Example #1
  def execute(self):
    #Have to work out if the module is part of the last step i.e. 
    #user jobs can have any number of steps and we only want 
    #to run the finalization once.
    currentStep = int(self.step_commons['STEP_NUMBER'])
    totalSteps = int(self.workflow_commons['TotalSteps'])
    if currentStep==totalSteps:
      self.log.verbose('Current step = %s, total steps of workflow = %s, HandleProdOutputData will enable itself only at the last workflow step.' %(currentStep,totalSteps))            
    if not self.lastStep:
      return S_OK()
    self.result =self.resolveInputVariables()
    if not self.result['OK']:
      return self.result
    ###Instantiate object that will ensure that the files are registered properly
    failoverTransfer = FailoverTransfer(self.request)
    datatohandle = {}
    if self.generatorfile:
      if not os.path.exists(self.generatorfile):
        return S_ERROR("File %s does not exist, something went wrong before !"%(self.generatorfile))
      self.attributesdict['DataType'] = 'gen'
      lfnpath = string.join([self.basepath,self.attributesdict['Machine'],self.attributesdict['Energy'],
    if self.mokkafile or self.slicfile:
      recofile = ''
      if self.mokkafile and not os.path.exists(self.mokkafile):
        return S_ERROR("File %s does not exist, something went wrong before !"%(self.mokkafile))
        recofile = self.mokkafile
      if self.slicfile and not os.path.exists(self.slicfile):
        return S_ERROR("File %s does not exist, something went wrong before !"%(self.slicfile))
        recofile = self.slicfile
      self.attributesdict['DataType'] = 'SIM'
      lfnpath = string.join([self.basepath,self.attributesdict['Machine'],self.attributesdict['Energy'],

    ##Below, look in file name if it contain REC or DST, to determine the data type.
    if self.marlinfiles:
      for file in self.marlinfiles:
        if file.find("REC")>-1:
          self.attributesdict['DataType'] = 'REC'
        if file.find("DST")>-1:
          self.attributesdict['DataType'] = 'DST'
        lfnpath = string.join([self.basepath,self.attributesdict['Machine'],self.attributesdict['Energy'],

    if self.lcsimfiles:
      for file in self.lcsimfiles:
        if file.find("DST")>-1:
          self.attributesdict['DataType'] = 'DST'
        lfnpath = string.join([self.basepath,self.attributesdict['Machine'],self.attributesdict['Energy'],
    result = self.getFileMetadata(datatohandle)
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_OK()
    fileMetadata = result['Value']

    final = {}
    for fileName,metadata in fileMetadata.items():
    #One by one upload the files with failover if necessary
    replication = {}
    failover = {}
    uploaded = []
    if not self.failoverTest:
      for fileName,metadata in final.items():
        self.log.info("Attempting to store file %s to the following SE(s):\n%s" % (fileName, string.join(metadata['resolvedSE'],', ')))
        result = failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFile(fileName,metadata['localpath'],metadata['lfn'],metadata['resolvedSE'],fileGUID=metadata['guid'],fileCatalog=self.userFileCatalog)
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error('Could not transfer and register %s with metadata:\n %s' %(fileName,metadata))
          #Only attempt replication after successful upload
          lfn = metadata['lfn']
          seList = metadata['resolvedSE']
          replicateSE = ''
          if result['Value'].has_key('uploadedSE'):
            uploadedSE = result['Value']['uploadedSE']            
            for se in seList:
              if not se == uploadedSE:
                replicateSE = se
          if replicateSE and lfn:
            self.log.info('Will attempt to replicate %s to %s' %(lfn,replicateSE))    
      failover = final

    cleanUp = False
    for fileName,metadata in failover.items():
      targetSE = metadata['resolvedSE'][0]
      result = failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFileFailover(fileName,metadata['localpath'],metadata['lfn'],targetSE,metadata['resolvedSE'],fileGUID=metadata['guid'],fileCatalog=self.userFileCatalog)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not transfer and register %s with metadata:\n %s' %(fileName,metadata))
        cleanUp = True
        continue #for users can continue even if one completely fails
        lfn = metadata['lfn']

