Example #1
    def _syncSites(self):
    Sync DB content with sites that are in the CS

        # sites in the DB now
        sitesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('Site', paramsList=['SiteName'])
        sitesIn = [s[0] for s in sitesIn]

        # sites in CS now
        sitesList = getSites()['Value']

        except ValueError:

        # remove sites from the DB not more in the CS
        for site in sitesIn:
            if site not in sitesList:

        # add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before
        for site in sitesList:
            if site not in sitesIn:
                # DIRAC Tier
                tier = getSiteTier(site)['Value'][0]
                if tier == 0 or tier == '0':
                    t = 'T0'
                elif tier == 1 or tier == '1':
                    t = 'T1'
                elif tier == 3 or tier == '3':
                    t = 'T3'
                    t = 'T2'

                #Grid Name of the site
                gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(site)
                if not gridSiteName['OK']:
                    raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
                gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']

                #Grid Tier (with a workaround!)
                DIRACSitesOfGridSites = getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName)
                if not DIRACSitesOfGridSites['OK']:
                    raise RSSException, DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Message']
                DIRACSitesOfGridSites = DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Value']
                if len(DIRACSitesOfGridSites) == 1:
                    gt = t
                    gt = self.__getGOCTier(DIRACSitesOfGridSites)

                    site, t, gridSiteName, 'Active', 'init',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

                self.rsDB.addOrModifyGridSite(gridSiteName, gt)

Example #2
  def _syncSites( self ):
    Sync DB content with sites that are in the CS

    # sites in the DB now
    sitesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList( 'Site', paramsList = ['SiteName'] )
    sitesIn = [s[0] for s in sitesIn]

    # sites in CS now
    sitesList = getSites()['Value']

      sitesList.remove( 'LCG.Dummy.ch' )
    except ValueError:

    # remove sites from the DB not more in the CS
    for site in sitesIn:
      if site not in sitesList:
        self.rsDB.removeSite( site )

    # add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before
    for site in sitesList:
      if site not in sitesIn:
        # DIRAC Tier
        tier = getSiteTier( site )['Value'][0]
        if tier == 0 or tier == '0':
          t = 'T0'
        elif tier == 1 or tier == '1':
          t = 'T1'
        elif tier == 3 or tier == '3':
          t = 'T3'
          t = 'T2'

        #Grid Name of the site
        gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName( site )
        if not gridSiteName['OK']:
          raise RSSException, gridSiteName['Message']
        gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']

        #Grid Tier (with a workaround!)
        DIRACSitesOfGridSites = getDIRACSiteName( gridSiteName )
        if not DIRACSitesOfGridSites['OK']:
          raise RSSException, DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Message']
        DIRACSitesOfGridSites = DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Value']
        if len( DIRACSitesOfGridSites ) == 1:
          gt = t
          gt = self.__getGOCTier( DIRACSitesOfGridSites )

        self.rsDB.addOrModifySite( site, t, gridSiteName, 'Active', 'init',
                                  datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                  datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )

        self.rsDB.addOrModifyGridSite( gridSiteName, gt )

        sitesIn.append( site )
Example #3
    def __syncNode(self,

        nodesToUpdate = NodeInCS - resourcesInDB
        if len(nodesToUpdate) > 0:

        # Update Service table
        siteInGOCDB = [
            self.__getServiceEndpointInfo(node) for node in nodesToUpdate
        siteInGOCDB = Utils.list_sanitize(siteInGOCDB)
        #sites = [Utils.unpack(getDIRACSiteName(s[0]['SITENAME'])) for s in siteInGOCDB]

        sites = []
        for sInGOCDB in siteInGOCDB:
            siteName = getDIRACSiteName(sInGOCDB[0]['SITENAME'])
            if not siteName['OK']:
                return siteName

        sites = Utils.list_sanitize(Utils.list_flatten(sites))
        _ = [self.__updateService(s, serviceType) for s in sites]

        # Update Resource table
        for node in NodeInCS:
            if serviceType == "Computing":
                resourceType = CS.getCEType(site, node)
            if node not in resourcesInDB and node is not None:
                    siteInGOCDB = self.__getServiceEndpointInfo(
                except IndexError:  # No INFO in GOCDB: Node does not exist
                        "Node %s is not in GOCDB!! Considering that it does not exists!"
                        % node)

                assert (type(siteInGOCDB) == str)
                #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifyResource, node, resourceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB )
                res = self.rsClient.addOrModifyResource(
                    node, resourceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res
Example #4
  def __syncNode(self, NodeInCS, resourcesInDB, resourceType, serviceType, site = "NULL"):

    nodesToUpdate = NodeInCS - resourcesInDB
    if len(nodesToUpdate) > 0:

    # Update Service table
    siteInGOCDB = [self.__getServiceEndpointInfo(node) for node in nodesToUpdate]
    siteInGOCDB = Utils.list_sanitize(siteInGOCDB)
    #sites = [Utils.unpack(getDIRACSiteName(s[0]['SITENAME'])) for s in siteInGOCDB]
    sites = []
    for sInGOCDB in siteInGOCDB:
      siteName = getDIRACSiteName( sInGOCDB[ 0 ][ 'SITENAME' ] )
      if not siteName[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( siteName[ 'Message' ] )
        return siteName
      sites.append( siteName[ 'Value' ] )
    sites = Utils.list_sanitize( Utils.list_flatten( sites ) )
    _     = [ self.__updateService(s, serviceType) for s in sites ]

    # Update Resource table
    for node in NodeInCS:
      if serviceType == "Computing":
        resourceType = CS.getCEType(site, node)
      if node not in resourcesInDB and node is not None:
          siteInGOCDB = self.__getServiceEndpointInfo(node)[0]['SITENAME']
        except IndexError: # No INFO in GOCDB: Node does not exist
          gLogger.warn("Node %s is not in GOCDB!! Considering that it does not exists!" % node)

        assert(type(siteInGOCDB) == str)
        #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifyResource, node, resourceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB )
        res = self.rsClient.addOrModifyResource( node, resourceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB )
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
          return res
        resourcesInDB.add( node )
  def _getInfo( self, requestParams ):

    gLogger.info( requestParams )

    if not requestParams[ 'name' ]:
      gLogger.warn( 'No name given' )
      self.finish( { 'success': 'false', 'error': 'We need a Site Name to generate an Overview' } )

    elementName = requestParams[ 'name' ][ 0 ]

    pub = RPCClient( 'ResourceStatus/Publisher' )

    elementStatuses = pub.getElementStatuses( 'Site',
                                              str( elementName ),
                                              None )

    if not elementStatuses[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( elementStatuses[ 'Message' ] )
      self.finish( { 'success': 'false', 'error': 'Error getting ElementStatus information' } )

    if not elementStatuses[ 'Value' ]:
      gLogger.error( 'element "%s" not found' % elementName )
      self.finish( { 'success' : 'false', 'error' : 'element "%s" not found' % elementName } )

    elementStatus = [ dict( zip( elementStatuses[ 'Columns' ], element ) ) for element in elementStatuses[ 'Value' ] ][ 0 ]
    elementStatus[ 'DateEffective' ] = str( elementStatus[ 'DateEffective' ] )
    elementStatus[ 'LastCheckTime' ] = str( elementStatus[ 'LastCheckTime' ] )
    elementStatus[ 'TokenExpiration' ] = str( elementStatus[ 'TokenExpiration' ] )

    gocdb_name = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
    if not gocdb_name[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( gocdb_name[ 'Message' ] )
      elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] = ""
      gocdb_name = ''
      gocdb_name = gocdb_name[ 'Value' ]
      elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] = '<a href="https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Submit_Search&SearchString=%s" target="_blank">%s</a>' % ( gocdb_name, gocdb_name )

    dirac_names = getDIRACSiteName( gocdb_name )
    if not dirac_names[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( dirac_names[ 'Message' ] )
      dirac_names = []
      elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] += "("
      for i in dirac_names['Value']:
        elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] += "%s " % i
      elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] += ")"

    elementStatus["GGUS"] = '<a href="https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_search.php?show_columns_check[]=REQUEST_ID&show_columns_check[]=TICKET_TYPE&show_columns_check[]=AFFECTED_VO&'
    elementStatus["GGUS"] += 'show_columns_check[]=AFFECTED_SITE&show_columns_check[]=PRIORITY&show_columns_check[]=RESPONSIBLE_UNIT&show_columns_check[]=STATUS&show_columns_check[]=DATE_OF_CREATION&'

    elementStatus["GGUS"] += 'show_columns_check[]=LAST_UPDATE&show_columns_check[]=TYPE_OF_PROBLEM&show_columns_check[]=SUBJECT&ticket=&supportunit=all&su_hierarchy=all&vo=all&user=&keyword=&involvedsupporter=&assignto=&'
    elementStatus["GGUS"] += 'affectedsite=%s&specattrib=0&status=open&priority=all&typeofproblem=all&ticketcategory=&mouarea=&technology_provider=&date_type=creation+date&radiotf=1&timeframe=any&from_date=&to_date=&' % gocdb_name
    elementStatus["GGUS"] += 'untouched_date=&orderticketsby=GHD_INT_REQUEST_ID&orderhow=descending" target="_blank"> %s tickets</a>' % gocdb_name

    convertName = {'CERN-PROD':'CERN',

    elog = convertName.get( gocdb_name, "" );

    elementStatus['Elog'] = '<a href="https://lblogbook.cern.ch/Operations/?Site=^' + elog + '%24&mode=summary" target="_blank">' + elog + '</a>'

