def export_checkComponentLog(self, component):
        """ Check component log for errors
        componentList = []
        if '*' in component:
            if component == '*':
                result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
                if result['OK']:
                    for ctype in ['Services', 'Agents', 'Executors']:
                        if ctype in result['Value']:
                            for sname in result['Value'][ctype]:
                                for cname in result['Value'][ctype][sname]:
                                        [sname, cname]))
        elif isinstance(component, basestring):
            componentList = [component]
            componentList = component

        resultDict = {}
        for c in componentList:
            if not '/' in c:
            system, cname = c.split('/')

            startDir = gComponentInstaller.startDir
            currentLog = startDir + '/' + system + '_' + cname + '/log/current'
            logFile = file(currentLog, 'r')
            logLines = logFile.readlines()

            errors_1 = 0
            errors_24 = 0
            now = dateTime()
            lastError = ''
            for line in logLines:
                if "ERROR:" in line:
                    fields = line.split()
                    recent = False
                    timeStamp = fromString(fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1])
                    if (now - timeStamp) < hour:
                        errors_1 += 1
                        recent = True
                    if (now - timeStamp) < day:
                        errors_24 += 1
                        recent = True
                    if recent:
                        lastError = line.split('ERROR:')[-1].strip()

            resultDict[c] = {
                'ErrorsHour': errors_1,
                'ErrorsDay': errors_24,
                'LastError': lastError

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Example #2
  def export_checkComponentLog( self, component ):
    """ Check component log for errors
    componentList = []
    if '*' in component:
      if component == '*':
        result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
        if result['OK']:
          for ctype in ['Services', 'Agents', 'Executors']:
            if ctype in result['Value']:
              for sname in result['Value'][ctype]:
                for cname in result['Value'][ctype][sname]:
                  componentList.append( '/'.join( [sname, cname] ) )
    elif isinstance( component, basestring):
      componentList = [component]
      componentList = component

    resultDict = {}
    for c in componentList:
      if not '/' in c:
      system, cname = c.split( '/' )

      startDir = gComponentInstaller.startDir
      currentLog = startDir + '/' + system + '_' + cname + '/log/current'
      logFile = file( currentLog, 'r' )
      logLines = logFile.readlines()

      errors_1 = 0
      errors_24 = 0
      now = dateTime()
      lastError = ''
      for line in logLines:
        if "ERROR:" in line:
          fields = line.split()
          recent = False
          timeStamp = fromString( fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1] )
          if ( now - timeStamp ) < hour:
            errors_1 += 1
            recent = True
          if ( now - timeStamp ) < day:
            errors_24 += 1
            recent = True
          if recent:
            lastError = line.split( 'ERROR:' )[-1].strip()

      resultDict[c] = {'ErrorsHour':errors_1, 'ErrorsDay':errors_24, 'LastError':lastError}

    return S_OK( resultDict )
    def export_checkComponentLog(self, component):
        """ Check component log for errors
        componentList = []
        if "*" in component:
            if component == "*":
                result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
                if result["OK"]:
                    for ctype in ["Services", "Agents", "Executors"]:
                        if ctype in result["Value"]:
                            for sname in result["Value"][ctype]:
                                for cname in result["Value"][ctype][sname]:
                                    componentList.append("/".join([sname, cname]))
        elif type(component) in StringTypes:
            componentList = [component]
            componentList = component

        resultDict = {}
        for c in componentList:
            if not "/" in c:
            system, cname = c.split("/")

            startDir = gComponentInstaller.startDir
            currentLog = startDir + "/" + system + "_" + cname + "/log/current"
            logFile = file(currentLog, "r")
            logLines = logFile.readlines()

            errors_1 = 0
            errors_24 = 0
            now = dateTime()
            lastError = ""
            for line in logLines:
                if "ERROR:" in line:
                    fields = line.split()
                    recent = False
                    timeStamp = fromString(fields[0] + " " + fields[1])
                    if (now - timeStamp) < hour:
                        errors_1 += 1
                        recent = True
                    if (now - timeStamp) < day:
                        errors_24 += 1
                        recent = True
                    if recent:
                        lastError = line.split("ERROR:")[-1].strip()

            resultDict[c] = {"ErrorsHour": errors_1, "ErrorsDay": errors_24, "LastError": lastError}