    #For files correctly uploaded must report LFNs to job parameters
    if uploaded:
      report = string.join( uploaded, ', ' )
      self.jobReport.setJobParameter( 'UploadedOutputData', report )

    #Now after all operations, retrieve potentially modified request object
    result = failoverTransfer.getRequestObject()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Could Not Retrieve Modified Request')

    self.request = result['Value']

    #If some or all of the files failed to be saved to failover
    if cleanUp:
      #Leave any uploaded files just in case it is useful for the user
      #do not try to replicate any files.
      return S_ERROR('Failed To Upload Output Data')

    return S_OK()
Example #2
    def finalize(self):
        """ finalize method performs final operations after all the job
        steps were executed. Only production jobs are treated.

        self.log.verbose("Starting UploadLogFile finalize")
        # First determine the files which should be saved
        self.log.info("Determining the files to be saved in the logs.")
        res = self.determineRelevantFiles()
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Completely failed to select relevant log files.", res["Message"])
            return S_OK()  # because if the logs are lost, it's not the end of the world.
        selectedFiles = res["Value"]
            "The following %s files were selected to be saved:\n%s"
            % (len(selectedFiles), string.join(selectedFiles, "\n"))

        # Create a temporary directory containing these files
        self.log.info("Populating a temporary directory for selected files.")
        res = self.populateLogDirectory(selectedFiles)
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Completely failed to populate temporary log file directory.", res["Message"])
            self.setApplicationStatus("Failed To Populate Log Dir")
            return S_OK()  # because if the logs are lost, it's not the end of the world.
        self.log.info("%s populated with log files." % self.logdir)

        # Create a tailored index page
        # self.log.info('Creating an index page for the logs')
        # result = self.__createLogIndex(selectedFiles)
        # if not result['OK']:
        #  self.log.error('Failed to create index page for logs', res['Message'])

        if not self.enable:
            self.log.info("Module is disabled by control flag")
            return S_OK("Module is disabled by control flag")

        # Make sure all the files in the log directory have the correct permissions
        result = self.__setLogFilePermissions(self.logdir)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Could not set permissions of log files to 0755 with message:\n%s" % (result["Message"]))

        # Attempt to uplaod logs to the LogSE
        self.log.info("Transferring log files to the %s" % self.logSE)
        res = S_ERROR()
        if not self.failoverTest:
            self.log.info("PutDirectory %s %s %s" % (self.logFilePath, os.path.realpath(self.logdir), self.logSE))
            res = self.rm.putStorageDirectory(
                {self.logFilePath: os.path.realpath(self.logdir)}, self.logSE, singleDirectory=True
            if res["OK"]:
                self.log.info("Successfully upload log directory to %s" % self.logSE)
                # TODO: The logURL should be constructed using the LogSE and StorageElement()
                # storageElement = StorageElement(self.logSE)
                # pfn = storageElement.getPfnForLfn(self.logFilePath)['Value']
                # logURL = getPfnForProtocol(res['Value'],'http')['Value']
                logURL = "%s" % self.logFilePath
                self.setJobParameter("Log LFN", logURL)
                self.log.info("Logs for this job may be retrieved with dirac-ilc-get-prod-log -F %s" % logURL)
                return S_OK()

        # Recover the logs to a failover storage element
            "Completely failed to upload log files to %s, will attempt upload to failover SE" % self.logSE,

        tarFileDir = os.path.dirname(self.logdir)
        self.logLFNPath = "%s.gz" % self.logLFNPath
        tarFileName = os.path.basename(self.logLFNPath)
        start = os.getcwd()
        logTarFiles = os.listdir(self.logdir)
        # comm = 'tar czvf %s %s' % (tarFileName,string.join(logTarFiles,' '))
        tfile = tarfile.open(tarFileName, "w:gz")
        for item in logTarFiles:
        # res = shellCall(0,comm)
        if not os.path.exists(tarFileName):
            res = S_ERROR("File was not created")
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to create tar file from directory", "%s %s" % (self.logdir, res["Message"]))
            self.setApplicationStatus("Failed To Create Log Tar Dir")
            return S_OK()  # because if the logs are lost, it's not the end of the world.