    return { 'success' : 'true', 'result' : elementStatus, 'total' : len( elementStatus ) }
def checkUnusedCEs():
  global vo, dry, ceBdiiDict
  gLogger.notice( 'looking for new computing resources in the BDII database...' )
  result = getCEsFromCS()
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.error( 'ERROR: failed to get CEs from CS', result['Message'] )
    DIRACExit( -1 )
  knownCEs = result['Value']  
  result = getGridCEs( vo, ceBlackList = knownCEs )
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.error( 'ERROR: failed to get CEs from BDII', result['Message'] )
    DIRACExit( -1 )
  ceBdiiDict = result['BdiiInfo']  
  siteDict = result['Value']
  if siteDict:
    gLogger.notice( 'New resources available:\n' )
    for site in siteDict:
      diracSite = 'Unknown'
      result = getDIRACSiteName( site )
      if result['OK']:
        diracSite = ','.join( result['Value'] )
      ces = siteDict[site].keys()
      if ces:
        gLogger.notice( "  %s, DIRAC site %s" % ( site, diracSite) )
        for ce in ces:
          gLogger.notice( ' '*4+ce )
          gLogger.notice( '      %s, %s' % ( siteDict[site][ce]['CEType'], '%s_%s_%s' % siteDict[site][ce]['System'] ) )
    gLogger.notice( 'No new resources available, exiting' )       
    DIRACExit( 0 ) 
  inp = raw_input( "\nDo you want to add sites ? [default=yes] [yes|no]: ")
  inp = inp.strip()
  if not inp and inp.lower().startswith( 'n' ):
    gLogger.notice( 'Nothing else to be done, exiting' )
    DIRACExit( 0 )
  gLogger.notice( '\nAdding new sites/CEs interactively\n' )  
  sitesAdded = []  
  for site in siteDict:
    # Get the country code:
    country = ''
    ces = siteDict[site].keys()
    for ce in ces:
      country = ce.strip().split('.')[-1].lower()
      if len( country ) == 2:
      if country == 'gov':
        country = 'us'
    if not country or len( country ) != 2:
      country = 'xx'  
    result = getDIRACSiteName( site )  
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.notice( '\nThe site %s is not yet in the CS, give it a name' % site )
      diracSite = raw_input( '[help|skip|<domain>.<name>.%s]: ' % country )
      if diracSite.lower() == "skip":
      if diracSite.lower() == "help":
        gLogger.notice( '%s site details:' % site )
        for k,v in ceBdiiDict[site].items():
          if k != "CEs":
            gLogger.notice( '%s\t%s' % (k,v) )
        gLogger.notice( '\nEnter DIRAC site name in the form <domain>.<name>.%s\n' % country )
        diracSite = raw_input( '[<domain>.<name>.%s]: ' % country )
        domain,siteName,country = diracSite.split('.')
      except Exception, x:
        gLogger.error( 'ERROR: DIRAC site name does not follow convention: %s' % diracSite )
      diracSites = [diracSite]
      diracSites = result['Value']  
    if len( diracSites ) > 1:
      gLogger.notice( 'Attention! GOC site %s corresponds to more than one DIRAC sites:' % site  )
      gLogger.notice( str( diracSites ) )  
      gLogger.notice( 'Please, pay attention which DIRAC site the new CEs will join\n' )
    newCEs = {}
    addedCEs = []
    for ce in ces:
      ceType = siteDict[site][ce]['CEType']
      for diracSite in diracSites:
        if ce in addedCEs:
        yn = raw_input( "Add CE %s of type %s to %s? [default yes] [yes|no]: " % ( ce, ceType, diracSite ) ) 
        if yn == '' or yn.lower() == 'y':
          newCEs.setdefault( diracSite, [] )
          newCEs[diracSite].append( ce ) 
          addedCEs.append( ce )
    for diracSite in diracSites:  
      if diracSite in newCEs: 
        cmd = "dirac-admin-add-site %s %s %s" % ( diracSite, site, ' '.join( newCEs[diracSite] ) )    
        gLogger.notice( "\nNew site/CEs will be added with command:\n%s" % cmd )
        yn = raw_input( "Add it ? [default yes] [yes|no]: " ) 
        if not ( yn == '' or yn.lower() == 'y' ) :
        if dry:
          gLogger.notice( "Command is skipped in the dry run" )
          result = shellCall( 0, cmd )
          if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error( 'Error while executing dirac-admin-add-site command' )
            yn = raw_input( "Do you want to continue ? [default no] [yes|no]: " )
            if yn == '' or yn.lower().startswith( 'n' ):
              if sitesAdded:
                gLogger.notice( 'CEs were added at the following sites:' )
                for site, diracSite in sitesAdded:
                  gLogger.notice( "%s\t%s" % ( site, diracSite ) )  
              DIRACExit( 0 ) 
            exitStatus, stdData, errData = result[ 'Value' ]
            if exitStatus:
              gLogger.error( 'Error while executing dirac-admin-add-site command\n', '\n'.join( [stdData, errData] ) )  
              yn = raw_input( "Do you want to continue ? [default no] [yes|no]: " )
              if yn == '' or yn.lower().startswith( 'n' ):
                if sitesAdded:
                  gLogger.notice( 'CEs were added at the following sites:' )
                  for site, diracSite in sitesAdded:
                    gLogger.notice( "%s\t%s" % ( site, diracSite ) ) 
                DIRACExit( 0 )
              sitesAdded.append( ( site, diracSite ) )    
              gLogger.notice( stdData )    
def checkUnusedSEs():
  global vo, dry
  result = getGridSRMs( vo, unUsed = True )
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.error( 'Failed to look up SRMs in BDII', result['Message'] )
  siteSRMDict = result['Value']

  # Evaluate VOs
  result = getVOs()
  if result['OK']:
    csVOs = set( result['Value'] )
    csVOs = set( [vo] ) 

  changeSetFull = set()

  for site in siteSRMDict:
    for gridSE in siteSRMDict[site]:
      changeSet = set()
      seDict = siteSRMDict[site][gridSE]['SE']
      srmDict = siteSRMDict[site][gridSE]['SRM']
      # Check the SRM version
      version = srmDict.get( 'GlueServiceVersion', '' )
      if not ( version and version.startswith( '2' ) ):
        gLogger.debug( 'Skipping SRM service with version %s' % version )
      result = getDIRACSiteName( site )
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.notice( 'Unused se %s is detected at unused site %s' % ( gridSE, site ) )
        gLogger.notice( 'Consider adding site %s to the DIRAC CS' % site ) 
      diracSites = result['Value']
      yn = raw_input( '\nDo you want to add new SRM SE %s at site(s) %s ? default yes [yes|no]: ' % ( gridSE, str( diracSites ) ) )
      if not yn or yn.lower().startswith( 'y' ):
        if len( diracSites ) > 1:
          prompt = 'Which DIRAC site the new SE should be attached to ?'
          for i, s in enumerate( diracSites ):
            prompt += '\n[%d] %s' % ( i, s )
          prompt += '\nEnter your choice number: '    
          inp = raw_input( prompt )
            ind = int( inp )
            gLogger.notice( 'Can not interpret your choice: %s, try again later' % inp )
          diracSite = diracSites[ind]
          diracSite = diracSites[0]       
        domain, siteName, country = diracSite.split( '.' )
        recName = '%s-disk' % siteName
        inp = raw_input( 'Give a DIRAC name to the grid SE %s, default %s : ' % ( gridSE, recName ) )
        diracSEName = inp
        if not inp:
          diracSEName = recName  
        gLogger.notice( 'Adding new SE %s at site %s' % ( diracSEName, diracSite ) )        
        seSection = cfgPath( '/Resources/StorageElements', diracSEName )
        changeSet.add( ( seSection, 'BackendType', seDict.get( 'GlueSEImplementationName', 'Unknown' ) ) )
        changeSet.add( ( seSection, 'Description', seDict.get( 'GlueSEName', 'Unknown' ) ) )  
        bdiiVOs = set( [ re.sub( '^VO:', '', rule ) for rule in srmDict.get( 'GlueServiceAccessControlBaseRule', [] ) ] )
        seVOs = csVOs.intersection( bdiiVOs )  
        changeSet.add( ( seSection, 'VO', ','.join( seVOs ) ) )
        accessSection = cfgPath( seSection, 'AccessProtocol.1' )
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Protocol', 'srm' ) )
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'ProtocolName', 'SRM2' ) )
        endPoint = srmDict.get( 'GlueServiceEndpoint', '' )
        result = pfnparse( endPoint )
        if not result['OK']:
          gLogger.error( 'Can not get the SRM service end point. Skipping ...' )
        host = result['Value']['Host']
        port = result['Value']['Port']
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Host', host ) ) 
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Port', port ) ) 
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Access', 'remote' ) )
        voPathSection = cfgPath( accessSection, 'VOPath' )
        if 'VOPath' in seDict:
          path = seDict['VOPath']
          voFromPath = os.path.basename( path )
          if voFromPath != diracVO:
            gLogger.notice( '\n!!! Warning: non-conventional VO path: %s\n' % path )
            changeSet.add( ( voPathSection, diracVO, path ) )
          path = os.path.dirname( path )  
          # Try to guess the Path
          domain = '.'.join( host.split( '.' )[-2:] )
          path = '/dpm/%s/home' % domain
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'Path', path ) ) 
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'SpaceToken', '' ) )
        changeSet.add( ( accessSection, 'WSUrl', '/srm/managerv2?SFN=' ) ) 
        gLogger.notice( 'SE %s will be added with the following parameters' % diracSEName )
        changeList = list( changeSet )
        for entry in changeList:
          gLogger.notice( entry )
        yn = raw_input( 'Do you want to add new SE %s ? default yes [yes|no]: ' % diracSEName )   
        if not yn or yn.lower().startswith( 'y' ):
          changeSetFull = changeSetFull.union( changeSet )        
  if dry:
    if changeSetFull:
      gLogger.notice( 'Skipping commit of the new SE data in a dry run' )
      gLogger.notice( "No new SE to be added" )
    return S_OK()

  if changeSetFull:
    csAPI = CSAPI()
    result = csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error( 'Failed to initialize CSAPI object', result['Message'] )
      DIRACExit( -1 )
    changeList = list( changeSetFull )
    for section, option, value in changeList:
      csAPI.setOption( cfgPath( section, option ), value )

    yn = raw_input( 'New SE data is accumulated\n Do you want to commit changes to CS ? default yes [yes|no]: ' )
    if not yn or yn.lower().startswith( 'y' ):
      result = csAPI.commit()
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error( "Error while commit to CS", result['Message'] )
        gLogger.notice( "Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len( changeSetFull ) )
    gLogger.notice( "No new SE to be added" )

  return S_OK()
def checkUnusedCEs():

    global vo, dry, ceBdiiDict

    gLogger.notice("looking for new computing resources in the BDII database...")