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Example #4
    def __storeProfiling():
    Retrieves and stores into ElasticSearch profiling information about the components on the host
        # TODO: if we have a component which is not running, we will not profile the running processes
        result = gComponentInstaller.getStartupComponentStatus([])
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
        startupComps = result['Value']

        result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
        if not result['OK']:
            return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
        setupComps = result['Value']

        # Get the profiling information for every running component and send it to MonitoringSystem
        for cType in setupComps:
            for system in setupComps[cType]:
                for comp in setupComps[cType][system]:
                    instance = "%s_%s" % (system, comp)
                    if instance not in startupComps:
                        gLogger.error("Wrongly configured component: %s" %
                    pid = startupComps[instance]['PID']
                    if pid not in gProfilers:
                        gProfilers[pid] = Profiler.Profiler(pid)
                    profiler = gProfilers[pid]
                    result = profiler.getAllProcessData()
                    if result['OK']:
                        log = result['Value']['stats']
                        log['host'] = socket.getfqdn()
                        log['component'] = instance
                        log['timestamp'] = result['Value']['datetime']
                        return result
        return S_OK('Profiling information logged correctly')
  def __storeProfiling():
    Retrieves and stores into ElasticSearch profiling information about the components on the host
    # TODO: if we have a component which is not running, we will not profile the running processes
    result = gComponentInstaller.getStartupComponentStatus([])
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
    startupComps = result['Value']

    result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR(result['Message'])
    setupComps = result['Value']

    # Get the profiling information for every running component and send it to MonitoringSystem
    for cType in setupComps:
      for system in setupComps[cType]:
        for comp in setupComps[cType][system]:
          instance = "%s_%s" % (system, comp)
          if instance not in startupComps:
            gLogger.error("Wrongly configured component: %s" % instance)
          pid = startupComps[instance]['PID']
          if pid not in gProfilers:
            gProfilers[pid] = Profiler.Profiler(pid)
          profiler = gProfilers[pid]
          result = profiler.getAllProcessData()
          if result['OK']:
            log = result['Value']['stats']
            log['host'] = socket.getfqdn()
            log['component'] = instance
            log['timestamp'] = result['Value']['datetime']
            return result
    return S_OK('Profiling information logged correctly')
Example #6
  def export_getUsedPorts( self ):
    Retrieve the ports in use by services on this host
    :return: Returns a dictionary containing, for each system, which port is being used by which service
    result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      return result

    services = result[ 'Value' ][ 'Services' ]
    ports = {}
    for system in services:
      ports[ system ] = {}
      for service in services[ system ]:
        url = PathFinder.getServiceURL( '%s/%s' % ( system, service ) )
        port = r':(\d{4,5})/', url )
        if port:
          ports[ system ][ service ] = 1 )
          ports[ system ][ service ] = 'None'

    return S_OK( ports )
Example #7
    def export_checkComponentLog(self, component):
        """ Check component log for errors
        componentList = []
        if '*' in component:
            if component == '*':
                result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
                if result['OK']:
                    for ctype in ['Services', 'Agents', 'Executors']:
                        if ctype in result['Value']:
                            for sname in result['Value'][ctype]:
                                for cname in result['Value'][ctype][sname]:
                                        [sname, cname]))
        elif isinstance(component, basestring):
            componentList = [component]
            componentList = component

        resultDict = {}
        for comp in componentList:
            if '/' not in comp:
            system, cname = comp.split('/')

            startDir = gComponentInstaller.startDir
            currentLog = startDir + '/' + system + '_' + cname + '/log/current'
                logFile = file(currentLog, 'r')
            except IOError as err:
                gLogger.error("File does not exists:", currentLog)
                resultDict[comp] = {
                    'ErrorsHour': -1,
                    'ErrorsDay': -1,
                    'LastError': currentLog + '::' + repr(err)

            logLines = logFile.readlines()

            errors_1 = 0
            errors_24 = 0
            now = dateTime()
            lastError = ''
            for line in logLines:
                if "ERROR:" in line:
                    fields = line.split()
                    recent = False
                    if len(fields) < 2:  # if the line contains only one word
                        lastError = line.split('ERROR:')[-1].strip()
                    timeStamp = fromString(fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1])
                    if not timeStamp:  # if the timestamp is missing in the log
                        lastError = line.split('ERROR:')[-1].strip()
                    if (now - timeStamp) < hour:
                        errors_1 += 1
                        recent = True
                    if (now - timeStamp) < day:
                        errors_24 += 1
                        recent = True
                    if recent:
                        lastError = line.split('ERROR:')[-1].strip()