        # if res['Value'][0]: #i.e. non-zero status
        #  self.log.error('Failed to create tar file from directory','%s %s' % (self.logdir,res['Value']))
        #  self.setApplicationStatus('Failed To Create Log Tar Dir')
        #  return S_OK()#because if the logs are lost, it's not the end of the world.

        # Instantiate the failover transfer client with the global request object
        failoverTransfer = FailoverTransfer(self.request)
        ##determine the experiment
        self.failoverSEs = self.ops.getValue("Production/%s/FailOverSE" % self.experiment, self.failoverSEs)

            "Attempting to store file %s to the following SE(s):\n%s"
            % (tarFileName, string.join(self.failoverSEs, ", "))
        result = failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFile(
            "%s/%s" % (tarFileDir, tarFileName),
            fileCatalog=["FileCatalog", "LcgFileCatalog"],
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to upload logs to all destinations")
            self.setApplicationStatus("Failed To Upload Logs")
            return S_OK()  # because if the logs are lost, it's not the end of the world.

        # Now after all operations, retrieve potentially modified request object
        result = failoverTransfer.getRequestObject()
        if not result["OK"]:
            return S_ERROR("Could not retrieve modified request")

        self.request = result["Value"]
        res = self.createLogUploadRequest(self.logSE, self.logLFNPath)
        if not res["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Failed to create failover request", res["Message"])
            self.setApplicationStatus("Failed To Upload Logs To Failover")
            self.log.info("Successfully created failover request")

        self.workflow_commons["Request"] = self.request
        return S_OK()
Example #3
  def execute(self):
    """ Main execution function.
    #Have to work out if the module is part of the last step i.e. 
    #user jobs can have any number of steps and we only want 
    #to run the finalization once.
    currentStep = int(self.step_commons['STEP_NUMBER'])
    totalSteps = int(self.workflow_commons['TotalSteps'])
    if currentStep == totalSteps:
      self.lastStep = True
      self.log.verbose('Current step = %s, total steps of workflow = %s, UserJobFinalization will enable itself only \
      at the last workflow step.' % (currentStep, totalSteps))            
    if not self.lastStep:
      return S_OK()    
    result = self.resolveInputVariables()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    self.log.info('Initializing %s' % self.version)
    if not self.workflowStatus['OK'] or not self.stepStatus['OK']:
      self.log.verbose('Workflow status = %s, step status = %s' % (self.workflowStatus['OK'], 
      return S_OK('No output data upload attempted')
    if not self.userOutputData:
      self.log.info('No user output data is specified for this job, nothing to do')
      return S_OK('No output data to upload')
    #Determine the final list of possible output files for the
    #workflow and all the parameters needed to upload them.
    outputList = []
    for i in self.userOutputData:
      outputList.append({'outputPath' : string.upper(string.split(i, '.')[-1]),
                         'outputDataSE' : self.userOutputSE,
                         'outputFile' : os.path.basename(i)})

    userOutputLFNs = []
    if self.userOutputData:
      self.log.info('Constructing user output LFN(s) for %s' % (string.join(self.userOutputData, ', ')))
      if not self.jobID:
        self.jobID = 12345
      owner = ''
      if self.workflow_commons.has_key('Owner'):
        owner = self.workflow_commons['Owner']
        res = self.getCurrentOwner()
        if not res['OK']:
          return S_ERROR('Could not obtain owner from proxy')
        owner = res['Value']
      vo = ''
      if self.workflow_commons.has_key('VO'):
        vo = self.workflow_commons['VO']
        res = self.getCurrentVO()
        if not res['OK']:
          return S_ERROR('Could not obtain VO from proxy')
        vo = res['Value']
      result = constructUserLFNs(int(self.jobID), vo, owner, self.userOutputData, self.userOutputPath)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not create user LFNs', result['Message'])
        return result
      userOutputLFNs = result['Value']