    result = getCEsFromCS()
    if not result["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("ERROR: failed to get CEs from CS", result["Message"])
    knownCEs = result["Value"]

    result = getGridCEs(vo, ceBlackList=knownCEs)
    if not result["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("ERROR: failed to get CEs from BDII", result["Message"])
    ceBdiiDict = result["BdiiInfo"]

    siteDict = result["Value"]
    if siteDict:
        gLogger.notice("New resources available:\n")
        for site in siteDict:
            diracSite = "Unknown"
            result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
            if result["OK"]:
                diracSite = ",".join(result["Value"])
            ces = siteDict[site].keys()
            if ces:
                gLogger.notice("  %s, DIRAC site %s" % (site, diracSite))
                for ce in ces:
                    gLogger.notice(" " * 4 + ce)
                        "      %s, %s" % (siteDict[site][ce]["CEType"], "%s_%s_%s" % siteDict[site][ce]["System"])
        gLogger.notice("No new resources available, exiting")

    inp = raw_input("\nDo you want to add sites ? [default=yes] [yes|no]: ")
    inp = inp.strip()
    if not inp and inp.lower().startswith("n"):
        gLogger.notice("Nothing else to be done, exiting")

    gLogger.notice("\nAdding new sites/CEs interactively\n")

    sitesAdded = []

    for site in siteDict:
        # Get the country code:
        country = ""
        ces = siteDict[site].keys()
        for ce in ces:
            country = ce.strip().split(".")[-1].lower()
            if len(country) == 2:
            if country == "gov":
                country = "us"
        if not country or len(country) != 2:
            country = "xx"
        result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.notice("\nThe site %s is not yet in the CS, give it a name" % site)
            diracSite = raw_input("[help|skip|<domain>.<name>.%s]: " % country)
            if diracSite.lower() == "skip":
            if diracSite.lower() == "help":
                gLogger.notice("%s site details:" % site)
                for k, v in ceBdiiDict[site].items():
                    if k != "CEs":
                        gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (k, v))
                gLogger.notice("\nEnter DIRAC site name in the form <domain>.<name>.%s\n" % country)
                diracSite = raw_input("[<domain>.<name>.%s]: " % country)
                _, _, _ = diracSite.split(".")
            except ValueError:
                gLogger.error("ERROR: DIRAC site name does not follow convention: %s" % diracSite)
            diracSites = [diracSite]
            diracSites = result["Value"]

        if len(diracSites) > 1:
            gLogger.notice("Attention! GOC site %s corresponds to more than one DIRAC sites:" % site)
            gLogger.notice("Please, pay attention which DIRAC site the new CEs will join\n")

        newCEs = {}
        addedCEs = []
        for ce in ces:
            ceType = siteDict[site][ce]["CEType"]
            for diracSite in diracSites:
                if ce in addedCEs:
                yn = raw_input("Add CE %s of type %s to %s? [default yes] [yes|no]: " % (ce, ceType, diracSite))
                if yn == "" or yn.lower() == "y":
                    newCEs.setdefault(diracSite, [])

        for diracSite in diracSites:
            if diracSite in newCEs:
                cmd = "dirac-admin-add-site %s %s %s" % (diracSite, site, " ".join(newCEs[diracSite]))
                gLogger.notice("\nNew site/CEs will be added with command:\n%s" % cmd)
                yn = raw_input("Add it ? [default yes] [yes|no]: ")
                if not (yn == "" or yn.lower() == "y"):

                if dry:
                    gLogger.notice("Command is skipped in the dry run")
                    result = shellCall(0, cmd)
                    if not result["OK"]:
                        gLogger.error("Error while executing dirac-admin-add-site command")
                        yn = raw_input("Do you want to continue ? [default no] [yes|no]: ")
                        if yn == "" or yn.lower().startswith("n"):
                            if sitesAdded:
                                gLogger.notice("CEs were added at the following sites:")
                                for site, diracSite in sitesAdded:
                                    gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (site, diracSite))
                        exitStatus, stdData, errData = result["Value"]
                        if exitStatus:
                                "Error while executing dirac-admin-add-site command\n", "\n".join([stdData, errData])
                            yn = raw_input("Do you want to continue ? [default no] [yes|no]: ")
                            if yn == "" or yn.lower().startswith("n"):
                                if sitesAdded:
                                    gLogger.notice("CEs were added at the following sites:")
                                    for site, diracSite in sitesAdded:
                                        gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (site, diracSite))
                            sitesAdded.append((site, diracSite))

    if sitesAdded:
        gLogger.notice("CEs were added at the following sites:")
        for site, diracSite in sitesAdded:
            gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (site, diracSite))
        gLogger.notice("No new CEs were added this time")
Example #9
    csAPI = CSAPI()

    if len(args) < 3:

    diracSiteName = args[0]
    gridSiteName = args[1]
    ces = args[2:]
        diracGridType, place, country = diracSiteName.split(".")
    except ValueError:
        gLogger.error("The DIRACSiteName should be of the form GRID.LOCATION.COUNTRY for example LCG.CERN.ch")

    result = getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName)
    newSite = True
    if result["OK"]:
        if result["Value"]:
            if len(result["Value"]) > 1:
                gLogger.notice("%s GOC site name is associated with several DIRAC sites:" % gridSiteName)
                for i, dSite in enumerate(result["Value"]):
                    gLogger.notice("%d: %s" % (i, dSite))
                inp = raw_input("Enter your choice number: ")
                    inp = int(inp)
                except ValueError:
                    gLogger.error("You should enter an integer number")
                if 0 <= inp < len(result["Value"]):
                    diracCSSite = result["Value"][inp]
Example #10
  def doCommand( self, sites = None ):
    Returns downtimes information for all the sites in input.
      :attr:`sites`: list of site names (when not given, take every site)
      {'SiteName': {'SEVERITY': 'OUTAGE'|'AT_RISK', 
                    'StartDate': 'aDate', ...} ... }

    if self.client is None:
      from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GOCDBClient import GOCDBClient
      self.client = GOCDBClient()

    if sites is None:
#      from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
      RPC = RPCClient( "ResourceStatus/ResourceStatus" )
      GOC_sites = RPC.getGridSitesList()
      if not GOC_sites['OK']:
        raise RSSException, where( self, self.doCommand ) + " " + sites['Message']
        GOC_sites = GOC_sites['Value']
      GOC_sites = [getGOCSiteName( x )['Value'] for x in sites]

      res = self.client.getStatus( 'Site', GOC_sites, None, 120 )
      gLogger.exception( "Exception when calling GOCDBClient." )
      return {}

    if not res['OK']:
      raise RSSException, where( self, self.doCommand ) + " " + res['Message']
      res = res['Value']

    if res == None:
      return {}

    resToReturn = {}

    for dt_ID in res:
        dt = {}
        dt['ID'] = dt_ID
        dt['StartDate'] = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_START_DATE']
        dt['EndDate'] = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_END_DATE']
        dt['Severity'] = res[dt_ID]['SEVERITY']
        dt['Description'] = res[dt_ID]['DESCRIPTION'].replace( '\'', '' )
        dt['Link'] = res[dt_ID]['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']
        DIRACnames = getDIRACSiteName( res[dt_ID]['SITENAME'] )
        if not DIRACnames['OK']:
          raise RSSException, DIRACnames['Message']
        DIRACnames = DIRACnames['Value']
        for DIRACname in DIRACnames:
          resToReturn[dt_ID.split()[0] + ' ' + DIRACname] = dt
      except KeyError:

    return resToReturn
Example #11
  def _syncResources( self ):

    # resources in the DB now
    resourcesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList( 'Resource', paramsList = ['ResourceName'] )
    resourcesIn = [r[0] for r in resourcesIn]

    # services in the DB now
    servicesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList( 'Service', paramsList = ['ServiceName'] )
    servicesIn = [s[0] for s in servicesIn]

    # Site-CE mapping in CS now
    siteCE = getSiteCEMapping( 'LCG' )['Value']
    # Site-SE mapping in CS now
    siteSE = getSiteSEMapping( 'LCG' )['Value']

    # CEs in CS now
    CEList = []
    for i in siteCE.values():
      for ce in i:
        if ce is None:
        CEList.append( ce )

    # SEs in CS now
    SEList = []
    for i in siteSE.values():
      for x in i:
        SEList.append( x )

    # SE Nodes in CS now
    SENodeList = []
    for SE in SEList:
      node = getSENodes( SE )['Value'][0]
      if node is None:
      if node not in SENodeList:
        SENodeList.append( node )

    # LFC Nodes in CS now
    LFCNodeList_L = []
    LFCNodeList_C = []
    for site in getLFCSites()['Value']:
      for readable in ( 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite' ):
        LFCNode = getLFCNode( site, readable )['Value']
        if LFCNode is None or LFCNode == []:
        LFCNode = LFCNode[0]
        if readable == 'ReadWrite':
          if LFCNode not in LFCNodeList_C:
            LFCNodeList_C.append( LFCNode )
        elif readable == 'ReadOnly':
          if LFCNode not in LFCNodeList_L:
            LFCNodeList_L.append( LFCNode )

    # FTS Nodes in CS now
    FTSNodeList = []
    sitesWithFTS = getFTSSites()
    for site in sitesWithFTS['Value']:
      fts = getFTSEndpoint( site )['Value']
      if fts is None or fts == []:
      fts = fts[0]
      if fts not in FTSNodeList:
        FTSNodeList.append( fts )

    # VOMS Nodes in CS now
    VOMSNodeList = getVOMSEndpoints()['Value']

    # complete list of resources in CS now
    resourcesList = CEList + SENodeList + LFCNodeList_L + LFCNodeList_C + FTSNodeList + VOMSNodeList

    # list of services in CS now (to be done)
    servicesList = []

    #remove resources no more in the CS
    for res in resourcesIn:
      if res not in resourcesList:
        self.rsDB.removeResource( res )
        self.rsDB.removeStorageElement( resourceName = res )

    # add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before

    # CEs
    for site in siteCE.keys():
      if site == 'LCG.Dummy.ch':
      for ce in siteCE[site]:
        if ce is None:
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', ce )
        if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
          raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
        if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
          trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( ce )[0]
          siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
          siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
        except IndexError:
        serviceType = 'Computing'
        service = serviceType + '@' + site

        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )

        if ce not in resourcesIn:
          CEType = getCEType( site, ce )['Value']
          ceType = 'CE'
          if CEType == 'CREAM':
            ceType = 'CREAMCE'
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( ce, ceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                        datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                        datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          resourcesIn.append( ce )

    # SRMs
    for srm in SENodeList:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', srm )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( srm )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'Storage'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )

      if srm not in resourcesIn and srm is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( srm, 'SE', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( srm )

