of %s: %s" % ( agentName, result[ 'Message' ] ) )
        agentData[ 'instanceObj' ] = instanceObj
      except Exception as excp:
        if not hideExceptions:
          gLogger.exception( "Can't load agent %s" % agentName, lException = excp )
        return S_ERROR(  "Can't load agent %s: \n %s" % ( agentName, excp ) )
      agentPeriod = instanceObj.am_getPollingTime()
      result = self.__scheduler.addPeriodicTask( agentPeriod, instanceObj.am_go,
                                                 executions = instanceObj.am_getMaxCycles(),
                                                 elapsedTime = agentPeriod )
      if not result[ 'OK' ]:
        return result

      taskId = result[ 'Value' ]
      self.__tasks[ result[ 'Value' ] ] = agentName
      agentData[ 'taskId' ] = taskId
      agentData[ 'running' ] = True

    if not self.__agentModules:
      return S_ERROR( "No agent module loaded" )

    return S_OK()

  def runNumCycles( self, agentName = None, numCycles = 1 ):
      Run all defined agents a given number of cycles
    if agentName:
      self.loadAgentModules( [ agentName ] )
    error = ''
    for aName in self.__agentModules:
      result = self.setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute( aName, numCycles )
      if not result['OK']:
        error = 'Failed to set cycles to execute'
        gLogger.error( '%s:' % error, aName )
    if error:
      return S_ERROR( error )
    return S_OK()

  def __finalize( self ):
      Execute the finalize method of all Agents
    for agentName in self.__agentModules:
      except Exception as excp:
        gLogger.exception( 'Failed to execute finalize for Agent: %s' % agentName, lException = excp )

  def go( self ):
      Main method to control the execution of all configured Agents
    if self.__running:
    self.__running = True
      while self.__alive:
        timeToNext = self.__scheduler.executeNextTask()
        if timeToNext is None:
          gLogger.info( "No more agent modules to execute. Exiting" )
        time.sleep( min( max( timeToNext, 0.5 ), 5 ) )
      self.__running = False

  def setAgentModuleCyclesToExecute( self, agentName, maxCycles = 1 ):
      Set number of cycles to execute for a given agent (previously defined)
    if not agentName in self.__agentModules:
      return S_ERROR( "%s has not been loaded" % agentName )
    if maxCycles:
        maxCycles += self.__agentModules[ agentName ][ 'instanceObj' ].am_getCyclesDone()
      except Exception as excp:
        error = 'Can not determine number of cycles to execute'
        gLogger.exception( "%s: '%s'" % ( error, maxCycles ), lException = excp )
        return S_ERROR( error )
    self.__agentModules[ agentName ][ 'instanceObj' ].am_setOption( 'MaxCycles', maxCycles )
    self.__scheduler.setNumExecutionsForTask( self.__agentModules[ agentName ][ 'taskId' ],
                                              maxCycles )
    return S_OK()

  def __checkControlDir( self ):
      Check for the presence of stop_agent file to stop execution of the corresponding Agent
    for agentName in self.__agentModules:
      if not self.__agentModules[ agentName ][ 'running' ]:
      agent = self.__agentModules[ agentName ][ 'instanceObj' ]

      alive = agent.am_getModuleParam( 'alive' )
      if alive:
        if agent.am_checkStopAgentFile():
          gLogger.info( "Found StopAgent file for agent %s" % agentName )
          alive = False

      if not alive:
        gLogger.info( "Stopping agent module %s" % ( agentName ) )
        self.__scheduler.removeTask( self.__agentModules[ agentName ][ 'taskId' ] )
        del self.__tasks[ self.__agentModules[ agentName ][ 'taskId' ] ]
        self.__agentModules[ agentName ][ 'running' ] = False