    self.log.verbose('Calling getCandidateFiles( %s, %s, %s)' % (outputList, userOutputLFNs, self.outputDataFileMask))
    result = self.getCandidateFiles(outputList, userOutputLFNs, self.outputDataFileMask)
    if not result['OK']:
      if not self.ignoreapperrors:
        return S_OK()
    fileDict = result['Value']      
    result = self.getFileMetadata(fileDict)
    if not result['OK']:
      if not self.ignoreapperrors:
        return S_OK()

    if not result['Value']:
      if not self.ignoreapperrors:
        self.log.info('No output data files were determined to be uploaded for this workflow')
        self.setApplicationStatus('No Output Data Files To Upload')
        return S_OK()

    fileMetadata = result['Value']
    #First get the local (or assigned) SE to try first for upload and others in random fashion
    result = getDestinationSEList('Tier1-USER', DIRAC.siteName(), outputmode='local')
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error('Could not resolve output data SE', result['Message'])
      self.setApplicationStatus('Failed To Resolve OutputSE')
      return result      
    localSE = result['Value']
    self.log.verbose('Site Local SE for user outputs is: %s' % (localSE))
    orderedSEs = self.defaultOutputSE  
    for se in localSE:
      if se in orderedSEs:
    for se in self.userOutputSE:
      if se in orderedSEs:

    orderedSEs = localSE + List.randomize(orderedSEs)    
    if self.userOutputSE:
      prependSEs = []
      for userSE in self.userOutputSE:
        if not userSE in orderedSEs:
      orderedSEs = prependSEs + orderedSEs
    self.log.info('Ordered list of output SEs is: %s' % (string.join(orderedSEs, ', ')))    
    final = {}
    for fileName, metadata in fileMetadata.items():
      final[fileName] = metadata
      final[fileName]['resolvedSE'] = orderedSEs

    #At this point can exit and see exactly what the module will upload
    if not self.enable:
      self.log.info('Module is disabled by control flag, would have attempted \
      to upload the following files %s' % string.join(final.keys(), ', '))
      for fileName, metadata in final.items():
        self.log.info('--------%s--------' % fileName)
        for n, v in metadata.items():
          self.log.info('%s = %s' %(n, v))

      return S_OK('Module is disabled by control flag')

    #Instantiate the failover transfer client with the global request object
    failoverTransfer = FailoverTransfer(self.request)

    #One by one upload the files with failover if necessary
    replication = {}
    failover = {}
    uploaded = []
    if not self.failoverTest:
      for fileName, metadata in final.items():
        self.log.info("Attempting to store file %s to the following SE(s):\n%s" % (fileName, 
                                                                                               ', ')))
        result = failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFile(fileName, metadata['localpath'], metadata['lfn'],
                                                          metadata['resolvedSE'], fileGUID = metadata['guid'], 
                                                          fileCatalog = self.userFileCatalog)
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error('Could not transfer and register %s with metadata:\n %s' % (fileName, metadata))
          failover[fileName] = metadata
          #Only attempt replication after successful upload
          lfn = metadata['lfn']
          seList = metadata['resolvedSE']
          replicateSE = ''
          if result['Value'].has_key('uploadedSE'):
            uploadedSE = result['Value']['uploadedSE']            
            for se in seList:
              if not se == uploadedSE:
                replicateSE = se
          if replicateSE and lfn:
            self.log.info('Will attempt to replicate %s to %s' % (lfn, replicateSE))    
            replication[lfn] = replicateSE            
      failover = final

    cleanUp = False
    for fileName, metadata in failover.items():
      targetSE = metadata['resolvedSE'][0]
      metadata['resolvedSE'] = self.failoverSEs
      result = failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFileFailover(fileName, metadata['localpath'], metadata['lfn'],
                                                                targetSE, metadata['resolvedSE'], 
                                                                fileGUID = metadata['guid'], 
                                                                fileCatalog = self.userFileCatalog)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not transfer and register %s with metadata:\n %s' % (fileName, metadata))
        cleanUp = True
        continue #for users can continue even if one completely fails
        lfn = metadata['lfn']