    # LFC_C
    for lfc in LFCNodeList_C:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', lfc )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( lfc )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'Storage'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )
      if lfc not in resourcesIn and lfc is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( lfc, 'LFC_C', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( lfc )

    # LFC_L
    for lfc in LFCNodeList_L:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', lfc )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( lfc )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'Storage'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )
      if lfc not in resourcesIn and lfc is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( lfc, 'LFC_L', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( lfc )

    # FTSs
    for fts in FTSNodeList:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', fts )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( fts )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'Storage'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )
      if fts not in resourcesIn and fts is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( fts, 'FTS', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( fts )

    # VOMSs
    for voms in VOMSNodeList:
      siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', voms )
      if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
      if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
        trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex( voms )[0]
        siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo( 'hostname', trueName )
        siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
      except IndexError:
      siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName( siteInGOCDB )
      if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
        raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
      site = siteInDIRAC['Value']
      serviceType = 'VOMS'
      for site in sites:
        service = serviceType + '@' + site
        if service not in servicesList:
          servicesList.append( service )
        if service not in servicesIn:
          self.rsDB.addOrModifyService( service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                                       datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                       datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
          servicesIn.append( service )
      if voms not in resourcesIn and voms is not None:
        self.rsDB.addOrModifyResource( voms, 'VOMS', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active', 'init',
                                      datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ), 'RS_SVC',
                                      datetime.datetime( 9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59 ) )
        resourcesIn.append( voms )

    #remove services no more in the CS
    for ser in servicesIn:
      if ser not in servicesList:
        serType = ser.split( '@' )[0]
        if serType != 'VO-BOX':
          self.rsDB.removeService( ser )
          self.rsDB.removeResource( serviceName = ser )
          site = ser.split( '@' )[1]
          if serType == 'Storage':
            self.rsDB.removeStorageElement( siteName = site )
Example #12
    def doCommand(self, sites=None):
    Returns downtimes information for all the sites in input.
      :attr:`sites`: list of site names (when not given, take every site)
      {'SiteName': {'SEVERITY': 'OUTAGE'|'AT_RISK', 
                    'StartDate': 'aDate', ...} ... }

        self.APIs = initAPIs(self.__APIs__, self.APIs)


            if sites is None:
                GOC_sites = self.APIs['ResourceStatusClient'].getGridSite(
                    meta={'columns': 'GridSiteName'})
                if not GOC_sites['OK']:
                    return {'Result': GOC_sites}
                GOC_sites = [gs[0] for gs in GOC_sites['Value']]
                GOC_sites = [getGOCSiteName(x)['Value'] for x in sites]

            resGOC = self.APIs['GOCDBClient'].getStatus(
                'Site', GOC_sites, None, 120)

            if not resGOC['OK']:
                return {'Result': resGOC}

            resGOC = resGOC['Value']

            if resGOC == None:
                resGOC = []

            res = {}

            for dt_ID in resGOC:


                    dt = {}
                    dt['ID'] = dt_ID
                    dt['StartDate'] = resGOC[dt_ID]['FORMATED_START_DATE']
                    dt['EndDate'] = resGOC[dt_ID]['FORMATED_END_DATE']
                    dt['Severity'] = resGOC[dt_ID]['SEVERITY']
                    dt['Description'] = resGOC[dt_ID]['DESCRIPTION'].replace(
                        '\'', '')
                    dt['Link'] = resGOC[dt_ID]['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']

                    DIRACnames = getDIRACSiteName(res[dt_ID]['SITENAME'])

                    if not DIRACnames['OK']:
                        return {'Result': DIRACnames}

                    for DIRACname in DIRACnames['Value']:
                        res[dt_ID.split()[0] + ' ' + DIRACname] = dt

                except KeyError:

            res = S_OK(res)

        except Exception, e:
            _msg = '%s (%s): %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.args, e)
            return {'Result': S_ERROR(_msg)}
Example #13
    def _syncResources(self):

        # resources in the DB now
        resourcesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('Resource',
        resourcesIn = [r[0] for r in resourcesIn]

        # services in the DB now
        servicesIn = self.rsDB.getMonitoredsList('Service',
        servicesIn = [s[0] for s in servicesIn]

        # Site-CE mapping in CS now
        siteCE = getSiteCEMapping('LCG')['Value']
        # Site-SE mapping in CS now
        siteSE = getSiteSEMapping('LCG')['Value']

        # CEs in CS now
        CEList = []
        for i in siteCE.values():
            for ce in i:
                if ce is None:

        # SEs in CS now
        SEList = []
        for i in siteSE.values():
            for x in i:

        # SE Nodes in CS now
        SENodeList = []
        for SE in SEList:
            node = getSENodes(SE)['Value'][0]
            if node is None:
            if node not in SENodeList:

        # LFC Nodes in CS now
        LFCNodeList_L = []
        LFCNodeList_C = []
        for site in getLFCSites()['Value']:
            for readable in ('ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite'):
                LFCNode = getLFCNode(site, readable)['Value']
                if LFCNode is None or LFCNode == []:
                LFCNode = LFCNode[0]
                if readable == 'ReadWrite':
                    if LFCNode not in LFCNodeList_C:
                elif readable == 'ReadOnly':
                    if LFCNode not in LFCNodeList_L:

        # FTS Nodes in CS now
        FTSNodeList = []
        sitesWithFTS = getFTSSites()
        for site in sitesWithFTS['Value']:
            fts = getFTSEndpoint(site)['Value']
            if fts is None or fts == []:
            fts = fts[0]
            if fts not in FTSNodeList:

        # VOMS Nodes in CS now
        VOMSNodeList = getVOMSEndpoints()['Value']

        # complete list of resources in CS now
        resourcesList = CEList + SENodeList + LFCNodeList_L + LFCNodeList_C + FTSNodeList + VOMSNodeList

        # list of services in CS now (to be done)
        servicesList = []

        #remove resources no more in the CS
        for res in resourcesIn:
            if res not in resourcesList:

        # add to DB what is in CS now and wasn't before

        # CEs
        for site in siteCE.keys():
            if site == 'LCG.Dummy.ch':
            for ce in siteCE[site]:
                if ce is None:
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', ce)
                if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                    raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
                if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                    trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(ce)[0]
                    siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                        'hostname', trueName)
                    siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
                except IndexError:
                serviceType = 'Computing'
                service = serviceType + '@' + site

                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

                if ce not in resourcesIn:
                    CEType = getCEType(site, ce)['Value']
                    ceType = 'CE'
                    if CEType == 'CREAM':
                        ceType = 'CREAMCE'
                        ce, ceType, serviceType, site, siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # SRMs
        for srm in SENodeList:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', srm)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(srm)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'Storage'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

            if srm not in resourcesIn and srm is not None:
                    srm, 'SE', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # LFC_C
        for lfc in LFCNodeList_C:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', lfc)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(lfc)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'Storage'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))
            if lfc not in resourcesIn and lfc is not None:
                    lfc, 'LFC_C', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # LFC_L
        for lfc in LFCNodeList_L:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', lfc)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(lfc)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'Storage'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))
            if lfc not in resourcesIn and lfc is not None:
                    lfc, 'LFC_L', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # FTSs
        for fts in FTSNodeList:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', fts)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(fts)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            sites = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'Storage'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))
            if fts not in resourcesIn and fts is not None:
                    fts, 'FTS', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        # VOMSs
        for voms in VOMSNodeList:
            siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                'hostname', voms)
            if not siteInGOCDB['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInGOCDB['Message']
            if siteInGOCDB['Value'] == []:
                trueName = socket.gethostbyname_ex(voms)[0]
                siteInGOCDB = self.GOCDBClient.getServiceEndpointInfo(
                    'hostname', trueName)
                siteInGOCDB = siteInGOCDB['Value'][0]['SITENAME']
            except IndexError:
            siteInDIRAC = getDIRACSiteName(siteInGOCDB)
            if not siteInDIRAC['OK']:
                raise RSSException, siteInDIRAC['Message']
            site = siteInDIRAC['Value']
            serviceType = 'VOMS'
            for site in sites:
                service = serviceType + '@' + site
                if service not in servicesList:
                if service not in servicesIn:
                        service, serviceType, site, 'Active', 'init',
                        'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))
            if voms not in resourcesIn and voms is not None:
                    voms, 'VOMS', serviceType, 'NULL', siteInGOCDB, 'Active',
                    'RS_SVC', datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59))

        #remove services no more in the CS
        for ser in servicesIn:
            if ser not in servicesList:
                serType = ser.split('@')[0]
                if serType != 'VO-BOX':
                    site = ser.split('@')[1]
                    if serType == 'Storage':
  def _getInfo( self, requestParams ):

    gLogger.info( requestParams )

    if not requestParams[ 'name' ]:
      gLogger.warn( 'No name given' )
      self.finish( { 'success': 'false', 'error': 'We need a Site Name to generate an Overview' } )

    elementName = requestParams[ 'name' ][ 0 ]

    pub = RPCClient( 'ResourceStatus/Publisher' )

    elementStatuses = pub.getElementStatuses( 'Site',
                                              str( elementName ),
                                              None )

    if not elementStatuses[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( elementStatuses[ 'Message' ] )
      self.finish( { 'success': 'false', 'error': 'Error getting ElementStatus information' } )

    if not elementStatuses[ 'Value' ]:
      gLogger.error( 'element "%s" not found' % elementName )
      self.finish( { 'success' : 'false', 'error' : 'element "%s" not found' % elementName } )

    elementStatus = [ dict( zip( elementStatuses[ 'Columns' ], element ) ) for element in elementStatuses[ 'Value' ] ][ 0 ]
    elementStatus[ 'DateEffective' ] = str( elementStatus[ 'DateEffective' ] )
    elementStatus[ 'LastCheckTime' ] = str( elementStatus[ 'LastCheckTime' ] )
    elementStatus[ 'TokenExpiration' ] = str( elementStatus[ 'TokenExpiration' ] )

    gocdb_name = getGOCSiteName( elementName )
    if not gocdb_name[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( gocdb_name[ 'Message' ] )
      elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] = ""
      gocdb_name = ''
      gocdb_name = gocdb_name[ 'Value' ]
      elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] = '<a href="https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Submit_Search&SearchString=%s" target="_blank">%s</a>' % ( gocdb_name, gocdb_name )

    dirac_names = getDIRACSiteName( gocdb_name )
    if not dirac_names[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( dirac_names[ 'Message' ] )
      dirac_names = []
      elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] += "("
      for i in dirac_names['Value']:
        elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] += "%s " % i
      elementStatus[ 'GOCDB' ] += ")"

