Example #1
def combinedResult(unit, sites=None):
    """ Checks the space token usage at the site and report the space usage from several sources:
      File Catalog, Storage dumps, SRM interface

    dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

    if not sites:
        # Tier0 and all Tier1s
        sites = sorted(dmsHelper.getTiers(tier=(0, 1)))
        # Translate in case it is a short name
        allSites = dmsHelper.getSites()
        sites = [
            dmsHelper.getShortSiteNames(tier=(0, 1)).get(site, site)
            for site in sites
        badSites = set(sites) - set(allSites)
        if badSites:
            gLogger.warn("Some sites do not exist", str(sorted(badSites)))
            sites = [site for site in sites if site in allSites]

    scaleDict = {
        'MB': 1000 * 1000.0,
        'GB': 1000 * 1000 * 1000.0,
        'TB': 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000.0,
        'PB': 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000.0
    if unit not in scaleDict:
        return S_ERROR("Unit not in %s" % scaleDict.keys())
    scaleFactor = scaleDict[unit]

    fcUsage = {}
    srmUsage = {}
    sdUsage = {}

    for site in sites:
        # retrieve space usage from FC
        fcUsage[site] = getFCUsage(site)

        sitesSEs[site] = {}
        # Get SEs at site
        seList = dmsHelper.getSEsAtSite(site).get('Value', [])
        for se in seList:
            occupancyResult = StorageElement(se).getOccupancy()
            if not occupancyResult['OK']:
                return occupancyResult
            occupancy = occupancyResult['Value']
            srmUsage[site] = occupancy

        # retrieve space usage from storage dumps:
        sdResult = getSDUsage(site)
        if sdResult != -1:
            sdUsage[site] = sdResult

            return 1

        gLogger.notice("Storage usage summary for site %s - %s " %
                       (site.split('.')[1], time.asctime()))
        for st in sitesSEs[site]:
            gLogger.notice("Space token %s " % st)
            gLogger.notice("\tFrom FC: Files: %d, Size: %.2f %s" %
                            fcUsage[site][st]['Size'] / scaleFactor, unit))
            if site in srmUsage and st in srmUsage[site]:
                    "\tFrom SRM: Total Assigned Space: %.2f %s, Used Space: %.2f %s, Free Space: %.2f %s "
                    % (srmUsage[site][st]['SRMTotal'] / scaleFactor, unit,
                       srmUsage[site][st]['SRMUsed'] / scaleFactor, unit,
                       srmUsage[site][st]['SRMFree'] / scaleFactor, unit))
                gLogger.notice("\tFrom SRM: Information not available")
            if site in sdUsage and st in sdUsage[site]:
                    "\tFrom storage dumps: Files: %d, Size: %.2f %s - last update %s "
                    % (sdUsage[site][st]['Files'], sdUsage[site][st]['Size'] /
                       scaleFactor, unit, sdUsage[site][st]['LastUpdate']))
                    "\tFrom storage dumps: Information not available")
    return 0
Example #2
# Storage usage for each BK path
bkPathUsage = {}
# Processing pass for each BK path
processingPass = {}
# PFN #files and size for each BK path
physicalStorageUsage = {}

# Dictionary with weekly/dayly usage for each BK path
bkPathPopularity = {}

storageTypes = ('Disk', 'Tape', 'Archived', 'All', 'LFN')
# Set of BK paths for each storage types (above)
datasetStorage = {}

# We are only interested in CERN and Tier1s
storageSites = dmsHelper.getTiers(tier=(0, 1))
# Caching the site at which an SE is
cachedSESites = {}

# Instantiate clients
duClient = DataUsageClient()
suClient = StorageUsageClient()
bkClient = BookkeepingClient()
transClient = TransformationClient()

def getTimeBin(date):
    """ get the bin number as week number """
    year, week, _day = date.isocalendar()
    week += 52 * year
    return week