    #For files correctly uploaded must report LFNs to job parameters
    if uploaded:
      report = string.join( uploaded, ', ' )
      self.jobReport.setJobParameter( 'UploadedOutputData', report )

    #Now after all operations, retrieve potentially modified request object
    result = failoverTransfer.getRequestObject()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Could Not Retrieve Modified Request')

    self.request = result['Value']

    #If some or all of the files failed to be saved to failover
    if cleanUp:
      self.workflow_commons['Request'] = self.request
      #Leave any uploaded files just in case it is useful for the user
      #do not try to replicate any files.
      return S_ERROR('Failed To Upload Output Data')
    #If there is now at least one replica for uploaded files can trigger replication
    rm = ReplicaManager()
    self.log.info('Sleeping for 10 seconds before attempting replication of recently uploaded files')
    for lfn, repSE in replication.items():
      result = rm.replicateAndRegister(lfn, repSE, catalog = self.userFileCatalog)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.info('Replication failed with below error but file already exists in Grid storage with \
        at least one replica:\n%s' % (result))

    self.workflow_commons['Request'] = self.request
    #Now must ensure if any pending requests are generated that these are propagated to the job wrapper
    reportRequest = None
    if self.jobReport:
      result = self.jobReport.generateRequest()
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.warn('Could not generate request for job report with result:\n%s' % (result))
        reportRequest = result['Value']
    if reportRequest:
      self.log.info('Populating request with job report information')
    if not self.request.isEmpty()['Value']:
      request_string = self.request.toXML()['Value']
      # Write out the request string
      fname = 'user_job_%s_request.xml' % (self.jobID)
      xmlfile = open(fname, 'w')
      self.log.info('Creating failover request for deferred operations for job %s:' % self.jobID)
      result = self.request.getDigest()
      if result['OK']:
        digest = result['Value']
    self.setApplicationStatus('Job Finished Successfully')
    return S_OK('Output data uploaded')
Example #4
  def execute(self):
    """ Main execution function.
    self.log.info('Initializing %s' % self.version)
    result = self.resolveInputVariables()
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    if not self.workflowStatus['OK'] or not self.stepStatus['OK']:
      self.log.verbose('Workflow status = %s, step status = %s' % (self.workflowStatus['OK'], self.stepStatus['OK']))
      return S_OK('No output data upload attempted')

    ##determine the experiment
    example_file = self.prodOutputLFNs[0]
    if "/ilc/prod/clic" in example_file:
      self.experiment = "CLIC"
    elif "/ilc/prod/ilc/sid" in example_file:
      self.experiment = 'ILC_SID'
    elif "/ilc/prod/ilc/mc-dbd" in example_file:
      self.experiment = 'ILC_ILD' 
      self.log.warn("Failed to determine experiment, reverting to default")
    #Determine the final list of possible output files for the
    #workflow and all the parameters needed to upload them.
    result = self.getCandidateFiles(self.outputList, self.prodOutputLFNs, self.outputDataFileMask)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    fileDict = result['Value']      
    result = self.getFileMetadata(fileDict)
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    if not result['Value']:
      self.log.info('No output data files were determined to be uploaded for this workflow')
      return S_OK()

    fileMetadata = result['Value']

    #Get final, resolved SE list for files
    final = {}
    for fileName, metadata in fileMetadata.items():
      result = getDestinationSEList(metadata['workflowSE'], DIRAC.siteName(), self.outputMode)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not resolve output data SE', result['Message'])
        self.setApplicationStatus('Failed To Resolve OutputSE')
        return result
      resolvedSE = result['Value']
      final[fileName] = metadata
      final[fileName]['resolvedSE'] = resolvedSE

    self.log.info('The following files will be uploaded: %s' % (string.join(final.keys(), ', ')))
    for fileName, metadata in final.items():
      self.log.info('--------%s--------' % fileName)
      for n, v in metadata.items():
        self.log.info('%s = %s' % (n, v))