    elementStatus["GGUS"] = '<a href="https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_search.php?show_columns_check[]=REQUEST_ID&show_columns_check[]=TICKET_TYPE&show_columns_check[]=AFFECTED_VO&'
    elementStatus["GGUS"] += 'show_columns_check[]=AFFECTED_SITE&show_columns_check[]=PRIORITY&show_columns_check[]=RESPONSIBLE_UNIT&show_columns_check[]=STATUS&show_columns_check[]=DATE_OF_CREATION&'

    elementStatus["GGUS"] += 'show_columns_check[]=LAST_UPDATE&show_columns_check[]=TYPE_OF_PROBLEM&show_columns_check[]=SUBJECT&ticket=&supportunit=all&su_hierarchy=all&vo=all&user=&keyword=&involvedsupporter=&assignto=&'
    elementStatus["GGUS"] += 'affectedsite=%s&specattrib=0&status=open&priority=all&typeofproblem=all&ticketcategory=&mouarea=&technology_provider=&date_type=creation+date&radiotf=1&timeframe=any&from_date=&to_date=&' % gocdb_name
    elementStatus["GGUS"] += 'untouched_date=&orderticketsby=GHD_INT_REQUEST_ID&orderhow=descending" target="_blank"> %s tickets</a>' % gocdb_name

    convertName = {'CERN-PROD':'CERN',

    elog = convertName.get( gocdb_name, "" );

    elementStatus['Elog'] = '<a href="https://lblogbook.cern.ch/Operations/?Site=^' + elog + '%24&mode=summary" target="_blank">' + elog + '</a>'

    return { 'success' : 'true', 'result' : elementStatus, 'total' : len( elementStatus ) }
Example #15
def getSiteUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=None, log=None):
  """ Get all the necessary updates for the already defined sites and CEs

  def addToChangeSet(entry, changeSet):
    """ Inner function to update changeSet with entry (a tuple)

        :param tuple entry: entry to add to changeSet
        :param set changeSet: set collecting stuff to change
    _section, _option, value, new_value = entry
    if new_value and new_value != value:

  if log is None:
    log = gLogger

  ceBdiiDict = bdiiInfo
  if bdiiInfo is None:
    result = getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    ceBdiiDict = result['Value']

  changeSet = set()
  for site in ceBdiiDict:
    result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
    if not result['OK']:
    siteNames = result['Value']
    for siteName in siteNames:
      siteSection = cfgPath('/Resources', 'Sites', siteName.split('.')[0], siteName)
      result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(siteSection)
      if not result['OK']:
      siteDict = result['Value']
      # Current CS values
      coor = siteDict.get('Coordinates', 'Unknown')
      mail = siteDict.get('Mail', 'Unknown').replace(' ', '')
      description = siteDict.get('Description', 'Unknown')
      description = description.replace(' ,', ',')

      longitude = ceBdiiDict[site].get('GlueSiteLongitude', '').strip()
      latitude = ceBdiiDict[site].get('GlueSiteLatitude', '').strip()

      # Current BDII value
      newcoor = ''
      if longitude and latitude:
        newcoor = "%s:%s" % (longitude, latitude)
      newmail = ceBdiiDict[site].get('GlueSiteSysAdminContact', '').replace('mailto:', '').strip()
      newdescription = ceBdiiDict[site].get('GlueSiteDescription', '').strip()
      newdescription = ", ".join([line.strip() for line in newdescription.split(",")])

      # Adding site data to the changes list
      addToChangeSet((siteSection, 'Coordinates', coor, newcoor), changeSet)
      addToChangeSet((siteSection, 'Mail', mail, newmail), changeSet)
      addToChangeSet((siteSection, 'Description', description, newdescription), changeSet)

      ces = gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(siteSection, 'CE'), [])
      for ce in ces:
        ceSection = cfgPath(siteSection, 'CEs', ce)
        ceDict = {}
        result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(ceSection)
        if result['OK']:
          ceDict = result['Value']
          if ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs'].get(ce, None):
            log.notice("Adding new CE", "%s to site %s/%s" % (ce, siteName, site))
        ceInfo = ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs'].get(ce, None)
        if ceInfo is None:
          ceType = ceDict.get('CEType', '')

        # Current CS CE info
        arch = ceDict.get('architecture', 'Unknown')
        OS = ceDict.get('OS', 'Unknown')
        si00 = ceDict.get('SI00', 'Unknown')
        ceType = ceDict.get('CEType', 'Unknown')
        ram = ceDict.get('MaxRAM', 'Unknown')
        submissionMode = ceDict.get('SubmissionMode', 'Unknown')

        # Current BDII CE info
        newarch = ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs'][ce].get('GlueHostArchitecturePlatformType', '').strip()
        systemName = ceInfo.get('GlueHostOperatingSystemName', '').strip()
        systemVersion = ceInfo.get('GlueHostOperatingSystemVersion', '').strip()
        systemRelease = ceInfo.get('GlueHostOperatingSystemRelease', '').strip()
        newOS = ''
        if systemName and systemVersion and systemRelease:
          newOS = '_'.join((systemName, systemVersion, systemRelease))
        newsi00 = ceInfo.get('GlueHostBenchmarkSI00', '').strip()
        newCEType = 'Unknown'
        for queue in ceInfo['Queues']:
          queueDict = ceInfo['Queues'][queue]
          newCEType = queueDict.get('GlueCEImplementationName', '').strip()
          if newCEType:
        if newCEType == 'ARC-CE':
          newCEType = 'ARC'

        newSubmissionMode = None
        if newCEType in ['ARC', 'CREAM']:
          newSubmissionMode = "Direct"
        newRAM = ceInfo.get('GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize', '').strip()
        # Protect from unreasonable values
        if newRAM and int(newRAM) > 150000:
          newRAM = ''

        # Adding CE data to the change list
        addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'architecture', arch, newarch), changeSet)
        addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'OS', OS, newOS), changeSet)
        addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'SI00', si00, newsi00), changeSet)
        addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'CEType', ceType, newCEType), changeSet)
        addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'MaxRAM', ram, newRAM), changeSet)
        if submissionMode == "Unknown" and newSubmissionMode:
          addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'SubmissionMode', submissionMode, newSubmissionMode), changeSet)

        queues = ceInfo['Queues'].keys()
        for queue in queues:
          queueInfo = ceInfo['Queues'][queue]
          queueStatus = queueInfo['GlueCEStateStatus']
          queueSection = cfgPath(ceSection, 'Queues', queue)
          queueDict = {}
          result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(queueSection)
          if result['OK']:
            queueDict = result['Value']
            if queueStatus.lower() == "production":
              log.notice("Adding new queue", "%s to CE %s" % (queue, ce))

          # Current CS queue info
          maxCPUTime = queueDict.get('maxCPUTime', 'Unknown')
          si00 = queueDict.get('SI00', 'Unknown')
          maxTotalJobs = queueDict.get('MaxTotalJobs', 'Unknown')

          # Current BDII queue info
          newMaxCPUTime = queueInfo.get('GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime', '')
          if newMaxCPUTime == "4" * len(newMaxCPUTime) or newMaxCPUTime == "9" * len(newMaxCPUTime):
            newMaxCPUTime = ''
          wallTime = queueInfo.get('GlueCEPolicyMaxWallClockTime', '')
          if wallTime == "4" * len(wallTime) or wallTime == "9" * len(wallTime):
            wallTime = ''
          if wallTime and int(wallTime) > 0:
            if not newMaxCPUTime:
              newMaxCPUTime = str(int(0.8 * int(wallTime)))
              if int(wallTime) <= int(newMaxCPUTime):
                newMaxCPUTime = str(int(0.8 * int(wallTime)))
          newSI00 = ''
          caps = queueInfo.get('GlueCECapability', [])
          if isinstance(caps, basestring):
            caps = [caps]
          for cap in caps:
            if 'CPUScalingReferenceSI00' in cap:
              newSI00 = cap.split('=')[-1]

          # Adding queue info to the CS
          addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'maxCPUTime', maxCPUTime, newMaxCPUTime), changeSet)
          addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'SI00', si00, newSI00), changeSet)
          if maxTotalJobs == "Unknown":
            newTotalJobs = min(1000, int(int(queueInfo.get('GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs', 0)) / 2))
            newWaitingJobs = max(2, int(newTotalJobs * 0.1))
            newTotalJobs = str(newTotalJobs)
            newWaitingJobs = str(newWaitingJobs)
            addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'MaxTotalJobs', '', newTotalJobs), changeSet)
            addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'MaxWaitingJobs', '', newWaitingJobs), changeSet)

          # Updating eligible VO list
          VOs = set()
          if queueDict.get('VO', ''):
            VOs = set([q.strip() for q in queueDict.get('VO', '').split(',') if q])
          if vo not in VOs:
            VOs = list(VOs)
            newVOs = ','.join(VOs)
            addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'VO', '', newVOs), changeSet)

  return S_OK(changeSet)
Example #16
    if len(args) < 3:

    diracSiteName = args[0]
    gridSiteName = args[1]
    ces = args[2:]
        diracGridType, place, country = diracSiteName.split('.')
    except ValueError:
            "The DIRACSiteName should be of the form GRID.LOCATION.COUNTRY for example LCG.CERN.ch"

    result = getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName)
    newSite = True
    if result['OK']:
        if result['Value']:
            if len(result['Value']) > 1:
                    '%s GOC site name is associated with several DIRAC sites:'
                    % gridSiteName)
                for i, dSite in enumerate(result['Value']):
                    gLogger.notice('%d: %s' % (i, dSite))
                inp = raw_input('Enter your choice number: ')
                    inp = int(inp)
                except ValueError:
                    gLogger.error('You should enter an integer number')
Example #17
  def doCommand( self, sites = None ):
    Returns downtimes information for all the sites in input.
      :attr:`sites`: list of site names (when not given, take every site)
      {'SiteName': {'SEVERITY': 'OUTAGE'|'AT_RISK', 
                    'StartDate': 'aDate', ...} ... }

    self.APIs = initAPIs( self.__APIs__, self.APIs )