            resultDict[comp] = {
                'ErrorsHour': errors_1,
                'ErrorsDay': errors_24,
                'LastError': lastError

        return S_OK(resultDict)
Example #8
 def export_getSetupComponents(self):
     """  Get the list of all the components ( services and agents )
      set up for running with runsvdir in /opt/dirac/startup directory
     return gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
Example #9
 def export_getSetupComponents( self ):
   """  Get the list of all the components ( services and agents )
        set up for running with runsvdir in /opt/dirac/startup directory
   return gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
    def export_checkComponentLog(self, component):
        """Check component log for errors"""
        componentList = []
        if "*" in component:
            if component == "*":
                result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
                if result["OK"]:
                    for ctype in ["Services", "Agents", "Executors"]:
                        if ctype in result["Value"]:
                            for sname in result["Value"][ctype]:
                                for cname in result["Value"][ctype][sname]:
                                        [sname, cname]))
        elif isinstance(component, six.string_types):
            componentList = [component]
            componentList = component

        resultDict = {}
        for comp in componentList:
            if "/" not in comp:
            system, cname = comp.split("/")

            startDir = gComponentInstaller.startDir
            currentLog = startDir + "/" + system + "_" + cname + "/log/current"
                with open(currentLog, "r") as logFile:
                    logLines = logFile.readlines()
            except IOError as err:
                gLogger.error("File does not exists:", currentLog)
                resultDict[comp] = {
                    "ErrorsHour": -1,
                    "ErrorsDay": -1,
                    "LastError": currentLog + "::" + repr(err)

            errors_1 = 0
            errors_24 = 0
            now = dateTime()
            lastError = ""
            for line in logLines:
                if "ERROR:" in line:
                    fields = line.split()
                    recent = False
                    if len(fields) < 2:  # if the line contains only one word
                        lastError = line.split("ERROR:")[-1].strip()
                    timeStamp = fromString(fields[0] + " " + fields[1])
                    if not timeStamp:  # if the timestamp is missing in the log
                        lastError = line.split("ERROR:")[-1].strip()
                    if (now - timeStamp) < hour:
                        errors_1 += 1
                        recent = True
                    if (now - timeStamp) < day:
                        errors_24 += 1
                        recent = True
                    if recent:
                        lastError = line.split("ERROR:")[-1].strip()

            resultDict[comp] = {
                "ErrorsHour": errors_1,
                "ErrorsDay": errors_24,
                "LastError": lastError

        return S_OK(resultDict)
  def export_checkComponentLog(self, component):
    """ Check component log for errors
    componentList = []
    if '*' in component:
      if component == '*':
        result = gComponentInstaller.getSetupComponents()
        if result['OK']:
          for ctype in ['Services', 'Agents', 'Executors']:
            if ctype in result['Value']:
              for sname in result['Value'][ctype]:
                for cname in result['Value'][ctype][sname]:
                  componentList.append('/'.join([sname, cname]))
    elif isinstance(component, basestring):
      componentList = [component]
      componentList = component

    resultDict = {}
    for comp in componentList:
      if '/' not in comp:
      system, cname = comp.split('/')

      startDir = gComponentInstaller.startDir
      currentLog = startDir + '/' + system + '_' + cname + '/log/current'
        logFile = file(currentLog, 'r')
      except IOError as err:
        gLogger.error("File does not exists:", currentLog)
        resultDict[comp] = {'ErrorsHour': -1, 'ErrorsDay': -1, 'LastError': currentLog + '::' + repr(err)}

      logLines = logFile.readlines()

      errors_1 = 0
      errors_24 = 0
      now = dateTime()
      lastError = ''
      for line in logLines:
        if "ERROR:" in line:
          fields = line.split()
          recent = False
          if len(fields) < 2:  # if the line contains only one word
            lastError = line.split('ERROR:')[-1].strip()
          timeStamp = fromString(fields[0] + ' ' + fields[1])
          if not timeStamp:  # if the timestamp is missing in the log
            lastError = line.split('ERROR:')[-1].strip()
          if (now - timeStamp) < hour:
            errors_1 += 1
            recent = True
          if (now - timeStamp) < day:
            errors_24 += 1
            recent = True
          if recent:
            lastError = line.split('ERROR:')[-1].strip()

      resultDict[comp] = {'ErrorsHour': errors_1, 'ErrorsDay': errors_24, 'LastError': lastError}

    return S_OK(resultDict)