    #At this point can exit and see exactly what the module would have uploaded
    if not self.enable:
      self.log.info('Module is disabled by control flag, would have attempted to upload the \
      following files %s' % string.join(final.keys(), ', '))
      return S_OK('Module is disabled by control flag')

    #Disable the watchdog check in case the file uploading takes a long time
    self.log.info('Creating DISABLE_WATCHDOG_CPU_WALLCLOCK_CHECK in order to disable the Watchdog prior to upload')
    fopen.write('%s' % time.asctime())
    #Instantiate the failover transfer client with the global request object
    failoverTransfer = FailoverTransfer(self.request)

    catalogs = ['FileCatalog', 'LcgFileCatalog']

    #One by one upload the files with failover if necessary
    failover = {}
    if not self.failoverTest:
      for fileName, metadata in final.items():
        self.log.info("Attempting to store file %s to the following SE(s):\n%s" % (fileName, 
                                                                                               ', ')))
        result = failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFile(fileName, metadata['localpath'], 
                                                          metadata['lfn'], metadata['resolvedSE'], 
                                                          fileGUID = metadata['guid'], fileCatalog = catalogs)
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error('Could not transfer and register %s with metadata:\n %s' % (fileName, metadata))
          failover[fileName] = metadata
          lfn = metadata['lfn']
      failover = final

    self.failoverSEs = self.ops.getValue("Production/%s/FailOverSE" % self.experiment, self.failoverSEs)  

    cleanUp = False
    for fileName, metadata in failover.items():
      self.log.info('Setting default catalog for failover transfer to FileCatalog')
      targetSE = metadata['resolvedSE'][0]
      metadata['resolvedSE'] = self.failoverSEs
      result = failoverTransfer.transferAndRegisterFileFailover(fileName, metadata['localpath'],
                                                                metadata['lfn'], targetSE, metadata['resolvedSE'],
                                                                fileGUID = metadata['guid'], fileCatalog = catalogs)
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error('Could not transfer and register %s with metadata:\n %s' % (fileName, metadata))
        cleanUp = True
        break #no point continuing if one completely fails

    os.remove("DISABLE_WATCHDOG_CPU_WALLCLOCK_CHECK") #cleanup the mess

    #Now after all operations, retrieve potentially modified request object
    result = failoverTransfer.getRequestObject()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Could not retrieve modified request')

    self.request = result['Value']

    #If some or all of the files failed to be saved to failover
    if cleanUp:
      lfns = []
      for fileName, metadata in final.items():

      result = self.__cleanUp(lfns)
      self.workflow_commons['Request'] = self.request
      return S_ERROR('Failed to upload output data')

#    #Can now register the successfully uploaded files in the BK
#    if not performBKRegistration:
#      self.log.info('There are no files to perform the BK registration for, all could be saved to failover')
#    else:
#      rm = ReplicaManager()
#      result = rm.addCatalogFile(performBKRegistration,catalogs=['BookkeepingDB'])
#      self.log.verbose(result)
#      if not result['OK']:
#        self.log.error(result)
#        return S_ERROR('Could Not Perform BK Registration')
#      if result['Value']['Failed']:
#        for lfn,error in result['Value']['Failed'].items():
#          self.log.info('BK registration for %s failed with message: "%s" setting failover request' %(lfn,error))
#          result = self.request.addSubRequest({'Attributes':{'Operation':'registerFile','ExecutionOrder':0, 'Catalogue':'BookkeepingDB'}},'register')
#          if not result['OK']:
#            self.log.error('Could not set registerFile request:\n%s' %result)
#            return S_ERROR('Could Not Set BK Registration Request')
#          fileDict = {'LFN':lfn,'Status':'Waiting'}
#          index = result['Value']
#          self.request.setSubRequestFiles(index,'register',[fileDict])

    self.workflow_commons['Request'] = self.request
    return S_OK('Output data uploaded')