      if sites is None:
        GOC_sites = self.APIs[ 'ResourceStatusClient' ].getGridSite( meta = { 'columns' : 'GridSiteName' })
        if not GOC_sites['OK']:
          return { 'Result' : GOC_sites }
        GOC_sites = [ gs[0] for gs in GOC_sites['Value'] ]
        GOC_sites = [ getGOCSiteName( x )['Value'] for x in sites ]

      resGOC = self.APIs[ 'GOCDBClient' ].getStatus( 'Site', GOC_sites, None, 120 )

      if not resGOC['OK']:
        return { 'Result' : resGOC }
      resGOC = resGOC['Value']

      if resGOC == None:
        resGOC = []

      res = {}

      for dt_ID in resGOC:
          dt                = {}
          dt['ID']          = dt_ID
          dt['StartDate']   = resGOC[dt_ID]['FORMATED_START_DATE']
          dt['EndDate']     = resGOC[dt_ID]['FORMATED_END_DATE']
          dt['Severity']    = resGOC[dt_ID]['SEVERITY']
          dt['Description'] = resGOC[dt_ID]['DESCRIPTION'].replace( '\'', '' )
          dt['Link']        = resGOC[dt_ID]['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']
          DIRACnames = getDIRACSiteName( res[dt_ID]['SITENAME'] )
          if not DIRACnames['OK']:
            return { 'Result' : DIRACnames }
          for DIRACname in DIRACnames['Value']:
            res[dt_ID.split()[0] + ' ' + DIRACname] = dt
        except KeyError:

      res = S_OK( res )        

    except Exception, e:
      _msg = '%s (%s): %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.args, e )
      gLogger.exception( _msg )
      return { 'Result' : S_ERROR( _msg ) }
    def doCommand(self, sites=None):
    Returns downtimes information for all the sites in input.
      :attr:`sites`: list of site names (when not given, take every site)
      {'SiteName': {'SEVERITY': 'OUTAGE'|'AT_RISK', 
                    'StartDate': 'aDate', ...} ... }

        if self.client is None:
            from DIRAC.Core.LCG.GOCDBClient import GOCDBClient
            self.client = GOCDBClient()

        if sites is None:
            #      from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient
            RPC = RPCClient("ResourceStatus/ResourceStatus")
            GOC_sites = RPC.getGridSitesList()
            if not GOC_sites['OK']:
                raise RSSException, where(
                    self, self.doCommand) + " " + sites['Message']
                GOC_sites = GOC_sites['Value']
            GOC_sites = [getGOCSiteName(x)['Value'] for x in sites]

            res = self.client.getStatus('Site', GOC_sites, None, 120)
            gLogger.exception("Exception when calling GOCDBClient.")
            return {}

        if not res['OK']:
            raise RSSException, where(self,
                                      self.doCommand) + " " + res['Message']
            res = res['Value']

        if res == None:
            return {}

        resToReturn = {}

        for dt_ID in res:
                dt = {}
                dt['ID'] = dt_ID
                dt['StartDate'] = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_START_DATE']
                dt['EndDate'] = res[dt_ID]['FORMATED_END_DATE']
                dt['Severity'] = res[dt_ID]['SEVERITY']
                dt['Description'] = res[dt_ID]['DESCRIPTION'].replace('\'', '')
                dt['Link'] = res[dt_ID]['GOCDB_PORTAL_URL']
                DIRACnames = getDIRACSiteName(res[dt_ID]['SITENAME'])
                if not DIRACnames['OK']:
                    raise RSSException, DIRACnames['Message']
                DIRACnames = DIRACnames['Value']
                for DIRACname in DIRACnames:
                    resToReturn[dt_ID.split()[0] + ' ' + DIRACname] = dt
            except KeyError:

        return resToReturn
Example #19
  def _syncSites( self ):
    Sync DB content with sites that are in the CS
    def getGOCTier(sitesList):
      return "T" + str(min([int(v) for v in CS.getSiteTiers(sitesList)]))

    # sites in the DB now
    #sitesDB = set((s[0] for s in Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getSite())))
    sites = self.rsClient.getSite()
    if not sites[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( sites[ 'Message' ] )
      return sites
    sitesDB = set( [ site[0] for site in sites[ 'Value' ] ] )

    # sites in CS now
    sitesCS = set( CS.getSites() )

    gLogger.info("Syncing Sites from CS: %d sites in CS, %d sites in DB" % (len(sitesCS), len(sitesDB)))

    # remove sites and associated resources, services, and storage
    # elements from the DB that are not in the CS:
    for s in sitesDB - sitesCS:
      gLogger.info("Purging Site %s (not in CS anymore)" % s)

    # add to DB what is missing
    gLogger.info("Updating %d Sites in DB" % len(sitesCS - sitesDB))
    for site in sitesCS - sitesDB:
      siteType = site.split(".")[0]
      # DIRAC Tier
      tier = "T" + str(CS.getSiteTier( site ))
      if siteType == "LCG":
        # Grid Name of the site
        #gridSiteName = Utils.unpack(getGOCSiteName(site))
        gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName( site )
        if not gridSiteName[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( gridSiteName[ 'Message' ] )
          return gridSiteName
        gridSiteName = gridSiteName[ 'Value' ]

        # Grid Tier (with a workaround!)
        #DIRACSitesOfGridSites = Utils.unpack(getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName))
        DIRACSitesOfGridSites = getDIRACSiteName( gridSiteName )
        if not DIRACSitesOfGridSites[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( DIRACSitesOfGridSites[ 'Message' ] )
          return DIRACSitesOfGridSites
        DIRACSitesOfGridSites = DIRACSitesOfGridSites[ 'Value' ]
        if len( DIRACSitesOfGridSites ) == 1:
          gt = tier
          gt = getGOCTier( DIRACSitesOfGridSites )

        #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifyGridSite, gridSiteName, gt)
        res = self.rsClient.addOrModifyGridSite( gridSiteName, gt )
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
          return res
        #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifySite, site, tier, gridSiteName )
        res = self.rsClient.addOrModifySite( site, tier, gridSiteName )
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
          return res

      elif siteType == "DIRAC":
        #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifySite, site, tier, "NULL" )
        res = self.rsClient.addOrModifySite( site, tier, "NULL" )
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( res[ 'Message' ] )
          return res
Example #20
def checkUnusedSEs():

  global vo, dry

  result = getGridSRMs(vo, unUsed=True)
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.error('Failed to look up SRMs in BDII', result['Message'])
  siteSRMDict = result['Value']

  # Evaluate VOs
  result = getVOs()
  if result['OK']:
    csVOs = set(result['Value'])
    csVOs = {vo}

  changeSetFull = set()

  for site in siteSRMDict:
    for gridSE in siteSRMDict[site]:
      changeSet = set()
      seDict = siteSRMDict[site][gridSE]['SE']
      srmDict = siteSRMDict[site][gridSE]['SRM']
      # Check the SRM version
      version = srmDict.get('GlueServiceVersion', '')
      if not (version and version.startswith('2')):
        gLogger.debug('Skipping SRM service with version %s' % version)
      result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.notice('Unused se %s is detected at unused site %s' % (gridSE, site))
        gLogger.notice('Consider adding site %s to the DIRAC CS' % site)
      diracSites = result['Value']
      yn = raw_input(
          '\nDo you want to add new SRM SE %s at site(s) %s ? default yes [yes|no]: ' %
          (gridSE, str(diracSites)))
      if not yn or yn.lower().startswith('y'):
        if len(diracSites) > 1:
          prompt = 'Which DIRAC site the new SE should be attached to ?'
          for i, s in enumerate(diracSites):
            prompt += '\n[%d] %s' % (i, s)
          prompt += '\nEnter your choice number: '
          inp = raw_input(prompt)
            ind = int(inp)
          except BaseException:
            gLogger.notice('Can not interpret your choice: %s, try again later' % inp)
          diracSite = diracSites[ind]
          diracSite = diracSites[0]

        domain, siteName, country = diracSite.split('.')
        recName = '%s-disk' % siteName
        inp = raw_input('Give a DIRAC name to the grid SE %s, default %s : ' % (gridSE, recName))
        diracSEName = inp
        if not inp:
          diracSEName = recName

        gLogger.notice('Adding new SE %s at site %s' % (diracSEName, diracSite))
        seSection = cfgPath('/Resources/StorageElements', diracSEName)
        changeSet.add((seSection, 'BackendType', seDict.get('GlueSEImplementationName', 'Unknown')))
        changeSet.add((seSection, 'Description', seDict.get('GlueSEName', 'Unknown')))
        bdiiVOs = set([re.sub('^VO:', '', rule) for rule in srmDict.get('GlueServiceAccessControlBaseRule', [])])
        seVOs = csVOs.intersection(bdiiVOs)
        changeSet.add((seSection, 'VO', ','.join(seVOs)))
        accessSection = cfgPath(seSection, 'AccessProtocol.1')
        changeSet.add((accessSection, 'Protocol', 'srm'))
        changeSet.add((accessSection, 'PluginName', 'SRM2'))
        endPoint = srmDict.get('GlueServiceEndpoint', '')
        host = urlparse(endPoint).hostname
        port = urlparse(endPoint).port
        changeSet.add((accessSection, 'Host', host))
        changeSet.add((accessSection, 'Port', port))
        changeSet.add((accessSection, 'Access', 'remote'))
        voPathSection = cfgPath(accessSection, 'VOPath')
        if 'VOPath' in seDict:
          path = seDict['VOPath']
          voFromPath = os.path.basename(path)
          if voFromPath != diracVO:
            gLogger.notice('\n!!! Warning: non-conventional VO path: %s\n' % path)
            changeSet.add((voPathSection, diracVO, path))
          path = os.path.dirname(path)
          # Try to guess the Path
          domain = '.'.join(host.split('.')[-2:])
          path = '/dpm/%s/home' % domain
        changeSet.add((accessSection, 'Path', path))
        changeSet.add((accessSection, 'SpaceToken', ''))
        changeSet.add((accessSection, 'WSUrl', '/srm/managerv2?SFN='))

        gLogger.notice('SE %s will be added with the following parameters' % diracSEName)
        changeList = sorted(changeSet)
        for entry in changeList:
        yn = raw_input('Do you want to add new SE %s ? default yes [yes|no]: ' % diracSEName)
        if not yn or yn.lower().startswith('y'):
          changeSetFull = changeSetFull.union(changeSet)

  if dry:
    if changeSetFull:
      gLogger.notice('Skipping commit of the new SE data in a dry run')
      gLogger.notice("No new SE to be added")
    return S_OK()

  if changeSetFull:
    csAPI = CSAPI()
    result = csAPI.downloadCSData()
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.error('Failed to initialize CSAPI object', result['Message'])
    changeList = sorted(changeSetFull)
    for section, option, value in changeList:
      csAPI.setOption(cfgPath(section, option), value)

    yn = raw_input('New SE data is accumulated\n Do you want to commit changes to CS ? default yes [yes|no]: ')
    if not yn or yn.lower().startswith('y'):
      result = csAPI.commit()
      if not result['OK']:
        gLogger.error("Error while commit to CS", result['Message'])
        gLogger.notice("Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len(changeSetFull))
    gLogger.notice("No new SE to be added")

  return S_OK()
Example #21
    def _syncSites(self):
    Sync DB content with sites that are in the CS
        def getGOCTier(sitesList):
            return "T" + str(min([int(v) for v in CS.getSiteTiers(sitesList)]))

        # sites in the DB now
        #sitesDB = set((s[0] for s in Utils.unpack(self.rsClient.getSite())))

        sites = self.rsClient.getSite()
        if not sites['OK']:
            return sites
        sitesDB = set([site[0] for site in sites['Value']])

        # sites in CS now
        sitesCS = set(CS.getSites())

        gLogger.info("Syncing Sites from CS: %d sites in CS, %d sites in DB" %
                     (len(sitesCS), len(sitesDB)))

        # remove sites and associated resources, services, and storage
        # elements from the DB that are not in the CS:
        for s in sitesDB - sitesCS:
            gLogger.info("Purging Site %s (not in CS anymore)" % s)

        # add to DB what is missing
        gLogger.info("Updating %d Sites in DB" % len(sitesCS - sitesDB))
        for site in sitesCS - sitesDB:
            siteType = site.split(".")[0]
            # DIRAC Tier
            tier = "T" + str(CS.getSiteTier(site))
            if siteType == "LCG":
                # Grid Name of the site
                #gridSiteName = Utils.unpack(getGOCSiteName(site))
                gridSiteName = getGOCSiteName(site)
                if not gridSiteName['OK']:
                    return gridSiteName
                gridSiteName = gridSiteName['Value']

                # Grid Tier (with a workaround!)
                #DIRACSitesOfGridSites = Utils.unpack(getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName))
                DIRACSitesOfGridSites = getDIRACSiteName(gridSiteName)
                if not DIRACSitesOfGridSites['OK']:
                    return DIRACSitesOfGridSites
                DIRACSitesOfGridSites = DIRACSitesOfGridSites['Value']

                if len(DIRACSitesOfGridSites) == 1:
                    gt = tier
                    gt = getGOCTier(DIRACSitesOfGridSites)

                #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifyGridSite, gridSiteName, gt)
                res = self.rsClient.addOrModifyGridSite(gridSiteName, gt)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res

                #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifySite, site, tier, gridSiteName )
                res = self.rsClient.addOrModifySite(site, tier, gridSiteName)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res

            elif siteType == "DIRAC":
                #Utils.protect2(self.rsClient.addOrModifySite, site, tier, "NULL" )
                res = self.rsClient.addOrModifySite(site, tier, "NULL")
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res
Example #22
def checkUnusedCEs():

  global vo, dry, ceBdiiDict, hostURL, glue2

  gLogger.notice('looking for new computing resources in the BDII database...')

  result = getCEsFromCS()
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.error('ERROR: failed to get CEs from CS', result['Message'])
  knownCEs = result['Value']

  result = getGridCEs(vo, ceBlackList=knownCEs, hostURL=hostURL, glue2=glue2)
  if not result['OK']:
    gLogger.error('ERROR: failed to get CEs from BDII', result['Message'])
  ceBdiiDict = result['BdiiInfo']

  siteDict = result['Value']
  if siteDict:
    gLogger.notice('New resources available:\n')
    for site in siteDict:
      diracSite = 'Unknown'
      result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
      if result['OK']:
        diracSite = ','.join(result['Value'])
      ces = siteDict[site].keys()  # pylint: disable=no-member
      if ces:
        gLogger.notice("  %s, DIRAC site %s" % (site, diracSite))
        for ce in ces:
          gLogger.notice(' ' * 4 + ce)
          gLogger.notice('      %s, %s' % (siteDict[site][ce]['CEType'], '%s_%s_%s' % siteDict[site][ce]['System']))
    gLogger.notice('No new resources available, exiting')

  inp = raw_input("\nDo you want to add sites ? [default=yes] [yes|no]: ")
  inp = inp.strip()
  if not inp and inp.lower().startswith('n'):
    gLogger.notice('Nothing else to be done, exiting')

  gLogger.notice('\nAdding new sites/CEs interactively\n')

  sitesAdded = []

  for site in siteDict:
    # Get the country code:
    country = ''
    ces = siteDict[site].keys()  # pylint: disable=no-member
    for ce in ces:
      country = ce.strip().split('.')[-1].lower()
      if len(country) == 2:
      if country == 'gov':
        country = 'us'
    if not country or len(country) != 2:
      country = 'xx'
    result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
    if not result['OK']:
      gLogger.notice('\nThe site %s is not yet in the CS, give it a name' % site)
      diracSite = raw_input('[help|skip|<domain>.<name>.%s]: ' % country)
      if diracSite.lower() == "skip":
      if diracSite.lower() == "help":
        gLogger.notice('%s site details:' % site)
        for k, v in ceBdiiDict[site].items():
          if k != "CEs":
            gLogger.notice('%s\t%s' % (k, v))
        gLogger.notice('\nEnter DIRAC site name in the form <domain>.<name>.%s\n' % country)
        diracSite = raw_input('[<domain>.<name>.%s]: ' % country)
        _, _, _ = diracSite.split('.')
      except ValueError:
        gLogger.error('ERROR: DIRAC site name does not follow convention: %s' % diracSite)
      diracSites = [diracSite]
      diracSites = result['Value']

    if len(diracSites) > 1:
      gLogger.notice('Attention! GOC site %s corresponds to more than one DIRAC sites:' % site)
      gLogger.notice('Please, pay attention which DIRAC site the new CEs will join\n')

    newCEs = {}
    addedCEs = []
    for ce in ces:
      ceType = siteDict[site][ce]['CEType']
      for diracSite in diracSites:
        if ce in addedCEs:
        yn = raw_input("Add CE %s of type %s to %s? [default yes] [yes|no]: " % (ce, ceType, diracSite))
        if yn == '' or yn.lower() == 'y':
          newCEs.setdefault(diracSite, [])

    for diracSite in diracSites:
      if diracSite in newCEs:
        cmd = "dirac-admin-add-site %s %s %s" % (diracSite, site, ' '.join(newCEs[diracSite]))
        gLogger.notice("\nNew site/CEs will be added with command:\n%s" % cmd)
        yn = raw_input("Add it ? [default yes] [yes|no]: ")
        if not (yn == '' or yn.lower() == 'y'):

        if dry:
          gLogger.notice("Command is skipped in the dry run")
          result = systemCall(0, shlex.split(cmd))
          if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error('Error while executing dirac-admin-add-site command')
            yn = raw_input("Do you want to continue ? [default no] [yes|no]: ")
            if yn == '' or yn.lower().startswith('n'):
              if sitesAdded:
                gLogger.notice('CEs were added at the following sites:')
                for site, diracSite in sitesAdded:
                  gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (site, diracSite))
            exitStatus, stdData, errData = result['Value']
            if exitStatus:
              gLogger.error('Error while executing dirac-admin-add-site command\n', '\n'.join([stdData, errData]))
              yn = raw_input("Do you want to continue ? [default no] [yes|no]: ")
              if yn == '' or yn.lower().startswith('n'):
                if sitesAdded:
                  gLogger.notice('CEs were added at the following sites:')
                  for site, diracSite in sitesAdded:
                    gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (site, diracSite))
              sitesAdded.append((site, diracSite))

  if sitesAdded:
    gLogger.notice('CEs were added at the following sites:')
    for site, diracSite in sitesAdded:
      gLogger.notice("%s\t%s" % (site, diracSite))
    gLogger.notice('No new CEs were added this time')
Example #23
def getSiteUpdates(vo, bdiiInfo=None, log=None):
    """ Get all the necessary updates for the already defined sites and CEs
    def addToChangeSet(entry, changeSet):
        """ Inner function to update changeSet with entry (a tuple)

        :param tuple entry: entry to add to changeSet
        :param set changeSet: set collecting stuff to change
        _section, _option, value, new_value = entry
        if new_value and new_value != value:

    if log is None:
        log = gLogger

    ceBdiiDict = bdiiInfo
    if bdiiInfo is None:
        result = getBdiiCEInfo(vo)
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        ceBdiiDict = result['Value']

    changeSet = set()
    for site in ceBdiiDict:
        result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
        if not result['OK']:
        siteNames = result['Value']
        for siteName in siteNames:
            siteSection = cfgPath('/Resources', 'Sites',
                                  siteName.split('.')[0], siteName)
            result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(siteSection)
            if not result['OK']:
            siteDict = result['Value']
            # Current CS values
            coor = siteDict.get('Coordinates', 'Unknown')
            mail = siteDict.get('Mail', 'Unknown').replace(' ', '')
            description = siteDict.get('Description', 'Unknown')
            description = description.replace(' ,', ',')

            longitude = ceBdiiDict[site].get('GlueSiteLongitude', '').strip()
            latitude = ceBdiiDict[site].get('GlueSiteLatitude', '').strip()

            # Current BDII value
            newcoor = ''
            if longitude and latitude:
                newcoor = "%s:%s" % (longitude, latitude)
            newmail = ceBdiiDict[site].get('GlueSiteSysAdminContact',
                                           '').replace('mailto:', '').strip()
            newdescription = ceBdiiDict[site].get('GlueSiteDescription',
            newdescription = ", ".join(
                [line.strip() for line in newdescription.split(",")])

            # Adding site data to the changes list
            addToChangeSet((siteSection, 'Coordinates', coor, newcoor),
            addToChangeSet((siteSection, 'Mail', mail, newmail), changeSet)
                (siteSection, 'Description', description, newdescription),

            ces = gConfig.getValue(cfgPath(siteSection, 'CE'), [])
            for ce in ces:
                ceSection = cfgPath(siteSection, 'CEs', ce)
                ceDict = {}
                result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(ceSection)
                if result['OK']:
                    ceDict = result['Value']
                    if ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs'].get(ce, None):
                        log.notice("Adding new CE",
                                   "%s to site %s/%s" % (ce, siteName, site))
                ceInfo = ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs'].get(ce, None)
                if ceInfo is None:
                    ceType = ceDict.get('CEType', '')

                # Current CS CE info
                arch = ceDict.get('architecture', 'Unknown')
                OS = ceDict.get('OS', 'Unknown')
                si00 = ceDict.get('SI00', 'Unknown')
                ceType = ceDict.get('CEType', 'Unknown')
                ram = ceDict.get('MaxRAM', 'Unknown')
                submissionMode = ceDict.get('SubmissionMode', 'Unknown')

                # Current BDII CE info
                newarch = ceBdiiDict[site]['CEs'][ce].get(
                    'GlueHostArchitecturePlatformType', '').strip()
                systemName = ceInfo.get('GlueHostOperatingSystemName',
                systemVersion = ceInfo.get('GlueHostOperatingSystemVersion',
                systemRelease = ceInfo.get('GlueHostOperatingSystemRelease',
                newOS = ''
                if systemName and systemVersion and systemRelease:
                    newOS = '_'.join(
                        (systemName, systemVersion, systemRelease))
                newsi00 = ceInfo.get('GlueHostBenchmarkSI00', '').strip()
                newCEType = 'Unknown'
                for queue in ceInfo['Queues']:
                    queueDict = ceInfo['Queues'][queue]
                    newCEType = queueDict.get('GlueCEImplementationName',
                    if newCEType:
                if newCEType == 'ARC-CE':
                    newCEType = 'ARC'

                newSubmissionMode = None
                if newCEType in ['ARC', 'CREAM']:
                    newSubmissionMode = "Direct"
                newRAM = ceInfo.get('GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize', '').strip()
                # Protect from unreasonable values
                if newRAM and int(newRAM) > 150000:
                    newRAM = ''

                # Adding CE data to the change list
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'architecture', arch, newarch),
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'OS', OS, newOS), changeSet)
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'SI00', si00, newsi00), changeSet)
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'CEType', ceType, newCEType),
                addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'MaxRAM', ram, newRAM), changeSet)
                if submissionMode == "Unknown" and newSubmissionMode:
                    addToChangeSet((ceSection, 'SubmissionMode',
                                    submissionMode, newSubmissionMode),

                queues = ceInfo['Queues'].keys()
                for queue in queues:
                    queueInfo = ceInfo['Queues'][queue]
                    queueStatus = queueInfo['GlueCEStateStatus']
                    queueSection = cfgPath(ceSection, 'Queues', queue)
                    queueDict = {}
                    result = gConfig.getOptionsDict(queueSection)
                    if result['OK']:
                        queueDict = result['Value']
                        if queueStatus.lower() == "production":
                            log.notice("Adding new queue",
                                       "%s to CE %s" % (queue, ce))

                    # Current CS queue info
                    maxCPUTime = queueDict.get('maxCPUTime', 'Unknown')
                    si00 = queueDict.get('SI00', 'Unknown')
                    maxTotalJobs = queueDict.get('MaxTotalJobs', 'Unknown')

                    # Current BDII queue info
                    newMaxCPUTime = queueInfo.get('GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime', '')
                    if newMaxCPUTime == "4" * len(
                            newMaxCPUTime) or newMaxCPUTime == "9" * len(
                        newMaxCPUTime = ''
                    wallTime = queueInfo.get('GlueCEPolicyMaxWallClockTime',
                    if wallTime == "4" * len(
                            wallTime) or wallTime == "9" * len(wallTime):
                        wallTime = ''
                    if wallTime and int(wallTime) > 0:
                        if not newMaxCPUTime:
                            newMaxCPUTime = str(int(0.8 * int(wallTime)))
                            if int(wallTime) <= int(newMaxCPUTime):
                                newMaxCPUTime = str(int(0.8 * int(wallTime)))
                    newSI00 = ''
                    caps = queueInfo.get('GlueCECapability', [])
                    if isinstance(caps, basestring):
                        caps = [caps]
                    for cap in caps:
                        if 'CPUScalingReferenceSI00' in cap:
                            newSI00 = cap.split('=')[-1]

                    # Adding queue info to the CS
                    addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'maxCPUTime', maxCPUTime,
                                    newMaxCPUTime), changeSet)
                    addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'SI00', si00, newSI00),
                    if maxTotalJobs == "Unknown":
                        newTotalJobs = min(
                                int(queueInfo.get('GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs', 0)) /
                        newWaitingJobs = max(2, int(newTotalJobs * 0.1))
                        newTotalJobs = str(newTotalJobs)
                        newWaitingJobs = str(newWaitingJobs)
                            (queueSection, 'MaxTotalJobs', '', newTotalJobs),
                        addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'MaxWaitingJobs', '',
                                        newWaitingJobs), changeSet)

                    # Updating eligible VO list
                    VOs = set()
                    if queueDict.get('VO', ''):
                        VOs = set([
                            for q in queueDict.get('VO', '').split(',') if q
                    if vo not in VOs:
                        VOs = list(VOs)
                        newVOs = ','.join(VOs)
                        addToChangeSet((queueSection, 'VO', '', newVOs),

    return S_OK(changeSet)
def checkUnusedSEs():

    global vo, dry

    result = getGridSRMs(vo, unUsed=True)
    if not result["OK"]:
        gLogger.error("Failed to look up SRMs in BDII", result["Message"])
    siteSRMDict = result["Value"]

    # Evaluate VOs
    result = getVOs()
    if result["OK"]:
        csVOs = set(result["Value"])
        csVOs = {vo}

    changeSetFull = set()

    for site in siteSRMDict:
        for gridSE in siteSRMDict[site]:
            changeSet = set()
            seDict = siteSRMDict[site][gridSE]["SE"]
            srmDict = siteSRMDict[site][gridSE]["SRM"]
            # Check the SRM version
            version = srmDict.get("GlueServiceVersion", "")
            if not (version and version.startswith("2")):
                gLogger.debug("Skipping SRM service with version %s" % version)
            result = getDIRACSiteName(site)
            if not result["OK"]:
                gLogger.notice("Unused se %s is detected at unused site %s" % (gridSE, site))
                gLogger.notice("Consider adding site %s to the DIRAC CS" % site)
            diracSites = result["Value"]
            yn = raw_input(
                "\nDo you want to add new SRM SE %s at site(s) %s ? default yes [yes|no]: " % (gridSE, str(diracSites))
            if not yn or yn.lower().startswith("y"):
                if len(diracSites) > 1:
                    prompt = "Which DIRAC site the new SE should be attached to ?"
                    for i, s in enumerate(diracSites):
                        prompt += "\n[%d] %s" % (i, s)
                    prompt += "\nEnter your choice number: "
                    inp = raw_input(prompt)
                        ind = int(inp)
                        gLogger.notice("Can not interpret your choice: %s, try again later" % inp)
                    diracSite = diracSites[ind]
                    diracSite = diracSites[0]

                domain, siteName, country = diracSite.split(".")
                recName = "%s-disk" % siteName
                inp = raw_input("Give a DIRAC name to the grid SE %s, default %s : " % (gridSE, recName))
                diracSEName = inp
                if not inp:
                    diracSEName = recName

                gLogger.notice("Adding new SE %s at site %s" % (diracSEName, diracSite))
                seSection = cfgPath("/Resources/StorageElements", diracSEName)
                changeSet.add((seSection, "BackendType", seDict.get("GlueSEImplementationName", "Unknown")))
                changeSet.add((seSection, "Description", seDict.get("GlueSEName", "Unknown")))
                bdiiVOs = set(
                    [re.sub("^VO:", "", rule) for rule in srmDict.get("GlueServiceAccessControlBaseRule", [])]
                seVOs = csVOs.intersection(bdiiVOs)
                changeSet.add((seSection, "VO", ",".join(seVOs)))
                accessSection = cfgPath(seSection, "AccessProtocol.1")
                changeSet.add((accessSection, "Protocol", "srm"))
                changeSet.add((accessSection, "PluginName", "SRM2"))
                endPoint = srmDict.get("GlueServiceEndpoint", "")
                host = urlparse(endPoint).hostname
                port = urlparse(endPoint).port
                changeSet.add((accessSection, "Host", host))
                changeSet.add((accessSection, "Port", port))
                changeSet.add((accessSection, "Access", "remote"))
                voPathSection = cfgPath(accessSection, "VOPath")
                if "VOPath" in seDict:
                    path = seDict["VOPath"]
                    voFromPath = os.path.basename(path)
                    if voFromPath != diracVO:
                        gLogger.notice("\n!!! Warning: non-conventional VO path: %s\n" % path)
                        changeSet.add((voPathSection, diracVO, path))
                    path = os.path.dirname(path)
                    # Try to guess the Path
                    domain = ".".join(host.split(".")[-2:])
                    path = "/dpm/%s/home" % domain
                changeSet.add((accessSection, "Path", path))
                changeSet.add((accessSection, "SpaceToken", ""))
                changeSet.add((accessSection, "WSUrl", "/srm/managerv2?SFN="))

                gLogger.notice("SE %s will be added with the following parameters" % diracSEName)
                changeList = list(changeSet)
                for entry in changeList:
                yn = raw_input("Do you want to add new SE %s ? default yes [yes|no]: " % diracSEName)
                if not yn or yn.lower().startswith("y"):
                    changeSetFull = changeSetFull.union(changeSet)

    if dry:
        if changeSetFull:
            gLogger.notice("Skipping commit of the new SE data in a dry run")
            gLogger.notice("No new SE to be added")
        return S_OK()

    if changeSetFull:
        csAPI = CSAPI()
        result = csAPI.downloadCSData()
        if not result["OK"]:
            gLogger.error("Failed to initialize CSAPI object", result["Message"])
        changeList = list(changeSetFull)
        for section, option, value in changeList:
            csAPI.setOption(cfgPath(section, option), value)

        yn = raw_input("New SE data is accumulated\n Do you want to commit changes to CS ? default yes [yes|no]: ")
        if not yn or yn.lower().startswith("y"):
            result = csAPI.commit()
            if not result["OK"]:
                gLogger.error("Error while commit to CS", result["Message"])
                gLogger.notice("Successfully committed %d changes to CS" % len(changeSetFull))
        gLogger.notice("No new SE to be added")

    return S_OK()